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Q2: Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

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Page 1: Q2: Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?



Page 2: Q2: Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

BRAND IDENTITYBrand identity is when a company is recognised by its name, communication style, logo and other visual elements.

I believe that I have created brand identity for my product mainly through the use of style. For example, I have kept colours consistent with fonts, costumes and background.

The consistency of these elements across the teaser trailer, poster and magazine cover is example of synergy. This creates a combined effect, which allows the audience to recognise my product whenever I use the same signifiers.

Page 3: Q2: Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Why ‘Total Film’?After having researched the type of films Total Film advertise, I knew that this company would be best suited to support my video game adaptation. Empire would be too mainstream for a movie like this as they mainly advertise big budget Hollywood blockbusters. Sight and Sound was another option but they advertise more independent low budget movies, which isn't by definition my movie. My research into Total Film allowed me to create a magazine cover that is consistent with their issue designs, from the masthead to the layout of the cover.

Page 4: Q2: Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

FONTI made sure to keep the font of my product

consistent throughout all the tasks because I believed that the audience looks at the

primary object (for poster and magazine mainly) and film title the most. If I happened

to change my font between the tasks it would risk unnecessary confusion amongst the

audience. I used the font named ‘DDT’. I could have actually used font from the metal gear series, but I wanted to give a fresh visual for the audience since this is now a movie, and

through the use of a different font I was able to accomplish this distinction.

Page 5: Q2: Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Costume/CharacterAnother aspect of the tasks that helped me maintain synergy was the use of the main character on all platforms. The main character would be the primary object of focus. Also the costume, style and stance would be the same, particularly for the magazine cover and poster. As you can see below, both, in the magazine cover and poster there is consistency in the costume. Even the facial expression and stance is the same.

Page 6: Q2: Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Combination of ProductsMany companies exercise synergy as it helps them

create a brand identity. Brand identity helps because when the audience view the forms of

advertisement (trailer, poster, magazine) they can see common visual aspects and this helps them connect the products to create a bigger overall image of the product. This helps the audience

remember the product, which is the ultimate aim of marketing. So when the movie has been

released and they see small forms of promotion, they’ll automatically remember the previous things

they looked at in relation to the product. So synergy in this sense helps the audience

remember through the consistency of things such as style, colour, objects and logos etc.
