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Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, A.R.S. Section 38 ... · Request for Future Agenda Items ....

Date post: 10-Oct-2020
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CITY OF PHOENIX CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, A.R.S. Section 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the CITY OF PHOENIX CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION and to the general public, that the CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (CTC) will hold a meeting open to the public on Nov. 21, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. located in the Public Transit Building, MAG Saguaro Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 302 N. First Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. One or more commission members may participate via teleconference, and agenda items may be taken out of order. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1. Call to Order Chair Mellor 2. Chair Announcements Chair Mellor 3. Approval or correction of the minutes from the Oct. 17, 2019 meeting This item is for approval Commission members 4. T2050 Funding Plan for Public Transit Capital Projects This report provides an update on the Public Transit capital program and requests an approval recommendation to issue revenue bonds to finance a portion of those projects. This item is for discussion and action Public Transit Department 5. Updates from Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments This item is scheduled to allow staff to provide brief informational reports on topics of interest to the Commission. This item is for information only Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments 6. T2050 Financial Update This report shows the current fiscal year sales tax revenues collected, life-to-date sales tax revenues collected, and the current year program expenditures. This item is for information only Report Only No Presentation 7. Upcoming T2050 Related Public Meetings/Events This report provides a list of upcoming T2050 related public meetings/events held by Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments, and Valley Metro. This item is for information only Report Only No Presentation
Page 1: Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, A.R.S. Section 38 ... · Request for Future Agenda Items . Commission member request for information, follow -up or future agenda items. Commission


Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, A.R.S. Section 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the CITY OF PHOENIX CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION and to the general public, that the CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (CTC) will hold a meeting open to the public on Nov. 21, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. located in the Public Transit Building, MAG Saguaro Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 302 N. First Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona.

One or more commission members may participate via teleconference, and agenda items may be taken out of order. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1. Call to Order Chair Mellor

2. Chair Announcements Chair Mellor

3. Approval or correction of the minutes from the Oct. 17, 2019 meeting This item is for approval

Commission members


T2050 Funding Plan for Public Transit Capital Projects This report provides an update on the Public Transit capital program and requests an approval recommendation to issue revenue bonds to finance a portion of those projects. This item is for discussion and action

Public Transit Department


Updates from Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments This item is scheduled to allow staff to provide brief informational reports on topics of interest to the Commission. This item is for information only

Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments


T2050 Financial Update This report shows the current fiscal year sales tax revenues collected, life-to-date sales tax revenues collected, and the current year program expenditures. This item is for information only

Report Only No Presentation


Upcoming T2050 Related Public Meetings/Events This report provides a list of upcoming T2050 related public meetings/events held by Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments, and Valley Metro. This item is for information only

Report Only No Presentation

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Call to the Public Consideration, discussion, and concerns from the public. Those wishing to address the Commission need not request permission in advance. Action taken as a result of the public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or rescheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.

Chair Mellor

9. Request for Future Agenda Items Commission member request for information, follow-up or future agenda items.

Commission members

10. Adjournment Chair Mellor

For further information, please call Lars Jacoby, Management Assistant II, 602-534-6192. Persons paid to lobby on behalf of persons or organizations other than themselves shall register with the City Clerk prior to lobbying or within five business days thereafter, and must register annually to continue lobbying. If you have any questions about registration or whether or not you must register, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 602-262-6811. To request reasonable accommodations, call Lars Jacoby at Voice/602-534-6192 or TTY/7-1-1 as early as possible to coordinate needed arrangements.

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October 17, 2019 SUMMARY Public Transit Department 302 N. First Avenue, 2nd Floor

Commissioners Present Public Present City Staff Present David Adame (arrived 5:10 p.m., left at 6:58 p.m.)

Matthew Taunton Mario Paniagua

Sue Glawe Kristi Sheperd Jesús Sapien Luis Heredia (arrived 5:15 p.m.) Joshua Barger Kini Knudson Jennifer Mellor (Chair) Spencer Dew Markus Coleman David Moody Sarah Browne Julie Kriegh Rick Naimark Deron Lozano Lars Jacoby Alex Navidad Mark Wavering Joe Bowar Brookelynn Nisenbaum Ogbonna Abarikwu Athena Sanchez Phil Pangrazio Jennifer Valentine Albert Crespo Dave Siebert (left at 6:58 p.m.) Wulf Grote Micah Ray Alexander Absent Nathan Chadwick Sara Kotecki Gail Knight Omar Peters Shelley Reimann Gabe Loyola Chet Teaford Kevin Teng David Martin Joel McCabe Kyle Marshall Roy Miller Pete Hemingway Jacob Brunswick William “Sparky” Smith Jon Schumann Marielle Brown Jeff Hamilton

1. Call to Order Chairperson Mellor called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with a quorum present.

2. Chair Announcements

Chair Mellor requested Commissioners and City staff introduce themselves to the new Commission members. The Chair also informed attendees how to submit comment cards.

3. Approval or correction of the minutes from the May 16, 2019 meeting A motion was made by Commissioner Glawe and seconded by Commissioner Navidad to approve the minutes from the Sept. 26, 2019 meeting, and the Oct. 1, 2019 special meeting. The Motion was approved by 9-0 vote.

4. T2050 Program Management Consultant Status

Street Transportation Director Kini Knudson and Public Transit Director Jesús Sapien presented a report on the status of completed and upcoming activities of the T2050 Program Management Consultant (PMC). Both outlined the need to

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increase the financial capacity of the current contract with AECOM by $3.5 million through September 2021, with the duration of the contract to remain unchanged. The proposed capacity will provide additional resources to the city for upcoming projects for both Public Transit and Street Transportation departments’ needs. Commissioner Adame asked staff for information about local firms being used by the PMC and if there were any disadvantaged business (DBE) requirements in the contract, and stated his desire that small and local businesses be utilized by the PMC. Mr. Knudson clarified that this is not a federally-funded contract and there were no DBE goal requirements, but that the PMC has subcontracted with local and small businesses; he said he did not have the information on hand, but staff would provide detailed information to the commission after the meeting. Vice Chair Naimark asked about staff’s management of the contract and oversight of the scope and price of tasks undertaken by the contractor or a subconsultant. Mr. Knudson advised that Street Transportation Department staff is responsible for contract monitoring, and that the contract is a capacity-based contract with tasks evaluated and negotiated on a per-project basis. Mr. Sapien also noted that under the contract, the contractors on the qualified vendor list (QVL) receive at least 40 percent of the work and the QVL is comprised of many firms including small and local businesses, while the remaining work is performed by AECOM (PMC). Commissioner Heredia asked how often the PMC consultant presents to the CTC. Mr. Knudson answered that generally city staff present on projects the PMC assists with, but at times the PMC or one of the QVL contractors will also present when their expertise is required. Chair Mellor asked how much of the current $5 million has been spent through year three of the contract. Mr. Knudson answered that approximately $4 million has been expended. A motion was made by Commissioner Moody and seconded by Vice Chair Naimark to recommend the Transportation, Infrastructure and Innovation Subcommittee and City Council approve an increase to PMC contract of $3.5 million in support of the implementation of T2050. The Motion was approved 10-0.

5. Bus Rapid Transit program update Mr. Sapien provided an overview of the bus rapid transit (BRT) program’s progress to date and introduced Sara Kotecki, Public Transit’s BRT Administrator, who explained the purpose and goals of the agenda item and that Matthew Taunton from HDR, the consultant team contracted by the city to provide BRT planning services, would also participate in the presentation. Mr. Taunton then provided information related to the corridor evaluation, as well as the upcoming community education and engagement plan (CEEP). Vice Chair Naimark asked for clarification as to how BRT service would work on the corridors shown in the evaluation as compared to the original routes proposed in T2050, as well as how the future BRT routes would work with future light rail and transit improvements. Mr. Taunton confirmed that current transit data shows there

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would be differences between the original corridors and potential future corridors, and that the team would be using the Federal Transit Administration’s “STOPS” transit planning tool to model the routes as part of moving forward in the analysis. Commissioner Siebert added that the evaluation should occur so that the BRT program stays current with changing conditions in the city and the region. Mr. Sapien confirmed that Phoenix will be doing just that with partner agencies such as Valley Metro and the Maricopa Association of Governments throughout the program’s planning, implementation and operations processes. Several commissioners had questions about the types of data used and planned to be used in the planning process. Staff was encouraged to utilize a variety of data to look at forecasts for demographics and employment throughout the city. Commissioner Adame asked about the project’s budget and its capability to expand based on future evaluations. Mr. Sapien said the implementation of the project will be determined after the public outreach process, and that staff would return to the commission with that information including budgetary and service impacts of implementing BRT. Deputy City Manager Mario Paniagua added that the original T2050 financial plan included cost assumptions for the BRT corridors that were presented, and that aspect of the plan would continue to be evaluated as needed. Chair Mellor asked for some like-market comparisons as to how BRT performs, and what frequency and service might look like in Phoenix, as well as how the fare collection system would work with the planning efforts. Mr. Taunton answered that there are no set standards for BRT, but that 10-minute frequency would be a conservative goal to achieve. Mr. Sapien added that the region’s dispatch and vehicle locator system and upcoming fare collections systems would provide technology enhancements that assist with boarding and alighting information that will feed into the BRT plan. Commissioner Pangrazio asked what accessibility looks like on BRT vehicles. Mr. Sapien and Mr. Taunton responded that accessibility is an important element of this project that would be studied and developed, and that project staff would look for innovations to implement passenger efficiencies.

6. Capitol/I-10 West project evaluation update Light Rail Administrator Markus Coleman introduced Deron Lozano of AECOM, the firm assisting Phoenix and Valley Metro on the project. Mr. Lozano presented information regarding the recent evaluation of the Capitol/I-10 West project, which was requested by the Phoenix City Council earlier this year. Mr. Paniagua added that Council’s direction was to look at west Phoenix’s overall high capacity transit needs. Commissioner Naimark added that should be a regional discussion, and Commissioner Heredia added that based on the recent Phoenix election, the commission should evaluate all potential light rail corridors in the city. Mr. Coleman said the light rail team will hold community discussions moving forward.

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Commissioner Adame asked what the budget of the project would be; Mr. Coleman responded that a set amount has not yet been established and that budgetary estimates have not been submitted to the FTA yet. Commissioner Navidad recommended to look closely at how the streets around the Capitol are used to host events, and to closely evaluate how a light rail track might impact those streets and events. Vice Chair Naimark inquired about what caused the project’s start to be delayed, and where the idea to extend the line from the 79th Avenue Park-and-Ride to the Desert Sky Transit Center originated. Mr. Paniagua responded that during the Council-directed 90-day evaluation of the South Central light rail project, Proposition 105 and the Federal shutdown earlier in the year all contributed to overall project delays; Mr. Coleman said the evaluation of extending the project further to the Desert Sky Transit Center near the mall was at the request of Councilman Nowakowski.

7. Capitol/I-10 West project grant application

Mr. Coleman provided information regarding the city applying for a $2 million 2019-2020 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) grant, which would require a $500,000 local match from Phoenix. The grant would be used on the Capitol/I-10 West project related to working with the community on potential TOD projects once the light rail line is implemented. A motion was made by Vice Chair Naimark and seconded by Commissioner Moody to recommend the Transportation, Infrastructure and Innovation Subcommittee and City Council approve the FTA TOD grant application. The Motion was approved 10-0.

8. Bike Lane Improvements FY 21-23 Mr. Knudson introduced Marielle Brown, the department’s Active Transportation Manager. Ms. Brown provided an update on the planned and actual installations of bicycle lanes and miles within the City of Phoenix. The report detailed information about the bicycle lanes installed in fiscal year 2019, as well as lane miles planned for installation as part of the Pavement Maintenance Program in fiscal years 2020 through 2023, and bicycle lanes planned as part of the Department’s other efforts in fiscal years 2020 through 2025. Commissioner Nisenbaum asked if “sharrow lanes,” which are vehicle travel lanes marked to be shared as bike lanes, are included in the calculation of current and future bike lanes. Ms. Brown said they were not. Vice Chair Naimark asked for details about the paving season and why it wasn’t year-round. Mr. Knudson said that weather and temperatures play a factor in the paving season, and to get the best end product, colder months were not ideal for applying new pavement.

9. Public Outreach for April 2020 Proposed Bus Service Improvements

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Mr. Sapien introduced the informational item stated that Phoenix Public Transit has three minor changes to existing bus routes proposed to take affect in April 2020. He added that staff will return to the CTC in December with the results of the public outreach regarding the proposed changes, and for approval of any changes.

10. Updates from Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments

Mr. Knudson provided a brief update on the recently implemented scooter pilot program, and informed the commission of an upcoming meeting on Oct. 28 at Burton Barr Library regarding bike lane installation on or nearby Roosevelt Street between 7th Avenue and 1st Avenue. Mr. Sapien did not have an update. Mr. Coleman informed commissioners how to sign up to receive construction alerts and updates regarding the South Central Light Rail Extension/Downtown Hub project.

11. T2050 Financial Update Report provided to Commission members.

12. Upcoming T2050 Related Public Meetings/Events Report provided to Commission members.

13. Call to the Public Spencer Dew addressed the commission. Mr. Dew stated he is a cyclist and involved with cycling groups Phoenix Spokes People and The Rusty Spoke Community Bicycle Collective, and is interested in bicycle issues in the community. He also said he looks forward to becoming involved with the commission.

14. Request for Future Agenda Items A list of potential future items was reviewed by the Commission.

15. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

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TO: Mario Paniagua Deputy City Manager

FROM: Markus Coleman Light Rail Administrator

Jesús Sapien Public Transit Director

Denise Olson Chief Financial Officer



This report provides an update on the Public Transit Department’s capital program and requests the Citizens Transportation Commission recommend approval to the Transportation, Infrastructure and Innovation Subcommittee to issue Debt Obligations to finance a portion of the Public Transit capital program. The proposed funding of the Public Transit capital program is included in the Transportation 2050 (T2050) plan’s financial assumptions. THE ISSUE As part of the T2050 plan, the Public Transit Department has several upcoming capital projects to adequately maintain, expand and enhance transit services in Phoenix. The T2050 Public Transit capital program for 2020 through 2030 is estimated to be a $3.9 billion program, including many projects to maintain the bus system in a state of good repair, light rail expansion, as well as projects that provide for additional transit services and amenities such as new technology, additional shade at bus stops, and new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service. The Public Transit capital program is planned to be funded by a mixture of T2050 sales tax revenues, federal formula and competitive grant funds, regional Proposition 400 funds, and proceeds from short- and/or long-term Debt Obligations. Debt Obligations may include commercial paper, a revolving line of credit, municipal bonds, bank loans, or other debt financing that provides the most cost-effective method of borrowing. A major component of the Public Transit capital program is the expansion of the light rail system within the city. Currently, there are three light rail extension projects underway in various phases – South Central Extension/Downtown Hub, Northwest Extension Phase II, and Capitol/I-10 West Extension Phase I. The Capitol/I-10 West Extension Phase II is planned to be underway upon the completion of the current light rail projects, with operations planned for 2030. The South Central Extension/Downtown Hub is a 5.5-mile light rail project extending south from Jefferson Street to Baseline Road along Central Avenue. The project also includes the creation of a transit hub in downtown Phoenix. The project will include nine

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new light rail stations and two park-n-rides (one located at the existing Ed Pastor Transit Center at the northwest corner of Central Avenue and Broadway Road, and end-of-line at the northwest corner of Central Avenue and Baseline Road). Real estate acquisition processes are underway, and major construction activities began in October 2019 with the project expected to be completed in 2024. This project is planned to be funded with T2050 sales tax revenues, regional Proposition 400 funds, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds, anticipated FTA Section 5309 Capital Investment Grant (CIG) funds, and Debt Obligations backed by T2050 sales tax revenues. The Northwest Extension Phase II is a 1.6-mile light rail project extending west on Dunlap Avenue from 19th Avenue to 25th Avenue, then northward to Mountain View Road, then to a terminus west of Interstate 17 (I-17) adjacent to the Metrocenter Mall. The project will include an elevated structure over I-17 and will terminate just west of the freeway. The project will include three new stations, a shared parking facility at Rose Mofford Park, and an end-of-line park-and-ride that includes a relocated and expanded Metrocenter Transit Center. Real estate acquisition and major construction activities will begin the fourth quarter of 2019, with the project expected to be completed in 2024. This project is planned to be funded with T2050 sales tax revenues, regional Proposition 400 funds, anticipated FTA Section 5309 CIG funds, and Debt Obligations backed by T2050 sales tax revenues.

The 10-mile Capitol/I-10 West Extension, currently planned to be constructed in two phases, will connect the existing Valley Metro Rail system in downtown Phoenix to the park-and-ride facility located at Interstate 10 (I-10) and 79th Avenue. Phase I will connect downtown Phoenix to the State Capitol area; Phase II will extend light rail along I-10 to 79th Avenue. Phase I real estate acquisition and major construction activities are planned to begin by 2021, with the project expected to be completed in 2024. Currently, Phase II real estate acquisition and major construction activities are expected to begin in 2026 and the project is planned to be completed by 2030. These projects are planned to be funded with T2050 sales tax revenues, regional Proposition 400 funds, FTA CMAQ funds, anticipated FTA Section 5309 CIG funds, and Debt Obligations backed by T2050 sales tax revenues. Based on estimated costs, forecasted revenues, and anticipated FTA grant funds, staff projects Debt Obligations of approximately $1.3 billion will be needed to fully fund the Public Transit Capital program through 2030. The T2050 financial plan includes this level of debt financing for Public Transit, as well as the necessary debt service payments. The use of debt financing for the Public Transit capital program has been anticipated and included in the T2050 financial plan since the development of the T2050 program by the Citizens Committee on the Future of Phoenix Transportation in 2015, and was included in the financial plan underlying the Proposition 104 ballot measure approved by Phoenix voters on August 25, 2015. Below are the estimated funding sources for the T2050 Transit capital program for 2020 – 2030.

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T2050 Sales Tax Revenues $300 Federal Grants $1,600 Regional Public Transportation Fund (Prop 400) $700 Bond Proceeds $1,300 TOTAL $3,900

Currently, the City’s Finance Department is planning on securing short-term debt financing in the form of a commercial paper program or revolving line-of-credit program. The short-term program will provide for short-term cash flow needs in the Public Transit capital program prior to issuing long-term Debt Obligations. The short-term program will also allow borrowing in smaller amounts, repayment at any time without penalty and reborrowing, thus providing a steady stream of cash flow throughout the T2050 plan. Approximately every three to five years, the Finance Department is expecting to pay off any short-term debt outstanding at the time with fixed-rate municipal bonds. The first bond sale is anticipated in fiscal year 2021. The Finance Department has a robust debt program that considers all debt financing options available in the market at any given time. Generally, tax-exempt municipal bonds are the most cost effective; however, other forms of debt financing may also be considered if doing so provides any cost advantages. RECOMMENDATION Staff requests the Citizens Transportation Commission recommend approval to the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Innovation Subcommittee and City Council to authorize the issuance of Debt Obligations backed by T2050 sales tax revenues for up to $1.3 billion to finance a portion of the Public Transit capital program through 2030.

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Public Transit Capital Projects Funding Plan2020 – 2030

Citizens Transportation CommissionNovember 21, 2019

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Public Transit Capital Program 2020 - 2030• Maintain, Enhance, and Expand Transit

• State of Good Repair: Required for Fleet, Facilities and Systems

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Public Transit Capital Program 2020 - 2030

• Light Rail Expansion: 4 New Extensions Planned Through 2030

• Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): Infrastructure and Fleet

• New Technology and Maintenance of Current Systems

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Public Transit Capital Program 2020 - 2030• New Passenger Facilities: Bus Stops, Park-and-Rides

• Fleet Expansion

• More Shaded Bus Stops

• New Bus Operations Facility

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Program Funding Sources


T2050 Sales Tax Revenues $300Federal Grants (Formula and Competitive) $1,600Regional Public Transportation Fund (Prop 400) $700Debt Obligations (Short- and/or Long-Term Financing) $1,300TOTAL $3,900

• Projected Funding Amounts – Total $3.9 Billion Through 2030

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High-Capacity Transit System

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South Central Extension/

Downtown Hub

• 5.5-mile corridor• 9 passenger stations• 2 park-and-rides• 5 TPSS• 2 signal buildings

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• 1.5-mile corridor

• 3 passenger stations

• 1 park-and-ride facility

• 2 TPSS

• 1 Signal Building

• Metrocenter Bus Transit Center

Northwest Extension Phase II Project

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Capitol/I-10 West Proposed Light Rail Route9

• Approved by Phoenix City Council in 2012

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• Existing debt from original light rail line fully matures on July 1, 2020

• Finance and Public Transit departments have worked with a Financial Advisor (PFM) to develop a plan of finance

• $1.3 billion of Debt Obligations needed to fund public transit capital program for 2020-2030o Short-term program (commercial paper or revolving line-of-credit)

o Long-term obligations (most likely tax-exempt municipal bonds)

Issue every 3-5 years, with the first sale anticipated for fiscal year 2020-21

Each issuance will pay off short-term borrowing and provide capital program financing until the next issuance

Debt Obligations

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Staff requests the Citizens Transportation Commission recommend approval to the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Innovation Subcommittee to issue Debt Obligations backed by T2050 sales tax revenues for up to $1.3 billion in principal amount to finance a portion of the Public Transit capital program through 2030.

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$803.2 $829.3

$- $100.0 $200.0 $300.0 $400.0 $500.0 $600.0 $700.0 $800.0 $900.0

Estimate Actual

T2050 sales tax revenues through Oct. 31, 2019


TO: Members of the Citizens Transportation Commission


Jesús Sapien Public Transit Director

Kini Knudson Street Transportation Director

SUBJECT: Transportation 2050 Financial Update

This report provides a financial update on the Phoenix Transportation 2050 plan (T2050). Included is a summary of the sales tax revenue collections and the use of those revenues for projects within the plan.

THE ISSUE T2050 is a 35-year multimodal transportation plan that includes street improvements, bus and paratransit service enhancements, and light rail expansion. These categories are broken down into specific plan elements, and within each are specific projects planned to be implemented throughout the plan.

OTHER INFORMATION The T2050 sales tax became effective Jan. 1, 2016, and with the one-month lag in sales tax reporting and collections, there have been 45 months of revenue collected by the City through October 2019. The sales tax revenues are used by the Public Transit and Street Transportation department’s to budgets and implement T2050 projects.

The following graph provides estimated and actual sales tax through Oct. 31, 2019. Estimates are based on a consistent annual growth rate. Some months and years will see a higher or lower return, but the differences are anticipated to balance over time.


The attached table (Attachment A) shows T2050 sales tax revenue collections and T2050 expenditures through Oct. 31, 2019.

RECOMMENDATION This report is for information and discussion only.

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T2050 SALES TAX REVENUES:Through FY 2017-19 756,420,404$ July 2019 - October 2019 72,920,330

TOTAL 829,340,734



FY 2019-20 Total


FY 2019-20 T2050


FY 2019-20 Other (1)

ExpendituresFY 2019-20 Total

CommitFY 2019-20

T2050 Commit

FY 2019-20 Other (1) Commit

FY 2019-20 Total Actual

+ Commit

FY 2019-20 T2050 Actual +


FY 2019-20 Current Year

Other (1) Actual + Commit

Transit Ops and Administration 72,099,232 67,012,914 5,086,318 167,611,395 162,309,222 5,302,173 239,710,627 229,322,136 10,388,491Bus Purchases 65,785 57,485 8,300 1,031,260 154,689 876,571 1,097,045 212,174 884,871DAR Vehicle Purchases 0 0 0 1,282,515 192,377 1,090,138 1,282,515 192,377 1,090,138

50th St./Washington LRT Station 1,914,900 1,914,900 0 0 0 0 1,914,900 1,914,900 016th St. Station Study 717 717 0 0 0 0 717 717 0Bus Stop Improvements 752,386 752,386 0 (115,285) (115,285) 0 637,101 637,101 0South Facility Upgrades (7,488) (7,488) 0 0 0 0 (7,488) (7,488) 0Bus Pullouts 21,207 21,207 0 0 0 0 21,207 21,207 0Transit Technology 8,331,939 22,361 8,309,578 26,278 24,007 2,271 8,358,216 46,368 8,311,848South Central LRT 11,629,255 11,320,946 308,309 0 0 0 11,629,255 11,320,946 308,309Northeast LRT 4,110 4,110 0 0 0 0 4,110 4,110 0Capital/I-10 West LRT 2,812 2,812 0 0 0 0 2,812 2,812 0West Phoenix/Central Glendale LRT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Northwest Extention LRT Phase II 6,228,523 6,228,523 0 15,205,954 15,205,954 0 21,434,477 21,434,477 0McDowell & Central LRT Crosswalk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Bus Rapid Transit 101,734 101,734 0 0 0 0 101,734 101,734 0Other Transit Capital 930,371 926,894 3,478 127,297 127,297 0 1,057,669 1,054,191 3,478Project/Construction Mgmt 446,869 446,869 0 534,019 534,019 0 980,888 980,888 0T2050 Cement Repair 611,799 611,799 0 0 0 0 611,799 611,799 0T2050 Crack Seal 236,318 236,318 0 0 0 0 236,318 236,318 0T2050 Major Street Overlay 7,638,087 7,638,087 0 0 0 0 7,638,087 7,638,087 0T2050 Arterial TRMSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0T2050 Arterial Micro Surfacing 90,868 90,868 0 0 0 0 90,868 90,868 0T2050 Arterial Microseal 974,874 974,874 0 2,861,661 2,861,661 0 3,836,535 3,836,535 0Major Streets Project Assessments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Major Street Transportation Projects 1,618,442 1,618,442 0 116,581 116,581 0 1,735,023 1,735,023 0Traffic Signal Pole Painting 237,202 237,202 0 0 0 0 237,202 237,202 0Left Turn Arrows 4,098 4,098 0 0 0 0 4,098 4,098 0Illuminated Street Name Signs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pedestrian and Bicycle 622,614 622,614 0 80,041 80,041 0 702,654 702,654 0

TOTAL 114,556,651 100,840,669 13,715,982 188,761,716 181,490,563 7,271,153 303,318,367 282,331,233 20,987,134

(1) Other (non-T2050) sources include transit fares, federal, regional, AZ Lottery, and 302 building revenues.

Attachment A

Page 24: Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, A.R.S. Section 38 ... · Request for Future Agenda Items . Commission member request for information, follow -up or future agenda items. Commission


TO: Mario Paniagua Deputy City Manager

FROM: Jesús Sapien Public Transit Director Kini Knudson, P.E. Street Transportation Director

SUBJECT: Upcoming T2050 Public Meetings/Events

This report provides the Citizens Transportation Commission (CTC) with a list of upcoming T2050 related public meetings by the Public Transit and Street Transportation departments, and Valley Metro. This item is for information only.

Upcoming T2050 Related Public Meetings/Events PUBLIC TRANSIT Service Changes Through Friday, December 6 Valley Metro is gathering public comments online at https://www.valleymetro.org/april-27-2020-proposed-service-changes related to proposed service changes to the following Phoenix routes:

• Route 7 (7th Street) • Route 60 (Bethany Home Road) • SMART (Sunnyslope circulator)

Webinar and public hearing held Nov. 19 and Nov. 20. STREET TRANSPORTATION None at this time
