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Pwwv guidebook 2015

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Your starting point as a PWWV
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@ZELDAMHAYES.COM 2015 PWWV GUIDEBOOK Your stating point to a better you ZELDA HAYES Phenomenal Women with Value
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@ Z E L D A M H A Y E S . C O M



GUIDEBOOK Your stating point to a better



Phenomenal Women with Value

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A Woman’s Power

If ever there has been a time to embrace the

power of womanhood, now is it. For way too

long have we allowed the stereotypes of what

we should do, be or live dominate the perfection

that was originally placed for our existence in

that precious moment of our creation. Have you

ever felt that something in you was missing?

That there was so much more to what you

should be doing, or even having for that matter?

That is conditioning wearing off and the spirit of

truth attempting to find its way to your mind.

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Your belief system was created by man, not

you. You have been living another person’s

truth. If it were not so, you would not have to

question your life. It would feel right. Not

only would it feel right, but your life would be

going right. I remember my son at the

impressionable age of six asking me “mommy,

how did Christopher Columbus discover

America if Indians were there first? At such a

young age, even he knew that he was being

taught something that didn’t sound right, but

was being forced to go along with it.

Surely truth and logic was bestowed upon us

while in the womb. Wisdom prevailed perhaps

more so here until that day of birth. It was then

that man’s truth was implanted in our minds and

our way of thinking. That we women, the

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givers and takers of life should be held at such a

lower level then our opposites. It is even

demonstrated in so many other cultures that

women have little to no value. That we should

walk behind our men that we shall honor them

and they shall be our heads. That even with

such loyalty from us, they shall still be allowed

to have more than one wife or have additional

women and call them concubines. Even worse,

concubines are held at an even lower standard.

Now it is time to put away lessons of old, and

accept that while we call it many things, “The

Creator” had a more grandeur plan for us and

that is why we were created. For without us,

existence dies and the world would be no more.

Women are the nurtures amongst the toxic

strategies that long to keep us bound. Fear has

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set in amongst the law makers, egos are rising

like famine in a desolate wasteland. Stand up

my sisters, this is your day. A day when you

show the world that you matter, that you have

value, that you are a necessity not a choice, that

you demand equality and you are not willing to

settle for anything less. That you dear sisters

are a phenomenal valuable beautiful woman of

the most high with purpose, deserving of every

good thing, every opportunity and every ounce

of love and respect to be planted at your feet.

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What is a


o begin with, you did not just join some around the way group that meet up and socialize every month. What you have joined is a real sisterhood. One that truly

believes in supporting each other, empowering each other and being the first phone call in the middle of a crisis. Therefore, you must understand that to remain a part of this group you must be willing to make yourself available when your P.W.W.V sister reaches out to you. We are our sister’s keeper and nothing short of that will suffice. P.W.W.V.’s are


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women who have gone through the struggle and understand that it is not only real, but it’s something we strive to defeat. We take pleasure in seeing each other grow without envy. We believe in confidentiality, discretion, and integrity. We understand sacrifice and commitment. We help build up self-esteem, celebrate successes, and comfort each other during our failures. We understand that in spite of what society may say we should do, we live according to what is true to us. We accept each other’s beliefs’, culture, and originality without judgment.

We are a true sisterhood and we are proud of who we are becoming.

To Be Ordinary is not in our

vocabulary. For most women, we have tend to tell our friends everything we go through. I will not nor can I suggest that you not do that, but I will say this, be mindful of who you tell your goals and dreams to. A P.W.WV. Understands that to stay

phenomenal we must seek to obtain the expertise from likeminded women who are seeking be successful as well. In order to eliminate your dreams from turning into nightmares, tell not your goals to a dream killer. It will not only hold you back, but it’s a known fact, that people tend to be, what they associate with. I am not telling you to drop all of your friends to the curb, but I am suggesting that you start choosing people who can help you enhance




P= Powerful

W= Worthy

W= Willing

V= Virtuous

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your mindset, goals, passions and wellbeing.

Anything less than that is wasted energy.

What is expected from a


We are all adults here, I don’t feel the need

to tell you what is expected of you in terms of your behavior except to say that anything you do in the media impacts the group as a whole. We will be traveling for those that choose to attend various functions etc. and it is imperative that we stand in unity as the P.W.W.V’’s that we say we are. Any information that is shared about the group that is confidential on venues such as social media including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter etc., will result in the immediate termination of your membership and depending upon the severity of the information can lead to a lawsuit of deformation of character.

The only other expectation of you is that you enter the group with sincerity in growth and the heart to be empathic to your fellow sisters. Stay connected and informed and be willing to bring something to the group. More than three consecutive absences can and may result in your termination as a member, as it will be taken, as you are no longer interested in being a member.

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In the near future, the sisterhood will have be taking group pictures and will also have a FB Page for Members only to stay connected on any changes and socialize from

our homes. Ex. Members from out of state can still participate via online chats, Ovoo, online conference etc. At times, we may or may not begin community services such as distributing food or clothing around the holidays. We must be able to give back in order to receive.


While we do want our group to grow and it is encouraged to bring in guest to our meetings, please make sure they go through the proper channels of going to join us on meetup.com. Be mindful that who you bring in represents you before it represents the group. In time,

we will be doing many things and we will be watched by others, we are to be a sisterhood that others yearn to be a part of, a group looked up to. Therefore, all we do is taken serious when and if it affects the group as a whole. I understand we have friends from all walks of life and P.W.W.V. does not discriminate, our motto is and will always be; “Black, White, Gay or Straight, We Understand You Because We Are You” If at this point, anyone has a problem with that motto, it is highly suggested that




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you excuse yourself now, and we wish you well in your future endeavors.

About Your Organizer

Your organizer is Zelda M. Hayes, survivor

from rape, domestic violence, abandonment and so much more. Not to mention She is an Author, Life Guide Motivational Speaker. She has found the way to empower herself despite her circumstance and has a refusal to quit mindset. For 24 years, Zelda has been guiding and advising others on how to take charge of their lives and empower themselves. For more on her go to : www.squidmarkmedia.com/zelda

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“I would never tell anyone to do anything I

haven’t done, or would do. I tell everyone first, be willing to change, forgive yourself, and move forward. For what can you gather sticking to the past or reaching for the future. The moment we learned to be “present” is when we get our first dose of power.”


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At first, you might

have thought this was going to be some regular group of women who meet up drink, eat and be merry. Well, we will be doing that too. Smile. However, what you need to really ask yourself is this, ‘Why do you want to be a P.W.W.V? What are you really seeking to obtain? If you’re not sure of this, we may not be for you. Take some time to make sure you are comfortable with WHY you want to be a part of the group. The answer is essential to how much you may or may not benefit from being a part of the sisterhood. My reason for establishing the group was not to just make new friends, but to make friends that I could help empower and show them just how valuable they were (if they didn’t already know) To create something serious. What is in it for me? Well, let us be brutally honest. As a life guide, it is so much easier to reach women by the handful via a group then it would be to go out and solicit and market for individual clients. In this, I’m creating a following of women who may need a just a little push and or information to help them reach higher heights. There you have my ugly truth.

Do not find it selfish if you joined to help your business group or improve your sales or even to

What is your “WHY

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simply have something to do. The more honest you can be with yourself, the more beneficial you can be to the sisterhood. We all are seeking something, hiding it out of fear of how others may be seen, blocks us from reaching our dreams and goals, and this dear sister is the opposite of what this sisterhood is about.

Do not be ashamed, if you came here, because you want to gain Avon customers, or real-estate potentials, we are empowering each other and if we have something that our sisters can use, go for it. Just keep in mind; it is not just about you. It’s about helping your sister’s find their way, being true to each other when we need a shoulder to cry on. Do not try to force your sisters in joining anything, you can mention it, but don’t give your sisters that “ oh darn here she goes again, trying to solicit” feeling.


Approach your sisters the way you would want to be approached, nothing less is acceptable..

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The list below are just a few

basic things to remember, whether you decide to be a P.W.WV. or not. These self-reflections will help you reach your desired goal as well as change your mindset so that you can be the best woman THE CREATOR has place upon this life experience. Read them daily, memorize them but most importantly, live them on purpose.

1.Sucess begins with a desire, then a passion to be greater than you already are.

It’s sad then while many women want so much to be successful in this life they don’t. Even more sadly, is that they don’t understand why they haven’t reached that level they are seeking. To say you want to be successful means absolutely nothing, if you are not expressing what it is you want to be successful in. You must utter your desire allowed. I’m sure you have all heard the saying that a closed mouth doesn’t get fed. Imagine a child saying mom I ‘m hungry. So the mothers serves the child franks and beans. The child looks in disappointed and mother says,” what’s wrong, you said you were hungry” the child sadly replies, “ I am hungry, but I wanted McDonalds.” This is what we are doing, we are getting a substitute for the cure, because we were not specific. Be mindful of how you ask for things. More likely than not, you are not getting what you

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want, because you are not being specific or not being consistent when you phrase your desire.

It is important to be beautiful within , however, internal beauty is felt at a higher level when the external appearance are at its best.

We have all done it, ran to the store with a scarf on, or simply threw on any ole outfit because we intended to come right back. This dear sister is mistake number one. Opportunities are all around us, but if you’re not dressed the part to be approached why would anyone approach you? The world we live in is seeking to be better, it doesn’t matter what your services or products are if you appear to be sinking in disaster. Your next client may be standing in the line behind you. How can you discuss cosmetics if your look like who did it and ran came back and ran again.? Whenever you leave your household, you must dress the part of that which you are seeking to become. There is no exception to this rule. One I don’t care moment, can cost you the biggest client and you’ll still be sitting down wondering why.

4. Dress the part, every day. All day. This is to reinerate#3, Dress like you’re already successful. Even if you work from home, for you never know who may knock at your door or even worse, call you and say, meet me in 10 minute for the biggest deal ever. You’re still in your pj’s , what do you think will happen? You said it, you just lost a potential client. It’s not always about clients though, it’s about you. How you see yourself. Are you not a phenomenal

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woman? Are you not a beautiful hardworking successful woman? Then dress like it, every day, all day.

Never let them see you sweat.

You’ve been asked a question you don’t know how to respond to. You’re business isn’t doing as good as you hoped it would ( yet), or even more so, you have family issues, that someone just hit the street. Its ok, things happen. Remember it’s not about what is happening, it’s about how you allow it to make you feel. Keep the smile plastered on your face, even when it hurts. The best way to get rid of a frown is to reverse it.

Put your best foot forward always.

Time is way too precious to do anything half-way. There will be times in life when you don’t want to do something, and perhaps don’t really have to do anything . Do it anyway. Once again, the moment you slow down or half tail do anything, you lose out on opportunity. Do more then you want to, it matters and it helps.

Don’t apologize for what you have acquired.

You have value and you know it. From the work that you have been doing, you may have even acquired a few luxuries along the way. Enjoy it , don’t hide it. You deserved everything you have.. If anything, begin to show others how they can get it to. And don’t worry about the haters on board, you know what to do with them, after all sharks have to eat too.

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8 Stop selling yourself short.

Don’t be afraid to add value to what you do. If you’re trying to gain more clients by underpricing, what you are saying is that your product or service is not as valuable.

9 Don’t be afraid to be seen

You know you got it. What are you afraid of? Let the world you’re here, speak up, you have an idea, talk about it. Silence is the second major reason we lose out on opportunity.

10 Reward yourself for every achievement.

Come on now, just because you didn’t make your quota, it doesn’t mean you failed, it means you will work harder next time. For ever achievement you owe it to yourself to reward yourself. A new dress, a pair of shoes or a cheat day at the chocolate shop.

11. Stay involved and stay connected

Make it your business to stay connected to various organizations that do similar to what you do. Learn from them. Connect with people who may be looking for your services. Build relationships. Offer free services the first time around. Create referral packages etc. The world is moving and it takes people to do that, so you might as well be one of them.

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12. Stay away from “team builders” unless it’s something you desire as well. In a nutshell , you must make sure that anything you decide to join involves helping you get to your dreams and goals, not someone else’s. That is one of the biggest traps. It takes a team to build a company true, but if it’s not your passion, you will not put all your effort into it. Then you will find yourself going back to wondering why you’re not successful You can only be successful if you’re doing what it is “you” like to do.

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1. Choose your words on purpose.

Speaking only what you

mean, do not try to sugarcoat, yet speak with diplomacy. Do not compromise your integrity. Do not use your words to intentionally hurt others. Use the power of your words in the direction of truth and love & refrain from harsh tones, gossip and judgment. While you may not be aware, most people throw themselves out of alignment by a simple response of unintended negative words. In reality you are speaking how you feel, however, the point is to respond in the manner in which you desire to feel. So you respond with words that create your reality at that moment. If you’re not feeling well, you reply by saying I am feeling great. When you’re in the midst of others and they begin to gossip, remove yourself from the conversation and simply say no comment as opposed to speaking ill of others.

2. It’s not about you.


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What others do is not because of you, but because of them. It is their projection of their reality. Don’t allow your emotions to make their issue part of your problem. Of course, you are not to stay around long enough to allow the issue to affect your life either as people will do to you as much as you allow them to.

Train yourself to become immune to the opinions and actions of others. This will prevent you from feeling like the victim. Take all things with a grain of salt. If that opinion does not line up with how you’re truly feeling at the moment, tune it out, and walk away if you have to. But walk away with love and knowing that you’re being true to what you feel is right for “your” reality.

3. Don’t make assumptions.

Build up the courage and ask questions when you’re unsure about something. Do not let fear stop you from expressing what you really want and more importantly, do not compromise away from what you really want. Be mindful to communicate with others clearly and effectively to avoid arguments and misunderstandings. This act alone can create great results for the better of all involved.

Let your light shine:

It’s no secret that people are going through all kinds of issues on a daily basis. However, you are always in a position to help your fellow man. Do so. With a

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smile, an affirmation of love, whatever it is that you have to offer that can help your neighbor move up one step higher. Even scripture says better to give then to receive. But here is an even more interesting thought. The fact that you had it to “give” means the universe is working in your favor and by giving, you are affirming by your actions that you “always” have “enough.” Limiting your giving is a subconscious action of telling the universe you forgot me, I don’t have enough to give. Thus, the universe will continue comply.

Trust in your Intuition.

There is nothing worse than to have that feeling of knowing that you know, and yet out of fear of how others may respond verbally or otherwise, we go against everything we “felt” onto the other side, and even worse, we blame someone else for the result. You have a gift of “knowing” that you have not been exercising. It’s time to start. In some cases, people have a fear of using their intuition.

That fear of second guessing am I right or wrong. The proper way to use your intuition is to focus on that first “feeling” you get when you’re approached with an issue. Does it make you nervous? Are you excited? Are you afraid? The way you are feeling is on purpose, its God’s little nudge to you that says what the real issue is. Negative feeling, beware, positive, go for it. Train yourself to trust your feeling and go with it, no swaying. In this, you know you are in alignment with what God is telling you.

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Choose your entertainment.

: How funny that we can sit with our friends and we all know the latest updates on alleged reality shows, songs, fashion, celebrity gossip. I want to share with you the sad fact that you are being set up by those who don’t realize that there is enough prosperity for everyone to enjoy. This group of people keep your mind active on purpose for your lose and their gain with entertainment that deludes your personal reality. As long as you’re living in the world under its judgments, alleged norms etc., you will never see your true self, nor will you live the life that you were meant to have. As long as you’re trying to find out who is sleeping with whom, and who just had another child, and countless shows of your are not the father drama ,filled with front row viewers of sleepers, then you too will remain in slumber. It’s time to wake up and make your entertainment that, which will benefit you mind, body and spirit or all three.

Find out who you “really are.”

Here is where it gets complicated for most people. Many of us have been so programmed by the church and parents, influenced by friends etc., that we have become what the world says we should be. Therefore, when you look into the mirror, you don’t see you, you see who you have become as a result of what someone else said you ought to be.

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Discovering who you are has nothing to do what you learned about Jesus, being a woman or a man. It has nothing to do with who you slept with in the past or the present. Discovering you has nothing to do with your social status or material status.

Discovering you has everything to do with the personal relationship you establish within your inner self. The connection of feeling.

You are the master of your destiny.

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Keeping Your Focus

Even if you have

mastered the previous steps to the road of your daily walk, you can still find yourself stuck without any positive manifestations if you allow yourself to lose your focus.

Do you remember this scripture?

As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!” Gen 19:17.

When you find that you are out of one circumstance, whether it’s’ domestic violence, a bad breakup, a near death exp etc., you will not move an inch


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further if you spend your time “reflecting” (as most people like to say) on what happened.

Your cannot look back. Looking back will bring about memories and feelings of guilt and judgment. Looking back will also trick you by giving you those butterfly feelings of when things were going great. It is at this moment that the mind will get stuck and all types of thoughts as too what you may still be able to do to “fix” it will begin to fester in your mind.

Some of us use this term and claim they are simply learning from the past, well there is a difference in reflecting and researching what went wrong.

You don’t need to know what went wrong. You need to accept that it went wrong and move forward. The more you focus on it, the more energy you give it to manifest. Again.

Thoughts becoming things, and just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t make it not so.

It’s not always looking back at events that make you lose your focus. Many people get lost by the social circles they allow themselves to be a part of. As you will hear me say more than once in this book, like attracts like. Thus, if you’re social circle involves people who are not really trying to get ahead in life. If you make your business that morning, coffee must be shared with those who do nothing but gossip, create plans of attack out of mere jealousy, or if the groups you allow your time to be spend with always have a negative response to everything you want to do or even mention. You will eventually find that your world now looks just like there world. Empty.

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I am not telling you to be judgmental, or mean towards others as if you were better. I am simply telling you to be mindful to surround yourself with likeminded people who are at least trying to get to the same level as you if not higher.

You are the master of your destiny

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Process of Elimination

One may ask

him/herself, what do I need to eliminate? How do I get rid of all the “stuff” I have been taught. One may even ask, why?

I tell you this, take a long look at what you have been taught, and then ask yourself, now that you’re an adult, do you really agree with the lessons or are you simply playing them out because everyone else is doing it?

How do you really “feel” about the things that you have been taught? Where has it really gotten you at this point of your life?

Ask yourself, do these lessons, force me to change what I would rather being doing?

Is what I really want to be doing really hurting anybody?


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Are these lessons benefiting my finances or is it holding me back?

Are the lessons true “for you”?

Getting back to the process of elimination. Only you can make the decision of what needs to be eliminated from your life. You know what and or who is a distraction. You know what addictions you have, what your weaknesses are etc. You may say you don’t know, but deep inside you do. If you really don’t here is how you can find out what needs to be removed from your life.

Create the following list and keep a journal. Ask yourself the following:

1. What do the people in your life do for you in a positive sense.

2. What do they people in your life do for you in a negative sense.

3. What shows do you watch faithfully that add value to your life and the decisions you make in it.

4. What could you be doing instead of watching that show

5. What do you listen to when you go to bed.

6. What places do you frequently attend that give you a sense of peace when you get there and days later after you have left.

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7. What are the thoughts that you keep frequently about that keeps you feeling in despair.

8. How often to you associate with people who bring your pain.

Your replies will tell you exactly what you need to eliminate from your life in order to get a clear picture of who you really are and help you become what you would rather be.

Once the board is clear and you eliminate those people and things and behaviors you will feel empty, this is actually a good thing. Now you can re-fill with things that only bring you peace, prosperity and abundant joy.

You are the master of your destiny.

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Getting To the Source


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You must make it your desire to find out the

truth for what is right for you. In order to do that you must ask the right questions. From others and the universe. Asking the universe (God) indirect questions will also get you indirect answers thus, you will still walk in confusion.

We have been taught to believe in what we see ,taste, touch and hear and feel. To believe in our five senses. But our senses lie. We have been taught that we have intuition, but not how to apply it. Yet even when the feeling that something is not right comes over us, we tend to dismiss it. More likely than not because it interferes what we want to do. You must learn to tune out your senses and focus on your thought. That image of what you desire, in this you tune into the biggest form of energy your body contains, your thoughts.

Your thought is the most potent form of energy. It is here where frequency generates and vibrations are sent out into the world. It is here that consistency is imperative. It determines what will manifest and when. The how neither is nor has ever been your responsibility. The universe will do, what it is going to do.

Your job, your only responsibility in getting everything you desire is too simply, be “consistent” be “clear” be “honest” in what you really want. That’s all. However, although I say simply, this has been man’s biggest challenge, however, this

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challenge cannot be taught to you, and you must ‘desire to do it.

Once mastered, you will then stand in the doorway of the source itself.

Mastering Repetition


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As with all things, practice makes

perfect. Repetition is the master key to all

unlocked desires. You will not see an

overnight change, but you can see an instant

change by utilizing instant change of

perception and how you feel about a thing.

Prepare yourself to repeat positive statements

and condition yourself to feel good about it.

Know what you want and practice feeling good

about it. Have fun with it, it doesn’t have to be

a dreary day, you are alive in it, make that your

starting point. Consider the fact that your are

in the midst of ‘becoming” what you want to be

and what you desire to have.

Do not give energy to what others think about

your desires.

Confucius stated” he who says he can and he

who says he can’t are both usually right. Thus

which person shall you be?

This is the “how” that everyone is looking for,

the very “how to” instruction is so simple yet

it’s being made so to do. This is the very

deprogramming I spoke of earlier. We make it

easy for it to remain difficult because we tune

into the world and it programs these words

into our mind and we pay so little attention to

it that it becomes a part of our daily routine.

We develop habits of feeling depressed, worry,

fear etc. These become the wrong repetition

and thus everything around us becomes

negative. We talk about all the murder, rape,

unemployment, crime as a whole. We spend 80

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% of what’s wrong with the world and

incorporate it into our lives 10% of what’s

wrong with everyone else and 10% of what we

want in our lives. Do you see how the numbers

although they do add up to %100 it doesn’t

benefit us a bit? Think to yourself. Don’t

answer how it is; answer how you want it to


Positive Repetition:

Repetition, in how you respond.

Repetition, in how you think.

Repetition, in how you feel.

Accepting Responsibility of What You Attract

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This chapter may very well be

the most difficult chapter to swallow. It is here where you will be chastised and told where and why things are your fault. Most people don’t like what I call the Windex Experience.

Just like the cleanser, it does wonder, it allows us to see straight through the glass.

Take a moment and start writing down everything that you see wrong with your life. Is your marriage broken? Are your finances in a muck? Are your children out of control? Is your weight more or less then what you want?

Do you have a broken heart? Are you a victim of domestic abuse? Have friends betrayed you? Etc. You get the picture.

Now that you have written down what is wrong with your life.

Take a serious moment and ask yourself, how did you get there? You got there, because you allowed yourself to get there. Think about it honestly, there is no one around but you so there is no need to cover it up and make any more excuses.

If your heart was broken, what signs did you see that you “choose” to ignore? You secretly hoped they would change and perhaps


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love you. Domestic abuse, you don’t know if you would have gotten hit the second time had you left the after the first swing. Fear held you back to tolerate it, you made excuses for your abuser or allowed yourself to believe it was your fault. Your friends betrayed you, because you told them too much of your good and allowed your joy to be taken because they had no joy. These are pure examples that like attracts like. It is your reaction to your circumstance that determines your outcome of it.

Your financial circumstance is not the way you want it, because you focus more on what you need and don’t have as opposed to what you do have. Think about it, when friends ask you how are you, what is your first response? Is it, I’m doing fantastic how are you? Or is it, well, I’d be better if I could get these bills paid or if I could find a job, my back has been hurting so badly I must be getting old. Those kids are driving me crazy. I think my man/woman is cheating on me let me tell you what happened. Etc, you get the picture. Laugh at it for a moment if you see yourself in any of these examples then make a point to change your responses and change your thoughts. The problem is not that you made a mistake in your choice, the problem is you continued doing it, even after realizing that you don’t like the results. You cannot change your circumstance with the same actions that got you there in the first place.

Think to yourself. Don’t answer how it is, answer how you want it to be.


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When talking to people, think first and

use these positive words as opposed to the standard negative phrases.

Free healthy new

professional guaranteed special

prosperous improved immediately

unlimited simplistic powerful

Big popular exclusive

valuable I am satisfied

unlimited discount encouraging

under priced suddenly fun

launching skill reduced

better winner enormous

spotlight useful survival


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largest colossal now

unlock fortune authentic

urgent amazing exciting

alive revealing sensational

excellent remarkable substantial

expanding arrived unique

peaceful serene abundant

satisfied destiny unsurpassed

genuine informative fantastic

complete together explosive

quality gigantic love

lavishly reliable terrific

breakthrough emerging profitable

You are the master of your destiny

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Positive I





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My life is filled with awesome


I am choosing love in all


I am worthy to receive every

beautiful thing

I am the master of my fate

I am happy with my life

I am worthy to love and be


I am perfect in my Creator’s


I am healthy throughout my


Every cell in my body is in

perfect sync and alignment

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My blood flows perfectly

within my veins

I am a happy individual

I am a great parent

I am a great employee

I am at the perfect weight for


I am not afraid of my life

I am not afraid of prosperity

I am connected at all times to

my source, my Creator

I am not a victim

I am not depressed

I am not fool

I am not broken hearted

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I am capable of bring forth

healthy children

I have everything I need

I believe in myself and so do


I am at peace

I am the master of my fate

I am not a victim

I am happy with my life

I am satisfied with my life and


I give out love and love comes

back to me

I always have enough of

everything to give to others in


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I always have enough of

everything I desire.

I see with perfect vision

I hear with perfect ears

My body is in perfect health

I have a perfect healthy heart

I have the perfect blood


I have the perfect cholesterol


I have the perfect body

My body is in perfect healthy

I have enough money for

everything I desire

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I have enough money to help


My money is always available

to me

I am not a victim

I am not ordinary

I am extraordinary

I am in perfect alignment with

my desires

I am in perfect alignment with

my Creator

I am in perfect sync with

peace and harmony

I am here on purpose

I am not a mistake

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My potential for greatness is


I attract success into my life

I use positive thinking and

beliefs to manifest a positive


I have the power to create my


I have the power to manifest

my dreams

I can do anything I desire

I am have control over my

mind and my life

Each day my mind becomes

more positive

My powers of manifestation

are growing

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I am have control over my

mind and my life

Each day my mind becomes

more positive

My powers of manifestation

are growing



Manifesting my dreams into

reality is something I just do


I find it easy to control my


Attracting success is a normal

part of my life

My life is filled with abundance

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My positive mindset attracts

positive outcomes

I am the master of my fate

I am without physical aliments

I have the power to attract

whatever I desire

I can have anything I “desire”

I am attracting money into my


I am attracting the right mate

for me in my life

I am attracting power in my


I am source power

I am source energy

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I am the master of my destiny

I am attracting positive people

into my life

I am attracting money into my


I am attracting success in my


I am attracting health into my


I am attracting financial

success in my life

I am attracting business

opportunity in my life

I am attracting wealth in my


I am attracting peace in my


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I am aligned in perfect

harmony with the universe

I am the master of my destiny

I hold the power to what

happens to me

I am in total control of my


I do not allow others to think

for me

I am the master of my destiny

I am here on purpose

I am creating an excellent

experience for my life


I am not angry

I am not fearful

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