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PYTHIANS AT DR. BROOKS' PORTSMOUTH. COLLEGE ...horn Memorial Uollege, Rev. I yman B. Tefft, D D.,...

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XVIII NO 24 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 1,1901 PRICE 5 Cl-;s:TS PYTHIANS AT PORTSMOUTH. The Session ofthe Grand Court. Much Work Done. A FINE PARADE..HARMONIOUS SESSION..A GRAND BANQUET TENDERED THEM. The represeutatives of the Knights of Fythiss aad Coorts of Oalanths of Virginia left Kiehmond on the 8:40 p. ra. train Monday, May 20th over the 0. <k O. R. R The trip down waa very pleassnt sa the delegstien had apeeial aeeommo- dationa. At Newport News, they were joioed bj others Irom Suffolk, Newport News sad boardea the steamer for Porta- mouth. The air waa eool and braoing aad was an jojed by all. CO-MITTBB MET THIS. ?mving at their deatination. they were met by Dr. Troy, Sir Knight William M. Reid, Et e, . Grand Master of Exchcqaer of the Grand Lodge of Virginis snd ssaigaed to their several temporary homsa. Ths whole delegstion fared well in this respeet, as tke eommittee had an- desvored to aeleet ths most plesaaot and somfartsble homea for their dia- tingoiahed guests. Ths Grand Oourt of Virginis aner_- bled in the True Reformera Hall, High street, Tuesday, May 21st, at 1 p. m. THOBB WBO VILLBD THB 8TATI0NI. Grand Worthy Oounssllor John Mitchell, Jr., in the chair. The Ooort waa opened in dne form. after which the Grand Worthy Regiater of Deeda eailed the roll of tffieera and the fol¬ lowing reaponded to their namea and fiiled their etationa: G. W C., Mr. John Mitchell, Jr.; G. W. Iaapeetrix, Mrs. Kate Thomas ; G. W. Inapeetor, Mrs. Nannie Skip- with ; G. W. O., Mra. Annie Ulaiborne; G. W. R. of Deeda, Miss M. L Ohiles; Q. W. R. of Deposits, Mrs. Josie 4. Graham; G. W. Eseort, Mrs. R. £. Wealey :G. W. 8. D. Mrs. Anna Tay¬ lor ; G. W. J. D., Mrs. Nannie O. John¬ son ; G. W. Oon., Mra. Msry N. Qsy ; G. W. Aaa't Con , Miaa Blanche Evana; G.W. Heraid, Mra. Ehzabeth Robin¬ son ; G. W. Prootor, Mr. L. W. Hol- brook; G. W. Leeturer, Mrs. B. L. XitehelL The Grand Worthy Oounsellor then requeetcd the delegatea te flle their ersdentiala with the Grand Worthy Regiater of Deeda, after whieh the Committee on Grsdentials. Mra. Har- riet Thompson, Mrs. L. D. B>rd, Mrs. Mary X. Gay, retired to examine the asme and reported 81 peraona entitled to reeeive the Grand Court Degree. riBB DBLKttATlOM. The Grand Worthy Couasellor then asked that ohairs be arranged io the in the eenter of the ipacioua hall for the eourt repreaentstivss, and stated after they were seated that there lay the power of the Grand Body that Grand Officers and delegates were the only ones with voiee and vote. It was indeed as fine sn sssemblsge as ever graetd any hall on a aimilar cceasion. It is almost needlessto ssy it wss the Iargest ever met in the Grsnd Court session, ss there were 28 new delegates. This but demonstrstes the msrvel- lons inerease in membership in the short spaee of ten months. TEN XBW 00UBTS, Tsn new eourts have been made within 10 months and 891 members added to the Order in this Depart¬ ment besides a eourt ef 87 aet aside in Norfolk Wedneaday night. May 22nd, at the close of the session to do honor to Mrs. Mary N. Gav, Deputy Grand Worthy Oounsellor of Norfolk tbrough whose tfTorts a few months previous Mary'a Oourt had been organized. The Grand Court then had reessa until 8:30 p. m. to allow the eourt members s chanee to see the parade. the fineat ever aeen in that loeality either white or eolored. A GLIMFSB Or THB P-BAOB. The Grsnd Worthy Oounsellor, Mr. John Mitohell.Jr., sa Brlgadier Gen¬ eral and his brilliantly attired stuff, monnted on the flnest steed thst the "oity by the sea*' eould afford lsd the JiroeessioB, followed by the floe uni- ormed companiea from Riohmond, Hsmptoo, Nsrfolk and Portamouth and preaented a seeae magniflent to bshold ar.d inspiring to the rsce. The Uniformed rank formed a line on eaeh side of the street snd the General and Staff eame ap from the rear followed by the respeetive com- panies, each in command of his own eaptain, and the military taeties dis- Elayed would have done honor to a nited States regiment of soidiers so digaifled snd easy was the bear ing of eaoh offleer and member of eaeh com¬ pany. TWO flll BAMDS. 2 fine braas bands furnished the mus ie for the oeeaslon and we notieed the bl ie ©oat ?'sruardiaoa of peaes" keep- iag step to the musle and msrohing with the parade to aee that none dis- turbed the Knights. The following; eonstituted the order of formation: Brifadier General, J ,hn Mitehell. Jr. Assistant Adjutant General Colonei John R. Ohiie*. Chief of .tafl Co . Jee- ae Serugg* : B igade Signal Offioer, Ool. E F. R ibinson. Brigade Muater- ing Officer, Col. D. W. Johnaoa ; Assis¬ tant Quarteriaaster General, Uolonel Augaatus Taylor; Aasiatart Sergeon Gra-ral, Colonal E. R. Jefferson. Aid-de pimp. Maj J. E. Bright Ms j or J. J. Poker. Major J II. Briee, "haplaio. First Rfgimeat, Msjnr E. A. Washing¬ ton cmoianoing; Adjitant. Oaptain A. J. 8_ith, Jr ; Quarter_fr«ater, eap- tsin Willis Wjatt; dignal Offljer, Cap¬ tain Henry Stokes. Eureka to No. 1, Captain R. 8. Nel- bob eo-nmseding. Planet oompany, "So. 8, Captain T. M. Crump, eommandiog Danville, Pythias, Captain W. A. Mill ner eommandiog. Col.M. D. Meekini, 2nd Regiment TJ. R. K of P. Adj. Ohief of Staff Edward Laagiey, Bergeeot, Dr. W. T. Jouea; Qnartermaater, John __vana, Rank Cap¬ tain ; Commiaaarv. Chaa. Brooks, Rank oaptain ; Bignal Offioer, Boaton Snead, Rank-oaptain. Sargeaot lis j ar, Chaa. Carvic ; Cotn- m a ary, Wm. tiei al.y*' M..-,r lat BaL, Q. L. Pugh; Adjutant J. E. Byrd ; Oommlssary, Phil Brown ; Signal Offioer, W. E. Mann. Sergeaot Msjor. R, Bland. Maj ir 2nd Battalion. Assistant Serg , Wm. Troy; Adj., Olaiborne Page; Quartermaster, Henry Cooper ; 8er g. Ms j., John Jeffers. Pride of B*rkley, Co.,Na 17 Captain Moses Perry. Berkley, lat Lieut ; A. J. Wright; 2ad Lieutenant, O F, Brook-*; Haonibal Co., N). 8, Portsmouth, Osptain J. Wioalow ; lat Lieutenant, J. H Brown. Roanoke Co. No, 0. Newport Newa, Oaptain J. T. Freemao; lat L'eutenant W. J, Bell; 2ud Lieutenant, C. H Waahington. National Co., No. 6, Norfolk: Aoting Oaptain, J, Bonney ; lat Lieutenant, J. 0. Clark ; 2nd Lieut., W. Tate. Norfolk Oo., No. 9; Norfolk, Captain H. Hill; lat Lieut., W. Adama; 2nd Lieut., M. Iasbel. Msnning Oo , No. 13, Portamouth; Captsin D. White; Firat Lieutenant, Alex White ; 2nd Li.ut.- J. T. Wilaoo Oo., No. 14, Hampton ; Oapt., 8. E. Blu*- ; lat Lieut., R. a. Mil¬ ler ; 2nd Lieut., T. l_. Mann. Maeeo Oo., 16, Newport Newr; Capt, Phil Brown; lat Lieut, E. F. Jaekson; 3od Lieut.. W. P. Reid. The houaeaof mott ef the Koighta were deeorated with K, of P. eolors and ladiea waved fiaga snd handker- ehiefa aa the parade paaasd by. Some of the leading officers of the Grand Lodge were in esrrisges. The Qrsnd Court re assembled st G: 80 snd reaumed ita work. Eocourrg- ing reports were reoeived from sll the delegates from the various oouris and the Grand Worthy Register of Deeda read the lettera of thoae unable to aend a delegate. The lettera aent beat wiahes aad prayera from the other eourta and were highly sppreoisted by ths body. THB QBAND WOBTHT C0UN8BLU>B'S BB- POBT, The Graod Worth Counaellor then read hia report. It wss very eompre- henaive and waa liatened to with bresthleaa attention ss it waa a oom¬ plete review of the workof the Grand Court for the paat 10 montha. Hia report atated hia gratifl.ation at the remarkable inerease in the mem¬ ber ship and peaee aod harmony that had prevailed throughout hia Juritdie- tioo. The desth rste he asid had been hesvier thsn tbs previoua year .£.$1900 had aeen paid out within that time, yet we are progresaing wonderfully. 1620 polioiea snd 88 ehsrters hsd been isaued by him he aioee had taken oharge of the Order, ia ahort apsae of .yesrs. Hia report highly oomplimented the Qrsnd Worthy Register of Deeda for her work in every department of the Order and also Sister Anns Taylor for having gotten up three more eoarts, msking 10 to her oredit ia all and ree- ommended her for higher honors whieh she afterwarda reoeived. OTHIB BBPOST8. The Graod Worthy Regialer of Deeda, Miss M. L. Ohiles then resd her report,whioh waasekaowledged by sll to be one of the flneas they hsd ev¬ er heard. It was also a review of the Grsnd Court work and alao ezplainad every department snd tha mansge- Oontioued 00 Eighth Page. HARTSHORN MBIORIAL COLLEGE. THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. The Close of a Most Satisfac- tory Session. The Gradnating Exereises of Harta- horn Memorial Uollege, Rev. I yman B. Tefft, D D., preaident. took placr Thursday, May 2Srd, 8 :15 p. m. in the college ehapel. The programme wsa sdmirably arranged ard the enter- tsicment wsa a aucceaa in every w«y. Ths folloairg ia the order of exer- oisei: rjlngirjg. The Doxolrgy. Prayer; ehorus. Lo ! My dhepberd s Hand Oi vine ; eaasy, Wh«t We Get from SufJ r- ing..Maggie Pegra_ Rowlett; easay, The Eduiaatioo of Women . Blanche Mildred Kinney ; essay, Oountry and Oity Life,.Jaae Oatherine Johram; Selnahneea and Love. Geaeva Koaa Humblea; double quartette. The Wa ter Nymph; easay, Lincoln, The fcman eipator,.Fleteher May Howeil; easay, Intellectusl aod Induatrial E*du?ation, . Slisabeth Oornelia Howard; eaaay, Slent Foreea,.Sarah Ebz.beth Har- vej ; double quavtette Tae Riaing of tbe Lark ; ei say. The Workman Known by His Work . Marj t'atherine Eaell; essay, The Price Of Suoeeas,.Suaan Emma Brown; eiaay, Blind in the Midat of Beauty . _da Catlette Bay- top ; eherut, The Boat man's 8org Pre- sentstion of diplomaa; double quar- tette, Down in the D wy Dell; Award- ing snd preaentation of prisas ; anthem. Sweet is Thy fderey. The graduates were as follows: Ada C Baytno Arkansas. Pusan Emma Brown,Oharlotteavtlie; Mary 0. Euall, dtsunton; E. Harvey, -demphia, 1'enn. ;j Lizsie C. Howard, Peteraburg ; F. Mary Howell, Soffolk; Geneva Roaa Humblea, Lynchburg; Jane O. Johnaon, Charlotteaville; Mag¬ gio Pegrsm. Port Walthall; Blanehe M. Kinney, Riehmond. The year'a work haa been very sat- iafaotory nnder the leadership of that scholarly inatruetor, Rev. Dr. Ttfft, asaiated by a moat effioient fseulty. the reaults hsve been such as to win ths sppreval not only of tho atudenta, but the parenta aa w.ll. Kartahorn haa ateadily grown io pop ular favor until io every hamlet and village in the atate parenta areeodeav- oring to raiae the neoeasary fee in ord er to aeeure for their daughte a the baueflt of thia Chriatian training, sur- roueded aa they are hy all of the ssfeguards whieh a sehool distinctive- ly for femalea afforda. With this issus, we present our resd- era with the pletnrea of the grsdaat- in r elaaa and with a good likeneaa of thst remsrksble, but able edueator. Rev. Dr. Lyman B. Ttfft Hia labara have been erowned with aoeoeaa, and hia organization of a col- legiate.department for women, whieh afford. them sll of the sdvaotages of the.most modern nniversities hss been one of the surprises of the lsst few yesra of his master,y leadership. -Mr. Jessie Randsll of 305 East Fraaklin 8t. left Monday for Piusbnrg Pa. where he will reaasin daring the Bammer and fall montha. Rev. lt, B. Tefft, D. D., fres., Hartshom Memorial College. Philip Moore Diacharged. Philip Moore waa caught Turadar night, May 17.b under tha btd at No. 19 W. Cisy 8:. st Mr. A. J. Marena-. instesd of at No. 7 W. Olay S as p_b- liahed. It was io tbe servant girl'a room, whoae nsms is F ora. The caae waa diamisied. 8ubaoribetothe _*ian«f,:Ul N. Fjurth 8t, Riehmond, Va. Lynooed For Attempted Crime. Wsbt Point, Misa . May 22nd,.Milt Caivert, a eolored man was huttg by enraged oit z-ns at Griffeth. thia eoun¬ ty, last night- He atiempted an as¬ sault up< n Tiay Gates, a ten year old daughter of Mr.. Ella Gates, at Orif- fe.h. GRADUATES, 1901, HARTSHORN MEMORJAL COLLEGE. Doing Good Work. Tobtlb Cbbsk, Pa , May 21, '01 John Mitchell, Jr., Desr Sir :. E-elosed flnd Postal order for $3 00 for the Planit te Feb'y 15*.h. 1903. Teu sre doing s good work, keep on. in time the rsee will make its mark, sa time rolls on snd they learn to live in hsrmony with eaeh other and do leaaquarreling among themsslves. Ihey mu*Jt flrst come up to s highsr atandard of manhood and womanhood in order to draw men to them, put en- ergy in everything they undert-ke to do and less tomfoolery turn to r»speet the women of the race. With respeo*, Iam, W. A. Bryans A Brillisnt Msrrisge. The yonng people of Mt. Zion Bap¬ tist church of Powhstan eoonty, \a. seem to have been arouaed on \v_dne_- dsy, May 15th. 1901 at half past 3 0*- eloek, p. m, when they met at church en masse. Tbe oeeasion wss the rnar¬ riage of Mias Mabel R. Pryor to Mr. Willie E. Morris. The bride wss hand- somely attired in a dress of pesrl gray with hat and glovea to msteh. Tha groom wore the uiual eonventiosal anit of blaak. Meaara Wallaes Howard and Aodrew J Brown were ths ushsra. Miss Besais Hopkina of Hichmond| Va. and Miss Janie Johnson of Powhstsn* .wers maids of bonor. After the eeremony, 'he couple returned to tbe reaidence of Mra. Raehel Howsrd, grandmother of he bridn, where they had everything plentiful aud tuited for the oeession. Ihe p**esents were numerooe. ."*.' Rev. T. P. Harria offloiated. .-¦aasa-a aa -_ -Mr. A. Humbles sf Lynehburg wss in ths city last week. He wss hers to attend the eonamencement ex- erciaea of Hartshorn Memerial Col¬ lege. Hia aeeompliahed daughter, Miaa Gsnevs ia one of tbe grsdustes. He was looking well and was enihu- ¦uastic over tke prospsets of the Bsp- tistdt-nominstion in thia stste. ~~_-Mp' Jno. W. Robinson is siek snd «onfln d to his bed st his residence, No. 803 Cstherine 8t. Be is the Wor¬ thy Oounsellor of Unity Oourt snd the Maater of Exchequer of. Unity Lodge. He wishes to see all 8ir Knights. Special Ercursion Rates Via South¬ ern Railway. Internationsl Christian Endeavor OonYea tion, Cineinnati, Ohio, July 8 te 10th. 1901. For the above oeeaaion the Southern Rsilwgy will sell tieketa one fare for ths round trip, tiekets on sale July 4, 5, tth, with return limit July lstn. _y depositing tiekets with Joint agent and upon payment lof 60 cents sxtension of limit will be granted un- til September lst. DR. BROOKS' REA50NS. Will not Preaeh a Test Sermon. How to Call A Pastor. HIS.FRIENDS ACTIVE..MONDAY NIGHT TO DE- tk mWkt CIDE THE QUESTION. 7 he Firat B.ptist Chureh of thia eity b.tter known perhaps aa the Firat Af¬ rican Baptist t hurgh ia often designs- ted aa the' Mother cf sll of the churoh es." It ia one of the most famous church¬ es in this country. and there is scaree- ly a loealiiy, North or South. East or West where eolored people from Rieh mond abound that some ef its mem bers msy not be located. Monday night. June 8rd, 1901. every member is expeeted to be present to vote ror hia cholee The committee haa nominated three divinea of irre- prosohable Character and great ability They are Rev. Walter H. Brooks. D D.. pastor ot the 1*9 ,h Street Bap'iat 'Chureh of Washington D. C, Rev. A W. Pegues of Shsw University at Ral- t-gh. N. C. and Rev. W T. Johnaon. B D., paator of the Firat B .ptist; Churoh at Lexington, Va. g atsva. PsauBs and jsbhbon rasiCHio. Rev Pegues preaehed a ssholarly sermon Sunday, May 5th. and Rev. Johnaon delivered an able and foroi- tle sermon laat Sunday, 12th inst No arrangements had bten made to invite Rev. Brooks te preaeh and his frienda were disaatisfled. They aoeor- dicgly wrote to the diatinguished di- vine relative to hia appearanee hete to m.rrow. 8rd inat. The lettera in reply eonstituted rieh reading aad are abjut the ableat aod moat eonvincing oom- munioationa i ver aent to any ohurch. They will be read to-morrow at the Firat Baptiat Ohurch The diatinguiahed theologian takes h gh gioand* TBOSE LBTTBB8 BB-TT TO BBBTHBBM. Io the one addressed te Deaoon J. 0. Farley, he dtclarea that he oan not oonsent to be present the day before the election of pasto-, aa it would be ooi atrued as antff >rt to aid hiasucceaa aa a oandidate for the pulpit. He cal.a attention to the faot that he was sought out and ealled to the paa- torate of tbe Second Baptiat church and alao in the aame way at the 19th St. Baptiat chureh. He adviaea the nomination of the men, and thsn ths taking of the sama to God in prayer. after whieh let the ball-ta be eaat and let the one reoeiv ing the higheat number be dealartd the unaoimous choice of the church. BBMBATH THB D'UNITY. ln hia letter to Deseon John 8. Pow¬ ell snd brother H. F. Jonation and Deaeon Hsrrison Smith he deelarts that .o appear in Riehmond at this time would be btneath the dignity of a true maa of God. He sdvises tbem to hesr from Gcd, snd govern themselvea secordiogly: In his letter to D.aeon Geo. W. Lew¬ ia, he expreeaea the aame aentimeots and deolerea that the pulpit ahould aeek the man aod not the man, the pul pit.acd emphatieally declarea that hs will not de one thing to influence the membera of the Firat Baptiat Church to oall him. r-¦_ ihese lettera have ereated a moat favorable impreetion and the aenti- ment in favor of the great pulpit ora- tor ia on a atesdy increase. OBIOIMAL BICBMOBDBH. It now 'ranapirei tbat tht Rev. Dr. Brooka and hia family and relstivea are originsl reaidenta of Riehmond. He wsa baptized snd beesme a member of the Firat Baptiat ohurch. He wsa li- censed to presoh by thst ohurch, snd time snd sgsin hsa occupied the ascred deak st thst hiatorio edifloe. A BTBADY IXOBBABB Aa a result. Rev. Dr. Brook's sdmii era are on the increase, and unlesa sll Bigna fsil, upon a full attendanee the oall will be extended to him by an ov- erwhelmiog majorlty, More than two- thirda of the deaeona are in favor of thia former member of tha First Bsd- tiat Chureh. The chureh will be opened at 7 p. m. next Moodsy night and only membera of thst eongregstion will be sdntitted. If the reeommendatiooa of the Dea¬ eon Board sre obserred, esoh person will riae and atsnd until they are count ed for their osndidste. Why Call Dr. Brooks? Editor of the Riehmond Pl.xbt: As an humble member of the FirBt Baptiat Chureh. willing at sll timea to help bear its burdens snd being deeply interested in that whieh is beat for our churoh, I drop yoa theaa few llnes. av1 mW »monaT the people. I hesr their dlscusaions ani I know what wa, who baar tha burdena of tha chureh, want in the nature of a pastor. It ts wall known that tha Flrat Baptist Churoh, with her great hirtory, repu- tation for good worka and powerful membeiahip. amanda out aa one of the 'oremoit eolored churehea io the Un¬ ited Statea. And therefore, we !eel that su*h a chureh cught to hava a pavtcr of welgh , power snd experi- ence. 8uch a man, wa see io the per¬ aon of Rev. Walf r II Biooks. D. D., the pride of tin american Negro Bap¬ tiat pulpit. A man who ttacd* head ard ahooldera far above ths sveraga, *ith only a few who oan aucoesafully eompBts with him ss a great pastor. Tbe First Baptiit Ohareb wanta bim. We baptised him, we ordained him, and aent bim out to the world and whertver he haa gone, his glory ha* been the glory of ths old mother ehuroh. I say again, wewantDr. Brooka. BBA8ON8 QIVBB Firat, becB-ae he is a man of great Ohriatian purity; aecoodly, becauae he ia one of the best paator* tnown among the Baptist mioiatry H* pat- tora hia whole fljok from the blghaat to the loweat and makea them all feel at home wfth him. Thirdly, Dr. Brooka, though educat- ed, bnlliant and eultured, yet.haa that peculiar quality fouod ln few highly eduested presohors, whieh makes him ths people's presoher. Ths moat i«- norant man delighta to hang on the Wordof God bb it fljwe from thia powerfu! preacher of the Maater'egoe- pel. That ia what our ehurch neada to-day. Not a praaeher of the faw not a preacher of any certain elaan! but a preacher for sll ihe people. De Brooka ia that preacher. Founhly, we »aas aim beeauas of hia great aeho>ar»hip. Hs ia the only eandidate before our peopl* who haa really graduated from a iverBiiy aud yet with ail of his learning, hs ia gent»e, humble, Ohriat-iik*. in hia bear- ing Fifthly. we want him beeame he is a apiri.u.j man. Woo x$ thefe .q city of Kicnmond that haa ever aat nn- rt-r the magnetio h fluenoe of Dr Buoha without feeiing the aubtle- drswing power that aeema to lift your sjajaaj to the high re tlms abovt? Sixth, we want him becauae of his inuuence. We need aot sav to you for evertbody knows it, that Drl Brooka. among white and oolored peo¬ ple in poarer and strsngtb is faJt throughout thia broad land. HIS VOIOB BSABB. Hia voiee haa been heard in the lead- ing white churehea of Washington, D. O., the North snd Mouth. S.iventhly, but if there ia sny reas- on that I have, which might aavor of se)B4bneBi, it ia, we want Dr. Brooka beosuss of his drawing qualities. All Riohmond kcows that the locstion of our chureh demands the calling of a pastor who can hold hia own against other atrong oas*ors of the city. Take forexatxple Dr. Z D. Lewis, holding his great orowds at ths Second Bap¬ tist; Dr. W. F. Graham, with ihe great throngs erowuing his htppily looated church: Dr. A. S. Thomas, overfl >w- ing his house of worship every Sunday. Say what jou please, the old Firat Baptiat church muat have a pastor that will either equal these atrong preaohera or surpaas them one. I do not mean to aay that Dr Brooka is their superior, but certainly I domean to say that he is their equal in draw¬ ing qualities. FOUR OTHBBS KNOWN. I know not but four other men out of Riohmond in tho whole state that could eome to Richmond and hold their own against the three pastorg above named. They are Dr. G. R, Howard. Dr. J. M. Armistead,;Rev. W M. Mois, B. D., Dr. R. H. Boiling. There are three young men in our oity that can exoell sny man brought here to preaeh by our pnlpit eomtnit* tee. They are Reva. Bowlsr, D. Web- Bter Davis snd Stokes. If we are not going to eall a man of great and long standing experience, why I would rather take one of these true and tried young men that we know. But sir we want Dr. Waltsr Brooka in the pul¬ pit of the grand old mother church. He will draw tha peeple frem all parte of this oity. We want him. We are eoming oat Monday night not to eleet him but to eall him by the voice of the church, not the voice ef thoae who have aelfish motivss at stske. We want him flrst, second and last to help build up God's old Zion. We, who are willing to work hard to support our church want him, yes sir, and we are eoming to call him. We do not have ta esnvaaa and button-hole people, we have no liat going around to secare names; that is non-Ohrist-like. There is simply a simultaneoui, spontaaeoas oraving in the hearts of the members of the First Baptiat ehurjh to have Dr. Brooka eome and lesd ns on to vie- tory. Yours for Ohrist, Brooka and old Fint Baptist Churoh, J. 0. Faklbt.
Page 1: PYTHIANS AT DR. BROOKS' PORTSMOUTH. COLLEGE ...horn Memorial Uollege, Rev. I yman B. Tefft, D D., preaident. took placr Thursday, May2Srd, 8:15 p. m. in the college ehapel. The programmewsa



The Session ofthe Grand Court.


GRAND BANQUET TENDERED THEM.The represeutatives of the Knights

of Fythiss aad Coorts of Oalanthsof Virginia left Kiehmond onthe 8:40 p. ra. train Monday, May 20thover the 0. <k O. R. RThe trip down waa very pleassnt sa

the delegstien had apeeial aeeommo-dationa.At Newport News, they were joioed

bj others Irom Suffolk, Newport Newssad boardea the steamer for Porta-mouth. The air waa eool and braoing

%¦ aad was an jojed by all.CO-MITTBB MET THIS.

?mving at their deatination. theywere met by Dr. Troy, Sir KnightWilliam M. Reid, Et e, . Grand Masterof Exchcqaer of the Grand Lodge ofVirginis snd ssaigaed to their severaltemporary homsa.Ths whole delegstion fared well in

this respeet, as tke eommittee had an-desvored to aeleet ths most plesaaotand somfartsble homea for their dia-tingoiahed guests.Ths Grand Oourt of Virginis aner_-

bled in the True Reformera Hall, Highstreet, Tuesday, May 21st, at 1 p. m.

THOBB WBO VILLBD THB 8TATI0NI.Grand Worthy Oounssllor John

Mitchell, Jr., in the chair. The Ooortwaa opened in dne form. after whichthe Grand Worthy Regiater of Deedaeailed the roll of tffieera and the fol¬lowing reaponded to their namea andfiiled their etationa:

G. W C., Mr. John Mitchell, Jr.;G. W. Iaapeetrix, Mrs. Kate Thomas ;G. W. Inapeetor, Mrs. Nannie Skip-with ; G. W. O., Mra. Annie Ulaiborne;G. W. R. of Deeda, Miss M. L Ohiles;Q. W. R. of Deposits, Mrs. Josie 4.Graham; G. W. Eseort, Mrs. R. £.Wealey :G. W. 8. D. Mrs. Anna Tay¬lor ; G. W. J. D., Mrs. Nannie O. John¬son ; G. W. Oon., Mra. Msry N. Qsy ; G.W. Aaa't Con , Miaa Blanche Evana;G.W. Heraid, Mra. Ehzabeth Robin¬son ; G. W. Prootor, Mr. L. W. Hol-brook; G. W. Leeturer, Mrs. B. L.XitehelLThe Grand Worthy Oounsellor then

requeetcd the delegatea te flle theirersdentiala with the Grand WorthyRegiater of Deeda, after whieh theCommittee on Grsdentials. Mra. Har-riet Thompson, Mrs. L. D. B>rd, Mrs.Mary X. Gay, retired to examine theasme and reported 81 peraona entitledto reeeive the Grand Court Degree.


The Grand Worthy Couasellor thenasked that ohairs be arranged io thein the eenter of the ipacioua hall forthe eourt repreaentstivss, and statedafter they were seated that there laythe power of the Grand Body thatGrand Officers and delegates were theonly ones with voiee and vote.

It was indeed as fine sn sssemblsgeas ever graetd any hall on a aimilarcceasion. It is almost needlessto ssyit wss the Iargest ever met in theGrsnd Court session, ss there were 28new delegates.This but demonstrstes the msrvel-

lons inerease in membership in theshort spaee of ten months.

TEN XBW 00UBTS,Tsn new eourts have been made

within 10 months and 891 membersadded to the Order in this Depart¬ment besides a eourt ef 87 aet aside inNorfolk Wedneaday night. May 22nd,at the close of the session to do honorto Mrs. Mary N. Gav, Deputy GrandWorthy Oounsellor of Norfolk tbroughwhose tfTorts a few months previousMary'a Oourt had been organized.The Grand Court then had reessa

until 8:30 p. m. to allow the eourtmembers s chanee to see the parade.the fineat ever aeen in that loealityeither white or eolored.


The Grsnd Worthy Oounsellor, Mr.John Mitohell.Jr., sa Brlgadier Gen¬eral and his brilliantly attired stuff,monnted on the flnest steed thst the"oity by the sea*' eould afford lsd the

JiroeessioB, followed by the floe uni-ormed companiea from Riohmond,Hsmptoo, Nsrfolk and Portamouthand preaented a seeae magniflent tobshold ar.d inspiring to the rsce.The Uniformed rank formed a line

on eaeh side of the street snd theGeneral and Staff eame ap from therear followed by the respeetive com-panies, each in command of his owneaptain, and the military taeties dis-

Elayed would have done honor to anited States regiment of soidiers so

digaifled snd easy was the bearing ofeaoh offleer and member of eaeh com¬pany.

TWO flll BAMDS.2 fine braas bands furnished the mus

ie for the oeeaslon and we notieed thebl ie ©oat ?'sruardiaoa of peaes" keep-iag step to the musle and msrohing

with the parade to aee that none dis-turbed the Knights.The following; eonstituted the order

of formation:Brifadier General, J ,hn Mitehell. Jr.

Assistant Adjutant General ColoneiJohn R. Ohiie*. Chief of .tafl Co . Jee-ae Serugg* : B igade Signal Offioer,Ool. E F. R ibinson. Brigade Muater-ing Officer, Col. D. W. Johnaoa ; Assis¬tant Quarteriaaster General, UolonelAugaatus Taylor; Aasiatart SergeonGra-ral, Colonal E. R. Jefferson.

Aid-de pimp. Maj J. E. Bright Ms jor J. J. Poker. Major J II. Briee,"haplaio.First Rfgimeat, Msjnr E. A. Washing¬ton cmoianoing; Adjitant. OaptainA. J. 8_ith, Jr ; Quarter_fr«ater, eap-tsin Willis Wjatt; dignal Offljer, Cap¬tain Henry Stokes.Eureka to No. 1, Captain R. 8. Nel-

bob eo-nmseding.Planet oompany, "So. 8, Captain T.

M. Crump, eommandiogDanville, Pythias, Captain W. A. Mill

ner eommandiog.Col.M. D. Meekini, 2nd Regiment TJ.

R. K of P. Adj. Ohief of Staff EdwardLaagiey, Bergeeot, Dr. W. T. Jouea;Qnartermaater, John __vana, Rank Cap¬tain ; Commiaaarv. Chaa. Brooks, Rankoaptain ; Bignal Offioer, Boaton Snead,Rank-oaptain.Sargeaot lis j ar, Chaa. Carvic ; Cotn-

m a ary, Wm. tiei al.y*'M..-,r lat BaL, Q. L. Pugh; AdjutantJ. E. Byrd ; Oommlssary, Phil Brown ;

Signal Offioer, W. E. Mann. SergeaotMsjor. R, Bland.Maj ir 2nd Battalion. Assistant Serg ,

Wm. Troy; Adj., Olaiborne Page;Quartermaster, Henry Cooper ; 8er g.Ms j., John Jeffers.Pride of B*rkley, Co.,Na 17 Captain

Moses Perry. Berkley, lat Lieut ; A. J.Wright; 2ad Lieutenant, O F, Brook-*;Haonibal Co., N). 8, Portsmouth,

Osptain J. Wioalow ; lat Lieutenant, J.H Brown.Roanoke Co. No, 0. Newport Newa,

Oaptain J. T. Freemao; lat L'eutenantW. J, Bell; 2ud Lieutenant, C. HWaahington.National Co., No. 6, Norfolk: Aoting

Oaptain, J, Bonney ; lat Lieutenant, J.0. Clark ; 2nd Lieut., W. Tate.Norfolk Oo., No. 9; Norfolk, Captain

H. Hill; lat Lieut., W. Adama; 2ndLieut., M. Iasbel.Msnning Oo , No. 13, Portamouth;

Captsin D. White; Firat Lieutenant,Alex White ; 2nd Li.ut.-

J. T. Wilaoo Oo., No. 14, Hampton ;Oapt., 8. E. Blu*- ; lat Lieut., R. a. Mil¬ler ; 2nd Lieut., T. l_. Mann.Maeeo Oo., 16, Newport Newr;

Capt, Phil Brown; lat Lieut, E. F.Jaekson; 3od Lieut.. W. P. Reid.The houaeaof mott ef the Koighta

were deeorated with K, of P. eolorsand ladiea waved fiaga snd handker-ehiefa aa the parade paaasd by.Some of the leading officers of the

Grand Lodge were in esrrisges.The Qrsnd Court reassembled st G:

80 snd reaumed ita work. Eocourrg-ing reports were reoeived from sll thedelegates from the various oouris andthe Grand Worthy Register of Deedaread the lettera of thoae unable toaend a delegate. The lettera aent beatwiahes aad prayera from the othereourta and were highly sppreoisted byths body.THB QBAND WOBTHT C0UN8BLU>B'S BB-

POBT,The Graod Worth Counaellor then

read hia report. It wss very eompre-henaive and waa liatened to withbresthleaa attention ss it waa a oom¬plete review of the workof the GrandCourt for the paat 10 montha.Hia report atated hia gratifl.ation at

the remarkable inerease in the mem¬bership and peaee aod harmony thathad prevailed throughout hia Juritdie-tioo.The desth rste he asid had been

hesvier thsn tbs previoua year.£.$1900had aeen paid out within that time,yet we are progresaing wonderfully.

1620 polioiea snd 88 ehsrters hsdbeen isaued by him he aioee had takenoharge of the Order, ia ahort apsae of.yesrs.Hia report highly oomplimented the

Qrsnd Worthy Register of Deeda forher work in every department of theOrder and also Sister Anns Taylor forhaving gotten up three more eoarts,msking 10 to her oredit ia all and ree-ommended her for higher honorswhieh she afterwarda reoeived.


The Graod Worthy Regialer ofDeeda, Miss M. L. Ohiles then resdher report,whioh waasekaowledged bysll to be one of the flneas they hsd ev¬er heard. It was also a review of theGrsnd Court work and alao ezplainadevery department snd tha mansge-

Oontioued 00 Eighth Page.




The Close of a Most Satisfac-tory Session.

The Gradnating Exereises of Harta-horn Memorial Uollege, Rev. I ymanB. Tefft, D D., preaident. took placrThursday, May 2Srd, 8 :15 p. m. in thecollege ehapel. The programme wsasdmirably arranged ard the enter-tsicment wsa a aucceaa in every w«y.Ths folloairg ia the order of exer-

oisei:rjlngirjg. The Doxolrgy. Prayer;

ehorus. Lo ! My dhepberd s Hand Oivine ; eaasy, Wh«t We Get from SufJ r-

ing..Maggie Pegra_ Rowlett; easay,The Eduiaatioo of Women . BlancheMildred Kinney ; essay, Oountry andOity Life,.Jaae Oatherine Johram;Selnahneea and Love. Geaeva KoaaHumblea; double quartette. The Water Nymph; easay, Lincoln, The fcmaneipator,.Fleteher May Howeil; easay,Intellectusl aod Induatrial E*du?ation,. Slisabeth Oornelia Howard; eaaay,Slent Foreea,.Sarah Ebz.beth Har-vej ; double quavtette Tae Riaing oftbe Lark ; ei say. The Workman Knownby His Work .Marj t'atherine Eaell;essay, The Price Of Suoeeas,.SuaanEmma Brown; eiaay, Blind in theMidat of Beauty ._da Catlette Bay-top ; eherut, The Boat man's 8org Pre-sentstion of diplomaa; double quar-tette, Down in the D wy Dell; Award-ing snd preaentation of prisas ; anthem.Sweet is Thy fderey.The graduates were as follows:Ada C Baytno Arkansas.Pusan Emma Brown,Oharlotteavtlie;

Mary 0. Euall, dtsunton; E. Harvey,

-demphia, 1'enn. ;j Lizsie C. Howard,Peteraburg ; F. Mary Howell, Soffolk;Geneva Roaa Humblea, Lynchburg;Jane O. Johnaon, Charlotteaville; Mag¬gio Pegrsm. Port Walthall; BlaneheM. Kinney, Riehmond.The year'a work haa been very sat-

iafaotory nnder the leadership of thatscholarly inatruetor, Rev. Dr. Ttfft,asaiated by a moat effioient fseulty.the reaults hsve been such as to winths sppreval not only of tho atudenta,but the parenta aa w.ll.Kartahorn haa ateadily grown io popular favor until io every hamlet and

village in the atate parenta areeodeav-oring to raiae the neoeasary fee in order to aeeure for their daughte a thebaueflt of thia Chriatian training, sur-roueded aa they are hy all of thessfeguards whieh a sehool distinctive-ly for femalea afforda.With this issus, we present our resd-

era with the pletnrea of the grsdaat-in r elaaa and with a good likeneaa ofthst remsrksble, but able edueator.Rev. Dr. Lyman B. TtfftHia labara have been erowned with

aoeoeaa, and hia organization of a col-legiate.department for women, whiehafford. them sll of the sdvaotages ofthe.most modern nniversities hss beenone of the surprises of the lsst fewyesra of his master,y leadership.

-Mr. Jessie Randsll of 305 EastFraaklin 8t. left Monday for PiusbnrgPa. where he will reaasin daring theBammer and fall montha.

Rev. lt, B. Tefft, D. D., fres., Hartshom Memorial College.

Philip Moore Diacharged.

Philip Moore waa caught Turadarnight, May 17.b under tha btd at No.19 W. Cisy 8:. st Mr. A. J. Marena-.instesd of at No. 7 W. Olay S as p_b-liahed. It was io tbe servant girl'aroom, whoae nsms is F ora. The caaewaa diamisied.

8ubaoribetothe _*ian«f,:Ul N. Fjurth8t, Riehmond, Va.

Lynooed For Attempted Crime.

Wsbt Point, Misa . May 22nd,.MiltCaivert, a eolored man was huttg byenraged oit z-ns at Griffeth. thia eoun¬ty, last night- He atiempted an as¬sault up< n Tiay Gates, a ten year olddaughter of Mr.. Ella Gates, at Orif-fe.h.


Doing Good Work.

Tobtlb Cbbsk, Pa , May 21, '01John Mitchell, Jr.,

Desr Sir :.E-elosed flnd Postal order for $3 00

for the Planit te Feb'y 15*.h. 1903.Teu sre doing s good work, keep on.

in time the rsee will make its mark,sa time rolls on snd they learn to livein hsrmony with eaeh other and doleaaquarreling among themsslves.Ihey mu*Jt flrst come up to s highsr

atandard of manhood and womanhoodin order to draw men to them, put en-ergy in everything they undert-ke todo and less tomfoolery turn to r»speetthe women of the race.

With respeo*, Iam,W. A. Bryans

A Brillisnt Msrrisge.

The yonng people of Mt. Zion Bap¬tist church of Powhstan eoonty, \a.seem to have been arouaed on \v_dne_-dsy, May 15th. 1901 at half past 3 0*-eloek, p. m, when they met at churchen masse. Tbe oeeasion wss the rnar¬riage of Mias Mabel R. Pryor to Mr.Willie E. Morris. The bride wss hand-somely attired in a dress of pesrl graywith hat and glovea to msteh. Thagroom wore the uiual eonventiosalanit of blaak.Meaara Wallaes Howard and Aodrew

J Brown were ths ushsra. Miss Besais

Hopkina of Hichmond| Va. and MissJanie Johnson of Powhstsn* .wersmaids of bonor. After the eeremony,'he couple returned to tbe reaidence ofMra. Raehel Howsrd, grandmother ofhe bridn, where they had everythingplentiful aud tuited for the oeession.Ihe p**esents were numerooe. ."*.'

Rev. T. P. Harria offloiated..-¦aasa-a aa -_

-Mr. A. Humbles sf Lynehburgwss in ths city last week. He wsshers to attend the eonamencement ex-erciaea of Hartshorn Memerial Col¬lege. Hia aeeompliahed daughter,Miaa Gsnevs ia one of tbe grsdustes.He was looking well and was enihu-¦uastic over tke prospsets of the Bsp-tistdt-nominstion in thia stste.~~_-Mp' Jno. W. Robinson is siek snd«onfln d to his bed st his residence,No. 803 Cstherine 8t. Be is the Wor¬thy Oounsellor of Unity Oourt snd theMaater of Exchequer of. Unity Lodge.He wishes to see all 8ir Knights.

Special Ercursion Rates Via South¬ern Railway.

Internationsl Christian EndeavorOonYeation, Cineinnati, Ohio, July 8 te10th. 1901. For the above oeeaaion theSouthern Rsilwgy will sell tieketa onefare for ths round trip, tiekets on saleJuly 4, 5, tth, with return limit Julylstn. _y depositing tiekets with Jointagent and upon payment lof 60 centssxtension of limit will be granted un-til September lst.


Will not Preaeh a Test Sermon.


7 he Firat B.ptist Chureh of thia eityb.tter known perhaps aa the Firat Af¬rican Baptist t hurgh ia often designs-ted aa the' Mother cf sll of the churohes."

It ia one of the most famous church¬es in this country. and there is scaree-ly a loealiiy, North or South. East orWest where eolored people from Riehmond abound that some ef its members msy not be located.Monday night. June 8rd, 1901. every

member is expeeted to be present tovote ror hia cholee The committeehaa nominated three divinea of irre-prosohable Character and great abilityThey are Rev. Walter H. Brooks. D

D.. pastor ot the 1*9 ,h Street Bap'iat'Chureh of Washington D. C, Rev. AW. Pegues of Shsw University at Ral-t-gh. N. C. and Rev. W T. Johnaon. BD., paator of the Firat B .ptist; Churohat Lexington, Va. gatsva. PsauBs and jsbhbon rasiCHio.

Rev Pegues preaehed a ssholarlysermon Sunday, May 5th. and Rev.Johnaon delivered an able and foroi-tle sermon laat Sunday, 12th instNo arrangements had bten made to

invite Rev. Brooks te preaeh and hisfrienda were disaatisfled. They aoeor-dicgly wrote to the diatinguished di-vine relative to hia appearanee hete tom.rrow. 8rd inat. The lettera in replyeonstituted rieh reading aad are abjutthe ableat aod moat eonvincing oom-munioationa i ver aent to any ohurch.They will be read to-morrow at the

Firat Baptiat OhurchThe diatinguiahed theologian takes

h gh gioand*TBOSE LBTTBB8 BB-TT TO BBBTHBBM.Io the one addressed te Deaoon J.

0. Farley, he dtclarea that he oan notoonsent to be present the day beforethe election of pasto-, aa it would beooi atrued as antff >rt to aid hiasucceaaaa a oandidate for the pulpit.He cal.a attention to the faot that he

was sought out and ealled to the paa-torate of tbe Second Baptiat churchand alao in the aame way at the 19thSt. Baptiat chureh.He adviaea the nomination of the

men, and thsn ths taking of the samato God in prayer. after whieh let theball-ta be eaat and let the one reoeiving the higheat number be dealartdthe unaoimous choice of the church.

BBMBATH THB D'UNITY.ln hia letter to Deseon John 8. Pow¬

ell snd brother H. F. Jonation andDeaeon Hsrrison Smith he deelartsthat .o appear in Riehmond at thistime would be btneath the dignity of atrue maa of God. He sdvises tbem tohesr from Gcd, snd govern themselveasecordiogly:In his letter to D.aeon Geo. W. Lew¬

ia, he expreeaea the aame aentimeotsand deolerea that the pulpit ahouldaeek the man aod not the man, the pulpit.acd emphatieally declarea that hswill not de one thing to influence themembera of the Firat Baptiat Churchto oall him. r-¦_

ihese lettera have ereated a moatfavorable impreetion and the aenti-ment in favor of the great pulpit ora-tor ia on a atesdy increase.

OBIOIMAL BICBMOBDBH.It now 'ranapirei tbat tht Rev. Dr.Brooka and hia family and relstivea are

originsl reaidenta of Riehmond. Hewsa baptized snd beesme a member ofthe Firat Baptiat ohurch. He wsa li-censed to presoh by thst ohurch, sndtime snd sgsin hsa occupied the ascreddeak st thst hiatorio edifloe.

A BTBADY IXOBBABBAa a result. Rev. Dr. Brook's sdmii

era are on the increase, and unlesa sllBigna fsil, upon a full attendanee theoall will be extended to him by an ov-erwhelmiog majorlty, More than two-thirda of the deaeona are in favor ofthia former member of tha First Bsd-tiat Chureh.The chureh will be opened at 7 p. m.next Moodsy night and only membera

of thst eongregstion will be sdntitted.If the reeommendatiooa of the Dea¬

eon Board sre obserred, esoh personwill riae and atsnd until they are counted for their osndidste.

Why Call Dr. Brooks?

Editor of theRiehmond Pl.xbt:

As an humble member ofthe FirBt Baptiat Chureh. willing atsll timea to help bear its burdens sndbeing deeply interested in that whiehis beat for our churoh, I drop yoa theaafew llnes.av1 mW »monaT the people. I hesrtheir dlscusaions ani I know what wa,who baar tha burdena of tha chureh,want in the nature of a pastor. It tswall known that tha Flrat Baptist

Churoh, with her great hirtory, repu-tation for good worka and powerfulmembeiahip. amanda out aa one of the'oremoit eolored churehea io the Un¬ited Statea. And therefore, we !eelthat su*h a chureh cught to hava apavtcr of welgh , power snd experi-ence. 8uch a man, wa see io the per¬aon of Rev. Walf r II Biooks. D. D.,the pride of tin american Negro Bap¬tiat pulpit. A man who ttacd* headard ahooldera far above ths sveraga,*ith only a few who oan aucoesafullyeompBts with him ss a great pastor.Tbe First Baptiit Ohareb wanta bim.We baptised him, we ordained him,and aent bim out to the world andwhertver he haa gone, his glory ha*been the glory of ths old motherehuroh. I say again, wewantDr.Brooka.

BBA8ON8 QIVBBFirat, becB-ae he is a man of greatOhriatian purity; aecoodly, becauaehe ia one of the best paator* tnown

among the Baptist mioiatry H* pat-tora hia whole fljok from the blghaatto the loweat and makea them all feelat home wfth him.Thirdly, Dr. Brooka, though educat-ed, bnlliant and eultured, yet.haa thatpeculiar quality fouod ln few highlyeduested presohors, whieh makes himths people's presoher. Ths moat i«-

norant man delighta to hang on theWordof God bb it fljwe from thiapowerfu! preacher of the Maater'egoe-pel. That ia what our ehurch neadato-day. Not a praaeher of the fawnot a preacher of any certain elaan!but a preacher for sll ihe people. DeBrooka ia that preacher.Founhly, we »aas aim beeauas ofhia great aeho>ar»hip. Hs ia the onlyeandidate before our peopl* who haareally graduated from a U« iverBiiyaud yet with ail of his learning, hs ia

gent»e, humble, Ohriat-iik*. in hia bear-ing

Fifthly. we want him beeame he isa apiri.u.j man. Woo x$ thefe .qcity of Kicnmond that haa ever aat nn-rt-r the magnetio h fluenoe of DrBuoha without feeiing the aubtle-drswing power that aeema to lift yoursjajaaj to the high re tlms abovt?Sixth, we want him becauae of hisinuuence. We need aot sav to youfor evertbody knows it, that DrlBrooka. among white and oolored peo¬ple in poarer and strsngtb is faJtthroughout thia broad land.

HIS VOIOB BSABB.Hia voiee haa been heard in the lead-

ing white churehea of Washington, D.O., the North snd Mouth.S.iventhly, but if there ia sny reas-

on that I have, which might aavor ofse)B4bneBi, it ia, we want Dr. Brookabeosuss of his drawing qualities. AllRiohmond kcows that the locstion ofour chureh demands the calling of apastor who can hold hia own againstother atrong oas*ors of the city. Takeforexatxple Dr. Z D. Lewis, holdinghis great orowds at ths Second Bap¬tist; Dr. W. F. Graham, with ihe greatthrongs erowuing his htppily looatedchurch: Dr. A. S. Thomas, overfl >w-ing his house of worship every Sunday.Say what jou please, the old FiratBaptiat church muat have a pastorthat will either equal these atrongpreaohera or surpaas them one. I donot mean to aay that Dr Brooka istheir superior, but certainly I domeanto say that he is their equal in draw¬ing qualities.

FOUR OTHBBS KNOWN.I know not but four other men outof Riohmond in tho whole state thatcould eome to Richmond and holdtheir own against the three pastorgabove named. They are Dr. G. R,Howard. Dr. J. M. Armistead,;Rev. WM. Mois, B. D., Dr. R. H. Boiling.There are three young men in ouroity that can exoell sny man broughthere to preaeh by our pnlpit eomtnit*tee. They are Reva. Bowlsr, D. Web-

Bter Davis snd Stokes. If we are notgoing to eall a man of great and longstanding experience, why I wouldrather take one of these true and triedyoung men that we know. But sirwe want Dr. Waltsr Brooka in the pul¬pit of the grand old mother church.He will draw tha peeple frem allparte of this oity. We want him. Weare eoming oat Monday night not toeleet him but to eall him by the voiceof the church, not the voice ef thoaewho have aelfish motivss at stske. Wewant him flrst, second and last to helpbuild up God's old Zion. We, who arewilling to work hard to support ourchurch want him, yes sir, and we areeoming to call him. We do not have taesnvaaa and button-hole people, wehave no liat going around to secarenames; that is non-Ohrist-like. Thereis simply a simultaneoui, spontaaeoasoraving in the hearts of the membersof the First Baptiat ehurjh to haveDr. Brooka eome and lesd ns on to vie-tory.Yours for Ohrist, Brooka and oldFint Baptist Churoh,

J. 0. Faklbt.
