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QmWml^m y Vpmtta^t Vnem, Mio....

Date post: 26-Sep-2018
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I UTS njayuMt; waA'te'M tHUagmtnUOK--"^ •Mm7FraBt,fai fcixnrlenl lui^ •Bittntioii. til* BmnagwtoDL Ha PMpd to ftT» op {be iHijinf jiin MliM, and Bore intotawmar mSkta»6 *Dtfai4ittaB*t«ciMo( QmWml^m BOB »bo has ««edy aod oara axijM. winter-kaiod sad wtart; potato^ nd •But prodoeta genenOa/, togothar wUb ftsfryient loees ani rozatiooa of tha tnfiifitijiwar antmnl« thzoogh poor and Ibium, and daiaj-i froa d*. raiiad fun aarhlnaa. Iheqaeatioe ba pMMotedtoUw owner of Ksh •fiun.whaiher he who patuilu ^KnAdaaagamnta would ba aaj saon —CBwrfnUn Blty bnriiMM. or wiUl hia «yorfleiaI Uboa apmd oatarertlie »lldaaf theWaaL. lliatannar who voold Bike rural pnmitaaBnctiTatohiaMaa aad ia. daeatbantto ooatimn faraien, aboaid nmamdUiem with piaaaaot —niH t^^rmOumita tntanated ahanlD tta praMottothoBi ahaadwMB* iy UMront hmtmitfiii^ •teatUda ud food4cnkii« buiUW Badw^ooiinalcsilianiaeradnad^ Ma Aattar of eaiiT«ilaiea tohiBa^ wtttenrn^tbaiBtaiiia nnaiMaill- itr. and givetiiejntbe atimolda id imiv tbdpat&mlBmuMaafta naote^ A groat niateka la madefflaaycot tiwtoia in apraadter oat ilMir htiitnwa •^i^BiKijraewafaraia aaomit oT POWDER Absolutely Pur^ rtESTOf^Eiy CUticVI^J^ «l«r. o^WMMy tto ralop -At OM at tlM Mbgatoi^flM o^tte lifbtan liqpalHH^ teaoattatvh WINNtbif-ttn mttraa. T^tttq^ wwwiiiiwn Vpmtta^ Vnem Mio. Btjr, awaqt cook, ' '-^maBUnl^anatrfeMr ' dttlM to itf ^yoaoiaskal lBtlwiiwpao^slKi»t«tH liw (Mrtntm Warii, oflm^ Batm. OWtt^ •doom* li* tedlad focfli.^ tinriiinan -"Ido iridi tbailb^'whiitob^ naan atar "Ba^ the the CBniarfc waa aililraaaaflJ BMda arailgiqu taitfc. mti tfib' what the aSglS^™^ I«>parix me j^v -8|«w*wii lUUa CbrMani ara vmOmtrn ..ftajyjflwa^. MM^ whotataso aietaBi Wy^Bv. . th^roomnit (nat asd Ini^ nw- artt-®- ^^ tojraltir ud •foiiaf^powgnto] •sua.- God taaii L tSaU^ not mat | traohled baeaoaf^ /kaawand. SiMa- Jr tte wwteorarfooropaTeaeroB. m b by poor nmat^^ «wi ooiamed la obtelBlar^^^ tCkd acraafa.the aaae ^cpop. ftan if donefathe awat eai* fa, toXt^X a aopa and ia mtnnjv ^ ••oaaf wore. . to eanxttoafaihe W — —- Bo on theotharheadteee*. BwrtheaiSta b^^eatmaLlbat theaMU te^ STrt^r^*^^ J, M raa^ whole than OB IwJiS —fflKhiina. •^Attaeo. sBD^imwms -TO rSK- &IEHM Urt er - l MEMPHIS- Mnato6o4;jMi the coiaStiMK •MMia Ite Bern yea ifww Bonrt e^ViwI^*'* Hfcato ^ ihuf 7. tarn, •"^rVyf TH4HKSGIVINQ. BT DK «IO A. KtatfDB. _ > •»9n tUaf ^fa MiMkj-Tlwa ». is. « »ot thbk ud much tbant good Habit*? I "I ? •• • Powtr for W h.brt.l«foravfL W. doW^cS * ' ^^ ' ^ How muoh thk Mpa one la pltjia^ oa sa ioairumeat, or writioc on Mypewrifar. Through aiaaj » hmmMX ^ janction of notra or iettan tb«fiagN*flyvith tha T^BBalhatMaooatof atteatiwi ud «ertion. Many a mw »ho w growiog old wilj erery dar through an amoaat of work thai aurpriaea I &IM*. Md It It poMihlo bacaate be work, in the jto-ol Ufe-longbabiL Be«dea. ih« only poarf. ^ waytok«ap out of bad b»biu ia to form ^ Bjr a n^ty of our natan, wbaterer b ftwi^ay si^ at al) regularly done bfoomea hibit- Wt Jf * m«i bM been tbe iU T . to evil baWtt. H*!^ ^ ^ permwenUr 'na^ be maat „4 ^Teriog eiort toe^ fowJl^ Tbe •daoatkn M —— — vw ••nata to iMaateaoa." Whaa w» ••"•gUi^oatotoraffooLOBraia* to bii biMed •errioa, if »e ha** beea wont to aet up Ebenex-ra nooa ti^uule^tonmofthw'aa..^ Wp a, to |2»k lbrw«rd with mora of hoble hope. know how maob aion earily aad ti»y work who work eheerfkll^ ^ ^T^ nutnawnt of cbeerfola*.. «fowrfia fK «totbe V tbia habit of thaakfclaeM to Qod i. an ^•OwMiMM of' tbiBki," "ia ewaijthi^giTe id*!." need not aioa iispaMftia^^' Wt wtr aJwiiw W theakM •IMiBood: Jlway. bow aottDwiU be the aetalAute. Wo out MTer allow oniioiTCatoqimlni OatMili imm pemou UbMhee. WW. I^.tbafbntfor^^K^oMRta ^ wirM with na to-dajr. Znedla aap^i^iA w-oioto ot Pntidnt lU^ uid to m a X ^lOB where befiredaaddied. It •» be mm- tuae^ by tbe way. tbM Mr. MadiM waa»tndt excrlleot asd blameloe im Hia ma tliat, aotwitbataadinc all tbe pofitinlmfMi of «life ao long aad eo diitiafiuAed, kafeudM iodicaiion tbat Mr. Modim'a privateeheoelir bad e«r in thedighteat degrM aamJlrf-^ »»pl« wt^ it ^ p-rbap. leL la ba dd age «i .i-i.^ FimmTi Vt^ f^Mclally {leertain moodr, t««ompfauB of ^lot. Bferyoae of ui kt a^me time or other Im- end perbap. declared, that he i»« a pwtic uMy time in thi, worH. It i.tobe hoped |h*ln other moode we are beanOy aabamed of omeelyea for tuch r«pining. Bat how preTeat iia leenrr^? A moat valnable help wUI be tbe bab Itrfthankfblnetoato God. Then if, f^tfuL i^ing il-irit beginatoariw. juat in tbe mkHle, pi^p* of lome eompUu'aing aeotence, we iball iaddealy changetoan ezprtantw of tbankfiUwei- ^ per^p. «d inA langbing at onraelre, fbr tM f(rily of auch repining. Ittond»to enhance enjoyment. We all know whw we r»eeira a gift, with any trae aeaU- ^ and any eahaWoexprenion of thankfiiW frfraotfonofgraatodeaagmeota oar gratfica- to »aCV.^treM. PisnoBa who are pot woBttobe tl^fol, awy ot peat joy* only a« Kur otherwiee ^^ _ , _ wHt, batNtoaDy tbaakfld. TorWffl tbe reeoUection ofhtSte b6Bi« & ^ S OM^rt. ^ Ahripeto^layaai^. Did yoa erer notwe what the apoMlo widtotbe PiOUiffia^ "la Mthng In wxioni J but fn orerytWag by pnrar •ad >opplloatioa wtb tbaak«iTiag let^w l^mita be -knowa t^ CM, vhfeb t-rifi aU aaderitudiiMbilh^ l^ 70W bwt aad nor OoaghttfoObrirt Jaml:" Notiqe CMefnUy that ftMOte prn^t «, b, ^ ifon fiftW^riwiv^Si?doiw ^tbefttheroflj^t.- ^^TS^TScJ^ W to •PMk about tbe laligfooa heaefi., rf Gbi^u pmtj amid tbe ewroweoflife, ^ « danger of orerlooking the oUier^ ItZ a ^^ua dotytoe^ioytothe ful plearare of eanhfy exjafeace. He who L^ •ach keen appetency aadtoagingaapiiaUon de- that we findIwTapLIw^ f^dj iatimatod. we work beet at ^ri^L fw ^ b^y impor^t th.t.nhe youak »fc«ttbeja»rtodyiag:aad while thia a^jl dto ihejfaa^,it alio poMlble that WwelJ g ^ ^ tbv Aonld l-uHo SiS^ilt which tbv w«e M ir* dlrfw^ TiSSIS ^ ^ " impoerfbia hamw S ^ or aak^w., might hate heeaw^a. a«l allSw fewt. that ...JirrL'T yjy gratitale Whatomwe«»hataJaiC2wL3. wayaaomethiag Wk. —^^-ai. Al already obaHwwi, oar *»U In bn«tberidkfiht i ofotherdaya. Aadthoa»fci» weDi iaiimi r—liiiliaH, jT tfv It hai bieo^ • tiMd .,.,OMr liiriataa,..- Sm j '•^tk-arnuuit-mum!^ ^liNohbKtert^


UTS njayuMt; waA'te'M tHUagmtnUOK--"^ •Mm7FraBt,fai fcixnrlenl lui •Bittntioii. til* BmnagwtoDL Ha PMpd to ftT» op {be iHijinf jiin MliM, and Bore into tawm ar mSkta»6 *Dtfai4ittaB*t«ciMo( QmWml^m BOB »bo has ««edy aod oara axijM. winter-kaiod sad wtart; potato nd •But prodoeta genenOa/, togothar wUb ftsfryient loees ani rozatiooa of tha tnfiifitijiwar antmnl« thzoogh poor and Ibium, and daiaj-i froa d*. raiiad fun aarhlnaa. Iheqaeatioe ba pMMoted to Uw owner of Ksh • fiun. whaiher he who patuilu KnAdaaagamnta would ba aaj saon —CBwrfnUn Blty bnriiMM. or wiUl hia «yorfleiaI Uboa apmd oatarertlie »lldaaf theWaaL. lliatannar who voold Bike rural pnmitaaBnctiTatohiaMaa aad ia. daeatbantto ooatimn faraien, aboaid nmamdUiem with piaaaaot —niH t rmOumita tntanated ahanlD tta praMottothoBi ahaadwMB* iy UMront hmtmitfiii •tea tUda ud food4cnkii« buiUW Badwooiinalcsilianiaeradnad Ma Aattar of eaiiT«ilaiea tohiBa wtttenrntbaiBtaiiia nnaiMaill-itr. and give tiiejn tbe atimolda id imiv tbdpat&mlBmuMaafta naote A groat niateka la made fflaay cot tiwtoia in apraadter oat ilMir htiitnwa •iBiKijraewafaraia aaomit oT

POWDER Absolutely Pur^

rtESTOfEiy CUticVI J

«l«r. o^WMMy tto ralop -At OM at tlM MbgatoiflM o tte lifbtan liqpalHH teaoattatvh WINNtbif-ttn • mttraa. Ttttq wwwiiiiwn

Vpmtta^ Vnem M i o . Btjr, awaqt cook, ' '-maBUnlanatrfeMr ' dttlM to itf yoaoiaskal lBtlwiiwpaoslKi»t«tH

liw (Mrtntm Warii, oflm Batm. OWtt •doom* li* — tedlad focfli. tinriiinan -"Ido iridi tbailb'whiitob naan atar • "Ba the

the CBniarfc waa aililraaaaflJ BMda arailgiqu taitfc. mti tfib' what the aSglS^™^ I«>parix me j v -8|«w*wii lUUa • CbrMani ara vmOmtrn


MM who tata so aietaBi Wy Bv. . throomnit (nat asd Ini nw- artt-®- ^ tojraltir ud •foiiafpowgnto] •sua.- God taaii L tSaU not mat |

traohled baeaoaf /kaawand. SiMa-

Jr tte

wwteorarfooropaTeaeroB. m b by poor nmat ^

«wi ooiamed la obtelBlar ^ tCkd acraa fa. the aaae cpop. ftan if done fa the awat eai* fa, toXt^X

a aopa and ia mtnnjv ^ ••oaaf wore.

. to eanxttoafaihe W — —- Bo on theotharhead te ee*. BwrtheaiSta b eatmaLlbat theaMU te^

STrt^r^*^^ J, M raa whole than OB IwJiS —fflKhiina.

• Attaeo.

sBD^imwms -TO rSK-& I E H M Urt er - l

MEMPHIS- Mnato6o4;jMi the coiaStiMK •MMia Ite

Bern yea ifww Bonrt e ViwI *'* Hfcato

^ ihuf

7. tarn, •" rVyf

TH4HKSGIVINQ. BT DK «IO A. KtatfDB. _ > •»9n tUaf fa MiMkj-Tlwa ». is. « »ot thbk ud much tbant good Habit*? I "I ? •• • Powtr for W h.brt.l« for avfL W. do W^cS

* ' ^^ ' How muoh thk Mpa one la pltjia oa sa ioairumeat, or writioc on Mypewrifar. Through aiaaj » hmmMX ^ janction of notra or iettan tb« fiagN* fly vith tha TBBalhatMaooatof atteatiwi ud «ertion. Many a mw »ho w growiog old wilj erery dar through an amoaat of work thai aurpriaea I &IM*. Md It It poMihlo bacaate be work, in the jto-ol Ufe-longbabiL Be«dea. ih« only poarf. ^ way to k«ap out of bad b»biu ia to form ^ Bjr a n ty of our natan, wbaterer b ftwi^ay si at al) regularly done bfoomea hibit-Wt Jf * m«i bM been tbe iUT. to evil baWtt. H*!^ permwenUr 'na be maat „4 Teriog eiort toe fowJl Tbe •daoatkn M

—— — vw ••nata to iMaateaoa." Whaa w»

••"•gUioatotoraffooLOBraia* to bii biMed •errioa,

if »e ha** beea wont to aet up Ebenex-ra nooa ti^uule^tonmofthw'aa..^ Wp a, to |2»k lbrw«rd with mora of hoble hope.

know how maob aion earily aad ti»y work who work eheerfkll ^T^ nutnawnt of cbeerfola*.. « fowrf ia f K « to tbe V tbia habit of thaakfclaeM to Qod i. an •OwMiMM of' —

tbiBki," "ia ewaijthigiTe id*!." need not aioa iispaMftia' Wt wtr aJwiiw W theakM •IMiBood: Jlway. bow aottDwiU be the aetal Aute. Wo out MTer allow oniioiTCa to qimlni OatMili imm pemou UbMhee. WW. I .tbafbntfor K oMRta wirM with na to-dajr. Znedla aapiiA w-oioto ot Pntidnt lU^ uid to m a X lOB where be fired aaddied. It •» be mm-tuae by tbe way. tbM Mr. MadiM waa»tndt excrlleot asd blameloe im Hia ma tliat, aotwitbataadinc all tbe pofitinlmfMi of «life ao long aad eo diitiafiuAed, ka feud M iodicaiion tbat Mr. Modim'a private eheoelir bad e«r in thedighteat degrM aamJlrf- »»pl« wt it p-rbap. leL la ba dd age «i .i-i. FimmTi

Vt^ fMclally {leertain moodr, t««ompfauB of lot. Bferyoae of ui kt ame time or other Im-end perbap. declared, that he i»« a pwtic uMy time in thi, worH. It i. to be hoped |h*ln other moode we are beanOy aabamed of omeelyea for tuch r«pining. Bat how preTeat iia leenrr? A moat valnable help wUI be tbe bab Itrfthankfblnetoato God. Then if, ftfuL i ing il-irit begina to ariw. juat in tbe mkHle, pi p* of lome eompUu'aing aeotence, we iball iaddealy change to an ezprtantw of tbankfiUwei-^ perp. «d inA langbing at onraelre, fbr tM f(rily of auch repining. It tond» to enhance enjoyment. We all know whw we r»eeira a gift, with any trae aeaU-^ and any eahaWoexprenion of thankfiiW frfraotfonofgraatodeaagmeota oar gratfica-

to »aCV.treM. PisnoBa who are pot woBt to be tlfol, awy ot peat joy* only a« Kur otherwiee ^ _ , _ wHt, batNtoaDy tbaakfld. TorWffl tbe reeoUection ofhtSte b6Bi« & S OMrt. ^ Ahripetolayaai. Did yoa erer notwe what the apoMlo wid to tbe PiOUiffia "la Mthng In wxioni J but fn orerytWag by pnrar •ad >opplloatioa wtb tbaak«iTiag let w lmita be -knowa t CM, vhfeb t-rifi aU aaderitudiiMbilh l^ 70W bwt aad nor OoaghttfoObrirt Jaml:" Notiqe CMefnUy that ftMOte prnt «, b,

ifon fi ftW^riwiv^Si? doiw tbefttherofljt.- ^TS^TScJ^ W to •PMk about tbe laligfooa heaefi., rf Gbi u pmtj amid tbe ewroweoflife, « danger of orerlooking the oUier ItZ a ua doty to eioy to the ful plearare of eanhfy exjafeace. He who L^

•ach keen appetency aad toaging aapiiaUon de-that we findIwTapLIw^ fdj iatimatod. we work beet at ri L fw ^ b y import th.t.nhe youak »fc«ttbeja» rtodyiag: aad while thia a jl dto ihej faa^, it alio poMlble that WwelJ g ^ tbv Aonld l-uHo SiS^ilt which tbv w«e M ir* dlrfw TiSSIS

^ ^ " impoerfbia hamw S

^ or aakw., might hate heeawa. a«l allSw fewt. that ...JirrL'T yjy gratitale Whatomwe«»hataJaiC2wL3. wayaaomethiag Wk. —^^-ai. Al already obaHwwi, oar *»U In bn«tber idkfiht i ofotherdaya. Aadthoa»fci»


iaiimi r—liiiliaH, jT

tfv It hai bieo • tiMd .,.,OMr liiriataa,..- Sm j '•^tk-arnuuit-mum!^ liNohbKtert

' \ ' B a .I

So. me<»avot couU not .ft«dTl„ sr k. k r.-»i.i.» . " "top pr«ctieln» / ,

• fWMj, •••at fee ier nnt. tL. n.i.i_ " «w«pt fioa wool-i. — X o t» .

•faefc «« tiiM „ «J^ ^ "fflicuoM, I' « S -t^Jl '^ ' -^-

"•O tiae to Mka , w®** npoatb,ia, " —•»«". u a per. ' "to.jwitfcp O, »ec«Mot ;couJd not .ft ^ ™ "" •»<» J«t fc, or «««fl for . I J for a rinak

if «a . ' .

wumu tar ofifflictkiiir to B. Um •fflwtion


»• "WJ find u pncut Jr «rtrjthiug.

- viucb WU Jia 7 «/onUj and idj ' '

ttuakfiua,.Tood? »PkabUof

~ —J pitiaib tbaiB i.- VTr"*' «»»» aatpmUmMr « be-

•• iWTBr fnUj •TfteB •BTTOW. Ion iH-f h,

» Uii. renjemhar Uuu tb. -t«

Ibd ifc. t^ «» Itaking u« Old r:,--Kr""- I haV,

•"—I —f. V.«

•»«l«rtiaf P«od« to la


3, ^ to thinking i. u., wZ ^ i

t-btom coatinued to t u / to conunue « ? and «i ^ agam ^^ "rre and npbold roa in ^ «««7 W

upon way poariol. oca * ^ ll«*t 1wbicb b.lo« u«, ^W^ to for» tbe W of tbaT,;. by beieg tbaakfal—™ . JMtJ J d™, L P*''" stnisbL

/f "d did «•», fo, I'»« repwuaace. fiutb m ih. i ^ P.n.faL yoo certain,y cia Sd^^' I "akiDg r T . li

'imny with bi., „d ia M LT I "rfSrlSoSTJ JffSI a» table foand wJ! !! , ® «»ve,.tt,B I of tbe cbi Wl?^ «»

Vwona. Mie,.. N,,. a

' ' - - - • ^

A STATEMENT, been bnmleut thmngh oar bat -pedaUj fa tba 8a«tb, oerta «.!«,, bjr tbe p«wube« of Kind Word,. AtkaU. t^ ooU or their boae. tbe 8«nda,ool of the Amenean BaptUt PubUeation Socie«T „ it U alleged, tbey coataia " uSTTZ "doctriaa. iaiquiti,..- .ad .T' " niciou. and •• kproo, Uteratow." ^

' ^ compelliog tbe 80-^to reply. We bave not tbe fiht .yUable of to utter againu tbe Kind Wor Serie. but dww to a«ka tbe foUowiag rtatemeat •-.J' r denie. tbe -of»a«andneain doctriae. Tbere aot *n officer, manager or editor that believet tbe bere M named any more than doee tbe pnbliriier of tbe «barg«. u tbe Kind Word, circnian. nabeeiutingly «la,it tbat Teacber tbe AdTanced Quarterly. n,ed l«n tbal taken apart from iu oonneition, i. Z. ble of • double interpreUUon. Tbu « fwely acknowledgejaad moat deeply deplore. No on. cannttbi.oT«»ghtmore tban do those mo»t cloaely connected viib the Society. 3. It ia not tpecially ea.y to guard perfccU, Wnst erroneou. exprewona of Uutb. Etott editor know, tbe liability to mirtakea. There aie not y pubUriiing bou«« i-uing yearly twenty eight million copiea of wme thirteen diffisraat pub licatioM tbat m the coarae of thirty y,.« ha, oc-ca«on to moura over ao naaU a number ot ia-^ofwagrUagnaga. It would »ot be » « o f 8«nday.eohool pa

FIFTH SUNDAY MEKHNO OP UHITT AtSSOCIAnON. Bftb Soalay m Sapteaber. Pi»«a appointed aa aait place of aeatiii,, at toQ o'clock a. m.. on Fnday baforetiafifthSMday i«D«Hmber.and wtan. three dayaad the pa«or a«l offioew of ftnaoo Baptist ehurch were appoia|ed a oooiraittee toa^a p udxtqum ita paWicioa m the 8uta Wheel and Blade at Jackaan. West Tenneawe Star at Bolivar and the Ten«Maee Ban-litt at Memphis Tha obj«:ti .rfthm are to eOect a more tboraogb orgaaisatioa of Oiriitiaa work, to in*pire a quit o niwona, and to develop gnater naefulneaa among tbe churchee. All nuniatera laymen m, ur«d to attend theae meeting* and partkipaia in thedia-cmaKwa. The committee Ha* aamnged the follow •Ug queatkma tor diainoa:— Introductoiy aermon for critkaam—Elder W J Hodge*. Should erery charch have a Snndayhool and what ia tbe bea method of mainuuoing them through the winter month*?—Z. T. Johnaoa. What u tbe duty of the church with renect to aiaBona, and what U the beat method* of diffoaing a apirit of muaion* among tbe memben! -H. W. Ttibble. Toe tet method of promoting church growth.— Eider. U. A. We*t. Tto duty of tbe cburche* to new oonTerta.-J. P. Kuicaid. The importance of oountiy <&nrchee to the gro of the deBomuiatuw.-£ldar a a Mo-



•Hkie i&r mbiakee Hr ^ .Sw -feartnUy nwponribie thing to puUith a for the youag, and therefore hare receatiy adopted tbe following additional — 4. Precaalioua: Hereaf\» tbe proof of eU our 8unday-«:bool helps will be read critically not •imply by tbe author but aluo by tbe office editor, and then fioally by the Society'* general editor. Thi* threefold editing and pnwfreading ougbt to be an absolute wcurity against tbe poteibility of errOT in e»pre**ion e<caping detection. 6. Though Prof J. M. 8<ifler. D.D , the able

I W 1 ^ if. ^ _ 1 * ^ ^

, .u,. BJ. otiuer, II. U , tae •&!( editor o» (he leceon note* in Tbe Teacher and Ad vaoced Quarterly, ha* resigned his pi»ition as edi-tor alter the notes upon wbicb be is now at work are comi>Ie(e(i other able ezpoeitnr* will be *ecured. Tbe Society'* help* will be ma<]« not only *afe but tbe very beat pr>Mible. 6. Tbe Kind Word* circular make* a point againtt the Society uf the fact tbat the Society ha* Ibat luppreaaed an edition of sixty thousHod of The "eber for J| ry. Tbi* ia true. When |pifeach«rc»rS i»to tbe office we noticed " bat, wblle'wa* *trlctly snd abK>-

J biiplfefS •>7 i'aJf and beoau»e ib<>re was a barapoMibilifyof such misundenrtwtiiing the whole edition of sixty thousand copiee waa'<t«ppree*ed, MTe tbe few sample cupie* tbat bad been sent out in adraoca. But what doea thi* fact argue f To most persoHM it would stem to be a very strong proofiif a determination on the part of tbe Soct«ty to make any tacrifioe ratber aead out ah espreation of truth that may be misleading. Wa think tha Socity may atiU ezpact to retain tbe ooafidsnce and patronage of ita oisay friaad* in tbe South aa well a* in the North. B. QBimxH, SeoreUry.

latbenadiAbrencebetS « « kingdom of OiriatJ What doea tfce kingdom braceT-EWer J. a McCniw. ^ ^ Query box.

NEwsrcEMa - -FttBT CacBOB: -IN abaaaea ot pmtor YmMt. ^ ^ -ona, wdl O. Andmm at a%ht. ^ CiiSTiu,,:_Good ->«tBthnnic ow —iMiui. pK«:bing ramuag aad a t by tka paatoc. Bow« MMoa,Ai.:-aaT. H. J. andtk pnaeh. "daveryaocepiabb aanaoaattiH misJmT Preeehedatahttoagoode^

S .SaSX cMtedonelyletten Saadayhool iaimaM ia Chriataaa •a. tda'Sr C S i i tJr. J R Bochaaaa, (rfQaraiaatowa. aoaa »wt toreladre* in IW Hi. ohai ^ •i-Jysecurwlhiaearrtoaa&raantkirntt T-J. &Ben7,QfBddBya. Mht.piesefcal JaGennantowala.tSabbath, to the dalofafl whobeardhim, We are aony to hear of the coatiBBad IB haakh of tbeaad dewat I & ftkar. who Sto leare h« paatorata ia St. Lwua on «»aat of ttl. mgbealth. May tha I«d mioi. hua. ThaStalaMi*.ioaB<wdof tha Arkaaaa Cue. Tenuon decline to el«* aeecnuiy aaa ie» Ma, Now tbe pa»tor* andchareha* will teal a wmt «Wa»ilit7. and ahoaldexat thmudwmTZ crease the work. Eld. J. F. Hailey. of OUtb Baach. ICa.. hu •excellent •shooL He ia wdliTSw hi. ij -rfaya and Sunday, to chureiT 'iv uST vBBienUy reached. ^ ™ Eld. W. IL Biyaalhaa daa a iaa Wfldt fee iha Book H«aaaadXha Bajtit, dariagihri ^

aaq y

rIEl re»i last Baptist Slate OonTenUon. cnmpoeed of - repreaenUtiTO brethren from all panaVTen-nMsee.and speaking fiir onr wb<de deooainatioB in tbis Sute. resolved to raise tbe mm of rjO.OOd this cunventional year for the mi«*iab work, State, Home and Foreign, and bave apportioned the Mme 10 tbe tevera] A**ociatio3*ao«)«ling to mem-ben. The amount that fall* to B Haichia A**o~ ciauon is 82.18a 00, and ai the lequest of Bra J U. Ander»w. Stau Secretary, 1 have divided this among our churches in tame [mpartioa, and have sent a letter to~ each church derk abowtng Uie amount aangned to hi* church, with aa nrgent re-queat tbat it might receive prompt attaatios. Tbe amount i* not Urge for any one cbureh. and if each one doe* ita put, tbe $20,000 wiU be readily aecured, but if aegleetod. the e«u*e of miadbn* will mSer, and the brethren who have the oara and burden of tha work will be weighted down with anxiety. Some churebee bave already rtrasaded. and tbe brethren of "Old Betbet" Uve not mly provided for the eame ast%itad to tbaa. bat have incteaaed it one-third. A noUa azampie for aU bar n«ter cbureheal WiU the btetbm at all tha churches of Big Httohie Anociattoa. pleasii ^ thi* matter op promptly and penoade their pao-pletoagenerouareapoaae. Beait euilaetnu |o 8. W. Hajipto*. Treanirer Big Hatcbia AaKwiation, ilempt Teoo-

give. fid. W. J. IL dwdfiag u beiag it. Sni B A/ will occupy. He iieagiwed to teach iaihaM tjwa and Viil preach at 2lew Hape aad olhar cburchM. Rev. R A. VenalJ, p«ached a v«-y appro, priateatrmon Sunday aight in BrowaaviDeia oommemoraUon of the lata E. C. Gatai, aad tiS3 were coatributed to purchaae a hoaa for iiMr tiate* aad the Uula childrea. Now iathe tiaa other* to add their coatribuiiaM to tin wecthr caua*. ' A.Dr. W. L. Siaek' ww( oat of oar offioatha

otherday. aweU iafbraed Baptiet tiait posea tbouandPJoJptkt, have heaa'hmaiht into Baptist churcbaa by "tilaek'a Baasai'ebr Becoming a Bapt»t." l>r. Slack, aJthoagh aaHy amaty year* of nge. iaheaUby and vbanr wwkt a. partarrf avanl ehonha* ia and asar Friaia Pmnt, Mha. Wa hava many mfaeeiiben whoaa tiaa a not cot. yet th ai« MMWiaa. beoua. thav » f f J! ••J w taTLm nwt qiring aad anaaMr. a« tham « " otbeawbo oooldawwaew. wkaTs Slw it aomaaoaO. will w,t hambia todTaaf Bwah andnewaubscnlMn aneoaiagia immTi wnb ezeelleat uticka.

A wke aoa haarath hia iatbar'a iattraotioe, but a iconer haarath not nbaka.

IfiUai 10 TEE BAFUST PASIOSa Yob are vanad ag . <Mrtaia AUm CI aivho falllMaafli«\h^a^

Hi m^t

mam «MW k n a d . ^

B k ]

• I a


w m u i a t a n - ^^—^ I w M T m a c e l lu i iV » ! . . • « » i n » . i f r o m u i a & i i h — — 7 u o p i r u i r a i

t i » B o n i M u , ! ^ O r n l i . 1 I W ^ W M , / t r a u . . U I M J e t l T ^ Ui« | l i d i ^ I t L i r . t ^ ' " ' ' o w t t i i u , .

decl ined to go. i . I P n M u i l i t e r T t ^ ^ ' • « 1 1 ^ ® 8 c r i p t u r » r ^ " ^ T k o o w o ! „

r r i d i M — ^ ^ [ c i K C E o c «

I i n C h i . . " « ^ .

• d d h i o a to T

a i u t h e a i U ^ r T M - ^ ^ w added 10 t ^ n ^ J T r r ^ » o t k w

• " i t . i

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l i o r r e , « d e W u her m i d d l e w d ^ ^ T L T « « « '

"P. wWe to J ^ ^ ^ f * bo^., ^

fookiog g ^ T Z '

Bat i . th.t U u J , ' ^ "ocntid^ ^ J e f o a a d . A n d y e t S b . ^ a S ' j " " " U

l>«rtfal o f m u j i o W ^ f ? o f the fci^t

Recorder. » l u c l , U betted o ^ " W b K . . ^ ^

« H n i M at S t a d i a i s »

- " d o . . . , a t

n W b o Z T r o w t

CkpOaL . . " M ihe

"i tkm Vmted a u i T ^ j l Z !

— — ve Ml

•Irfenc. 0 . . ^ be more t h u the

c o m m u n i ^ o o . to ba . d d ^ ' - ^ P o n d e n c e . U r e o f t ^ m f f l U t e e ofj

1 3 J 5 . B c t o n . M . 8 . .


c J i o r e , h i « the J ^ r . ™ '

' f t OTer h i m the " N a a . , . " " " I

h e J eot . . b o r a o f t i e ' ^

what o n l j

• f r t c . , . A g a i n . I t

f r o m ^ U I ^ Z i H i B Z i r B A n o " ^ e f '

C J S U E I UMt ^ ^ ^ . " U J B A D o . " f - M a U not made be P . " ^ ' • ^ b t a S ^ k r " t o u r O i e t n c t - " • " - I . I - g i J L i g " "

p r o 6 » , , , b K 4 , a a T ! ^ " " ' ' ! ^ P 8 D - M o t P m

I <


t I I i

T H E B A P T I S T . TBE B A P T I S T .


An aid do

tf tir •uM.thoaiTtS Mtf aad auda piViUa to J R Gnni.

qpttMB (MIlav* US* m ChzlWu tt s oacl* aea.

t tMik CM*. Mi«iSli T—IKB & SHSZTSttahnakChfi««»BaUM itemagwutfi.

L n M M MMUWOT tf —nfiawi l uukaatr e u k* « « * • « en* B eeai*. TMt mmu •fevmi iU«M M ^ M ^ j m i i • • . t f l aWuaad


Bco. B. F. Sbcrntaw, L«., and teinily, MDdi fin doUin w Uwir Uuak offening to the jaaog BUBiatm ai Jaefcaoo. Bro. S. luti» for wt-• n l j m a baan a conUiiMdsr to thi« fund.

Oa tiM fifUi of Ihia month Bar. Qartwall B. Moaaly vaa married to Miai Etna Olipluuit, the Meoffl(iiiiMd daaghtar of aar oU friand tod broth-ar. Or. & SL OGphant. UobUa, Ak. Wa ac-ImawkdKs a kind utTUuion to ba praaant, and it would ba a daiight to na. Haareaa ricbeat tilaMingi laat npon thia nnion.

Waanciadibly iafiirmad tbat tba Bapuit Ba-laetoa, CbatUanoga, vaa lold at pabtie aaetion, ahar in aala, to aatiafr aa iadebt«ina« of 11400. •ad tba *octi»ldeia ara "kf^ oat in tba eoid" to look afiartlM 110,000 tbcypot into tba coocam to • a k a a (apar of aoeb nparior axoaUanea. and w "libaraT i> ita doctzina and tooa aa to oTtraweep tiM wboia Buia. Wbatbar iu paUicatioo ia to ba

' oaBtiaaad at Cbattanno^ or •omavlwra abe wa g n niiiibrBiad. Tka porcbaaar waa I f r . Folk, •as nf Jadga Folk, of BrowMTilla, Tmn.

^ ^ JU>rd viUdaatn^ tteboaaa of tba proud, Akgt «iU w f h H i i tba bo<dar of tba widow.

I rcqoMH a* tadiaetus la ihia pa)»r u prlacMaa of our ehiueh poittr Md diad^a<- fm- Ue ea-pedal bnaaCt oC tto tb'Hiaaadi of joaag aaBbira re-aaaUy braaaW lata oar ohurobeaa^ tba laicaaUoa at our oid mtmaen. who sr* qalte aa inorsat. \t • treelf eoaaaat lo da tfeiik ta a ira ohutm, wUeb Oall be tue

lorr UstWT of Baptiudnrebee for Irtt fair fttn •xiataBoc.—Snuoa Emtob.}

C H ^ E B V. cHUEcn m>Eran>ncT oosrmxD.

IT WAS A baaatifBl day. tba fiat Sabfaatb in i Janoajy. wim tba little ebnicb and a munbar of tba frimda ot tba mambaia •Memhlad io the pa rka id Bro. Hicka, who witb mora tban luaal warmth and quiit condactad tba morning mrica of prayar and praiia and tho reading of tbe Scriptnraa witb foreafol oommenta, and azhorta-tkwa fiom aararal of tba bratbraa. Bcatkran Al Ian, Wall and SnaU ware aqiadaUy drawn oat in ipMking and prsyar. All folt it good to be there, and man aaj<9abla than any masting devoted to preaching tban they bad erar attended. Bro.Bica laggaited that it waa bia conviction that aacb wva the reiigiooi meetings of the early cltorchea mr t they had taaeben, or paatoif, batter qual-ified to expound the word God tban he vaa, bat all that was required of them waa to do iha best they could until they could do better. He thought the entire worship cf the early churchea were not as now, monopdiied by the pastor, but distributed amo:;g tbe members, and tfaas they werfdeTeloped in tbe direction of exhortation and prayer, and ministerial gifta were thua discoTered and brought to tbe front. Exhortation wu in this age quite unknown, and comparatiTeiy few minis* terial giiu derdoped, etc.

At tba cloaa ot tba morning worabip, u bad been detetmined, the doors oi the church were

and Widow Brooka asdtwoof bercbildmi ,a»d raoaiTad on a letter from a sister

I laeatwii itiiai>aa1^l niw. m ^ ^ m m m ^ to M^ w b a n ^ kat l ^ i M ^ A ^ ^ S ber am'Tal, and bad since; supported btrself and family by ber own exertions. Two of tbe breth-ren testified that they bad known ber quite well all this time, and that she bad liTed an bonaat, Cjris-tian life, caring for her children as a Christian mother abould. She waa gladly receind into both Christian aad church fellowabip. At this point a memorial was read from all tbe sistera of the church, requestiog that eiibrr this monung or this eveniDg the Lord's supper be obeerred. T ^ this was tbe first Sabbath in the month, and of tbe New Year, the time from their earliest church life they had b ^ accustomed to obaerre tba supper, and their hearts longed lor its enjoyment, as most of them bad been depriTed of it for years, and this day seemed so appropriate a time for it, U) begin a new year under its sacred infiuencee, etc.

Bro. Bice said be could not oppose so touching ao appeal, his wh(de soul was for it, and yearned witb tbe Bisters for tbe enjoyment of the bving commemoration on this first Sabbath of a New Year.

A motion waa made and seconded to obaerre tbe Lord's supper to-night at hall paat seven o'clock.

At this point Bro. Wall naaaad said: "Bro. Moderator and breihran. I luUy sympathize witb tbe sentimanta adraaoed by tba aiaters In their p»> tition, for it has bean over thiaa yaara since I bava held communion with tbe Lord Jrsus in bis ap-punted ssppar, bat it doaa aaaai to ma that wa ara going too ftatia jmaaming to calabnta thia aacrad ordinance withoot • daacoa or a pastor to consa-cratathaalamwU, or ordaiaad a a a to dtatribota them. It b too lata to aaad to o u jriatar cbarehea for these oAcara to adminiatg to na tba supper to-n i ^ t . Bra thm, I do not wiafe to oj^oaa yaur wishea, nor do I kaow that wa wooid ba daaecrating the holy ordiaaaca by oalebratiag it among our sdTca, being o a ^ layaMa, but wa will ba raunlng iatlMfiMa of tha uaagaofooraad of all denomi-

nations. I for ona would ba glad to bear froai oor leader and other brethren better Biide readera than myaelf. I am aadsfied we ara rigbtin our actioaa ao tar, and I waat to keep jutt right, but it seems to ma we are not yet folly organised asa ehurcb,aot baviiig elected an officer, aad my old pastor in Georgia al-ways ruled tkat ao church wu a perfectly oigan-ixed body without iU Scriptural officers, pwtor and deacons, and we have neither."

Bro. flicks called Bro. AJlen to tba chair and replied: " I favored tba conaideration of this pa> tition for two reasons. First. Because I wished to enjoy the sacred feast to day, the first day of tha wa and of tbe month aad of the year; and, lae-ond i bring this very question bafbra tba church, since I leam there ara others besides Bro. Wall who lear we are 'going too fast,' further tban tba word of God warranta. I propose that we settle the first question first this morning:—

J4 a Aurek SeriptUToUg omatsed tilAoul a rtfu-larty ordatntdpotior aitd deaetnu, dulf appoinUd of-fieent

"No ooe, J think, will deny that Christ leA a regularly and completely organized church befbra be left the world. Is not this' a settled fact in your mind, Bro Wa l i r Bro. W. said, "There is nothing clearer." "If any one present dissenU, will he raiae his band r All assent. "The ques-tion before us is now easily settled. We hear of no human being recognized or acting as a pastor until Jamea, who was chosan pastor of the church at Jerusalem, the identical church Christ himself organized, increased by tbe addition of tbe three thousand convarta of the Pentacoat reviTal and of the five thousand subsequently added. It is also aa cerUin a fact that the divinely modeled cbuicb bad no deaoona until aome time aAer both theaa r f

dalaad dBoeta. Wa kaow divine or human, moat be organized before It b competent to act in the election of its officers. Where is the body outside of it authorised to elect its officers, pastors and deacons? Nowhere. Tba church Itself was divinely authorized to elect its own officer* and ordain them, which is only to formerly empower them to perform their pre •cribed functions in and for tbe church as its ser-vants. I refer my Bro. Wall to tbe fact so often noticed and acted upon by himself as a messenger to this Association to whom he has been sent by his church. Tbe permanent officers of the body are not elected, nor new churches received until the meeeenger* of tbe churches are all enrolled. It was not the old or former Assuciation that elect-ed tbe oflcers of tbe new. Is not this so r Bro. \V : " I am perfect^ satisfied that we are now aa a church qualified to elect dcacons and a but bow about ohaerving tbe Lorda supper out deacona 1 or a past.>r to conscrate or elemafttTto be^l*rihut«d bi.tbam r

•.•WeU, Bro. W ^ ^ ^ mittad that there wera ^ f l ^ l L I ^ : after tbe last great revival the seven deacons were appointed, _ Christ observed tba supper without^doaeoa? tba church at Jerusalem alao for soma lima with-out them, and during and after the prataooatial meeting this church observed it daily, aad it a vary large church, conristing at laast of thrai thousand one hundred and twenty membeia, before tba five thonaand wera added, and yet thi church had ao daacoaa to caray around the brea and wine, and from these two facta, and the I and coaclnsiva one—they were not ehoaaa and dained to do this service—wa leant that it was i is toJsy, ao part ortheir appointed work, but relieve the apostlsa of all tba temporal oarea coi •acted with tba church, to provide for tba waala

I »

««• widows and ita pooTairf a. ^

-Piritual w S ^ S , ^ ^ ' " " ^

^ b o n n t e o a a s s a ^ ^ l j ^ y ^ » «

d o c t r i n - - J c o r r u t t i o n s o f r " l ' w t o f ' ' t h . f c i . » . 7 . T k a g

While it ia 1 ^ pnvate member has

toble ret if t h - . ' ^ convenient |«

think tba. .bis w t ^ ^ ' r ^ . ^ X ' ^ Y d " " " " " doty, aa moat, at l e a a t ^ L ' ^ , ^ Pnncipel

Tba —

» |»in. Waco r « v ^ * T.

^ d^inguished an honor


one -bo o T b Z ' T »kat ^ j o ^ J S ^ ^

ra ID provKie toe eiemento. I anaa, and wkiJa stngiog-^

loodtkiaga,« 4ia<la{ai«aor •eakaa'ato.;Me.


B B A S C H O F F I C E .

* A n W T , . peeprteur.

T H B B A P T I S T .

' fr«KWe«» teMrfer of I k . •ooroe of our lugh«t k n o w W g i of o d q b ^ b piopaf^. u d tiMt etedilon cuaot fine the aitiili- th* imwof ftJ. hot ... f T "


I * • VosiBta Itttar n the Gwtsl B s p t i ^ it

mjBi ' ^ b a r s u ^ q M i t i a B o f t h e G o u n d Ai-

a of tkat State V M t i M ' W o a u a QHtfaon.'

— A d M M r i o B h «»«faddedto n i » g a a 9

aad to pot tittia aiular

Ite • u p o a of tte Awjcktion- One

i l . - f i i a r f c r t « < o l l B , , « I p r i w t r i / L the t ^

'WU be. I t t e i h N B ^ iBotborState. I t o o g h t t o b a

_ _ _ . nnnaiBT «i

p n ^ a r ^ , asd tiMt etedilon cuBot fiine the sppU

c ^ r f t l w p f f i c e e d . to t U p a j m a t ol dete.

-IfanUwamiioaipraadMd in tiia United

« * I ^ O M j r w « r . p r i a t e d , t J * y w o a l d make

230,000 Tolamw of 250 pagM aaek—Dr .

is h u Oeatfaini Book.

. ^ : • io oe

^ ^ t o k d l » h e w f c o I e « B h « a i p t i a B & » of any

« S U I . w k s n U k doae.

^ • f c e t w d o n a r p a p M j t i c k t o tUir poUiabed

* « ^ « < . « w k i e f c i i b e « o f a n . be boaart.

Tkii need* ao comiaent-• — i.KiM m wuiUOiOBi —

u a ^ ooaid wnodel tke pnacbiag of the dar to

of ranaacatioa; be would ioairt tbat

B«^itmfytkMf ,aBdbelieTiagianoUiijig , H e

« - t be right wrt ple«ad with tba w j

H f Thii

tie p n r n O B . M t j ^ ^ ^^'^^^^ • — — £ • a raceat •wifna hcU

T H E D E S I G N O P L A W .

U M aarTMk tka tow'-eu.». a .

hare done, ho law at once, woald be met the

(^ivga that hit deetrioe made n i d the iav, ooa-

foaed all idea* of right and wraog, aet aaide aU

oMd of dxdicBoa to Qod and rendoied hia law

BaafaM. fThan weaaethatall k w , hooiaa and

diTine, ia eaataatlj violatad, faila to attain the

i ^ t ao much deaired. aecarity to property, virtne,

b & , l »e are Teiy apt to think that law ia ai

and to wonder whether, afier aU, it ware not well

to c a a e to legialato againat any fi)nn of eviL

n ie ie i ia woridof aeaning in theapoatle'a con-

fciiion that, "ain, taking oecaaion by the com.

mandment, wrooght in me all of oonca-

E i m . Tii 8. Ooe nanlt, the reiy

fi^a^ of law when (iren to a fellow being, ia to

awakenatnfol deairaa. The v « y lact that any.

thing ia fi>rbidden to me awakaa in my atnfU aool

a daain for that very thing. K n , inhanat de

— ^ » — va w u

the law of God, bnt naay look to no higher ataa-

dard than can bo foud on the atatato boofca of (Im State. CoTetooaneM, Itwt, the gratiflcaiion of iff^

erypawon knowa no other check than ia pro*

elalnwd by legialatiTe enactment. A nwnlt maeh

to be dcaiiod ia thaiefora attainable by p a t t %

wiaalawa on noord, ftod this raiuli caq bo st*

taisedinaootker way. W h U e lawa forbidding

murder, theft, gambling and other direful erilaaw

conatantly violated, yet ihey aertre aa edacatora ot

the public oonacience and thiu conduce to the pub.

He wclfiue.

Another mtrUx rendered by law U , it reducaw

the number of crimea committed. If it indeed be

true that fiAy men are kiUed by fcUow-men daily

in our land daaiHto our lawa forbidding murder,

» eaUmated, how many think you would thua per-

lah If thoea Uwa were aU npealed and man'a f w

^ withoutauch wholeaome real«int7 Fire hun-

dred daily would be a reaaonable eaUmato to be-

p n with, until in one geneniion our land would

Curly tremble with groana of mnnlerod vicUma.

•l"bo aame principle hold* ot all lawa. parental or

• ^ y , t h « jcho the precepto of the moral U w

of God. Such Uwa ar« a terror to enl doera, and

IWTity, takea occaaiou by the commandmeat, de-

ceil* me, aiidl^ it riey, a»e. Bhm. iL 7 . Beo

thiaona almat auie naalt, and IkUinc to

beledtodiaobay. A d i a t i j i g u i a h e i l S g T ^ ^ M k i ^ a a d tbirty4lTe addiUona. C „

G A ^ o n k m l tfte Caiholica to keep

naafagiTing Day, the fim time .ach a thing hia

AHardaheU prcacher in North

admlniatoiag the ordiwuice

i J ^ S S " ^ I'T a atnmm of w « . r .

- i d . ScnptUTM .aid, ' W h ® , they caae to a

I htm ™ « » t t for forty year, and newr knew it

tontt^. W h a n bnng a bottU, or pitcher, tt . a y "P-rtor b«ken . but thia ,tr.«n ^ c «

^ ^ •Jrice on

F ^ C a i u ^ Shaaaya: "Danuiged ,tom«:ha

k f h r a t i « B l a a t a . and to many feet the hand, of

t p w M l gara a pathway to the mloon.

a f U y U n h r f atalaahaw ik . app«i,e fc, l i ^ ^

i W i w « « < , i f « a t i i . p h n l B d , b y the food t h T h a l

tamm of •lonhobB povvs ia the h.lf

haha^iadlipatihlebnad. Sloppy c o & e ia a t «

• nil i.JM iain|«aiinB fcr k i y r bear. The r«-

4 k a l a i a a l « a r t k o a e k u d n d o a a t a o a the

fc M t vnttk BaythiBg.-ChAiiaa E t a a i t i t

I rtM «iU tka nllgioa of an M i y p c S ^ Xhaa rtM wiil (ka nilgio. of B M i y p f S »

^ a f a p d e a a t Ik . euaaliy # 8 0 ( y x » . f l o a ; — -

to p n y M

Jhtlar from

• - • • - • *0mmmmmjf Q f n t M m U m t m i m H h m i ia

i^pkaw •7,779,0001^ mtn from Ark. , aaya,

k » * 1 i a k | f k y d irfii m h to witair die." V e

tiatt Itecoipal. wkiak i M k w f i i d t f k l f o M a d M d

kit a l V a a i M i t e t i . kia da^ .

' h «if«fat, W a a r M t ha

. * - — J U » U N

highest State court OBcaaaid ma, «•! kaT* aerar

told my aon thathe ahouKl not drink.leat I there-

by awaken in hia heart a thirat for strong driuk.''

That aon became a coofirmed drunkard before he

wai a roter."

Thiafirat view of the law ia indeed diacouraging

G.h1 knew that the U « would cauae oflencee to

abouad. Rom. tr. 20. H e knew, too. that "where

^ P B ia no law there ia no Iranagrcaaion* (Heb.

IT. 16.), yet he gare man a law and '^tniindi>d

perfect obedience thereunto. That law waa holy

joat and good (Rom. tu 14.). yet by it ahaU no

fle*h be juatiSed before God. And why not r B ^

cause it waa weak through the led>. it could not

give life. U TerUy profiteth if thou keep the law

but who has done that r W h o in Heathen landi

baa lully met the requiremente of that law of richt

and wrong which God haa printed in hia r w y

atituUon T KraquenUy ia aakad, with the q u ^

aa air of triumph, " D o yon not think that a Haa-

than who doaa the Tary beat he knowa wiU be

• » e d T P»Bl knew nothing of any aoBh Heathen

Bordoyou. Hekenilrelyacnrntaiaoftheima.-

inatwn, conjured up w y likely to huafc lha m -

acMBce when nphcaiding on* fbt praeUoal aaU-

mawuiam. AtleaatUwouldbe waUIratto Mud

a u ^ • heathen b d b « op«dnf the p t a , of heawa tokioL

Butcoaaidar jooe of theadTaatagaa to of

U w . W e a i a t o t a u a t l v k w c o i t h t h a k B o w i .

•dgeofain. W a 2 0 . A e Ciat kaowiete

w k a f e i B liliiih« aome aetk,.. « g o o d a S

a m eta, « t fit few the p r a o M of oar patMla.

wfapaieata haaBBch ckamcoBoaptioMoJr tifht

^ w i o ^ l h a a oaa aot ao fertaaato. The M o

^ a f t o | a i . a l a . a f hkao«al»y aad of Wa w

' •poa the M i ^

sirii uijvn, ana

are m a w whereby God raatraiua the wrath of

BUB. who unreatrained. would yet the more heap

up wrath unto the day of wnth.

But Paul further tortifiea that the law bnngi u .

to C W (Gal. iii. 24), while by the U w m

te^ may ha included the ceremonksa of tkw

J a ^ ritual, aU of which pointed to Chriit and

doe, not omit t h « e

«wat nqairMMHjl^ I m to God'and l<iva to m a i .

M a y it not be Mid that man iotuiUTely raoognl-

«-8 the rii^teouaneaa of the law thus given T Pail-

iag to comply therewith he finda himielf guilty be-

fore God. All hU efforU to keep that law but im-

praaaeeiui h u heart hia utter helpkainesi to obtain

ngfateonaneaa by hia own obedience; and, thua in

hia belplaaa ooodiUoo, prepares hit loul lo accept

tamat Jeaua aa hia rightoouwess. Nor do we who

tniated in him for deliverance yet find oundvaa

equal to the thuodera of Sinai. W e And aatety

from ita curae only at the croae. Thu . the law k

aver bringing ua to Chriat that he may be our


No aoul can be perauaded to accept Jeaua aa hit

Savior UU the law of God haa taught him hia guUt

and ^ h^pleaaneaa. Taught thua to view him-

•elf, he la led to b^Uava ia Chriat with the heart

uatorightwuaneaa. Thna redaaiuertfom-the cura.

ofthelawyhenolpngeraervee in the oldnai

the letter, u axpaclina a reward of m e n u bo*

heaerveai^ jHUfaaaa^-epiyit hoi

grace, rhua the rightaouaiM^

filled in oa who walk not a . *

t h e ^ r i t . Thua Okriat"

righteoaa«aqi unto every



* N a w Saiem Aaaoeiadoa wOl meet m A ihi

W Lick Bapliat chundi, W a t e ^ n W l k J !

Friday r

ia Oeaeaiber. at tea ,/ofcci ^ t

a. l a ^ a e i o , , f^tmoa b , Shi. W . W .

w i ^ ^ t o m a t a . E M . 8 . B . W M t S S -

S. What ia iha Bible method c f f i & ^ f e ^

m t j . B a e t k ^

4 . b i t a U ^ d a ^ rt •

VMI u w oBBfon mambeta be aiavatai

U«her atata of aplritnalityr EkI. & B .


f . Duty of paalor to the church, and the

, «BTohtothepaator. E H . J . R . H e a m .

. : ^ 8 a n d a y - « A o o l w o r U E k L J . a Moody.

» . WhataratkeobUgatioaaof the church to

- ,j .lhe8BaeajHBhod. H . M . H a l a .

i 10. W ^ a r e t h a h a a t m a t h o d a o f wading the

, ^ p t o f a t - i n Sunday^hoola, and to what extent

• h w l d they be uemorisad t John W . Ryan.

I L The pulpit and Suaday aDhool, their power

iaunity. E M . J . a ^

12. ShouM the churekea aupport a Sunday

o o f f l S ^ ^ "

18. W h o a h o u M teach in the SundayachoalT J a a M a PhUipa.

14. ShouM our churchea hold weekly prayer-

neetiBfaineaehcknrchr ^ ^

15. W i U indoctrinating churchw add to their

ialluenca aa Chriatiana, and ahouM any n t W

maana a v a tka pieaching of the goapel be uaedt

16. The obligatioa of N e w Salem AsMciatba

to H o b m tad Pocaiga MiaaioM.

|y dlvid«l hetweea t k T t a

why? S h L T . l.fiaataa.

18. HowofUBahoBMourchnichaeoUervBthe

Locd'ampperT Eld. F . a Bingham

19. Whatia prayer?

20. Did Jttdu lacariot eat of the Loid'a aup

p«r with Chriat and hia diaciplea. J. R Uaird,


B U . a N . BarraU a«d D . W . Graadataff

O n the thirtieth and thirty-fint of October, at

Grant, Smith coua^y, Tenn., a new .Aaaooation

of nineteen churchea w u constituted, acventeea of

w h k h waa lettered from Salem AaaocUUon. Rid-

dieton and Alexander are new churchea. which

make the nineteen oftnpoiing the oiganiaation

unaaimoualycaUed New Salem Aiaociation. The

Aaodation. in aaialon. appointed a Minlatera' and

OaaeoBa' Institute, firat aeasion to be heM with

Roaad Lick diuroh, and the writer waa appointed

toarraagaa programme for the mtotug. A a l

fc'd BO ooe to asaiat me ia ptapariBg tka

•hoTapfognmae , I tnut proper alk>waaoa will bo

• a d e . aad tkat we will try to make the meetiB* ia.

lanatiBg. Bound Lick ekorck ia at W a t ^ w n .

WOaaa ooaaty, Tenn., on the N . 4 K . nUltoad.

milaa from Lehaao. Comaoaa. GumaalL

h n ^ o f O M Selemare eapedaUy iavi-

• i t M a i a i ^ w j i o amtioB appoiated liir that

J ^ w A i a ^ t i a f e ^ ^ Lick ia one of our

t t e e ^ c h u f o h a a . Y m a good tiate.

G b m aad Judge ye of their hoapitabty aad BMka

p ^ a a d o h B ^ glad, aad wheayw, letura yoa

ka glad yoa have iiaea to Bound Lick.

I . P . MCNabiu

M i w n a a y >i»-

•ndantood. The entetfaaa afhiaaiad hieMkt

oAea ot oMoaa, ao % S g t m d , tihat ha waa ta-w o u d aooB U s w oat.

ia (est hooka ha hamad bat ffi^ XBi a i a d

waa act tkat wqr iacHKd. A a it waa aiid a

graataoMiK: " H a waa too wariacetobe affitani*

ao itoould heaaid o f a aOataa^ ka kadioo

> a A ^ t aad too a>ackpatec«>i« loaahwt,

to tka edaoatioaal proomaa T i i n f ij lii lij i

f « » « I w U « t h a a » a 8 h o l a r ; I i » w a a a

iwiaa . awl that of a VII7 h k h ofder. laalitha walka of lift, wa kavemata^naa to

appnaek him ia auay of tka eieaieaiaof k k sow.

ar. Hia leadla* waa wide aad varied for-oaeao

acUva,aBd k k a t e ^ a y wMptodigooa. WItkoat

•tady. kekaew Korathaa tkoaawko didatady,

tor t U thoagkia of otkan filtmd tkroMk hia

ak>d beeamedarified aad w h e a ' m m d & a e d ky

kirn t k v w m a a t i a kagaaie aa char aa myataL

H a waaamaaterftl pnaeker. A t twaatriix

thaconatry boy m i ^ have caai^ fiOad aay Md*

p t i a A m e o c a . W h a n m h a pnadted, whathn

in eoaatiyor thagnat eilj diaidi, the people

were moved, edifiad aadnhacaHd.

latbe aocklaiidehewaidall^Ufiil, f o r h a w u

braataraaganUaiaaa. B e waa a h r ^ at eMa,

aad ;atada odMra eu. H k gteetiat to a t e a M m

w a ^ w t t ^ n a e e tf . anaak a a d a « k ' k r i a a e M o o ^ M f a t y i ^ ^

d w a . iShlm^ gaaaBiu ' a S r r a k w t w

- J W A i T ' ^ M ^

o l t S ^ S i a S k T w a S M t t o t h k eSaaftr t h e S l h M l i e i l ^ o a M and

andlkx - T k x a a i


fWly ia tkakmidba. Lak

W a m a t k m i O j aeooaatkk

W p w i t h a a a a a d i i

aay coMiaMtkaa bmI tolkk «CaB.>-]

G A T E S M E U Q B I A L .

» o t l m l » (0 l U r t . ™ tt. M l TOk o ( t t ,

ifitoA^ Tt. J-

Brokeaiakaaltk, witk theiaaidiaBa diMMHeaf

eonaumption ^ a a l k f oa kirn, he a o ^ ^ t lisallli

Weataca Texaa. bat waa lecaUad to Tarniniaaa to

aava the miaaiaa worit In that Stete from utter

wnek . It waaagnatBBdertakiag.faUafdlfficnl-

ticawhlchhadbaffledaBddeaatedoldermea. N o

ouecouMaeetheway t h n v k , but thk yoaag

Napokoa of the Lord^ koata ftund tke bata^

paaribk way, and by maatatibl iiMechea and coc.

laammate tact combiaed tke beat ekmentaia the

State and nnkoned all ohatiaate oppoaera. ao tkat

a magnifioeat aaoceaa waa woa .

Retiriag fhim the SeotetaijAv of the

Boaid of TeaBaaaae.waatiB-vital feroe. he waa

SrateAUly coMckua that h k work wouM abide.

The daaoauB^ka knew ita i t z a i ^ and fUt i k

reqxHuikiU^ bettec d a u it had baibn. Tka

ekurek* kad been b(t4«kt oat of the nattowa,

impnoticabk maa aad th»Mkahad baaa aaatto

^ j u n k e x p a n d tke araqr d ^ y a d o n ^ up.

laadaofabettecUik. M m * atiU. he tou^tthaa

how to fight aad win

I «»«dktely after kie jetaeiaeBttiom

aea. we aMt k i a aeai k k boikobdkoae a « l heart

k i m m a k e a v e a e k o a t h a pkanophyof

It aaemed periket h evaqr teapeet, a w m h he kiia

poat. Toaaitiraf ladeeerikakly mftatk toaie

tkkbrigkt abaft

» warty iveat . - , "

v - S * ^ tak k k k a t d a j a i

attliaf Ja .

w e n two taw^ Iha

, M N la Antaaio wliah k f e ' f n r t M M ^

U a d i a i t B d heloia k e d k d . a k / T m ^ S ^ t h e k b , ^ k ^ ^ J S ^ J

— " " n i f t • TTllili' - IftNwf''''ant" ! •

loaig 'aa m «aa

^ i k k a a n l e e t o q M i ^ U

woti lSSeo^OBgwiaeypi Ik

oor o d a m a to ttfaevk^aB

W s B . w J S S m W n l f t ^

TO o i t o B E r a a m i n r A B B u m a *

M O K o i i i n B B a b ' ' "

^ i ^ ^ ^ a a k M f l p

n k i M t n m i i ^ l j r eTi



i B I A I C H o f f i c e .

i * m n ,


QLEAHlHG8AMi>KoiEaL »o check thMn i . J^

^nnlt mnek I w OB dMind tt thm&n atUiubl* br nniti THE DESIGN OP LAW. c i ' S ^ — y j T l i

-WtaSwe UM wrrMk w.

"o dalhr ptoen

^ ^ i r w m ^ r fin of

^^Baiijrtfci ctB mli be.

I m i ^ ^ a J T ^ * it if < W

^ i. b« of iu. i T S S ^ ooridn^irt-'*'^ comoant

a ^ v ^ f f t , _

•< -tr te iiaior bntoT^, " P"^. 15.). tm l. J ^ " (B*. I inaM i. hm u " "

T belt ha • It- « MwrnnJ .. , .

WW Um ,

i / ^ " p b t l i S ^ cw-hl-apirit Xhwchriittt

ipptr • •• WW

f its. t:» an


• tow Assocundi?

J. F. MoChrtT J S f T tears

"ottfcrtwv iadiitd. A ^ k ^ ^ ^

W. WhMMpnyerr

On the thirtieth ud th^; fil? .

Wartloa i T r ^ t Aiwcitiioa. The Bouod Lick instej'^

Ufwhtdao Me to — ^

J* F. lldlAn

. tb. « « « did. ^ bTttatuaftnotlMBaB. l u T * ^ ^ •ad .ud. s r t r

witk theiwfciioM

ooecoaWieethew ,1-iN- wv. «d br , ««mate tact ooMbiBri th. i l T ^ ^ • nugnifSceat mooei wae^JT^

fcow to fight aai wi. baSl ^ ^

'• •• I Hie heaith foetwM. hM m. •

* '-TrflB? to mw { . «»• til



XBiL boua


s 'sas*'. •

^^^ pnmta, * tUuk i s mmmiiS'S

S r z ' - . s r - ^ -

-too ^ ^ • • a mmrn * (aiarcd. »klok . . '""•"•ii

II w . r ^ • - Mi . . .

- " W i r t , t u , ^ ' ^

SkouJd . c t , ^


Bo» , "•Ic* a """""fhoi,, 1


^ • a j s s i s : ^

••»»! Willi, „ , ^ .

• t ^ ^

F A I I I Y R E A D i S Q .

TH« MAN-QBR AND TOK BA8KKT. A CKBuniu URMua TV chiidku or cvKkv 4aa.

A Bwtrr CkrtaUBM to )0tt %in BBI MW, bcftir* foa >tk ii.

I'll t«U JOB »k«r« n j text I» fjoad-U • Bkft(«r ksd Ilia bttkM.

Tk« UBCW b*14 a UU« twiM, U, mail; yur* kgo;

Aid ttat U wkj ui* bMktt'i Mra-T» toM Vka ehUd, you kaow.

ror wtoa maa aay oa Cltrlataa*:: "QoU C*T* M CfcrtU tO-l«y

AadOoJ mutl aaad kta |wep*a ikr awar,

Wklia SaaU'a •akiatgir.* lo all, I waal 10 Bute oaa too;

I waatto(lT«toaUtha world Wkat a«d n n m» aad jroa.

And aa 1 Wag Uia baakct-TakoU Um oUU, tou ksawi

Aa Ua aiaa(«r bald Uai wkaa t m aa eaa* Ua Uat Chritlmu ><»« fo .

Ua rou woadar baw tbia bauet Caa hold lha Lord Jeaut to^v.

To ctra him ta all m Ut oaafM To aa (ba LonI jawf TbU waj.

Ut all wba lav* UM Lwu Jeau* i^it In paaataa, ot dollara, or diow;

Aad tb«a wacao aaad atea and woaiaa, Witt tbo Lord la tbalr baarca, lo all ollmaa

New Ula U Uw way w« wlU do U-blaoa Qod b« Ckrtat to-dar.

itar baa ka( abatl t» aa tta maagar la nblob tta Lord Jaa«a Uj.

Pbi jOBr lioaar, tbca. lato tba baakat. Ut Ua bMMara ot Cbtiat ba satarMt

' Tiatbsa that our baakat akatl earn »•»• ••tta

luid goM to Um lugar camp is tte maplo odu i d . Wtaw mid Uui« Alice Mid. 'Tm ga i^ to« i«r «t homtiud fiaiab mj book." Hal lau(b«l uKt Uiia mad* Alio* fael xtty dignified, ao aba valkad •tiaight totha frost parlor, whero. cnrled «p is a larg* chair,(ho soon bccama afanrbad ia bar atorr.

Mra. W«ek« aod Aunt Kate, tivMog is the back parlor, nofer dreamed of tbia, ao tli«y talkad to-gather Tery confideatialij, aamammuandaDiiUaa oaiull/ talk wbeo they oonaider tbemaelTC* qaite aloaa. It wat not until Aiict stopped to tarn a letf that ibe noticed what they were lAjing. Than ah* beard Aunt Kate m j :

" I with yon would let me uke Jenny home with ne. I will uke the entire care ol her dotb> iof (br the Mimmer.'

I f you will take Alice ioittad of Jenny, I wiU tpOUmiy oo&Mot," replied Mra, Week* with aakh 4UMdi*tiactl7 heard.

4«Bt Kata badutcd.

•<AUo» b a dear little giri," ooatintied munaa

ibTwywUd. Jeanr ia a help to me. I

> wbkt I akonld d« without ber,"

U," Ma» Katei not eathnwartleally. ItakaAlioa."

i iaft bar ebair rery quieUy, b « befon she »hall abe heard mamma

ijcm troubl^ I bar. bw n^kUag

' ShelaTeryoafataH.*

lhar Mte until aba

1 her room. How oookl nanma mr each

, . _,! •«»«» kart Nobody loyad bar; mamma

m m to lead bar away aad aaat Kala didat

waallMrl She wouMnt g i with aunt Kate, ao,


Alwa'a teait Sowtd Aratly for a Arm, bat iooa

hM aeaaiblaUtUlabead conqMrad,%d tb« Mt

^ WW right. Bhamnamberedthaaaw

oottU hardly o w

d n » t k a t ^ l m ataohiMl.tbaeioia[,aptw a a i atooUaca tbak mamma aMaded oa}y y«tatday,aBd abakaewwhy namaa Sba woold go with aaat Kate, batdw woold aot ba • traaUa.

•• I will aot t d aiamma, aow, ttiat I baaed wiMt dieaid. n i w a H a a t a i coaaa boaaa bat H I aevar, never ba a troabie to bar agaiaf dadaiad Alice, aa wiped away bar taaa.

Wbaa anat Kate aakad bar U Ab woaU go home with ber aad ba bar little girl for tba aam^ Bar, Alioa ga«a a ready ooaaaat

"You don't aeem a bit gkut," « i d Ual.

"You can't look into my baart," aha aaU, bat bar plaanue wai iadead ieaaaaad by tba tboqght that aba waa not ber aaatli ehokM.

•'Aaatia," tba aaked, aoM afiar bar arrival at her aaat'a booaa, "wiU yoa teacAi me bow to mead aad dMxn wbib I aa b a r ^

"Mead aad daia! Why, jm, ebOd,' rapliad aaat Kat&

i waat to leara to do all kiade of aeadiag^ •tockiaga, boya cJotbee, wbita apnwa aad avary. tbiag."

"A vary aeaaible iOm. What bai put it into roar littk bead, my deatr aakad auat Kata.

Tbea Alica told her of tbecoovemtioa the bad ovarheatd.

««I didn't meaa to li«tea, auatia; I want oat ytrj eoou, but l tbinklabal laotmaka yoa eit maob troabie u mamma t b o a ^ * aaid Alicataar. fuUy.

Aaat Kata kiaied her aad called bar adaar^ild, amriag ber that tba woald ao( bava Ukad Jaaay better, and Alioe waa com&rtad I t e leeaoaa la uaadiagbeguimmadiataty. I t wai w y t i ^ eoBMatfirat^bat ABoeaooaftltpida ia j o i i ^ ^ o f i ^ aiteall^te wttoa or wool iw pttvoaa^te — a i a M v n a a M i k ^


aaid, «<t aaa aony to loeaa yoa, a«y ^ ^ havabeKtaraaloorafdrttoaa," Alioa M t aara aba had not been a trouble.

Mamma thought her little giri giaatly uapiov edbythevitit The childm were wild in their delist ia ber ratara, aad AlUa waa ia daager of drifUag iato ber old thooghtleai^ careleH babita.

••Mamaa,** aaid Hal oae moraiog, 'TTe tcm my jacket on a aail in the bara, aee!"

Thejaoket bddupCor i a a p e t ^ dlqdayed a raat that draw f ^ m a m u a figh aa the add, "Put it on the aewing machine, Hal; 1 will mead it tbia eveaiog."

Now wat Aula's opportuaity. Takiag tbo jacket

from the aewiag room, whan, witb tba door aaMy

locked, ^ hegaa bw uwk. Ber liuie work basket

iJimu Waeka


" IwoMi i aha l p j awaV Ia^

do i aga jova


-Alioa iaagnathaip to totaraitow, " I eara yoa havafivai bar.'

Bat AntXateiaMlit iMtiJ i ia ' i ivaMtRMhla aad that it waa a p laans totoaob aM aa da. aitoaaaf h a t i i ^ aad m patiaat laMatoriw tba datoiiiafaMh b o M ^ m k . -


Sbaaatapiabad. Xha aortoto w *a i i a ap.

aad aha «tw tiw Mooih aad Ulaakai H tfit waia

laagbiagitbic. **Yoa aaadat laak at aa . mooa* aha aaid.

"Yoadoa tkaoaaboa t i t To« caat laa la tba dayt im. BMidaalaaitaiH todHfk*

She lay doaa, aad triad toria^k Btroiaokoa tba maatla waat tiefc4a(*, Ow gHMr>

s ^ i S f i - . s s s - i s r . t K ? ' — " Yoa doat kaow aitbar," a id Miaala, oaeaiac

ipaaat. Ha btdkUa Yoawaraapalaiia.'

BarhndvoioaawakateL ted from aadtrbia w i a P a d eriad «)at *'Po^r

" Tbafb a iddtod alory, jea Baa*tr ted." ad*

preaeatcd by aaat Kata aad atoekad for aoy am-ergaacy, waa thera, and ikliea patianyy matched the i a ^ e d g e e . & a t a ^ them w i t b t i a y a t i t ^ epoBgiBgaadpramiagMttbanaghaeaataa aaat Kato bad taa^bt, uatU ^ folt almort —^mM with her work.

"I'm gbtd it in 't hi* vary bart oaa,* aaid Allia, aa (he riewad it critically.

Whea mamma brought tba j a^e t to tha room that ateaiag, AlUe for a toooiask daoet ia> grettedbarwo^

"Why. where ia the raat, BaO* aha iao^rad. " I find aoaa."

Bal took tbeiaeka^ bat WMaot aora aBoooH-

(h1 thaa hie mother. Hit , W a i b daaov

ared the a « t aiandiBg « « «ili i macb aaiprlaa

quired who had aaOeiiMMi Wr work.

"It^AlUa^ w o r k . " B a l . "Lookat bar!*

AW* bid her foca ia ber m'MWe lap.

••Aaat Kala taa«ht me i I waatwl to avprisa

you,** i Ih eTplajaed

"Yo« b^vaaarpriaal tm,' ngm bar nwthor.

aad tie ptaiaa beatoied epee kit weA eeie

waattotoB.bBtI*pMitlauaL i id tbapaatiytoaakayoathiakahadiditi k a t l % traly aorty, aunma. '

T t e m a m toU Miaaia that ^ kad kaawa ^ a ^ t It,bjU aha bad hoped that bar fiitla

a b S ^ h a S t t ^ totattharaU

^ ^ & , . a . « . b o w d i d y o . k . . w t t w a « t

"itooaaaa kitte m i d aavar bava W t a ^ o o a ia tba pm," r ^ e d a m v i . attiBai.-^fielSS.

cBs i s ncAB FsisioiTB.

11ioaaaadBe>fdollBra anvaMiMHk ^}hil|lnii tor preaaUB that eaa aarar ba tf aay t i iaa la tha racatvar aad ta aaaay aaaaatiw i m i p ^ oaly v a l a ^ b a t fuaiaaBy h»tfid>' tha W h day ofPaaaiabarha OuiaMktaMh 4a]r or aot, U i i oalahratad aa aaoh «b4 k a | l ypv rdMap-time for t i f t glviag,* bat « m U l i a S ^ m m ^ aaltahia ta the oeoutaa aat battw la aaaar tw . Mt to g t v t ^ of real va lm aad ^ k a p

weaM M e l t h e w t r a * T f l a i w i t b a t a i a ^ t i i a day a p a a v h M ^ ^ i i i a ^ i Oalyae#beallvw aMweteaal* ' ^ ^ thaa eoaid ba jM ta awvfcMto < nUgtoa* bookiJaataMk a i a n U _ . toV flgataa ^ th« BwdM Beak i b l a a i ^ H a i i ^ Wa haia ang^lnm allUla «hiU ta m i«Mi mmf^m Maid . 8 a a a a o ^ a a t a w , « r ferfileattil. T h o t o M f l i f to Aa a » « i y i «* aaUaaot lha booka lMWl at-lkai vhaai tkiy toa inato« « 1 0 * fHdatl to w aad WtwMl tfim* a bi;afc'fty ^

A a A m m t a n i a l h i i ^

' M S I

• i t t ^ * ^ MrnArnMim — I • • ^ H B S S B i s S S S i j r i S ISSStBSSS?'

. ^ 2 2 ? ! w r i u n . • s sLS i r j

— 1

• ^ I ^ ^ n o j o u c a t k m u J

-"Mr tte s ^ l e

^ ot putttM

workl^n wnTiSLr

— Si«w

• mUUOT hi ^ ' t L * «rt jOTk.-!^ ^ e to

«0», JuitlM b tike t-.i. nf mJliri^

The iP04t <}«|ieiii« oomiliiaiioa can j Mfely nanVDr. J H. Mcl^n'a Tirl Win* Lun? B«lm: itua mre remedy/ for cni(tl.i. \<m of Toic®, tad allj throe'tnd lun^difotna. '

Not One of t h T ^ ^

wmmm wm m nmm^ RBOUCEO TO ONLY 60 c W Uirllptii —* —^^^^ wnuT W Cc ""•"•"ii- XH Ukta InS • Wj* « an fcf


eu M i t o T S S A

Are you running ti>o rtwo^ <»Vw«thooI, one hand? Guppin, GW to-er-eee rou. d^xtoT^r-r n Mr. OW. ifr GUI i. i S :

l i m i n n i n U K i Q n . WmSI* hUiiSyi^K !? ^ n uid far j n ^ ^ r PRICE, SO CENTS.

III. b a p t i s t i y h i n t h e i m k r e d u c e d t o 76 ^ ^ ••.V BAA MM ^ . >

nr. u p t i s t i y m i l . w m u O T 10 a o o n r A u cwrAHTma

If m would h»Te • dwlnble bead of hair, QM Vejeubl. SWlUi.


14 THE B A P T I S T . wnr ANo mmooat.

oatBoi Ji to pnU down, iMted of U l d .

—Cm pHritaaata Hka m b ^ fa^oatiMirlMiidiL n tvawaQt lU i i a

—Sa koMB batnr caa oana M o fhk H -fthnnt ttiriMlin or Hiit.t»i.ii(-iag tbmmmtattloHtvamaha^tatm.

- f i o o a—n i n j u ) j b>a » tM to f « n or «iod«n; rtrt.

•nrkiaeaaqMtibiawJibgaodHM k

N « Honest, but Frwik.

MB BUBir h a m ia mn^IUiwl iUiHni •oi ipcini bk tttj^ thiar ImportHt; bat it to — i i w i i tiiat tbignteoU Bot ba iMaad Idlf.

—CMtaaiy «ark wffl te waOdoM ^ w h * * m r t * M i t o p i i t l a t o l L A Ugli nawd totteaanlMMkaot • ^ ^ M t O f IHililh bat tt «OBW

—fawDlathai aa Qm of lifa •binit oAr th«aait*w to oar ehole* ^ tnwiiwauMy to patmOng tbmm. aw tba gnatorit oHMi of aa our B B b i ^

tawiar (ITM UM ft^iow. ^aoeoimtof a brfcf, pcdnted. and we ^ oiMUfarfutoiT iBtorlew «ttb aa Aimb of J«bel Usuran:

"What broucfat jtm to tba nrior. whaa law m therer i aaked blin.

"Toitrip you," he eoolljr repliod. "Aad wby d a yoa not do It?" "Becaow Uahnud warn wUh yon.' "But why would yoa ptandar iiaf Wa

ara atnacen and not pernio." "Ittooor euftom." "And do yoo (trip^l t tnagtnr ' •aafc aU wa can g«t hold of." "And U OtBT raaUt. or are too strobs

far jroof

"fa U>e formar eaae we ahoot tbam taaa behlirf tree*; la the lattep. wama."

f® " " ^ ^ ^ of your triba Ure? do tb^aow or plant?"

« • araaot Wa«ei,"Mid b* with

aaeb diadaia. "What do yoo do tor a UrlueP" ~We kttpgomu. buot partridgai,aad





JTOB •VpE t t i an rESDEKTS .


FOB T E i C H E I t S .

••AroyoaaflthleTeal" -Ya, a l L "- « r Udgv. Azaaa v t e Ina ptmaOetd BtadieU*

tar M ] w a oogbt to k u v Mrit ^omtagar. BmiwlmAtmmrm. f i w z a F J G h m r A

« « - < haw bo8» to ttaiBtofUpmo-Uca of ardldaa fcr - " " ^ ^

A GATEWAY. By tha compUtioa of a a v bridne msnm Uw Miaimiil fiirar at Bate*

Kofanuka, tbo Barilaftoa JKoat« haa ntabllahod, for tlw •atira dlMaaea oTir Ita ova traok, « u w , dlrtct. Uca of ar4IalBa to aoat 40 " . . *

aad woalA w that ia an I Um from Bt Looi* to Kao-and -xparlaaw hav* a r w a M ^ | « > * City. 8» Jo aph. Atchlaoa aad

1 aaa HalFi ' E x p r m " - * tnndbyyoB. Sava pfaoeribed U . f • t « ) I > i M c u a •reai many tijBMa, Ua aCaei Ia| eoachaa ftoa fit LoaU to St.

O u J a from St. Lota. to W . B ^ t a k a U a a a o r t f a g t o d S ^ ^ Oty . TUeoaawjUoaa madaby Tama trnlr, " " " " ^ J t U a t n i a attkalUaaowi B l n r A

Wa will .ach that oao c a T d l r ^ ,

« id -cUoa . o T ^ > r. I SoBthWMt. aa ireU aa ail

-^laiSSKT A Co. Prop^ totodo. i-^ciflo coa.t poiaU. Thl. U ia adUl-


0 1





Tuun Uccati •Kh'vaTTmr

'A aaaildr )n«isai ^ t BniMliir Kboal watku eepy to oo* j m t , 7S oanti. nr* ot man oopio to one iddita.


" ' " W i .

' r iHpwSSuur ' " ^ ^tn^ttinraiibLia

UpMkicMOi an

eopr. W caaa J — ~ . _ I • ill •• miitj, ^ mnmn'—oic^w dw>, aw VBWW

Vv<W4aUCIaMaa4lNaUIy.-Xaatfal7. iBMckafM rHrtfiil*'' per Twt. abigteooptM, 15 oaau.

FOB H T B H M B O I A T E S f t A D B .

- - . . a r r a t r A B n U V . —TMUfB.'—abul* COPT.6 emk u aflnaad bi>w«5^ i s m eopr far t ^ T w M : « U^Sm r «

JESSt'^iF'T'"' !" '*^ •0B«W7 «na •MBl •KmtWr-TKMfSr-JSaal* faw. wmlMitto.saeaBtiptrjau. nraeaoiaorBcnto amiddiwmaatUjTMMBbi pa corr teoMTMr. a ^ S ^ t h l r T W ^ IW a ^ l S ^ j S ? ^

FOB P t t U I A B T fiBADK.

nmMK mom It8>-«T« MM a>r one qautar. 14 euU: wiTMa

aw HHu awo ia.WB. xsBit8»-«T«

loroMTwr. t lVAJOm.T'-naan .•-atncl«copT « eeau. In



G R A D E D SERIES. . v l ^ f l i ^ Gradad^r iaa of l««aoB Help* ara the fflo*t coaiplate of aar j ^ e d ia tha worid, aad ia doctria«l. Ifterary, pracUcal. and medSa.

leal excaneaoear* oaexeailed. ' "wmaa

lot •coompaaiod by eaab ia fteU

t n * ! ^ m S a U M i ^ ^ ' "Uov TO oaa oua GaAsan Lsaaoa Uukn . * aaat

A M E B C A N B A P T I S T P U B L I 0 A T ( O ! f S O O I B T Y .

ar. votim iM oa^m.;

b t d r an l iU . 73a.

In the CbrirtJaa m» ta Pwaptnaak Prompt.

qmr« a ^ njlBg any duty BOB la paffBt hUa daisy makca U a maSaa tt aaay; ». "w the dali^ tha eroaa. uvX tho ^ptnwa la alao baaiWr tha ermn. rrSw • m ^ ^ a c«a>gd7 tor idtntmH, alBk imnxi* ma at tiw ChrtsUaaa* wMt toaa. Ia ao plam la prottptBoMrw iMwdod than Id rsataltac tamplatioa, oalna w« Urmly wlthiAaad the tmptar at the Tary oolaat. wa ai* aiaiaat oar taia of dataat.


t » 6 AND VTAU. Ua Iruad tlohat agaala of tha Ea*t-

ara, yiaOia a-vt Weatara itataa wtU aall. ett any data, via tho BurUagtoa Roftta frvm CUea«o, ^iorla or Bt Loala, rauad-tripUakaUat low raU* to ti«a Frtasl «o, Loa Aaftlaa, Baa Dt««o, i'urtlaad, Taaoato. Baattta, Vaaeua w , «f Vlolorta; alao to D«i-wmr, Chaffluw. Col- n t e Sprt^ph or

for a apod I foldar gtviat full partlaalan of tli m weanioai . eaD 08 yaw locd liokot or mI> drora p. fr K c cm . Onfi PMa. u d

r m a ^ J ^ a B . * q . B.B.cusfc-go, m.

Do aat ovodook ika adTariiaaaaai • « a t J F a u n P Ibr tt iriU

Uoa to -Tha BorUogion'. Number Oaa" waU'kaovB aolSd reatibole Iraia betweea (%icact> aad Uaarer w»d Chayaaae, vUb which direct connccUon U made by.f U. & i.. u. B- tralD Irom J»eorl», uiil by w hich one can make the ron bet weon «.htc«. *o aad Oanver wUhout.belng more

one night on tha road For tickau TlaiJ^^urUngton'.Uouto anU for (pacU: c^uraion Wilder, call oh wy tlckat airaut of couneeUn(c|iinc«. g, addran l». h. Eo.itU. tien'! |'«m. uiAtiifkat A (aa^C . B. A g. U u ,Chlca«». 1«

—Wbid tha Bibin will be loooe'* will dapoada oa tha attllnda of hla KnU to. waid tha Book dlvina. U b« ballerea tttobolboWoTd of Cod. and daroutly raada aa< atodiaa It aa Mch. to will be to Uat the Book of books. If, on the olhar haad. ita b a eavUer or a nkepUe, 1M win aot b« charaod with Ute Dlble, aad »iU hardly rvadtt at alL TWe U a Tart dUTaraaca batwcfm ihwe two aW Utodaaoftho Bilad and h e a r t . T .

For tiMtiBatw and aaoralRte paina,

fob ia Or. <1. B . MeLaan'i VolcaBic

OtI Liaiamit, juu will ii*h »iifl-r |i>a«,

bat «iU bo intUAoJ with a •t'oady

wd eewtlTteM^

Hoed'i (temfMrilkt carta catarrh

by «tpaUiaf Uapority ftoai tho Mood,

«Ui l l k tlM cuMo f t ho eoapynt .

Q i n i t a l r a l .


— A M D —

C O M P A N Y ,

B O O T S & S H O E ,

3 9 0 M a . n S t r e e t ,


— A N D —

i i m i i s .

D r y ( j o o d s C a r p e t s a n d

U p h o l s t e r y .

C « r r y I l i e L a r g e s t s t o c k a t


MAMSIoril UttOXSB TVBKBYV. kiv^K klngnf^in^j,., •tuiattm rivatrrtlM 'a J?" »>« •»» • »»>•» bnewa l>»»»i.

tmieM ftsioi- iitthirr* iiifttun»«l win

E ?


eHoiettT rooBt in t h e w m u .

I . B . C . S T U I C O ]

C I I S I E D I I a A.M.wkMi. A.«.c

;iiiw)«,<» III .11 jij—


B S W A K B ^ i i F I H I T A T I O m 11



l i l u s t r a t e i f

WEEKLY S u p p l e n e M s

J kowa a aoM

"yea fcareaay extka ekow <w tronfaiaa. ^ ^ a a o r a i H m m

^ ^ Order i T a ^ ^

««•. s S S w ® . ^ , ? OklM-



wiMi • M u r tas te a a d soi

I r"r» 1| M aiwwMitc

"•til ft«rtia«it;.|

f^tii r Kaw

' uM m. —

U t t t o m a t l c V o h l c l o B n U t o .

r^' tfittn-jt^ tofim^rt ia aniH^

at MlPtty tiem tyfimt.

Aiy.fhk m «« Ik* MMTiiI tm bam la wA mUrng^

AiMOil lte iy P y r o . —rsr — _ _ _ ' ' warned ttrtMgb.Mi«gr«uattaU^

wiUrfr«hbutter. Ite oSIn

¥ i i I I Y

" • B E A D n r Cw

MoftlMtaRi.. TUtk«tMil fcrf fcitftilnv-ilfaMn JfcM—t

with » ^ ^ mot • Mf , faifflMxmtttejttlo.. hot dbh iHttt. • «mB B l M ^ ^ bottar.

BroOfld cTrtwt matnrvdfatlMHM BWUMT. MdmMUOM , it ViMidji. with m BJifkla. riiniMt irilk^ MdnUHdbrdOadoa • ftUicM. vltlob •hooU b* h e w i S tnrwdl "

If S M D Y O U (ttDERS

— l O l

. s .


ng-T b m txtMoa-lioa.

MTO only U>rc» Mluusdm ta lA!. cogauy. hot •*«« ||u«« Iui«,

U>a Wiltjr of UuioM baiM, wUt-woiiil. r» la the Bn>. Thtj Uk* to

U t» warm, hit thay can not fi Um Dm TlMilr diat

«ura>* vid Jntlj lUli,

' a w l T ' S f & S ' s K ' -btarklMl* cluiMktl »a4 Mto V

••• arm >t»wB W hr w K m



n w VMIUOOWf CABntT8,U.0TIi.



^ T l i r ^ e PeculiaritiM

ttwpnalteBlM. MdMir <

laflktv ««ent«anf I t t i

84: jlQS jiwdMs»(|H«|«rUw«n«Mai«4. '

ThsmnU Uemredwel wweleieiglk. mw^n fwo.irtmt fMH«MHft! • Mte»«»<l«iA»L tlMwlnwlHlfcwiWfM. McMrtlr H fcrnyirtB*, aai *n

U n k n o w n to Othert ' f as««'« sanwuuu it iic««m< vob ,

VWtMt (lou ud eatc, kgr C)Hai«pMi «l IfcllllUMKIWHiinnmiBM, »M*1tll» MdktMVWUqrolMttM —

mim<*t)mVM,«jttftt^ hniMh*. ar kMMT Mrf! «r kt^'Mrf IMr <— «MtA m tHwmHmi. O Mtfrt % tqr

Hood* * B a n m p a r l U a 'I r«eo*a»»d mwpiint tt

mj trtosdi u Uw UM Mgol pvttK m Mtth." «». (Unr. <n«Ai> niMMa. a -OixXNlBMuiivntotwtMMlawMlMnl.

ataw kOHC, and M vmMi «t gMi otttnrt.*.- CA-Awan. >BMM.IIfc A book eonutatas WMS aMKtatl Mai*.

aaau ol canw «ta »• a«Bt lo«a «te M n .

H o o d ' s Sarta|»aril|a ^^ •bMloraUdiaciMa. MiHatalt. aalr IV a aooD * GO. tovMti Mm ^

100 0 9 M f On* umuT ^

* • « noiHUS MAOACtXB

BALDWIN ^ ^ ^ o l o M U e Slid Botall Dealers I n ' B B

PIANOS and ORGANS rmi aia ^ or,..., ^

w . T . mi i l iBB , ^ ^ ^ ^





r u n n i l

Clean •!<• t|».

P a l ^ l lntiamin«tloB,l I^Hi the8or««,l tcatpr«a tii«|

tar TUK CUR*

te tMh xiMHi m'

l S 7 1-«:«aii Street,

s. i.

SVt-" ri . - t n; 1



' DJHJIG iliivw ftwK mii.i i.i.. », __ r

D Mdtaiaalt, tkt apattk iptte Itli tolkt - •NthwMttotlNhtifoai^ae B«N«,¥tulid w ^^th* bntkvof ttwriwlit 1 Urtwi M4ow o>tfw

moat igKMU* towM of Itaaili. ^PiuM tnii| j^^md agi*t«AiItlMdi tiWlil* |ud«iM.M4iA-nmj Htnm ot voud thtb mv ^^mAM ptnato.* HM«it«MiM B«c«m, w ^f^tburiim ofvttor.** It«M0M«f4MWite

• >h<w irtww Ptthhtt pwgit ItWf lowi. tnm WhoB «« might to IMS Om am* Ttlwbto hMNu. Itii BftUml tlMl^ muA UKmglitftil M i f fami ii«o|pt« III QNIIM inud Unhmci

tewtM wkif* Ik* U n iMMi M|m« ^iiais io^waa wdl t ^ i i i ^ »

,ll||| ......

adi. BMm* H <1 Um

•i^tUvatkiiMnf. «r it tiWedb^tiNetlll,

«»f004. •a4«UAii kwt mttW i!l»wpjiiia If tl« iatdlMtaal «r tW tnukmJoA Ik*

Umk* it M ifteti^ gljwMil rnkSnk im >Qi«HHM» fcotfc of <11

A* fmfftttim wiM. Xtal imleik^ vldai Mt ia«tnM ii wwtUm M4 fb^ WWT WUK^ill tb« tbttUMBt, flj* w

Ml BmKw m«d«wi«%b(pB|etnl«id Md fMi<»wv«grlag tnU for tM*

H* wpepana te wwpeeyiqi taviMigi^ U Bttii^ «M Mp^ tte pwvl* IUM« thiB( «»dauiM a««y vQcAiortnttbM fcod for i\pitMrtliQ««bt. TUiUMlarpnMUBfbMWw tte IKihMM* «r tb* Pc^twin dwwilw^B te ua o«r owa lkiiatt. «tlK

R l ^ a^Pf bnthm »V>Mov

iW^ iiML mpi.']

MtelcKt i^Mi iL I

bahi«i« Md vkM pttimk ^

«a ietetieeted «Cul toj

Om of te mtr Ink m ^ litflMiwilMn

ymrnrui, fefaa Uicr

•Ur. » Trff wwaw M>l»at Miy taw !»»• fM th» fnpMMImhMteiadMtPMiWi^ mmm, I^hmximtUWttiia^^ ' d t a ^ Um tbiMit vii Ui «E*et|y«|*«*llBUiU*|<l thi •MSI w li^t^^C
