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Qodesh Ministries: The Right Hand of the Gospel · Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) The medical...

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Qodesh Ministries: The Right Hand of the Gospel
Page 1: Qodesh Ministries: The Right Hand of the Gospel · Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) The medical definition of SAD is: symptoms of depression coinciding with seasons of shorter

Qodesh Ministries: The Right Hand

of the Gospel

Page 2: Qodesh Ministries: The Right Hand of the Gospel · Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) The medical definition of SAD is: symptoms of depression coinciding with seasons of shorter










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Genesis 2:17

Gives peace of mind.

Strengthens the immune system.

Reduces Stress

Increases Circulation.

Encourages a good nights sleep.

Psalms 18:30

Know that God has given every man a measure of faith (Rom. 12:3)

Trust builds as we study the Bible (Rom. 10:17)

Believe he Bible promises. Act on them (2 Peter 1:4)

Prayer and fasting increases faith (Matt. 17:19-21)


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Proverbs 3:5, 6

● Gives peace of mind

● Strengthens the immune system

● Reduces stress

● Increases circulation

● Encourages a good nights sleep


Psalm 18:30

● Know that God has given every man a measure of faith. Rom. 12:3

● Trust builds as we study the Bible. Rom. 10:17

● Believe Bible promises and Act on them. II Peter 1:4

● Prayer and fasting increases faith. Matt. 17:19-21

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"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding ...it shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones." Proverbs 3:5, 8

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If thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and will do that which is right in His sight, and will give ear to His commandment, and keep His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee." Exodus 15:26

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Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? (Jer 8:22 KJV)

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"Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments...which I command thee this day, to do them...and the Lord will take away all sickness and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt...upon thee." Deuteronomy 7:11, 15

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"Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospereth." 3 John 2

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"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 5:23

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Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, anger, fear, and resentment cause stress and wear down the body, resulting in a weakened immune system and poor health.

Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love, contentment, forgiveness, joy, and gratitude promote health and prolong life.

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In genuine saving faith, there is trust in God, through the belief in the great atoning sacrifice made by the Son of God on Calvary.

In Christ, the justified believer beholds his only hope and deliverer.

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Genesis 2:7

Purifies the blood.

Supplies our 100 trillion cells with needed oxygen

Produces and internal environment in which cancer and AIDS cannot survive.

Negative ions resist infection

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Plenty of fresh country air is best.

Breathe deeply (Stomach out when inhaling through the nose; stomach in when exhaling through the mouth).

Keep windows cracked all year round for good ventilation.


ApplicationTheraputic Value

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“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a

living soul.” (Gen 2:7 KJV)

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How Essential is Air for Us?

We can live without food for weeks

We can live without water for days

We can only live without air for


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When we breathe the air goes deep down into our lungs until it gets to these grape-like clusters called AVEOLI

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These little clusters are surrounded by tiny little blood vessels (capillaries). Blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs, and as the blood flows through the blood surrounding the Alveoli, the red blood cells pick-up oxygen.

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As the blood flows through the blood vessels surrounding the Alveoli, the red blood cells will pick up oxygen and they carry it to all the trillion cells in our body. And at the same time they will pick up carbon dioxide from those cells. (Carbon dioxide is a waste product when our body burns carbohydrates for fuel). The waste product is then taken back to the lungs where it is breathed out.

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The Benefits of Fresh Air Purifies the blood: If we don’t get enough fresh air we will

have blood that is full of carbon dioxide, which is acidic. Improves circulation of the blood: Our blood will not be so

sluggish Soothes the nerves: A lack of oxygen could give us feelings of

negativity, such as anger or depression. Stimulates the appetite/aids the digestion of food: Induces sound, refreshing sleep Aids the healing of wounds Reduces pain Improves mental function Strengthens the immune system

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To receive the benefits of fresh air, we have to obtain a certain type of air. It is an air that is actually electrified. It’s called Negatively Ionized Air. That is, it has a negative charge to it.

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Balancing the ionization may help to combat the ill feelings associated with stressful lifestyles, The world’s most tranquil and refreshing regions are loaded with billions of Negative ions. Atmospheres charged with negative ions relieve hay-fever and asthma symptoms, seasonal depression, fatigue and headaches. It's also been shown that negatively ionized atmospheres improve performance of voluntary movement, increase work capacity, sharpen mental functioning, and reduce error rates.

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Negatively ionized air is destroyed by: Re-circling air in buildings Tobacco smoke City smog Vehicle pollution Other pollutants

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Ways in which to get a good supply of oxygen

Exercise forces you to breathe deeply.

It also strengthens your lungs.

Stay away from tobacco smoke, it destroys the cilia

Not wearing tight clothes around the waist. Tight clothes restrict the diaphragm.

Eating a low fat diet

Get fresh air every day

Maintain a good posture: “...God hath made man upright…” (Ecclesiastics 7:29 KJV)

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So ultimately it affects our moral development which is our preparation for our heavenly home.

Deep breathing exercises

Lack of oxygen

Affects the brain

Affects discernment

Affects concentration

Affects us having a cheerful spirit

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Our breath is a gift from God

The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. (Job 33:4 KJV)

Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. (Jam 3:10 KJV)

Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. (Psa 150:6 KJV)

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Genesis 2:15

Strengthens heart, blood vessels and muscles.

Increases efficiency of lung and the number of blood cells.

Builds the immune system.

Promotes sound sleep.

Romans 1:17

Walking and outdoor labor are the best forms of exercise.

Strenuous Exercise immediately after a meal hinders digestion.

A short walk after a meal is beneficial.

Increase exercise gradually.

Never overdo it.

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And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it (Gen 2:15 KJV)

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, (Gen 3:19 KJV)

Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. (Gen 3:23 KJV)

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Walking 10,000 steps (5 miles), helps

circulate 156 gallons of blood Exercise

Strengthens the immune system

Strengthens the heart: lowers pulse. If you lower your pulse beat by just 5 beats, (your heart beat is usually 70 and it reduces to 65) that means your heart is going to beat 7,200 less times each day. Each year that is 2.6 million times your heart does not have to beat. And that means your heart is going to last longer.

Normalizes blood pressure

Improves blood circulation – transporting oxygen to the cells, and it actually creates more blood vessels in your body.

When our muscle fibers contract, they squeeze blood vessels. The blood vessels in our legs have little valves that only open one way. So when we take one step it will squeeze about 2 ounces of blood up toward our heart. The valves are closed and the blood does not flow backward

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Increases oxygen to the body Increases endurance Aids digestion Improves brain function Helps fight stress and depression Speeds recovery from surgery Slows aging Strengthens bones: When you are walking, jogging, gardening,

agriculture or doing some other form of manual labor it causes the piezoelectric current to run through our body. And this activity sends a signal to the bones that it needs to hang-on to its calcium because this person is doing something, he/she needs strong bones

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Genesis 1:16

Lowers resting heart rate and blood pressure. Increases oxygen content of the blood

Decreases blood cholesterol.

Increases white blood cells

Vitamin D is produced by the Sun

Matthew 13:43

Six square inches on the face or hands for about one hour daily.

Too much when on a high fat diet may lead to skin cancer

Don’t allow any trees too close to the house. They keep the sunlight out


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Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun (Ecc 11:7 KJV)

God created the light on the first day of the week and the sun on the fourth day of the week. Now this proves that God’s word does not depend upon a substance. His word alone creates the light and then the sun. It is the earth’s source of energy.

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Sunlight is important for good healthy bones

The sunlight helps to prevent degenerative bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

How does the sunlight help our bones when it is covered with skin and muscle etc?

The answer is actually in our skin.

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There is a certain type of cholesterol just beneath our skin, and when ultra-violet rays strike this cholesterol, it is converted into Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is extremely important for strong bones.


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SUNSET AT 3:30 pm

Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) The medical definition of SAD is: symptoms of depression

coinciding with seasons of shorter days and less sunlight. Much of the medical literature talks about the cause as being some sort of hormone imbalance. This is a distraction from the true cause of SAD, which is quite simply lack of exposure to natural sunlight. Or, put another way: sunlight on your skin. If you lack sufficient sunlight on your skin, you will suffer terrible health effects, including depression, osteoporosis, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and even schizophrenia. That's because the human body was designed to be exposed to sunlight on a frequent basis. Article published, July 28, 2004, by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor of NaturalNews.com

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Seeing the natural light of the sun helps the brain work better. No, not staring into the sun, but allowing the eyes to be exposed to natural outdoor light—contact lenses, eyeglasses, sunglasses and windows block the helpful sun rays.

The sun is important because it offers us vitamin D for free, and is the major source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects throughout the body. Vitamin D allows one to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system, helps prevents cancer, and is important for brain function. Yet, millions of people have insufficient levels of vitamin D, and rickets.

In addition to the healthy affect on your skin, sunlight also provides another positive benefit. The human eye contains photosensitive cells in its retina, with connections directly to the pituitary gland in the brain. Stimulation of these important cells comes from sunlight, in particular, the blue unseen spectrum.

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Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun (Ecc 11:7 KJV) 

When sunlight enters the eye it strikes the retina at the back of the eye and it changes solar energy to nerve energy, and this nerve energy will travel through the optic nerve into the brain and it will stimulate certain glands causing them to secrete certain chemicals such as:

Endorphins (gives a sense of well being)

Melatonin (gives a deeper, and more rejuvenating sleep at night)

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Additional Benefits

Lowers high blood pressure – an average of 8% (with exercise 15%)

Lowers the respiratory rate – which helps with slower, deeper breathing. The red blood cells will carry more oxygen.

Lowers resting heart rate – the heart will pump more blood with each beat. And allows the heart to rest more in between each beat.

Strengthens the immune system by increasing the activity of the white blood cells, therefore more active in fighting bacteria in cancer. Increases antibody production.

Fights against infection i.e. tuberculosis, fungal infections and bacteria. Even the common cold and flu. Therefore when ill, get sunlight and fresh air.

Improves blood circulation

Quicker and better healing of wounds

Helps with losing excess weight by increasing metabolism and energy levels.

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Promises of God

2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings... (Mal 4:2 KJV)


6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2Co 4:6 KJV)

Avoid sunburn which causes skin cancer and wrinkles.

Wearing protective clothing when in the garden/hat

Get outside even on cloudy days: 70% of ultra violet rays still get through

Let sunlight into your home. It is a cleansing agent

Eat a proper diet. Avoid a diet that is high in fat, especially saturated fat, will increase the risk of sunburn and skin cancer

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Genesis 2:2,3

Decreases muscle tension

Increases natural hormones which act as a tranquilizer

The body is repaired and revitalized

Wasted are taken to organs of elimination.

Individual is prepared for the next day’s duties

Psalms 27:14

7-8 hours ore about the best

Hours before midnight are the best. Deepest sleep occurs from 9pm-12pm

Have regular hours for sleep

The stomach should have all its work done so that it can rest

Rest is necessary for healing00


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Sleep is not only important for our physical health, but our spiritual and mental health. For without enough sleep you can suffer from:


Poor concentration

Poor judgment

Weakened immune system – loss of 3 hrs sleep cuts the effectiveness in half

Irritation and negative attitude

Trouble handling stress

“I know from the testimonies given me from time to time for brain workers that sleep is worth far more before than after midnight. Two hours 'good' sleep before twelve o'clock is worth more than four hours after twelve o'clock.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, pg 224

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EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A REGULAR CYCLE. Example below (Cycles will vary)

Half an hour before you go to sleep, the body begins to secrete certain chemicals to prepare you for sleeping.

Your heart rate decreases

Your respiratory rate will decrease

At 3am in the morning your body is at the lowest point

Around 4am your body secretes chemicals that will begin to wake you up, and increase your heart rate and respiratory rate

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Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure

Increases sleep efficiency

Strengthens the immune system

Helps deal with stress

Melatonin depends mostly on the light / dark cycle

Growth Hormone

Repairs wear and tear on the body

Improves memory

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Factors that inhibit the production of Melatonin


Caffeine – can cut melatonin in half for 6 hours

Alcohol – 41% reduction of melatonin


Many drugs: ibuprofen, anti-depressants, sleeping pills (sleep, but no rest) etc.

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What to do to get a good night sleep Be regular – Go to bed at the same time every evening Go to bed early – “Make it [a] habit not to sit up after nine

o'clock. Every light should be extinguished. This turning night into day is a wretched, health-destroying habit, and this reading much by brain workers, up to the sleeping hours, is very injurious to health. It calls the blood to the brain and then there is restlessness and wakefulness, and the precious sleep that should rest the body does not come when desired.” {DG 177.1}

Get as much sunlight in the day Get as much exercise in the day

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Don’t eat heavy meals late at night – it affects digestion and disturbs the sleep

Sleep in a dark room

Avoid excitement before going to bed – read the Bible and commune with God

Keep a window open (taking all things into consideration) – “Sleeping rooms should be so arranged as to have a free circulation of air day and night.” AH 148

2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. (Gen 2:2-3 KJV)

Cast your cares upon Jesus. “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1Pe 5:7 KJV)

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2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. (Gen 2:2-3 KJV)

Peace Be Still: “As Jesus rested by faith in the Father's care, so we are to rest in the care of our Savior. If the disciples had trusted in Him, they would have been kept in peace. Their fear in the time of danger revealed their unbelief. In their efforts to save themselves, they forgot Jesus; and it was only when, in despair of self-dependence, they turned to Him that He could give them help.” {DA 336.2}

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Genesis 2:10

Cleanses tissues

Aids circulatory system

Transport nutrients and wasted

Increases elimination of the mucous membrane of intestinal tract

Cleanses blood; Aids waste and repair

John 4:14

Drink lots of water

Drink 1 hour before meals and at least 1 hours after meals

Room temperature is the best

Cold water slows the emptying time of the digestive tract


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Benefits of drinking lots of water Increases physical endurance Reduces fatigue Aids weight loss by aiding kidneys Strengthens immune system: White blood

cells can move more freely Improves mental function Helps to maintain a positive attitude Lowers the risk of heart attack or stroke Lowers high blood pressure Relieves pain and inflammation Prevents diseases of all kinds Cleanses the body internally Quenches thirst

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Within a 24 hour period we lose:

7 cups of water for bathroom needs

2 cups of water through perspiration: more in hot climates etc.

1 cup of water through breathing: more if you talk a lot etc.

= 10 cups of water

We get about 4 cups of water through the food we eat, so we need at least 6 glasses of water to drink. More depending on circumstances:




Another formula: Divide body weight by half, that’s how many ounces of water we need each day. If someone weighs 126lbs, they should get 63oz water per day = 7-8 cups.

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Symptoms of dehydration







Thirst – do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water

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Do not eat and drink water at the same meal

Drink throughout the day

Do not drink cold water

Do not eat hot drinks

Drink one hour after meal

Do not drink tea, coffee, pop etc, only fruit drink

“And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of

life freely.” (Rev 22:17 KJV)

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Genesis 2:16, 17

Keeps the entire system in balance

Promotes a positive attitude and disposition Increases patience and self-control

Builds good blood

Keeps immune system strong

Ezekiel 44:23

Dispense with everything harmful. Moderation in things that are good

Regularity in daily schedule

Never overeat, overwork, over study, oversleep, or overdo anything!

Avoid all drugs, and harmful condiments, food, and drinks


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In order to preserve health, temperance in all things is necessary,--temperance in labor, temperance in eating and drinking. {RH, June 13, 1899 par. 9}

Many are so devoted to intemperance that they will not change their course of indulging in gluttony under any considerations. They would sooner sacrifice health, and die prematurely, than to restrain the intemperate appetite. And there are many who are ignorant of the relation their eating and drinking has to health. Could such be enlightened, they might have moral courage to deny the appetite, and eat more sparingly of that food alone which is healthful, and by their own course of action save themselves a great amount of suffering. {RH, June 13, 1899 par. 10}

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"And beside this," the apostle continues, "giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.“(2Pe 1:5-7 KJV)

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Those who would make men of honor, men of trust, men of fidelity, must begin to be faithful in the smallest matters, and they must begin at home. Everyone who would be perfect must mount this ladder of progress. Many have neglected to put their feet upon the first rounds of the ladder. They want to mount to the topmost rounds without the trouble of climbing, but the only sure way is to take the painstaking way of going up by gradual advance, round after round.

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More than our physical appetites, temperance deals with our minds and morals. Many believe trying everything once is practicing temperance—but many things are a sin to try even once, such as brain-destroying drugs or promiscuous sex. Practicing temperance rewards us with mental and moral vigour.


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Our culture is out of balance. For example, many eat until they can barely get up from the table. The adult stomach will comfortably accommodate only one quart of food and drink. Eat more than this, and it will stretch abnormally large. Blood supplying the needs of the body, especially the brain, will divert to the stomach for a prolonged period. This results in a sleepy feeling after a big meal. This also leads to becoming cranky, tired, or not able to think clearly. Temperance would prevent all this.

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For healthy living, we must abstain from everything God says is harmful, using what is beneficial only as far as God instructs. Ellen White pointed out that the Christian must practice temperance “in eating, in drinking, in dress, and in every phase of life.”

As Paul said, “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof” (Romans 13:14 KJV). This must be a “fruit of the Spirit” and we must seek God for it.

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Genesis 1:29

Provides the 100 Trillion cell with nutrients

Builds good blood

Vitamins and minerals keep vital processes and chemical functions in balance

Soluble and insoluble fibers help eliminate toxins from the system

Jeremiah 15:16

80% complex carbohydrates, 10% fats, 10%protein

Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables with every meal. Never eat fruits and vegetables at the same meal

Eat a variety of fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables

Thoroughly masticate your food


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The soul's supply of nutrition is in Jesus Christ. ST Dec 1894 , God’s Word Our Assurance

Our bodies are built up from the food we eat. There is a constant breaking down of the tissues of the body; every movement of every organ involves waste, and this waste is repaired from our food. Each organ of the body requires its share of nutrition. The brain must be supplied with its portion; the bones, muscles, and nerves demand theirs. It is a wonderful process that transforms the food into blood and uses this blood to build up the varied parts of the body; but this process is going on continually, supplying with life and strength each nerve, muscle, and tissue.

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The importance of training children to right dietetic habits can hardly be overestimated. The little ones need to learn that they eat to live, not live to eat. The training should begin with the infant in its mother's arms. The child should be given food only at regular intervals, and less frequently as it grows older. It should not be given sweets, or the food of older persons, which it is unable to digest. Care and regularity in the feeding of infants will not only promote health, and thus tend to make them quiet and sweet-tempered, but will lay the foundation of habits that will be a blessing to them in after years. {CG 379.1}

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Here in the Western world, we now have a whole generation that has been brought up on junk-food meals consisting of hamburgers, colas, candy bars, and fried foods. This diet has not only formed bad nutritional habits, but it has taken away the liking for natural foods, which are so essential to growth and healthy organs. Consequently, we are experiencing new diseases that are even prevalent among the very young.

Let us get this image out of our head that it is only big people that induldge and over-eat.

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10 Tips for Healthful Eating 1. Eat a variety of fruits, grains,

vegetables, legumes, seeds, and nuts 2. Avoid animal protein.* 3. Limit fat, sugar, and salt.* 4. Eat a good breakfast, a moderate

lunch, and a light supper. 5. Don't eat too late at night. 6. Don't eat between meals—allow five

hours between meals. 7. Eat at regular times.

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8. Watch your combination of food—don't mix fruit and vegetables. Do not have acid fruits such as berries, plums, or citrus with grain. Instead combine them with nuts and seeds for a complete meal that is easily digested.

Never combine fruit and vegetables at the same meal as the sugars in fruit will cause fermentation to happen. This rule does not include non-sweet fruits such as avocados, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Never eat large amounts of food at one meal, even of the best kind.

Avoid too much variety at any one meal. Three to four kinds of food is enough for one meal, and too much variety encourages overeating and causes a war in the stomach. It is important, however, to vary your meals from meal to meal.

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9. Avoid refined grains. There is a jingle that goes: "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead!"

Wheat is the key ingredient in the American diet. But after being milled, it is seldom utilized in its whole form with its components intact. Invariably, when we eat wheat, we get it in the form of bread, pies, cakes, cookies, biscuits, spaghetti, cream of wheat, cereals, and other forms that have been treated, heated, fractioned, and fragmented until it is next to impossible to recognize it for what it was originally.*

Bread has been called the "staff of life." But because most folks consume grain in its refined state, this staple contains virtually no nutritive properties and cannot support animal or human life. "Fortified" or “Enriched” grain products are also useless and deceptive.

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DEFINITION: A refined grain, or its product, is made by processing a natural, whole grain so that some or most of the nutrients are lost. Almost all grain products have been refined in some way or another.

White rice, white flour, cream of wheat, cookies, and bowls of snap-crackle-and-pop each morning are all examples of refined grain products.

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Why are Refined Grains Harmful?

Refined grains and their food products are substandard foods for several reasons:

1. They are excessively starchy.

2. They are practically devoid of natural fibre.

3. There can be up to approximately 25 different chemicals that are added to refined grains and breads products.

4. Grains are fumigated.

5. They are "enriched" with synthetic vitamins.

5. Bleaching chemicals are used.

6. Artificial colourings and flavourings are used.

7. They are nutritionally imbalanced.

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10. Choose foods that will build good blood. A strong blood circulatory system is vital to maintaining our good health.

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Tips for Nourishing the Blood 1. Add some berries – The Goji

berry, is a powerful food used for nourishing the Blood.

This and other dark berries are also beneficial, including blueberries and blackberries

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2. Blackstrap molasses – rich in iron and other minerals, taking about 1 tablespoon a day on a regular basis can help to give the blood a boost.

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3. Green protein – especially good for vegetarians and people who engage in a lot of physical activity, foods such as spirulina can be important additions to the diet when dealing with Blood Deficiency. Chlorophyll, the substance that gives these foods their green colour, has often been referred to as “plant haemoglobin” for its close resemblance in composition to blood. In addition, the protein provides the building blocks necessary for helping to rebuild and strengthen the blood.

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4. Easy on the exercise – although moderate exercise can be very beneficial for improving the blood circulation, too much may actually cause harm to the Blood. ...Overuse of the muscle & tendons, such as during vigorous and prolonged exercise, requires a large supply of blood, which can put a strain on a person's system if they are already Blood Deficient. In these situations, gentler forms of exercise and for a shorter duration may be more appropriate.

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Our bodies are built up from the food we eat. There is a constant breaking down of the tissues of the body; every movement of every organ involves waste, and this waste is repaired from our food. Each organ of the body requires its share of nutrition. The brain must be supplied with its portion; the bones, muscles, and nerves demand theirs. It is a wonderful process that transforms the food into blood and uses this blood to build up the varied parts of the body; but this process is going on continually, supplying with life and strength each nerve, muscle, and tissue. {CCh 221.1}

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I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Rom 12:1 KJV)
