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QP II BSc 2003

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  • 8/8/2019 QP II BSc 2003


    ofPages: 2J Code NOoRC-29912nd. B.Sc. NURSING (BASIC) :EXAMINATION OF NOVEMBER - 2003

    COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING - I - THEORY PAPER (Revised Scheme) (1998 - 99 Batch & Onwards)

    ime: 3 Hours] {Max. Marks: 80Your answer shall be specific to the questions a s ~ e d . Draw neat and labelled di.agrams wherever necessary

    Long Essays: (Answer any TWO) [2 x 10 = 20]1) List the package of services available in RCH Programme. Describe the

    roles and responsibilities of community health nurse in implementatingRCH programme.

    2) State the principles of home visit, explain the principles and steps ofhome visit in the context of family health nursing.

    3) Discuss the health aspects of family planning. Describe the role ofCommunity health Nurse in Family Welfare Service .I S ' ; ; t ~ N : D. R. K. I

    II. Short Essays: (Answer any EIGHT) ,Col lage of NtliS{1gX 5j=40]:4) What are the objectives and activities o f p o s t x . u ; a F c - I D ; ; e ' ~ ~ : : y } ' r t5) What are the healthtasks of the family?/! ....... 'h"." ff

    ~ . ' . . . :;6) Why isthe family considered as a unit(Qf Cotnmunity H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sefivice?"~ ~ ; ; . ~ - - : : : " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " . , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . 1 ~ 7) Explain the components of Nursing process. 8) State the p r i n c i p l ~ s of family health care. 9) State the criteria of Mental health. 10) Importance of sex-education in health. 11) Importance menstrual hygiene and its maintenance. 12) Family Coping Index. 13) Advantages of Breast feeding.

    P . T . O ~

  • 8/8/2019 QP II BSc 2003


  • 8/8/2019 QP II BSc 2003



    PHARMACOLOGY(Revised Scheme)

    Time : Three Hours Maximum : 80 Marks Your answers shall be spedfic to the question asked. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessanJ.

    I. Long Essays. Answer any two questions :1 Write about five routes of administration of drugs with two examples of drugs for eachroute.2 Write about five antiseptic and disinfectant preparations commonly used.3 Write about five therapeutic actions of ardenal c

  • 8/8/2019 QP II BSc 2003


    Total No. ofPages: 2J Code No.RC-29902nd. B.Sc. NURSING (BASIC) EXAMINATION OF NOVEMBER - 2003

    MEDICAL Sl]RGICAL NURSING - I THEORY PAPER (Revised Scheme) (1998 - 99 Batch & Onwards)

    Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80Your answer shall be specific to the questions asked.Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary

    I. Lon: Essays: (Answer any two) [2 x 10 = 20] .1) Mrs. Ratnamma 65 years, is admitted for Colostomy

    a) List the indications for Colostomy.b) What are the types of Colostomy. c) Discuss the nursing management of a patient after Colostomy.

    2) Mrs. Radha 60 years, is admitted with fracture of head of femur..a) What are the signs and symptoms.

    b) Explain the management of Mrs. Radha skin traction. c) What health education you w{)uld plan for her. .

    3) Mr. Ganesh 50 years, is admitted for r ~ ' sisIf ;r. .a) List the p o s s i b l ~ c a ~ s e s of Chro .c ~ ~ . ) l a i f ~ : /:;. kb) What are complIcatIOns of Ha. dlalY,SlS. Ot Iv ,, ' \;Utc) Prepare a care plan for Mr. G f ) ~ ~ . ~ ' .(, ";.'?y"lng /J! ~ . . . . . . . . . /ll . Short Essavs: (Answer any eight) f.. ~ ~ ~ . . . . : . " ..... "", /{S x 5 =40]

    4) Stages of wound healing. . . . . . . '{5) Insulin therapy. 6) Medical management of Peptic ulcer. 7) Osteoporosis. 8) Radiation protection standards. 9) Buerger's diseases.


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    10) Hydrocoelectomy. 11) Types of Cholecystectomy.. . 12) Nonpharmacological meqsuresof Hypertension. 13) ,Management of patient in Recovery room.

    III. Short Answers: [10 x 2 = 20]14) Rule of nine.15) Dumping syndrome.16) Prevention of hepatitis

    I , 17) Purpura. 18) Cystometrogram. 19) Chvostek's sign. 20) Von Willebrand's disease. 21) PAP smear. 22) Ostomy feeding. 23) Achalasia.

    RC2990 -2

  • 8/8/2019 QP II BSc 2003


    Total No. ofPages: 21 Code No.RC29922nd. B.Sc. NURSING (BASIC) EXAMINATION OF NOVEMBER - 2003

    GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT l' THEORY PAPER (Revised Scheme) (1998 - 99 Batch & Onwards)

    Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80 Your answer shall be specific to the questions asked.Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary

    I. Long Essays: (Answer any TWO) [2 x 10 =20]1) Explain the Developmental stages of Fetus.2) Describe the Growth and Development of a school age child.OM ....&.- $C$f .Srnt. N.D.R.K. I3) Explain old age is the golden age. Collage cf jJursinQI

    ; . -; ,r;'{Y[8 x 5 ~ 4 0 ]II. Short Essays: (A.nswer any EIGHT) ;If4) Normal signs and symptoms of pregnanfy;.. ,. ",".::: .. ,, .... .... i5) Assessment of newborn. . L 7 . . ~ ; - ' - - ~ ~ ~ . ~ : ~ . ' " ..:.......:..:.J 6) Adjustment of newborn to extra uterine life.7) Needs of Elderly.8) Anticipatory Guidance & Discipline of schoolage child.9) Health promotion ()f preschooler.10) . Behavioral characteristics of Toddler.

    _ . _ l l } m ~ M a r i t a J c o u n s e 1 l i n ~ _ ~ . _ ~ ...._ ....._._ .___ .....__...__....___...12) Factors influencing food habits.13) Diet plan for a pregnant woman.14) Sources, requirements and deficiency of vitamin 'C'.


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    j , ~ .. '

    I n ~ ShortAnswers: [10 x 2 =20]15) Morning sickness.16) Moro i e f l e x ~ 17) Vitamin E.18). Balanced Diet.19) Juvenile Delinquency. II20} Soft diet. 21) Malnutrition. i .. 22) Macronutrients. I 23) Zygote.

    , 24) I i n m i m i z a t i o n ~ I


    RC-2992 -2;.

  • 8/8/2019 QP II BSc 2003


    Total No. ofPages: 2] Code No.RC-29892nd. B.Sc. NURSING (BASIC) EXAMINATION OF NOVEMBER - 2003

    PHARMACOLOGY - THEORY PAPER (Revised Scheme) (1998 - 99 Batch & Onwards)

    Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80~ o u r answer shall be specific to the questions asked.Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary

    I. Long Essays: (Answer any two) [2 x 10 = 20]1). Classify non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs with examples. Mention

    the therapeutic uses and adverse effects of aspirin.2) List the :mechanism of action of chemotherapeutiC agents, giving two

    examples of each.3) . Enumerate the different sources of drugs with one example each.

    II. Short Essays: (Answer any eight) [8 x 5 =40]4) Management of hypoglycaemie coma.5) Rectal route of drug administration.6) Vaccines given at birth.7) Antiseptics and disinfectants. .8) Outline the general principles in management of drug poisoning.

    9) Mannitol.10) Mebendazole.11) Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Metronidazole.12) Therapeutic uses and contra-indications of morphine.13) Calculate the amount of ingredients to make 3 litres of 5% dextrose in

    normal saline.


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    III. Short Answers: (Mention Two Uses And Two Common Side effects of thefollowing drugs). [10 x 2 =20]14) Tetracycline.15) . Diazepam.16) AIIlpicillin17) RoxithroIIlycin.18) AIIlitriptyline.19) CotriIIloxazole.20) Ceftriaxone.21) CarbiIIlazole.22) Rifampicin. 23) Methotrexate.

    RC-2989 -2
