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Qh Se Manual

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  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563

    e Management System Manual

    [A Word from the CEO[Table Of Contents]

    As CEO of t he compa ny, I fu lly su pport an d expe ct all perso nn el atC-Innovation and th ose visiting com pan y to con du ct busi ne ss with a p rimary foc us n ot only on ou r own sa fety, but a lso t he sa fety of ot

    an d th ei r im pact on th e envi ronment.

    Open Door Policy

    All employees have direct access to Dino Chouest

    to discuss any work related issues or potenal

    improvements to the Management System.



    Document Owner 4

    Privacy Informaon 4

    Scope and Purpose 4


    Commitment 5

    Mission 5

    Management Responsibility 5

    Quest 5


    C-I Organizaon Chart 6

    Locaons 6

    Products and Services 6






    TARGETS 12

    Goals 12

    Key Performance Indicators 12

    Laws and Regulaons 13


    Training Competence 14

    Understanding Risk 14

    Behavioral Based Safety Observaons 15

    Safety Meengs 16

    Housekeeping 17

    Travel 17

    The Meaning of the Word Change 18

    JSEA 19


    Emergency Planning 20

    Hurricane Preparedness 20



  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563



    e Management System Manual

    This QHSE manual denes preferred

    policies, procedures, guidelines,

    report forms and reference documents

    necessary for compliance with

    customer, company and regulatory

    requirements, as applicable. Themanual is organized to coordinate

    the relaonship between shoreside

    and on-site ROV management and

    operaons. The product and service

    is Manufacture Development, Design,

    Sales and Markeng of Subsea

    Soluons, and Project and Operaon

    of Remotely Operated Vehicles

    This document may contain

    informaon of a sensive nature. Thisinformaon should not be given to

    persons other than those who are

    involved with C-Innovaon.


    Culture is said to be at the heart of anorganizaon. It is one of the most stableand substanal forces within organizaons,

    shaping the way members think, behaveand approach their work. In a strong safety

    culture, everyone feels responsible for safety

    and pursues it on a daily basis. Employees go

    beyond the call of duty to idenfy unsafe

    condions and behaviors, and intervene to

    correct them. In a strong safety culture, any

    worker would feel comfortable walking up to

    a manager or CEO and reminding him or her

    to wear safety glasses. This type of behavior

    would not be viewed as forward or over-

    zealous, but would rather would be valued by

    the organizaon and rewarded. Employees

    are encouraged to rounely look out for one

    another and point out unsafe behaviors to

    each other.


    Our mission is to make our company successful,

    not by prot, but by quality of work and safely

    performing the work. A safe and healthy

    At C-Innovaon, safeguarding the safety and

    health of our employees and subcontractors

    is of the utmost importance. Safety First

    is a core value of our culture, and we are

    dedicated to protecng the safety and health

    of all those ass ociated with our company.

    Privacy Information

    Document Owner


    Scope and Purpose

    The primary contact for quesons

    regarding this document is:

    Brad Malcolm

    QHSE Manager, C-Innovaon


    [email protected]

    Management Responsibility

    work environment impacts every measure o

    companys success, from quality of work life

    producvity and protability for our clients a

    ourselves. With many of our sta working fume either oshore, at our own facility or clien

    facilies, our safety leadership not only aec

    the safety and health of our employees, b

    that of many others inuenced by our acvie

    The quality policy has been communicat

    throughout all levels of the organizaon. It

    reviewed periodically for connuing suitabilit

    The management team provides operaon

    guidance, ensures the availability of resourc

    and priorizes eorts for connual improveme

    of the Quality Management System.

    We understand that each of us plays a vi tal r

    in the compleon of work in a safe manne

    Employee recommendaons to improve safe

    and health condions are encouraged and a

    given thorough consideraon by our managemeteam. The goal of our ongoing safety and hea

    program is zero incidents at all job site

  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563


    The goal of the QMS is to connuallyimprove C-Innovaons businessand enhance customer sasfacon

    through fact-based idencaon

    decision-making. This is achieved

    through documentaon of key metrics

    for processes that aect customers

    percepons of the quality of our

    products and services. In addion,

    C-Innovaon management reviews all

    metrics on mely basis, sets objecves,priorizes improvement eorts and

    ensures the availability of resources.

    Documentaon is an integral part of

    the QMS, which instructs and guides

    employees whose acons aect

    product quality and informs customers

    of the processes that are implemented

    to ensure complete sasfacon.

    Connual improvement to overall

    business through quality and customer

    expectaon is achieved through quality

    planning, business objecves, results

    from audits, analysis of data, customer

    sasfacon program, internal feedback,

    correcve and preventave acon and

    management reviews.

    In an eort to connually improve,

    C-Innovaon has put in place a quality

    system that gives every employee theopportunity to generate correcve and

    preventave acon.


    C-INNOVATION has implemented a Qua

    Management System and will connually impr

    it. We are fully commied to meeng or exceed

    our customers expectaons, and achieving

    objecve of being a preferred soluon and prodsupplier. Meeng this commitment requ

    management and employees to work toget

    as a team, establishing objecves to support t

    quality commitment, and to connually rev

    performance of these objecves.

    Quality Policy

    e Management System Manual

    [About C-Innovation] [Qualit

    C-Innovaon is an advanced, integrated marineservices company specializing in subsea soluons.he company operates in the worldwide arenaith core services and products focused on subsea

    onstrucon and remote intervenon services. Theseervices include remotely operated vehicles (ROVs),ngineering, project management and operaons ofubsea eld developments in the oil and gas sector.

    -Innovaon provides integrated marine services toients by taking advantage of its unique relaonship withdison Chouest Oshore (ECO) and other ECO-aliatedompanies. Our customers require a partner that can givehem a strong compeve edge and long-term value. Inrder to meet future market challenges, we innovate forustainably ecient marine operaons.




    [Remote Intervention]Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

    System Operaons / Subsea Tooling

    [Subsea Services]Engineering, Project Management


    Products and Services

















  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563

    e Management System Manual

    [HSE Processes]


    he benefits of an audit are numerous. Audits can

    improve a companys efficiency and profitability

    by helping the management better understand

    their own working and mitigation system. One key aspect

    of audits is a valuable way of identifying and eliminating

    workplace hazards.

    Management, ownership and clients can be assured that

    the risks within our organization are well-studied and

    effective solutions are in place to resolve them.

    HSE planning is an integral part of our daily business based on idenfying signicant issues,risks and opportunies for improvement. With the QHSE system in place, these businessprocesses are broken down into individual items and placed on a priorized list of challenges. Task may be

    daily acvies, targets reached on a weekly, monthly or yearly term, or long-term goals tracked on a Key

    Performance Indicator chart.

    Within the QMS, the HSE processes of this system (as shown below) is closely monitored and carefully

















    f, during an inspecon, the QHSE representave becomes

    aware of any non-conformies, it shall be documented

    within the C-Innovaon management system and

    addressed accordingly by the responsible manager.

    All non-conformies are assigned to the designated manager

    with an expected me frame on when these unsasfactory

    items shall be addressed, reviewed, closed and the ability

    to prevent them in the future. Semi-annual meengs are

    conducted with department managers to review non-

    conformies and discuss acons that may help eliminate them


    Audit Planning Audit Processing

    Markengand Sales

    Allocaons ofPersonnel

    Allocaons ofEquipment

    Mobilizaonand Installaon


    Project ProcessContract Requirement

    and Aquision

    Project ProcessMobilizaon and


    Project ProcessOperaon



    Return ofItems from


    Improvement &Nonconformance







    [QMS Processe

    Rental/Purchase, Development, Maintenance and Repair of Tools and Assets

  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563

    e Management System Manual

    [Business processes]

    Business Development

    Allocation of Personnel

    Allocation of Equipment

    Mobilization and Installation



    Transform customerrequirements via productspecicaons such as drawings/dras, component list, suitabilityfor purchasing, engineering, andproducon

    Meet customer needs regarding:

    funcons, operaons, user friendliness,availability, reliability, safety, maintainability,cost, delivery me.

    Project Manager

    Ensure the projects meet contractualrequirementsManage Project Planning, which includes:(a) assignments of responsibility, (b)scheduling, (c) resource planning, and (d) establishing a dedicated QualityPlan according to documented procedures if required by the customer

    Manage Product Implementaon, which includes implementaon ofall requirements stated in the order/contract and validang the projectdeliveries through a Factory Acceptance Test and/or Customer AcceptanceTest

    Review of Equipment and AvailabilityPurchasing of EquipmentTesng and Preparaon of EquipmentTransportaon and InstallaonMaintenance and Calibraon of Equipment

    Review of Qualicaons and AvailabilityTraining of PersonnelManagement of C-Innovaon EmployeesRecruitment of PersonnelFollow Up of Personnel

    PlanningEngineeringInterface MeengsMobilizaon Site StagingMobilizaon of SystemCommissioning

    Conguraon of EquipmentTesng and Pre DiveDeployment of EquipmentOperaonsRecover EquipmentPost Dive Checks

    Manage requests for proposals, quotes, and contracts orderCreate a yearly markeng plan which includes acvies involving: (a) customers, (b) agencies, (c)exhibions, (d) preparaon of sales material approved by management.Review and process contract orders from customers prior to acceptance. A review is performed to enhancecustomer sasfacon by ensuring that order requirements can be met by C-innovaonReview modicaons to orders and ensure customer is made aware of modicaons prior to acceptance.Record orders in the Quality Management ystem.

    [Support Processe

    Developments of Products and Soluon

    C-Innovaon develops products and soluonswith our customers current and future needs inmind. Our development process ensures a melydelivery of quality products and services throughproduct denion, planning, design, vericaon,and validaon for eletronics.

    The goal of our validaon process is to testthe product/soluon, the suppliers, and thedocumentaon against customer and regulatoryrequirements. Some of the elements of ourprocess include system tesng, customertesng, and life-me durability tesng. Recordsof validaon are recorded in the QualityManagement System.

    Validaon of the product/soluon occurs in the

    beginning of the Serial Producon. The goal ofthe validaon is to test the product/soluon,the suppliers and its documentaon againstcustomer and regulatory requirements. Some ofthe elements may include system test, cusstomertesng and life tesng. Records of validaon aremaintained.

    Design reviews are held at appropriate stages inthe process, as dened at the beginning of theproject. Records of reviews are maintained inaccordance with documented procedures.

    As design and development changes occur, thechanges are recorded. Changes are reviewed,veried, and validated as appropriate andapproved prior to implementaon. The reviewincludes evaluang of eects of the constuentparts, products/soluons already delivered, andthe impact to customers.

    C-Innovaon has a documented purchasingsystem that ensures products and services are

    purchased from a controlled set of suppliers.Suppliers are selected on their ability to supplyproducts and services in accordance with therequirements of C-I. Key suppliers go througha qualicaon process. As new suppliers arequalied, CI updates the MPS system.Products and services are purchased through CIsMPS system, which requires that all purchaseorders include relevant informaon associatedwith the purchases such as approvals, productspecicaons, and any other crical informaon.Purchases are veried to ensure the productsmeet the specic requirements.

    Purchasing vericaon acvies include enthat products are purchased from pre-qusuppliers and ensuring that test equipmavailable and maintained whenever a prequires unique tesng, source inspecon,house receiving inspecon.

    Inspecons, measurements, and equipment ulized in development, produand design vericaon is calibrated and conin accordance with established proceduensure the accuracy of measurements. Eachis properly controlled, calibrated, and reat specied intervals to maintain its acwithin the necessary limits. The QMS inprocedures which ensure that the equipmproperly calibrated.

    C-I maintains a record system that incldescripon of the device idener, calibintervals, the next due date, the calibstandards used, and results of the calibraosystem for calibraon and maintainence ison naonally recognized standards.

    Customer Property

    Customer-supplied material may be mateapplicaon into our products, equipment into assemble our products, or equipment fin product tesng. Unless otherwise stathe contract, CI is responsible for sasfhandling, storage,and retrieval ofcustomer-suppliedmaterial and anyassociated safetyprocedures. Thecustomer is noedif any problemswith the materialare discovered. CImanages customer-supplied materialwith the samec o n s i d e r a t i o nand care as ourown material.


    Calibraon of tesng and measuring equip

  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563


    e Management System Manual


    C-Innovaon implemented a QHSE

    Management System dang back to 2008

    which provides a posive and safe working

    culture for our sta members, clients and


    Detailed goals and measurements are

    listed within C-Innovaons business plan

    to ensure quality performance by each

    person. As the year progresses, monitoring

    and followed up is conducted by each

    department manager to ensure goals and

    measurements are obtained.

    C-Innovation provides

    comprehensive training

    in all areas of its QHSE

    Management System,

    including training on

    compliance and practices

    pertaining to the scope of



    Sasfactory Customer Service

    Reduce Polluon

    Increase Dive Availability

    Increase Management ROV Visits

    Increase in Asses sment Knowledge

    Compleon Vendor Rangs

    Increase in Pro-Acve Eorts

    Conduct Periodic System Audits

    Laws and Regulations



    We usethe

    Measurementsto assist in


    investigation and

    hazard recognition.

    Each monththe QHSEdepartment

    gathers all pro-active

    measures, which include

    incidents, accidents,

    spills, near misses, WISE

    and safety meeting


    Wit h t hisinformationwe are able to

    promote awareness

    of concerns regarding

    the safety of all


    As C-Innovaon connues to grow, it is of the utmost importance that we maintain awareness a

    knowledge of local laws and regulaons when working in expanded regions of the world. It is t

    responsibility of C-Innovaon to comply with their standards accordingly. With the implementaon

    ISO and OSHAS 18001 standards (9001, 14001 & 18001) into our Management System, we will estab

    programs, procedures, objecves, training and targets to assure compliance with these laws a


  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563

    e Management System Manual

    [Policy and Procedures]

    An integrated part of the QHSE Manage-ment System is documentaon of our pro-cesses and procedures.

    The purpose of the doc-

    umentaon is to help

    instruct and guide em-

    ployees whose acons

    aect the potenal of

    being at risk, quality of

    work or whose acons

    pertain to Leadership/

    Resource Management.

    All documents have

    been made available to

    all employees through the company website, In-

    tranet or handouts via classroom training. These

    documents may pertain to health hazards from

    exposure to work environment, communica-

    ons with suppliers, vendors or clients, environ-

    mental impact research or regulatory law.

    Hazard A hazard is considered to be anything

    which can cause harm. Some examples of haz-

    ards may include chemicals, electricity or stress.

    Generally, a hazard is said to be present when

    there is an object or a situaon present which

    may have an adverse eect on the surrounding.

    There can be other hazards such as an explo-

    sion, leakage of toxic gas, etc.

    Risk - A Risk is taken a chance when a probability

    of harm may occur. Risk can be negligib le or canbe high.

    [ Remember, you cannot control

    what you do not measure, and

    you cannot improve what you

    do not control. This means to

    improve something, you have

    to check for competence and

    measure it. Training is just

    training if it is not grasped. ]

    Training Competence

    Understanding Risk

    HS101 - QHSE Policies & Procedures

    ES101 - HV Electrical Safety & PDU Operation

    ET101 - Basic DC Electronic Troubleshooting

    HT101 - Basic Hydraulics & Fluid Power

    RT101 - Schilling ROV Orientation

    RT102 - Schilling UHD & DTS Operation &


    TL101 - Basic Tooling Integration & Operation (new)

    RT104 - Practical Troubleshooting for ROV Systems

    SIM101 - ROV Operational Simulator Training

    MG101 - Basic/Advanced Leadership, Dale Carnegie

    MG201 - Assessor Training and Workplace


    Examples of Internal Course Material

    Training and assessments

    of competence are key

    factors in understanding

    hazards and addressing

    them in a correct manner

    that may be presented to

    employees and manage-

    ment on a daily basis.

    When planning training,

    managers must establish

    which QHSE aspects arerelevant to the specic

    needs. This means each specic course shall

    present best pracces that are being developed

    (Policy/Procedures, Regulaons, Mechanical

    Handling, Potenal Risk). There are dozens of

    training courses developed and taught within

    C-Innovaon to help address hazards and the

    ability to migate them before disaster strikes.

    Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) has been

    introduced as part of C-Innovaons safety

    culture. This program is a pro-acve tool

    for accident prevenon, aimed at avoiding

    undesirable behavior. Changes in behavior

    result in a reducon in the probability

    of accidents. The main philosophy is to

    observe a persons behavior in a work

    situaon and then iniate dialogue about

    it. Example: Good behavior is praised, and

    unwanted behavior is highlighted and


    BBS consists of four main elements:

    Using the BBS tool requires a culture

    of openness, where commenng on

    the behavior of colleagues is permied

    and encouraged. It is important that

    the focus must be on improvement, not


    Behavioral Based Safety Observations

    [Policy and Procedure





    1. Recognize what kind of behavior

    produces risks, and what is safe.

    2. Observe how operaons are carried out.

    3. Give feedback to each person.

    4. Use all available informaon to remove

    obstacles that prevent safe/healthy

    working condion.

  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563

    e Management System Manual

    Listed below are a few examples:Select relevant meeng topics. Discussing in-

    formaon that can relate to your employees

    helps keep their aenon and has a relaonship

    with the type of work they conduct. This en-

    ables them to envision the task going to be con-

    ducted, idenfy haz-

    ards, discuss between

    the groups and eventu-

    ally eliminate dangers

    that may be present.

    If you noce that spills

    arent being cleaned

    up promptly, discuss

    that. Items that needs

    to be covered: What

    happened? Where did

    it happen? How can it

    be prevented from oc-

    curring again? What

    hazards are presented by not cleaning spills in

    a mely manner? Can it be avoided by takingcorrecve acon?

    Employees are a good source for meeng top-

    ics. Encourage your employees to suggest top-

    ics; they oen know best what and where the

    dangers are.

    Once you select a topic, research it. If you want

    to focus on the safe use of a specic piece of

    machinery, consult the manufacturers opera-

    ons manual. For handling toxic substances, get

    a copy of the material safety data sheet (MSDS).

    Ask quesons instead of lecturing Introduce

    each new point you want to make by asking

    the crew a queson. Wait a short me to let

    people think, and then call on volunteers to an-

    swer. Use the answers as a

    springboard for discussion.

    Ask about personal experi-

    ence. If you ask a queson

    and no one has an answer,

    ask if someone has had

    any personal experience to

    help the group gure out

    the answer.

    Sck to the topic. If the

    crews quesons and com-

    ments move too far from

    the topic, tell them that

    their concerns can be ad-

    dressed later, either in private conversaon or

    in an upcoming safety meeng. This will alsogive you ideas for future meeng topics.

    Assign an employee to assist you. Involve an

    employee in choosing the next topic, and take

    him or her with you when you do your next

    walk-around safety inspecon. You might also

    ask the person to help lead the next meeng.

    [Policy and Procedures]

    One of the most eecve ways of developinga safety-minded culture is to involve all em-ployees in ongoing Toolbox Talks safety meet-

    ings. These informal, brief meengs allow other

    employees the opportunity to alert everyone of

    potenal workplace hazards and safe workplace

    pracces, such as machinery use, tool handling,

    equipment use and safety-minded atudes, or

    basically anything else that may contribute to ac-

    cidents in your workplace. C-Innovaon integrates

    this process for all employees throughout the com-

    pany and is shared dynamically. This is directed

    towards oce personnel, facility personnel and

    oshore personnel. All safety meeng notes and

    acon items are posted and kept within the Safety

    Management System for future review.

    Safety Meetings

    How to involve employees

    Poor housekeeping can be a cause of accidents, such as:

    Y Tripping over loose objects on oors

    Y Being hit by falling objects

    Y Slipping on greasy, wet or dirty surfaces

    Y Striking against projecng

    Y Poorly stacked items or misplaced material

    Too oen, hazards are purposely overlooked due to

    a That is not my job, or I did not do it, or Let

    someone else x it. mentality, but if the sight of

    paper, debris, cluer and spills is accepted as normal,then other more serious health and safety hazards

    may be ignored or accepted as normal.

    The truth is, the majority of daily incidents and accidents

    occur due to poor housekeeping. Good housekeeping at

    work provides safe environments and helps you work more

    eciently; it can also eliminate some workplace hazards and

    help get a job done safely and properly.

    SORT(Get rid of it)

    SET IN ORDER(Organize)


    (Clean an


    (Make Co nsistent)

    SUSTAIN(Keep it up)

    Separate what is

    needed in the area

    from what is not;

    eliminate the latter.

    Organize what

    remains in the

    work area.

    Clean and

    inspect the

    work area


    cleaning, inspection

    and safety








    Clean and

    inspect the

    work area

    As C-Innovaon becomes more dynamic with their work scope, training and development of equipme

    it somemes leads to required travel for company employees. It is imperave that traveling employ

    be prepared to deal with a new environment and culture.

    Overseas travelers must deal with local culture, language barriers and foreign government ocials; theref

    preparaon is essenal. There are many situaons you should be prepared to encounter while in a fore

    country. Traveling in your home country is completely dierent from traveling abroad.

    At C-Innovaon, all members of the company a re given adequate mate

    for guidance on what to do and what not to do in preparaon for t


    With the assistance of in-house medical sta, any requ

    physicals (USCG, OLF, ASO, UK O&G or any other loca

    in the world) are able to be obtained in a swi man

    including vaccinaons and visa requirements.



    [Policy and Procedure

  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563


    Likelihoodof Occurrence (L)

    Unlikely Seldom Occasional Common Frequent











    In todays industry, there are a number ofhurdles companies face in the Managementof Change program implementaon andmaintenance, as there is oen unfamiliaritywith and/or uncertainty about how to addressthe various components of the MOC regulaon.A common sense and systemac approach tothe companys Management of Change programis needed to maximize its eecveness, giventhese barriers to success.

    It is imperave to clearly d ene the wordchange in the context of a Management ofChange program, as it can be listed as IniatedChange, Reacve Change, Overt Change

    or Covert Change pending on its process andobjecve.

    The key to Iniated Change from aManagement of Change point of view is thatthe person involved proposes to operate thejob task under condions that have never beenexperienced before. Changes of this type needto be analyzed carefully, oen through use of amul-discipline hazards analysis team.

    A reacve change is one that occursspontaneously; unlike iniated change, areacve change is not created by a personsconscious decision.

    Organizaonal and personnel changes areoen reacve. The Management of Changeprogram cant eecvely control reacvechanges because they occur by themselves, notbecause someone wishes for them to occur.Therefore, reacve changes have to be throughother elements of the companys ProcessSafety Management program and may requireaddional invesgaon, root cause analysis,


    Reacve Changes can be either overt or covert.An overt change is one that is known about, andwhose consequences can be migated beforean accident actually takes place. If allowed toconnue, an accident may occur, so some sortof acon must be taken. Overt change is oengradual and can be controlled when detected.

    A covert change is not known about before it isrevealed which oen can happen quite suddenly.It is not generally possible to install safeguardsto idenfy covert, reacve changes becausethose changes are inherently unpredictable.Covert changes somemes occur to ulitysystems that serve more than one operang

    unit. Each operang unit may make properlycontrolled changes to its own equipment, notrealizing the eect the changes are having onthe system eect.

    Basic steps in implemenng a

    producve JSEA program within our

    company are driven by:

    1Involving our employees. Theemployee parcipaon processdelivers a unique understanding of th


    2Reviewing accident history. Whave the ability to review pasevents within C-Innovaon whether

    is local, regional or global.

    3Conducng preliminary joreview. Discuss with employeethe exisng hazards in their curren

    work environment and surrounding

    Ulize brainstorming technique

    being creave in establishing ideas t

    eliminate or control possible hazards.

    4Lisng, ranking and senpriories for hazardous jobHighlight jobs with hazards tha

    present unacceptable risks, based o

    the likelihood they will occur and wit

    high consequences. These jobs shall b

    your rst priority to analyze.

    5Outlining the steps or tasks. Ajobs can be broken down into jotasks; document enough informao

    to describe each job acon withou

    geng overly detailed.

    6Commitment by all. If there immediate danger to an employeeslife or health, take immediate acon t

    protect the worker by conducng sto

    work authority.

    Y Jobs with high injury or illness rates

    Y Jobs with high potenal causing severe

    or disabling injuries

    Y Jobs in which simple human error could

    lead to severe accidents or injuries

    Y Jobs that are new to your operaon or

    have undergone changes in processes and


    While working and dealing withsafety sensive tasks each andevery day, it is important to retain and use

    JSEA as the focal point, always modifying

    improvements through JSEA techniques.

    Idenfying controlled measures before

    undesirable events occur is a key focal

    point that we are constantly looking at

    when referencing hazards.

    The QHSE Management System captures

    all JSEAs to date for future reference and


    e Management System Manual

    [Policy and Procedures]

    The Meaning of the Word Change

    The integraon of situaonal awareness and dynamic risk assessment related to key work indicatorsin todays market is the crical element in Managing Risk on mulple levels. Being able to und erstandeach risk involved, including constant changes on the job, is key when it comes to priorizing whatevents need the highest level of acon. Everyone parcipang in the job must stay alert to the ongoingchanging condions, obvious or latent condions or escalang factors that require prompt idencaon,comprehension and appropriate implementaon of acons. The incorporaon of situaonal riskawareness denes the companys culture in knowing how to prevent risk from evolving.

    Risk Assessment

    [Policy and Procedure

    Job Safety and Environmental Analysis

    JSEA Examples

  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    oc ID: CI-DOC-000563

    e Management System Manual

    [Facility Planning]

    Hurricanes are a fact of life along theGulf Coast. As new seasons approach,we use the knowledge gained from previous

    years to prepare the facility and all personnel.

    We focus on maintaining constant informa-

    on through news re-

    ports when a storm be-

    gins to form. We keep

    all personnel informed

    in case the storm is

    headed in our direc-

    on. Hurricane pre-

    paredness procedures

    detail steps we take as

    a company. Our Crisis

    Management Team is

    responsible for updat-

    ing, publishing and dis-

    tribuon of hurricane preparaon, securing

    and evacuaon procedures. Each member of

    the team has his/her own responsibility to

    his/her department. When crews are work-

    ing during hurricane season, we tell them to

    be prepared in case of an extended stay by

    bringing extra clothes, medicines and call-

    ing cards. In addion, we remind our em-

    ployees to make sure they have a hurricane

    plan for their family, including an evacuaon

    plan for where they are going and to insur-

    ing they have all the important informaon

    they need, such as documents, medicaons,

    cash or checks (in case ATMs and credit card

    machines are down) ashlights an generators.

    It is not a maer of if an emergency willtake place, rather when. In preparaonfor these events, it is the responsibility of the

    QHSE department to ensure each and every

    employee, visitor, vendor or subcontractor

    is fully aware of po-

    tenal hazards that

    may exist and, more

    important, how to

    react when an emer-

    gency takes place.

    Throughout the

    year, all employ-

    ees are connually

    trained for emer-

    gencies. This re-

    sponsibility is put

    to the test during

    extensive training drills, as dedicated per-

    sonnel are ready to react when needed.

    In addion to extensive training, we have an

    emergency procedures list detailing who to

    call, what to do and how to act to ensure ev-

    eryones safety while at C-Innovaons facili-

    es. Example:

    Emergency Preparedness

    Fire, Chemical, Bomb Threat, Earthquake,

    Anthrax Environmental Preparedness

    Spills, Chemical Induced, Containment,

    Decontaminaon Hurricane Procedure

    Gulf Coast Oces Security and Business


    Emergency Planning Hurricane Preparedness Environmental impact is an important issue

    across the globe and local neighboring

    communies. In order to help minimize

    environmental footprint on the globe,

    C-Innovaon has developed an Environmental

    Management System according to ISO

    14001:2004 standard.

    At C-Innovaon we use environmental friendly oil

    in all of our oshore remotely operated vehicles,

    including the majority of all tooling equipment

    used in support of ROV operaons.

    Each employee is fully trained on the importance

    of prevenon of marine debris and the increased

    chance of loss of marine life it could have with its



    In addion, we have a recycling program

    each facility aimed at eliminang waste

    teries, electronic waste, aluminum, recy

    metals and uorescent lights.

    C-Innovaon connues to train personn

    environmental impact with the use of o

    ergy consumpon and transportaon of

    Connual eorts will be made to reduce

    amount of oil used to operate the comp

    oshore assets.a

  • 7/30/2019 Qh Se Manual


    Brad MalcolmQHSE [email protected]

    Hilary CreamerQHSE Assistant985-612 [email protected]

    qhse Management System Manual

    [Contact Information]
