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Q1 2013 Final.V4 - International Organization for Migration · 2015. 3. 31. · Content IOM...

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Content IOM Newsletter Quarter 1 - 2013 Highlights 2. Reintegraon and Community Stabilizaon - p.2-3 3. Migraon Management Unit - p.3-4 4. Non-Food Items, Common Humanitarian Pipeline Transpor- taon Partner - p.4 5. Combang Trafficking and Smuggling in Sudan - p.5 January | March In South Kordofan and Abyei, IOM increased access to safe drinking water and improved sanitary conditions for vulnerable households in areas of displacement and communities impacted by high levels of return. In South Kordofan State, over 26,000 and in Abyei, about 7,600 people benefited from access to water and improved sanitation. During the first quarter of the year, IOM rolled out its project to support the National Elections Commission through technical assistance and capacity building. On migration movements and management, IOM assisted 331 refugees and migrants with resettlement to various countries and assisted 58 Sudanese returnees with reintegration grants. As the transportation partner for the Common Humanitarian Partner, normal activities continued and IOM transported NFIs to serve over 71,000 people across Darfur, White Nile and Blue Nile states. The first quarter of the year also saw IOM move forward on its project to combat trafficking, smuggling and kidnapping in Eastern Sudan and Khartoum through a border assessment on Sudan’s borders points between Sudan and Ethiopia and Eritrea. IOM continues with registration and tracking of IDPs and returnees in 2013 and in the first quarter, IOM registered and verified newly displaced persons affected by fighting in North and South Darfur. Those affected by the Jebel Amir crisis were also supported with return assistance to their homes and transportation of NFIs. Registration of IDPs in Darfur camps continued with four camps in West and Central Darfur completed as well as camps in North Darfur. IOM also initiated a new project to track returnees in North Darfur. 1. Movement of South Sudanese - p.2 6. Tracking and Monitoring of Returnees and IDPs and Registraon of IDPs - p.5-6 CONTACT IOM: +249 183-57.08.01/2 www.iom.int
Page 1: Q1 2013 Final.V4 - International Organization for Migration · 2015. 3. 31. · Content IOM Newsletter Quarter 1 - 2013 Highlights 2. Reintegrati on and Community Stabilizati on -


IOM Newsletter

Quarter 1 - 2013


2. Reintegrati on and Community Stabilizati on - p.2-3

3. Migrati on Management Unit - p.3-4

4. Non-Food Items, Common Humanitarian Pipeline Transpor-tati on Partner - p.4

5. Combati ng Traffi cking and Smuggling in Sudan - p.5

January | March

In South Kordofan and Abyei, IOM increased access to safe drinking water and improved sanitary conditions for vulnerable households in areas of displacement and communities impacted by high levels of return. In South Kordofan State, over 26,000 and in Abyei, about 7,600 people benefited from access to water and improved sanitation.

During the first quarter of the year, IOM rolled out its project to support the National Elections Commission through technical assistance and capacity building.

On migration movements and management, IOM assisted 331 refugees and migrants with resettlement to various countries and assisted 58 Sudanese returnees with reintegration grants.

As the transportation partner for the Common Humanitarian Partner, normal activities continued and IOM transported NFIs to serve over 71,000 people across Darfur, White Nile and Blue Nile states.

The first quarter of the year also saw IOM move forward on its project to combat trafficking, smuggling and kidnapping in Eastern Sudan and Khartoum through a border assessment on Sudan’s borders points between Sudan and Ethiopia and Eritrea.

IOM continues with registration and tracking of IDPs and returnees in 2013 and in the first quarter, IOM registered and verified newly displaced persons affected by fighting in North and South Darfur. Those affected by the Jebel Amir crisis were also supported with return assistance to their homes and transportation of NFIs. Registration of IDPs in Darfur camps continued with four camps in West and Central Darfur completed as well as camps in North Darfur. IOM also initiated a new project to track returnees in North Darfur.

1. Movement of South Sudanese - p.2

6. Tracking and Monitoring of Returnees and IDPs and Registrati on of IDPs - p.5-6

CONTACT IOM:+249 183-57.08.01/2www.iom.int

Darfur. IOM also initiated a new project to track returnees in North Darfur.

CONTACT IOM:+249 183-57.08.01/2www.iom.int

Page 2: Q1 2013 Final.V4 - International Organization for Migration · 2015. 3. 31. · Content IOM Newsletter Quarter 1 - 2013 Highlights 2. Reintegrati on and Community Stabilizati on -

IOM assisted two South Sudanese to return to South Sudan during the reporting period. This was a lady who had tried to make her way down to South Sudan with her baby through South Kordofan and become stranded late last year. She was referred to IOM by HAC and was provided with support in Khartoum before she was assisted with return support, funded by OFDA.

While there were no IOM organized returns movements in the first quarter of the year, IOM, along with UNHCR, has been working closely with the two governments to put together a movement plan. A draft is currently being prepared and is expected to be finalized by May.

At the end of March, there continues to be an estimated 40,000 South Sudanese stranded across 40 open areas in Khartoum as well as some 3,500 stranded in Kosti railway station, with urgent needs, in water sanitation and healthcare. While not all of those stranded will want to return, a majority do. In a joint IOM, UNOCHA, UNHCR and DFID visit to two of the forty open areas in Khartoum - Al Shegera and Soba Kongor – the mission found thousands of residents living in precarious conditions with limited food, water, healthcare and sanitation. Those stranded in the open areas are living in shanties made of plastic sheeting, wood and scavenged materials which

Movement of South Sudanese

During the first quarter of 2013, IOM Sudan’s Reintegration and Community Stabilization Unit (RCS) focused on increasing access to safe drinking water and improved sanitary conditions for vulnerable households in areas of displacement and communities impacted by high levels of returns in Southern Kordofan and Abyei. Special support in the water sector was rendered to communities affected by the seasonal migration of pastoralists to prevent tribal tensions along traditional corridors.

In South Kordofan, IOM supported the construction or rehabilitation of 21 water points combined with trainings on Operation & Maintenance. A total of 26,944 beneficiaries were provided with improved access to safe drinking water, whereas 79 beneficiaries received training on community mobilization, hand pump repair or water yard operation to ensure sustainable use of water points. IOM’s activities were carried out in Alabasia, Alsuut, Rashad, Abu Jebieha, Gadier, Tadamun and Lerri Localities. Hygiene awareness raising campaigns in Kadugli Town to improve sanitary conditions in public facilities included the clean-up of 3 hospitals and 11 health centers with 25 cubic tons of garbage collected and 55,000 liters of sewage water disposed. This was funded by the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF), the European Union and the Embassy of Norway.

In Abyei, IOM Sudan rehabilitated 5 water yards in Tajelei, Alal, Majak, Todach and Dunguop located along the migration routes to ease the pressure on water points in accordance with the UNISFA dry season plan, benefiting approximately 5,000 people. This was complemented by trainings on water yard operation for 12 selected community members to ensure sustainability.

Reintegration and Community Stabilization (RCS/E)

South Sudanese returnees at Al- Shegera Open Areas

provide them with little protection from the elements, particularly during the rainy season. With no sanitation facilities, defecation in the open is common, which poses huge health risks especially when flooding occurs.

Many residents complained of harassment from host communities, authorities and land owners who frequently threaten to evict them. Few had jobs and as a result many women were risking arrest by generating income from brewing and selling alcohol a crime in Sudan.

In Abyei, IOM Sudan rehabilitated 5 water yards in Tajelei, Alal, Majak, Todach and Dunguop located along the migration routes to ease the pressure on water points in accordance with the UNISFA dry season plan, benefiting approximately 5,000 people. This was complemented by trainings on water yard operation for 12 selected community members to ensure sustainability.

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From January to March 2013, 331 refugees and migrants were assisted with safe and reliable transportation from Sudan to 11 countries of resettlement under the Refugee Government Quota Program and Family Reunification Program with the breakdown as in the adjacent table.

Refugees bound for resettlement to Canada and the Netherlands received cultural orientation training to prepare for reintegration. IOM works in close coordination with UNHCR, the Commission for Refugees and the Alien Department of the Ministry of Interior to arrange resettlement of refugees.

IOM conducts medical screening to ensure that refugees and migrants moving under the auspices of IOM are fit to travel and that they receive appropriate medical attention and assistance during all phases of the migration. From January to March, the Migration Health Unit (MHU) performed medical screening for 288

refugees under the resettlement and repatriation program. Among these, nine refugees were assisted for yellow fever vaccination as part of the requirements for resettlement to Australia and New Zealand.

Through the UK-funded Tuberculosis Detection Program, IOM undertakes pre-departure testing of UK visa applicants (who intend to stay beyond 6 months). During the first quarter, 146 persons were screened for TB.

In addition to the rehabilitation of primary schools in Diffra and Goli (ongoing), IOM constructed school latrines at Nyael School in Agok and rehabilitated latrines at Mekines secondary school (ongoing) for a total of 1,680 children. A training of 20 hygiene promoters in Abyei Town was carried out to lead future hygiene/clean-up activities in schools and highly populated areas. In response to poor water supplies in North Abyei, IOM distributed 100 water filtration kits in Dahlob and Sohei benefiting around 1,000 nomads who only had access to unsafe water sources. This was funded by the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

In Khartoum, IOM rolled out its EU funded project on ‘Support for Deepening and

Consolidation of Sudan’s Democratization Process’ focusing on the institutional strengthening and capacity building of the National Elections Commission (NEC). IOM supports this through the provision of Technical Assistance, specifically through two sub-components: a) Implementation of the Electoral management curriculum - comprehensive BRIDGE training for NEC staff; and b) Provision of mid-term technical advice to specific areas of electoral support (secondment of ICT Adviser and Voter Registration Adviser to the NEC).

Migration Management UnitCountry of Resett le-ment

Number of persons

Canada 132

Switzerland 76

Norway 40

Sweden 25

United Kingdom 22

Netherlands 15

Australia 8

Italy 6


New Zealand 1

Belgium 1

Distributi on of Water Filtrati on Kits in North Abyei

intend to stay beyond 6 months). During the first quarter, 146 persons were screened for TB.

For those being resettled to Italy for family reunification, the medical health unit collected DNA samples of eight applicants to ensure genuine family reunification.

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Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR)

The IOM AVRR Program assists Sudanese returnees with reintegration assistance to start his/her new life in Sudan. The reintegration package includes setting up a small business, medical or education assistance. The amount of the reintegration grant varies depending on the country of return. From January to 31 March, 58 Sudanese returned to Sudan.

In February, IOM Khartoum provided the country of origin with information to IOM Germany to assist them with voluntary return of Sudanese from Germany through a consultant, using gathered information on living costs (food, accommodation, public transportation, electricity etc) and costs for establishing animal farming livelihoods in Port Sudan.

Under the Voluntary Return from Egypt and Libya (RAVEL) Programme, IOM Khartoum is working with the Secretariat for Sudanese Working Abroad (SSWA) to establish a referral system for providing returnees with available services from various government institutions, UN agencies and NGOs in Sudan.

During the reporting period, IOM transported a total of 214,455 NFIs to serve 12,750 households (HH) composed of 71,738 individuals. These NFIs were distributed to various locations in Darfur, White Nile and Blue Nile states to a total of 14 NGO’s. Those distributed to Damazine were transported to support IDPs in Kurkuk and Gheisan who had fled their villages due to fighting. A total of 8,400 NFIs were transported to assist 7,000 individuals. A full NFI package includes blankets, sleeping mats, plastic sheeting, jerry cans and a cooking set.

IOM NFI CHP Team NFI Delivery Achievements – 01 January unti l 31 March 2013

No. Final NFI Delivery States No. of I/ NGOs No. of Delivered NFIs No of Trucks HH Served IND* Served

1. From El Obeid to/and within Darfur’s states 13 206,055 57 11,550 64,738

2. Damazine / White Nile 1 8,400 3 1,200 7,000

TOTAL 14 214,455 60 12,750 71,738

Non-Food Items, Common Humanitarian Pipeline Transportation Partner (CHP)

NFIs being loaded for delivery

Returnee from Libya assisted with brick/ti le producti on

Combating Trafficking and Smuggling in Sudan

Through a project combating trafficking, smuggling and kidnapping in Eastern Sudan and Khartoum, an international border management (IBM) expert, in close collaboration with the General Directorate of Immigration and Passport of the Ministry of Interior, carried out an assessment of the current Sudanese border management system. The assessment team, which consisted of the IBM expert, IOM staff, and Government representatives, visited five border posts in Kassala and Gedaref States.

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The assessment team examined points and means of entry; numbers of asylum seekers and migrants entering the East of Sudan through legal entry points and otherwise; the role and capacity of the local and national authorities; legal and practical procedural issues; and, direct and indirect security concerns, including any existing protection mechanisms and the available referral systems at border points.

The assessment aimed to identify possible improvements to the existing border mechanism to facilitate migration management. The border assessment is intended to assist both IOM and the General Directorate of Immigration and Passport to develop partnerships and appropriate programs for building capacities in relation to border management.In addition, IOM provided a training workshop to representatives of the Ethiopian Community Association on the basic concepts and issues of human trafficking and smuggling. It gave focus to preliminary migration related terminologies, definitions of human trafficking and smuggling, victim identification, interviewing, and assistance provision. Since the participants have already been providing assistance to Ethiopian migrants, the

contents of the training workshop were intended to improve their services by introducing the basic principles in victim identification, interviewing, and assistance provision, as well as advice on IOM’s role in relation to assistance to migrants.

Verification of Newly Displaced Persons

During the reporting period, over 4,800 families were reported to be displaced from various localities to Zamzam camp in North Darfur, while over 6,000 families were displaced to South Darfur to four camps as well as to Nyala town. Displacements are still ongoing at time of writing. IOM identified, verified, and registered these newly displaced persons in North and South Darfur. Over 40 verification and registration exercises were conducted to verify the reported caseload of IDPs. Following the exercise, IOM shared statistical reports with humanitarian actors and government authorities in both states and in Khartoum to support assistance. Additionally, IOM, with the Sudan Red Crescent verified and registered 1,688 labour migrant workers who were displaced from the fighting in Jebel Amir. Some of those the fighting in Jebel Amir. Some of those

Tracking & Monitoring of Returnees and IDPs & Registration of IDPs

IOM Consultant and Project Manager undertaking Border Assessment

Verifi cati on exercise in Zamzam camp in North Darfur

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Registration of IDPs in Darfur Camps and in the affected areas in Southern Kordofan

During the reporting period, IOM completed the registration of IDPs in four camps in West and Central Darfur by using the finger print methodology; these camps are Bendisi, Furu Branga, Sisi and Nertiti. The exercise in Morni camp is ongoing.

The cross checking of North Darfur camps was completed and the final report is currently being compiled. Cross checking of figures in South Darfur is ongoing. In Southern Kordofan state, IOM and HAC verification teams verified 16,642 IDPs.

Tracking of returnees in Darfur and Southern Kordofan

IOM established a tracking system to track and verify returnees in North Darfur. The system will cover over 1,000 villages per month across nine localities of high return. Several workshops and briefing sessions have been conducted in the last three months and 77 staff members have been trained and deployed to cover the nine localities. Monthly reports will be shared with humanitarian actors in Sudan.

Regarding Tracking of Southern Sudanese returning to South Sudan, IOM tracking teams tracked 1655 Southern Sudanese on their way back to South Sudan.

In Southern Kordofan, IOM and VRRC tracked 4,752 returnees in the first three months of 2013 of which 30% reported to have been displaced more than once.

Transportation of Relief items to the Affected Location of Jabel Amir

IOM in full coordination with OCHA and the sector leads in North Darfur supported the transportation of over 100 metric tons of life-saving items to IDPs affected by the Jabel Amir crises. Additional relief items from various sectors will be transported over the coming months to support the same group.

Population Tracking and Village Assessment Project (PTVAP)

IOM conducted a workshop for over 80 national NGOs in North Darfur on the PTVAP database and the information available to them. Training of 180 enumerators were also conducted to begin PTVAP exercises in over 5,000 villages in North Darfur.

IOM recruited over 180 staff members to cover more than 5,000 villages in North Darfur, four training sessions have been conducted to train the new staff members.

Supporting VRRC in South Darfur IOM in coordination with UNDP, UNAMID and UNHCR led an assessment mission to the Voluntary Return and Re-integration Commission (VRRC) headquarters to identify the gaps and needs of the VRRC in terms of capacity building, IT equipment and furniture. IOM shared the report within the Joint Working Group Four Lead Agencies and will begin capacity building activities in the following quarter.

Missing fiinger print exercise in Shengle Tobay camps in North Darfur

Commission (VRRC) headquarters to identify the gaps and needs of the VRRC in terms of capacity building, IT equipment and furniture. IOM shared the report within the Joint Working Group Four Lead Agencies and will begin capacity building activities in the following quarter.
