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Qiyu Jin arXiv:2011.10260v2 [eess.IV] 6 Apr 2021

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Edge adaptive hybrid regularization model for image deblurring Tingting Zhang 1 , Jie Chen 1 , Caiying Wu 1 , Zhifei He 1 , Tieyong Zeng 2 and Qiyu Jin 1 1 School of Mathematical Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China 2 Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, China E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] Abstract. The parameter selection is crucial to regularization based image restoration methods. Generally speaking, a spatially fixed parameter for regularization item in the whole image does not perform well for both edge and smooth areas. A larger parameter of regularization item reduces noise better in smooth areas but blurs edge regions, while a small parameter sharpens edge but causes residual noise. In this paper, an automated spatially adaptive regularization model, which combines the harmonic and TV models, is proposed for reconstruction of noisy and blurred images. In the proposed model, it detects the edges and then spatially adjusts the parameters of Tikhonov and TV regularization terms for each pixel according to the edge information. Accordingly, the edge information matrix will be also dynamically updated during the iterations. Computationally, the newly-established model is convex, which can be solved by the semi-proximal alternating direction method of multipliers (sPADMM) with a linear-rate convergence rate. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model effectively reserves the image edges and eliminates the noise and blur at the same time. In comparison to state-of-the-art algorithms, it outperforms other methods in terms of PSNR, SSIM and visual quality. Submitted to: Inverse Problems Keywords: the edge information matrix, image deblurring, semi-proximal alternating direction method of multipliers 1. Introduction Images are frequently degraded by noise and blurring during the image acquisition and transmission procedures [23, 36]. As a result, image denoising and deblurring are two fundamental steps for various image processing tasks, such as image segmentation, edge detection, and pattern recognition. Let u R M×N be the unknown clear image of size arXiv:2011.10260v2 [eess.IV] 6 Apr 2021
Page 1: Qiyu Jin arXiv:2011.10260v2 [eess.IV] 6 Apr 2021

Edge adaptive hybrid regularization model for imagedeblurring

Tingting Zhang1, Jie Chen1, Caiying Wu1, Zhifei He1, Tieyong Zeng2 andQiyu Jin1

1 School of Mathematical Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China2 Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong,China

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract.The parameter selection is crucial to regularization based image restoration methods.

Generally speaking, a spatially fixed parameter for regularization item in the whole image doesnot perform well for both edge and smooth areas. A larger parameter of regularization itemreduces noise better in smooth areas but blurs edge regions, while a small parameter sharpensedge but causes residual noise. In this paper, an automated spatially adaptive regularizationmodel, which combines the harmonic and TV models, is proposed for reconstruction of noisyand blurred images. In the proposed model, it detects the edges and then spatially adjusts theparameters of Tikhonov and TV regularization terms for each pixel according to the edgeinformation. Accordingly, the edge information matrix will be also dynamically updatedduring the iterations. Computationally, the newly-established model is convex, which canbe solved by the semi-proximal alternating direction method of multipliers (sPADMM) witha linear-rate convergence rate. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the proposedmodel effectively reserves the image edges and eliminates the noise and blur at the same time.In comparison to state-of-the-art algorithms, it outperforms other methods in terms of PSNR,SSIM and visual quality.

Submitted to: Inverse ProblemsKeywords: the edge information matrix, image deblurring, semi-proximal alternatingdirection method of multipliers

1. Introduction

Images are frequently degraded by noise and blurring during the image acquisition andtransmission procedures [23, 36]. As a result, image denoising and deblurring are twofundamental steps for various image processing tasks, such as image segmentation, edgedetection, and pattern recognition. Let u ∈ RM×N be the unknown clear image of size









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M × N , and f ∈ RM×N be the observed degraded image with Gaussian white noise. Thenthe mathematical model for image degradation [1, 3, 21, 25] is formulated as follows,

f = A⊗ u + ε, (1.1)

where A is the known blurring operator, A⊗ u is the convolution of A with u as

[A⊗ u](i, j) =∑


A[(i, j)− (s, t)]× u(s, t).

Moreover, ε ∈ RM×N represents the Gaussian white noise with mean 0 and standarddeviation σ. Let F denotes the vector space of 2D images defined on Ω = 1, 2, · · · ,M ×1, 2, · · · , N. For each 2D image u, the total number of pixels is M×N , and u(i, j) denotesthe image value at pixel (i, j) ∈ Ω. Restoring the unknown image u from the degraded imagef is a typical ill-posed problem. Hence, effective image deblurring methods usually rely ondelicately designed regularizations based on the prior information on u.

To preserve significant edges, Rudin, Osher, and Fatemi [38] proposed the celebratedtotal variation (TV) model for image restoration. By this approach, the recovery of the imageu is based on solving the following minimization problem



2‖A⊗ u− f‖2

2 + ‖∇u‖1, (1.2)

where ∇u = [∇xu,∇yu] ∈ R2M×N is the gradient in the discrete setting with ∇u(i, j) =

(∇xu(i, j),∇yu(i, j)), and ∇xu and ∇yu denote the horizontal and vertical first-orderdifferences with Dirichlet boundary condition respectively, which are defined as follows

∇xu(i, j) =

u(i+ 1, j)− u(i, j), if i < M ;

0, if i = M,

∇yu(i, j) =

u(i, j + 1)− u(i, j), if j < M ;

0, if j = M,


and ‖∇u‖1 is the l1-norm of∇u

‖∇u‖1 =∑


|∇u(i, j)|, |∇u(i, j)| =√

(∇xu)2(i, j) + (∇yu)2(i, j). (1.4)

As the total variation term is powerful for preserving sharp edges, the TV model has beenwidely used for image processing. Over the past years, much effort has been devoted tostudying, solving and extending the TV model. In particular, a two-phase approach fordeblurring images [6, 7] was proposed to handle the impulsive noise. More related modelsand algorithms have been reported in [9–12, 16, 20, 24, 33–35, 37, 40, 43–46].

However, image deblurring with TV model often leads to some undesirable staircaseeffects, namely, the transformation of smooth regions into piece-wise constant ones. Thereare at least two possible ways to handle this issue. One is to use the tight-frame approaches[9, 10]. The other is to combine the TV regularization term with some more advancedmodels. For instance, the harmonic model [39] with Tikhonov regularization and fourth-orderPDE (LLT) filter [32] can effectively reduce noise. Therefore, some hybrid regularizationmodels combining the TV model with LLT models [26, 29, 32, 37] or harmonic models

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[19,30] are proposed to preserve edges while restraining the staircase effects at the same time.Furthermore, Liu et al. [28] combines image sharpening operator and framelet regularization[8] for image deblurring, whose model is expressed as,



2‖A⊗ u− f‖2

2 + ‖Wu‖1 + α‖u−B(f)‖1, (1.5)

where W is the framelet transformation, B(f) ∈ RM×N is a sharpened image, and µ, α

are positive parameters. In the optimization problem (1.2), the positive parameter µ controlsthe trade-off between a good fit of f and a smoothness requirement by the total variationregularization. In general, an image is composed of multiple objects at different scales.This suggests that different values of µ are desirable for various image features of differentscales, to obtain better results. More specifically, for the texture regions, we can use largerµ as it leads to less smoothed and more detailed restoration. On the other hand, for theflat region, smaller µ is desired to get a better smoothing and noise-reduced result. For thisreason, in [2, 4] the multi-scale total variation (MTV) models were proposed, with spatiallyvarying parameters based on (1.2). The corresponding multi-scale version of model (1.2) isrepresented as



2‖A⊗ u− f‖2

µ + ‖∇u‖1, (1.6)

where µ ∈ RM×N is spatially varying non-negative parameter matrix, ‖A⊗ u− f‖22,µ =

〈A⊗ u− f ,µ. ∗ (A⊗ u− f)〉. As in Matlab, µ. ∗ (A⊗ u− f) denotes point-wise productbetween the elements µ and A⊗ u− f as follows,

[µ. ∗ (A⊗ u− f)](i, j) = µ(i, j)× [A⊗ u− f ](i, j). (1.7)

Borrowing the idea of (1.6), the multi-scale technique can be applied to the TV term, whichyields



2‖A⊗ u− f‖2

2 + ‖∇u‖1,α, (1.8)

where α ∈ RM×N is a non-negative spatially varying parameter matrix, ‖∇u‖1,α is given by

‖∇u‖1,α =∑


α(i, j)|∇u(i, j)|. (1.9)

Introducing a local parameter gives more flexibility to the model in exchange for therobustness. For this reason, Dong et al. [17] proposed a method to decide whether to usea spatially varying parameter, by using a confidence interval technique based on the expectedmaximal local variance estimate. In this paper, we study the properties of the image edgesand propose an edge adaptive hybrid regularization model by introducing an edge detectionoperation to a combination of the TV and harmonic models. The edge detection operation isused to decide, in a robust way, where the edges are located in the noisy image f and generatesan edge information matrix. This edge information matrix, is later applied to decide theacceptance or rejection of a scaling parameter. It is worth to mention that our edge informationmatrix is obtained and updated fully automatically in each iteration for preserving edges.Furthermore, the proposed model is convex once the local parameters are fixed, and henceit can be solved efficiently by the semi-proximal alternating direction method of multipliers

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(sPADMM) [18,22,27], which has a linear convergence rate under some mild conditions. Thecontributions of this work are summarized as follows:

(i) we propose an algorithm which can automatically detect the image edges and adjust theparameters for the Tikhonov and TV regularization terms for each pixel according to theedge information. This enables the proposed algorithm to effectively remove noise onthe smooth area and sharpen the edges during deblurring;

(ii) we build a convex optimization model which is easily solved by sPADMM with a linear-rate convergence rate;

(iii) we conduct extensive experiments to prove that the proposed method outperforms thestate-of-the-art methods in restoring the noisy and blurred images.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present our model whichdescribes how to adjust the parameters of TV and Tikhonov regularization terms according toedge information. The simulation results are exhibited and analyzed in Section 3, followedby concluding remarks in Section 4.

2. Edge adaptive hybrid regularization model for image deblurring

In this section, we will explain that the proposed model can flexibly balance the relationshipbetween the edge and smooth areas and achieve the goal of retaining the edge and eliminatingthe staircase effect simultaneously. The sPADMM is used to efficiently solve the proposedmodel.

2.1. Model Establishment

As mentioned above, the harmonic model is effective in suppressing the noise in smooth areasof the image, however, it also brings about the blur to the edges inevitably. On the other hand,the total variation-based methods protect the image edges efficiently but still have a staircaseartifacts in the smooth regions. In this paper, we combine these two models to make up fortheir respective shortcomings. Note that the simple combination is not distinctive enough forimage restoration. The fixed parameter in the regularization term operates uniformly on thewhole image, while ideal edges and the smooth areas have opposite demand of regularization.Specifically, the larger parameter of regularization term is conducive to restrain noise in thesmooth area, however has a side effect of blurring the edges. On the other hand, a smallerregularization parameter retains edge information but brings about a staircase effect to thesmooth areas. Accordingly, we introduce two edge adaptive parameters for TV and Tikhonovregularization terms respectively, which treat the edges and the smooth areas flexibly andhence improve the denoising performance in a reasonable way. On this basis, a new edgeadaptive hybrid regularization (EAHR) model is proposed. The algorithm first detects theedges of the image to build an edge information matrix. It then adjusts parameters for TV andTikhonov terms according to the local information of each pixel. Overall, the Edge Adaptive

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Hybrid Regularization (EAHR) model for image restoration we consider is given as follows

minu‖∇u‖1,α1 +




2‖A⊗ u− f‖2

2, (2.1)

where α1 and α2 ∈ RM×N are spatially varying non-negative parameter matrices, ‖∇u‖1,α1

is given by (1.9) with α1 instead of α, and ‖∇u‖2,α2 is given by

‖∇u‖2,α2 =

√ ∑(i,j)∈Ω

α2(i, j)|∇u(i, j)|2. (2.2)

In the proposed model, the edge adaptive parameters α1 and α2 for TV and Tikhonovregularization terms play key roles in the final recovered images. As explained in [30], theedge detection operator is a function of |∇u| for detecting the image edges. Following it, wedefine the edge information matrix E as

E(i, j) =1

1 + |[G⊗∇u](i, j)|2, (2.3)

where G is Gaussian kernel, and G⊗∇u is the convolution of G with∇u as follows

[G⊗∇u](i, j) =∑


G[(i, j)− (s, t)]×∇u(s, t).

In order to improve the robustness of edge adaptive algorithm, we binarize the edge adaptiveparameters according to the edge information matrix E. The spatially varying non-negativeparameter matrices α1 and α2 in the model (2.1) are defined by

α1(i, j) =

α1, E(i, j) < τ ;

θ1α1, E(i, j) ≥ τ,, (2.4)


α2(i, j) =

α2, E(i, j) < τ ;

θ2α2, E(i, j) ≥ τ,(2.5)

where α1 and α2 are positive parameters, θ1, θ2 ∈ (0, 1) are scaling parameters, and τ > 0 isa threshold. With α1 and α2 ∈ RM×N fixed, the proposed model is convex. Therefore, it canbe solved efficiently by sPADMM.

The proposed model (2.1) balances the relationship between the edge and smooth areaswell by adopting the two parameters based on the edge information. By the proposed weights,it achieves the goal of retaining the edge and eliminating the staircase effect simultaneously.Moreover, while the TV-based models sometimes erroneously treats the noise in the smootharea as the image edge, the proposed model can effectively eliminate these misjudged pixelsby edge detection process.

2.2. Algorithm

As mentioned, our proposed model can be efficiently solved by sPADMM. To apply thisalgorithm, we first introduce an auxiliary variable k to take the place of ∇u in the both

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terms of ‖∇u‖1,α1 and ‖∇u‖22,α2

, then the model (2.1) can be reformulated as the followingconstrained optimization problem

minuJ(u) = min

u‖k‖1,α1 +




2‖A⊗ u− f‖2

2, s.t. k = ∇u.(2.6)

The augmented Lagrangian function of the problem (2.6) is defined as

L(u,k;λ) = ‖k‖1,α1 +1



2‖A⊗ u− f‖2

2 + 〈λ,k−∇u〉+β

2‖k−∇u‖2, (2.7)

where λ = [λ1,λ2] ∈ R2M×N is the Lagrange multiplier parameter matrix with λ(i, j) =

(λ1(i, j),λ2(i, j)), and β > 0 is the penalty parameter. In each iteration of sPADMM, weminimize L with respect to u for fixed k and then minimize L with respect to k for fixed u.After these two steps, we update the multiplier λ. Hence, the solution to the problem (2.7) isapproached by iterating the following three equations:

un = arg minu

L(u,kn−1;λn−1) +1

2‖u− un−1‖2

S1, (2.8)

kn = arg mink

L(un,k;λn−1) +1

2‖k− kn−1‖2

S2, (2.9)

λn = λn−1 + ηβ(kn −∇un). (2.10)

Here, for any x ∈ RM×N , S ∈ RM×N is the self-adjoint positive semidefinte matrix and Sx

is the matrix multiplication of S and x, ‖x‖S =√〈x,Sx〉 denotes the matrix norm. If we

take S1 = 0 and S2 = 0, the sPADMM will be the alternating direction method of multipliers(ADMM) [5]. In our algorithm, S1 and S2 are positive definite matrices. The sPADMM for

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our EAHR model is given by Algorithm 1.Algorithm 1: sPADMM for the EAHR model

Input: Noisy & Blurry image f , standard deviation σ, blurring function A,Gaussian kernel G

Intialize: 1) S1,S2, α1, α2, θ1, θ2, τ, µ, β, tol, MaxIter

2) BM3D [13, 14] preprocessed blurred image f

3)u0 = 0;k0 = 0;λ0 = 0

for n = 1 : MaxIter doUpdate

un = arg minu

L(u,kn−1;λn−1) +1

2‖u− un−1‖2


kn = arg mink

L(un,k;λn−1) +1

2‖k− kn−1‖2


λn by λ = λn−1 + ηβ(kn −∇un)

α1 and α2 by αm(i, j) =

αm, E(i, j) < τ ;

θmαm, E(i, j) ≥ τwhere m = 1, 2

if min‖un−un−1‖2‖f‖2 , ‖k


≤ tol, then


endOutput: Restored image un

In each iteration of sPADMM, the subproblems (2.8) and (2.9) need to be solved. Theu−subproblem is written as



2‖A⊗ u− f‖2

2 + 〈λn−1,kn−1 −∇u〉

2‖kn−1 −∇u‖2 +


2‖u− un−1‖2




In our experiment, we choose the self-adjoint positive definite linear operators S1 = ρ1I,where I is the unit matrix and ρ1 > 0. Note that the subproblem (2.11) is a quadraticoptimization problem subject to the optimality condition

µAT (A⊗ u− f)−∇Tλn−1 − β∇Tkn−1 + β∆u + ρ1(u− un−1) = 0,

which is solved by Fourier transform [40] as follows

u = F−1

µF(AT ). ∗ F(f) + F(∇T (λn−1 + βkn−1)) + F(ρ1u


µF(AT ). ∗ F(A) + F(β∆ + ρ1I)


Next, we analyze the nonsmooth subproblem (2.9) in detail to find its global minimizer.

2.3. Solving subproblem (2.9)

In order to solve subproblem (2.9), we first introduce a proposition as follows.

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Proposition 2.1. For any α, β > 0, and z, t ∈ R2 , the minimizer of


f(z) = α|z|+ β

2|z − t|2


is given by

z∗ =

(1− α



t, (2.14)

where (a)+ = max (a, 0), 00

= 0 and 0 = (0, 0).Proof: If t 6= 0, we have


∂z= α


|z|+ β(z − t).

Let ∂f∂z

= 0, we get

t = z +α



|z|. (2.15)

The equation (2.15) implies that

|z| =

|t| −α

β, |t| − α

β≥ 0;

0, |t| − αβ< 0.


It follows from (2.16) and (2.15) that

z =

(1− α




Then the equation (2.14) holds when t 6= 0. The equation (2.14) also holds when t = 0.Therefore, Proposition 4.1 is proved.

The subproblem (2.9) is written as


‖k‖1,α1 +




2‖A⊗ un − f‖2

2 + 〈λn−1,k−∇un〉

2‖k−∇un‖2 +


2‖k− kn−1‖2




The problem above is equivalently expressed as


α1(i, j)|k(i, j)|+α2(i, j)|k(i, j)|2 + 〈λn−1(i, j), [k−∇un](i, j)〉

2([k−∇un](i, j))2 +


2‖k(i, j)− k(i, j)n−1‖2



In our experiment, we use the self-adjoint positive definite linear operators S2 = ρ2I, where Iis the unit matrix and ρ2 > 0. Letting z = k(i, j), q = ∇u(i, j), p1 = α1(i, j), p2 = α2(i, j)

and λ = λ(i, j), we rewrite the problem above as follows


p1|z|+ p2|z|2 + 〈λ, z − q〉+


2|z − q|2 +


2‖z − zn−1‖2

. (2.18)

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where |z| =√z2

1 + z22 . Let

t =β

β + 2p2 + ρ2

(q − λ




), (2.19)

the problem (2.18) is equivalent to



β + 2p2 + ρ2

2|z − t|2

. (2.20)

From Proposition 2.1, the optimal solution of this problem is

z∗ =

(1− p1

(β + 2p2 + ρ2)|t|


t. (2.21)

By the definition of z∗ and t, we have

kn(i, j) =

(1− α1(i, j)

(β + 2α2(i, j) + s2)|t(i, j)|


t(i, j), (2.22)


t(i, j) =β

β + 2α2(i, j) + ρ2

(∇u(i, j)− λ


n−1(i, j)


). (2.23)

Then kn with kn(i, j) given by (2.22) is the solution of (2.9).

2.4. The linear-rate convergence

The pseudo-code of the proposed algorithm is given in Algorithm 1. The linear-rateconvergence of the algorithm is characterized in Theorem 2.1.

Theorem 2.1. Let (un,kn, λn) be the sequence generated by the algorithmsPADMM. If η ∈ (0, 1+


2), then the sequence (un,kn, λn) converges to the KKT point

of (2.6).The detailed proof of the theorem can be found in the Appendix.

3. Numerical Simulation

In this section, we present simulation results with twelve testing images, including 7 grayimages and 5 color images, as shown in Figure 1. We consider three types of blurringfunctions Gaussian blur (GB), Motion blur (MB) and Average blur (AB) with different levelsof additive Gaussian noise. For instance, the notation GB(9, 5)/σ = 5 represents Gaussiankernel with the free parameter 5 and size 9 × 9, and additive Gaussian noise with standarddeviation σ = 5.

To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed model, we compare our model with theclassic TV [38], DCA with L1 − 0.5L2 [31], TRL2 [42], SOCF [28] and BM3D [15].All the experiments are performed under Windows 10 and MATLAB R2018a running on adesktop (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250 CPU @1.60 GHz). The termination criterion for allexperiments is defined as follows


‖un − un−1‖2


,‖kn −∇un‖2


≤ tol,

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where n is the number of iterations, the tolerance value tol is set as 5e − 5. Quantitatively,we evaluate the quality of image restoration by the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) andstructural similarity index (SSIM). The SSIM is defined by Wang et al. [41] and PSNR iscalculated by

PSNR = 10 log10




M ×N∑


(u(i, j)− u(i, j))2,

where M ×N is the image size, u is the original image and u is the restored image.

3.1. Parameter setting

In this section, we introduce all the parameters used in our algorithm. From (2.5), θ1, θ2 ∈(0, 1) are scaling parameters, and τ > 0 is a threshold which is used to adjust the value ofα1 and α2. There are three parameters (µ, β, τ) in our Algorithm 1 that need to be adjusted.We choose the self-adjoint positive definite linear operators S1 = S2 = ρI with ρ = 0.1 andthe maximum iterative number (denoted by MaxIter ) is set as 500. Through a multitude ofexperiments, we choose better parameters to improve the quality of restoring images damagedby blur and noise.

We have done a lot of simulations to find the best value of parameters µ, τ and β for eachblurring kernel with different noise levels. As a result, we get the parameters µ, τ and β asfunctions of σ ∈ (0, 100] for each blurring kernel. Taking Gaussian blur as a example, theparameters µ, τ and β are given as:

µ = 1.8σ2 × 102 − 2.7σ × 103 + 1.1× 104,

τ = 3.4σ × 10−3 + 0.9,

β = −3.7σ × 10−4 + 1.2× 10−1,

where σ ∈ (0, 100]. When σ = 3, the corresponding values of µ, τ and β are 5000, 0.9 and0.1 respectively. In the case of Motion blur and Average blur, we have similar functions forthe parameters µ, τ and β which are given in the code.

The parameter settings for the other compared algorithms are given below. The TVmodel [38] has two parameters µ and λ, where µ is the parameter to balance the data fidelityand regularity terms and λ plays an important role in analyzing the convergence. In ourtests, we let µ ∈ 200, 300, 400, 700, 1500 and λ ∈ 10, 15, 20, 50, 80, 100, 200, 300. Forthe DCA model [31], we fix the parameter λ = 1, and then choose the parameter µ fromthe sequence 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 380, 700, 800, 1500. The parameters used by the TRL2model [42] are set as α ∈ 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, τ ∈ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 andβ ∈ 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10. In the SOCF model [28], we take fixed values µ1 = 0.2, µ2 =

1e − 1 and η = 1.6 represented the step-length. We choose µ ∈ 1e − 4, 1e − 3 andλ ∈ 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13. The BM3D model [15] has two parameters: regularized inversion(RI) which is the collaborative hard-thresholding for BM3D filtering and regularized Wienerinversion (RWI) for collaborative Wiener filtering. We set these two parameters as RI ∈4e− 4, 4e− 3, 1e− 3 and RWI ∈ 5e− 3, 3e− 2.

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Shepp-Logan Shape150 House Boat

Pepper Cameraman Hill Plate

Duck Building Hats Car

Figure 1: Set of 12 testing images. House, Boat, Pepper, Cameraman, Hill from theTampere University of Technology(http://www.cs.tut.fi/˜foi/GCF-BD3D/). Plate from[22]. Duck, Building, Car from the Berkeley segmentation database. Hats from Kodak ImageDataset(http://www.cs.albany.edu/˜xypan/research/snr/Kodak.html).

3.2. Experimental results

In order to verify the performance of our proposed model, we have tested the recovery resultsof gray images and color images under different blur kernels and different Gaussian noiselevels. Tables 1, 2 and 3 show the values of PSNR, SSIM of the classic TV [38], DCA withL1−0.5L2 [31], TRL2 [42], SOCF [28] and BM3D [15] on Gaussian blur GB(9, 5)/σ = 5

and Motion blur MB(20, 60)/σ = 5 and Average blur AB(20, 60)/σ = 3. The number inbold means the best result. Obviously, our algorithm gives the best results in most of thecases. We also show the average of PSNR/SSIM value of the restored image in the Table 4.Comprehensive evaluations on the image set with three kinds of kernels and four differentnoise levels demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method when compared with otherstate-of-the-art methods.

In order to further demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm on image restoration moreintuitively, we compare the visual quality of restored images of our proposed method andother state-of-the-art methods. We also zoom in key parts of the image for better illustrating.Figures 2− 7 show that our method yields the best image quality in terms of removing noise,

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Table 1: The value of PSNR and SSIM of the test images recovered by different models forGB(9, 5)/σ = 5.

PSNR/SSIM Degraded TV [38] DCA [31] TRL2 [42] SOCF [28] BM3D [15] Ours

Shepp-Logan 18.93/0.578 22.77/0.930 23.29/0.893 23.68/0.873 23.96/0.918 24.56/0.846 25.66/0.941

Shape150 18.46/0.541 25.05/0.859 25.66/0.866 25.62/0.869 25.96/0.910 26.44/0.873 27.74/0.916

House 24.12/0.560 27.90/0.784 28.18/0.800 28.05/0.676 29.10/0.797 29.90/0.783 30.66/0.826

Boat 23.34/0.489 25.03/0.633 25.43/0.655 26.12/0.640 26.45/0.690 26.76/0.700 26.92/0.704

Pepper 21.41/0.573 23.46/0.735 23.69/0.736 24.71/0.705 24.87/0.781 26.42/0.763 25.86/0.793

Cameraman 20.87/0.499 23.10/0.716 23.49/0.734 24.16/0.645 24.24/0.745 24.74/0.737 24.73/0.758

Hill 24.85/0.497 26.86/0.631 27.12/0.653 27.35/0.644 27.55/0.670 28.07/0.688 28.08/0.693

Plate 17.40/0.779 21.64/0.910 21.92/0.916 21.90/0.912 22.71/0.923 24.57/0.942 24.84/0.947

Duck 24.17/0.659 27.00/0.789 27.13/0.804 27.25/0.742 28.11/0.823 28.60/0.830 29.13/0.834

Building 19.54/0.636 20.17/0.701 20.40/0.718 20.80/0.711 20.87/0.739 21.33/0.760 21.32/0.762

Hats 27.04/0.858 28.95/0.937 29.23/0.939 29.10/0.916 29.75/0.941 30.10/0.944 30.22/0.946

Car 23.92/0.755 25.18/0.828 25.70/0.838 26.03/0.819 26.22/0.841 26.74/0.847 26.98/0.853

Average 22.01/0.619 24.76/0.788 25.10/0.796 25.39/0.738 25.82/0.815 26.52/0.809 26.89/0.830

Table 2: The value of PSNR and SSIM of the test images recovered by different models forMB(20, 60)/σ = 5.

PSNR/SSIM Degraded TV [38] DCA [31] TRL2 [42] SOCF [28] BM3D [15] Ours

Shepp-Logan 17.46/0.546 24.78/0.942 25.40/0.919 25.11/0.883 25.43/0.870 25.67/0.808 27.87/0.903

Shape150 16.33/0.469 25.78/0.901 30.52/0.926 24.24/0.602 25.16/0.854 26.62/0.865 27.94/0.869

House 21.45/0.503 25.21/0.730 27.93/0.738 25.85/0.653 28.73/0.772 29.24/0.786 29.55/0.793

Boat 22.01/0.456 25.54/0.658 25.96/0.660 25.73/0.652 26.28/0.688 26.63/0.698 26.89/0.703

Pepper 20.06/0.532 23.94/0.763 24.16/0.732 23.44/0.665 24.86/0.772 25.39/0.768 24.79/0.755

Cameraman 19.80/0.478 23.92/0.736 24.50/0.705 24.41/0.612 24.91/0.739 25.25/0.745 25.29/0.746

Hill 23.21/0.451 26.61/0.632 26.88/0.642 26.72/0.639 26.98/0.655 27.42/0.670 27.50/0.675

Plate 15.93/0.730 20.99/0.902 21.55/0.911 21.19/0.903 23.09/0.932 24.11/0.941 24.44/0.953

Duck 22.48/0.623 26.79/0.782 26.81/0.782 26.61/0.683 27.98/0.792 28.03/0.808 28.57/0.797

Building 18.93/0.628 20.87/0.741 20.97/0.749 21.72/0.740 22.30/0.796 22.86/0.816 22.92/0.806

Hats 25.44/0.840 28.74/0.934 28.78/0.935 28.31/0.885 29.29/0.927 29.22/0.930 29.62/0.931

Car 22.05/0.737 24.97/0.830 25.57/0.838 25.56/0.803 25.82/0.841 26.49/0.843 26.89/0.844

Average 20.43/0.583 24.85/0.796 25.75/0.795 24.91/0.710 25.90/0.803 26.41/0.807 26.84/0.815

preserving edges, and maintaining image sharpness. Looking carefully at the details in thefigures, we can see that TV [38] oversmoothes images, TRL2 [42] introduces staircase

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Table 3: The value of PSNR and SSIM of the test images recovered by different models forAB(9, 9)/σ = 3.

PSNR/SSIM Degraded TV [38] DCA [31] TRL2 [42] SOCF [28] BM3D [15] Ours

Shepp-Logan 18.65/0.708 24.39/0.947 25.82/0.926 24.94/0.853 24.73/0.938 25.71/0.884 27.35/0.951

Shape150 18.16/0.612 26.25/0.900 28.48/0.933 27.97/0.946 27.46/0.941 28.01/0.928 28.97/0.918

House 23.96/0.618 29.09/0.807 29.44/0.823 29.61/0.768 30.45/0.825 31.47/0.836 31.60/0.837

Boat 23.23/0.521 25.82/0.662 26.59/0.703 27.12/0.708 27.23/0.721 28.06/0.751 28.14/0.751

Pepper 21.25/0.613 24.21/0.763 25.45/0.781 25.78/0.777 27.02/0.823 27.75/0.806 27.89/0.820

Cameraman 20.70/0.561 23.87/0.743 24.47/0.766 24.78/0.642 24.66/0.704 25.81/0.781 25.98/0.792

Hill 24.85/0.528 27.46/0.661 28.03/0.695 28.39/0.709 28.43/0.708 29.03/0.731 28.96/0.736

Plate 17.08/0.766 22.98/0.930 23.86/0.941 23.54/0.935 25.04/0.950 26.19/0.958 26.80/0.963

Duck 24.12/0.709 28.43/0.821 28.59/0.837 29.21/0.845 29.34/0.850 29.91/0.863 30.62/0.863

Building 19.47/0.650 20.70/0.734 20.87/0.750 21.02/0.749 21.48/0.778 22.06/0.794 22.00/0.794

Hats 27.38/0.897 29.83/0.945 29.86/0.945 30.02/0.935 31.63/0.952 31.34/0.954 31.53/0.955

Car 23.93/0.785 26.40/0.847 26.43/0.850 26.49/0.843 27.16/0.859 27.41/0.861 27.67/0.863

Average 21.90/0.664 25.79/0.813 26.49/0.829 26.57/0.768 27.05/0.837 27.73/0.846 28.13/0.854

(a) Original image (b) Degraded image (c) TV [38] (d) DCA [31]18.74/0.398 24.04/0.804 23.11/0.823

(e) TRL2 [42] (f) SOCF [28] (g) BM3D [15] (h) Ours23.44/0.773 23.93/0.827 23.76/0.833 24.83/0.929

Figure 2: Deblurring result of GB(9, 5) and σ = 8 for gray image ”Shepp-Logan” withzoomed areas and PSNR values and SSIM values.

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Table 4: The average value of PSNR and SSIM of the test images recovered by differentmodels for all experiments.

Kernel σ Degraded TV [38] DCA [31] TRL2 [42] SOCF [28] BM3D [15] Ours

GB(9, 5) σ = 3 22.22/0.678 27.30/0.838 26.91/0.821 26.26/0.785 27.40/0.845 27.46/0.836 27.82/0.857

σ = 5 22.00/0.619 24.76/0.789 25.10/0.796 25.40/0.762 25.82/0.812 26.52/0.809 26.81/0.831

σ = 8 22.37/0.527 25.37/0.791 24.96/0.770 24.03/0.727 25.57/0.789 25.65/0.786 25.97/0.811

σ = 10 21.15/0.472 25.17/0.771 24.63/0.765 24.18/0.721 25.16/0.775 25.24/0.776 25.74/0.796

MB(20, 60) σ = 3 20.58/0.638 27.75/0.819 28.03/0.829 26.93/0.812 27.41/0.834 27.70/0.834 28.09/0.846

σ = 5 20.43/0.583 24.84/0.793 25.75/0.795 24.91/0.727 25.90/0.799 26.41/0.807 26.86/0.815

σ = 8 20.10/0.496 25.26/0.768 25.10/0.757 23.51/0.737 24.94/0.760 25.24/0.780 25.75/0.783

σ = 10 19.82/0.445 24.58/0.757 24.63/0.763 23.56/0.696 24.46/0.755 24.69/0.768 25.25/0.776

AB(9, 9) σ = 3 21.90/0.664 25.79/0.813 26.49/0.829 26.57/0.793 27.05/0.837 27.73/0.846 28.13/0.854

σ = 5 21.70/0.605 26.41/0.812 26.07/0.811 24.89/0.730 26.65/0.816 26.76/0.819 27.16/0.831

σ = 8 21.26/0.515 25.61/0.792 25.12/0.776 24.37/0.737 25.71/0.783 25.87/0.793 26.24/0.809

σ = 10 20.87/0.462 25.12/0.767 24.72/0.756 24.12/0.726 25.63/0.793 25.44/0.781 25.84/0.798

Table 5: The computation time(s) for all compared methods on a desktop (Intel(R) Core(TM)i5-8250 CPU @1.60 GHz).

Kernel Imagesize TV [38] DCA [31] TRL2 [42] SOCF [28] BM3D [15] Ours

GB(9, 5) 512× 512 gray 2.93 50.07 7.05 12.99 5.73 20.22

768× 512 RGB 12.96 162.96 31.44 60.56 27.94 79.28

MB(20, 60) 512× 512 gray 2.46 60.61 10.90 17.03 5.81 20.52

768× 512 RGB 12.89 137.92 30.74 93.01 28.69 100.66

AB(9, 9) 512× 512 gray 2.91 44.39 11.82 12.47 5.64 14.67

768× 512 RGB 12.76 152.73 36.67 62.05 28.21 85.09

effect, DCA [31] sharpens edges but loses some detail information, there exits the ringingphenomenon by SOCF [28] and BM3D model [15] introduces some artifacts.

Table 5 lists the computation time on a desktop (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250 CPU @1.60GHz), which reveal that our method is faster than DCA [31], but is slower than TV [38],

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(a) Original image (b) Degraded image (c) TV [38] (d) DCA [31]17.12/0.765 22.06/0.915 21.62/0.910

(e) TRL2 [42] (f) SOCF [28] (g) BM3D [15] (h) Ours20.10/0.868 22.23/0.914 22.77/0.920 23.30/0.928

Figure 3: Deblurring result of GB(9, 5) and σ = 10 for color image ”Plate” with zoomedareas and PSNR values and SSIM values.

(a) Original image (b) Degraded image (c) TV [38] (d) DCA [31]23.43/0.499 28.15/0.703 28.04/0.704

(e) TRL2 [42] (f) SOCF [28] (g) BM3D [15] (h) Ours27.70/0.692 28.36/0.712 28.53/0.717 28.56/0.722

Figure 4: Deblurring result of MB(20, 60) and σ = 3 for gray image ”Hill” with zoomedareas and PSNR values and SSIM values.

BM3D [15], TRL2 [42] and SOCF [28]. Acceleration will be considered in the future work.In brief, our algorithm (EAHR) has competitive performance in sharpening the edges

and removing the noise, which outperforms other mainstream methods both in PSNR/SSIMvalues and visual quality.

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Edge adaptive hybrid regularization model for image deblurring 16

(a) Original image (b) Degraded image (c) TV [38] (d) DCA [31]22.48/0.623 26.79/0.782 27.36/0.793

(e) TRL2 [42] (f) SOCF [28] (g) BM3D [15] (h) Ours26.61/0.683 27.98/0.792 28.03/0.808 28.57/0.797

Figure 5: Deblurring result of MB(20, 60) and σ = 5 for color image ”Duck” with zoomedareas and PSNR values and SSIM values.

(a) Original image (b) Degraded image (c) TV [38] (d) DCA [31]23.70/0.543 29.60/0.798 28.76/0.802

(e) TRL2 [42] (f) SOCF [28] (g) BM3D [15] (h) Ours26.80/0.592 29.75/0.796 30.33/0.808 30.49/0.817

Figure 6: Deblurring result of AB(9, 9) and σ = 5 for gray image ”House” with zoomed areasand PSNR values and SSIM values.

4. Conclusion

For an entire image, the spatially fixed regularization parameters can not perform well forboth edges and smooth areas. The larger parameters are favorable to reduce the noise in the

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(a) Original image (b) Degraded image (c) TV [38] (d) DCA [31]23.10/0.685 26.14/0.834 25.56/0.825

(e) TRL2 [42] (f) SOCF [28] (g) BM3D [15] (h) Ours25.18/0.799 25.95/0.823 26.24/0.839 26.54/0.842

Figure 7: Deblurring result of AB(9, 9) and σ = 8 for color image ”Car” with zoomed areasand PSNR values and SSIM values.

smooth area, while incurs blur to edges. The small parameters enable regularization-basedalgorithms to sharpen the edges, but the denoising may not be sufficient.

In this paper, we have presented an automated spatially dependent regularizationparameter selection framework for restoring an image from a noisy and blur image. Anedge detector with high robustness to noise is used to detect the edges of the image andthen generates an edge information matrix. According to this matrix, the automated spatiallydependent parameters for regularization are given in binarization. With the help of theseparameters, the regularization algorithm performs outstandingly at both edges and smoothareas. Once automated spatially dependent parameters are fixed, the proposed model is convexand therefore can be solved by sPADMM with a linear-rate convergence rate. Extensiveexperiments on different types of blurring kernels and different levels of Gaussian noise havebeen conducted to show that our approach is robust and outperforms other state-of-the-artdeblurring methods. In addition, the proposed model not only effectively overcomes the falseedges and staircase effects but also makes up for the insufficiency of the harmonic model’sdiffusion in all directions and protects the edge well to restore the internal smooth area. Dueto the limited space, we only display the experimental results in three cases: Gaussian blurGB(9, 5)/σ = 5, Motion blur MB(20, 60)/σ = 5 and Average blur AB(9, 9)/σ = 3. Thefuture work will include:

(i) We will accelerate our algorithm to reduce the recovery time.

(ii) To remain more image details, we will examine an edge detector with higher accuracyand robustness. Moreover, the automated spatially dependent parameters will beconsidered according to the image texture.

(iii) Our model is now only suitable for non-blind deblurring, and we will extend it to blinddeblurring task.

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The work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (GrantsNos. 12061052), Natural Science Fund of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (GrantNo. 2020MS01002), the China Scholarship Council for a one year visiting at EcoleNormale Superieure Paris-Saclay (No. 201806810001). The authors would like to thankProfessor Guoqing Chen for providing us some useful suggestions and this work is also partlysupported by his project (“111 project”of higher education talent training in Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region).

Appendix. Convergence proof

To make the paper self-contained, we establish the global convergence result of algorithm 1.Let F (u) = µ

2‖Au − f‖2

2, and G(k) = ‖k‖1,α1 + 12‖k‖2

2,α2. If (u, k) is an optimal

solution of (2.6) if and only if there exists Lagrange multiplier λ such that0 = ∇F (u) +∇>λ,0 ∈ ∂G(k)− λ,0 = ∇u− k,

where ∇F = µA>(Au − f), and ∂G is the subdifferential of G. From the KKT conditions,we know that if (u,k, λ) is the KKT point of (2.6), then

0 = ∇F (u) +∇>λ,0 ∈ ∂G(k)− λ,0 = ∇u− k.


Since the subdifferential mapping of the closed convex function is maximal monotone, thereexist self-adjoint and positive semidefinite operators


G such that for all u, u ∈dom(F ), ω ∈ ∇F (u) and ω ∈ ∇F (u),

〈ω − ω,u− u〉 ≥ ‖u− u‖2∑F, (4.2)

for all k, k ∈ dom(G), x ∈ ∂G(k) and x ∈ ∂G(k),

〈x− x,k− k〉 ≥ ‖k− k‖2∑G. (4.3)

It is obtained by our algorithm that0 = ∇F (un+1) +∇>(β(∇un+1 − kn) + λn) + S1(un+1 − un),

0 ∈ ∂G(kn+1)− (β(∇un+1 − kn+1) + λn) + S2(kn+1 − kn),

0 = ∇un+1 − kn+1 − (βη)−1(λn+1 − λn).


Let ε(u,k) = ∇u− k. Denote une = un − u, similarly kne , λne ,

wn+1 = λn+1 + (1− η)βε(un+1,kn+1) + β(kn+1 − kn),

xn+1 = λn+1 + (1− η)βε(un+1,kn+1).

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ε(un+1e ,kn+1

e ) = ∇un+1 − kn+1 = ε(un+1,kn+1)

= (βη)−1(λn+1e − λne ) = (βη)−1(λn+1 − λn).

Noting (4.1), (4.2), (4.3) and (4.4), we find

‖un+1e ‖2∑


≤ 〈wn+1 − w,un+1 − u〉= 〈∇>(λ− λn) + β(∇>kn −4un+1)− S1(un+1 − un),un+1

e 〉,(4.5)

‖kn+1e ‖2∑


≤ 〈xn+1 − x,kn+1 − k〉= 〈λn − λ+ β(∇un+1 − kn+1)− S2(kn+1 − kn),kn+1

e 〉.(4.6)

By calculation, we get

−∇>wn+1 = −∇>[λn+1 + (1− η)βε(un+1,kn+1) + β(kn+1 − kn)]

= −∇>λn − β∇>∇un+1 + β∇>kn,

xn+1 = λn+1 + (1− η)βε(un+1,kn+1)

= λn + β(∇un+1 − kn+1).

Thus, (4.5) is converted to (4.7) and (4.6) becomes (4.8),

‖un+1e ‖2∑

F≤ 〈−∇>wn+1 − S1(un+1 − un) +∇>λ,un+1

e 〉, (4.7)

‖kn+1e ‖2∑

G≤ 〈xn+1 − S2(kn+1 − kn)− λ,kn+1

e 〉. (4.8)

Then through (4.7) and (4.8), we obtain

‖un+1e ‖2∑

F+ ‖kn+1

e ‖2∑G

≤ (βη)−1〈λn+1e , λne − λn+1

e 〉 − β〈kn+1 − kn, ε(un+1,kn+1)〉− β〈kn+1 − kn,kn+1

e 〉 − β(1− η)‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖22

− 〈S1(un+1 − un),un+1e 〉 − 〈S2(kn+1 − kn),kn+1

e 〉.


Next, we shall estimate the term β〈kn+1 − kn, ε(un+1,kn+1)〉. It follows from equation (4.4)that

xn+1 − S2(kn+1 − kn) ∈ ∂G(kn+1), xn − S2(kn − kn−1) ∈ ∂G(kn).

In addition, by the the maximal monotonic property of ∂G(.), we have

〈kn+1 − kn, xn+1 − xn〉= 〈kn+1 − kn, xn+1 − S2(kn+1 − kn)− (xn − S2(kn − kn−1))〉

+ 〈kn+1 − kn,S2(kn+1 − kn)〉 − 〈kn+1 − kn,S2(kn − kn−1)〉≥ ‖kn+1 − kn‖2

S2+ ‖kn+1 − kn‖2

S2− 〈kn+1 − kn,S2(kn − kn−1)〉

≥ ‖kn+1 − kn‖2S2− 〈kn+1 − kn,S2(kn − kn−1)〉.

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Let αn+1 = −(1− η)β〈kn+1 − kn, ε(un,kn)〉, then

− β〈kn+1 − kn, ε(un+1,kn+1)〉= −(1− η)β〈kn+1 − kn, ε(un+1,kn+1)〉 − 〈kn+1 − kn, λn+1 − λn〉= −(1− η)β〈kn+1 − kn, ε(un+1,kn+1)〉− 〈kn+1 − kn, xn+1 − xn − (1− η)βε(un+1,kn+1) + (1− η)βε(un,kn)〉

= αn+1 + 〈kn+1 − kn, xn − xn+1〉≤ αn+1 − ‖kn+1 − kn‖2

S2+ 〈kn+1 − kn,S2(kn − kn−1)〉

≤ αn+1 − ‖kn+1 − kn‖2S2

+ ‖kn+1 − kn‖S2‖S2(kn − kn−1)‖S2−1

≤ αn+1 − ‖kn+1 − kn‖2S2


2‖kn+1 − kn‖2



2‖kn − kn−1‖2


= αn+1 −1

2‖kn+1 − kn‖2



2‖kn − kn−1‖2



Since λn+1 = λn + (βη)ε(un+1,kn+1), it follows from (4.9) and (4.10) that

2 ‖un+1e ‖2∑

F+ 2‖kn+1

e ‖2∑G

≤2(βη)−1〈λn+1e , λne − λn+1

e 〉 − 2β〈kn+1 − kn, ε(un+1,kn+1)〉− 2β〈kn+1 − kn,kn+1

e 〉 − 2β(1− η)‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖22

− 2〈S1(un+1 − un),un+1e 〉 − 2〈S2(kn+1 − kn),kn+1

e 〉≤(βη)−1(‖λne‖2 − ‖λn+1

e ‖2)− (2− η)β‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖2

+ 2αn+1 − ‖kn+1 − kn‖2S2

+ ‖kn − kn−1‖2S2

− β‖kn+1 − kn‖2 − β‖kn+1e ‖2 + β‖kne‖2

− ‖un+1 − un‖2S1− ‖un+1

e ‖2S1

+ ‖une‖2S1

− ‖kn+1 − kn‖2S2− ‖kn+1

e ‖2S2

+ ‖kne‖2S2.


Define δn+1 = minη, 1 + η − η2β‖kn+1 − kn‖2 + ‖kn+1 − kn‖2


tn+1 = δn+1 + ‖un+1 − un‖2S1

+ 2‖un+1 − u‖2∑F

+ 2‖kn+1 − k‖2∑G,

ψn+1 = θ(un+1,kn+1, λn+1) + ‖kn+1 − kn‖2S2,

θ(u,k, λ) = (βη)−1‖λ− λ‖2 + ‖u− u‖2S1

+ ‖k− k‖2S2

+ β‖k− k‖2.


Next, we discuss two cases:Case I: η ∈ (0, 1]. It is obvious that

2〈kn+1 − kn, ε(un,kn)〉 ≤ ‖kn+1 − kn‖2 + ‖ε(un,kn)‖2.

By the definition of αn+1 and (4.11), we see

ψn+1 + (1− η)β‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖2 − [ψn + (1− η)β‖ε(un,kn)‖2]

+ tn+1 + β‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖2 ≤ 0.(4.13)

Case II: η ∈ (1, 1+√


). Similarly, we have

ψn+1 + (1− η−1)β‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖2 − [ψn + (1− η−1)β‖ε(un,kn)‖2]

+ tn+1 + η−1(1 + η − η2)β‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖2 ≤ 0.(4.14)

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gn+1 =

ψn+1 + (1− η)β‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖2, η ∈ (0, 1];

ψn+1 + (1− η−1)β‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖2, η ∈ (1, 1+√



Thus, from (4.13) and (4.14), we conclude that the sequence gn is bounded andmonotonically decreasing, hence, it has limits. Since ψn > 0, the sequence ψn is bounded.

Let γ = 1 or γ = η−1(1 + η − η2). Furthermore, from (4.13) and (4.14),

0 ≤ tn+1 + γβ‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖2 ≤ gn − gn+1.


tn+1 → 0, (4.15)

‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖ → 0. (4.16)

Considering the relationship λn+1−λn = (ηβ)ε(un+1,kn+1), we have ‖λn+1−λn‖ → 0. By(4.15) and the bounded property of ψn, one can get these sequences ‖λn+1‖, ‖un+1

e ‖2S1,

‖un+1e ‖2∑

F, ‖kn+1

e ‖2∑G, ‖kn+1

e ‖2S2, ‖kn+1

e ‖2 are bounded. By using the inequality

‖∇un+1e ‖ ≤ ‖∇un+1

e − kn+1e ‖+ ‖kn+1

e ‖ = ‖ε(un+1,kn+1)‖+ ‖kn+1e ‖,

we deduce that ‖∇un+1e ‖ is bounded, so ‖un+1

e ‖∇>∇ is bounded. Since ‖un+1e ‖ =

‖un+1e ‖S1+

∑F +∇>∇+I − ‖un+1

e ‖S1+∑

F+∇>∇, and the positive definite property of S1 +∑

F +∇>∇ + I , the sequence ‖un+1e ‖ is bounded, and hence the sequence ‖un+1‖ is

bounded. Therefore, the sequence (un,kn, λn) is bounded, which implies the existence ofa convergent subsequence to a clusters point, denoted as (un


i, λn

i)→ (u∗,k∗, λ∗).

It follows from (4.12) and (4.15) that


‖kn+1 − kn‖ = 0,


‖kn+1 − kn‖S2 = 0,


‖un+1 − un‖S1 = 0.


Thus, from

‖∇un+1 − kn‖ ≤ ‖∇un+1 − kn+1‖+ ‖kn+1 − kn‖,

we have limn→∞ ‖∇un+1 − kn‖ = 0. Taking limits on both sides of equation (4.4) along thesubsequence (un


i, λn

i) and using the closedness of subdifferential, we have

−∇>λ∗ = ∇F (u∗),

λ∗ ∈ ∂G(k∗),

0 = ∇u∗ − k∗.

Thus, (u∗,k∗) is the optimal solution of (2.6) and λ∗ is the corresponding Lagrange multiplier.Now, let’s prove that lim

n→∞(un,kn, λn) = (u∗,k∗, λ∗). Since (u∗,k∗, λ∗) satisfies (4.4),

we could replace (u, k, λ) with (u∗,k∗, λ∗) in the above analysis. From (4.13), (4.14), (4.15)

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and (4.16), we find gni→ 0, ni →∞. (4.13) and (4.14) indicate the sequence gn has limits,

then gn → 0, n→∞. So ψn → 0, n→∞. Further, we know by the definition of ψn that

‖λn − λ∗‖ → 0 =⇒ λn → λ∗,

‖kn − k∗‖ → 0 =⇒ kn → k∗,

‖un+1e ‖2

S1→ 0.


Considering (4.15) and (4.16), we get

‖un+1e ‖2∑

F→ 0, n→∞. (4.19)

Then, by (4.18) and (4.19),


F→ 0, n→∞. (4.20)

From the positive semidefinite property of∑

F and the positive definite property of S1, it isclear that

‖une‖2 = 〈une ,une 〉 ≤ ‖une‖S1+∑


∑F)−1 ,

which combined with (4.20) gives limn→∞‖une‖ = 0, namely, lim

n→∞un = u∗.

In brief, when η ∈ (0, 1+√


), we have


(un,kn, λn) = (u∗,k∗, λ∗).


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