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RAMACHANDRAMOORTHY ET AL. VOL. 9 NO. 5 46754685 2015 www.acsnano.org 4675 May 05, 2015 C 2015 American Chemical Society Pushing the Envelope of In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Rajaprakash Ramachandramoorthy, †,‡ Rodrigo Bernal, and Horacio D. Espinosa * ,†,‡ Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, United States and Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, United States S ince the invention of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) in 1931 by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska, 1 the scientic community has been striving to attain the theoretically predicted resolution limit of a 200 kV electron microscope, on the order of 3 pm. 2 In the last few decades, there have been steady advances in the stability of electron sources and power supplies, improvement in measurement of aberrations, and superior corrector designs. These advances have yielded an increase in resolution from 50 nm to sub-angstrom (0.5 Å), 3 which was recently achieved using a spherical and chromatic aberration- corrected TEM (Cs/Cc-TEM). 4,5 Furthermore, in the past decade, many sophisticated additions have been brought to TEM, namely, microanalysis tools such as the ChemiSTEM technology, which uses four silicon drift detectors placed close to the sample to conduct energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) that enables light element detection; 6 the X-eld emission gun (X-FEG), which is a Schottky-based high brightness electron source that makes atomic resolution imaging at low electron dose possible; 7 and unique imaging modes such as high-angle annular dark-eld (HAADF) based on Rutherford scattering, which permits three-dimensional nano- structural analysis. 8 A key hurdle in conducting a multitude of in situ TEM experiments has been the limited space in the TEM chamber and the associated diculty in the miniaturiza- tion of experimental setups. Historically, in order to obtain high-resolution TEM images, a small pole piece gap of 2 3 mm is usually required, but with the invention of * Address correspondence to [email protected]. Published online 10.1021/acsnano.5b01391 ABSTRACT Recent major improvements to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) including aberration-corrected electron optics, light-element-sensitive analytical instrumentation, sample environmental control, and high-speed and sensitive direct electron detectors are becoming more widely available. When these advances are combined with in situ TEM tools, such as multimodal testing based on microelectromechanical systems, key measurements and insights on nanoscale material phenomena become possible. In particular, these advances enable metrology that allows for unprecedented correlation to quantum mechanics and the predictions of atomistic models. In this Perspective, we provide a summary of recent in situ TEM research that has leveraged these new TEM capabilities as well as an outlook of the opportunities that exist in the dierent areas of in situ TEM experimentation. Although these advances have improved the spatial and temporal resolution of TEM, a critical analysis of the various in situ TEM elds reveals that further progress is needed to achieve the full potential of the technology. PERSPECTIVE
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RAMACHANDRAMOORTHY ET AL. VOL. 9 ’ NO. 5 ’ 4675–4685 ’ 2015



May 05, 2015

C 2015 American Chemical Society

Pushing the Envelope of In SituTransmission Electron MicroscopyRajaprakash Ramachandramoorthy,†,‡ Rodrigo Bernal,† and Horacio D. Espinosa*,†,‡

†Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, United States and ‡Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, United States

Since the invention of the transmissionelectron microscope (TEM) in 1931by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska,1 the

scientific community has been striving toattain the theoretically predicted resolutionlimit of a 200 kV electron microscope, onthe order of∼3 pm.2 In the last few decades,there have been steady advances in thestability of electron sources and powersupplies, improvement in measurement ofaberrations, and superior corrector designs.These advances have yielded an increasein resolution from 50 nm to sub-angstrom(0.5 Å),3 which was recently achievedusing a spherical and chromatic aberration-corrected TEM (Cs/Cc-TEM).4,5

Furthermore, in the past decade, manysophisticated additions have been broughtto TEM, namely, microanalysis tools suchas the ChemiSTEM technology, which uses

four silicon drift detectors placed close tothe sample to conduct energy-dispersiveX-ray analysis (EDX) that enables lightelement detection;6 the X-field emissiongun (X-FEG), which is a Schottky-basedhigh brightness electron source that makesatomic resolution imaging at low electrondose possible;7 and unique imaging modessuch as high-angle annular dark-field(HAADF) based on Rutherford scattering,which permits three-dimensional nano-structural analysis.8

A key hurdle in conducting a multitudeof in situ TEM experiments has been thelimited space in the TEM chamber and theassociated difficulty in the miniaturiza-tion of experimental setups. Historically, inorder to obtain high-resolution TEM images,a small pole piece gap of ∼2�3 mm isusually required, but with the invention of

* Address correspondence [email protected].

Published online10.1021/acsnano.5b01391


Recent major improvements to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) including aberration-corrected electron optics, light-element-sensitive

analytical instrumentation, sample environmental control, and high-speed and sensitive direct electron detectors are becoming more widely available.

When these advances are combined with in situ TEM tools, such as multimodal testing based on microelectromechanical systems, key measurements and

insights on nanoscale material phenomena become possible. In particular, these advances enable metrology that allows for unprecedented correlation to

quantum mechanics and the predictions of atomistic models. In this Perspective, we provide a summary of recent in situ TEM research that has leveraged

these new TEM capabilities as well as an outlook of the opportunities that exist in the different areas of in situ TEM experimentation. Although these

advances have improved the spatial and temporal resolution of TEM, a critical analysis of the various in situ TEM fields reveals that further progress is

needed to achieve the full potential of the technology.



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aberration-corrected TEM optics,high-resolution images can be ob-tained with a larger pole piecegap of ∼5 mm.9 With the adventof microelectromechanical systems(MEMS) and liquid cell technologies,miniaturization of various experi-ments has become possible.10�12

These advances have paved theway formultimodal probing ofmanydifferent nanomaterials and theunderstanding of their structureand response to various stimuli (seeFigure 1).Some examples of in situ TEM

research areas that have leveragedthese capabilities and advancesin TEM include the following: (i)mechanical and electromechanicaltestingof nanostructures,13�15whichrequires the identification of the crys-tallographic structure and defectsof the testing sample before, during,and after the test in order to cor-relate the structure and mechanicalbehavior of thematerial;16�18 (ii) cap-turing dynamic processes in liquids,such as the study of nanoparticlegrowth mechanisms and trajectoriesthat require in situ TEM fitted withclosed cells capable of introducingliquids in the high vacuum of TEM;19

and (iii) imaging of two-dimensional(2D) materials to reveal the atomicstructure of defects and their

dynamics, which are critical to thediscovery of new phenomena (e.g.,atomic deformations and interlayershear interactions).20,21

Although developments in TEM,such as aberration correction andenergy filtering, and high-speedimaging and acquisition are becom-ing more widely available, in situ

experiments have not yet fullyleveraged these capabilities. Beyondexisting work, including pioneeringinvestigations on mechanical andelectromechanical testing of one-di-mensional (1D) materials,15,17,18,22�26

physical/chemical/bio processes inliquid,27�33 and 2D material structur-al and defect characterization,20,34,35

there are enormous opportunities forutilizing the capabilities of in situ TEMexperimentation. In this Perspective,we provide a snapshot of the state-of-the-art techniques and highlightareas ripe for innovation, while not-ing remaining challenges.

Mechanical Testing of One-DimensionalMaterials. One-dimensional nanoma-terials such as carbon nanotubes(CNTs) andnanowires are envisionedin next-generation technologies,including nanoelectromechanicalsystems for resonators,36 logicalswitches,37 and flexible electronicssuch as touch screens.38 Thiswide range of applications requires

characterization of nanostructuresunder a variety of external stimuli,such as mechanical, electrical, andthermal input. An extensive range ofin situ TEM holders and techniqueshave been developed to apply thesestimuli and to record the behaviorof nanostructures.10,39�41 Specifi-cally, a variety of holders and testingmethods exist to test nanowiresand nanopillars in situ (for a review,see ref 10), namely, the classicaltensile testing holder with high tem-perature option, bending and shear-ing holders, and nanoindentationholders.41 In particular, Espinosaand co-workers pioneered MEMStechnology for in situ measurementof force and displacement withsimultaneous acquisition of high-resolution images of the atomic struc-ture of test specimens. Electronic

Figure 1. Advances in transmission electron microscopy and its benefits to different in situ studies discussed in thisPerspective. Images from left to right: Reprinted with permission from ref 17. Copyright 2008 Nature Publishing Group.Reprintedwith permission from ref 20. Copyright 2012American Association for the Advancement of Science. Reprintedwithpermission from ref 31. Copyright 2011 Elsevier. Reprinted with permission from ref 33. Copyright 2014 Nature PublishingGroup. Reprinted with permission from ref 85. Copyright 2012 American Association for the Advancement of Science.

In Situ TEM plays a key

role in the quantitative

characterization of

nanomaterials and

direct comparisons to

quantum mechanical




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actuation and sensing were inte-grated in a single MEMS device,14

providing a complete nanoscaletesting apparatus in which load ismeasured with 10 nN resolution anddisplacement with subnanometerresolution. This made possible thefirst direct correlation between failurestress and number of failed shells inmultiwalled CNTs with excellentagreement to quantum mechanicspredictions.17 Failure modes andcarbon atomic structures (intershellcross-linking) were also identifiedas a function of exposure dose toelectron radiation.17,42 These investi-gations showed that in situ TEM playsa key role in the quantitative charac-terization of nanomaterials and directcomparisons to quantummechanicalpredictions.

Despite these advances, mono-tonic, low-strain-rate testing hasdominated the nanomechanicsfield for the past decade, as shownby the examples of mechanical an-nealing and crack tip propagationshown in Figure 2a,b40 and 2c,d.43

However, an understanding of ther-mally activated atomistic mechan-isms and the fatigue life of nano-structures requires cyclic loading.Recently, Bernal et al. made useof MEMS technology, including

feedback control, to achieve trulydisplacement control experimentsin tension (Figure 2e).44 With thisplatform, recoverable plasticity wasobserved upon unloading, themag-nitude of which can be partial ortotal depending on the deforma-tion history.23 In situ TEM experi-ments revealed that this behavioris governed by reversible disloca-tion activity, as shown in Figure 2f,g, which was investigated in greatdetail using molecular dynamics(MD) simulations.23 Similar behaviorwas observed on load control bystudying nanowire stress relaxa-tion.45 Little work has been carriedout toward understanding othertime-dependent mechanical beha-viors of nanostructures, such as fa-tigue life estimation.46�49 However,with the advent of high-speed elec-tron detectors and low-noise MEMSdevices, exploring such behavior isin the realm of possibilities.

Another area little pursued inin situ TEM studies is the strain ratebehavior of nanostructures from10�1/s to 105/s. This is primarilydue to the lack of testing platformsand limitations in image acquisition.Since nanostructures are likely tobe employed in resonators andswitches operating at high speeds,

understanding their behavior underdynamic conditions is needed fortheir proper design. Another moti-vation to conduct high-strain-ratetesting at the nanoscale is to vali-date the different force fields usedin MD simulations.39 However, untilnow, the results obtained from MDsimulations could not be directlycompared and validated againstthe experimental results, due tothe significant difference in strainrates between the two approaches.The MD simulations are usually car-ried out at 106/s�108/s, and experi-ments areusually carriedout at quasi-static strain rates at 10�4/s.22,50

Hence, there is a need to bridge thisgap in strain rate either by conduct-ing simulations at lower strain ratesor by increasing the strain rates ofthe experiments. At the mesoscale,high-strain-rate experiments, above103/s, are conducted using impacttechniques, and the correspondingstress�strain signatures are ob-tained using interferometric techni-ques together with analysis.51,52 Atthe nanoscale, MEMS-based high-strain-rate tests are possible, butthe stress�strain signatures can onlybe obtained by electrical or high-speed optical sensing. Electricalsensing is feasible, but it involves

Figure 2. Mechanical annealing in Ni nanopillars (a) before and (b) after compression. Reprintedwith permission from ref 40.Copyright 2008 Nature Publishing Group. (c,d) Crack tip propagation in nanotwinned silver (scale bar 2 nm). Reprinted withpermission from ref 43. Copyright 2014 Nature Publishing Group. (e) Microelectromechanical system device with displace-ment control mechanical testing capability (scale bar 300 μm). (f,g) Bauschinger effect in pentatwinned silver nanowires dueto reversible dislocation motion (scale bar 20 nm). Reprinted from ref 23. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society.



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high-frequency signals that are proneto possible electrical crosstalk53 and alow signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. High-speedoptical sensingat thenanoscaleis difficult to integrate in a TEM.

Recently, we performed multi-physics simulations and conducteda series of calibration tests to under-stand possible speeds of operationfor current MEMS technology. Wesucceeded in employing previouslydeveloped MEMS platforms to con-duct nanowire experiments to strainrates up to 2/s. Using suchplatforms,we found that bicrystalline silvernanowires exhibit a strong rate-dependent plastic deformation, asshown in Figure 3a. In addition, TEMimages of the tested wires revealedthat the dislocation density anddistribution along the wire axis isdependent on the strain rate (seeFigure 3b�d), which is consistentwith stress relaxation kinetics underdynamic strain.54 Our researchshows that studies at higher strainrates will require the design andfabrication of novel systems toachieve high displacement speedsand control of electronic crosstalkduring actuation and sensing.

Furthermore, simultaneous high-strain-ratedeformation and imagingof nanostructures with atomic re-solution presents a number of chal-lenges. The highest strain rate at-tained with in situ TEM is 10�3/s,55

primarily due to the inability ofthe conventional TEM electrondetectors to record events be-yond ∼35 frames/s.10 As previously

mentioned, the latest Cs/Cc-TEMsare capable of sub-angstrom resolu-tion, but even state-of-the-art elec-tron detectors with sufficient S/Nratio are capable of capturingonly ∼1600 frames/s.28 In contrast,intermediate- and high-strain-rateexperiments in few-micron-longsamples, between 10�1/s and 105,require electron detectors capableof capturing 1000�200000 frames/s.Thus, with state-of-the-art electrondetectors, it is only possible to capturethe stress�strain signatures and thecorresponding dynamic dislocationactivities up to 10�1/s strain rates.

Dynamic TEM (DTEM) offersan opportunity to overcome theselimitations. The key difference be-tween the DTEM in single-shotmode and the conventional TEMis the presence of more than 106

electrons in the TEM column atany given time rather than a singleelectron.56 In the pump�probeDTEM approach, a transient state isfirst attained in the material usingan external stimulus, such as a laserpulse, and then examined using apulse of electrons, triggered by apulsed laser, at a specific time afterthe initiating event.57,58 The spatialresolution of this technique islimited to the nanometer scaleby electron�electron interactionsand the brightness of the electronsource. Hence, even with aberrationcorrections, sub-angstrom resolu-tion would be still out of reachusing DTEM.59 Although temporalresolution in this method is in the

nanosecond range, the span ofthe possible experiment is of a fewmicroseconds, which means thatthe potentially interesting timescales for intermediate strain ratesof nanomaterials (500 μs to 500 ms)are not attainable. A recent advancein DTEM to approach the microse-cond time scale is the movie-modeDTEM (MM-DTEM), where the laseris used to generate serial electronpulses and a fast post-sample de-flector is used to send each image toa separate region in the electrondetector.60 Currently, the minimumtime between each frame is∼75 ns,providing capture rates >10 millionframes/s with a maximum movie-mode duration of ∼100 μs, whichis ideal for experiments conductedwith strain rates beyond 104/s.However, resolution continues tobe a challenge (∼100 nm) due tolimitations in the electron sourcebrightness.59

In order to explore high-strain-rate deformation of 1D materialsand the kinetics ofmaterials synthe-sis using in situ TEM, either fasterelectron detectors are requiredwith the conventional TEM or theDTEM has to bemodified to achievelonger movie-mode capture timeperiods. Currently, the challenge isto obtain high-speed complemen-tary metal oxide semiconductor(CMOS)-based direct electron de-tectors with high quantum effi-ciency (DQE), which relates to theS/N ratio, and highmodular transferfunction, whichmeasures the ability

Figure 3. (a) Stress�strain signatures of bicrystalline silver nanowire tested at different strain rates. (b) TEM image of thenanowire tested at a strain rate of 10�4/s, low dislocation density (scale bar 80 nm). (c) TEM image of nanowire tested at strainrate of 2/s, high dislocation density (scale bar 80 nm). (d) Close-up of the dashed square in c) (scale bar 2 nm). Reprinted withpermission from ref 54. Copyright 2015 Ramachandramoorthy et al.



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of a detector to distinguish be-tween a black�white transition.61,62

Alternatively, the MM-DTEM can befurther improved by increasing thesource brightness using unconven-tional ultracold gas sources. Addingthe ability to acquire millisecond-long movies and not limiting thetotal number of frames imposeschallenges in detector multiplexingand computational challenges withthroughput and storage.63

In Situ Transmission Electron MicroscopyApplied to Two-Dimensional Materials. Inthe past decade, one of the fastest

growing research areas has been theproperty exploration of 2D materialsystems such as carbon-based 2Dmaterials, including graphene andgraphene oxide, and inorganic2D materials, including hexagonalboron nitride and various chalco-genides, such as MoS2.

64 Studiesof analogues of graphene such assilicene, germanene, stanene, andphosphorene are also promising65

due to their larger band gaps.66

Indeed, silicene was recently usedfor the development of a single-layerfield-effect transistor.67 In situ TEMstructural characterization of these2D materials is particularly appeal-ing, given that the lattice itself andlattice defects68,69 can be observedusing the ultrahigh spatial resolutionof the Cs/Cc-TEM. In light of theseadvantages, a number of 2D materi-als have been imaged with in situ

TEM tounderstand their structures.70

However, in situ experiments havebeen primarily limited to under-standing the effects of electronbeam irradiation,71,72 as shown inFigure 4b. Recently, reports haveemerged on the effects of external

stimuli, for example mechanicalstrain. Such experiments are impor-tant because shear and adhesiveinteractions are critical for leveragingthe outstanding mechanical proper-ties of 2D materials in macroscalenanocomposites. Recent examplesinclude the study of crack propaga-tion on graphene ribbons73 andexperiments probing interfacial in-teractions on MoS2,

21 as shown inFigure 4c. In a recent ACS Nano

report, Oviedo et al. performed de-tailed experiments with the in situ

TEM in order to understand inter-layer sliding in MoS2. They observedhow two layers slide against oneanother and determined the shearstress required to induce slidingwithin a large multilayer flake. Thisstudyproves that in situ TEMcan alsobe used for interlayer nanotribologyexperiments in 2D materials.21

One of the key limitations ofin situ experiments of 2D materialsis the difficulty in manipulating thesample from the growth substrateto the in situ TEM testing stage.Some advances in specimen manip-ulation canpave theway to overcome

Figure 4. (a) Simulation of defects in graphene and (b) corresponding high-resolution TEM images. Reprinted from ref 77.Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society. (c) Interlayer sliding of MoS2. Reprinted from ref 21. Copyright 2015 AmericanChemical Society.

One of the key

limitations of in situ

experiments of 2D

materials is the difficulty

in manipulating the

sample from the growth

substrate to the in situ

TEM testing stage.



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such challenges. For example, a re-cently reported novel way of fabri-cating Au thin nanobeam sampleswith a dog-bone-like shape usingoptical lithography makes manipu-lation of the specimen onto thestage less challenging.74 Similarly,targeted growth of nanowiresdirectly on MEMS tensile testingstages for in situ characterizationhas been demonstrated.75 Analo-gous efforts for 2D materials couldyield immense scientific insights,not only for mechanical propertiesbut also in emerging phenomena,such as the piezoelectricity of MoS2and other chalcogenides.76

In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopyunder Liquid Environments. Liquid-stageTEM is an emerging in situ techniquethrough which dynamic processesassociated with nanoparticles, bio-logical cells, lithium-based energysources, etc. canbe studiedwith highspatial and temporal resolutions.12

Traditionally, due to the high va-cuum requirement, TEM is incompa-tible with high-pressure liquids andtherefore is used primarily for solidand dry samples.19 To overcome thislimitation, electron-beam-transparentsilicon nitride (SiN) membranes weredeveloped to enclose a small volumeof liquid (called a liquid cell), thusisolating it from the microscopevacuum.78 Liquid cell technologypresents some challenges, such asdifficulty in sealing, limitations in im-age resolution due to the thickness ofthe SiN window and the liquid layer,and unwanted crystal growth dueto electron beam irradiation.79 Toaddress these challenges, improve-ments on this basic liquid cell designhave emerged. Polymer O-rings arenow used to seal the SiN windowsinstead of epoxy, thus improving theease of fabrication and assembly.80

Although the most commonly usedliquid cells are enclosedwith∼50 nmthick SiNwindows, where the highestreported resolution is 2.1 Å,32,79 en-closure of liquids has also beenachieved by means of atomicallythin membranes such as graphene.29

In this case, the seal is provided bythe van derWaals attraction between

the graphene sheets. Although thistechnique increases the image reso-lution to 1 Å, the assembly of suchgraphene-based liquid cells is techni-cally demanding, resulting in limitedbroad applicability.12 Another pro-blem stems from the knock-off da-mage threshold energy of graphene,which at 86 kV71 leads to suboptimalresolution.81

The other major drawbacks inliquid cell technology arise mainlyfrom the interactions of the electronbeam with the liquid. These inter-actions result in radiolysis, creatingradical species and aqueous ele-ctrons,82 which can be both a pro-blem and an advantage. Thesestrongly-reducing species can reactwith electronegative ions fromsoluble transition metals to formcrystals that can potentially lead toartifacts in images. By maintaininga constant flow through the liquidcell,83 using the recently-developedcontinuous-flow in situ liquid stage,84

and by the addition of electron-scavenging species such as dis-solved oxygen and hydrogen per-oxide to the liquid,82 reactive speciescan be quenched before crystalformation.

In contrast, this radiolysis me-chanism has been used advanta-geously for electron-beam-inducednanoparticle growth, shown inFigure 5a,b,e.28,30,32,85,86 For exam-ple, using a 300 kV electron beam,platinum nanoparticles were grownfrom a 200 nm thick organic solu-tion containing a platinum pre-cursor while tracking the single-particle growth mechanisms.28 Theelectron beam has also been usedto control the growth mechanismsby attaching iron oxyhydroxidenanoparticles to one another, asshown in Figure 5c.87 In order tounderstand themechanismof nano-particle nucleation and growth,high-speed imaging is required. Forinstance, the Pt nanoparticle growthmicrograph shown in Figure 4a wastaken using a Gatan K2-IS camerathat can capture high-resolutionelectron images directly on a CMOSsensor at ∼1600 frames/s. This

camera is one of a new generationof electron detectors called “direct”electron detectors because they donot require scintillators or inter-mediate optical transfer of informa-tion from the high-voltage electronsto an electronic signal.

Other recent and important ap-plications of liquid-stage in situ TEMare in the life sciences. Traditionally,imaging in the life sciences usinga TEM has been conducted bycryo-TEM,12 which freezes the sam-ple and prohibits native motion,making the technique unsuitablefor studying dynamic processes.88

By using liquid cells, this problemhas been circumvented. In fact,in situ TEM has been applied suc-cessfully to study soft organic mate-rials and biological cells in real timeto reveal their microscopic struc-tures and dynamic processes.32,88,89

Recently, live E. coli cells were im-aged without structural damage byin situ TEMwith a liquid cell, and thestructure and dynamic movementsof pili surrounding the E. coli cellswere revealed.89 There is little workbeing carried out in the field of livecell imaging in situ liquid TEM,31,90

and even with state-of-the-art tech-niques, only nanometer resolution isattainable.

There are also issues that needto be addressed to track biologicalcells or other soft organic nanopar-ticle motion. These issues includeagglomeration or repulsion of theparticles due to beam-induced char-ging effects, which are pronouncedafter lengthy imaging, and the needfor higher temporal resolution tomonitor nanoparticles at the speedof Brownian motion (∼28 μm/s)without compromising spatial re-solution.88

In situ TEM with electrochemicalliquid cells has also been used tostudy dynamic nanoscale processeslike lithiation/delithiation, as shownin Figure 5d,91 and electrode�electrolyte interactions in lithiumion batteries to elucidate the re-chargeable capacity of the batter-ies and structural stability of theelectrodes, respectively. In this



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application, the limitation in spatialresolution arises from the thicknessof the SiN windows, which preventshigh-quality imaging of the atomicstructure and its evolution in thesolid electrode�electrolyte inter-face.91 Some recent studies on sili-con nanoparticles have been con-ducted with graphene windows,resulting in improved resolution.33

Future technical developmentof in situ TEM under liquid mediaprimarily would involve improvingthe image resolution by enhancingthe electron transparency of theliquid cell material and decreasing

the thickness of the liquid layer viaoptimization of the spacer thicknessbetween the windows of the liquidcell. Currently, the only alternativeto SiN windows is graphene. Novelwindow materials that are morerobust and tolerant to electronbeam damage beyond 86 kV areneeded for these studies to achievetheir full potential. In that regard,further research needs to be con-ducted on the feasibility of using∼1 nm thick multilayer graphenewindows (similar to the graphenesandwich approach92) instead ofmonolayers, or explore other 2D

materials with potentially betterperformance under the electronbeam.

In addition to the increase inspatial resolution, other improve-ments needed in the field ofmaterialnucleation, growth, and trackinginclude increases in temporal resolu-tion with high-speed direct electrondetectors capable of capturing morethan 2000 frames/s. There is workunderway to improve the S/N ratiosin direct electron detectors, whichare the main hurdles to faster cap-ture rates.62 In applications of nano-materials to energy (e.g., batteries),

Figure 5. Examples of in situ liquid TEM. (a) Graphene-enclosed Pt nanoparticle growth captured using a GATAN K2-IS directdetection camera. Reprinted with permission from ref 28. Copyright 2014 American Association for the Advancement ofScience. (b) Nucleation and growth of calcite crystals enclosed in SiN windows (scale bar 500 nm). Reprinted with permissionfrom ref 86. Copyright 2014 American Association for the Advancement of Science. (c) Oriented attachment sequence of ironoxyhydroxide nanoparticles at lowand highmagnifications. Reprintedwith permission from ref 87. Copyright 2012AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science. (d) Lithiation of a silicon nanowire in a liquid cell in situ TEM. Reprinted fromref 91. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society. (e) Growth of Pt3Fe nanorods. Reprinted with permission from ref 85.Copyright 2012 American Association for the Advancement of Science.



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interactions betweenelectronbeamsand electrolytes at varying electrondoses require better understanding.


In situ TEM is a versatile andpowerful technique that helps re-veal the dynamical behavior ofnanoscale material systems inmulti-ple spatial and temporal scales. Ad-vanced TEM techniques have beenincreasingly employed but remainunderutilized for in situ experiments.Perhaps this is because realizing thefull potential of in situ TEM requiresfurther advances in spatial and tem-poral resolution, along with stablein situ TEM experimental setups.Low spatial resolution in manyin situ TEM techniques is primarilydue to shortcomings of the in situ

experimental setup rather than anintrinsic TEM limitation. In contrast,temporal resolution requires im-provement to the TEM technologyitself, such as a faster direct electrondetector with adequate DQE or im-proved capability to capture imagesfor time periods of millisecondsor more at high numbers of framesper second.

Our review of the literature re-veals that little work has been con-ducted with aberration correctionmicroscopes in the area of mechan-ical and multiphysics (mechanical/thermal, thermal/electrical, etc.) test-ing of zero-dimensional (0D), 1D,and 2D nanomaterials. As work ad-vances in this area, new challenges,particularly on the stability of setups,

may become apparent. In particular,low-resonance-frequency in situ

experimental setups may lead tounacceptable levels of mechanicalnoise, thus paving the way to morewidespread commercially-availablesetups based on MEMS. However,even in these miniaturized setups,stability issues related to the sizeof the freestanding specimen, forexample, its resonant frequenciesand thermal noise, are expected tobecome important. Optimal designfor increased thermal and mechan-ical stability, in addition to reducedspecimen freestanding lengths(gage lengths) in the submicron re-gime, may become necessary.In situ TEM will continue to revolu-

tionize our atomic-level understand-ing of structure�function relation-ships in nanoscale materials.93 Speci-fically, if electron detectors capable ofcapturing∼10000�200000 frames/sare built or DTEM is improved torecord movies for longer time peri-ods, capturing the kinetic behavior ofnanostructures will become possible.A major breakthrough would be thedirect comparison of atomistic simu-lation predictions and experimentalresults on comparable time scales,for example, through high-strain-ratetesting of 1D and 2D nanomaterialsand molecular modeling. In the areaof in situ TEM under liquid environ-ments, significant improvementsin spatial resolution and radiationdamage, through utilization of novelelectron beam transparent materialsand improved imaging conditions,could have a profound effect onunderstanding many biological pro-cesses such as single-cell trans-fection in the presence of electricfields94 and dynamics of proteins, akey aspect to unlocking many bio-logical mysteries such as Parkinson'sand Alzheimer's disease.95,96

Conflict of Interest: The authors de-clare no competing financial interest.

Acknowledgment. This work is sup-ported in part by a National ScienceFoundation grant [DMR-1408901], andAir Force Office of Scientific Researchgrant [FA9550-15-1-0009], and an ArmyResearch Office grant [W911NF-15-1-0068].

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