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PYP exhibition student guide booklet ·...

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1 ___________________________________ PYP Exhibition Student Guide ISMAC• Primary School • 2016 ___________________________________ CENTRAL IDEA: Inequity can motivate people to act NAME: ___________________________________
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___________________________________ PYP Exhibition Student Guide

ISMAC• Primary School • 2016


CENTRAL IDEA: Inequity can motivate people to act



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Important information for you

This section of the guidebook will help you understand what the exhibition is about and what you need to do to make it meaningful learning,


What is the PYP Exhibition? The exhibition is a unit of inquiry where you direct your own learning, you choose the issue you are interested in. Your teachers and mentors will give you guidance for making it a successful experience. What is my responsibility? The exhibition will challenge you on many levels, you will have responsibility to organize and keep up with your work, make contributions to your group by being a team player, communicate your learning to a real live audience, and take responsibility to be academically honest. What do I have to do? The exhibition is your PYP finale, it is a chance for you to show what you have learned through your elementary years of schooling. For the exhibition to be a success you will need to demonstrate the characteristics of the learner profile and attitudes throughout. Your inquiries will use the concepts and key questions that you develop to help you connect with what you know already and to help you acquire new knowledge. The knowledge you learn should lead you to take action toward the issue you have researched. Finally, you will communicate what you have learned from the experience on Thursday May12th, when you present to your parents and the wider ISM community.

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PYP Essential Elements. Throughout your time in a PYP school, the essential elements are used as a framework for all learning, they are the attitudes, knowledge, concepts, skills and action. During the exhibition the you will be challenged to use the essential elements in many different ways;; for you reference here they are in summary:

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_________________________________ Transdisciplinary Theme – Sharing the Planet


Sharing the Planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share resources with other people and with other living things;; communities and the relationships between them;; access to equal

opportunities;; peace and conflict

Central Idea: Inequity can motivate people to Act

Lines of Inquiry: * * * * Our Guiding Questions: * * *

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_________________________________ Getting Started:


“Developing your essential agreements for working as a team”

Use some of the following attitudes and learner profile to develop essential agreements for how your group should work as a team throughout the exhibition. Remember, essential agreements are few in number and everyone must act upon them: Principled -­ Cooperation -­ Open minded -­ Communicator -­ Respect -­ Independence -­ Empathy * * * * Signatures of your group:


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Exhibition Timeline. Use the following information to keep you on track throughout the time you are working on the exhibition:


Feb 29th Develop the essential agreements for your group, set yourself some short term goals, develop your guiding questions, start to research, reflect on your learning.

Be a thinker - Set yourself 2 or 3 clear goals

Be knowledgeable - familiarize yourself with your guiding questions

Be an inquirer -Start to develop knowledge about your issue and organize how you will collect your information

Week 2:

March 7th Continue to research your guiding questions, review your goals, start to think about action your group might like to take, reflect on your learning.

Check in session with parents!

Be reflective - evaluate your goals, how are you doing?

Be a thinker - Start to piece your findings together, look for patterns or common themes, what new questions have you got? What conclusions can you make?

Be knowledgeable - Decide how you will further extend your research.

Be balanced - Make sure you have used a variety of research sources.

Week 3:

March 14th Begin to put your research findings together, start to think about different ways to share your new knowledge and make a plan. Begin to create products for exhibition, but balance your time between the different jobs you need to do. Start to organise your action, what will it look like? who will it involve? what do you need to do to make it happen?

Be a thinker - Looking for patterns in your research by evaluating the connections with your guiding questions.

Be creative - turn your ideas into products for the exhibition.

Be a communicator -organize your action.

Be reflective - ask... what do I know now that I did not before? What is the best course of action I can take?

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Week 4

April 11 th Continue to edit and refine your research findings. Assess your learning.

Create products for the exhibition - think about how you can include a variety of skills (performing and visual arts, IT, languages, science, math).

Begin to draft and practice your presentations.

Continue with your action and continue to reflect on your learning.

Be organized - have at least one finished product for the exhibition.

Be well balanced - work on several new creative products at the same time (performances, presentations, work for display)

Be principled - get further involved in your action and document what you have achieved.

Be reflective - evaluate your progress and self assess your work

Week 5

April 18th Continue to refine and publish work for the final exhibition display. Practice performances and presentations. Compile your bibliography and people you would like to acknowledge.

Decide how you would like to display your action.

Review your reflections - what has been the most important /enjoyable/meaningful things you have learned through the exhibition process.

Be organised - have most of your products finished for the exhibition.

Be a communicator - Construct and display evidence of your action.

Be reflective - choose a few of your most meaningful reflections for display.

Be confident - “your performances and presentations are almost ready”


6 & 7

April 25th

& May 2nd

Final preparations for exhibition includes; editing, assessing each others learning, practicing for the big night.

Be independent - evaluate the quality of yours’ and each others work.

Be confident and proud of what you have achieved - you have travelled a great distance!

Dates for your diary:

Assessment check-in #1 with parents (Finding out - research)

- March 11th

Assessment check-in #2 with parents (Taking action)

- April 22nd

Exhibition Presentation Event

- May 12th

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___________________________________ My First Exhibition Goals...

___________________________________ Write your first goals for the exhibition below by completing the sentences: The exhibition will be a success for me if... I believe my strengths are... I think the areas I will have work at most are...

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__________________________________ Finding Out (Research)


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“Narrowing down your focus”

___________________________________ What is the issue you want to find out about (use lines of inquiry to guide you)? What are your guiding questions that will help you you discover more about this issue? How do you plan to find out about this (highlight below)?

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“Narrowing down your focus”

___________________________________ What is the issue you want to find out about (use lines of inquiry to guide you)? What are your guiding questions that will help you you discover more about this issue? How do you plan to find out about this (highlight below)?

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“Narrowing down your focus”

___________________________________ What is the issue you want to find out about (use lines of inquiry to guide you)? What are your guiding questions that will help you you discover more about this issue? How do you plan to find out about this (highlight below)?

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“Narrowing down your focus”

___________________________________ What is the issue you want to find out about (use lines of inquiry to guide you)? What are your guiding questions that will help you you discover more about this issue? How do you plan to find out about this (highlight below)?

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___________________________________ “Recording what you find”

___________________________________ Use any of the following graphic organizers to record your research findings, you can find them online at http://www.globaleducation.edna.edu.au/globaled/go

(Fishbone -­ use as an organized way to consider a problem)

(Consequences chart -­ use with a what if type question or problem)

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(Flow chart -­ use to list a series of events that have happened or might happen)

(Diamond ranking -­ use as a way to list and prioritize the most important issues / problem “most

important goes at the top”)

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(Futures wheel -­ use to show how one issue or topic may affect another)

(PMI -­ use to compare advantages / disadvantages and make decisions)

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(PNQ -­ use to consider positives, negatives and questions about an issue)

(Web map -­ use for planning, brainstorming, note taking, organizing and problem solving)

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(Futures line -­ use to consider 2 possible future actions)

(Placemat -­ use to consider your opinion on a question or issue before recording a group


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(T Chart -­ use to classify your ideas)

(Y Chart -­ use to brainstorm your ideas)

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___________________________________ “How best can I show what I have learned?” ___________________________________ Use this page to help you reflect on the different ways you can share your research findings. Remember to choose the best tool for the job.

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Taking Action Use this section to help you plan and think about the different forms of action you can take.


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___________________________________ What does action look like?

___________________________________ Action can take many forms;; it can be direct or indirect. When choosing a form or action it is important you choose the form of action that will have a lasting (sustainable) impact upon your issue.

Direct action -­ volunteering your time, organizing an event, fund raising, organize publicity campaign.

Indirect action -­ Making people aware, educating people, influencing other people to think differently, forming partnerships with organizations.

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Planning for Action: What do you hope to achieve through your action project? What are your goals? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why is this important to you? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How will this project make a difference to your life or to other people? What steps do you intend to take to work towards your goal? Who will be responsible for these tasks?

What needs to be done?

Who will do it?

When will it be completed

What resources will you use to assist you with this project? Reviewed by teacher: Reviewed by group:


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How will I know what I have learned? (Assessment). ___________________________________

Assessment during the exhibition happens in the following ways different ways:

Reflection and Journaling Self and Peer assessment Teacher assessment Mentor Assessment

Because you will be assessed on many different areas of your learning, we need to use different tools and strategies, these include:

Rubrics Checklists

Reflection writing Conferencing with your teacher

Some assessment tools you will design yourself -­ for example, a checklist for keeping to your essential agreements, a rubric for oral presentations.

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THINKING ABOUT MY INQUIRIES... I use good questions to help me find out about my issue #never #rarely #sometimes #usually #often I use a variety of resources for research #never #rarely #sometimes #usually #often I record and organise my findings effectively #never #rarely #sometimes #usually #often I write information in my own words #never #rarely #sometimes #usually #often I contribute well to group tasks. #never #rarely #sometimes #usually #often I use my journal, “to-­do” lists and timelines to help keep organised. #never #rarely #sometimes #usually #often I ask questions when I am not sure about something. #never #rarely #sometimes #usually #often My greatest achievement so far has been... What I would like to improve...

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IB Learner Profile -­ Self Assessment:


How I have demonstrated this











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PYP Attitudes -­ Self Assessment:


How I have demonstrated this













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Organizers:_________________________ P6 Class Schedule: 2015-2016

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7:50-8:00 Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration


Music I.T lab 8:00-8:40

8:40 -9:20

I.T lab 8:40-10:00 Swahili



10:00-10:20 Snack recess Snack recess Snack recess Snack recess Snack recess

10:20-11:00 Swahili Library I.T I.T - Portfolio


12:00-1:00 Recess/Lunch Recess/Lunch Recess/Lunch Recess/Lunch Recess/Lunch

1:00 – 1:10 Homework Homework Homework Homework

1:10 -1:50 I.T lab 8:00-8:40 French French Music Early Release

1:50 – 2:30 P.E Swimming Early Release

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BIBLIOGRAPHY: Keep an ongoing list of ALL your resources (even if you just read it!), here and then use http://www.noodletools.com/ to help you organize and create a clear bibliography. Username/ID : P6ismac Password: exhibition 2016
