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QAIS Student Newspaper, Vol I Issue 3

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Student newspaper produced entirely by the students of Qingdao Amerasia International School, and IB World School in Qingdao, China!
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February 2015 03




All of the students from Grade 1 up spent a day skiing with their teachers and classmates. The goals of the annual Ski Trip is to build physical skills, to raise awareness of recreational activities, and strengthen the bonds of our community outside the classroom.

At lunch time, the students ate lunch with their friends and shared food as well. Some students also brought their own food and snacks to share with the students. While eating, they were talking and laughing about how fun the skiing was. Students were also taking pic-tures to keep their precious mem-ories.

Some students even recorded a video by using a camera, while they were skiing. In the video, they were skiing, snowboarding, and even fell down. They were also waving to the people who are on the lifts, and sometimes the students looked at the camera while they were riding. Just by looking at the screen, it looked very fun.

On the way to the Ski Trip, the students were playing games with their friends, they shared snakes, and talked about how excited they were to ski. Many people seemed very excit-ed to ski, snowboard. Some people also prom-ised new skiers and snow-boarders, that they would teach them how to snow-board.

The students had a fun challenging time on the high snow mountain, and riding snow boards for the first time.

It looked sure that everyone had fun during the ski trip, and they even built memories that they could not forget.

Guess what? From February 14th to March 1st is spring break! What are you going to do during the holiday? Are you going to take a rest? Or are you going somewhere special? Well, I guess the people who are going to have a trip would have a lot of fun, but what about those who stay at home? They would sleep very much, play computer games, and watch TV for a long time. However, what if you think these things are too boring to do anymore? This is the list of indoor and outdoor activities that you can do during the vacation:

Read books: reading books not only makes you knowledgeable, but also relieves stress. I know some of you don’t like to read books, but reading books is the best way to get rid of stress. I’m not lying, this is scientifically proven! Clean up the house: I know it’s so tiring, but your feelings after cleaning would be much better than before. Your house will be very neat, and it makes you feel refreshed and rewarded.

Do light exercise: try to do light exercises! Going out for a walk! Or if you want to stay at home, practice yoga. Yoga is not only for the girls. Even stretching is one of the light exercises. Make your physical health better! Meet friends: as I know, people like to meet with each other, but it’s not really easy to make an appointment because some people are quite lazy. Vacation is a time to make a real plan! Meet other people, and have fun with them!

These are the things that you can do. I know you know those things already, but I also I know that we don’t really put them into action. Have a great holidays!

Even though everyone works every day, everyone has

something to do for fun. Some people have one or many

hobbies. It helps everyone relieve the stress from their work.

Even if a person does it every day, it does not get boring if the

person enjoys it! So, what’s your Hobby?

Everybody has common hobbies. For example, people like

to read books, watch movies, sing songs, dance, play computer

games, meet and play with friends, take a nap, and many more. People also have unique hobbies

such as, collecting unique items, making jewelry, or even building a purple coin tower that can

break a world record!

My hobbies? I sing and dance like crazy almost every day after I reach home. I do this mostly for

fun and relieving stress. Believe it or not, It actually works! I also play computer games! Playing

computer games is time consuming, yet it is worth the fun we get. However, do your work before

you can relieve your stress, i mean, what stress would you relieve if you don’t do your work and

have no stress? Find out you hobby and enjoy it!

Chinese New Year is coming. Each country has its own unique New Year's Eve and New Year's habits, December 31st is the one night of the year where everyone gets to stay up late - but not all countries celebrate saying goodbye to the past 365 days in the same way. And some countries like China wait an extra month for their new year. In fact, in Thailand, the last day of the year passes in April. Most New Year celebrations focus on family and friends, food and traditions, but not all of the celebrations take place on the same day or in the same way! Because people in different parts of the world use different calendars, accordingly, Mexico and Ukraine celebrate the New Year on the first day of January, whereas Vietnam keeps a lunar calendar. Austrians call New Year's Eve Sylverterabend, after Saint Sylvester. Sylvester was a Pope in the 300s, and was buried on December 31st.

German-speaking countries and some others close-by recognise the 31st as the feast of Sylvester. In Austria, there are public concerts and lots of spiced punch (called Punsch) and mulled wine (called Glühwein), which are sold from the market stalls. Brazilian people love to party and New Year's Eve is one of the big ones, and marks the Fiesta de Lemanjá (the Goddess of Water). Two million partygoers head to the Copacabana beach in Rio for the carnival, and thousands of candles are lit and

Youth club will have sports such as soccer,

basketball, pool, and table tennis, as well as

Xbox and other activities. Students must be

aware that youth club will still be until 6:00 pm

after school and students must return home

themselves. People that will attend youth club

please sign up on Friday with Mr. Jeff during

community meeting or student council, and I

will meet you there.

This Friday on January 30th at QAIS in Qingdao,

Shandong province in China on Earth in the

Milky way galaxy, youth club will be starting

again after the break and a new year.

PJ DAY is coming up soon and we can’t wait. 30th of January, the year 10s have decided that we will have a pyjama day. That is where all kids for year 7 to year 11 will wear pyjamas to school and all day. It’s going to be an awesome experience to see everyone’s pyjamas. Its winter at the moment so we will have to wear something warm but it will still be fun. The year 10s were debating about it a lot.

안녕하세요. 저는 Ricky Lee, 이승환이라고

합니다. 최근 저희 MYP 4, 5 (9, 10학년)는

디자인 수업의 과제인 QAIS 에서 배우는

수업 과목들을 광고하는 영상 만들기를 하

고 있습니다. 이 과제를 위해 모든 학생들

이 계획을 짜고 서로 대화도 해보며 좋은

영상을 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

이 과제를 시작하기에 앞서, 저희들은 투

표를 통해 각 학생당 한 과목을 정했습니다. 그런 다음, 촬영을 위해 계획을 디자인하고 정리를

했습니다. 이 과제는 현재에도 진행 중이고, 학생들은 자기 자신의 영상을 최대한 좋게 만들기

위해 항상 노력하고 있습니다. 저희가 만드는 이 영상들은 부모님들께서 학교에 방문하셨을 때,

또는 학교 홈페이지와 유투브 링크를 통하여 시청하실 수 있습니다. 많은 기대 부탁 드리겠습


At QAIS, grade 9, 10 have

started a new Physical Ed-

ucation unit on Ping-Pong.

In this unit, students have

applied to jobs that they

have experience or interest

in, and have been assigned

different positions.

Students have different jobs, and they have the responsibility to

make sure the match goes on schedule by preforming their job to

the best of their ability. Some students are organizers, they have

to make sure everyone is doing their job, everything is going

according to plan; some students are umpires, they keep score

and report it back to the organizers; some students are reporters,

and they have to produce articles weekly about different games;

some students work as website developers, they have to make

sure all the reports and photos get on the website, and keep

them up to date; some students are camera men or pho-

tographer, they have to turn their best photos form each

game to the reporters and website developer; some stu-

dent’s job is to decorate the Ping-Pong match environment,

making it fun and interesting…

The Ping-Pong unit is still preceding, welcome to follow up

at our website, http://tabletennis.weebly.com

2주 전, 우리 학교는 농구 토너먼트가 있었다.

그룹 A 와 그룹 B 로 나누어 각 그룹마다 4팀으로 리

그 식으로 게임을 했다. 첫 번째로 우리는 1월 15일

날 우리 학교는 ISQ와 농구 시합을 하기 위해 ISQ 강

당으로 갔고, 몸을 푼 훈에 경기를 바로 시작하였다.

우리 농구팀은 원래 선발 5명과 교체 선수 1명으로

총 6명 이었으나, 그 날은 주전 선수 한 명이 아파서

오지 못해서 5명으로 게임을 시작했다. 농구 시합은

4쿼터로 되어 있고 각 쿼터마다 7분씩 게임을 했다.

처음에 우리 팀에서 선두로 3골을 넣어 6-0으로 좋은 성과를 내며 첫 번째 쿼터를 마무리 지었

다. 안타깝게도 그 후부터는 각 팀에서 점수를 내지 못했다. 3쿼터가 시작하였고, 양 팀은 자리

를 바꾸고 경기를 이어나갔다. 3쿼터에서 Jake가 파울을 얻어 프리슛을 했다. 총 2골 중 1골을 넣

어 1점을 얻었기에, 점수는 7-0이 되었다. 3쿼터가 끝나고 마지막 쿼터가 시작됐다. 그러나, 우리

는 교체선수가 없는 불리한 상황이었고, 선수들 모두 많이 지쳐 실수를 몇 번 했다. 결국, 마지막

쿼터에 2골과 1 프리슛을 상대팀이 넣게 되어 점수는 7-5가 되었다. 게임은 끝나고 우리 학교 농

구팀은 7-5로 경기를 이겼다. 이번 게임은 우리 학교가 2년 만에 다시 농구시합에서 이긴 기쁜

날이었다. 이것은 우리 학교에게 매우 역사적인 사건이다.
