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Qcl 14-v3-5s banasthali university-aparna agnihotri

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QIMPRO CHALLENGE 1 Project Designed By- Aparna Agnihotri Soumya Badola Simran Nagar B.tech 2 nd year Branch-EEE banasthali vidyapeeth



Project Designed By-

Aparna AgnihotriSoumya BadolaSimran Nagar

B.tech 2nd yearBranch-EEEbanasthali vidyapeeth

What Is 5s?

5S is a set of TECHNIQUES providing a standard approach to GOOD HOUSEKEEPING within the ORGANIZATION

A cornerstone of 5S is that untidy, cluttered work/study areas

are not productive

People are happier in a clean and tidy environment

and hence are inclined to work hard with due care and attention.






The 5S Principles:

Topic: Assessment of 5S in College Canteen-Kitchen

After careful review of college canteen, it was assessed that there is very poor application of 5S practices in the college canteen.

There was a marked lack in application of sorting and systematic arrangement of utensils in the workplace.

The level of cleanliness observed was below expectations.

Waste management was also found to be a big area of concern.

The Problem: Sort

The arrangement of various utensils and other items was hazardous.

The Problem:Systemize

It was observed that non-essential items were simply dumped about the workplace, leading to an cluttered kitchen.

The Problem: Swipe, Shine, Scrub

The kitchen in general, and the gas stoves in particular suffered from the lack of regular cleaning.

• Lack of proper cleaning techniques, along with no use of hand gloves and kitchen caps lead to poor standards of hygiene.

• Open dustbins are also signal very poor sanitation, and often the garbage is left out in the open.

The Solution: Sort

Decide what you need.

Remove unnecessary clutter.

All tools, gauges, materials, classified and stored.

Remove items which are broken, unusable or only occasionally used.

Table. How To Sort

Implementation: Sort


The Solution: Systemize

Organise layout of tools and equipment

Designated locations

Use tapes and labels

Ensure everything is available

as it is needed and at the “point of use”

Kitchen Checkpoints:-

Positions of aisles and storage places clearly


Tools classified and stored by frequency of use?

Pallets stacked correctly?

Safety equipment easily accessible?

Floors in good condition?

Lights / Reflectors clean?

The Solution: Swipe, Shine And Scrub

Create a spotless workplace

Identify and eliminate causes of dirt and grime –remove the need to clean

Wear hand gloves and head covers.

Divide areas into zones

Define responsibilities for cleaning

Tools and equipment must be owned by an individual

Focus on removing the need to clean

Examples: Swipe, Shine and Scrub

Before shine After shine

The techniques learned in 5S were implemented in the canteen, resulting in much needed increase in cleanliness and sanitation.

Solution: Self Discipline

Instilling the ability of doing things

the way they are supposed to be done

Becoming a role model by treating

your work place as your second home

Influencing others to join in keeping

a well-maintained work place.

Aiming for constant improvement

An exampleof bad


Lesson Learned:Benefits of 5S

Improvements in:-

Workforce morale

Company image

Health and Safety

Machine maintenance



Leading to Increased Competitiveness

Summary: 5S or 5D

If 5S is not taken up seriously, then it leads to 5D.

They are Delays,


Dissatisfied customers,

Declining profits and

Demoralized employees.

5S is not just about phases- it is a way to lead an efficient meaningful life both in the workplace and outside.
