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Python scripting kick off

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An introduction of Python language. The presentation is intended to give a very basic overview of Python feature using an informal approach
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Welcome to the: "Oh, no! Yet another programming language!" Python scripting Kickoff Andrea Gangemi December 2008
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Welcome to the: "Oh, no! 

Yet another programming language!"

Python scripting Kickoff

Andrea GangemiDecember 2008

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What's cool in Python (IMHO)• A Free, easy to learn High Level OO Language • JIT Interpreter• Powerful standard library, string management... • Huge collection of external libraries and docs• Multiplatform• List Comprehension• Native Exception handling

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HistoryGuido Van Rossum Dutch Programmer and Monty Python fan

• 0.9.0 (1991) o exception handling, list, dict  ...o running on Amoeba distributed OS

• 1.x (1994)o Lambda Calculus, Complex numbers ...o running on PC o GPL license

• 2.x (2000)o List Comprehension ... o Running ... almost everywhere.

• 3.x AKA Python 3000 or Py3k (3 Dec 2008)

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Installing Python

• GNU/Linux Systems:Usually already installed, just type "python" at the shell prompt

• Windows:1.http://www.python.org/download/ Official Site2.http://www.cygwin.org/cygwin/ Cygwin3.http://www.activestate.com ActivePython

1. For other OS or details:1.http://diveintopython.org Dive into Python free book• http://www.google.com/search... Google :) 

• You can also try Python on-line at:http://try-python.mired.org/

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Python Shell

To Exit:Ctrl-D   In Unix: "End of File" And Now for Something Completely Different ...some practical examples

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Variables• Variables are NOT declared

i.e. type is defined when you assign the value for the first time.This also mean you have to assign a value before using it and some potential pitfalls.

• Multiple Assignment >>> x = y = z = 42

• Python implements powerful string manipulation methodso negative indexo concatenationo slicing o strip, find

 click here for further References about this and next slides

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Compound data types (1/2)• List: A collection of items whatever they are

>>> list_example = [ 1, "helloworld" , 3.14 , 42+12j ]>>> list_example[1, 'helloworld', 3.1400000000000001, (42+12j)]o Can be sliced, nested, items can be inserted/removed o Lists have methods

• Tuples: a collection of items separated by comma >>> tuple_example =  1, "helloworld" , 3.14 , 42+12j>>> tuple_example(1, 'helloworld', 3.1400000000000001, (42+12j))o Faster than Lists but cannot be modifiedo Can be sliced (obtaining a new tuple)o Used for print formatting (Python <= 2.x)

• Tuples can be converted into list and viceversa

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Compound data types (2/2)• Set: an unordered collection with no duplicate elements.

>>> basket = ['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'banana']>>> fruit = set(basket) set(['orange', 'pear', 'apple', 'banana'])o Useful for eliminate duplicates or membership testing

• Dictionaries: an unordered set of keys, which can be any immutable type.>>> tel = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139}>>> tel['guido'] = 4127>>> tel{'sape': 4139, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098}>>> tel['jack']4098o  dict() can be used to build dictionary from key-value


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List Comprehension and operators• Operators:

o Boolean comparison, Arithmetic operation and Bit manipulations are similar to C language

o Logical operations are: "and", "not", "or" • List Comprehension: Wikipedia: "A list comprehension is a syntactic construct [...] for creating

a list based on existing lists.   

>>> vec = [2, 4, 6]>>> result = [(x, x**2) for x in vec]What results looks like? 

Try it! Let's see how I used list comprehension in Barblery

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Flow Control

• if, for and while  Python does not uses parentheses to identify code blocks, indentation is Python’s way of grouping statements.o Coder is forced to write readable code (more or less)

• >>> for x in range (2,5):...     print 'x is ' , x... x is  2x is  3x is  4

Note the use of keyword "in" and builtin function range()

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SPAM Break

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Functionsdef function_name[(parameters)]: """Optional document string""" # Code here # ... [return value]   


def makedir(stringdate):    dirname = stringdate[:4]+stringdate[5:7]+stringdate[8:10]    if os.path.exists(dirname) and os.path.isdir(dirname):        created = False    else:        os.mkdir(dirname)        created = True    return dirname,created

Let's comment together this function

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More about functions

• Functions supports default operators.• Functions can also be called using keyword arguments • End of function is detected by indentation.• return value can be a single value or a tuple.• To pass a tuple to a function requiring separate arguments

use the "*" operator:>>> args = [3, 6]>>> range(*args) [3, 4, 5]


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Exception handlingIn order to nicely manage unexpected exception Python provides try, except, finally statementsimport systry:    s = raw_input('Enter something --> ')except EOFError:    print '\nWhy did you do an EOF on me?'    sys.exit() # exit the programexcept:    print '\nSome error/exception occurred.'    # here, we are not exiting the programprint 'Done'

If finally is present, it specifies a cleanup handler 

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• Modules are files containing functions definitions and statements.

• File name is module name and .py as extension.• Use "import" to import module • You can import only some functions from the modules:

from time import gmtime, strftime 

• Modules always have a variable __name__  containing module name. 

 Let's see some real scripts... Click here for a scripting tutorial

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Script Sample#!/usr/bin/env python

def function_divide(numerator, denominator):    try:        result = numerator / denominator        print 'x/y=', result    except ZeroDivisionError:        print 'Divide by zero'    except:        print 'Invalid operation'

if __name__ == '__main__':    while True:        input_data = input('type 2 numbers separated by comma: ')        if len(input_data) == 2:            function_divide(*input_data)        else:            break


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Some Interesting base modules

• optparsepowerful command line option parser

• osOS routines for Mac, NT or Posix

• shutilUtility functions for copying files and directory trees.

• timeTime access and conversion

• urllib2URL access library

• commandstake a system command as a string and return output

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Modules modules modules Scripting scripting scripting...Most of the time spent to code in Python is to search for something that already does what you need...

Python Serial Port Extension

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Useful links

• Python official documentation • Learn to Program using Python, developer.com • Dive into Python • Thinking in Python • Python Istantaneo  (Italian)• IBM Discover Python• A byte of Python • urllib2 - The Missing Manual • Python: 50 modules for all needs  AND ...

• Monty Python on wikipedia

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Thank you 

Andrea Gangemi 

email: [email protected]: +39 340 5987091 skype: andreagangemi

linkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/andreagangemi
