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Purity + Peace Workbook

Date post: 25-Jul-2016
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The Purity +Peace workbook is for a fellowship and support group for any young women seeking healing and reconciliation from past hurts and "failures" (whether from romantic relationships, friendships, poor choices, bad habits, etc.) and are seeking accountability in remaining mentally and physically pure. If you feel strained with life, stress, anxiety/depression and want to commit to purity, this group will help you get on track toward purity and peace. Topics include, "What is Purity?," "Your body is the temple," and "How to get accountability."
by Victoria Rosa-Garcia A journey toward purity of mind, body and spirit A step in faith toward hope and peace

by Victoria Rosa-Garcia

A j o u r n e y towa rd p u r i t y o f m i n d , b o d y a n d s p i r i t

A ste p i n fa i t h towa rd h o p e a n d p e a c e

Welcome to the Purity + Peace life group. For the next six weeks we will be on a journey toward forgiveness and reconciliation with our past and walking toward a more peaceful future. Whether you are looking to gain healthy habits of a believer in Christ, make peace with your past, learn how to draw relational boundaries, obtain accountability and make and/or renew a sexual purity covenant with the Lord, you are not alone. Look around you; you will see a group of sisters who are on this journey with you.

Life comes at us hard. The trials of life make it easy to lose our focus on God. Such hardships can lead us to anxious living and a depressed mood. If this is where you stand today, you are in the perfect position for healing and reconciliation. God has brought you here for a purpose.

The purpose of this life group is to:

• Help us refocus our minds on Christ

• Create healthy habits, such as incorporating devotionals, in our daily lives

• Start and maintain a prayer life

• Maintain a positive journal for the purpose of “renewing our minds” and thought life

• Share our hearts/burden/faults with other believers so that we can be lifted up

• Affirm other believers

• Make/renew our purity covenant with the Lord and bring us back to holiness (Mind, body,


• Begin reading Bible-based books/materials that affirm us and teach us God’s word

• Obtain the skills to maintain a peaceful heart and mind, take thoughts captive

• and much more!

I pray that this study brings healing to your heart and mind, and you walk in a renewed peace that Christ died to give each of us; the peace the surpasses understanding.

Your sister in Christ, Victoria Rosa-Garcia


Daily DevotionsBegin to do daily devotionals and spend time with God

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Take a few moments out of your day to sit in prayer and in God’s word. You can do this by beginning in a book in the Bible and reflecting on the passage of scripture that you read or by using a devotional book to help direct your quiet time.

You can find Bible reading plans on the YouVersion Bible app, which has a reminder feature that is helpful.

If you are going to purchase a devotional book, I suggest either Jesus Calling by Sarah Young or one entitled Come Away my Beloved. These two are extremely helpful and Bible-based.

Another alternative is devotional websites such as She Reads Truth (shereadstruth.com) and To Be Praised Ministries (tobepraised.com). Here you can find free devotional studies geared toward women. You can also find some devotionals on my personal blog at awarriorscry.com.

Remember that our weekly lessons include Bible readings that can be read during your devotional time as a way to prepare for our small group.

Whatever you decide, begin to incorporate devotions into your daily routine for the next six weeks.

Daily Journal“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.” - Christina Baldwin

Writing is therapy. Science has proven that if you handwrite your feelings, it will make you happier. Psychologists call it the “Bridget Jones effect,” and have found that individuals who keep a diary are likely to be happier than those who do not. Writing helps us overcome emotional upsets, so through-out these next six weeks, we are going to keep a daily journal. You can write whatever you like in this journal, but you should at least write a minimum of three pages a day (or one page if you are using a large notebook).

If you are stuck or have writer’s block, here are some questions to help you get started:

• Write out five positive thoughts

• What happened today that made you (angry, sad, mad, frustrated, happy, excited, exhausted,

diminished, etc.)

• Write out three times where you saw God working in your life today.

• What are some things that are holding you back from reaching your goals?

• Who are people in your life that you need to forgive and why should you forgive them?

• Write a letter to a person who hurt you. What would you like to say to them?

• What are three ways you can handle your anxiety better?

• What is the most important prayer request you have right now and why?

These topics should catalyze a good amount of writing for you. If you still need ideas, talk it out with someone from the life group.

Good Reads“I can’t imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once.” - C.S. Lewis

For the next six weeks, I advise that you read ONE book that will help you along this journey. Below you will find a reading list. These books are made available for you to borrow from my library. Choose one of them, according to your need/interest, and happy reading!

Books available to read (choose one)

1. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

2. Getting Serious About Getting Married by Debbie Maken

3. Choosing God’s best by Dr. Don Raunikar

4. When God writes your love story by Eric and Leslie Ludy

5. Boundaries in Dating by Henry Cloud

6. The Art of losing yourself by Katie Ganshert

7. Captivating by Staci Elderidge

8. The Lineage of Grace complete series by Francine Rivers

9. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha world by Joanna Weaver

10. What happens when women say yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst

11. Lies that women believe and the truth that sets them free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

12. How 8 scandalous women changed the world by Carol Cook

13. Ten Days to Self Esteem by David Burns, M.D.

Weekly Preview

Week 1: What is purity?

Week 2: Our body is the temple

Week 3: Making a covenant: A vow to purity

Week 4: What is peace?

Week 5: Renew your mind

Week 6: Utilize community

Week1: What is Purity?1. What is your definition of purity?

2. How do we as Christians stay pure?

3. What are the three things we need to maintain pure?

4. What are some difficulties that we need to overcome in order to begin living in or maintaining purity?

5. What makes change so difficult?

6. Who is responsible for our purity?

Bible Reading: Psalm 119: 9-10; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:2; Romans 12:2; Psalm 51:10; Proverbs 23:7; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20;

Matthew 5:20-28; Galatians 5:3-21; Ephesians 4:29, James 1:26; John 4:24; Galations 6, 7, 8; James 1:13-14

References: Change Diagram handout

Week2: Our body is the temple

1. What were the characteristics of the tabernacle? the temple?

2. What was the high priests’ duties?

3. How did the Israelites defile the temple?

4. How do we defile our bodies/temple?

5. How are our bodies like the Old Testament temple? What are the similarities?

6. How does premarital sex, lust defile our temple?

Bible Reading: Exodus 39:32-42; 1 Kings 6, 7, 8; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19-20; Ezekiel 8, 9, 10, 11

References: Change Diagram handout

Week3: Making a covenant

1. What is a covenant/vow/pact?

2. How seriously does God take vows?

3. What does Jephthah’s story (Judges 11) tell us about vows? Do you think what he did was fair?

4. What are some examples of good pacts?

5. What are some examples of bad pacts?

6. What makes keeping a purity vow so difficult?

7. What is a soul tie?

8. How do we renounce a soul tie?

Bible Reading: Judges 11; Matthew 5:37; James 5:12; Genesis 17:9; Romans 8;

Week4: What is peace

1. What is peace? Define it.

2. When do you feel most at peace?

3. What are some things that make you feel anxious? When you feel anxious, what is your first reaction?

4. What were some moments of trauma in your life?

5. What are the five stages of grief ? Are you currently in one of these stages? Have you experienced a loss?

6. How do we obtain peace?

Bible Reading: Proverbs 12:25; Philippians 4:6-8; Hebrews 11; Romans 10:17; Jeremiah 29:11-13

References: The Five Stages of Grief

Week5: Renew your mind

1. What does the Bible say about renewing our minds?

2. How can we “take our thoughts captive?” What does that mean?

3. What is Cognitive Dissonance Therapy? How do we apply this therapy to our lives?

Bible Reading: Romans 12:2-4 ; 2 Corinthians 10:5

References: Book- Ten days to self Esteem

Week6: Utilize Community

1. What does it mean to live in community with others?

2. Name three examples in the Bible where people lived in community.

3. How did the early church (in Acts) live in community with each other. Name three things they did to live peacefully in community.

4. How does living in community help keep people accountable?

5. What is accountability?

6. Why is accountability important?

7. How do you create accountability in your life today?

8. What does good accountability look like?

9. Who would you choose to be a part of your accountability circle and why?

Bible Reading: Matthew 10; Luke 6; Acts 2:42-47; Joshua 14; James 5:16; Titus 2

Proverbs 31 StatementEvery week we will be saying this statement out loud. This statement comes directly from Proverbs

31. Speak and believe that you are a Proverbs 31 woman.

I am a good woman I am worth far more than diamonds, I am more precious than rubies

My husband trusts me without reserve or hesitation and never has reason to regret itI enrich my husband’s life; I bring him good

I am never spiteful and I treat my husband generously, and I will all of my lifeI shop around for the best things for my family

I enjoy knitting and sewing (replace with the hobbies you enjoy)I am like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back exotic surprises

I am up before dawn preparing breakfast for my family and organizing my dayI look over a field and I buy it then, I plant a garden and vineyard with money I put aside

I dress for work first thing in the morning, roll my sleeves up, eager to get startedI know the worth of my work and I’m in no hurry to call it quits for the day

I am skilled in domestic crafts, a diligent homemakerI am quick to assist anyone in need, I reach out to the poor

I don’t worry about my family when it snows because (or in cold times) because I have mended their winter clothes and they are ready to wear

I make my own clothing and dress in colorful materials and silksMy husband is greatly respected when he deliberates with the city men and fathers

I design gowns and sell them, I bring sweaters I knit to the dress shopsMy clothes are well-made and elegantI always face tomorrow with a smileI laugh without fear of the future

When I speak, I have something worthwhile to say, and I always speak kindlyMy words are wise

I keep an eye on everyone in my household and keep them busy and productive — they do not suffer from lazinessMy children respect and bless me and my husband praises me with his words

Many woman have done many wonderful things, but I have outclassed them allI am a woman who lives in the Fear of God and I am to be admired and praised

I will be rewarded for all the good I have done My deeds will publicly declare my praise


The change diagram





