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Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real...

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Tommy Hoang.CTK: Aquinas. 13L4013. The question that I have answered during the presentation is: In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product? This is my presentation about my media studies work that I have created. This presentation shows how my music magazine front cover, contents page and my double page spread is conventional compared to professional music magazines.
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In what ways does your media product develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media products? Tommy Hoang 13L4013
Page 1: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

In what ways does your media product develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media products?

Tommy Hoang 13L4013

Page 2: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Masthead:I have made the masthead overlap with my models head but I have made it transparent to gain attention to the logo; where most music magazines do not do so due to the fact that I wanted it to be more noticeable of the brand as well as unique. I have made it in bold and capital so it can stand out. I have chosen the word noise because it goes well with the lettering affect and it relates to music and the sounds around us. It is a magazine convention due to the fact that this masthead is clear, visible and bold logo.

Selling Line:The selling line is displayed at the very top of the magazine, above the masthead where most professional and well known magazines do so. This is used to display their main marketing point and would want to make the reader want to read about the story.

Main cover-line:The main cover-line is an important aspect of a magazine where it is bigger and more visible compared to the rest of the cover-lines. It is important because it draws the reader in to what is sensational which makes the reader want to find out more. MAIN COVERLINE:LINKS TO DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD

Cover-lines:Cover-lines and main cover-lines are also used in many professional music magazines.Each cover-line is unique due to the fact that it shows snippets of content to attract them to particular aspects within the magazine. I have chosen to position the cover-lines to the left and right of my model because it allows visibility of the convention and separates itself from other conventions.

Main image:I have decided to choose a ¾ length shot as it is quite common to use the shot as well as the medium shot. This is conventional because music magazines tend to use ¾ shots or a medium shot.

Price and barcode:The price and barcode are usually at the bottom of the magazine (compared to professional music magazines), I have also used a questionnaire to find out what would be a reasonable price to sell a music magazine. Allows quick purchase at tills.

Page 3: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

In-depth Analysis of Convention: Masthead

My masthead is ‘NOISE’.

I have put the logo on my contents page as well as my double page spread that I have created for the magazine. By comparing it to other professional music magazines, I have also made it large and BOLD. However, I decided to twist it up a bit by adding my personal affects such as decreasing the opaqueness of the colour.

Furthermore, if I were to make the masthead more complex by adding further detail and effects, then I personally would think that it would decrease the professionalism due to the fact that as I have compared to many other magazines, their mastheads have been quite plain and simple.

I believe that my masthead is conventional because it meets the requirements of those of a professional magazine.This includes: Presenting it at the top of the magazine front cover, making the masthead bold and visible so that the audience is able to refer to it, I have also made my own unique style but not making it too complex so it wouldn’t be the same as other professional mastheads.

Page 4: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

In-depth analysis of conventions: Font

I have conducted a preliminary test to see which font is appropriate for my magazine. I have used the website known as dafonts.com. Here are some of the fonts that I was considering to use for my music magazine:

However, I did not use any of these fonts as I wanted it to keep it quite plain and simple like the other music magazines have done. Keeping it simplistic (to some extent) shows some kind form of professionalism as it is complementary to the simple cover-lines that I have put on my cover-lines.

These two of the fonts look very modern and eye-catching, but since I am basing my music magazine on the genre of indie as well, I do not think that it is suitable as I want to represent Indie as well.

As for other music genres, such as rock; these two fonts suit perfectly to the magazine as it gives an impression that the music magazine will be mainly be based on rock.

Page 5: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Analysis of convention: layout For my layout, I have tried to base my layout like a professional music magazine, in my case; it is Blender. From some of the blender magazines that I have looked at, the layout is quite inter-changeable, an example would be that some would have less cover-lines than other issues. However, there is a consistency of ¾ length shots which I have chosen ¾ shot for my model. 1) Masthead, placed in a way where other magazines are placed in order to be identified.2) One person in the Main image which can be a medium close up shot or a ¾ length shot in which is usually used in other music magazines. Furthermore, it draws attention to the model instead of other people within the main image if there is more than one person. 3) Within the Blender magazines, there are is no barcode and price, however; by looking at other music magazines, the majority has barcodes & prices. 4) All the music magazines that I have looked at has cover-lines which are besides the model and some overlap the main image. 5) I have also included a selling line to add emphasis of how important my main cover-line (featured) is. 6) I have also included a website like many other magazines have, this shows how technology has grown, therefore gaining more publicity; not only in terms of magazines, but their website.

Page 6: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

In-depth analysis convention: colours.

Colour is very significant in terms of creating a music magazine. The colour catches the attention of customers first before any other conventions on a magazine. I have tried to keep my colour scheme consistent since it is shown on most magazines to this day.

By keeping a colour scheme, it also shows professionalism.I have chosen a plain opaque masthead because I wanted my magazine to be formal to some extent to show the seriousness of the music magazine. I have chosen a blue/light blue background since it is clear and bright which would attract the audiences attention to the main image.

I have used the colour blue because it connotes as importance and strength.I have also used the colours red and black which is kept consistent throughout my cover-lines. Red connotes as importance and passion whereas I would like to use those connotations to promote specific aspects of the magazine through cover lines.

Black connotes as being mysterious and sophisticated which emphasises the fact that it is for those who are quite serious into buying music magazines. I have also included white which appears on many other music magazines .

To conclude, I think my magazine is conventional in terms of colours because I have analysed the colours used and backed up reasons why I have chosen those colours in order to suit their purposes. Furthermore, the colours overall attract attention to customers in which is the main goal.

Page 7: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

In-depth analysis of convention: main imageThis image to the left is my model who is posing for my front cover. This is called the ¾ length shot. This shot is used quite commonly throughout music magazines as well as the close up shot and medium close up shot.

I have used this shot because it allows me to use a guitar as well as having the audience see the facial expression on this person. The affect of using a guitar is that it gave an impression that the magazine will feel more ‘musical’.Furthermore, I’ve tried to take the photo in a way which wouldn’t be hard to edit with a plain purple background the get rid of any background obstacles that may obstruct the shooting of the photo. I think the main image is conventional because I have analysed many other music magazines and some have used musical instruments to show that this is a music magazine. Furthermore, another reason why I think the main image is conventional is the body language of the model where she is stood up straight and looking directly towards the camera to give the audience empathy; thus putting the audiences shoes into someone who is a famous artists/band.

To improve this photo, I would have used an acoustic guitar which goes along the theme of the genre of Indie whereas I only had this guitar which conveys that it’s quite of a ‘rock’ genre. Another improvement that I could’ve done is to adjust the shoot where the full hat is showing; as this photo crops out the hat to some extent.

Close –up shot Medium-close up shot (usage of a violin, Mise-en-scene) ¾ length shots

Page 8: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

In-depth analysis of convention: Price

I have looked at many different magazines and they differ in terms of prices.

I have created a questionnaire to ask peers in my college as well as other students in other colleges to see how much would be a reasonable price to sell a music magazine to my target audience between the ages of (16-21).

Keeping in mind that my target audience will be going to college/university; they will be low on funds. Therefore, keeping the price fairly low compared to the rest of the magazines show that my magazine is quite economically conventional towards their financial state.

I personally think that the price of my magazine is conventional because it is around the ranges of music magazine prices.

Prices that I have seen on music magazines:

Kerrang! = £2.20 varies around this price per issue.NME = £2.30 varies around this price per issue.Q! = £3.99 varies around this price per issue.Rock sound = £3.90 varies around this price per issue.My magazine = £1.99


Page 9: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Logo:I have placed the logo on my contents page because the reader that this is the magazine name; very common in other magazines. Colour scheme.

Kept the same colour scheme as my front cover = conventional.

Clear and bold ‘contents’, this is conventional because magazines also make it bold so they can address the reader to show them what page they are currently on.

Clear distinction of context and page number to allow the reader to quickly navigate to pages.

Adding page numbers to photos;

Most magazines have a website that is shown in which shows that there is further info.

Music magazines changed the style and font of the editor’s note in which shows importance of this section; thus conventional.

Keeping text and image separate allows distinction between the 2 & conventional.

Adding page numbers indicate where the reader is at and can quickly flick through certain aspects of the magazine.

Colours are complementary to the background and font colour as they are clear and readable to the audience; thus conventional.

Date included in many other magazines such as Q magazine

Most contents are laid out in columns which allows it to be easily read.

Page 10: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Contents page evaluation.

Creating my contents page was very challenging but by using knowledge and research that I have gathered from other magazines that I have looked at; it gave me a structure that I can apply to my own music magazine.

For example, the ‘CONTENTS’ is bigger than all other text sizes (very common). Furthermore, many magazines have separated the text and images on one side so that they wouldn’t mix up to confuse the audience which I find conventional in most magazines.

To add to this, I personally think that my final outcome did not come out as I planned it to be due to the fact that the process of creating the contents page I thought the text would be too large and not enough information is applied to the contents page to notify the audience in comparison the this Q magazine on the top left. However, I still find it conventional due to the fact that some other magazines did not put as much information as Q magazine has overwhelmed me by the writing size and data.

Additionally, I have found my contents page conventional because I have used a similar background as much front cover as it shows consistency; in comparison to other magazines, they have also had the majority of the detail and layout to be quite similar in terms of the front cover and contents page.

Page 11: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Double page spread analysis #1

I have again separated the image and the text which is quite common in music magazines.The context of the double page spread is conventional due to the fact that it is interviewing the artist (Daniel); in comparison to other magazines differ from interviews to facts and statistics of the band/artist.

I have included the logo ‘NOISE’ onto my double page spread which isn’t commonly used as I thought it would be as only a few magazines has done so. Also, I find my double page spread only to be conventional to an EXTENT due to the fact that as I compare my double page spread to professional music magazine’s double page spread; I find that their information on their double page spread is quite compact and detailed.

I have tried to make the background the same as my contents page as well as front cover to keep consistency. This is conventional because it is commonly used in music magazines as it shows professionalism. My image is conventional because it relates to music as this person is using prop which is the guitar and headphones.

This is conventional because other magazines show artists/bands playing their music as the camera starts to take photos.

Improvements that should’ve been made is that in most professional music magazines, they have laid out the text more tighter and more neatly but I have tried to make the size of the columns quite similar in size.

Page 12: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Further analysis of double page spread #2

Headlines on the double page spread is usually at the top of the page in which can be on one of the pages or even both the pages. Additionally, the font of the headline is usually unique and styled compared to the rest of the text on the page.

Furthermore, the title shouldn’t give away too much of the article as it gives a cliff-hanger effect to draw in attention for the reader to read on. ‘Music speaks when words can’t’ is my headline on my double page spread.

On double page spreads, they usually have one large image that should usually take up a page. The cover star is looking directly at the camera which this is the case for some music magazines.

Furthermore, the model’s outfit is suitable for my age range which is between the ages of 16-25 where they are not as formal since those age ranges are in college/university. The outfit and posing of this model suggests that my model is very passionate about music since he is wearing headphones and a guitar which readers will find this image quite realistic.



Page 13: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Further analysis of Double page spread. #3STAND FIRST

A stand first is an introduction statement where it is at the beginning of the article. It introduces the article in which gives an impression of what will be in store for the reader. I have used this convention and slightly developed it where the model of the magazine ‘DANIEL GEE’ has been mentioned in the introduction. I have highlighted it red to show importance.


Drop capitals are usually used in magazines, it shows where the reader should start to read. It is usually bigger than the rest of the font/text as well as being the same colour as the rest.


A by-line is where the journalist/photographer gets credited. It is usually used in music magazines where the photos that have been taken or articles that have been produced. I have placed it below the image of the model in my double page spread which is separated from the rest of the text so that readers are able to see who is responsible for this story.

Page 14: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

The Music magazine seems to show many conventions that you would usually see in a professional music magazine cover. One convention that I have used within my front cover music magazine is that I have placed the masthead at the very top of the music magazine as it is the biggest font, thus the target audience and consumers are able to quickly recognise the music magazine brand: "NOISE". To add to this, I have added cover-lines on the side of the model as it allows the mode to classified as more significant compared to the rest of the conventions that are displayed as this is usually done in almost all magazines (from what I have seen). The main cover-line is conventional because it is bigger than the rest of the cover-lines as it shows that this information is going to inter-link with my double page spread as it mentions my model on the double page spread who called 'Daniel'. The colour scheme of my music magazine is generally black, white, light blue and white which gives off a connotation of sophistication and intelligence.

THEORY:The model is wearing red lip stick as red connotes as passion and 'sexiness', this comes under the male-gaze as Mulvey 1975 believed that from an male perspective, it emphasises on the model's features and body such as body shape, facial features and so forth. Therefore, the male audience/consumers (according to Laura Mulvey) see women as objects and are only there to be looked at by men.

Front cover analysis #1

Page 15: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

This gives an effect that light blue is neither classified as a 'masculine' colour or a 'feminine colour', thus it can represent both genders.The use of selling line within my music magazine is to attract the target audience and consumers at the very top of my music magazine front cover as it is usually used in most music magazines as it gives an insight of what my magazine would display. Furthermore, there is also an 'advertisement' that is placed around the bottom right corner of my music magazine '15% off......", this allows the magazine to reach into the consumers eyes as people (generally speaking) like to have more for their money. In other words, people like money off what they buy as this would grab the reader's attention.The website is shown in a smaller font in comparison to my cover-lines as this shows that it is an alternative choice. The website allows the consumers and target audience to access my magazine online and therefore allows them to research more or find out more of the product.My main image within my music magazine is conventional to AN EXTENT as some magazines use a medium close up shot, some use a close-up shot and some use a 3/4 length shot. I have chosen the 3/4 shot due to the fact that I am able to get my model to pose by using a guitar (prop), thus consumers will infer that this magazine is definitely a music magazine.

Front cover analysis #2

Page 16: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

On the contents page, it is also conventional as it is usually structured in some sort of way that is quite similar to a professional music magazine. This is because I have used appropriate images as well as I have separated my context with a number of different sub-headings such as: 'FESTIVALS', 'NEWS' and so forth.The sub-headings are in white and their background is black which highlights the different sections that I have used which stands out from the rest of the text. Furthermore, I have also used an editor's note which is commonly used within contents page as it gives information about the editor's feelings. I have used the colour white against the black background of each sub-heading is to make it more eye-catching and more noticeable so that the consumer knows that these sub-headings guide them throughout the music magazine. The colour black connotes as strength, power and guidance and white connotes as pure and perfection. These two colours complement each other as it does not distort one's vision.Moreover, I have also placed page numbers so it allows the consumer / target audience to quickly navigate to pages that are shown within the contents page. For example: If the consumer/ target audience would like to go to "Upcoming festivals 2014..", then they are able to quickly navigate as the page numbers are displayed at the bottom right hand corner. To add to this, I have chosen two images which give it an adequate balanced between image and text so that the consumer/ audience would not be dazzled by the information presented, and therefore the consumer is able to feel more at ease. I have linked the images to page numbers as the image allows the consumer/audience to figure out what is the story/meaning behind these photos.


Page 17: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

The double page spread is quite conventional due to various conventions that I have placed that would be usually being seen in an actual, professional music magazine. One convention that I have applied to my music magazine is that fact that I have structured my double page spread's context (information) in columns which is usually used in music magazines. This is because it allows the audience to read more thoroughly as well as quickly to gain knowledge. Furthermore, the model is placed on the page in a conventional way as the model is placed on both of the pages (to some extent) which show the information is reflecting the model.

Double page spread

Page 18: Q1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

I have started with a drop capital which is usually seen on a double page spread as it allows the consumer/audience to figure out where to start reading on a double page spread. This is conventional because almost all magazines in general have a drop capital as it notifies the consumer.I have kept the colour consistent throughout my music magazine (front cover, contents page and my double page spread) because it shows sophistication and 'class' to my magazine.I have used the colour red as it highlights the questions that the interviewer is asking the mode; 'DANIEL', this allows the consumer to know what the interviewer is asking more clearly and what Daniel’s response to it is as I have distinguished between red and black. Red being the questions asked, and black being the reply from Daniel. The connotations of red is determination and leadership which reflects to Daniel's response to the questions

Double page spread
