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PYP Exhibition 2012 - Student Workbook · PYP Exhibition 2012 - Student Workbook ... What Do We...

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Plenty Valley Christian College PYP Exhibition 2012 - Student Workbook ~ CENTRAL IDEA ~ Various factors contribute to the shaping and expression of identity Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are An inquiry into the nature of self, beliefs and values, personal, physical mental social and spiritual health, human relationships including family friends community and cultures, rights and responsibilities and what it means to be human. Name: _____________________ Group Members: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Mentor: _____________________ I have read through this workbook with my child. Parent signature: ___________________________

Plenty Valley Christian College

PYP Exhibition 2012 - Student Workbook


Various factors contribute to the shaping

and expression of identity

Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are

An inquiry into the nature of self, beliefs and values, personal, physical

mental social and spiritual health, human relationships including family friends

community and cultures, rights and responsibilities and what it means to be




Group Members:






I have read through this workbook with my child.

Parent signature: ___________________________

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1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Documents ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. When and Where Will It Be Held? ............................................................................................................................. 4 4. Incorporating Elements of The PYP ............................................................................................................................ 4 5. What will The Exhibition Look Like?........................................................................................................................... 4 6. Organising Steps ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 7. Timeline ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 8. My Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 7 9. Work Group Essential Agreement ............................................................................................................................. 8 10. Individual Declaration of Academic Honesty ............................................................................................................. 9 11. What Do We Want To Learn? .................................................................................................................................. 10 12. Concepts & Lines of Inquiry ..................................................................................................................................... 11 13. Key Questions .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 14. Related Concepts ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 15. Further Questions .................................................................................................................................................... 12 16. Transdisciplinary Skills ............................................................................................................................................. 13 17. Attitudes .................................................................................................................................................................. 14 18. Action ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15 19. Mentor ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 20. Week Two Planning & Review ................................................................................................................................. 18 21. Week Three Planning & Review ............................................................................................................................... 19 22. Week Four Planning & Review ................................................................................................................................. 20 23. Week Five Planning & Review .................................................................................................................................. 21 24. Week Six Planning & Review .................................................................................................................................... 22 25. Week Seven Planning & Review............................................................................................................................... 23 26. Week Eight Planning & Review ................................................................................................................................ 24 27. Week Nine Planning & Review ................................................................................................................................. 25 28. Presentation – Display Checklist .............................................................................................................................. 26 29. Group Assessment – The Learner Profile ................................................................................................................. 27 30. Peer Assessment ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 31. Personal Reflection .................................................................................................................................................. 28 32. Teacher Assessment ................................................................................................................................................ 29 33. Parent Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................................... 30

In Christ: wisdom and knowledge

Colossians 2:3

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1. Introduction Welcome to The Exhibition unit of inquiry. This is the culmination of your years of

learning within the PYP, and is your opportunity to demonstrate your capabilities as

a responsible and independent earner to the school community.

For The Exhibition you will be conducting your own inquiry into an important issue

that shows your understanding of an aspect of the central idea. You will be

supported and guided by your teachers and other adults, and you will then present

the things that you have learnt to the College community.

Figure 1: Example of an Exhibition Display

2. Documents This workbook will help you successfully complete the requirements of The

Exhibition. It contains lots of instructions and sections for you to complete. You will

use this book in recording key information, setting goals and reviewing your

progress. Make sure you look after it and keep it in a safe location.

You will also be provided with an exercise book to use as a Journal. You will use this

for keeping notes from your research, writing up detailed plans, records of

interviews, and preparing drafts.

The Workbook and the Journal will both be submitted after The Exhibition and will

form part of the assessment.

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3. When and Where Will It Be Held? The Exhibition Unit of Inquiry will cover 9 term weeks. It commences on the week

beginning Monday 13 August and will culminate in the Exhibition which will be held

on Thursday 25 October. The venue for the Exhibition is the College Gymnasium.

4. Incorporating Elements of The PYP The inquiry process must incorporate the five essential elements of the PYP:

Knowledge: The knowledge being explored is to be significant and

relevant. Whilst this unit is being developed within the

theme of ‘Who We Are’, the inquiry must synthesise

aspects from all six transdisciplinary themes.

Concepts: An understanding of the key concepts is to be

demonstrated by the application of key questions.

Transdisciplinary Skills: Students must use skills from all five sets of

transdisciplinary skills.

Attitudes: The PYP attitudes are to be displayed during the inquiry


Action: Students need to reflect on their learning and apply it

through an appropriate course of action.

Students will also be required to reflect on their progress towards achieving the aim

of the PYP, which is to develop learners who strive to fulfil the attributes described

in the Learner Profile.

5. What will The Exhibition Look Like? It is expected that The Exhibition will include elements of the following:

Examples of written work in a variety of formats and styles: poetry, reports,

surveys, graphs, and essays.

Oral presentations, individually or in groups, to the school community

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Uses of technology, such as working models, ICT designs, science experiments,

imovies, or powerpoint presentations

Performances of dance, music, drama, visual arts, film, or mixed media

It is very much up to individual students and their work groups to present the

information as creatively as possible to convey the information to their audience in

the most effective manner.

6. Organising Steps

Understand the process in presenting the results of your inquiry ay The Exhibition.

Understand the central idea. This is a very broad central idea, and you will need to identify some aspect of this that you are interested in learning about. It needs to be a relevant problem or real-life issue.

Form work groups, typically with 4 students per group. The groups will be

arranged on the basis of interest. Teachers must approve the work groups.

Each group will need to approach a mentor from a list provided. The role of the mentor will be to provide guidance and suggestions on completing your inquiry. Check with your teacher first before approaching a potential mentor.

Each group will develop its Lines of Inquiry – one per group member. Each group member will be responsible for investigating one Line of Inquiry.

During the inquiry process the group needs to work collaboratively, and meet regularly with their mentor.

The Exhibition is the culmination of the inquiry process, whereby you will demonstrate your learning to the school community.

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7. Timeline Week & Date

Task Requirements Completed Date

Week 1 13/8/2012

Defining (Tuning In)

Discuss Central Idea Understand requirements Listen to ideas, issues, problems

Week 2 20/8/2012

Decision Making Form groups based on interest Formulate group Central Idea Write lines of inquiry, questions Select a mentor

Week 3 27/8/2012

Selecting (Finding Out)

Find the relevant information

Week 4 3/9/2012

Selecting (Finding Out)

Continue finding the relevant information

Week 5 10/9/2012

Organising Sorting out you information What action will you take?

Week 6 17/9/2012

Creating Preparing your presentation

School Holidays

Week 7 8/10/2012

Creating Action

Complete your presentation

Week 8 15/10/2012

Practice presentations

Present your findings to your peers, use constructive feedback to refine your work

Week 9 22/10/2012

Presenting The Exhibition on Thursday evening

At the Exhibition you will be united with your fellow students, teachers, parents and

other members of the school community to celebrate your completion of the

Primary Years Program of the International Baccalaureate!

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8. My Roles and Responsibilities Tick the box if you think you understand the following and are committed to doing

what is expected:

Explain why we are presenting an Exhibition

Show an understanding of the five essential elements of the PYP: concepts,

knowledge, skills, attitudes and action

Demonstrate the PYP attitudes in my work:

Appreciation, Commitment, Confidence, Cooperation, Creativity, Curiosity,

Empathy, Enthusiasm, Independence, Integrity, Respect, Tolerance

With my group, prepare my own lines of inquiry and questions

Work collaboratively with my group, and always be aware what each person is


Carry out an in-depth inquiry

Use at least one primary source of information if possible

Keep an honest bibliography

Communicate with others to the best of my ability

Keep a journal or portfolio of our planning, drafts, sketches and photographs

of work as well as the final product

Carry out self-assesment and peer assessment

Seek guidance from my mentor

Celebrate learning by presenting the exhibition to an audience

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9. Work Group Essential Agreement

Work out an Essential Agreement with your group, then have everybody sign it.

We agree to:








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10. Individual Declaration of Academic Honesty This must be read at the beginning of the unit of inquiry, and signed when it is completed.

By signing this declaration I understand the meaning of ‘plagiarism’.

Plagiarism is the presentation by a student of an assignment which has in fact been

copied in whole or in part from another student’s work, or from any other source

(eg published books, websites) without due acknowledgement.

I ________________________________________ declare that for this submitted


I did not cut and paste information from others without appropriate use of

quotation marks and direct reference to their work;

I did not re-word the ideas of others without proper and clear


I did not write ideas or suggestions that originated from others and claim

them as my own;

I did not include words from other students’ work without permission.

Signed: ________________________________ Date: ______________

Recording Bibliographies:

Source Information to Be Recorded Books Author, Year, Title, Publisher, Pages

Encyclopaedia Article Title, Year, Encyclopaedia Title, Volume, Publisher, Pages

Website Author, Last Date Updated, Title, URL, Date Viewed

Email Sender’s Name, Senders email Address, Date, Subject, Recipient’s email Address

Newspaper / Magazine

Author, Year, Article Title, Publication Title, Volume, Number, Pages

Recordings Title, Year, Type of Recording, Producer, Organisation

Interview / guest speaker

Name, Year, Details, Date

CD ROM Section Title, Year, CD ROM Title, Type of Recording, Publisher

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11. What Do We Want To Learn?

What would you like to learn about?

Our big idea (this is a refinement of the central idea, and more specific to your


Ideas I would like to consider: Ideas from others in my group:

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12. Concepts & Lines of Inquiry Each Line of inquiry is to be related to a different key concept

Lines of inquiry are statements, not questions.

You need one for each group member.

1. Concept: ______________: ____________________________________________


2. Concept: ______________: ____________________________________________


3. Concept: ______________: ____________________________________________


4. Concept: ______________: ____________________________________________


13. Key Questions Prepare one question for each Line of Inquiry:

1. __________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________________________


Now highlight the line of inquiry that you are primarily responsible for.

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14. Related Concepts For the concept relevant to your specific line of inquiry, identify some related


15. Further Questions Identify additional questions that will help drive your inquiry













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16. Transdisciplinary Skills Each week make a note in your workbook to show how you developed or applied the various transdisciplinary skills. Then record below the date you made the entry.

Skill Description Entry Date Teacher Check






Accepting Responsibility

Respecting Others


Resolving Conflict

Group Decision Making

Adopting a Variety of Group Roles
















Non-Verbal Communication







Acquiring Knowledge





Dialectical Thought









Formulating Questions



Collecting Data

Recording Data

Interpreting Data

Presenting Research Findings











Gross Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills

Spatial Awareness


Time Management


Healthy Lifestyle

Codes of Behaviour

Informed Choices



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17. Attitudes Each week make a note in your workbook to show how you have developed or applied the various attitudes. Then record below the date you made the entry.

Attitude Entry Date Teacher Check

Appreciation Appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people.

Commitment Being committed to your own learning, persevering and showing self-discipline and responsibility.

Confidence Feeling confident in your ability as a learner, having the courage to take risks, applying what you have learned and making appropriate decisions and choices.

Cooperation Cooperating, collaborating, and leading or following as the situation demands.

Creativity Being creative and imaginative in your thinking and in your approach to problems and dilemmas.

Curiosity Being curious about the nature of learning, about the world, its people and cultures.

Empathy Imagining yourself in another’s situation in order to understand his or her reasoning and emotions, so as to be open-minded and reflective about the perspectives of others.

Enthusiasm Enjoying learning and willingly putting the effort into the process.

Independence Thinking and acting independently, making your own judgments based on reasoned argument, and being able to defend your judgments.

Integrity Being honest and demonstrating a considered sense of fairness.

Respect Respecting yourself, others and the world around you.

Tolerance Being sensitive about differences and diversity in the world and being responsive to the needs of others.



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18. Action All students are expected to take responsible action as a result of their learning. One

way to think about the types of action is by considering the following four


Direct Action – personally solving a problem

Indirect Action – channelling resources to solve a problem

Advocacy for Action – creating awareness to eliminate the cause of a problem

Research for Action – finding out more about an issue

For the issue that you are investigating, brainstorm some practical ideas with

members of your group. Make sure you choose an action that is practical and


Ideas for Action List here ideas for consideration:




Selected Action Describe here the action that you have chosen to take.



What steps do you need to take to achieve this?







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Conclusion When you have achieved your action, describe here how you felt it went. Describe

what worked or didn’t work, and any challenges you needed to overcome.









Ongoing Action Describe here any ongoing action that you would recommend to help address the

problem you have been learning about.









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19. Mentor Our Mentor is _____________________________________

Our weekly meeting day and time is: __________________

Our weekly meeting place is: _______________________

Use this page to record any instructions from your mentor.

Week 2 Mentor’s Initial

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

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20. Week Two Planning & Review

Goals List below your goals for this week, and then write in the data when they are


Goals For This Week: Date Achieved

Reflection Describe here ways that you have demonstrated or developed the Transdisciplinary Skills and Attitudes and in achieving these goals.

Skills: ________________________________________________________________



Attitudes: ____________________________________________________________



Preparation for Further Learning What will you need to do next?





Week Beginning: 20 August

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21. Week Three Planning & Review

Goals List below your goals for this week, and then write in the data when they are


Goals For This Week: Date Achieved

Reflection Describe here ways that you have demonstrated or developed the Transdisciplinary Skills and Attitudes and in achieving these goals.

Skills: ________________________________________________________________



Attitudes: ____________________________________________________________



Preparation for Further Learning What will you need to do next?





Week Beginning: 27 August

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22. Week Four Planning & Review

Goals List below your goals for this week, and then write in the data when they are


Goals For This Week: Date Achieved

Reflection Describe here ways that you have demonstrated or developed the Transdisciplinary Skills and Attitudes and in achieving these goals.

Skills: ________________________________________________________________



Attitudes: ____________________________________________________________



Preparation for Further Learning What will you need to do next?





Week Beginning: 3 September

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23. Week Five Planning & Review

Goals List below your goals for this week, and then write in the data when they are


Goals For This Week: Date Achieved

Reflection Describe here ways that you have demonstrated or developed the Transdisciplinary Skills and Attitudes and in achieving these goals.

Skills: ________________________________________________________________



Attitudes: ____________________________________________________________



Preparation for Further Learning What will you need to do next?





Week Beginning: 10 September

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24. Week Six Planning & Review

Goals List below your goals for this week, and then write in the data when they are


Goals For This Week: Date Achieved

Reflection Describe here ways that you have demonstrated or developed the Transdisciplinary Skills and Attitudes and in achieving these goals.

Skills: ________________________________________________________________



Attitudes: ____________________________________________________________



Preparation for Further Learning What will you need to do next?





Week Beginning: 17 September

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25. Week Seven Planning & Review

Goals List below your goals for this week, and then write in the data when they are


Goals For This Week: Date Achieved

Reflection Describe here ways that you have demonstrated or developed the Transdisciplinary Skills and Attitudes and in achieving these goals.

Skills: ________________________________________________________________



Attitudes: ____________________________________________________________



Preparation for Further Learning What will you need to do next?





Week Beginning: 8 October

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26. Week Eight Planning & Review

Goals List below your goals for this week, and then write in the data when they are


Goals For This Week: Date Achieved

Reflection Describe here ways that you have demonstrated or developed the Transdisciplinary Skills and Attitudes and in achieving these goals.

Skills: ________________________________________________________________



Attitudes: ____________________________________________________________



Preparation for Further Learning What will you need to do next?





Week Beginning: 15 October

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27. Week Nine Planning & Review

Goals This is the week of The Exhibition. You should now be putting the finishing touches

on your work in preparation for the big day on Thursday.

Goals For This Week: Date Achieved

Reflection Describe here ways that you have demonstrated or developed the Transdisciplinary Skills and Attitudes and in achieving these goals.

Skills: ________________________________________________________________



Attitudes: ____________________________________________________________



Write or draw about your feelings prior to Thursday.

Week Beginning: 22 October

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28. Presentation – Display Checklist We will develop this checklist to ensure that you have prepared everything that you

need for a fun and interesting Exhibition.

Description Done

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29. Group Assessment – The Learner Profile The aim of the PYP is for you to demonstrate personal characteristics as described in

the Learner Profile. For each of the characteristics, discuss with your mentor who

did this well and then rate your team.

Learner Profile Characteristics Who did this well

Team Rating (1 – 10)

Inquirers Curious, know how to research independently, and love learning

Knowledgeable Know a lot about many important issues

Thinkers Use initiative in applying thinking skills to solve problems and make wise choices.

Communicators Understand and express ideas and information confidently, work well with others.

Principled Honest, fair and just, respects others, and takes responsibility for actions

Open-minded Understands and appreciates a range of perspectives, ready to learn from others

Caring Shows empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others, is committed to serving others.

Risk-takers Is willing to try new things, and stands up for own beliefs

Balanced Understands that personal health is enhanced by having the right balance between the social, spiritual, intellectual and physical aspects of life.

Reflective Look back on own work and identify aspects that need improvement.

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30. Peer Assessment Work with your whole group to give each other a rating as to how you performed in

this unit of inquiry.

Rating scale: 5=Outstanding 4=Very Good 3=Good 2=Poor 1=Not evident

Listened carefully to others Worked well with the group

Took pride in the groups’ work Cooperated with others

Completed all individual set tasks by

the due date

Showed respect for group members at all times

Allowed others to share their

opinions and ideas

Spoke their part or asked questions in organised meetings

Took on a variety of roles in the

group (e.g. leader & follower) Worked independently when needed

Asked for assistance when required Shared ideas

Accepted responsibility for own

actions Courteous & considerate

Completed tasks at home when


Used initiative to locate resources and organise meetings

Used time wisely Spoke clearly in the presentation of

the group’s inquiry

31. Personal Reflection Think back over all the things you have done during this unit of inquiry. Select two or

more aspects of the PYP, and describe how they have developed by participating in

The Exhibition.







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32. Teacher Assessment Description Needs Guidance

/ Not Observed Approaching Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Identified a significant area of inquiry that lead to in-depth understanding

Complied a bibliography that recorded the use of a wide range of sources

Effectively proposed solutions and included authentic action

Created an attractive exhibit that engaged the audience and demonstrated learning

Has demonstrated development or application of the Transdisciplinary Skills

Has demonstrated development or application of the Attitudes

Actively participated in the complete inquiry process

Was well organised, met deadlines and completed all tasks

Workbook and Journal were fully completed with detailed planning and reflection


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33. Parent Evaluation What knowledge have you gained from your child’s Exhibition?

What have you learnt about your child’s ability to engage in the learning process? SKILLS Social Skills Research Skills Thinking Skills Communication Skills Self-management Skills

Select one of the skills listed. How do you think your child has developed this skill through The Exhibition

LEARNER PROFILE Inquirer Thinker Communicator Risk-taker Knowledgeable Principled Caring Open-minded Balanced Reflective

Select one or two of the qualities listed. How do you think your child has developed these qualities through The Exhibition?

General Comments: Signed:
