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QFI 2014 Sampler

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Page 2: QFI 2014 Sampler

The Quiz Foundation of India, Chennai (QFI) is a non-profit organization aiming to popularize quizzing in the city and also provide a forum for quizzers to meet and interact regularly. We meet every fortnight for an informal session of quizzing, open to all. For details on our fortnightly meetings, please join our free Yahoo mailing list at https://groups.yahoo.com/groups/qfi/ Find us online at the following URLs. http://www.quizfoundation.com/ http://www.facebook.com/quizfoundation https://twitter.com/quizfoundation

Page 3: QFI 2014 Sampler

QFI 2014-01-12 Sampler

This presentation is a sampler comprising of a few questions from the quiz conducted by Sutanu Mukherjee for the Quiz Foundation of India, Chennai on January 12, 2014. The complete quiz (and all the other quizzes to be conducted in 2014) will be made available on a mailing list to QFI subscribers. Subscription to the QFI mailing list is open to all, at a nominal fee. For details, please email [email protected] The subscription fee can be paid online, by post, and in person among other means. Please email us for details. Subscriptions are open to all, and NOT restricted to just the residents of Chennai. The Quiz Foundation of India (Chennai chapter) conducts over 20 meetings a year apart from annual events such as the QFI Grandmaster, the QFIesta Open Quizzes and the QFI Ender Bender which are open to all. Your subscription will go a long way in helping us conduct these events. We rely on the patronage of subscribers for our various quizzes. Please subscribe and support QFI!

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QFI / Jan 2014


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In Kerala, local toddy is sold under many “brand” names. One of the most popular such brand is Yeshu. Why is it named as Yeshu?

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Yeshu is Jesus. And anyone who drinks it, like Jesus, gets up only after the 3rd day.

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Richard III was the last Brit king to be killed and die on British soil. Long vilified & at time caricatured by hacks like Shakespeare; his remains were lost for centuries…until recently found in 2013. One of the takes on Richard III is a popular & award winning documentary called “Looking for Richard” directed by which 1st time director?

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Al Pacino

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The story of Shrin & Farhad – the old Persian love story – has been told & filmed many times. But how was Abbas Kiarostami’s 2008 version of Shirin very different from the rest & most probably from all movies that you have seen so far?

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The film is a parade of close-ups of 113 Iranian actresses who are watching a film ( presumably Shirin) which we never see. The film depicts the audience's emotional involvement with the story.

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In “The last waltz”, the 1st guest was Ronnie Hawkins & the last guest was Bob Dylan for what specific reason?

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Hawkins was chosen as he was the 1st leader of band ( when The band was known as Hawks). And Dylan was last because he did not want his songs to be filmed due to the release of his own film Renaldo & Clara. A compromise was reached that only 2 songs will be filmed in the end & the documentary will be released after Renaldo & Clara.

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In Agatha C’s Evil Under the Sun, Poirot did not have enough proof to catch the villain Patrick Redfurn. And he lays a trap. At the end of the novel, when Patrick is checking out of the hotel he pays by cheque, signing the "R" in "Redfern" exactly as he did when he wrote the name "Felix Ruber", husband of the prologue's Yorkshire moor victim, on an insurance form. Patrick had earlier heard an Western

Classical piece by X, and translated the composer name

from Italian to "Joe Green", triggering Poirot to remember that "Felix Ruber" is Latin for "Red Fern". Id X?

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Giuseppe Verdi

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The central bus station in Slough, UK was rebuilt and unveiled in 2011. The design of the bus station was inspired by one of the works of a famous son of Slough. A composer, who had 24 symphonies to his credit, but he is remembered for something else today. Who?

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William Herschel who discovered Uranus. The form of the building derives from the idea of different wavelengths of light inspired by Astronomer Royal, William Herschel’s discovery of infra-red waves in 1800 while a resident of Slough.

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In 1842, Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough issued a 'Proclamation of the Gates' in which he ordered the British army in Afghanistan to bring back to India the sandalwood gates from the tomb of Mahmud of Ghazni in Ghazni, Afghanistan. These were believed to have been taken by Mahmud from Somnath. Consequently there was a lot of public debate on this. According to historian Romila Thapar, this debate shaped an author to write his perhaps most famous book . Author & book?

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Wilkie Collins’s Moonstone, which had the jewel stolen from Somnath temple.

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X was a political guy, who wrote extensively, including many letters; none of which survive. Y was a poet and an author with a penchant for history wrote about X. These books inspired the book in the pic. Id X &Y

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X = Claudius Y = Robert Graves author of “I Claudius”
