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Quality Assurance in Higher Education Rebecca Liebel AEI Germany 18th September 2006

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Quality Assurance in Higher Education Rebecca Liebel AEI Germany 18th September 2006. Presentation Overview. The Higher education sector The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Quality assurance processes. Higher Education Sector. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
uality Assurance in Higher Educatio Rebecca Liebel AEI Germany 18th September 2006
Page 1: Quality Assurance in Higher Education Rebecca Liebel AEI Germany 18th September 2006

Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Rebecca Liebel

AEI Germany18th September 2006

Page 2: Quality Assurance in Higher Education Rebecca Liebel AEI Germany 18th September 2006

Presentation Overview

•The Higher education sector

•The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

•Quality assurance processes

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Higher Education Sector

The National Protocols for Higher Education Approval

• Processes that guide State and Territory legislation processes.

AQF registers

States & Territories

• Responsible for regulation of non-university higher education providers.

• Comply with The National Protocols for Higher Education Approval Processes

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Higher Education Sector

The Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) A) university audits conducted on a 5 year rolling cycle;

assessing universities against their own missions & objectives.

B) auditing the State & Territory bodies that regulate the accreditation of other higher education providers.

C) Strengthening audit function of Australian offshore higher education provision by 2005


- External examiners - The Australian Vice Chancellor’s Committee (AVCC)

Code of Practice for academic quality Guidelines for course development

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The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

The Australian Qualifications Framework:

• forms the foundation for the regulation of qualifications

• brings together the qualifications issued by the different sectors of the Australian education and training system into a nationally consistent, comprehensive structure of educational awards

• plays an essential role in defining the standards of qualifications

• helps students and families understand the available pathways across the sectors

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The Australian Qualifications Framework

The Framework comprises:

• agreed national guidelines for each of the current thirteen national qualifications

• principles for articulation and credit transfer;

• protocols for issuing qualifications

• registers of authorities empowered by State / Territory governments to accredit qualifications and providers and to issue qualifications.

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Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

Schools Sector VET Sector Higher Education Sector

Senior Secondary Certificate of Education


Doctoral degree

Masters degree

Graduate Diploma

Graduate Certificate

Bachelor degree

Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree

Diploma Diploma

Certificate IV  

Certificate III  

Certificate II  

Certificate I  

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Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

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Quality assurance processes operating in each sector

• National policy frameworks

• State and Territory legislative frameworks

• Robust tradition of self-regulation and continuous improvement at institutional level

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Regulations and Legislation

The international study sector is regulated by the following:

• The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000

• The National Code of Practice

• The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)

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• The primary Federal legislation regulating education provided to students studying on a student Visa in Australia

• It is the responsibility of the Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST)

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•The Act:

• establishes the National code which sets standards of conduct for providers and their agents;

• Contains consumer protection provisions;

• Establishes the Tuition Assurance Scheme; and

• Establishes the ESOS Assurance Fund

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• Provides that registered education providers are responsible for their agents regarding:

– the provision of marketing and student information;


– the recruiting and placing of students in a course

• Hence Agents must:– understand the Act and the National Code; and

– take clear instructions from the institution they represent

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Consumer Protection under ESOS

•The provisions come into play should a school close suddenly for any reason (fire, financial distress etc)

•According to the provisions a provider must:

• provide the student a refund if the course doesn’t begin when agreed or ceases to be provided after commencement; or

• Place the student in a new, alternative course after obtaining the student’s consent

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Tuition Assurance Scheme

•most providers belong to such a scheme

•scheme members will provide an alternative course place at no extra cost if a refund cannot be provided to the student

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ESOS Assurance Fund

•an additional level of consumer protection when a student’s institution ceases to exist

•all non-exempt private institutions must contribute

•a student’s claim is referred to this fund after all other options have been exhausted

•If the fund manager can’t place the student in an alternate course a refund may be provided

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Exempt Providers

The following providers are exempt. Students are assured that they will receive tuition or a refund.

• Government funded schools

• Publicly funded institutions


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Agent Responsibility

• If approached by students regarding an institution’s closure, agents are to refer students to the provider’s Tuition Assurance Scheme

•Agents should be aware that a student’s failure to accept a suitable alternative course may result in his/her ineligibility for a refund.

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Tourist Visas and Study

•Students may partake in a short course of study up to 3 months duration on a tourist visa.

•The ESOS Act does not regulate provision of services to these students.

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The National Code

• A set of standards with legal force

•Regulates the conduct of educational institutions that enrol international students

•The Code places clear responsibilities on all educational institutions

•The Code makes an Agent’s behaviour the direct responsibility of the education provider

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Agent Responsibility under the Code

• Under the National Code an agent must act responsibly towards prospective students.

•Examples of Agents’ responsibilities (non-exhaustive):

• Honest marketing of education and training services

• Provision of accurate information

• Not engaging in misleading comparisons of institution

• The provision of accurate and responsible advice on Visas

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Key Paragraphs

The key paragraphs of the Code for agents are:

• Marketing and student information (para 19-25)

• Student recruitment and placement (para 26-30)

• Unethical agent behaviour (para 49)

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Other important provisions

The following are also important provisions in the Code:

•Full time courses

• 20 Contact hours a week (on average), unless the accrediting authority determines otherwise.

• Students may study on a part-time basis in their final semester to complete a course.

•Maximum Number of students

• Each institution has a maximum number of students they are permitted to enrol. The figure is not made public.

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Other important provisions

•Length of Operation

• An institution may not use their facility for more than 14 hours a day

•Facilities and Resources (para 18)

• adequate teaching resources• suitably qualified staff• secure premises• adequate space for students

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Other important provisions

•Student Records (para 34-40)

• adequate student records regarding academic history, attendance

and various other areas must be kept.

•Repeating Study (para 40)

• students are only allowed to repeat a subject/course once if doing so requires that they take less than a full-time study load

•Other relevant paragraphs:

• Student refunds (42-44) and Student support services (45-46)

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Registered Provider Responsibilities

•The provider is responsible for their agent’s behaviour, hence it must refuse to accept international students if it believes the recruiting agent:

• has engaged in dishonest practices• engages students who don’t comply with their visa requirements• engages in false or misleading practices• uses the Provider Registration and International Student

Management System (PRISMS) to create electronic Confirmations of Enrolments (eCoEs)

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Further Agent Responsibilities

•para 19-24:

• certain features of courses must be described accurately

•para 26-30:

• the provider is responsible for certain recruitment and placement acts, whether undertaken by the provider themselves or the agent.

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Further Agent Responsibilities

•An agent must not make false or misleading comparisons with other courses or institutions (i.e. comparisons must be substantiated)

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Further Agent Responsibilities

An agent must be accurate regarding information it provides students including:

• General descriptions of the institutions and courses provided by the institution

• Details of the entry requirements, including English language, academic or work requirements

• Details of any other institutions involved in the course delivery

• Details of the fees payable

• Indications of the costs of living expected during study

• Information that the student must study full-time and comply with the conditions of their student visa.

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•is the register of all education institutions and courses that are offered to international students studying on a student visa in Australia (i.e. not short courses)

•the ESOS Act specifies the information that CRICOS must record

•Providers have a provider number and courses have a course code

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•The provider number clarifies who is responsible for provider obligations under the Act

• This is important in cases where there is more than one provider responsible for delivering a service

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Agents’ Responsibilities

• To know that it is impossible to gain a student visa to study in Australia if the course or institution is not registered on CRICOS

• Not to make an offer to a student to apply for a course that isn’t registered on CRICOS

• To provide the CRICOS code in all marketing material

•To use the correct CRICOS course code to ensure

that relevant course information is being referred to

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Thank You
