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Puppy Tax by J. Rocci

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  • 8/13/2019 Puppy Tax by J. Rocci


  • 8/13/2019 Puppy Tax by J. Rocci



    This e-book contains adult language and themes, including graphic descriptions of sexual acts betweenconsenting adult males. It is intended only for mature readers, of legal age to possess such material in

    their area.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is purely coincidental.

    Puppy Tax

    2010 by J. RocciCover art by J. RocciCover model: Phoenix

    All rights reserved.


    This version is a free promotional copy available at:


    Also available from J. Rocci at Torquere Books (see page 22 for more details):








    Coming Soon from Torquere Books:




  • 8/13/2019 Puppy Tax by J. Rocci


    Puppy Tax by J. Rocci


    Puppy Tax

    J. Rocci

    I need a haircut, Sky murmured to himself, checking his shaggy blonde hair again in

    his rearview mirror. At five-foot-seven, in jeans and an old college hooded sweatshirt, he

    looked more like a frat boy than a respectable business owner in his thirties, especially

    with his hair in his eyes like that.

    The impatient chuff from the passengers seat made him smile.

    Okay, he conceded as he opened the car door, so we both need haircuts.

    Phoenix just stood up on the seat, mismatched eyes eagerly following him behind thewindshield as he came around to the passenger side to let her out.

    When he held the door open, the black and white Border Collie jumped down to sit on

    her haunches off to his left. Considering that she was sweeping the concrete parking

    deck clean with her bushy tail, hed definitely need to drop by the daycare on the way

    home and toss her in the tub.

    Sky grabbed her orange vest from the back seat, calling her over to his feet. She came

    willingly enough, but fussed as he fastened the Velcro strap around her middle. Havingnone of that, he tugged on her collar and she settled, letting him smooth her vest so that

    the embroidered word Therapy was visible down her side.

    Not that the hospital staff didnt know her on sight by now. The two of them had been

    making the rounds regularly for almost a year.

    Are you ready to be adored and adorable in turn, Miz Phee-phee? Sky asked her as he

    snapped her leash on.

    She thumped her tail, yipping up at him. The sound echoed loudly in the hospitalsparking deck, and Sky couldnt help laughing at her expression.

    Cmon, trouble.

    They took the stairs down to the covered walkway that connected the parking deck to the

    hospital entrance. Sky waited patiently, fielding questions and smiling as what seemed

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    like every healthy breathing being within fifty feet had to come over and love on Phoenix

    as soon as they hit the lobby. Phoenix just wagged her tail and went sniffing at pant legs

    and fingers, planting herself in front of people like she owned the place.

    Well, if it isnt Miss Phoenix and Mister Sky! Barb, the volunteer behind the

    information desk, exclaimed.

    She came around to the front of the desk with his visitors badge in one hand and a treat

    held behind her back. Phoenix, knowing the routine, jogged over and sat primly at the

    older ladys feet, gazing up adoringly.

    Normally, Sky discouraged people from giving Phoenix treats during her visits, but Barb

    brought her toy poodle to the daycare for grooming once a week and Phoenix was

    comfortable with her.

    And how are you, sweetheart? Barb cooed, holding out the cookie so Phoenix could

    pluck it gently from her hand. Barb scratched the top of the Border Collies head as

    Phoenix inhaled the treat.

    Any requests today, Barb? Sky asked as the older lady straightened.

    Youre going to be a very busy man, she said and handed over a room list. As soon as

    people hear about your visits, they all want one for their family, too.

    Thats what I like to hear, Sky grinned and headed for the elevators. Cmon, Phee-


    First stop was Four South. Good. The nurses there were friendly and most of the

    patients were elderly people with cardiopulmonary problems. Phoenix could enjoy some

    quiet time doing the rounds there, then they could head to Pediatrics and she could wear

    herself out with the kids.

    He fell into the comfortable routine of knocking on doors and announcing their presence,

    Phoenix trailing at his side. Her obedience was one of the reasons he brought Phee andnot his other dog, Anubis. Anubis listened, but the Great Dane mix was too easily

    distracted from listening to commands and his size often intimidated people. Phoenix

    was just a medium-sized ball of fluff with a tongue, plus shed never gotten into the habit

    of jumping on people like Anubis.

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    Sky kneeled beside one of the patients wheelchairs and guiding the older gentlemans

    hand to the top of Phees head, treasuring the mans delighted expression. The reaction

    of people to a fuzzy face was Skys favorite part of his work. He loved running his

    doggy daycare and going to shows, but this This was what he did to set his own heart

    at ease.

    Her eyes are different colors! Mr. Gardner said, voice hoarse from his pacemaker. I

    never seen that before. Is that normal?

    Since Mr. Gardner had just been admitted with pneumonia during their last visit two

    weeks ago and had been drugged to the gills, Sky wasnt surprised he didnt remember

    pointing Phees heterochromia out before. He gave the same answer he usually gave to

    the question.

    Lots of dogs and cats have it, Mr. Gardner. Sometimes even people, too.

    Phoenix, tired of holding still, nuzzled the mans outstretched fingers and got in a lick or

    two. Mr. Gardner looked tickled, chortling, and the cheeky little beggar scooted on her

    butt until her head was resting on his knee.

    Huh. Whodve figured, eh, girl? Mr. Gardner murmured as he stroked her ears. I

    have a schnauzer at home named Pippin. Hes a yappy little thing. Likes liver. Poor

    boys with the grandkids. Terrors probably gave him a heart attack or stuck him in a

    dress by now.

    More like hes cowering under the bed, pop, his daughter said dryly from the doorway.

    Sky introduced himself as she came in and they got to chatting. After a few more ear

    scritches, Mr. Gardner was starting to look wilted, so Sky took that as his cue to move on.

    He and Phoenix visited four more patients on the floor, spending about fifteen minutes

    with each. One was eating lunch, so they came back to her last and then headed on to the

    next part of their list.

    Pediatrics was on Three West, and they waited in the floors small lobby for the elevator

    to come, chatting with an orderly named Mike. Sky was never lacking conversation

    when he had Phoenix with him, especially since she believed it was her god-given right

    to be loved on by anyone in the same room and she made sure they knew it. Paying the

    puppy tax, as Skys employees called it.

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    When the elevator pinged and opened, Sky just about stopped breathing.

    Dr. Tony had snapped a file shut and pressed the button to hold the door. Sky didnt even

    know the mans last name since all the kids called him by his first, but the man wasgorgeous. Short dark hair, wire glasses that couldnt hide his bright blue eyes, and a

    physique that implied an active lifestyle. Lord bless whoever created scrubs, because

    they clung to his ass even with the long-sleeved jacket on.

    Sky probably drooled as bad as Phoenix with a rawhide every time he saw the man.

    Mike, the orderly, got in the elevator first, and then they were both looking at Sky


    Is it all right if she comes on? Sky asked automatically, hesitating before entering.

    No problem, Dr. Tony said distractedly and waved them on.


    The quick ride to the next floor was spent in comfortable silence. Mike rubbed Phoenixs

    scruff, and Sky got to stand next to Dr. Tony, inhaling his light cologne. It was

    something musky Sky had smelled before, but he couldnt place it. He honestly didnt

    care what the name of it was, as long as Dr. Tony kept wearing it so well.

    Phoenix didnt like to sit in elevators, so she surfed the floor, paws braced. She didnt

    stumble when the car stopped anymore, but she was all too happy to beat feet out of it

    when the doors opened.

    Sky was dimly aware of Dr. Tony exiting behind them, but the nurses were looking up

    from their station and already starting to coo. Phoenixs tail stirred up a cyclone, and she

    let out an excited yip before Sky could shush her.

    A dog!

    Two small heads popped out of the lounge doorway, eyes wide. Sky stuck close to

    Phoenix as they entered the pediatric wards wide lounge. Phee was good with kids, but

    he worried that she might get too worked up from all the noise and movement. There

    were four kids clamoring around them, and a bored looking teenager playing with the

    video game system in the corner.

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    Be gentle with her, he reminded the kids when some of the hands got grabby. A parent

    was there, too, and helped ride herd with a nurse.

    Whats its name? A little girl with a wrist cast asked.

    Her names Phoenix, but we call her Phee-phee.

    Sky smoothly intercepted another kids hand before she could latch on to Phoenixs


    The other boy with them giggled when he got a tail in the face. Shes fluffy!

    Throughout all the chaos, Phoenix just stood there with her tongue lolling, head turning

    this way and that as she was petted.

    Look, Dr. Tony! Theres a puppy! Ashley called out excitedly over Skys shoulder.

    He reflexively followed her line of sight.

    I see that, Dr. Tony said with his brilliant smile that made Skys knees weak and his

    cheeks flush.

    Sky refused to be distracted and turned back to Phee, willing his blush away. He wasnt

    a teenager for crying out loud. The man was just too damn pretty and probably

    straight, with a trophy wife and five kids waiting for him at home.

    Sky focused on Phoenix and the kids, but he could feel the weight of the other mans

    regard between his shoulder blades and knew the moment Dr. Tony left the doorway.

    Once the kids had their fill of petting and Phoenix started to get antsy, Sky announced

    that she had to go see all the kids that couldnt leave their beds. He wasnt exactly

    immune to the disappointed faces that followed, but he withdrew from the room with

    practiced ease, promising to stop back in before they left.

    He went to all the rooms on his list, heart breaking a little when the kids were too weak toget up but still so happy to see Phee or were just skin and bones from whatever ailed


    But they were smiling when he and Phoenix left, and that was what mattered.

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    After they finished their last visit to the lounge, Sky checked his watch. Theyd been at

    the hospital for three hours and hed given Phee a bowl of water about an hour or so ago.

    He was surprised shed lasted that long without tap dancing to leave.

    Leave it, he said absently, and she stepped away from the cleaning cart shelf shed

    been eyeballing. When she saw that they were going back to the elevator, she picked up

    the pace.

    The elevator car was empty when it arrived, and Sky nudged Phee on. The doors were

    starting to close when he heard,

    Hold the elevator!

    Sky mashed the door open button, refusing to cheer when the doors pinged back open and

    Dr. Tony got on.

    Sorry about that, the doctor said sheepishly, tucking his hands in his scrub jacket.

    I didnt hear you coming, otherwise I would have held the doors sooner, Sky shrugged,

    tearing his eyes away from admiring how the stethoscope draped across the mans well-

    defined chest. What floor do you need?

    He lifted his gaze in time to see Dr. Tony glance at the lit button on the console.

    Basements fine.

    Phoenix chose that moment to nose the doctors knee, demanding attention.

    You must be the Phee-phee everyone talks about, Tony said to her, holding out his

    fingers for a sniff. When she nudged his palm, Tony started rubbing her ears.

    All my patients love you, pretty girl. Yeah, they do, he baby-talked her.

    Weve been coming for a year, Sky said just to break the growing tension in himself.

    The man liked dogs. He was so screwed

    Im Sky Bower, by the way.

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    He grinned and held out his hand, keeping his eyes on the doctor, who didnt look away

    from his direct and appreciative gaze.

    Tony Morasutti. Pleasure to meet you.

    Tony held his hand just a little too long, squeezing once before letting go. Skys pulse

    picked up.

    The elevator stopped at the basement level, where the administrative offices and the

    hospital bistro were located. People were waiting to get on, so Sky quickly guided

    Phoenix out of the way.

    Reluctant to just walk away, Sky turned to see where Tony had gone and found the man

    right behind him. Sky slowed his steps even though Phoenix was straining to reach the

    green grass just beyond the doors to the outside.

    Tony paused when Sky did, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at the floor,

    then up at Sky from over the rims of his glasses. Skys stomach flipped like hed just

    crested the hill of a rollercoaster.

    I know this is a bit sudden, but I was just about to go on break, if youd like to get some

    coffee Tony trailed off questioningly.

    Oh, score.

    Id love to, but Phees not allowed in the bistro. At Tonys falling expression, Sky

    quickly suggested, But the weathers nice and they have tables out on the patio, if you

    dont mind bringing the coffee outside? I can give you the cash for mine.

    Ill cover it. Tony smiled, eyes crinkling at the edges.

    I dont want to impose

    You can buy the next round, Tony interjected confidently. Warmth unfurled in Skysmiddle.

    Fair enough. I take mine black with one sugar.

    All right. See you outside.

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    Phoenix hauled ass as soon as Sky started walking again, and he let her relieve herself in

    the grassy patch off to the side of the building, eyes tracking Tonys white scrub jacket

    through the tinted bistro windows.

    Well. The day was definitely looking up.

    He found a clean table in the shade, looping Phoenixs leash around his wrist but giving

    her room to roam a bit. Tony got through the line quickly, and found Sky easily since

    there were only a few other people outside.

    Careful, its hot, the doctor said as he placed Skys cup on the table in front of him.

    Only way to drink it, Sky said and took a sip.

    Tony shook his head but grinned, propping his chin on his fist and studying Sky.

    So, he said as he cradled his cup with his other hand. You and Phee have been

    coming here for a year. Howd you get started on that?

    Sky shrugged, reeling Phoenix back in before she could get too acquainted with an

    unidentifiable lump on the patio.

    I own a canine daycare, and one of my clients was volunteering. When Phoenix was old

    enough, I decided to give it a try. Im glad I did.

    Very glad.

    The lady in question rambled back over to their table, sitting at the end between them and

    staring hopefully up at the tables edge. She sniffed the air with her shiny black nose,

    and Sky laughed.

    Theres nothing for you up here, brat.

    Is she an only child? Tony asked as he reached out to scratch behind her ears.

    Phee-phee, ever the attention whore, groaned and flopped down at his feet, exposing her

    tummy. Sky could sympathize, since hed probably do the same thing if Tony was

    touching him.

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    Oh, not her. Sky waved a hand. Anubis, my great big beast. Eats me out of hearth

    and home.

    Ah, Tony nodded with a smile, then frowned when he caught sight of his watch. With

    a sigh he stood up.

    I have to get back in

    Sky cocked his head, standing reluctantly. That wasnt a very long break.

    Abashed, Tony looked away while his cheeks heated under his olive complexion.

    I was technically on my way to fill out some paperwork, but I decided to seize the


    Oh, Lord, that expression was likely to kill Sky dead.

    Well, Sky said in a flirtatious tone. Consider it seized. Now what are you going to do

    with it?

    Tonys cheeks darkened further, but he grinned and pulled out a notepad from his jacket.

    He scribbled something on it and held it out to Sky.

    Heres my number. I would really like to meet Anubis some time... I have a soft spot

    for Great Danes.

    Sky carefully folded the paper, tucking it in his back pocket.

    That can be arranged. When are you free?

    Friday, say around eight?

    Sounds good. Ill provide the food, you bring the wine.

    Great. Ill call you for directions when I get off work.

    In that case, Ill talk to you then.

    Sky watched Tony walk back into the hospital with a grin. Phoenix nudged his leg and

    he ruffled her fur.

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    I hope youre hungry, Sky said as Tony retrieved his jacket from the floor.

    You have no idea, Tony groaned. Today was a nightmare and I missed lunch.

    As they settled down to eat, they traded their war stories of the day, Tony describing his

    patients from hell and Sky recounting the fight between siblings hed had to break up.

    Sky took a good look at Tony and realized with a pang that he really did seem beat.

    Maybe his plans for after dinner should wait

    They had to clear the table, otherwise the dogs would make a mess if given the chance,

    but when they had everything piled in the sink, Sky caught Tonys wrist, pulling him


    Ill do them later, babe, Sky promised as he braced his back against the counter. Tony

    melted into the vee of his legs, covering Sky with his solid mass. Are you sure youreup for a movie, though? You look exhausted.

    Tony chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest. With deliberate care, he removed his

    glasses and set them on the counter behind Sky, taking the opportunity to embrace Sky

    and lower his head.

    Im not that tired, he said against Skys lips. But I can think of something else to do

    besides watch movies.

    Oh, really? Sky grinned, fingers working the other mans button-up shirt out of his

    slacks, then his t-shirt. Firm muscle met his exploring hands and Sky deepened their kiss,

    tongue sweeping along Tonys pliant lips, tasting the wine theyd had with dinner.

    As long as youre not too tired, he said slyly when they came up for air, grin evil.

    Tonys response was to grind his hips forward, cock already hard, and Sky moaned as the

    most delicious pressure was put on his own erection.

    Do you think Im too tired? Tony murmured against his neck, breath teasing thesensitive skin. His hips pumping just enough to get Sky worked up.

    I think we have too many clothes on, Sky panted back.

    I brought an overnight bag, Tony said softly in his ear, tongue tracing the rim. If you

    dont mind

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    Sky groaned and caught those wonderful lips again. He figured his enthusiasm at the

    idea was as good an answer as any. Now if only his fingers would cooperate

    He got most of Tonys buttons undone, distracted by the corded tendons of the doctors

    neck. Tonys skin was salty, his cologne making Sky light-headed, filling his nostrils.

    Tonys hands were under his shirt, long fingers splayed across his back, wandering lower

    until Sky clutched at the other mans shirt convulsively as his ass was massaged by those

    broad hands.

    Tony took over his buttons, yanking the shirt off roughly when he forgot to undo his

    cuffs. The counter was starting to dig into Skys tailbone, so he pressed forward until

    Tony stepped back, then steered them towards the living room. The bedroom was too far

    away, but the couch was in easy reach

    I really want you naked right now, Tony moaned.

    Skys hands stuttered, a full body shudder, then he was scrabbling to get his t-shirt off.

    Tony let him lift the shirt up, mouth latching onto Skys collar bone, bending down to his

    nipples, teeth teasing them until they were hard nubs. Sky gasped and let the sensations

    roll through him, unresisting when Tony lowered him onto the cushions of the couch,

    grasping at the man braced above him. Their erections brushed again, Tony teasing him

    with a wicked grin.

    Unn Skys mouth tried to form coherent words, but he couldnt manage more than a

    few syllables, ripped from his throat by Tonys fingers pressing on his stomach, so close

    to the button of his jeans.

    Tonys lips were scorching, kissing a trail from his mouth to his ear, nipping his lobe

    until Sky groaned, shuddering again as goosebumps raised on his skin. Skys cock was

    straining in his jeans to the point of painful, skin sensitive to the smallest touch. When

    Tonys lips moved to his collarbone, biting lightly, Sky couldnt help it as his hips started

    rubbing frantically against Tonys muscled thigh.

    Youre so hot, Tony grunted, finally popping the jeans button. Those talented fingers

    had just slipped under the elastic of Skys briefs when

    Anubis started howling outside the back door fit to raise the dead. Phoenixs yips

    provided a counterpoint in the fugue. The baying echoed throughout the house, and

    somewhere in the dining room Sith was spooked into tearing down the hall.

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    The groping hands disappeared, and Sky wanted to sob with frustration. Bracing his

    arms on the back of the couch and the arm, Tony pushed himself up.

    Theyre not going to stop that, are they? The doctor panted. His clear blue eyes were

    bright and his cheeks were flushed, and he looked utterly fuckable.

    Probably not, Sky groaned and maybe regretted having pets for the first time in his life.

    We should let them in.

    We should.

    Neither of them moved. Then Phoenix reached a pitch only other dogs could hear, and

    Sky sat up, Tony disentangling their limbs.

    Ill let them in, he sighed and stood, adjusting himself. Tony trailed behind him as he

    went to the back door. Sky gave him a sultry look over his shoulder. We could move

    this to the bed, anyway. I have supplies there

    Sounds like a plan, Tony grinned, reaching for the hem of his undershirt.

    Sky opened the door so the dogs could thunder in, but his eyes never left Tonys

    washboard abs and dusky nipples. He didnt even protest when Phoenix head-butted his


    Tony stalked forward, capturing his mouth in a kiss. Sky swallowed a moan when the

    other man pulled away.

    Why dont you lock things up, and Ill meet you in the bedroom?

    Sky had never gone through his nightly routine faster, checking that the doors were

    locked and windows closed, turning off lights as he went. He made sure the dogs had

    food and Siths dish was safe on her shelf in the laundry room. Two minutes later, hewas standing in his bedroom doorway, admiring the naked man sprawled across his

    comforter and shutting the door on two nosy pups.

    God, youre so hot, he said, shucking his jeans as he approached the bed.

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    Tony smirked and ran a hand along his own stomach, briefly tugging on his engorged


    The view from heres not so bad, either, he said, voice husky. Be better up close,


    And after that, Sky couldnt really resist touching all that offered skin, could he?

    Sky ran his hands along the hard body underneath him, settling his knees on either side of

    Tonys legs. Tony hissed at the contact, cock straining as Sky proceeded to explore

    everywhere except where Tony wanted it most.

    Sky took his time, tracing a finger across a thin white scar down Tonys ribs. He

    followed the path with his mouth, smiling when Tony shivered as Skys lips heated his

    chilled skin. When Tony reached for him, Sky caught the other mans hand, turning itover to stroke along his arm.

    Tony relaxed back on the bed and let Sky have control. Good. Sky wanted to take his

    time, the earlier need banked to a slow burn, something for them to savor.

    For a doctor, you sure have a lot of scars, he said against a line of raised flesh on

    Tonys forearm.

    I, ah, Tony swallowed as Sky moved on to his hands, running his lips across Tonys

    fingers and sucking a tip in. I went through an extreme sports phase in college. Plus,

    my brothers loved to see how many stupid things they could get me to do when we were


    Really? Sky swirled his tongue around a knuckle, pleased at the hiss that drew. I

    suppose that explains your choice of profession. Do I need to be mean when I meet


    Tony chuckled. Nah. We get along much better now that I have over twenty pounds on

    both of them.

    Hm. Sky pressed a kiss to his palm. Then their car tires are safe.

    Laughter rumbled in Tonys chest and Sky shifted his attention to the smooth skin across

    Tonys abdomen.

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    I love your skin, he whispered, rubbing his cheek Tonys belly, pleased when his light

    stubble left the skin red. Tony moaned, and Sky quirked an eyebrow, smirking. Maybe

    he wouldnt have to keep shaving three times a day for Tonys sake after all.

    He kissed his way lower, letting his cheek graze Tonys cock, grinning when it bobbed

    reflexively and Tony twitched.

    Youre gonna kill me, Tony moaned hoarsely.

    Not till Im done with you, Sky sing-songed, tracing a ropey scar through the light

    hairs of Tonys thigh.

    Whats this one from? He murmured with a frown.

    Mountain biking, Tony gasped.

    Mmm, he growled into Tonys hip. Accident prone, much?

    Sky dragged his blunt nails down Tonys side, reveling in the goosebumps raised amidst

    Tonys shivers. Im thinking I may just never let you out of this house again. For your

    own protection, of course

    O-Of course, Tony stuttered, hands clenching the comforter. I wouldnt mind

    His words cut off in a gasp as Sky licked the crease of his hip. Hm. Someone liked


    Sky dragged his tongue along the skin another time, and chuckled at the way Tonys hips

    rose from the bed. He waited until Tony opened his eyes again, made sure he was being

    watched as he switched to the other side, breath ghosting across where Tony was

    desperate for him to touch.

    Yeah, Sky breathed on Tonys cock before wetly latching on to his other hip. I think

    Ill keep you.

    An incoherent moan was his only response, but from the way Tony was writhing

    underneath him, he was doing something right. His own cock was heavy between his

    legs, occasionally rubbing against the comforter as he teased himself. And the more his

    own desire spiked, the more he wanted to draw it out for Tony, make him feel as good as

    he made Sky feel just by being there.

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    He glanced up at Tonys flushed cheeks, the way his hair clung to his forehead, his fists

    clenched in the sheets. Beautiful.

    Finally, Sky took mercy on him and burrowed his face in the soft skin of Tonys balls,

    inhaling the musky scent. Before Tony could recover his breath, Sky licked his way up,

    tongue pressing hard as he wet Tonys shaft with his lips. He propped himself on an

    elbow for a better view, and rolled Tonys balls in his free hand as his lips finally closed

    over the tip of Tonys cock. He sucked him in deep enough to taste the bitter drops,

    swirling his tongue.

    Oh God, Tony groaned, back arching. His hands left the bed, reaching for Sky and

    tugging at his shoulder. Wait Im gonna

    Sky let himself be dragged up, Tony crushing his mouth as soon as he could reach Skyslips. Tony tore himself away and gulped in air, gripping his cock until he calmed down.

    Too much teasing? Sky asked sympathetically.

    Mmm. Tony grinned at him, rolling Sky over to pin him to the bed. Too much you,


    Heh. Sky looked over at the nightstand. Why dont you grab that bag there, and well

    take the edge off?

    Tony arched a finely-sculpted eyebrow and reached for the plastic bag. Shaking the

    contents out on the bed spread, he grinned and held up the lube. He popped the cap and

    drizzled a copious amount into Skys outstretched palm until some ran over onto the


    Sorry, he said sheepishly.

    Sky shrugged. Itll wash. Just so long as we dont run out

    I have more in my bag, Tony chuckled against Skys throat, sliding between his legs.

    Oh good, Sky said, ending on a moan as he reached down to coat them both.

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    The lube was cool, but warmed quickly as his fingers closed around Tonys cock. Tony

    pressed down, trapping Skys hand there, lips blindly seeking his as the other man panted


    Nnn, Sky moaned, wrenching his hand out from between them and grabbing at Tonys

    ass. He dug his fingers into the smooth skin, sweat breaking out on his chest as Tony

    grunted and bore down again.

    Harder, he demanded, arching up to meet the next thrust. Their cocks slid together,

    blistering heat between them.

    Tony complied, grip on Skys hip hard enough to bruise, stoking a growing inferno in

    Skys guts that spread out to his limbs, tingling and throbbing and leaving him breathless.

    When Tony bit down on his neck, muffling his groans, Sky shouted and came, letting

    himself drown in the sensations.

    Before Skys cock had finished spurting, Tony grunted and added to the flood of heat

    between them.

    They lay there panting, sticky with come and sweat, hearts racing, and Sky didnt mind

    one bit. He felt

    Like hed been broken down into his component parts and put back together, only things

    were just a little bit different now. More complete. Whole.

    Oh, wow. Tony gasped into his ear, heartbeat thudding against his chest. That


    When Tony trailed off, pulling back to gaze happily down at him, Sky smirked.

    That was round one, he said. And since tomorrows Saturday, that means I can keep

    you up all night. After a nap.

    With that, he turned his head and yawned, stretching a little so he could loosely embraceTony.

    Eyes soft, Tony ran his fingers through Skys hair.

    Yeah. A nap sounds good.

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    Puppy Tax by J. Rocci



    After a moment of rearranging, Tony curled up against his back, pulling Sky close. Sky

    sighed, limbs pleasantly heavy and sated.

    A whine came from the other side of the door, followed by a scratch.

    The furry children want in, Tony murmured into his shoulder.

    They usually sleep on the bed.

    Will there be enough room?

    Doubt it. Sky yawned again and burrowed into the pillow, gripping the arm Tony had

    around his middle. Well open the door in a minute. They need to get used to yousleeping here anyway

    He could feel Tonys smile against the back of his neck.

    Yeah. They do.

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    Puppy Tax by J. Rocci


    You can find J.Rocci on the web at:http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=33






    After Evan Miller is severely wounded in combat he finds himself with a medical retirement from the

    Army and no idea as to what hes going to do with his life. Fortunately, Evans grandparents offer him atemporary job at their horse farm and the chance to rehabilitate a rescued Thoroughbred seems like just

    what he needs. Cam Jackson, their stable manager, takes exception to the grandson who hasnt visited

    his folks in over eight years. Only once Evan arrives and Cam gets to know him better, the two find theyhave more in common than they thought and their friendship morphs into something deeper. Evan just

    needs to decide if the new direction his life is taking is what he really wants.



    Evan Miller and Cam Jackson have run Glenhaven Farm together on behalf of Evan's grandparents for

    the past couple years, giving the farm everything they have to make it a success. But when Evans oldcommanding officer asks for Evans help with the wild child of their squad, Evan and Cam dont

    hesitate to find a place for Reo at Glenhaven, hoping he'll settle in. Reo is a city boy with a penchant for

    trouble, and he stirs up more dust than expected. Reos behavior and Evan ignoring it causes Camto confront issues he hasn't been able to verbalize until now. Evan has been juggling a whole set of

    worries, though, and they takes their toll on his health. When he ends up in the hospital, it's up to Cam

    and the rest of Glenhaven to make sure he follows his doctor's orders. Featuring the boys from theTorquere Press Single Shot Taction.



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  • 8/13/2019 Puppy Tax by J. Rocci


  • 8/13/2019 Puppy Tax by J. Rocci

