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Qualitative Research Group (QRG) – NOVEMBER 2010 Newsletter · Qualitative Research Group (QRG)...

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Qualitative Research Group (QRG) – NOVEMBER 2010 Newsletter The vision of the Qualitative Research Group (QRG) is to connect qualitative research findings to real world outcomes both locally and internationally, working towards positive change in the community and a better understanding of the world around us. The QRG provides assistance to researchers engaged in qualitative research, including mixed methods, in a wide range of interdisciplinary sites. It supports professional training opportunities as well as collegial partnerships between students and Faculty, community and government. This listserv was started in the early spring of 2008 and now has 100+ participants working in the Prairies and across Canada as well as internationally, in medicine (community health sciences, dentistry, pediatrics, neurosurgery), nursing, medical rehabilitation, social work, sociology, anthropology, education, disability studies, human ecology (nutrition, family social sciences), First Nations universities, women’s and gender studies, engineering, and the Dafoe library (University of Manitoba). The monthly newsletters are sent out on the first of each month and announce national and international conferences, noon-hour discussions on methodology, research findings, journals and books, and other initiatives of interest. Your contributions to the listserv are welcome – please send these two or more working days prior to the last day of any month for compilation. This is an important opportunity for qualitative researchers to come together and build resources. Pass it on! Kerstin Stieber Roger, Director QRG Advisory Committee: Janice Ristock (Associate Vice-President, Research, UM); Roberta Woodgate (Nursing); Tuula Heinonen (Social Work); Michelle Driedger (CHS); Maria Medved (Psychology); Gustaaf Sevenhuysen (Human Ecology); a student rep. *********************************************************************************************************** NOVEMBER Table of Contents: 1. November Actions a. QRG Faculty Speaker Series b. QRG Journal Club c. NVIVO workshop d. Annual QRG Award 2. November FactBites a. Qualitative Research Space b. Qualitative online journal – seeking submissions 3. Archive for QRG newsletters ********************************************************************************************************** 1. NOVEMBER Actions: This section will promote current events with a focus on qualitative research. a. QRG Faculty Speaker Series – I am pleased to announce that Dr. Janice Ristock and Dr. Diane Hiebert- Murphy will be presenting on their research on Thursday, January 20th from 12 – 1. The talk is titled, ‘Intersectionality: Moving From Concept to Method’. The room number TBD. b. QRG Journal Club - Journal Club (November 19:12-1 brown bag lunch) is an opportunity for Faculty and students to discuss articles that refer to qualitative or mixed methods approaches. Articles will be selected / recommended by you and your colleagues and will be sent out in advance to participants who sign up in advance. Please RSVP here by November 12. c. Getting the Basics NVIVO Workshop – This two hour intro. workshop provides you with the main skills that move you towards publication of qualitative data: downloading transcripts and setting up files, coding your data, setting up cases and attributes, designing three types of queries, and doing the subsequent analysis required. If you are interested for more information, please respond here.

Qualitative Research Group (QRG) – NOVEMBER 2010 Newsletter The vision of the Qualitative Research Group (QRG) is to connect qualitative research findings to real world outcomes both locally and internationally, working towards positive change in the community and a better understanding of the world around us. The QRG provides assistance to researchers engaged in qualitative research, including mixed methods, in a wide range of interdisciplinary sites. It supports professional training opportunities as well as collegial partnerships between students and Faculty, community and government. This listserv was started in the early spring of 2008 and now has 100+ participants working in the Prairies and across Canada as well as internationally, in medicine (community health sciences, dentistry, pediatrics, neurosurgery), nursing, medical rehabilitation, social work, sociology, anthropology, education, disability studies, human ecology (nutrition, family social sciences), First Nations universities, women’s and gender studies, engineering, and the Dafoe library (University of Manitoba). The monthly newsletters are sent out on the first of each month and announce national and international conferences, noon-hour discussions on methodology, research findings, journals and books, and other initiatives of interest. Your contributions to the listserv are welcome – please send these two or more working days prior to the last day of any month for compilation. This is an important opportunity for qualitative researchers to come together and build resources. Pass it on! Kerstin Stieber Roger, Director QRG Advisory Committee: Janice Ristock (Associate Vice-President, Research, UM); Roberta Woodgate (Nursing); Tuula Heinonen (Social Work); Michelle Driedger (CHS); Maria Medved (Psychology); Gustaaf Sevenhuysen (Human Ecology); a student rep. *********************************************************************************************************** NOVEMBER Table of Contents: 1. November Actions a. QRG Faculty Speaker Series b. QRG Journal Club c. NVIVO workshop d. Annual QRG Award 2. November FactBites a. Qualitative Research Space b. Qualitative online journal – seeking submissions 3. Archive for QRG newsletters ********************************************************************************************************** 1. NOVEMBER Actions: This section will promote current events with a focus on qualitative research. a. QRG Faculty Speaker Series – I am pleased to announce that Dr. Janice Ristock and Dr. Diane Hiebert-Murphy will be presenting on their research on Thursday, January 20th from 12 – 1. The talk is titled, ‘Intersectionality: Moving From Concept to Method’. The room number TBD.

b. QRG Journal Club - Journal Club (November 19:12-1 brown bag lunch) is an opportunity for Faculty and students to discuss articles that refer to qualitative or mixed methods approaches. Articles will be selected / recommended by you and your colleagues and will be sent out in advance to participants who sign up in advance. Please RSVP here by November 12.

c. Getting the Basics NVIVO Workshop – This two hour intro. workshop provides you with the main skills that move you towards publication of qualitative data: downloading transcripts and setting up files, coding your data, setting up cases and attributes, designing three types of queries, and doing the subsequent analysis required. If you are interested for more information, please respond here.

d. Annual Qualitative Research Group Award – please see attached. 2. NOVEMBER FactBite: This section will promote research centers, ongoing research, journals and books with a focus on qualitative research. a. Qualitative Research Space on Campus Need to do some qualitative research and don’t have the space? Human Ecology has three bright and open multipurpose rooms available to conduct and observe individual interviews, counselling sessions, and/or focus groups. Two rooms have a one-way mirror and one has an adjoining control room, equipped for video-recording. One of the rooms has presentation equipment and is wired for videoconferencing capability across Canada and internationally. For more information about the technology, email [email protected]. To book space, email [email protected]. b. Innovative Online Journal for Oral History and Biographical Research Alexander Freund, University of Winnipeg If you are looking for innovative ways to publish your research in life story and narrative analysis, life cycle and biographical research, and oral history and tradition, consider the Journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. It has been in existence as a peer-review journal since 1974 and was renamed Oral History Forum d’histoire orale in 1995. Its publication was transformed from print to online in 2007. Since the beginning of 2010, it has been published with Athabasca University Press. Peer-reviewed article can be accompanied by image, sound, and video files, such as interview excerpts. Next to articles, the journal accepts a wide range of contributions, such as complete interviews and transcripts; annotated transcripts; work-in-progress reports; interviews with biographical researchers; and reviews of books, exhibits, websites, etc. Despite rigorous double-blind peer reviewed, the turn-around time for articles is quicker than at most journals, because everything that has passed the review and editing process is immediately posted online. There is an ongoing call for papers for the regular volume, currently volume 30. The volume was “opened” on 1 January 2010. Since then, reviews, interviews, and other contributions have been published in this volume. We will add to this journal until the last day of 2010. On 1 January, we open the next volume. Next to regular volumes, we publish guest-edited special issues. In 2009, we published a special issue on Oral History and the Family with ten articles and several other contributions. In 2010, we are publishing a special issue on Oral History and the Environment. Special issues are also planned on Oral History and Perpetrator Research and Oral History in Post-Soviet Europe. To learn more about the journal, please visit www.oralhistoryforum.ca. To learn more about the association and becoming a member, please visit www.canoha.ca. Membership (including subscription to the latest regular volume of the journal) is $20 ($15 for students) and free for members outside of North America. All past issues of the journal are also freely accessible. 3.Archive: Previous newsletters are posted on the webpage for ‘Human Ecology / Facilities / Qualitative Research Group’. If you wish to be removed from this list, please let us know.

We give permission to copy and paste this newsletter, but please do not alter it in any way. For more information about QRG, please email

[email protected]

Annual Qualitative Research Group Award (2011) This award was introduced in 2010 to establish a formal way of recognizing graduate students, Faculty, and affiliated community-based researchers engaged in innovative and sustainable qualitative research. The award is a $250. University of Manitoba Bookstore certificate as well as a public presentation of the award. Awards will rotate consecutively. This year, nominations for the ‘Faculty’ category will be accepted until December 15, 2010 and may be sent in by email only to [email protected] by any Instructors, Staff and/or Faculty at the University of Manitoba or affiliated member universities. A selection committee as appointed by the QRG will include a graduate student, a community-based researcher, and two Faculty. The award winner will be announced in the winter term of 2011. This award will focus on Faculty working towards excellence in qualitative research. NOMINATION: When you are nominating Faculty, the criteria for the nominating letter are as follows:

i. the person’s name and contact information; ii. the number of years they have completed in a tenure track or tenured

appointment (please specify which); iii. a description of how this person is engaged in qualitative research – this may

include presenting original qualitative research at conferences, excelling at teaching qualitative courses, designing/conducting award winning qualitative research, writing articles in recognized qualitative journals, highlighting mentoring activities; or other related and outstanding activities;

iv. a description of why this person deserves this award and potential/future plans they have articulated to continue developing their qualitative research skills or mentoring others;

v. a statement that the person is aware they are being nominated; vi. your name and contact information.

Length. No more than 750 words. Two additional documents are permitted, such as the example of a paper or other related documentation relevant to the award. *We would like to acknowledge the three 2010 QRG Award Sponsors: Prairie HIV Community-Based Research Program, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research housed at Nine Circles Community Health Centre; the University of Manitoba Bookstore; and, the Qualitative Research Group. Recipients: 2010 Graduate Student Award - Allison Pedersen (Nursing).
