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Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations...

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Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018
Page 1: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018

Put your Kubernetes into Jail

Deployment and Operations on AWS China

Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018

Page 2: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Arnold Bechtoldt

Systems Engineer

Timo HeinrichsCloud Platform Engineer

Page 3: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Rahmenbedingungen des Projekts

› „Wir möchten Docker Container orchestrieren“

› AWS ist gesetzt

› Kubernetes ist gesetzt

› Vendor Lock-In soll vermeiden

Page 4: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Kubernetes Deployment mit KopsKubernetes Operations

“The easiest way to get a production grade Kubernetes cluster up and running.”

Wir brauchen:

› AWS Account

› S3 Bucket

› kubectl

Page 5: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Kubernetes Deployment mit KopsCluster Setup

kops create cluster \

--name=kubernetes-cluster.example.com \

--state=s3://kops-state-1234 \

--zones=eu-west-1a \

--node-count=2 \


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Dealbreaker: IAM Policies

› „Der Kunde“ verwaltet IAM (User, Roles, Policies)

› Kops braucht› AmazonEC2FullAccess

› AmazonRoute53FullAccess

› AmazonS3FullAccess

› IAMFullAccess

› AmazonVPCFullAccess

Page 7: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Die Lösung: Terraform und Bash-Magic

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sed s/eu-central-1/cn-north-1/g kops.yaml


Page 9: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


AWS ChinaAWS Region ist gleich AWS Region?

› Treuhänder betreiben AWS CN

› Kein Route53 (Cloud ohne DNS?!)

› EC2 Images (AMI) teilweise nicht verfügbar und/oder veraltet (CoreOS ist verfügbar)

› IAM Policy Prefix "arn:aws-cn:s3:::mybucket"

› Great Firewall of China = Great 56k Modem of China

› Keine Google Services (z.B. GCR) erreichbar

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Page 11: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Gossip DNS

Page 12: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Die Kraft der zwei Registries„Offline Deployment“

Page 13: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Kops Assets

› Kops benötigt zum installieren weitere Tools› protokube

› nodeup

› CNI Plugin

› kubectl

› Lösung: Dateien nach S3 hochladenEC2 VM mit „signing proxy“ erlaubt einen HTTP Download 

Page 14: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


One more thing…

Page 15: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


ICP License"Internet Content Provider" License

› Port 80 und 443 standardmäßig gesperrt

› Kein Webdienst in China ohne ICP License

› Domain gebunden 

› Explizite Angabe der IP Adressen

Page 16: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Ingress ELB

› AWS Support vergibt statische IP-Adressen

› Kubernetes-managed ELBs sind flüchtig

› Service Type „NodePort“ anstatt „LoadBalancer“

› ELB wird über Terraform gemanaged

› nginx als Ingress 

Page 17: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Kubernetes Deployment mit KopsKubernetes Operations

“The easiest way to get a production grade Kubernetes cluster up and running.”


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Page 19: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018

Vielen Dank

Arnold [email protected]

Timo [email protected]

inovex GmbH

Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 6

76131 Karlsruhe

Page 20: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


Kops Setup Demo:


Page 21: Put your Kubernetes into Jail - inovex · Put your Kubernetes into Jail Deployment and Operations on AWS China Timo Heinrichs, Arnold Bechtoldt 17.04.2018


kops.yaml apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2kind: Clustermetadata: creationTimestamp: 2017-05-04T23:21:47Z name: k8s.example.comspec: api: loadBalancer: type: Public authorization: alwaysAllow: {} channel: stable cloudProvider: aws configBase: s3://example-state-store/k8s.example.com etcdClusters: - etcdMembers: - instanceGroup: master-us-east-2d name: a - instanceGroup: master-us-east-2b name: b - instanceGroup: master-us-east-2c name: c name: main - etcdMembers: - instanceGroup: master-us-east-2d name: a - instanceGroup: master-us-east-2b name: b - instanceGroup: master-us-east-2c name: c name: events kubernetesApiAccess: - kubernetesVersion: 1.6.6 masterPublicName: api.k8s.example.com networkCIDR: networkID: vpc-6335dd1a

networking: weave: {} nonMasqueradeCIDR: sshAccess: - subnets: - cidr: name: us-east-2d type: Private zone: us-east-2d - cidr: name: us-east-2b type: Private zone: us-east-2b - cidr: name: us-east-2c type: Private zone: us-east-2c - cidr: name: utility-us-east-2d type: Utility zone: us-east-2d - cidr: name: utility-us-east-2b type: Utility zone: us-east-2b - cidr: name: utility-us-east-2c type: Utility zone: us-east-2c topology: bastion: bastionPublicName: bastion.k8s.example.com dns: type: Public masters: private nodes: private

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Cluster Specs

› eu-central-1 (FRA)

› Container Linux (CoreOS)

› „Private Topology“ -> Nodes haben keine public IPs

› 3 HA Kubernetes Master

› Nodes und Master in Autoscaling Groups

› Weave als Overlay Netzwerk

› Automatisches Route53 Setup
