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08/23/20 Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences | University of Glasgow Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences View Online 395 items Information technology and the web (6 items) The use of computers as a research tool, for presentation and for information retrieval, is integral to the work of this course. The Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences Moodle website provides an interactive on-line learning environment which allows you to contact staff and other students. This site has valuable information for this course, including a copy of this guide, notes, and overheads relating to lectures, workshops and project work. University of Glasgow Library - Subjects & Support Webpage | The University Library can provide you with information on how to find literature for your research subject, and on information skills. Virtual Training Suite - Social research methods Webpage | Here you can access an online tutorial to develop your internet research skills. Online Resources (3 items) Listed here are various online resources that you may also find useful: Social Research Updates Website | Brief summaries addressing different research issues and methods. ESRC National Centre for Research Methods Website | The ESRC National Centre for Research Methods website includes links to various resources including videos and podcasts on specific topics, some of which are referred to on the reading list. NCRM Online learning resources Webpage | The ESRC National Centre for Research Methods website also provides a useful series of ‘Toolkits’ on specific topics, via the Realities programme. Journals (9 items) For useful articles on research methods the following journals are available online or via the library. Other journals also have methodological articles, and the reading list includes examples from various journals. 1/31
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Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences View Online

395 items

Information technology and the web (6 items)

The use of computers as a research tool, for presentation and for information retrieval, isintegral to the work of this course.


The Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences Moodle website provides an interactiveon-line learning environment which allows you to contact staff and other students. Thissite has valuable information for this course, including a copy of this guide, notes, andoverheads relating to lectures, workshops and project work. 

University of Glasgow Library - Subjects & SupportWebpage | The University Library can provide you with information on how to find

literature for your research subject, and on information skills.

Virtual Training Suite - Social research methodsWebpage | Here you can access an online tutorial to develop your internet research


Online Resources (3 items)Listed here are various online resources that you may also find useful:

Social Research UpdatesWebsite | Brief summaries addressing different research issues and methods.

ESRC National Centre for Research MethodsWebsite | The ESRC National Centre for Research Methods website includes links to

various resources including videos and podcasts on specific topics, some of which arereferred to on the reading list.

NCRM Online learning resourcesWebpage | The ESRC National Centre for Research Methods website also provides a

useful series of ‘Toolkits’ on specific topics, via the Realities programme.

Journals (9 items)For useful articles on research methods the following journals are available online or viathe library. Other journals also have methodological articles, and the reading list includesexamples from various journals.


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Qualitative research: QR. - c2001-Journal | articles on the methodological diversity and multi-disciplinary focus of

qualitative research across various disciplines.

Methodological InnovationsJournal | articles on research methods and methodology from all social science

disciplines. Previous issues have featured papers on a wide range of social scienceresearch methods and methodologies with papers from both leading methodologists andalso from many early career researchers.

International journal of social research methodologyJournal | provides a mix of academic and theoretically-slanted methodological articles,

including articles relating to research practice in professional and service settings,addressing researchers within academic and other research organizations as well aspractitioner-researchers in the field.

Qualitative inquiryJournal | provides an interdisciplinary forum for qualitative methodology and related

issues in the human sciences, with a focus on methodological issues raised by qualitativeresearch rather than the content or results of the research.

Journal of mixed methods research - ©2007-Journal | an interdisciplinary, international publication that focuses on empirical,

methodological, and theoretical articles about mixed methods research across the social,behavioural, health, and human sciences.

Methodology: European journal of research methods for the behavioral & social sciences -European Association of Methodology, 2005-

Journal | Methodology is the official organ of the European Association of Methodology(EAM: www.eam-online.org), for methodologists working in different areas of the social andbehavioural sciences. The journal provides a platform for interdisciplinary exchange ofmethodological research and applications in the different fields.

Qualitative sociologyJournal | Features theoretical essays, fieldwork studies, discussions of the philosophy of

social science.

Ethnography - c2000-Journal | an interdisciplinary forum for the ethnographic study of social and cultural


International journal of qualitative methods - International Institute for QualitativeMethodology

Journal | aims to advance the development of qualitative methods, and to disseminatemethodological knowledge to the broadest possible community of academics, students,and professionals who undertake qualitative research.

Ethics (7 items)

Empirical research involving human respondents raises important ethical issues, which allresearchers must consider. The University requires that all research involving human


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participants or human data or material is subject to formal ethical review. This means thatif your dissertation research involves gathering empirical data with human subjects, youcannot commence research until ethical approval has been granted.  Details of the Collegeethics review process can be found on the College web-page. 



For the purposes of this assessment, however, you do not have to submit the ethics formsfor review prior to conducting the interview. You will nevertheless be required to completean ethics form, with all of the accompanying information and consent documentation. Ethics forms for the interview project will be reviewed and assessed as part of the overallmark for the project. Sample templates of the information and consent forms are availableonline.


You should also familiarise yourself with the relevant ethical guidelines for your subjectarea, or have a look at the Economic and Social Research Council Guidelines:

British Sociological Association Statement of Ethical PracticeWebpage

British Society of Criminology Code of Ethics for Researchers in the Field of CriminologyDocument

Association of Social Anthropologists Ethical Guidelines for Good Research PracticeWebpage

Social Policy Association Guidelines on Research EthicsDocument

Political Studies Association Guidelines for Good Professional ConductDocument

Economic and Social Research Council Framework for Research EthicsWebpage

Referencing (2 items)Useful outlines of the Harvard system can be found in:

Good essay writing: a social sciences guide - Peter Redman, Wendy Maples, OpenUniversity, 2011


The good study guide - Andrew Northedge, Open University, 2005Book


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We strongly recommend the following book as a key text for this course. However, thereare multiple copies in the library (earlier editions will also be suitable). You will also find ita very useful source book for your dissertation research:

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Suggested for Student Purchase

Several other useful textbooks are listed below.  Amongst these are books that may be ofmore use to those studying specific subject areas, identifiable from the title. Specificchapters from these textbooks are also identified in the topic-specific reading list.  This listalso includes suggested textbooks on dissertations and research projects.

Understanding research for social policy and practice: themes, methods and approaches -Saul Becker, Alan Bryman, Harry Ferguson, Rebecca Swift, c2012


Doing your research project: a guide for first-time researchers - Judith Bell, Stephen Waters, 2014


Dissertations and project reports: a step by step guide - Stella Cottrell, c2014Book

The SAGE handbook of qualitative research - Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, c2011Book

An introduction to qualitative research - Uwe Flick, c2014Book

Introducing research methodology: a beginner's guide to doing a research project - UweFlick, 2011


Research methods in the social sciences - Chava Frankfort-Nachmias, David Nachmias,2000


Doing research in the real world - David E. Gray, 2014Book

Political research: an introduction - Lisa Harrison, 2001Book

The practice of qualitative research - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy, c2011Book

Theory and methods in political science - David Marsh, Gerry Stoker, 2010Book

Research methods in politics: a practical guide - Roger Pierce, 2008


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Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - JaneRitchie, 2014


Real world research: a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings -Colin Robson, Kieran McCartan, 2016


Qualitative research practice - Clive Seale, 2007,c2004Book

How to do your research project: a guide for students in education and applied socialsciences - Gary Thomas, 2009


Your dissertation in education - Nicholas Walliman, Scott Buckler, Nicholas Walliman, 2008Book

Tricks of the trade: how to think about your research while you're doing it - Howard SaulBecker, c1998

Book | An enjoyable text that gives a good feel for the research process.

Below you will find topic specific readings (recommended*).  You will be expected to do therequired lecture/workshop readings. With the assessed work, the best answers will show awider awareness of the issues under discussion across this course, drawing on both lecturereadings and recommended readings.  The additional readings provide further material forthose who wish to pursue a particular topic in more depth, and the reading list has beendesigned as a resource that may be useful for your dissertations. Books on the reading listare available in either the Adam Smith Library or the Glasgow University Library (highdemand).  If you are experiencing any difficulties accessing readings or wish furtherguidance, please contact the Course Convenor.

1. Introduction to the course: Theoretical perspectives on qualitativeresearch (30 items)

Lecture Reading (1 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapter 2 'Social Research Strategies'.

Additional Reading (29 items)

Feminist epistemologies - Linda Alcoff, Elizabeth Potter, 1993Book | See: Chapter 1

A debate about our canon - P. Atkinson, A. Coffey, S. Delamont, 2001-04-01Article | Recommended | * Recommended.


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Tricks of the trade: how to think about your research while you're doing it - Howard SaulBecker, c1998

Book | Recommended | * Recommended. See Chapter 2.

Understanding research for social policy and practice: themes, methods and approaches -Saul Becker, Alan Bryman, 2004

Book | See: Chapters 1 and 2.

Philosophy of social science: the philosophical foundations of social thought - Ted Benton,Ian Craib, c2001


The social construction of reality: a treatise in the sociology of knowledge - Peter L. Berger,Thomas Luckmann, 1966


Social science and social policy - Martin Bulmer, 1986Book | See: Chapter 1.

The research act in sociology: a theoretical introduction to sociological methods - NormanK. Denzin, 1970


Sociological research methods in context - Fiona Devine, Sue Heath, 1999Book

Researching social life - 2016Book

Social research: philosophy, politics and practice - Martyn Hammersley, Open University,1993


More Than Method?: A Discussion of Paradigm Differences Within Mixed Methods Research- G. Sommer Harrits, 2011-04-01


The practice of qualitative research - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy, c2011Book | Recommended | * Recommended. See Chapters 1 and 2.

The philosophy of social science: an introduction - Martin Hollis, 1994Book | See: Chapters 1 and 2.

The philosophy of social research - John A. Hughes, W. W. Sharrock, 1997Book

It’s Your World, I’m Just Trying to Explain It: Understanding Our Epistemological andMethodological Challenges - Gloria Ladson-Billings, 2003-2-1


The Importance of Qualitative Research for Causal Explanation in Education - J. A. Maxwell,2012-10-01


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Social research: issues, methods and process - Tim May, 2011Book | * Recommended. See Chapters 1 and 2.

Knowing the social world - Tim May, Malcolm Williams, 1998Book

Experiments in knowing: gender and method in the social sciences - Ann Oakley, 2000Book | See: 'Paradigm Wars'.

Philosophy, science, and social inquiry: contemporary methodological controversies insocial science and related applied fields of research - D.C. Phillips, 1987


Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - JaneRitchie, Jane Lewis, 2003

Book | * Recommended. See Chapter 1.

Social research - S. Sarantakos, 2005Book | See: Chapter 1.

The history and philosophy of social science - Scott Gordon, 1991Book

Social research methods: a reader - Clive Seale, 2004Book | See: Chapter 2.

Qualitative research: issues of theory, method and practice - David Silverman, c2011Book | Recommended | * Recommended. See Chapter 1.

Understanding social science: a philosophical introduction to the social sciences - RogerTrigg, 2001


Introduction to the philosophy of social research - Malcolm Williams, Tim May, 1996Book | See: Chapters 3 and 6.

The sociological imagination - C. Wright Mills, 2000Book | See: Chapter 1 and Appendix.

2. Validity and reliability in qualitative research (22 items)

Lecture Reading (1 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapters 17 and 18.

Additional Reading (21 items)


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Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials - Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln,c1998

Book | See: Altheide, D., and Johnson, J. M. C. (1998) ‘Criteria for assessing interpretivevalidity in qualitative research’.

The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects - Martyn Denscombe,2010

Book | See: Chapter 14, pp: 297-304.

The elephant in the living room: or extending the conversation about the politics ofevidence - N. K. Denzin, 2009-04-01


Sampling and choosing cases in qualitative research: a realist approach - Nick Emmel,2013


An introduction to qualitative research - Uwe Flick, c2014Book | See: Chapter 29.

Standards of Evidence in Qualitative Research: An Incitement to Discourse - MelissaFreeman, Kathleen de Marrais, Judith Preissle, Kathryn Roulston, Elizabeth A. St. Pierre,2007


Researching social life - G. Nigel Gilbert, 2008Book | Recommended | * Recommended. See Chapter 2.

Fourth generation evaluation - Egon G. Guba, Yvonna S. Lincoln, c1989Book

Methodological Practicalities in Analytical Generalization - B. Halkier, 2011-11-01Article

The SAGE handbook of social research methods - Pertti Alasuutari, Leonard Bickman, JuliaBrannen, 2008

Book | See: Hammersley, M. (2008) ‘Assessing Validity in Social Research’.

Taking sides in social research: essays on partisanship and bias - Martyn Hammersley,MyiLibrary, 2000


Emerging Criteria for Quality in Qualitative and Interpretive Research - Y. S. Lincoln,1995-09-01


Qualitative researching - Jennifer Mason, c2002Book | * Recommended. See Chapters 7 and 9.

Verification Strategies for Establishing Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research -Janice M. Morse, 2008



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Qualitative research & evaluation methods - Michael Quinn Patton, Michael Quinn Patton,c2002


The quality of qualitative research - Clive Seale, 1999Book

Quality in Qualitative Research - C. Seale, 1999-12-01Article

Interpreting qualitative data: methods for analyzing talk, text, and interaction - DavidSilverman, c2006

Book | See: Chapter 8

Qualitative research practice - Clive Seale, 2007,c2004Book | * Recommended. See: Part 5 ‘Quality and Credibility’.

Interpretivism and Generalisation - Malcolm Williams, 2000Article

Qualitative research: theory, method and practice - David Silverman, 2004Book | See: Chapters 7, 9, 14 and 15.

3. Ethical and political issues (55 items)

Lecture Reading (2 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapter 6

Introduction to the Special Issue: Research Ethics in Challenging Contexts - Rose Wiles,Janet Boddy, 2013-08

Article | Essential

Additional Reading (53 items)

Doing feminist research in political and social science - Brooke A. Ackerly, Jacqui True,2010


Feminist epistemologies - Linda Alcoff, Elizabeth Potter, 1993Book | Recommended | * Recommended. See Chapter 1.

Qualitative research practice - Clive Seale, 2007,c2004Book | Recommended | * Recommended. See: Back, L. (2007) ‘Politics, Research And


Empowerment and social research: Some comments - Kum-Kum Bhavnani, 1988Article


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Subjectivity and Reflexivity: An Introduction - Franz Breuer, Katja Mruck, Wolff-MichaelRoth, 2002


Researching social life - G. Nigel Gilbert, 2008Book | See: Bulmer, M. (2008) ‘The Ethics of Social Research’.

Researching Girls and Violence. Facing the Dilemmas of Fieldwork - M. J. Burman, S.Batchelor, J. A. Brown, 2001-6-1


Research methods in politics - Peter Burnham, 2008Book | See: Chapter 11.

Fieldwork, participation and practice: ethics and dilemmas in qualitative research -Marlene de Laine, 2000


Fieldwork dilemmas: anthropologists in postsocialist states - Hermine G. De Soto, NoraDudwick, c2000


Doing sensitive research: what challenges do qualitative researchers face? - V.Dickson-Swift, E. L. James, S. Kippen, P. Liamputtong, 2007-08-01


Research methods in the social sciences - Chava Frankfort-Nachmias, David Nachmias,2000

Book | See: Chapter 4.

“Who wears the trousers?” - Gill Green, Rosaline S. Barbour, Marina Barnard, JennyKitzinger, 1993-11


Intersections of Sex and Power in Research on Prostitution: A Female ResearcherInterviewing Male Heterosexual Clients - Sabine Grenz, 2005-06


Ethics, Reflexivity, and “Ethically Important Moments” in Research - Marilys Guillemin,Lynn Gillam, 2004-04-01


Social research: philosophy, politics and practice - Martyn Hammersley, 1993Book | See: Chapters 13 & 14.

Taking sides in social research: essays on partisanship and bias - Martyn Hammersley,2000


The politics of social research - Martyn Hammersley, 1995Book


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Feminism and methodology: social science issues - Sandra G. Harding, c1987Book

Introduction: Ethics, reflexivity and voice - Rosanna Hertz, 1996-3Article | NB introduction to Special Issue, other articles may be of interest.

The practice of qualitative research - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy, c2011Book | See: Chapter 4.

Feminist perspectives on social research - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Michelle L. Yaiser,2004


Black feminist thought: knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment -Patricia Hill Collins, 2000

Book | See: Chapter 11.

Critical issues in social research: power and prejudice - Suzanne Hood, Berry Mayall, SandyOliver, 1999


Unwilling Participant Observation among Russian Siloviki and the Good-Enough FieldResearcher - Janet Elise Johnson, 2009

Article | Recommended | * Recommended.

Ethics and values in applied social research - Allan J. Kimmel, c1988Book

Friendship, Friendliness, and Feminist Fieldwork - Gesa E. Kirsch, 2005-06Article

Fieldwork, participation and practice: ethics and dilemmas in qualitative research -Marlene de Laine, 2000

Book | Recommended | * Recommended. See: Chapter 1.

Interviewing men: Vulnerabilities and dilemmas - Deborah Lee, 1997-7Article

Doing research on sensitive topics - Raymond M. Lee, 1993Book

Danger in the field: risk and ethics in social research - Geraldine Lee-Treweek, StephanieLinkogle, 2000


Feminist research in theory and practice - Gayle Letherby, 2003Book

Dialogue Across the Divides: `Moments of Rapport' and Power in Feminist Research withAnti-Feminist Women - D. Luff, 1999-11-01



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Social research: issues, methods and process - Tim May, Dawson Books, 2011Book | Recommended | * Recommended. See: Chapter 3.

Ethics in qualitative research - Tina Miller, c2012Book | * Recommended.

Researching women's lives from a feminist perspective - Mary Maynard, June Purvis, c1994Book

Space, gender, knowlege: feminist readings - Linda McDowell, Joanne P. Sharp, 1997Book | See: Section two.

Decentering the center: philosophy for a multicultural, postcolonial, and feminist world -Uma Narayan, Sandra G. Harding, 2000


Doing feminist research - Helen Roberts, 1981Book | Recommended | *Recommended. See: Oakley, A. ‘Interviewing women: a

contradiction in terms’.

Paradigm wars: Some thoughts on a personal and public trajectory - Ann Oakley, 1999-01Article

Experiments in knowing: gender and method in the social sciences - Ann Oakley, 2000Book | See: Chapter 1.

Documents of life: 2: An invitation to critical humanism - Kenneth Plummer, 2001Book | See: Chapter 10.

Negotiating Power and Narrative in Research: Implications for Feminist Methodology - LoisPresser, 2005-06


Feminist methodology: challenges and choices - Caroline Ramazanoglu, Janet Holland,2002


Feminist methods in social research - Shulamit Reinharz, Lynn Davidman, 1992Book

Feminist dilemmas in qualitative research: public knowledge and private lives - JaneRibbens, Rosalind Edwards, 1998


Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - JaneRitchie, Jane Lewis, 2003

Book | See: pp. 66-71.

Doing feminist research - Helen Roberts, 1981Book

Real world research: a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings -


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Colin Robson, 2011Book | See: Chapter 9.

Secrecy and silence in the research process: feminist reflections - Róisín Ryan-Flood,Rosalind Gill, 2010


Feminist praxis: research, theory and epistemology in feminist sociology - Liz Stanley,1990


Informed Consent and the Research Process: Following Rules or Striking Balances? - RoseWiles, Graham Crow, Vikki Charles, Sue Heath, 2007

Article | *Recommended.

Anonymity and Confidentiality - NCRM Working Paper - Rose Wiles, Graham Crow, SueHeath, Vikki Charles, 2006


4. Interviewing (39 items)

Lecture Reading (2 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapter 20.

Optional extra (1 items)Have a look at the following video presentation by Janet Holland on ‘What is QualitativeInterviewing’, one of a series of filmed talks from the 2014 ESRC Research MethodsFestival:

What is qualitative interviewing by Professor Janet HollandAudio-visual document | Recommended

Additional Reading (37 items)

Interviewing for social scientists: an introductory resource with examples - Hilary Arksey,Peter Knight, 1999

Book | See: Chapter 3.

The life story interview - Robert Atkinson, c1998Book

Broken devices and new opportunities: re-imagining the tools of qualitative research -NCRM Working Paper - Les Back, 2010



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How many qualitative interviews is enough - NCRM Discussion paper - Sarah Elsie Baker,Rosalind Edwards, 2012


Understanding research for social policy and practice: themes, methods and approaches -Saul Becker, Alan Bryman, 2004

Book | See: Chapter 5.

Inviting intimacy: The interview as therapeutic opportunity - Maxine Birch, Tina Miller,2000-01


What Makes Men Talk About Health? - Sally Brown, 2001-07Article

Research methods in politics - Peter Burnham, 2008Book | See: Chapter 9 - Elite Interviewing.

The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects - Martyn Denscombe,2010

Book | See: Chapter 10.

The SAGE handbook of social research methods - Pertti Alasuutari, Leonard Bickman, JuliaBrannen, 2008

Book | See: Doucet, A. and Mauthner, N. (2008) ‘Qualitative Interviewing and FeministResearch’.

Interviewing - Nigel Fielding, 2003Book

Researching social life - G. Nigel Gilbert, 2008Book | *Recommended. See: Fielding, N. and Thomas, H. (2008) ‘Qualitative


An introduction to qualitative research - Uwe Flick, c2014Book | See: Chapter 16.

Researching social life - 2016Book | See: Chapters 8, 13

The Sage handbook of interview research: the complexity of the craft - Jaber F. Gubrium,2012


The practice of qualitative research - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy, c2011Book | * Recommended. See: Chapter 5

The active interview - James A. Holstein, Jaber F. Gubrium, c1995Book

Interviews: an introduction to qualitative research interviewing - Steinar Kvale, c1996Book


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Interviews: learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing - Svend Brinkmann,Steinar Kvale, 2015

Book | *Recommended

Asking Questions: Techniques for Semistructured Interviews - Beth L. Leech, 2002Article

Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - JaneRitchie, 2014

Book | See: R. Legard, J. Keegan, J. and K. Ward, In-depth interviews

Qualitative researching - Jennifer Mason, c2002Book | * Recommended- See Chapter 4

Social research: issues, methods and process - Tim May, Dawson Books, 2011Book | *Recommended-See chapter 6

Qualitative research in action - Tim May, 2002Book | See: Part 3

A counter-narrative of a 'failed' interview - K. Nairn, 2005-08-01Article

Qualitative research practice - Clive Seale, 2007,c2004Book | See: T. Rapley, Interviews, pp.15-33

Interviewing—An “unnatural situation”? - Jane Ribbens, 1989Article

Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - JaneRitchie, 2014

Book | See: Chapter 6

One Interviewer Versus Several: Modernist and Postmodernist Perspectives in QualitativeFamily Interviewing - Paul C. Rosenblatt, 2012-06

Article | NB: Special Issue: Qualitative Methodology, Theory, and Research in FamilyStudies – other articles may be of interest

Learning to Interview in the Social Sciences - K. Roulston, K. de Marrais, J. B. Lewis, 2003Article

Qualitative interviewing: the art of hearing data - Herbert J. Rubin, Irene Rubin, c2005Book

The quality of qualitative research - Clive Seale, 1999Book | * Recommended- See chapters 1 and 10

Interpreting qualitative data: a guide to the principles of qualitative research - DavidSilverman, c2011

Book | Recommended- See Chapter 6

Qualitative research: issues of theory, method and practice - David Silverman, c2011


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Book | Recommended- Chapter 9

Qualitative research interviewing: biographic narrative and semi-structured methods - TomWengraf, 2001


Interviewing the Soviet Elite - Stephen White, Olga Kryshtanovskaia, Igor Kukolev, EvanMawdsley, Pavel Saldin, 1996-04


Vol. 35, No. 4, Dec., 2002 of PS: Political Science and Politics on JSTOR - 2307Journal | See Symposium – various articles on Interviewing

5. Ethnography and Participant Observation (54 items)

This lecture focuses on ethnographic approaches to data collection and analysis. Studentswill be encouraged to think critically about what is involved in doingethnography/participant observation, the kind of data observation and ethnographyproduce, and the ethical considerations observational methods raise.

Lecture Reading: (4 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapter 19 (or 3rd edition Chapter 17).

Some optional extras: (3 items)

Secret notes, artful stories and temporal compression - Catherine Pope, 2013Document | Recommended

Social Research Update 5: Ethnographic writing - Martyn HammersleyWebpage | Recommended

Body Ritual among the Nacirema - Horace Miner, 1956Article | Recommended

Additional Reading (49 items)

Handbook of ethnography - Paul Atkinson, 2001Book | * Recommended-See: Chapters, 1,2 and 24

Qualitative Sociology - 2006Journal | See: J.Auyero, Editor’s Introduction: Politics under the microscope: Special

Issue on Political Ethnography. Issues 3 and 4

Qualitative Sociology - 2006Journal | Another Special Issue on Political Ethnography


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Ethnography - John D. Brewer, 2000Book | See: Chapters 1 and 2

Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research - Catherine Cassell,Gillian Symon, 2004

Book | See: J. Brewer, Ethnography

Ethnography unbound: power and resistance in the modern metropolis - Michael Burawoy,1991


In the field: an introduction to field research - Robert G. Burgess, 1990Book

Getting to know Waiwai: an Amazonian ethnography - Alan Tormaid Campbell, ProQuest(Firm), 1995

Book | Particularly Chapter 6 - 'Remembering'

Writing culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography : a School of American Researchadvanced seminar - James Clifford, George E. Marcus, School of American Research (SantaFe, N.M.), c1986


The ethnographic self: fieldwork and the representation of identity - Amanda Coffey, 1999Book

Qualitative research practice - Clive Seale, 2007,c2004Book | *Recommended- See: S. Delamont, Ethnography and participant observation

Fieldwork dilemmas: anthropologists in postsocialist states - Hermine G. De Soto, NoraDudwick, c2000

Book | See: Introduction

The souls of black folk - W. E. B. Du Bois, Ebooks Corporation Limited, 2005Book | Particularly Chapter 8 - 'Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece, and Chapter 9 - 'Of

the Sons of Master and Man'

The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects - Martyn Denscombe,Ebooks Corporation Limited, 2014


The SAGE handbook of qualitative research - Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, c2011Book | See: Chapters 18 and 19

Strategies of qualitative inquiry - 2013Book | See: Chapter on Ethnography and Participant Observation

Handbook of ethnography - Paul Atkinson, 2001Book | See: R. Emerson, R. Fretz, L. Shaw, Ethnographic interviewing

Researching social life - 2016Book | See: N.Fielding, ‘Ethnography’


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Ethnography: step by step - David M. Fetterman, c1998Book

Research methods in the social sciences - Chava Frankfort-Nachmias, David Nachmias,2000

Book | See: Chapter 9

Studies in ethnomethodology - Harold Garfinkel, 1984, c1967Book

Doing ethnographic research: fieldwork settings - Scott Grills, c1998Book

Appealing Work: An Investigation of How Ethnographic Texts Convince - KarenGolden-Biddle, Karen Locke, 1993


What's wrong with ethnography?: methodological explorations - Martyn Hammersley, 1992Book

Reading ethnographic research: a critical guide - Martyn Hammersley, 1998Book

Ethnography: principles in practice - Martyn Hammersley, Paul Atkinson, 1995Book

The practice of qualitative research - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy, c2011Book | See: Chapter 8

Earth, sky, wind, and weather - Tim Ingold, 2007-04Article

Participant observation: a methodology for human studies - Danny L. Jorgensen, c1989Book

Unwilling Participant Observation among Russian Siloviki and the Good-Enough FieldResearcher - Janet Elise Johnson, 2009


The risk of 'going observationalist': negotiating the hidden dilemmas of being an insiderparticipant observer - R. V. Labaree, 2002-04-01


The transformation of ethnographic practice: past and current challenges - M. Lecompte,2002-12-01


Unobtrusive methods in social research - Raymond M. Lee, 2000Book

Qualitative researching - Jennifer Mason, c2002Book | See: Chapter 5


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Social research: issues, methods and process - Tim May, Dawson Books, 2011Book | See: Chapter 7

Ethnographic methods - Karen O'Reilly, c2012Book

Real world research: a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings -Colin Robson, Kieran McCartan, 2016

Book | See: Chapter 13

Qualitative research practice - Clive Seale, 2007,c2004Book | See Part 3

Interpreting qualitative data: a guide to the principles of qualitative research - DavidSilverman, c2011

Book | See: Chapter 5

Qualitative research: issues of theory, method and practice - David Silverman, c2011Book | See: Chapters 2-4

Old Fieldwork, New Ethnography: Taking the Stories Out of the Bag - A.-M. Smith,2014-06-01


Participant observation - James P. Spradley, 1980Book

Institutional ethnography, autoethnography, and narrative: an argument for incorporatingmultiple methodologies - N. Taber, 2010-02-01


Tales of the field: on writing ethnography - John Van Maanen, 1988Book

Street corner society: the social structure of an Italian slum - William Foote Whyte, 1993Book | Esp. Appendix A

Learning from the field: a guide from experience - William Foote Whyte, Kathleen KingWhyte, c1984


The ethnographic imagination - Paul Willis, 2000Book

GET READY TO DUCK: Bouncers and the Realities of Ethnographic Research on ViolentGroups - Simon Winlow, Dick Hobbs, Stuart Lister, Philip Hadfield, 2001


The art of fieldwork - Harry F. Wolcott, c1995Book


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6. Case Studies (22 items)

This lecture looks at using case studies as a research strategy, including the differencebetween single case study designs and multiple case study designs used in thecomparative method. Particular attention will be paid to case selection and its justification.

Lecture Reading: (2 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapter 3 (esp. pp. 66-78)

Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences: a pluralist perspective - Askews &Holts Library Services, 2008

Book | Essential | See: P. Vennesson, Case studies and process tracing: theories andpractices

Additional Reading: (19 items)

Process tracing: from metaphor to analytic tool - 2015Book

Analytic narratives - Robert H. Bates, c1998Book

Research methods in politics - Peter Burnham, 2008Book | See: Chapter 4

Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences: a pluralist perspective - 2008Book | See: D. Della Porta, Comparative Analysis: case-oriented versus

variable-oriented research

Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research - B. Flyvbjerg, 2006-04-01Article

How the Cases You Choose Affect the Answers You Get: Selection Bias in ComparativePolitics - Barbara Geddes, 1990


Case studies and theory development in the social sciences - Alexander L. George, AndrewBennett, c2004

Book | *Recommended- See: Chapter 1

Case study research: principles and practices - John Gerring, 2007Book

Doing case study research: a practical guide for beginning researchers - Dawson R.Hancock, Robert Algozzine, c2011



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The Comparable-Cases Strategy in Comparative Research - Arend Lijphart, Jul 1, 1975Article

Tensions Between Constituency and Regional Members of the Scottish Parliament UnderMixed-Member Proportional Representation: A Failure of the New Politics - T. C. Lundberg,2014-04-01


The comparative method: moving beyond qualitative and quantative strategies - CharlesC. Ragin, c1987


Doing qualitative research - David Silverman, c2013Book | *Recommended- See: Chapter 9

The art of case study research - Robert E. Stake, 1995Book

Case study research: what, why and how? - P. G. Swanborn, 2010Book

Guide to methods for students of political science - Stephen Van Evera, 1997Book | See: Chapter 2

Applications of case study research - Robert K. Yin, 2003Book

Case study research: design and methods - Robert K. Yin, 2014Book

The case study anthology - Robert K. Yin, c2004Book

7. Focus Groups (39 items)

This lecture looks at focus groups as a method of data collection in social research. Itconsiders the advantages and disadvantages of this method, and practical aspects ofrunning focus groups including key issues such as group constriction/composition,facilitation and informed consent. It also considers analysis and interpretation of thissource of data.

Lecture Reading: (4 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapter 21 (or 3rd ed., Chapter 19)

Social Research Update 19: Focus Groups - Anita Gibbs, 1997Webpage | Essential

You may also be interested in an online presentation by Rose Barbour on Focus Groups,


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Barbour, Rose: Focus Groups - 3/5/2013Audio-visual document | Recommended

Additional Reading: (34 items)

Managing masculinity: young men's identity work in focus groups - L. Allen, 2005-04-01Article

Developing focus group research: politics, theory and practice - Rosaline S. Barbour, JennyKitzinger, 1999


Understanding research for social policy and practice: themes, methods and approaches -Saul Becker, Alan Bryman, 2004

Book | See: Chapter 5, pp.284-289

Qualitative research methods for the social sciences - Bruce L. Berg, Howard Lune, 2014Book | See: Chapter 5

Focus groups in social research - Michael Bloor, 2001Book | *Recommended

Research methods in politics - Peter Burnham, 2008Book | See: Chapter 9.

Accessing habitus: Relating structure and agency through focus group research -Callaghan, G., 2005


Researching social life - G. Nigel Gilbert, 2008Book | *Recommended: See: Cronin, A. ‘Focus Groups’.

Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - 2003Book | Recommended* See: Finch, H. and Lewis, J. 'Focus Groups'.

Focusing on focus groups: lessons from a research project involving a Bangladeshicommunity - G. Fallon, R. B. Brown, 2002-08-01


Moderating focus groups: a practical guide for group facilitation - Thomas L. Greenbaum,c2000

Book | See: Chapters 2 & 3.

The practice of qualitative research - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy, c2011Book | See: Chapter 7.

`It's good to talk': The focus group and the sociological imagination. - Johnson, A.Article


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Using Focus Groups to Research Sensitive Issues: Insights from Group Interviews onNursing in the Northern Ireland “Troubles” - Joanne Jordan


The SAGE handbook of qualitative research - c2011Book | See: Kamberelis, G. and Dimitriadis, G. ‘Focus Groups: Strategic Articulations of

Pedagogy, Politics, and Inquiry’.

The methodology of Focus Groups: the importance of interaction between researchparticipants. - Jenny Kitzinger, 1994-01

Article | * Recommended

Moderating focus groups - Richard A. Krueger, c1998Book

The handbook for focus group research - Thomas L. Greenbaum, c1998Book

Focus groups: a practical guide for applied research - 2015Book

Analyzing & reporting focus group results - Richard A. Krueger, c1998Book

Qualitative research practice - Clive Seale, 2007,c2004Book | See: MacNaghten, P. and Myers, G. ‘Focus Groups’.

Displaying Opinions: Topics and Disagreement in Focus Groups - Greg Myers, 1998Article

Focus Groups - David L. Morgan, 1996Article

Focus groups as qualitative research - David L. Morgan, c1997Book

Successful focus groups: advancing the state of the art - c1993Book

Identity in Focus: The Use of Focus Groups to Study the Construction of Collective Identity- J. Munday, 2006-02-01


Interpreting qualitative data: a guide to the principles of qualitative research - DavidSilverman, c2011

Book | * Recommened: See: Chapter 7.

Qualitative research: issues of theory, method and practice - c2011Book | * Recommended: See Chapter 10.

The SAGE handbook of social research methods - Pertti Alasuutari, Leonard Bickman, JuliaBrannen, 2008


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Book | See: Smithson, J. ‘Focus Groups’.

Focus groups: theory and practice - David W. Stewart, Prem N. Shamdasani, c1990Book

Researching society and culture - Clive Seale, c2012Book | See: Tonkiss, F. 'Using Focus Groups'.

"It was fun... but we don't usually talk about these things": Analyzing Sociable Interactionin Focus Groups - D. J. Warr, 2005-04-01


Russia's Authoritarian Elections: The View from Below - Stephen White, ValentinaFeklyunina, 2011-06


Feminist perspectives on social research - 2004Book | See: Wilkinson, S. ‘Focus groups: a feminist method’.

8. Analysing Qualitative Data (44 items)This lecture considers how we use and interpret qualitative data. Rigorous analysis ofqualitative data is of central importance in qualitative research as this relates to thecredibility of findings. In the lecture we looks at key analytical approaches for qualitativedata, including grounded theory, phenomenology, discourse and narrative analysis, andtechniques of coding and thematic analysis.

Lecture Reading: (1 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapters 22 and 24 (or 3rd edition Chapters 20, 22).

Additional Reading: (43 items)

Interview and Memoir: Complementary Narratives on the Family Ties of Gay Adults - IngridArnet Connidis, 2012-06

Article | Special Issue: Qualitative Methodology, Theory, and Research in Family Studies– other articles may be of interest

Qualitative data analysis: challenges and dilemmas related to theory and method. - DianaM Bailey & Jeanne M Jackson, 2003

Article | See: The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, v.57, pp. 57-65. Availablevia Online Resource Button.

Qualitative researching with text, image and sound: a practical handbook - c2000Book | see: Bauer, M. ‘Classic Content Analysis: a Review’.

Supporting a grounded theory with an audit trail: an illustration - Glenn A. Bowen, 2009-10Article


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Constructing grounded theory: a practical guide through qualitative analysis - KathyCharmaz, 2007, c2006

Book | See: Chapters 5 & 6.

Making sense of qualitative data: complementary research strategies - Amanda Coffey,Paul Atkinson, c1996

Book | * RecommendedSee: Chapter 2.

Grounded Theory Research: Procedures, Canons and Evaluative Criteria - Juliet Corbin andAnselm Strauss, 1990


Narrative analysis - Catherine Kohler Riessman, c1993Book

The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects - 2010Book | See: Part III, especially Chapter 14.

Qualitative data analysis: a user-friendly guide for social scientists - Ian Dey, 1993Book | * Recommended: See: Chapter 3.

Researching social life - G. Nigel Gilbert, 2008Book | * Recommended: See: Earthy, S. and Cronin, A. ‘Narrative Analysis’.

Using narrative in social research: qualitative and quantitative approaches - Jane Elliott,2005


Analyzing discourse: textual analysis for social research - Norman Fairclough, 2003Book | See: Chapters 1, 2 & 3.

Narrative analysis - or why (and how) sociologists should be interested in narrative -Roberto Franzosi


Handbook of Interview Research - Jaber Gubrium, James Holstein, 2001Book | * Recomennded: See: Part 5 – 'Analytic Strategies'.

Handbook of data analysis - 2004Book | See: Part 5 - 'Analyzing Qualitative Data'.

Supporting a grounded theory with an audit trail: an illustration - Glenn A. Bowen, 2009-10Article

The practice of qualitative research - c2011Book | * Recommended: See: Chapters 12 & 13.

Researching social life - G. Nigel Gilbert, 2008Book | See: Hodkinson, P. ‘Grounded Theory and Inductive research’.

Content analysis: an introduction to its methodology - Klaus Krippendorff, c2004Book


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Narrative research: reading, analysis and interpretation - Amia Lieblich, RivkaTuval-Mashiach, Tamar Zilber, c1998


Reflexive Accounts and Accounts of Reflexivity in Qualitative Data Analysis - Natasha S.Mauthner and Andrea Doucet, 2003

Article | * Recommended

Qualitative data analysis: a methods sourcebook - Michael B. Miles, A. M. Huberman,Johnny Saldaña, 2014

Book | See: Chapter 1.

Readme first for a user's guide to qualitative methods - Janice M. Morse, Lyn Richards,2002


The content analysis guidebook - Kimberly A. Neuendorf, c2002Book

Handbook of data analysis - 2004Book | See: Pidgeon, N., & Henwood, K. ‘Grounded Theory’.

Qualitative research: issues of theory, method and practice - c2011Book | * Recommended: See: Rapley, T.C. ‘Some pragmatics of data analysis’.

Handling qualitative data: a practical guide - Lyn Richards, 2009Book | See: Chapter 5.

Handbook of Interview Research - Jaber Gubrium, James Holstein, 2001Book | See: Riessman, C. K. ‘Analysis of Personal Narratives’.

Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - 2003Book | * Recommended: See: Chapters 8 & 9.

Analyzing qualitative data - 1994Book | See: Ritchie, J. & Spencer, L. ‘Qualitative data analysis for applied policy


Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - 2003Book | See: Ritchie, J., Spencer, L. and O'Connor, W. ‘Carrying out Qualitative Analysis’.

Real world research: a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings -Colin Robson, 2011

Book | See: Chapters 16 & 17.

Chronicles From the Classroom: Making Sense of the Methodology and Methods ofNarrative Analysis - A. I. Rogan, 2005-08-01


The coding manual for qualitative researchers - Johnny Saldaña, c2013Book


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Interpreting qualitative data: a guide to the principles of qualitative research - DavidSilverman, c2011

Book | See: Chapter 3.

Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers - 2003Book | See: Spencer, L. et al, Chapter 8.

Doing narrative research - c2013Book | * Recommended: See: Squire, C., Andrews M. and Tamboukou, M. ‘Introduction:

What is narrative research?.

Reflections on the Role of Personal Narrative in Social Science - Stivers, Camilla, Winter1993


Grounded theory in practice - c1997Book | See: Chapter 2.

Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory- Juliet M. Corbin, Anselm L. Strauss, 2015

Book | See: Chapter 1.

Qualitative psychology: a practical guide to research methods - c2008Book | See: Willig, C. ‘Discourse analysis’.

Researching social life - G. Nigel Gilbert, 2008Book | See: Wooffitt, R. ‘Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis’.

9. Mixed Methods - Combining Approaches (44 items)Mixed methods research design has become increasingly prevalent in researchmethodologies. This lecture discusses the potential benefits and difficulties of conductingmixed method research. Some argue mixing methods improves validity or quality criteria. Yet is ‘more’ necessarily better? What theoretical and practical issues does mixingmethods give rise to, and how do we resolve these?

Lecture Reading (1 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapter 27 (or 3rd edition Chapter 25).

Additional Reading (26 items)

Researching social life - G. Nigel Gilbert, 2008Book | * Recommended: See: Alexander, V. D. ‘Mixed Methods’.

The Politics, Fashions, and Conventions of Research Methods - M. M. Bergman, 2011-04-01Article | * Recommended

Mixed Methods Research: A discussion paper - Brannen, J.


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Article | * Recommended

Implementing a Mixed Methods Approach to Explore the Financial Implications of Death ofa Life Partner - Corden A., Hirst M., 2008


Research design: qualitative, quantitative & mixed methods approaches - John W.Creswell, J. David Creswell, 2018, ©2018


Designing and conducting mixed methods research - John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark,2011


The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects - Martyn Denscombe,2010

Book | See: Chapter 8.

Triangulation Revisited: Strategy of Validation or Alternative? - Uwe Flick, 1992-06Article

Assessing Satisfaction: Insights from a multi-methods study - Green J., 2008Article

The Relationship between Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Lessons from FeministPsychology. - Griffin, ChristinePhoenix, Ann


The practice of qualitative research - Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy, c2011Book | See: Chapter 11.

Qualitative Approaches to Mixed Methods Practice - S. Hesse-Biber, 2010-07-01Article

Combining data, enhancing explanation - Irwin, S., 2006Article | * Recommended

New strategies in social research: an introduction and guide - Derek Layder, 1993Book

Six strategies for mixing methods and linking data in social science research - Mason, J.,2006

Article | * Recommended

Mixing methods in a qualitatively driven way - J. Mason, 2006-02-01Article

Research on older families when more than one member responds: Producing andinterpreting findings - Sarah H. Matthews, Margaret E. Adamek, Ruth E. Dunkle, 1993-6


Paradigms Lost and Pragmatism Regained: Methodological Implications of Combining


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Qualitative and Quantitative Methods - D. L. Morgan, 2007-01-01Article

The comparative method: moving beyond qualitative and quantative strategies - CharlesC. Ragin, c1987


Real world research: a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings -Colin Robson, 2011

Book | See: Chapter 7.

Revisiting the Quantitative-Qualitative Debate: Implications for Mixed-Methods Research -Joanna E. M. Sale, Lynne H. Lohfeld, Kevin Brazil, 2002


Definitely, maybe not? The Normalisation of Recreational Drug use amongst Young People- Michael Shiner, Tim Newburn, 1997-08-01


Conflicting Findings in Mixed Methods Research: An Illustration From an Israeli Study onImmigration - V. Slonim-Nevo, I. Nevo, 2008-11-15


Mixed methodology: combining qualitative and quantitative approaches - AbbasTashakkori, Charles Teddlie, c1998


Dimensions of Desire - Deborah L. Tolman, Laura A. Szalacha, 1999-03Article

Meeting the Mixed Methods Challenge of Integration in a Sociological Study of Structureand Agency - C. M. Woolley, 2009-01-01


10. Technological Innovations in Research: Using the Internet and NewSocial Media (17 items)This lecture examines how the internet and new social media have affected ways of doingsocial research. Drawing on empirical examples, it addresses some of the ethical andpractical issues such as informed consent, anonymity, and privacy raised by researchusing digital data. The session aims to critically engage students with ongoing debatesabout the use of new technologies for social research.

Lecture Reading: (1 items)

Social research methods - Alan Bryman, 2016Book | Essential | See: Chapter 28: E-research: Internet research methods (or 3rd

edition Chapters 26). Available via Online Resource Button.


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Additional Reading (16 items)

Exploring Ethical and Methodological Issues in Internet-Based Research with Adolescents -Heather T. Battles


Using Social Media Data Aggregators to Do Social Research - David Beer, 2012Article

Critical Questions for Big Data - Danah Boyd, Kate Crawford, 2012-06Article

Ethical Issues for Qualitative Research in On-line Communities - Charlotte Brownlow,Lindsay O'Dell, 2002-10


Digital Ethnography: An Examination of the Use of New Technologies for Social Research -D. Murthy, 2008-10-01


Using internet technologies (such as Skype) as a research medium: a research note - P.Hanna, 2012-04-01


The SAGE handbook of online research methods - 2017Book | See: Hewson C. and Laurent, D. 'Research design and tools for internet


Ethnography for the Internet: embedded, embodied and everyday - Christine Hine, 2015Book

The Internet - Christine Hine, 2012Book

Social Science Research Methods in Internet Time - David Karpf, 2012-06Article

Internet Ethnography: Online and Offline - Liav Sade-BeckArticle

Ethical Decision-Making and Internet Research: Recommendations from the AoIR EthicsWorking Committee - A. Markham, et al.

Document | * Recommended

The internet: an ethnographic approach - Daniel Miller, Don Slater, c2000Book

Digital sociology: critical perspectives - Kate Orton-Johnson, Nick Prior, 2013Book

Social media ethnography: the digital researcher in a messy web - John Postill, Sarah Pink,2012


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Representing youth: methodological issues in critical youth studies - Amy L. Best, c2007Book

