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  • 8/12/2019 QA_GMP-GMP-Ref 1


    FDA cGMP

    Training Program

    cGMP in the USANicholas Buhay

    Deputy Director

    Division of Manufacturing & Product Quality

    Office of Compliance, CDER, FDA

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    Introduction to


    Current Good ManufacturingPracticeOf US FDA

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    An Outline

    Legal bases for CGMP CGMP legal principles CGMP Implementation Tools CGMP Resources

    Overview of CGMP Requirements Integrity of Records and Data

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    FD&C Act; 501(a)(2)(B)

    A d ru g shall be deemed adulterated if:... the meth o d s used in, or the faci l i t ies

    or con t ro l s used for, its manufac tu re ,process ing , pack ing , or ho ld ing do notconform to or are not operated or

    administered in conformity with cur ren tgo od m anu fac tu r ing p rac t ice ...


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    FD&C Act; 501(a)(2)(B)

    to assure that such drug meets therequirements of this Act as to safety and has the ident i ty and s t rength , andmeets the qual i ty and pur i ty characteristics, which it p u rp o r t s or is

    represented to possess .

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    CGMP legal principles

    Quality built into product By taking care in making medicine

    Can t test into product the quality

    Without/Inadequate CGMP

    Product(s) adulterated(defects need notbe shown) Firm and its management are


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    CGMP legal principles

    Non-compliance = eventual problems Superpotency/subpotency

    Contamination Misbranding Bioavailability

    Safety and efficacy

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    CGMP Legal Principles

    Scope Ingredients (APIs + excipients) Finished dosage forms administered to

    humans/animals OTC, Rx products Biologics, veterinary drugs

    Drugs undergoing study(IND, etc) Manufacturers, test laboratories,

    packagers(including pharmacies)

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    CGMP legal principles

    Excluded from the CGMPrequirement Positron emission tomography, per

    FDAMA (own CGMP to be developed) Drug products compounded per Section

    503 Pharmacy Compounding (FDAMA)

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    CGMP Legal Principles

    Current = dynamic Standards evolve over time

    Good practices Minimal standards Not best practices

    Unless best is, in fact, current minimal

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    CGMP Legal Principles

    Feasible and valuable No threshold for percentage in

    practice Doesn t have to be predominant

    Enforceable even if nobody is doing it

    Stronger case if someone is doing it

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    The CGMP Regulation

    CGMP for Finished Pharmaceuticals21 CFR 210, 211

    Substantive Force and effect of law

    Constitute major part of (not entire)CGMP


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    The CGMP Regulation

    CGMP for Finished Pharmaceuticals21 CFR 210, 211

    Establish what to do, not how to do Minimal standards Maximum flexibility Specific enough to address

    problems e.g., Penicillin contamination control

    Technology neutral Scalable

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    CGMP Implementation Tools

    Compliance Policy Guides Specific actions we do related to CGMP Examples:

    Sub Chapter 410 Bulk Drugs The regulations for finished pharmaceuticals will be

    applied as guidelines for bulk drugs

    Sub Chapter 420 Compendial (USP)/Test

    Requirements Ex:USP not required for release test Other Sub Chapters

    Labeling and Repackaging Stability/Expiration Process Validation Etc

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    CGMP Implementation Tools

    CGMP Guidance Documents Principles:

    Not requirements Agency current thinking Detailed, technical Expression of How to meet what to do


    Shape industry behavior offers routes to efficiency in meeting CGMP

    requirement, evaluation of compliance

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    CGMP Implementation Tools

    CGMP Guidance Documents(Examples) General Principles of Process Validation Compressed Medical Gases Sterile Drug Products Produced by

    Aseptic Processing Guideline on the Preparation of

    Investigational New Drug Productsmore...

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    CGMP Implementation Tools

    CGMP Guidance Documents Investigating Out of Specification Test

    Results for Pharmaceutical Production Manufacturing, Processing or Holding

    of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

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    CGMP Implementation Tools

    CGMP Compliance Programs Instructions to FDA inspectors

    Drug Manufacturing InspectionsProgram Systems-based assessment of site

    Preapproval Inspection Program Points to inspect Laboratory support Regulatory approaches

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  • 8/12/2019 QA_GMP-GMP-Ref 1


    CGMP Resources

    Internet WWW site by DMPQ http://www.fda.gov/cder/dmpq

    CGMP regulations and ongoing changes

    Preamble to the CGMP regulation Division subject contacts Medical gases Active pharmaceutical ingredients

    Human Drug CGMP Notes/Policy etc.

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    Overview of CGMPrequirements in the regulation

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 210

    Status of the regulations Applicability of the regulations Definitions


    Lot In-process material Quality control unit Representative sample


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    Overview of CGMPrequirements in the regulation

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart A General Provisions Subpart B Organization an Personnel Subpart C Buildings and Facilities Subpart D Equipment Subpart E Control of Cmpnts/Cntr/Closures Subpart F Production and Process Controls Subpart G Packaging and Labeling Controls


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    Overview of CGMPrequirements in the regulation

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart B Organization and Personnel There shall be a quality control unit quality control unit responsibility to approve/reject

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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart C Buildings and Facilities buildings shall be.suitable operations to be in specifically defined

    areas.separate. Or such other control systemsfor .operations as are necessary to preventcontamination or mix- ups. (see list, includesaseptic processing)

    separate facilities for penicillin building.shall be.clean and sanitary

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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart D Equipment surfaces .shall not be reactive, additive, or

    absorptive Equipment.shall be cleaned, maintained and


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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart E Control of Components,Containers and Closures

    containers and closures .handled in a manner toprevent contamination.

    Testing or examination of c/c/cs test to identify each component tests on components for conformance with specs test c/c/cs microscopically, for adulterants,


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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart F Production and Process Controls written procedures for production and process

    control formulated not less than 100 % portions of components identified, examined by a

    2nd person before dispensed for use in manufacture sampling and testing of in-process materials and

    products, some specified time limits

    reprocessing allowed, but controlled

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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart G Packaging and Labeling Controls examination, approval of labels, labeling strict control over labeling issue, and return to stock written procedures, physical separation of labeling

    operations examination of materials before use inspection of facilities immediately before tamper resistant packaging (for OTC products) expiration dating

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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart H Holding and Distribution Subpart I Laboratory Controls Subpart J Records and Reports Subpart K Returned and Salvaged Drug


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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart H Holding and Distribution quarantine before release store under appropriate conditions

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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart I Laboratory Controls establish specs, standards, sampling plans, test

    procedures calibration, of laboratory equipment test each batch of drug product adequate acceptance criteria validate test methods conduct stability program


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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart I Laboratory Controls Special tests

    sterility and pyrogenicity ophthalmic ointments for foreign/abrasive

    particles controlled release products for rate of release

    keep reserve samples test non-penicillin products for penicillin when

    reasonable possibility of exposure to presence of


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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart J Records and Reports keep records, make available for inspection conduct annual review of each drug product for

    changes to specs, control procedures keep equipment cleaning and use log keep component, container, closure and labeling

    records more....

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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart J Records and Reports have SOP for master production and control record,

    maintain record use batch production and control records for

    manufacture, keep records records to be reviewed/approved by qual control unit complete data derived from all tests necessary to

    assure compliance


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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart J Records and Reports distribution records, with lot numbers(except medical

    gases) complaint files

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    Drug Regulatory Program depends heavily on thereliability (i.e. truthfulness, completeness andaccuracy) of data & information in records

    Applications for approval [AIP] Manufacturing Controls documentation [non-AIP]

    Historical experience with broad scaleunreliability of data in records or in conductrelated to records

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    Data and records that are notacceptable or are misleading

    What are some characteristics of data thatlack integrity?

    Untrue, made up, false, no source in an event Omission of significant data from the submission

    that is determined to be material to the reviewprocess. Data that is not submitted, but shouldhave been

    Inaccurate (e.g. First data failed specs, retest datapasses specs, no lab investigation, but retest datais submitted to the application.)

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    Records Must be True

    All data and information in recordssubmitted to FDA & supportingdocuments in the possession of the

    applicant are accurate & truerepresentations of - Actual tests performed & the test results Actual manufacturing & quality control steps &

    procedures associated with the development andmanufacture of the submission batch (clinical/pilotor biobatch)

    any other actions and conditions associated with theapplication

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    Wrongful Acts

    Any act or conduct that subverts the integrityof the review process, including, but not

    limited to the following: submitting fraudulent applications offering or promising a bribe or illegal gratuities making an untrue statement of a material fact

    (e.g. false statement, a misstatement or anomission of a fact)

    submitting unreliable data which results fromsystem-wide or firm-wide behavior

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    Wrongful Acts (continued)

    An untrue statement of material fact is a falsestatement, a misstatement or an omission of a factthat is important in the review process.System-wide incompetence is also a wrongful actWhen an untrue statement of material fact or

    system-wide incompetence is found, several stepsare required to the invoke the AIP including:

    Documentation of a pattern or practice of wrongfulacts.

    Ensuring that the untrue statements are materialfacts.

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    Pattern or Practice

    Pattern- More than one instance of errors oracts involving the subject matter important tothe evaluation of an application

    Practice- An act or process of doingsomething affecting subject matter importantto the evaluation of an application

    A practice can be one or more acts or processes. A pattern or practice can occur in one or moreapplications.

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    If submitted to an Application

    The AIP procedures broadly define the term,application to include, but not be limited to,any application, amendment, supplement orother submission made by an applicant.

    Submitted is an understandable term andincludes documents received by the review

    branch. Wrongful acts also include omissions of data and/or

    information that should have been submitted to an


    Food Drug and Cosmetic Act

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    Food, Drug, and Cosmetic ActSection 505(e) (excerpt below)

    Numbered Part 5

    The Secretary shall, after due notice and

    opportunity for hearing to the applicant,withdrawapproval of an application with respect to any drugunder this section, if the Secretary finds.

    (5) that the application contains any untruestatement of a material fact

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    Documentation of a pattern or practice ofwrongful conduct that raises significant

    questions about the reliability of datasubmitted to an application

    - wrongful acts- pattern or practice

    - unreliable data

    R t FDA C fid

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    Restore FDAs Confidencein Data???

    Cooperation with investigatorsIdentification of involved individuals

    Credible internal review & actionsProblem analysis/identify all instances ofwrongful actsUse of impartial auditor/Outside

    consultantAudit Plan, audits, audit reportsOther measures as FDA deems


    Restore FDAs Confidence in

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    Restore FDA s Confidence inData

    Corrective Action Operating Plan:Analysis of audit findingsImplementation of auditor recommendationsActions taken to correct fraud/wrongful acts, e.g.

    Withdraw applications & recall productsTimetableIdentification of persons assigned to complete and verify

    corrective actionsComprehensive ethics programProcedures for monitoring effectiveness of the planTraining in the requirements of the Act and 18 USC 1001

    C ti A ti Pl

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    Corrective Actions PlanEvaluation

    Monitor applicants actions/inquiries during internalreview

    Inspection to assess actions taken by applicant todetermine ifInternal Review performed adequatelyCorrective Action Operating Plan implemented

    adequatelySubmit recommendation to CDER to remove site

    from the policyExpect a long time to pass before restoration

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    Overview of CGMPrequirements

    CGMP Regulations 21 CFR 211

    Subpart K Returned and Salvaged DrugProducts

    if conditions cast doubt returned product shall bedestroyed unless proved ok by test, examination,investigation

    salvage only if evidence from tests and inspectionshow all standards met

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    Input for CGMP Changes

    Establishment inspections Industry changes/problems

    Defect reports/complaints/recalls Litigation Agency application reviews

    Trade/scientific literature Citizen petitions


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    Management of CGMPRegulatory Program

    FDA/CDER OC/Divis ion o f Manu factu r ing and

    Prod uc t Quali ty maintenance of the regulation definitive interpretation manage guidance development develop, operate, evaluate programs train FDA/outreach to industry

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    We Have Discussed

    Legal bases for CGMP CGMP legal principles CGMP Implementation Tools CGMP Resources Overview of CGMP requirements Integrity of Records and Data

  • 8/12/2019 QA_GMP-GMP-Ref 1


    Montrose Metro Centre II Room 43811919 Rockville Pike

    Rockville, MD 20852

    Nicholas BuhayDeputy Director

    Division of Manufacturing

    and Product Quality, HFD-320Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

    Phone: 301-827-8940 Fax: 301-827-8907

    E-mail: [email protected]

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