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Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011

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Texas Death row
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1 P.U.R.E. REPORT NEWSLETTER http://pure-report.moonfruit.com Issue 4. June 2011 http://pure-report.moonfruit.com $2.00 ISSUE 4 - JUNE 2011 $2.00 True Knowledge can break through the boundary of our Ignorance, and allow the mind to achieve Great success
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Issue 4. June 2011 http://pure-report.moonfruit.com $2.00

ISSUE 4 - JUNE 2011 $2.00

True Knowledge

can break through the


of our Ignorance,

and allow the mind to


Great success

Page 2: Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011



The P.U.R.E Report Staff KAMAU P. EMERSON - Editor

ERIC CATHEY - Distribution Assistant.

KAMAU P. EMERSON - State Correspondent.

HOWARD GUIDRY - Nation Correspondent.

WILLIE T TROTTIE - Legal Correspondent.

TONY MEDINA - Staff Writer.

MOYO NURU - Staff Writer.


Guest Contributing Writers

for this Issue

Preston Hughes

Anthony Doyle

Anthony Francois

Charles “Chucky” Mamou

Milton Gobert

Luis Ramirez. R.I.P


My genuine gratitude I give to each of you for your support and

contributions, Indeed, they are profoundly appreciated. Now if you

will allow me to continue the writing of this editorial with a quote

from Barack Obama’s commencement address at Knox college. The

then U.S Senator stated:

“One by one, abolitionists emerged to tell their fellow

Americans that this would NOT be our place in history.

That this was NOT the America that had captured the

imagination of so many around the world”

Now that particular passage was pertaining to those Brave men and

women who stood up and fought for the abolishment of slavery.

However I believe that Mr Obama’s statement is also (and Indeed

should be) The state of mind of every person that morally understand,

that having the death penalty In our society is wrong. Of course for

those who are undecided about their stance concerning the death

penalty, it’s natural for you to resist the thought, urge, or even desire

to stand up and fight for a person convicted of capital murder. For

they themselves quite possibly have committed what we may believe

to be the ultimate sinful act.

However, at the same time, let us be reminded of the words of Jesus

when he addresses the crowd that condemned the adulteress, where

in it’s written he said : “you without sin cast the first stone”

Essentially Jesus was saying that we all are no different than the

person that’s being condemned. Now I’m not saying we should

excuse murderous behavior or treat it lightly, but what I am saying, is

that we should not be so quick to condone the taking of a life. Now

perhaps taking a stance against the Death penalty creates

apprehension in your heart, or maybe you are still not convinced that

it’s a good idea to do so. Then bear this important fact in mind….

The gift of life is a precious and sacred blessing that is more valuable

than anything on earth. And it’s a gift that’s irreplaceable.

Furthermore, with the fact that our judicial system is flawed by

corruption, greed, racial bias, and a multitude of other errors, it’s

more than likely that the execution of Innocent people have already

occurred. And that alone should be reason enough to stand up

against the injustice the death penalty presents. Now I could go on

and list the statistics on various areas and give a variety of legal

reason why capital punishment needs to be abolished. But I will not

do that at this time. Because I want the focus to remain on the

humanity aspect of things. Especially since in America, the main

stream media have a tendency to make us view the men and woman

on death row as less than human. But the fact is, whether innocent or

guilty, those incarcerated on the row are human just like you. They

are men and women, with family, friends and loved ones. They are

also people who have dreams, spiritual beliefs, character flaws, fears,

the ability to love and possessing the capability to change. So when

the state sanction murder of these human beings occur, not only is the

gift of life destroyed but a profound devastation transpires in the lives

of those who loved those men and women. My friends, we live in a

great nation and the perpetual cycle of legalized assassination should

not be part of the legacy we leave behind as a testimony of history.

So if you are ready to be like the brave abolitionist of old, then take a

stance. Get involved in a community organization against the death

penalty. Also contact your State Representative and let your voice be

heard, that capital punishment should be abolished. Because the

world is watching people, and it’s time for a change.

Peace, solidarity and P.U.R.E love. Editor. Kamau P. Emmerson

Editor’s Introduction


We the people are no longer enslaved,

but the credit does not belong to the framers.

It belongs to those who refused

to acquiesce in outdated notions of “Liberty”

“Justice” and “Equality”, and who strived

to better them …..

By Thurgood Marshall

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Issue 4 – June 2011 $2.00


In this second segment of Innocence revealed, our interview session is focused on Preston Hughes III, and at forty five, Preston

who is slightly over weight and wears glasses bears more of a resemblance to a college professor rather than a convicted felon.

Now within this interview this outspoken East coast Native shared with us some rather startling insight about the circumstances

concerning his case. So let us reveal to you exactly what transpired.

The P.U.R.E REPORT: Greetings of solidarity and peace Preston. I do hope your day has been well.

PRESTON HUGHES III: Greetings of solidarity and peace to you also my brother. Yes my day has been going well

considering the unfortunate circumstances. I hope all is well with you and your family.

The P.U.R.E REPORT: My family and loved ones are blessed, so thank you for your well wishes concerning them. Now

I’m sincerely glad you could join the P.U.R.E report for this interview on our special segment of Revealing claims of

Innocence. Its absolutely appreciated.

PRESTON HUGHES III I am very happy to be here today to give this interview.

The P.U.R.E REPORT: Now Preston, I like to begin these interviews by giving our readers some history on the

interviewee, that way the reader will gain a better understanding of that person. Now if you will, please give us some

insight on your life and who you are?

PRESTON HUGHES III. I’m a single African American man, 45 years of age from Buffalo, New York, I moved to Houston

Texas, after I finished high school in June of 1983. I was 17 at the time. I’m a very easy going, fun loving and hard working

person, unfortunately I’m caught up in a fight to save my life regain my freedom.

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: Would you be so kind to share with us the circumstances surrounding your arrest?

PRESTON HUGHES III: Yes I was arrested on Tuesday, September 27th

1988 at 4:30 A.M. I was wrongly accused of

allegedly committing the stabbing deaths of two people on September 26th 1988. The victims were a fifteen year old girl and her

three year old male cousin….

The P,U.R.E.REPORT: What made you a suspect in this crime?

PRESTON HUGHES III According to the Police the girl allegedly “called the name Preston before she died”. I was arrested

because my first name is “Preston” (also) because I knew the female victim and lived in the area where they were attacked. But

still none of this amounted to enough probable cause to arrest me without a warrant.

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: Can you recall precisely where were you during the time the crime was apparently committed?

PRESTON HUGHES III. The victims were last seen by the female friend of the female victim around 9:00pm on September


1988. At that time I was on a bus that I boarded down town at 8:45.p.m to take me home.

The P.U.R.E.REPORT: So before that bus ride, what were you doing?

PRESTON HUGHES III. I had been drinking after work with a couple of co-workers and a former co-worker.

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: Did these people you were drinking with make any kind of verification to the police that you

were with them and had left at the time you claimed?

PRESTON HUGHES III Yes they testified at my trial that it was true.

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: So you boarded the bus at 8:45 p.m and the victims were murdered at 9:00pm. That’s a fifteen

minute time gap. So can you please tell us what were you doing during that time period?

PRESTON HUGHES III I fell asleep on the bus and my oversleeping made me miss my stop and I was taken to the end of the

bus route. Which is a couple of miles away from where I lived. After being awakened by the Bus driver. I exited the bus and

walked to a store to get change, so I could call a cab to take me home.

continued on pg 4

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Revealing Claims of Innocence

Part 2

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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Revealing Claims of Innocence

Part 2

continued from page 3

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: And what time did you get home?

PRESTON HUGHES III I got home at 10:30 p.m.

The P.U.R.E.REPORT: Let us talk a bit about this bus driver. Did he testify at your trial that you were in fact riding his


PRESTON HUGHES III He didn’t testify at my trial.

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: Preston. This bus driver was your proof to verify your whereabouts. Why did he not testify at

your trial?

PRESTON HUGHES III The bus driver testimony was given on my Voir Dire in April of 1989. And this was while we were in

the process of picking the jury.

The P.U.R.E REPORT: Such testimony should not have been presented during Voir Dire, what was the reason for doing


PRESTON HUGHES III. Judging from the fact someone instructed the courts reporter to alter the testimony of the bus driver,

It was apparently done to make it appear as though he testified that the bus left earlier, so it appears that I got to the end of the

route earlier than the time he and I stated to, and that was done in order to make it appear as though I got home earlier than the

time I actually stated, and please note, the Prosecution’s statement of facts were also altered to make it appear, as though the bus

driver testified during my trial in May of 1989!

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: Preston it is appalling to know that these State Officials emplayed such devious tactics to secure a



The P.U.R.E. REPORT: In Texas, it appears that the court system has a history of denying bail, or they impose an

excessive amount of bail on indigent people, and these are peo0ple that have been arrested on a capital murder offense, so

please tell us, did this occur with you?

PRESTON HUGHES III. I don’t know whether it was due to the nature of the crime I’ve been wrongly accused of or not. But

yes, I was denied bail.

The P.U.R.E REPORT: While being held in the Harris County Jail, did you endeavor to pursue your constitutional right

to a speedy trial?

PRESTON HUGHES III. Unfortunately I didn’t exercise my right to pursue a speedy trial. However I was taken to trial seven

months after I was arrested and the trial itself was speedy.

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: How long did your trial last? a week? two maybe?

PRESTON HUGHES III I was wrongly convicted on the third day of trial, and on the fourth day I was sentenced to death.

The P.U.R.E REPORT: During your captivity in the county jail, exactly what avenues did you try to use or whom did you

contact to explain that you had nothing to do with this crime.?

PRESTON HUGHES III I wrote to then Chief Lee P. Brown of the Houston Police Department, and I even contacted the trial

court Judge months before the pre-trial motion hearings.

The P.U.R.E. REPORT: What did you say in those letters?

PRESTON HUGHES III. In my letter I detailed what happened to me at the time or rather from the time the arresting officer

came to my apartment. He was accompanied by other H.P.D officers during the early morning hours of September 27th 1988. I

mention how the police had illegally searched my apartment while I was there. And how I watched officers go back to illegally

search my apartment again as I was being taken downtown……..

(This interview will continue in Issue 5 of the P.U.R.E.Report)

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This interview will continue in Issue 5.

Preston Hughes III #000939

Polunsky Unit. D/row 3872 FM 350 South,


Texas 77351


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For years Lawmakers have justified the application of Capital

punishment as being a deterrent to crime. But in my opinion,

the truth of the matter is, these representatives believe that if a

person commits murder, then their lives should be forfeited in

return. So if the death penalty bears any evidence of being a

deterrent to crime, it’s only because once you are dead you

specifically can no longer commit a crime.

The problem with this eye for an eye “Justice” is that the

people handing down these death sentence, either fail to

realize or simply don’t care that the people they condemn are

human too … Just like themselves, these human beings are

capable of change if or when they are given the opportunity.

So where is that opportunity if you kill them? Furthermore,

even utilize capital punishment in a flawed system creates a

very dangerous possibility, that not only will constitutional

rights be violated, but there is also the horrible chance that an

innocent person will get executed. In fact, many may have

already been legally murdered.

Now I’ve been on death row since I was 19. I’m 26 years old

now. I was condemned on May 11th

, 2004. There, I was

labeled a menace and regarded as a future danger in society.

And this ultimate judgment was decided by a jury of 12

people… 12 people who were suppose to be my peers, but I

had never met them before… So I wondered, if these people

don’t know me, how can they honestly give a righteous

judgment of my character? As a person who has no prior

felonies or any violent offenses on my record, I often

wondered: How was I considered a future danger to society?

You can not see into the future, so how can you determine

whether a person will commit more crimes? Within this

flawed justice system our lives are placed in the hands of

people who make their decision to condemn our lives off a

probability. Which is the equivalent of guessing. Something

probable is not definite but believe me it’s a definitely a prove

fact that people can change. However the chance to change is

not given when the death penalty is applied. Now I know that

there are consequences for breaking the law. But how can you

punish murder with murder? No matter how anyone may try

to classify it, the fact of the matter is murder is wrong!

I often think about the Stephen King book I read called “the

Green Mile” In there the character John Coffee was a

mentally challenge and innocent man who was condemned to

death, and although that story was fictional, it however is a

genuine reflection of the same thing that is happening in

Texas today. Now granted, there may be individuals who are

falsely claiming their innocence. But there too are some truly

innocent people in prison as well as on death row, and these

innocent people are being help captive in prison facilities

throughout America. But not only are they being robbed of

their liberty, here in Texas, cases with actual claims of

innocence are often denied.

So it is time to step up our efforts and make a change.

Because after an innocent person is strapped to a gurney,

being pumped full of lethal chemicals, it is too late to say to a

person’s family: “we’re sorry. We didn’t realize he was


Now in closing, I direct my focus briefly on those

citizens who are supporters of capital punishment…

Quite often those who believe in the death penalty do so

without knowing certain facts concerning things. So I

pose a question to those citizens who supports or simply

believe in capital punishment. Do you know how much

of your tax dollars are being used to carry out the trial,

housing and execution of a death row prisoner? The

Dallas morning news showed that the average cost of a

Texas death penalty case is $2.3 million versus $750,000

for a life term in prison. Furthermore, studies have shown

that the ultimate cost of prosecution of a death penalty

case, coupled with defending the subsequent appeals, is

much higher than a non-death penalty case.

So from an economical aspect, it’s illogical to support a

barbaric practice that’s putting an unnecessary financial

strain on an already shaky economy. And on a more

social stand point, what if a family member or loved one

was falsely convicted and sentenced to death?

Not likely to happen?

Well, 138 exonerations off death row prisoners have

occurred nationwide (and 12 of them are from Texas),

and the same flawed judicial system that convicted and

sentence these people to death, still exist. So this Judicial

web of injustice is capable of entangling anyone. Now

I’m not against the death penalty because I’m on death

row. I’m against the death penalty because taking the life

of any human being is wrong.

Hopefully one day capital punishment will be abolished.

And we as a society will never reinstate it. And may that

day come soon. Because not only will it save my life, it

may very well save the life of someone you know and


Guest Contributor

Anthony Doyle


Polunsky Unit. D/row

3872 FM 350 South,


Texas 77351


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Women Around the World

Initially I wrote this expression of my heart as a means of “illustrating my regret in order to rectifymy abusive ways

against all Black women, and it was also an attempt to reconcile with my people.

But this aching in my heart wouldn’t allow me to deny the fact that women of all races have been abused by men like me.

So I deeply apologise to all of you women who have suffered abuse, and I hope that my writing this will be able to bring the

closure that you seek and the comfort that you deserve.

Now I know what I express many may not accept. Even I have wondered how can I give comfort to anyone, when I for

one have not attained comfort.

But I’m a wretched soul, one that may not even deserve to be comfort. My tears of pain, may not mean anything to you

because of the pain I’ve caused. Nevertheless with my knowing that I’ve caused so much pain, it has me sitting here in prison on

Death row, drowing in a ocean of pain, profoundly regretting what I’ve done. I have no desire to gain anything, I merely wish to

give as much as I can in reparation for what I’ve done. And yes perhaps for some it is hard to believe that my foul actions have

tormented me, but they have and I continue to suffer from the storm of my past deeds, who’s lightning flast within my ind to

illuinate the grotesque scene I committedon the morning of September 11th 2003.

In the beginning of my storm, I was angry and my mind was clouded in confusion. I didn’t want to accept the

responsibility for the awful deed I committed. It took time, understanding came slow, and now that the rain has passed, the rays of

sunshine cleared my mind and the damage I done was clearly seen. And because of what I’ve done, I’m seen as a monster in the

eyes of society. But despite this monstrous act. I’m human! I am made of flesh and blood,just like any other human being. I’m a

person who values the loyalty of an individual’s word more than that of love. Because love can be a flickering emotion. Yes I am

a man, but I’m a man that is guilty of a terrible sin, a forbidden act against God and his creation. What I done was indeed a

terrible violation, a horrible crime against all of humanity.

And I’m profoundly sorry that I’ve committed such an atrocity. It is my nature to speak openly what I feel, so all that I

say comes from deep within,so I have no agenda or hidden motice in my reason for writing this. But the world must know that

I’m sincerely apologizing for all the harm that I’ve caused. And God knows that I wish with all of my heart that I could turn back

the hands of time, because I desire genuinely to undo the bad things that were done. But I can not. So I utilize these words to

apologize to each of you, to every female that has been hurt by a man like me, I say to you “I’m sorry” and to those three precious

young Princess who’s life I cut short. To you I too apologize, I want so much to be able to bring the three of you back. I was

wrong for preventing you all from reaching your full potential to become the beautiful Black Queens you were suppose to be.

3 Children, 3 sisters, 3 daughters, 3 relatives, 3 girls, 3 mothers, 3 women, 3 generations I sadly ended duringa rapture of


I am a wretched soul. One that has ran from himself with an endeavor to escape from himself, and during my running I

found it more comfortable to live a lie. And at times I believed my debt could be paid should I surrender myself to die

So while suicide hovered before me. I ran, but my running only led to one finding himself weary, trapped and lonely still

my running continued… that is until I found myself falling at the heels of my feet. I fell to my knees and looked up to face the

back of me… I searched myself inside and out. I was trying to salvage anything worthy that was left of me. There was none I

could find. Now there was a piece of my mind that reminded me of the good I did do within my life, but that quickly outweighed

and enshrouded by the bad. So I found myself completely saturated with guilt and when I gave further search of myself, I found a

broken heart, I discovered human being with a conscience. Yes I found charity, and I also found the deepest apology that the heart

could give. So it is with genuine and my most profound sincerity that I again apologize to the women around the world for all the

pain and suffering you have endured by men like me.

But most of all I apologize for the deaths I caused to those three precious little girls.

I’m sorry

Guest contributor

Anthony Francois

Anthony Francois 999482 Polunsky Unit. D/row

3872 FM 350 South,


Texas 77351


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Back in the day, my Dad would pour himself a glass of

his favorite Brandy (Christian Brothers) and would

always respond to people’s inquiries about his well being

by saying:

“One day chicken, the next day you get chicken feathers”

His risible motto was always attractive to my mind. It

wasn’t until I began to get older that I completely

understood what he meant. Like that famous Almond

candy bar commercial back in the 80’s that had that

famous hook:

“Some days I feel like a nut, some days I don’t”

I feel like this a lot of my time here on Texas Death row.

If you are feasting on cooked chickens then your life is

well, however if all you have to eat is chicken feathers

then Life is unpleasant. In any event its still chicken.

Life is still life, no matter who shed tears of pain or those

who reverberates joys of laughter. We should except the

good with the bad, because it’s the balance of the order

that makes life complete. For every Angus Og, there is a

Medusa. It sounds good, Huh?

Easier said than done, of course sounds alone never

paints a picture on it’s own. To think so would be fatuity.

For example: Take the sounds of Texas Death Row. At

the moment it’s quiet-as if everyone here is content and

at peace. For anyone who has direct dealings with Texas

Death row would know that peace is highly flumadiddle,

misleading to the core. But what about the balance of the

order? Sounds good….

Since 2008 the dealings on Texas Death row’s “order”

has been out of order. The administration that overseas

Texas Death row has become callous, ruling with an iron

fist, while ignoring all safeguards and policies that is

suppose to keep a balance here for Inmates and Officers.

The property of Inmates and Items of value are often

stolen by [Particular] employees of T.D.C.J. bogus

disciplinary cases are being [enforced] to purposely

messing with Inmates to take their level one status away

from them. And this results in the denial of Inmates

visits, their commissary privileges and other penal rights.

Some Inmates deal with mental and at times brutal

physical abuse. E.g. visualize a handcuffed inmate who is

restrained, while being punched and jumped on by a team

of six or seven padded officers. How do you justify that?

How can you ask anyone to have a sense of peace when

he is surrounded by violence and it’s not the allege

criminals administering it? Sure we can pray, advocate,

march or even sing spiritual songs, but what does any of

it mean if our hearts isn’t really in it?

I love chicken. I just hate chicken served with feathers

attached to it. The ebb and flow of our environment here

in Texas is just like that:

“One day Chicken..the next day chicken feathers”

And I’m not even talking about foods nor eating. I’m

taking about one’s sanity and how can one maintain

sane. See I’m Innocent. In fact, after reading several

other cases, I believe many others on Death Row are

innocent or unjustifiably sentenced and should have

never been on death row. Innocent men and women

lacks patience and nothing can ever change that nor

replace the years we lost. We remain a malcontent

people. We may smile, laugh and appear to be in

good spirits at visits (Day of Chicken) but once we

return to the gloomy and filthy germ infested

environment, dread returns (The taste of feathers)..

[of course] I want to be happy, I really do, but I can

not be happy when I’m not sure what happiness

entails anymore, it is just mendacious rhetoric, or

passive formalities? I’ve tried rational emotive

therapy and it don’t seem to work for me, I’ve

meditated, reading and fasting-none suits me. So

what do it mean to be happy?

Death row’s warden is a short man. He suffers from

Napoleon complex and has some caked up insecurity

issues. He always has a need to prove himself to his

inner self. So when asked about happiness he had

these choice words to say:

“If I was Texas Governor I would be happy. And

If I was Governor I would execute every death

row Inmate on the same day, That’s Texas

Justice. That would make me truly happy”

What about the incarcerated Innocent? or the

mentally retarded? or even the appeal’s due process?

and what about Legal Morality? When I was asked

what I thought of the gauchely wardens comments,

all I could say was:

“One day chicken… The next day chicken Feathers”

Guest Contributor:

Charles “Chucky” Mamou.

Charles Mamou 999333

Polunsky Unit. D/row

3872 FM 350 South,


Texas 77351


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The Price of Death

I knew a man once, when I had first arrived to the place known as “Death Row” in Huntsville, Texas on that

clear day in September 1996. Some after I was settled I got to know this man, who spent all his time reading 16th

Century texts from the old Aztec days. One day he told me that he was on death row for being a it man. He

explained that he met a man in a bar that offered him $500 to kill this man.. In the process it had spent close to

$2-million dollars!

The death penalty in the U.S is an outrageously expensive and wasteful program that has no clear benefits. The

Nations’ police chiefs rank the death penalty LAST in their priorities for effective crime prevention. They are

saying clearly, the death penalty DOES NOT prevent crime. Fact is, for that same almost $2 million Texas spent

killing ONE MAN, they could have hired 2 qualified police officers at $40,000 a year and employed both of

them for 20 years .

In light of the economic crisis plaguing the U.S. many states who employ the death penalty have commissioned

studies to examine the death and it’s effectiveness versus it’s cost to communities. Police Chief JAMES ABBOT

of West Orange, New Jersey served on a commission that reviewed that states death penalty and which in the end

recommended that the New Jersey abolish it’s death penalty. Chief ABBOT was quoted saying “I NO LONGER




We are at a point in history where every state in the United States is being forced to cut hundreds of millions of

dollars from their budgets. Where are these cash-strapped states taking that money from?, from the salaries of

Teachers who educate out our youth, from afternoon school programs that help keep children off the streets,

from substance abuse programs that aim to help addicts, from prison education courses, and from Law

Enforcement operating budgets. How can this benefit anyone? California alone is spending $137 million per year

on the death penalty, yet has not had an execution in 4 years. Florida is spending almost $51 million a year on its

death penalty. One study shows that in Maryland, over a 20 year period where 5 executions have been carried

out, they have spent $186 million on the death penalty.. The numbers and facts are staggering. How many

abused mothers and children could be helped with that money? How many police officers could be hired to fight

crime with that money? How many prisoners up for parole could be taught valuable job skills that would help

steer them away from future crime with programs financed by that money?

The Truth is, states continue to waste HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on their dysfunctional death

penalty systems, if the death penalty was replaced with Life with-out parole, California would save over $125

million a year, money desperately needed there.

So, what is the price of death? As so many studies have shown, the price of killing just one person with the death

penalty can be anywhere between 2 & 3 million dollars. Which states like Texas which has over 300 inmates on

death row or California who has over 600, the price of maintaining their death penalty systems has been the

future of our children’s education and the safety of our communities.

Written by Tony Medina

(staff writer)


Polunsky Unit. D/row

3872 FM 350 South,


Texas 77351


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Legal Section

Artwork By Tony Medina 999204

In the Legal section in this issue, comprises of:

No Equal Justice for all - By Milton Gobert. (Conclusion from Issue 3)

The Illusion of Equitable Justice – By Eric Cathey

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No Equal Justice for all (conclusion from Issue 3)

Now the decision congress made to pay more (of Tax

payers money) for inadequate capital defense attorneys

only make economic sense because identifying and

vindicating constitutional error is in itself extremely


But better lawyers will raise more issues, Investigate

and litigate more aggression. Which may require

resentencing, retrials, or in very rare cases, it may mean

that a guilty man would go free, yet they would Identify

what is more costly. However congress was willing to

pay more for inadequate attorneys in order to avoid

those costs economically and socially. Broadly

speaking, the Supreme Court’s “right to counsel”

jurisprudence has had much of the same effect as

congress decision to defund the resource centers. If the

court required better lawyers for the indigent citizen, it

would cost society not only in terms of the resources

necessary to pay those lawyers, but also in terms of the

costs of fully enforcing a criminal defendants

constitutional rights.

You see, better lawyers would mean more hard fought

trials, more evidence thrown out due to constitutional

violations, fewer convictions, more acquittals, and more

hung juries. As ex president of Harvard University,

Dereck Bok candidly acknowledged:

“If congress provided enough funds for legal aid or if

congress agreed to offer the same support to legal defendants

as it gives the prosecution. It could easily touch off of a burst

of litigation that would cost huge sums of money and add

heavily to the delays of the legal system”

An adversary system in which both sides are evenly

matched costs more than a system in which the

prosecution’s resources overwhelms the defense. And

despite our surface commitment to equality before the

Law, apparently neither society nor the Court is willing

to require anything like an even playing field. The

present system of assigning indigent defendants poorly

funded, over burden and very often under qualified

defense attorneys saves money in two ways. First: It

reduces the direct cost of providing a decent defense,

Second: But definitely more significant it systematically

endeavors to inadequately enforce the constitutional

rights of the indigent accused.

If one were looking for a mechanism to reduce the

cost of constitutional rights without weakening

rights that that protect the privileged. Then one could

do no better than ensuring, that the poor,

systematically receive less competent legal

representation, than the rich. By denying the poor

adequate lawyers (and then holding their lawyers

mistakes against them) will guarantee that we will

never have to pay full cost for their constitutional

rights (which we are suppose to protect).

But we achieve those savings by diluting the

protection of constitutional rights when we only give

competent counsel to those who can afford it. The

appointed counsel system creates an across the board

double standard. As the O.J Simpson trial, illustrated

the inequality created by the ability to hire

competent counsel is predicated, on class, Not Race..

but because most minority defendants are poor and

because Blacks and Latinos disproportionately find

themselves as criminal defendants, this class based

disparity also falls heavy on the minority


The right to counsel is in theory the Linchpin of

equality in the criminal justice system. However in

reality, differences in the quality of legal assistance

available to the rich and poor, probably play the

most significant systemic role in maintaining a

double standard in criminal justice.

Guest contributor

Milton Gobert

Milton Gobert 999554

Polunsky Unit. D/row

3872 FM 350 South,


Texas 77351


Page 14: Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011




The term “Justice is Blind” has always been something many of us

desire to be true. For none of us want to believe that a country as advanced as ours, really possesses flaws in it’s criminal court system.

Furthermore many of us have embraced the fact that it’s our constitutional right to have a fair and impartial trial. Hell, our

forefathers died in wars and worked as slaves through blood, sweat

and tears to build this country, so we damn well better have one, right?

However I must ask of you to ponder on this:

What if the scheme of having a fair trial doesn’t truly exist? Because if we were to look up the word “fair” in a dictionary, it’s

meaning will elucidate it as being: Honest


Unbiased Equitable

Objective……And several other names to associate it with

righteousness. But our court system with it’s due process of law merely illustrates an illusion of equitable justice. For indeed, it is a

rather difficult endeavor to ensure that any one will obtain a fair trial. Supposedly, this is why the “safe guard” of having appeals were

established. Yet if our society has evolved to the point where we

have achieved this fairness in our court system, then why, may I ask,do our appeal process exist? I mean, doesn’t this illustrate a

blatant mistrust in our own capabilities as jurors, lawyers, judges and

prosecutors, to be honorable in our sworn duties?

Maybe it does.. And perhaps it should! Because many of times, (if we believe it or not) preconceive notions (of certain things) exist

within our state of mind. For example: How many times, while at the

mall, have you seen a small congregation of black youth (wearing hip hop attire) and wondered if they would start any trouble? and what

about the tall white guy with the long hair, dark shades, and leather jacket? or the Mexican fellow with all the tattoos covering his arms?

These guys have to be in some sort of gang, right? Or how about the

lady who wears the tight pants and blouse that clearly enunciates her figure? Is she really an easy catch looking for attention? Maybe or

maybe not… But it’s so easy for us to be misled, by our reconcilable

notions, because many of us hold them to be true. Our society, in some form of fashion (whether through movies, newspapers, music,

magazines, or propaganda being promoted by our peers) have influence and condition our minds to accept these half-truths. And

when a juror takes his/her position in court, they may have no

intention of being biased. But subconsciously, these suggestions have already been activated, especially if we believe those stereotypical

labels that have been placed on certain people in our society. And this

in turn will create a portion of unfairness in a criminal trial, because it leads a jury to focus more on the defendant, which may influence

them to make an attempt to analyze that persons emotional state.

But what does that have to do with the evidence being presented at

the trial? Especially when a defense attorney has instructed his client to relax and remain calm and try not to show many emotions.I

believe that a jury’s concentration must remain on the evidence

being presented in order to truly judge the totally of it all.

One should never be distracted from his/her set judgment of

that course. Because a juror, for that period of time, has been granted the authority to aid in altering the course of a person’s

destiny by a single verdict. And if we have a prosecutor who manipulates the emotions of a jury, by displaying unnecessary

grotesque photographs of the deceased or performing a re-

enactment of what allegedly occurred at a crime scene, a “tactic” of this nature will undoubtedly inflame the minds of

the jury. And is quite capable of being a subliminal form of

prompting which will guide a jury into reacting emotionally rather than logically as they prepare for deliberation.

Impossible That’s absurd

You’re crazy .. is what some may consider one’s point of view

within this article..But the fact remains that “tactics” like those I mention are being used. So now the question is..Are these

“tactics” necessary? however before answering that, allow me

to ask you this….If the prosecution has unlimited access to states funds to investigate and prosecute their case…then why

use such a play on a jury? Perhaps it’s because district attorneys themselves are not immune to preconceive notions.

There are many defendants whose reputation or past deeds were very criminally orientated, and if the D.A’s actions shows

that they believe a person’s law-breaking behavior, on some

unrelated offense, suggest that this defendant is probably guilty of the current crime as well, then their duty to pursue justice

has been compromise. For no longer are they seeking to find the actual perpetrator but now are more concerned on gathering

any evidence that they can use to persuade the jury of hat

person’s guilt. So where is the fairness in that? Now even if we persist in saying that our appeal process is required to

ensure that the guidelines of the law are being followed..Still it has to be asked, what good is that process when certain

segments of our judicial courts display a strong predisposition

in ruling in the state’s favor because of their bias on a particular issue? Mainly death penalty cases. Therefore it’s

necessary for us to determine whether this claim of fairness is

merely an illusion established to convince us that it exist? Or is it an actual reality? perhaps it can be. For all things are

possible. But we will have to make a conscious effort to free our mind of all preconceive notions.

by Eric Cathey

Eric Cathey 999228 Polunsky Unit

3872 FM 350 South


Texas 77351


Page 15: Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011


Poetry Section


I strain for one more push Striving for perfection

The pain will never cease Marking my progression.

Fatigue setting in Never will I falter

heart pumping faster body getting stronger

Sweat across my brow running down my face

refusing to give in picking up the pace

Physical Intensity

mental stimulation absorbing the pain

use it as motivation.

Pushing to the limit searching for the end pushing even farther

never giving in


Anthony Doyle



Polunsky Unit. D/row

3872 FM 350 South,


Texas 77351



Bombarded by the cultivation to ensnare a phantom destiny

of a parents dream lost to the adversity of change.

Now Precious Angels of a cradle’s caress are forgotten, as the wrath of heaven

cast out it’s rebellious demons…

Alone upon a road with no legacy to call their own.

The Ghetto children are driven toward the enticement of white Queens

Pink castles and all the American Dreams

Draped up and dripped out The acquirement of Ghetto fabulous clout

is that truly what it’s all about? NO!

It’s a mere reflection of a dream that was never meant

for the Mothers and Fathers of creation now the mass enslavement

and Genocide by means of incarceration is a predestine abortion of unborn babies

which means the death of a nation..

So Rise up all of you Kings and Queens of the earth Now turn 360⁰ degrees to fulfill

the sum of your true worth Endeavor to understand the past

to comprehend the future. For you are the future

so dear children lead with pride!

By Eric Cathey

Eric Cathey 999228

Polunsky Unit D/row

3872 FM 350 South


Texas 77351


Page 16: Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011


“Time takes away the edge of grief

But Memory turns back every leaf

Gone from our lives one so dear

But in our hearts forever near.”

Page 17: Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011


What’s in the Brown Paper Bag Written by Luis Ramirez

Luis Ramirez was murdered by Lethal Injection in the State of Texas on October 20th, 2005.


I’m about to share with you a story who’s telling is long

over due. It’s a familiar story to those on death row who

may read this. But it’s now one that all of you in the

“FREE WORLD” may benefit from. This is the story of

my first day on the row..

Now I came here in May of 1999. But the exact date is

something I can’t recall.. However I do remember

arriving in the afternoon. I was placed in a cell on H-20

wing over at the Ellis unit in Huntsville Texas. A tsunami

of emotions and thoughts were going through my mind at

the time. I remember the only things in the cell were a

mattress, pillow, a couple of sheets, a pillow case, a roll of

toilet paper, and a blanket. And I also remember how

utterly lost I felt sitting there. The first person I met there

was Napolean Beasley. Back then Death row prisoners

still worked. His job aat the time was to clean up the wing

and help serve during meal time. He was walking around

sweeping the pid in these ridiculous looking rubber boots.

He came up to the bars of my cell and asked me if I was

new….. I told him that I had just arrived on death row.

He asked what my name was. So I told him. Not seeing

any harm in it. Beasley then stepped back where he could

see all three tiers. He then hollered at everyone:

“Theres a new man here, he just drove up, his name is

Luis Ramirez”

When he did that I didn’t know what to make of it at first.

I thought I had made some kind of mistake. You see, like

most of you, I was of the impression that everyone on

death row was evil. I thought I would find hundreds of

“HANNIBAL LECTERS” in here. And now, they all

knew my name. I thought: “Oh well, that’s strike one”. I

was sure that they would soon begin harassing me. This is

what happens in the movies after all…

Well that’s not what happened.

After supper was served. Napolean was once again

sweeping the floors, as he passed my cell, he swept a

brown paper bag into it. So I asked him: “whats this?” He

replied that it was for me, then told me to look inside then

continued on his way

Man! I didn’t know what to expect!

I was certain it was something bad! but curiosity did

get the best of me though. So I carefully opened the

bag. And what I found was the last thing I ever

expected to find on death row.

It was everything I needed. The bag contained some

stamps, envelopes, note pads, pen, soap, shampoo,

toothpaste, tooth brush, a pastry, a soda, and a couple

of ramen noodles. I remember asking Napolean:

“where this come from?” He told me that everyone

had pitched in, and that they knew I didn’t have

anything. And that it may be a while before I could

get anything. I asked him to find out who had

contributed. Because I wanted to pay them back.

Napolean said: “its not like that. Just remember the

next time you see someone come here like you … you

pitch in something!”

I sat there on my bunk with my brown paper bag of

goodies, and thought about what had just happened to

me. The last thing I expected to find on death row was

kindness and generosity. I thought of how many

times I had seen “good people” of the world, pass by

some man, woman, or child holding a sign that read:

“Hungry” or “will work for food” I am guilty of

doing the same. I just passed them by. By the end of

the block, or upon reaching my destination. That poor

hungry, tattered, and perhaps dirty soul had been

forgotten… lost among my daily challenges and

struggles with life.

Yet here on Death Row among the worst of the worst.

I didn’t have to hold up a sign, they knew what I

needed, and they took it upon themselves to meet

those needs. They did this for a stranger, not a now

friend. I don’t know what they felt when they

committed this act of incredible kindness. I only

know that like them, twelve “good people” had

deemed me beyond redemption.

The only remedy these “Good people” could offer us

is death. Somehow what these “good people” saw and

what I was seeing didn’t add up.

(continued on page 18)

Page 18: Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011


Continued from Page 17 - What’s in the Brown Paper Bag

How could these men, who just showed me so much

humanity, be considered the “worst of the worst”?

It chills me to my core when I think about it. Those twelve

“good people” were given this enormous God like

responsibility. They had to decide who lives and who dies.

The State of Texas gave them this responsibility.. However

they didn’t give them any God like training..I’m sure that

they all meant well, they probably thought as the D.A and

Judge told them, that they were doing their Civic duty. I

personally have never considered murder a civic duty.

That aside, how many times have we gotten this wrong? I’m

on the inside looking out now. I have that advantage over

you. So I can tell you this. I have yet to meet a man here who

I feel is beyond redemption. It you took a good look and I

invite you to do that, You may just realize how often you

have been wrong. Ever since Napolean was executed ( for a

crime he committed as a teen) I’ve wanted to share this story

with his family. But I’ve never been able to locate anyone

with their contact information. If anyone out there can share

this with them, I would appreciate it very much. I would like

for them to know that their son was a good man. One who I

will never forget. I want for them to know how sorry I am

that we as a society failed then and Napolean.

I still find it ridiculous that we as a people feel that we

cannot teach or love our young properly. I’m appalled at the

idea that a teen is beyond redemption, and that the only

solution that we can offer is death.

Its Tragic that this is being pointed out to the “Good people”

by one of the “worst of the worst” God help us all…

What’s in the Brown Paper Bag?

I found caring, kindness, love, humanity, and compassion of

a scale that I’ve never seen the “good people” in the

Freeworld show towards one another.



Executed October 2005.

Page 19: Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011





1 Gayland Bradford Texas

14 Shawn Hawkins Ohio

14 Carey Dean Moore Nebraska

15 John Balentine Texas

16 Lee Andrew Taylor Texas

16 Eddie Powell Alabama

21 Milton Mathis Texas

22 Frank Williams Jr. Arkansas


7 Humberto Leal Texas

12 Marcel Williams Arkansas

19 Kenneth Smith Ohio

20 Mark Stroman Texas


16 Brett Hartman Ohio

30 Ivan Cantu Texas



18 Charles Lorraine Ohio


22 Michael Webb Ohio


13 Joel Schmeiderer Tennessee

20 Billy Slagle Ohio

27 David Jordan Tennessee


4 John Henretta Tennessee

11 H-R Hester Tennessee

18 Joseph Murphy Ohio


15 Reginald Brooks Ohio

Page 20: Pure Report newsletter issue 4 june 2011



Eric Cathey 999228

Polunsky Unit. D/row

3872 FM 350 South


Texas 77351







