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PyCon UK - iCE: Interactive cloud experimentation

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NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN UNIVESITY OF ATHENS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS iCE Interactive cloud experimentation in Python George Lestaris @glestaris PyCon UK 20 September 2015 Coventry Slides URL http://bit.ly/iCE-PyConUK
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iCE Interactive cloud experimentation

in Python

George Lestaris @glestaris

PyCon UK20 September 2015


Slides URLhttp://bit.ly/iCE-PyConUK

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• University of Athens, Greece

• iCE is part of my Bachelor thesis

• Software engineer in Pivotal, London

• Cloud Foundry Container technology

• ex-CERNois

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The original problem (1/2)

• Most applications deployed in public cloud (AWS) use multiple VMs

• these VMs run services

• that communicate with each other

• in different rates

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The original problem (2/2)

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• So network performance (intra-cluster communication) within the same availability zone is very interesting and important



DBLoad balancer



Don’t really care

High bandwidthLow latency

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• How do we measure intra-cluster network performance?

• How consistent it is through time?

• Can we make predictions on the network performance? - classification

• But remember requirements change all the time

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The clique experiment (1/2)

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• Run a number of VMs that send packets to each other

• Spawn n nodes in the same availability zone and same security group and subnetwork

• Run transfers between each pair

• Measure speed and monitor consistency of the results

• Is classification of VM-pairs into classes of “network distance” possible?

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The clique experiment (2/2)


In the mathematical area of graph theory, a clique is subset of vertices of an undirected graph, such that its induced subgraph is complete; that is, every two distinct vertices in the clique are adjacent.Definition by Wikipedia "VR complex" by David Eppstein - Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons

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Here classification seems easy

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Slow class Fast


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Back to the example

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Fast class

Slow class

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Gauss, is that you?

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Gauss, is that you?

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• I need to run this experiment many times

• On different times of the day, different days of the week

• The results should be analysed and plotted

• If there is a classifier it needs to be fed with results

• The resulting model needs validation against any new results

• Automation, automation, automation

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There will be iCE


because you shouldn’t run experiments by hand


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• A tool that enables interactive experimentation.

• Experiment: a Python script file with:

• tasks: run remotely in each VM of the experiment

• runners: orchestrates tasks

• Interactive Shell

• AWS integration

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Components• Registry: VMs (instances) that participate in an

experiment are registered under experimentation sessions

• Shell: facilitates spawning EC2 VMs and running experiments

• AWS integration: create and delete EC2 VMs that will register themselves to iCE

• Experiments: loads and runs experiments in remote instances

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• Registry: VMs (instances) that participate in an experiment are registered under experimentation sessions

• Shell: facilitates spawning EC2 VMs and running experiments

• AWS integration: create and delete EC2 VMs that will register themselves to iCE

• Experiments: loads and runs experiments in remote instances

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Half of it, for free

eve (Flask / Werkzeug) & requests




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2. RegistrationPublic cloud


1. Launches instances with EC2 API

4. SSH connections

3. Fetches list of registered instances

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Static Demo


because your speaker is a coward

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Creating VMs

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$> ice-shell [DEBUG] Session id = 55fd40c4d8476f00211e12ae * ******************************************************************** * Welcome to iCE version v2.0.0! * You may leave this shell by typing `exit` or pressing Ctrl+D * Type `h <Command>` to get usage information for a given command, * or `h` for looking into a brief description of all commands. * ********************************************************************

$> ec2_create -n 5 -t t2.micro [DEBUG] Reservation r-149d56ed for 5 instances was created +-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+ | Id | AMI Id | Instance type | Public IP | Status | +-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+ | Reservation: r-149d56ed | +-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+ | i-6989d3c4 | ami-6e7bd919 | t2.micro | None | pending | |[...] | +-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+

Experimentation session

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Waiting for VMs to come up and register

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$> inst_wait -n 5 [DEBUG] 0 instances found, sleeping for 5 seconds... [...] [INFO] Instances are ready!

$> inst_ls [INFO] Found 5 instances +--------------------------+--------------+----------------------------------+ | Id | Public IP | Cloud Id | +--------------------------+--------------+----------------------------------+ | 55fd45b2d8476f00211e12b5 | | eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com | | [...] | +--------------------------+--------------+----------------------------------+

$> ec2_ls [DEBUG] Reservation r-149d56ed for 5 instances was created +-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+ | Id | AMI Id | Instance type | Public IP | Status | +-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+ | Reservation: r-149d56ed | +-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+ | i-298cd684 | ami-6e7bd919 | t2.micro || running | | [...] | +-----------------+---------------+-----------------+-------------+----------+

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A simple experiment (1/2)

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import ice # iCE package from fabric import api as fab # Fabric API

@ice.Runner def run(hosts): """A sample iCE runner. It gets the hostnames of all instances and prints them out.

:param dict hosts: Dictionary of ice.entities.Instances objects. """ # Get hostnames of all instances, through fab.execute # First argument: Python function # Second argument: List of hosts # It returns a dictionary with the task result as value. hostnames = fab.execute(get_hostname, hosts)

# Prints for key in hostnames: print hostnames[key]

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@ice.Task def get_hostname(hosts): """A simple iCE task. It returns the FQDN hostname of the remote instance.

:param dict hosts: Dictionary of ice.entities.Instances objects. :rtype: str :return: The FQDN hostname. """ # Get the FQDN hostname from each node hostname = fab.run('hostname -f') return hostname

A simple experiment (2/2)

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Loading and running an experiment

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$> exp_load ./experiments/simple.py [DEBUG] About to load module 'simple' from path '/Users/george/di_dev/Thesis/iCE/experiments' [INFO] Module `./experiments/simple.py` is successfully loaded!

$> exp_ls simple > Module `simple`: Runners: * run: A sample iCE runner. It gets the hostnames of all instances and prints them out. [...]

Tasks: * get_hostname: A simple iCE task. It returns the FQDN hostname of the remote instance. […]

$> exp_run simple [[email protected]] run: hostname -f [[email protected]] out: ip-172-31-6-35.eu-west-1.compute.internal [...] ip-172-31-6-35.eu-west-1.compute.internal ip-172-31-6-36.eu-west-1.compute.internal [...]

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Instead of a conclusion• Start with a research problem that interests you, make

some basic assumptions

• Be lazy and automate things

• always be ready to rerun experiments andreproduce results

• Use what is there

• Hope for the best and don’t be afraid to hit the wall fast

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Talk / iCE feedback
