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Quality Assurance Manual for Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme

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Page 1: Quality Assurance Manual for Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme

HKCA 3104


JUNE 2017



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1. On 30 May 2000, the former Telecommunications Authority (now the

Communications Authority, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “CA”) issued a

Consultation Paper on “Billing and Metering Accuracy of Public Telecommunications

Services in Hong Kong” proposing to implement a scheme that would best suit the need

of customers and the industry and at the same time be economically and technically

feasible for implementation in Hong Kong’s environment.

2. Having considered the submissions from the industry on the above Consultation

Paper, the CA issued a Statement on 4 August 2000 to set out its considered views and

intention that there is a genuine need to introduce and implement such a scheme in Hong

Kong for enhancement of the confidence of the customers on billing and metering

accuracy of the industry. In order to ensure early implementation of the proposed scheme,

an industry forum was set up with participation of representatives from the

telecommunications operators and their associations, the Consumer Council and the user

groups concerned to devise the details of the proposed scheme called “Billing and

Metering Integrity Scheme” (“BMIS”) which includes the billing and metering integrity

standards, self-appraisal system, assurance system, reporting system, monitoring system

and implementation plan.

3. This Quality Assurance Manual (“QAM”) has been developed to specify the

required metering and billing integrity standards as well as the self-appraisal

requirements and procedures to be followed and complied with by the industry. Another

document called HKCA 3105, “Requirements on the Assurance, Reporting and

Monitoring Procedures for the Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme” listing the

general requirements and procedures on the assurance, reporting and monitoring has

also been developed in order that the industry could follow and observe these

requirements and procedures closely in compliance with BMIS.

4. All the HKCA specifications, consultation papers, statements and information

notes issued by the CA related to the BMIS can be obtained by downloading them from

the website of the Office of the Communications Authority (“OFCA”) at


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5. Any enquiry or request for further information regarding this manual can be

addressed to –

Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager (Regulatory Section 11)

Office of the Communications Authority

29/F, Wu Chung House,

213 Queen’s Road East,

Wanchai, Hong Kong.

Fax: +852 2803 5112

Email: [email protected]

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Item Issue No. Paragraph Descriptions

1 2 Foreword Update the contact point. 2 2 9.1.1 The interval of submission of

self-declaration forms is revised from “quarterly” to “half-yearly”.

3 2 9.2.1 Ditto 4 2 9.2.4 Ditto 5 2 9.2.5 Ditto 6 2 Section 10 Update the reference documents 7 3 Whole

document (i) Editorial amendments and changes to rename OFTA to OFCA; (ii) update OFCA’s contact information.

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1. Introduction 1

2. Glossary 2

3. Scope of the Manual 3

4. Billing and Metering Integrity Standards 3

5. Telecommunications Acceptance Models 4

5.1 Telecommunications Metering Acceptance Model 4

5.2 Telecommunications Billing Acceptance Model 7

6. Testing Tolerance Levels 10

6.1 Metering Tolerance 10

6.2 Billing Tolerance 10

6.3 Rounding Treatments 11

7. Verification of Metering and Billing System 13

7.1 Metering Test 13

7.2 Billing Test 23

7.3 Pre-paid Services 25

8. Guidelines to Design Operator’s Detailed Operation Manual 32

8.1 Introduction 32

8.2 Details of Each Section 33

9. Monthly Test Report 37

9.1 Introduction 37

9.2 Self-Declaration Procedures 37

9.3 Format of Test Report 38

10. Reference Documents 43

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Annex 1 Switching Rules and Procedures 44

Annex 2 Self-Declaration Form for Compliance Status 45

Annex 3 Self-Declaration Form for the Metering Test 46

Annex 4 Self-Declaration Form for the Billing Test 47

Annex 5 Format of Metering and Billing Test Report 48

Annex 6 Inspection Status 56

Annex 7 Format of Test Report for Rounding Treatment Test 57

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1. Introduction

1.1 The main purpose of this QAM is to provide a quality assurance framework such

that the operators can implement their self-appraisal systems in a timely and responsive

manner in compliance with the BMIS. It is anticipated that this manual would also

facilitate the understanding of the general public on what controls and measures are to

be implemented by operators to assure the accuracy and integrity of their bills issued to


1.2 This manual is published, distributed and maintained by OFCA. Apart from this

manual, the operators are required to develop their own Detailed Operation Manual

(“DOM”) and perform measurements or generate Test Calls in accordance with the

requirements and procedures stipulated in this manual.

1.3 If necessary, OFCA or its appointed agent will perform an on-site audit on

operators’ Billing and Metering Systems.

1.4 Operators are encouraged to implement ISO 9001:2000 “Quality Management

Systems - Requirements” in their Billing and Metering Systems so that a

well-established process control mechanism can be developed. However, the

compliance with or adoption of this ISO requirement by operators is voluntary and up

to operators’ individual commercial decision and operational requirements. If

necessary, OFCA may conduct a review and consultation with operators on whether

there is a genuine need for operators to strengthen the process control of billing and

metering systems by generally adopting this and/or other related ISO requirements.

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2. Glossary

Acceptance Number The number that is used for determining monthly test acceptability,

i.e. the number of failed samples allowable in a test.

Acceptance Quality Limit (“AQL”)

Quality level that is the worst tolerable process average when a continuing series of lots is submitted for acceptance sampling. In BMIS, AQL refers to the quality level to show the likely percentage of failed items in a monthly Metering/Billing Test.

Billing Billing means the function of public telecommunications operators or service providers in – - assembling the charges incurred by a customer during the billing

period; - applying any debts or credits outstanding or discounts due and

calculating the net amount to be paid by the customer; and - issuing the bill.

Billing Tolerance The maximum deviation allowed in each call charge of Billing Test.

Call Detail Records (“CDR”)

Records of detailed information such as call type, call start time, call duration, calling party, called party etc. captured by the switches.

Call Duration The interval between the call is actually established, i.e. the interval that begins when the call is answered and ends when the call is terminated.

Called Party A called party is the person who receives the call.

Calling Party A calling party is the person who originates the call.

Certified Public Accountant (“CPA”)

Certified Public Accountant means a professional accountant registered as such by virtue of section 22 of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Chapter 50) and holding a valid and current practising certificate.

Charged Party A charged party is the person registered with the telecommunications

operator or service provider concerned responsible for the payment or settlement of a specific or group of bills.

Charging Time Stamp

Charging time stamp is the time recorded in a CDR used for calculating the charge amount for the services provided or consumed and the applicable tariff thereto.

Delay The time required for a signal to transit from the sending point to the receiving metering point.

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The process of capturing and recording call details such as calling number, time of day, call duration etc. for billing purpose.

Metering Tolerance The maximum deviation allowed for call duration in the Metering Test.

Per Call Test A two-part Metering Test: Part 1 to reconcile Test Call log records with call details from a metering point and Part 2 to reconcile call details from that metering point with call details from Billing System.

Switching Rules A set of rules to control the switching of status between Normal, Reduced, Tightened and Discontinue Inspection.

Test Call A call generated manually or automatically to verify the functioning and accuracy of a Metering System.

3. Scope of the Manual

This manual describes the billing and metering integrity standards, the sampling

models, metering / billing tolerance levels, the verification procedures and the format of

the test report as required by the BMIS. It also provides guidance for operators to

design their own DOM.

4. Billing and Metering Integrity Standards

The billing and metering integrity standards of public telecommunications services are

described as below –

Metering Integrity Standard

Number of inaccurately metered calls shall not exceed 1 in 10 000 of total calls.

Billing Integrity Standard

Absolute summation error value of the inaccurately billed calls in a bill shall not

exceed 1 in 10 000 of the value of total billed sum in that bill.

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5. Telecommunications Acceptance Models

5.1 Telecommunications Metering Acceptance Model (the “Metering Model”)


5.1.1 The sampling model for Metering System is developed in accordance with

ISO 2859-1:1999(E) “Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes – Part 1:

Sampling Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-Lot

Inspection” on the condition that live traffic should be used in the first place. AQL is a

quality level to show the likely percentage of failed items in a monthly Metering Test.

This manual has made use of the same or similar terms given in the abovementioned

ISO document. If there were practical and technical limitations such that live traffic

could not be used, operators could use Test Calls that should be conducted in the same

environment and conditions of live traffic within the networks of the operators


5.1.2 The purpose of the monthly Metering Test is to examine whether the metering

integrity standard of 1:10 000 given in Section 4 is met and to ensure an acceptable

quality level in metering accuracy for a specific traffic in a month. Operators shall start

from the normal inspection. Normal, tightened or reduced inspection shall continue to

be unchanged on successive monthly Metering Tests, except where the Switching Rules

require changes. The Switching Rules shall be applied to each class of

non-conformities or nonconforming units independently.

Number of Test Calls for Metering Test

5.1.3 The Metering Model governs the acceptance criteria and the amount of Test

Calls to be conducted by fixed network operators (“FNOs”), mobile network operators

(“MNOs”), services-based operators (“SBOs”) including mobile virtual network

operators and those SBOs authorised under their respective licences to provide External

Telecommunications Services (“ETS”), International Value-Added Network Services

and Internet Access Services (“IAS”), etc. The Metering Model follows some of the

requirements in ISO 2859-1:1999(E) with the details given in the following table –

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Number of Test Calls Per Month Per Licence (Note 1) Reduced

Inspection Normal

Inspection Tightened Inspection

Acceptance No. / Rejection No.


500 1 250 2 000 0, 1 0.01%

Table 1: Metering Model

Note 1: Each MNO is required to conduct a number of Test Calls stated in Table 1

irrespective of the number of licences issued to that particular operator for operation of

mobile services.

Switching Rules

5.1.4 The diagram showing details of the Switching Rules is attached in Annex 1.

Normal to Tightened

5.1.5 Under the normal inspection, operators are required to sample or generate a

specific number of live or Test Calls every month in accordance with the requirements

in Table 1. When two monthly Metering Tests out of five consecutive monthly

Metering Tests (or fewer than five consecutive monthly Metering Tests) have been

non-acceptable on original inspection, operators are required to implement the

requirements of the tightened inspection.

Tightened to Normal

5.1.6 Under the tightened inspection, operators are required to sample or generate a

specific number of live or Test Calls every month in accordance with the requirements

in Table 1. When there are five consecutive monthly Metering Tests that have been

considered acceptable on original inspection, operators are allowed to switch to the

normal inspection.

Normal to Reduced

5.1.7 Under the normal inspection, operators are required to sample or generate a

specific number of live or Test Calls every month in accordance with the requirements

in Table 1. Operators can switch to the reduced inspection provided that all of the

following conditions are satisfied –

a) the current value of the switching score (see Section 5.1.8) is at least 30; and

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b) reduced inspection is considered desirable by the operator.

Remark: the ISO 2859-1’s criterion of “production is at a steady rate” is not applied to

the Metering Model when switching from the normal inspection to the reduced


Switching Score

5.1.8 The calculation of the switching score shall be initiated at the start of normal

inspection. The switching score shall be set at the zero value at the start and updated

following the inspection of each subsequent monthly Metering Test on original normal

inspection. When the acceptance number is 0, add 2 to the switching score if a specific

monthly Metering Test is accepted; otherwise reset the switching score to zero. For

example, the switching score is 2 when the monthly Metering Test in, say, May 2013 is

passed. The switching score is 4 when monthly Metering Tests in May 2013 and June

2013 are passed. The switching score is reset to zero if the monthly Metering Test in

July 2013 failed.

Reduced to Normal

5.1.9 Under the reduced inspection, operators can switch to the normal inspection if

any of the following conditions occur on original inspection –

a) a monthly Metering Test is not accepted; or

b) instructions given by OFCA that normal inspection shall be re-instated.

Remark: ISO 2859-1’s criterion of “production becomes irregular or delayed” is not

applied to the Metering Model when switching from the reduced inspection to the

normal inspection.

Discontinuation of Inspection

5.1.10 If the cumulative number of monthly Metering Tests not accepted in a sequence

of consecutive monthly Metering Tests on original tightened inspection reaches 5, the

acceptance procedures from Section 5.1.4 to Section 5.1.9 shall not be resumed until

the operator concerned has already improved its quality assurance system in a manner

to the satisfaction of the OFCA. Tightened inspection shall then be used as if Section

5.1.5 had been invoked.

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5.2 Telecommunications Billing Acceptance Model (the “Billing Model”)

5.2.1 The Billing Model is also based on ISO 2859-1:1999(E). Operators are required

to perform a Billing Test each month by sampling a number of bills specified with

respect to the applicable status in Table 2 below. The purpose of the monthly Billing

Test is to examine whether the billing integrity standard of 1:10 000 given in Section 4

is met and to ensure an acceptable quality level of billing accuracy for the bills issued in

a month.

Number of Bills to be Sampled Each Month

Acceptance No. /

Rejection No. AQL

Sample 32 bills in the reduced inspection Sample 50 bills in the normal inspection Sample 80 bills in the tightened inspection

0, 1 0.25%

Table 2: Billing Model

5.2.2 A specific monthly Billing Test is considered to be not acceptable if the

individual total error sum over the total billed sum of any sampled bill is greater than

1/10 000.

Normal to Tightened

5.2.3 The Switching Rules as specified in Annex 1 are also applicable to the Billing

Model. Under the normal inspection, operators are required to sample a specific

number of bills every month in accordance with the requirements in Table 2. When two

monthly Billing Tests out of five consecutive monthly Billing Tests (or fewer than five

consecutive monthly Billing Tests) have been non-acceptable on original inspection,

operators are required to implement the requirements of the tightened inspection.

Tightened to Normal

5.2.4 Under the tightened inspection, operators are required to sample a specific

number of bills every month in accordance with the requirements in Table 2. When

there are five consecutive monthly Billing Tests that have been considered acceptable

on original inspection, operators are allowed to switch to the normal inspection.

Normal to Reduced

5.2.5 Under the normal inspection, operators are required to sample a specific number

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of bills every month in accordance with the requirements in Table 2. Operators can

switch to the reduced inspection provided that all of the following conditions are

satisfied –

a) the current value of the switching score (see Section 5.2.6) is at least 30; and

b) reduced inspection is considered desirable by the operator.

Remark: the ISO 2859-1’s criterion of “production is at a steady rate” is not applied to

the Billing Model when switching from the normal inspection to the reduced


Switching Score

5.2.6 The calculation of the switching score shall be initiated at the start of the normal

inspection. The switching score shall be set at the zero value at the start and updated

following the inspection of each subsequent monthly Billing Test on original normal

inspection. When the acceptance number is 0, add 2 to the switching score if a specific

monthly Billing Test is accepted; otherwise reset the switching score to zero. For

example, the switching score is 2 when the monthly Billing Test in, say, May 2013 is

passed. The switching score is 4 when monthly Billing Tests in May 2013 and June

2013 also passed. The switching score is reset to zero if the monthly Billing Test in July

2013 failed.

Reduced to Normal

5.2.7 Under the reduced inspection, operators can switch to the normal inspection if

any of the following conditions occur on original inspection –

a) a monthly Billing Test is not accepted; or

b) instructions given by OFCA that normal inspection shall be re-instated.

Remark: the ISO 2859-1’s criterion of “production becomes irregular or delayed” is not

applied to the Billing Model when switching from the reduced inspection to the normal


Discontinuation of Inspection

5.2.8 If the cumulative number of monthly Billing Tests not accepted in a sequence of

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consecutive monthly Billing Tests on original tightened inspection reaches 5, the

acceptance procedures from Section 5.2.3 to Section 5.2.7 shall not be resumed until

the operator concerned has improved its quality assurance system in a manner to the

satisfaction of the OFCA. Tightened inspection shall then be used as if Section 5.2.3

had been invoked.

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6. Testing Tolerance Levels

6.1 Metering Tolerance

6.1.1 Since the metering device of a network is usually not located at the customer end,

the measured duration will have a small difference from that perceived by the customer.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a term known as Metering Tolerance. Delay is

the main cause of the Metering Tolerance.

6.1.2 The following are the Metering Tolerance for different services –

Type of Services Tolerance

IDD on Fixed Network Service

Mobile Service (Note 2)

Mobile Pre-paid Service


ETS Calling Card Service

Fixed Network Calling Card Service

Modem Dial-up Internet Service/IVANS

+/- 5100 ms

+/- 6980 ms

+/- 7640 ms

+/- 4200 ms

+ 7150 ms

+ 6550 ms

+ 54.5 seconds

Table 6.1 Metering Tolerance for Different Services

Note 2: Mobile Service is applicable to mobile local calls, mobile IDD calls and mobile

ETS calls.

6.1.3 Apart from Metering Tolerance for call duration, four more parameters need to

be tested in the Metering Test. These parameters are Calling Party, Called Party,

Charged Party and Charging Time Stamp.

6.1.4 No tolerance or error is allowed for recording of the Calling Party, the Called

Party and the Charged Party. These parameters must be checked if they are relevant to

the charging accuracy. Tolerance for the charging time stamp is +8.5 seconds and -5.5

seconds and this parameter needs to be checked if it is relevant to the charging accuracy.

6.2 Billing Tolerance

6.2.1 During the Billing Test, call records from Billing System would be rerated by

operators in accordance with the billing logic/tariff plan. This rerated per call charge

will be compared with the per call charge appeared on the bill issued to the customer.

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No tolerance will be given to the difference between the rerated per call charge and also

the per call charge appeared on the bill issued to the customer. In other words, the

billing tolerance of each billed call for different type of services is –

IDD Service : +/- 0 cent

Mobile Service : +/- 0 cent

Modem Dial-up Internet Service : +/- 0 cent

6.3 Rounding Treatments

6.3.1 All operators concerned are requested to declare their rounding treatments used

in DOM and perform a rounding treatment test on all sampled bills in the Billing Test

in the first twelve months after the implementation of the BMIS and report in the

manner specified herein. OFCA will conduct a review of whether there is a need to

impose suitable accuracy requirements, integrity standards or restrictions on the

rounding treatments or steps of individual operators, if necessary.

6.3.2 The per call charge appearing in a bill will be subtracted from the actual per call

charge calculated by using 4 decimal places in dollar value at each rating or mediation

step. This difference is known as per call discrepancy (“Eij”). All E ij will be summed

up and reported to OFCA.

Eij = ABij - A’Bij

where i refers to i-th bill and j refers to j-th call of the i-th bill

Eij refers to per call discrepancy

ABij refers to operator billed per call charge, calculated from operator’s billing

logic (usually with 2 decimal places in dollar value)

A’Bij refers to actual per call charge (with 4 decimal places in dollar value)

6.3.3 When Eij is positive, it implies that it is to the benefits of the operator. When Eij

is negative, it implies that it is to the benefits of the consumer. Operators shall specify

the signs of Eij clearly in the results. For example, a telephone per call discrepancy is

Eij = ABij - A’Bij = $0.01 - $0.0074

= + $0.0026

6.3.4 Operators shall submit the results of the rounding treatment test to OFCA in both

hardcopy and softcopy not later than 14 months and two weeks after the

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implementation of the BMIS. The submitted test results would be studied by OFCA.

The results of this rounding treatment test should be duly signed by the operator’s

responsible person, dated and chopped with the company chop. Operator’s

submissions of the test results should use the format/template given in Annex 7.

6.3.5 All submissions of hard copies of the rounding treatment test reports shall be

addressed to –

Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager (Regulatory Section 11)

Office of the Communications Authority

29/F, Wu Chung House,

213 Queen’s Road East,

Wanchai, Hong Kong.

6.3.6 At the same time, submissions of soft copies of the rounding treatment test

reports shall be addressed to –

[email protected]

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7. Verification of Metering and Billing System

7.1 Metering Test

7.1.1 Operators are allowed to use automatic call generators to generate Test Calls

from switches to test the metering accuracy. This section describes the two methods to

perform the Metering Test. The operator may reconcile test log records from call

generators with the corresponding records in the Billing System. The alternative

method is to reconcile test log records from call generators with the records extracted

from a metering point, followed by another reconcilation with the metering point and

the corresponding records in the Billing System. In such case, the operator has to

specify the metering point, say at the mediation device, in the DOM.

7.1.2 Nevertheless, manual Test Calls such as calling card services are acceptable if

there is no appropriate test equipment for the operator. In this case, the operator may

also reconcile manual test log records with the corresponding records in the Billing


Methodology to Verify Metering System Using Test Calls

The Metering Test

7.1.3 The Metering Test is performed once every month and outlined in the diagram

below –

7.1.4 The test should involve the following steps –

i) Generation of Test Calls;

ii) Collection of Test Call log;

iii) Collection of call details from the Billing System; and

iv) Producing test result by comparing the Test Call log from call generator with

the call details from the Billing System. Test Calls are accepted or rejected in









Test Call

Log Call Details

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accordance with the tolerance levels described in Section 6.1.

Number of Test Calls and Acceptance Level

7.1.5 The number of Test Calls required in each test and the acceptance level are

specified in Table 1. The distribution of numbers of Test Calls stated in Table 1 will be

determined by applying traffic ratio, revenue or number of customers of the operators

concerned. In general, the operators must use the same consistent basis of traffic ratio,

revenue or number of customers in all pro-rata calculations for the numbers of Test

Calls and Test Bills among relevant pre-paid and post-paid services, and the use of

pro-rata basis must be declared in DOM.

Test Call Pattern

7.1.6 In each Metering Test, operators should change test patterns quarterly in order to

satisfy the randomness requirements on calling Directory Numbers (“DNs”), called

DNs, charging DNs and call types.

Directory Numbers Selection

7.1.7 The operators should reserve a certain DNs for the Metering Test. These DNs

can be discrete spare numbers or belong to a specific number block. Operators can even

use the internal network routing and testing numbers (i.e. numbers with the leading

digits of “19”) at their own convenience.

7.1.8 The operators have to use a pseudo random/ballot method to draw a calling DN

and a called DN for the Metering Test. However, the calling DN and the called DN

must be changed periodically so as to satisfy the randomness requirement. In case of

dial-up Internet service, the operators have to use a pseudo-random/ballot method to

draw two log-in ID numbers from the reserved number list. Eight access numbers

should be randomly selected from the available access number pool. If the pool has less

than eight access numbers, all the access numbers in the pool should be tested. In case

of calling card calls, operators can select two cards from a reserved pool of 100 cards.

Test Call Types

7.1.9 The Test Call types are shown in the configuration diagrams at the end of this

section. During the IDD service test for ETS, mobile and fixed network services,

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operators are allowed to set up a loop back route to simulate the international call path.

Operators may determine their own numbering scheme for performing this loop back

test according to their operational needs.

7.1.10 Regarding the indirect calls involved in fixed and mobile networks, there may

be technical difficulties in setting up a test configuration across networks for indirect

calls. Therefore, operators are allowed not to test indirect calls provided that they have

tested the direct calls and could explicitly state and confirm that the call paths of

indirect calls are having no significant difference to those of direct calls.

Call Duration

7.1.11 The call duration to be used in the Metering Test is –

Call Type Test Call Duration

(Minutes) IDD Calls 1.5

Mobile Calls 1.5 Dial-up Internet Calls 10

Tolerance of Measurement Equipment

7.1.12 Operators may either use measurement equipment produced by equipment

manufacturers in the market or tailor-made ones for their own use. However, they need

to enclose the relevant certificate(s) by the equipment manufacturers or recognised

laboratories or self-declaration on the accuracy/tolerance of such measurement

equipment in use in the DOM in order that these certificates and self-declaration

information will be audited by OFCA on a need basis. The tolerance for measurement

equipment is +/- 1 second. Maximum tolerance for measurement equipment for call

duration is +/- 1 second. In case of manual call, the tolerance of manual calls is the same

as Section 7.3.6.

7.1.13 The total tolerance for accepting the Test Calls is the tolerance of measurement

equipment plus the Metering Tolerance mentioned in Section 6.1.

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Requirements on Test Execution

7.1.14 Operators should follow the following requirements during the test execution –

i) Operators need to check the integrity of the time stamps of the calls if the

call types of those calls selected are in time zone tariff plans. Operators

should ensure to continually align and adjust the time stamp of the Test Call

logs recorded by the call generators/receivers with the clock reference of

the Hong Kong Observatory (time server “stdtime.gov.hk”);

ii) Operators should produce test reports and self-declaration forms according

to the requirements described in Section 9 of this manual;

iii) Metering Tolerances for these three parameters, i.e. start time, end time and

call duration, strictly follow Section 6.1 regardless of whether the

parameters are directly obtained or indirectly derived from other

parameters on the call record in the Billing System;

iv) Total number of successful calls to be counted shall be no less than 99.9%

of total Test Calls as specified in Table 1; and

v) Operators may test more than the number of calls as specified in Table 1,

but they shall use the valid calls (i.e. successful calls and those unsuccessful

calls as specified in (iv) in sequence for checking and reporting purpose).

Alternative Method by Per Call Test

7.1.15 Operators have an option to perform the Metering Test in two steps according to

their operational needs. However, the Metering Test is considered to have failed if

either Part 1 test or Part 2 test failed. The details of Part 1 and Part 2 tests are described

in Sections 7.1.16 and 7.1.18 respectively. Both tests are performed once every month.

Part 1 Test

7.1.16 The following diagram illustrates Part 1 of the test.

Test Calls Metering





Test Call



Call Detailed Records

Part 1

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7.1.17 This part is the same as that described in the “Methodology to Verify Metering

System Using Test Calls” of this section, except that the call details for comparison

with the Test Call log are collected from the metering point output instead of the Billing

System. The requirements specified in Section 7.1.3 “The Metering Test” to Section

7.1.14 “Requirements on Test Execution” are applicable to this part of the test.

Part 2 Test

Test Outline

7.1.18 The objective of the test is to compare the call information of the CDR at the

metering point output with the call details from the Billing System. Live calls are taken

as samples for comparison. The details of the Part 2 test are illustrated in the following


7.1.19 The test should involve the following steps –

i) Collection of CDR samples of live calls from metering point output on

random basis;

ii) Collection of call details from the Billing System; and

iii) Producing test result by comparing the CDRs from the metering point and

call details from the Billing System. Test Calls are accepted if the

parameters set out in Section 6.1 are exactly matched.

Number of Test Calls and Acceptance Number

7.1.20 The number of Test Calls required in each test and the acceptance level are

specified in Table 1.




Point Billing

System Bills

CDR Comparison

Call Details

Part 2

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Call Sampling

7.1.21 The calls are sampled according to a random selection of a calling number

during a randomly selected period in the month when the Part 1 test is taken place.

7.1.22 Metering Test is not required for incoming toll free call, collect call and global

conference call, etc. if the Metering Systems are operated by other carriers or manually.

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Test Configurations (1/4)






Fixed Network IDD Service




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Test Configurations (2/4)


Base Station



Mobile Network



Base Station



Call Receiver

loopback(for IDD test only)

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Test Configurations (3/4)

CallGenerator ETS




ETS platform with direct interface with CallGenerator and Call Receiver

Option 1

CallGenerator ETS



ETS platform cannot directly interface withCall Generator and Call Receiver. Test callsare passed to ETS platform via PSTN


Option 2

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Test Configurations (3/4)

Option 3 Test Configurations (4/4)


Call Receiver

Call Generator

Mobile Network ETS Platform

loop back

Call Generator e.g. computer

PSTN IAS Platform

Remote Access Server Radius Server

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7.2 Billing Test

7.2.1 Based on the sampled bills as mentioned in Section 5.2.1, operators are required to perform a Billing Test on a monthly basis by sampling 32, 50, 80 bills in the reduced, normal and tightened inspection respectively. The purpose of the Billing Test is to verify the billing accuracy of all sampled bills. 7.2.2 Operators will calculate the billing charges of calls by applying their own billing logic and using the call detail records information stored in their Billing Systems (“ABij”) which is exactly the same point of the Billing System used for Metering Test under Section 7.1.4 (iii) or Section 7.1.19 (iii). Afterwards, operators will compare the charges calculated from their billing logic (“ABij”) with the charges actually billed to customers (“A’’Bij”). The absolute differences between these two charges in a bill will be added and regarded as total error in a bill (“Σ Dij”). 7.2.3 The actual bill amount is the summation of all chargeable values that the customer needs to pay to the operator concerned. For convenience purpose, the charge that the customer needs to pay to the operator is regarded as positive value, otherwise it will be regarded as negative value. Examples of negative value are free minutes, free call charges, balance brought forward in credit, odd cents carried forward etc. 7.2.4 Therefore, all the billing charges of positive value in a sampled bill will be added up and regarded as the actual bill amount (“Ti”) in a bill. All other negative values such as monetary rebates, free minutes, volume discount etc. will not be counted in this amount. These billing charges include all timed/usage charges and non-timed/usage charges in that bill. Any billing charge of negative value will be checked arithmetically but will not be counted in the actual bill amount. When operators provide rebates in terms of time to their customers, the input information (time rebated from previous months or free minutes carried forward) can be assumed to be correct. Operators only need to perform the checking on the arithmetic calculation. When a sampled bill consists of negative chargeable values only, this sampled bill will be discarded and substituted by another sampled bill. 7.2.5 The passing criteria of an individual bill i are – ΣDij / Ti <= $1 / $10000 where

� i refers to a bill and j refers to a call;

� Ti refers to the actual bill amount in a bill (down to cents place);

� Dij refers to per call error in a specific bill i and it equals to the absolute

difference between ABij and A’’Bij (Dij = ׀ABij - A’’ Bij׀);

� ABij refers to operator billed per call charge calculated from operator’s billing

logic (down to cents place) ;

� A’’ Bij refers to per call charge appeared on customer’s bill (down to cents

place); and

� Arithmetic check based on charges actually billed to customers is counted as a

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passing criterion in a bill check.

7.2.6 The monthly Billing Test is considered as failed if any individual sampled bill is

failed. The following table illustrates the number of bills to be sampled by operators

each month and the acceptance/rejection criteria.

Number of Bills to be Sampled Each Month

Acceptance No. / Rejection No.

Sample 32 bills in the reduced inspection Sample 50 bills in the normal inspection Sample 80 bills in the tightened inspection


7.2.7 However, operators shall ensure a random or pseudo-random selection of samples

and also declare the selection process in the DOM. Operators should use one of the

following parameters which would cover all their customers to randomise the selection

of the samples. Random selection parameters are account number, DN or invoice


7.2.8 Operators can use electronic records of the bills in the Billing System instead of

hardcopy bills, provided that they are consistent with the bills actually issued to

customers. Operators should have measures to ensure the consistency of the two

records. 7.2.9 No Billing Test is required if the values of bills are calculated and checked by the

other carriers. However, it is still necessary for operators to conduct an arithmetic check

of these billing data to verify the correctness of the final bill value. If only raw data

(e.g. call duration) is provided by other carriers, operators are still required to perform

the associated Billing Test based on these raw data.

Maximum Calls Per Bill

7.2.10 “Maximum calls per bill” is a selection criterion in the Billing Test. If the

number of calls of a sampled bill is greater than the maximum calls per bill, then this bill

can be discarded. The maximum calls per bill for the Billing Test is defined as –

IDD Service 35 calls per bill Mobile Service 191 calls per bill Dial-up Internet Service 34 calls per bill

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Minimum Call Per Bill

7.2.11 The minimum call per bill in Billing Test is defined as 1.

7.3 Pre-paid Services

7.3.1 Pre-paid services refer to the services provided by operators in the form of

pre-paid calling cards and pre-paid SIM cards.

Number of Test Calls

7.3.2 Operators can use traffic ratio, revenue or number of customers to determine the

number of Test Calls (“X”) for the pre-paid services in the Metering Test whereas X is a

portion of Test Calls in Table 1. For example, an FNO is offering both post-paid and

pre-paid services and it decides to use traffic ratio to work out the number of Test Calls

for post-paid and pre-paid services. Assuming that its traffic ratios for post-paid and

pre-paid are 90% and 10% of total traffic respectively, the numbers of Test Calls for

post-paid and pre-paid services are 1 125 (1 250 x 90%) and 125 Test Calls (1 250 x 10%)


Number of Pre-paid Cards

7.3.3 Similarly, operators can use traffic ratio, revenue or number of customers to

determine the number of pre-paid calling cards/pre-paid SIM cards (“Y”) for the Billing

Test whereas Y is a portion of bills in Table 2. For example, an FNO is offering both

post-paid and pre-paid services and it decides to use traffic ratio to work out the number

of pre-paid calling cards. Assuming that its traffic ratios for post-paid and pre-paid

services are 90% and 10% of total traffic respectively, the number of bills of post-paid

services for the test is 45 (50 x 90%) and the number of pre-paid calling cards/bills for

the test is 5. In addition, half-adjustment rounding to the nearest integer must be applied

in these pro-rata calculations, except that if the number for a pre-paid service is smaller

than 1, it must be rounded up to 1.

Billing Integrity Standard

7.3.4 As far as the Billing Test is concerned, the absolute summation error value of the

inaccurately billed calls in a pre-paid calling card/pre-paid SIM card shall not exceed 1

in 10 000 of the value of total billed sum in that pre-paid calling card/pre-paid SIM card.

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Test Method

7.3.5 Automatic test for the pre-paid services is highly recommended and shall be

adopted at a first place. However, if automatic generation of pre-paid calls is not feasible,

then manual generation of Test Calls for pre-paid services is also acceptable.

Tolerance of Call Start Time and Call Stop Time

7.3.6 In case the call generation and call recording have to be undertaken manually, the

tolerance of call start time or call end time is +/- 2 seconds.

Accuracy of Interactive Voice Response System (“IVRS”) Voice Prompt

7.3.7 Operators shall self-declare in DOM that the accuracy of the pre-paid calling card

or pre-paid SIM card system in the conversion of electronic record to voice message.

Scenario of Pre-paid Services Platforms

7.3.8 In general, there are two scenarios for the pre-paid services systems. Scenario 1

refers to the pre-paid services system possessing a database in which the required call

detailed information and the charge of each call have been recorded. Scenario 2 refers to

the pre-paid services systems that do not have a database storing call detailed

information and the charge of each call. Operators can select either separate or

integrated test for the pre-paid service test.

Separate Test

7.3.9 The Metering Test is similar to Section 7.1. The following parameters should be

checked, wherever applicable, such as calling party, called party, call duration, charged

party (e.g. account number) and charging time stamp etc. The method of selecting DNs

is set out in Section 7.1.7. The number of pre-paid cards required for Metering Test is at

least 2.

7.3.10 The Billing Test is similar to Section 7.2. All in-service pre-paid SIM/calling

cards should be sampled for the Billing Test. In particular, procedures should be derived

in such a way to ensure samples are chosen randomly or pseudo-randomly.

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7.3.11 Sampling of bills/calls/cards can be made in either automatic way or manual

ballot way. All the sampled records (bills, calls or cards etc.) must be listed out clearly

irrespective of whether the bills/calls/cards were used, discarded or any other possible


7.3.12 However, if sampling of cards is a manual process, then all the cards drawn

including filtered cards and selected cards must be recorded.

7.3.13 Only the calls made in previous month of the reporting period shall be included

for the test. The maximum and minimum numbers of calls per card for the pre-paid

system are the same as those per bill for post-paid system.

Integrated Test

7.3.14 The charged party shall be verified when the Metering System is tested. Call

charge should be calculated by applying the billing logic of the billing/pre-paid system.

This call charge is verified against the actual call charge deducted by the pre-paid system.

The actual call charge deducted by the pre-paid system can be checked and recorded by

listening to the IVRS voice or other methods whereas appropriate.

7.3.15 In case the test is failed, operators shall conduct investigations, report the

sources of faults (Metering System, Billing System, or both) and specify the remedy

actions taken to rectify the faults to OFCA. In case call duration record is not retrievable

from the pre-paid services platform, the operator must submit sufficient supporting

information for its investigation and argument to declare that the fault is due to Metering

System alone, Billing System alone, or both of them.

7.3.16 The passing criteria for pre-paid services using integrated platforms are

similar to those set out in Section 7.2.5. In case of pre-paid SIM cards offered by mobile

operators which can make both IDD calls and mobile calls, the number of pre-paid IDD

calls and pre-paid mobile calls are derived from the total number of pre-paid calls of that

mobile operator using traffic ratio, revenue or number of customers. The number of

pre-paid cards required for integrated test is at least 2.

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General Procedure

7.3.17 The general procedures for testing the pre-paid systems are to –

a) Check the pre-paid cards for sufficient monetary value for making the Test


b) Synchronise the clock with Hong Kong Observatory, if necessary;

c) Record the balance at the beginning of the tests;

d) Check the charged party (or card identifier) and duration during the

Metering Test whereas calling party, called party and time stamp would be

checked if necessary;

e) Record the remaining balance at the end of the tests;

f) Record the before-call and after-call balances to obtain the per-call charge

amount in case the per-call charge amount is not available from the pre-paid


g) Record the deviation of the charging amount calculated manually and the

amount recorded by the pre-paid system for each call;

h) Add the absolute differences between manually calculated charge and the

actual deducted amount for each call and the sum of the differences is to be

regarded as total error for the pre-paid service;

i) Sum all calculated chargeable values to become the actual bill amount;

j) Check whether the passing criteria for the pre-paid card are fulfilled i.e. the

ratio of the total error and the actual bill amount does not exceed 1:10 000

and the arithmetic check set out in Section 7.2.4 is passed; and

k) Observe that the previous agreed procedures for handling rounding

treatment for post-paid service were applicable to pre-paid service.

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Template for Pre-paid Services

Separate Test

Metering Test

Call type: _________________

[Optional Table] Account No. / Card Identifier Initial Card Value

Derived Records from Test Calls Call Number Test Date Account No. /

Card Identifier Called Number

Answered Start Time


1 2 3

Derived from Prepay Service Platform Call Number

Test Date Account No. / Card Identifier

Called Number

Answered Start Time

Duration Test Result

1 2 3

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Billing Test

Account No. / Card Identifier Initial Card Value Call Number

Test Date Called DN Start / End** Time (if applicable)

Recorded Duration

Rerated Call Charges

Call Charges Recorded by the Billing System

Card Balance* Absolute Error

1 2 3 4 5 X Total

Note: * Card Balance, except the balance at the end of the test, is an optional item.

** Deleted if appropriate.

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Integrated Test

Call type: ___________________

Account No. / Card Identifier Initial Card Value Call No.*

Test Date

Called DN

Card Balance Before Making the Test Call

Start / End** Time (answered) [if applicable]

Recorded Duration of Test Call

Charging Unit *

No. of Units (roundup) *

Unit Charge / Tariff

Manually Rated Call Charges (X)

Minimum Acceptable Duration *

MaximumAcceptable Duration *

Possible Call Charges (lower) *

Possible Call Charges (upper) *

Card Balance After Making the Test Call

Call Charges Deducted by the Billing System

Absolute Error (Y) (note)

Test Results (metering)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1 $100 58 6 10 $0.20 $2.00 49 67 $1.80 $2.40 $97.80 $2.20 $0.00 2 $97.80 58 6 10 $0.20 $2.00 49 67 $1.80 $2.40 $96.10 $1.70 $0.10 3 $96.10 58 6 10 $0.20 $2.00 49 67 $1.80 $2.40 $93.50 $2.60 $0.20 4 5 X

Passing criterion for Billing Test Result is: summation of Y ÷ summation of X ≤ 1:10 000

Billing Test Result: summation of Y ÷ summation of X ≤ 1:10 000 (pass criterion)

Note: * Optional items

** Deleted if appropriate.

(note): If (12) <= (15) <= (13), the absolute error is 0. (i.e. Call No. 1 case)

If (15) < (12), the absolute error is (12) - (15). (i.e. Call No. 2 case)

If (15) > (13), the absolute error is (15) - (13). (i.e. Call No. 3 case)

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8. Guidelines to Design Operator’s Detailed Operation Manual

8.1 Introduction

8.1.1 This section illustrates the guidelines to operators on how to design and compile

their DOM. The DOM integrates the operator’s all aspects of the Metering and Billing

Tests from network operating system to back-office Billing Systems. It provides the

information on the operators’ internal testing and coordination procedures and system or

equipment setup in meeting the requirements of this manual or the BMIS as a whole.

8.1.2 There are several guidelines to help operators to prepare the DOM such as –

• The purpose of the DOM is to give and explain the operation of operator’s

billing and metering processes, man machine interfaces, testing procedures

and system or equipment setup. It could also serve to assist the CPA in

understanding the detailed information before conducting the required

assurance exercise;

• Apart from giving the operation of billing and metering processes, testing

procedures and system/equipment setup, the DOM should also illustrate the

details about the reporting channel and mechanism to OFCA; and

• DOM should also specify when and how the details given therein would be

revised and updated.

8.1.3 The DOM should therefore include the following major headings –

• The description of the system/equipment setup to meet the requirements of the

Metering Model and standards;

• The description of the system/equipment setup to meet the requirements of the

Billing Model and standards;

• The Metering Tests and yardsticks;

• The Billing Tests and yardsticks;

• Self appraisal procedures;

• Self declaration;

• Monthly Report; and

• Procedures for revision.

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8.2 Details of Each Section

8.2.1 Contents of DOM should include the details given in the following table –

Item No.

Headings Contents

1. Introduction Describe the meaning of DOM. 2. Scope Describe the scope of DOM. 3. Description of the

telecommunications networks and systems involved in the Metering and Billing operations

Describe the functions and operations of various components of the operator’s telecommunications networks and systems involved in the processes of Metering and Billing. For details, refer to the relevant documents.

4. Description of the Metering System

Describe the setup and operation of the Metering System. For details, refer to the relevant documents.

5. Description of the rating, mediation and Billing Systems

Describe the setup and operation of the rating, mediation and Billing Systems. For details, refer to the relevant documents.

6. Description of the setup and internal procedures for carrying out the Metering Tests

Describe the procedures and methods in undertaking the Metering Test, such as – � yardsticks of the test; � who is responsible for the Metering Test; � when should the Metering Test be performed

(date of a specific month); � how many Test Calls should be made; � under what conditions should the test be

re-performed; � what are the reasons causing the failure of a

particular Metering Test (also give the reasons and causes behind the possible failure);

� what are the precautions or remedial actions to minimise the occurrence of failed Test Calls;

� when and who should submit the quarterly test results and self declaration forms (Metering Test part) by the operator’s responsible directorate officer/authorised staff; and

� when and who should submit the completed and signed self-declaration forms (Metering Test part) to OFCA/CPA.

7. Description of the setup and internal procedures for carrying out the Billing Tests

Describe the procedures and methods in undertaking the Billing Tests, such as – � yardsticks of the test; � who is responsible for the Billing Test; � when should the Billing Test be performed (date

of a specific month); � how many bills should be re-rated; � under what conditions should the test be


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Item No.

Headings Contents

� what are the reasons behind causing failure of a particular Billing Test;

� what are the precautions or remedial actions to minimise the occurrence of failed bills;

� when and who should submit the quarterly test results and self declaration forms (Billing Test part) by the operator’s responsible directorate officer/authorised staff; and when and who should submit the completed and signed self-declaration forms (Billing Test part) to OFCA/CPA.

8. Self declaration procedures Describe the internal procedures for self-declaration and submission of the completed and signed self-declaration forms or monthly reports to OFCA by the Submission Date set out in Section 9.2.4. State the name, post title of the operator’s directorate level or authorised staff responsible for making a self-declaration to OFCA on both Metering and Billing Tests.

9. Monthly test results

Describe the procedures and details on how a Metering and Billing System be sub-divided for appraisal, such as – • who should be responsible for carrying out the

Metering and Billing Tests and analysis of the collected test data;

• under what conditions will the monthly test results be submitted to OFCA;

• when should the monthly test results be submitted to OFCA; and

• who should countersign the monthly test results. 10. The procedure of revising the

DOM (change of staff, yardsticks etc.)

State under what conditions for which the DOM would be revised or changed and who is the responsible person for making the required amendments. All amendments must be documented and duly authorised by the operator’s responsible person.

11. Related documents If there are any related documents to the DOM, it is necessary to specify the names of these documents.

12. The format of monthly report Same format as given in Section 9.3 of QAM.

8.2.2 Yardsticks for Metering Test

1. Testing equipment tolerance

Testing equipment tolerance should be the tolerance as defined in the technical specification of equipment vendor or the tolerance as measured by the operator supported by a detailed test report to be included in the DOM.

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2. Metering Tolerance (“delay”) in operator’s network

• Metering Tolerance (“delay”) in operator’s network is to be declared by operators; and/or

• Metering Tolerance as defined in this manual or as approved by OFCA.

3. Randomness of sampling

• To ensure randomness of sampling, the operator may use ballot or pseudo-random method to draw the test pattern;

• For calling numbers, two testing numbers are to be drawn from a pool of 100 DNs or internal network routing and testing numbers for use in the test; and

• For called numbers, testing numbers are to be drawn from a pool of 100 DNs or internal network routing and testing numbers for use in the test.

4. System clock accuracy

� Operator is required to declare the system clock accuracy in DOM by referencing to the relevant technical specifications supplied by their equipment vendors/self declaration; and

� Operator is required to declare the routine procedures to calibrate the system clock and synchronise with Hong Kong Observatory’s clock.

5. Any other yardsticks where necessary

8.2.3 Yardsticks for Billing Test

1. Charging unit

State at least the reference showing the operator’s existing charging unit such as six seconds basis.

2. Unit rate

State at least the reference showing the unit rate for each charging unit such as $0.2 per six seconds.

3. Call charge per minute in operator’s Billing System

Operator’s call charge published in the tariff plans such as $2 per minute.

4. Rounding treatments • Rounding treatments that have been used in the Billing System; and

• Billing methodology especially those steps involve rounding treatment (e.g. all the steps in generating a charged IDD call in the bill). A sample bill is necessary to illustrate the situations.

5. Name of the operator’s Billing System, version and vendors, if any, for developing the Billing Systems

6. Accuracy on the conversion of electronic record to voice by IVRS equipment

Operator shall self-declare the accuracy on the conversion of electronic record to voice by IVRS equipment. A typical voice prompt is to read out the remaining pre-paid card values.

7. Any other yardsticks where necessary

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8.2.4 Operators can determine to use only one of the sampling parameters which will

cover all their customers to randomise the selection of their samples for the Billing Tests.

The sampling parameters are: –

(i) Account Number;

(ii) DN; or

(iii) Invoice Number.

8.2.5 Operators are required to specify the sampling parameters of the Billing Test in

the “Yardsticks for Billing Test” of the DOM. Operators should apply the market

exchange rate fairly in their billing procedures.

8.2.6 The operators should endeavour that charging information can be made available upon request by customers including but not limited to the following items whichever applicable –

� call duration/usage (in calling units or seconds); � unit charge tariff (to the nearest cent); � the exchange rate applied if necessary (in four significant figures); � the discount plan applied; and � call bill amount (to the nearest cent).

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9. Monthly Test Report

9.1 Introduction

9.1.1 Operators should prepare the testing report on monthly basis and submit the

self-declaration forms for the compliance status, Metering Test and Billing Test to

OFCA half-yearly using the format attached in Annexes 2,3 and 4 respectively. This

section describes the self-declaration procedure and the format of the test report that is to

be submitted by operators after conducting the Metering and Billing Tests.

9.1.2 All the measurements or test results generated and collected during the Metering

Tests and Billing Tests must be properly recorded and documented in the monthly test

report. Operators should not selectively submit test data collected from the test for test

report preparation purpose.

9.2 Self-Declaration Procedures

9.2.1 Operators are required to make self-declarations half-yearly to OFCA on its

monthly test results of the Metering and Billing Systems. Operators can make their own

arrangement for the Metering and Billing Tests. However, some general guidelines are

suggested as follows.


9.2.2 At the beginning of each month, operators prepare, set up and perform the Billing

and Metering Tests in accordance with the DOM. In case of any unsuccessful test results

due to abnormal circumstances of the testing environment, the operators shall

re-perform some of the tests if necessary*. Operators are required to prepare the test

reports and self-declaration forms according to the test results.

* The condition for re-test can be –

a. system outage – e.g. the communication link is out of order;

b. unforeseen disaster – e.g. red rain/black rain storm, typhoon that causes

heavy load of communication link; and/or

c. test equipment failure.

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Mandatory Requirements

9.2.3 Apart from the general guidelines outlined above, operators must fulfil some

mandatory requirements as mentioned in the following paragraphs.

9.2.4 Operators must submit the self-declaration forms to OFCA by the twenty-fifth of

the month immediately following the sixth month in which the tests are conducted (“the

Submission Date”). If any test results done within the six months are failed, operators

should also submit the monthly test reports together with the self-declaration forms to

OFCA by the Submission Date. Allowable extension to the end of the calendar month of

the Submission Date can be given if request is made in advance to OFCA before the

Submission Date through email at [email protected].

9.2.5 For instance, if the tests are conducted in January, February, March, April, May

and June, the self-declaration forms and also any failed test reports for these six months

should reach OFCA at [email protected] by 25th July. If the monthly test results have

passed, operators only need to submit the self-declaration forms to OFCA in the same

manner by the Submission Date. Meanwhile, operators should keep the monthly test

reports to be checked by the CPA. The operators should complete the monthly test

results by the Submission Date.

9.2.6 The one who signs and submits the self-declaration forms to OFCA should be at

the operator’s directorate level or authorised staff. Operator’s submissions of

self-declaration forms and test reports should use the format/template as defined and

given in this manual.

9.2.7 It is the responsibility of individual operators to submit the self-declaration forms

and test reports to OFCA on time. OFCA will not be held responsible for chasing any

operators for the required submissions.

9.3 Format of Test Report

9.3.1 Operators are required to prepare the test reports about the Metering Test and

Billing Test performed. In general, the test reports should be sufficient to derive the

results of the test for inspection purpose. Therefore, the test report should at least keep

the records of the checked test data.

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Format of Metering Test Report Using the Metering Test

9.3.2 For operators employing the Metering Test in Section 7.1.3, it should include a

test report showing the matching results between the following derived data from the

Billing System and call generator –

• DN (i.e. calling party/charged party);

• Dialled number (i.e. called party information sufficient for billing purpose);

• Charging Time Stamp;

• Duration/Usage; and

• Call Date.

9.3.3 In order to allow easy reference of each record, the following additional fields are

recommended also –

• Test sequence number (for cross reference of matched records);

• Service type (“Mobile/Mobile IDD”, “IDD/ETS”, “IAS”);

• Metering Tolerance (as specified for different service type in this manual);

• Test equipment tolerance;

• Charging Time Stamp tolerance;

• Difference of Charging Time Stamp;

• Difference of duration/usage;

• Result (result of individual records checked, either “P” = Pass or “F”=Fail”);


• Total number of failed calls in the test at the end of the report.

Format of Metering Test Report Using Per Call Test

9.3.4 For operators employing Per Call Test in Section 7.1.15, the test report should

include two parts. Part I of the test report includes the matching results between the

following derived data from the CDR and Test Call generator and Part II of the test

report includes the matching results between the following derived data from the Billing

System and the CDR –

• DN (i.e. calling party/charged party);

• Dialled number (i.e. called party information sufficient for billing purpose);

• Charging Time Stamp;

• Duration/Usage; and

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• Call Date.

9.3.5 In order to allow easy reference of each record, the following additional fields are

recommended also –

• Test sequence number (for cross reference of matched records);

• Service type (“Mobile/Mobile IDD”, “IDD/ETS”, “IAS”);

• Metering Tolerance (as specified for different service type in this manual,

not applicable to Part II);

• Test equipment tolerance;

• Charging Time Stamp tolerance;

• Difference of Charging Time Stamp;

• Difference of duration/usage;

• Result (result of individual records checked, either “P”=Pass or “F”=Fail”);


• Total number of failed calls in the test at the end of the report.

Format of Billing Test Report

9.3.6 For Billing Test report, it should include detailed bills, worksheet of checking

detailed bills and summary of the results of checking detailed bills.

9.3.7 The detailed bills should include all charging information as follows –

• Service type (“Mobile/Mobile IDD”, “IDD/ETS”, “ISP”);

• Sampling identification, i.e. DN, Account Number, or Invoice Number;

• Call date;

• Charging Time Stamp (for item associated with time and usage charge);

• Dialled number (for item associated with time and usage charge);

• Duration/ Usage (for item associated with time and usage charge);

• Charging description (for item not associated with time and usage charge);

• Billed amount; and

• Calling Party or Charged Party.

9.3.8 The worksheet of checking detailed bills should include charging information on

the bills and the actual calculated amount as follows –

• Bill number (identification of the bill sampled for cross reference of result

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• Service type (“Mobile/Mobile IDD”, “IDD/ETS”, “IAS”);

• Sampling identification, i.e. DN, Account Number, or Invoice Number;

• Item reference (reference for the items on bill);

• Call date;

• Charging Time Stamp (for item associated with time and usage charge);

• Charging description (for item not associated with time and usage charge);

• Duration;

• Number of units (calculate from duration/ usage);

• Unit charge;

• Discount;

• Actual calculated amount (amount calculated manually);

• Billed amount (amount shown on bill);

• Difference of charging amount (i.e. absolute value of difference between

Actual Calculated Amount and Billed Amount);

• Total actual calculated amount of the bill (sum of all Actual Calculated


• Total difference of charging amount of the bill (sum of all Difference of

Charging Amount); and

• Calling Party or Charged Party.

9.3.9 The summary of the results of checking detailed bills should include the results of

the bills being checked as follows –

• Bill number (identification of the bill sampled for cross reference of result


• Total difference of charging amount of the bill (sum of all Difference of

Charging Amount);

• Total actual bill amount of the bill (sum of all Actual Bill Amount);

• Ratio of difference of the bill (calculated by Total Difference of Charging

Amount of the bill / Total Actual Calculated Amount of the bill);

• Result (result of individual bill checked, either “P”=Pass or “F”=Fail);

• Threshold per bill (for reference only);

• Total number of bills failed (number of bills with ratio of difference greater

than threshold); and

• Result of Billing Test (Passed or failed).

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9.3.10 A sample of all test reports is attached in Annex 5 for reference. Although there

is no need for operators to provide the passed test reports regularly to OFCA, operators

should keep them for at least three years in case there is a need for OFCA or CPA to

make reference to them.

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10. Reference Documents

HKCA 3105 “Requirements on the Assurance, Reporting and Monitoring Procedures for

the Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme” issued by the CA

ISO 2859-1:1999 (E) “Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes – Part

1:Sampling Plans Indexed by Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) for Lot-by-Lot


Office of Telecommunications (Oftel, UK) “Standard for Telecommunications Metering

Systems and Billing Systems OTR003:2001”

Australian Communications Industry Forum “Industry Code on Call Charging and

Billing Accuracy ACIF C518:2000”

Statement of the CA on “Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme” issued on 23

November 2005

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Annex 1

Switching Rules and Procedures









Monthly test not

accepted or “Note 4” Switching Score ≥ 30 and “Note 3”

5 consecutive monthly tests


2 of 5 or fewer consecutive

monthly tests not accepted

OFCA approval of reversion

to Tightened Inspection

5 monthly tests not accepted while

on tightened inspection


Note 3: reduced inspection is considered desirable by the operator.

Note 4: instructions given by OFCA that normal inspection shall be re-instated.

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Annex 2

Self-Declaration Form for Compliance Status

Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme

Self-Declaration Form

Compliance Status on [Date]

I declare that our company has followed the requirements in accordance with the HKCA

3104 “Quality Assurance Manual for Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme” to carry

out metering and billing integrity tests and is in compliance with/not in compliance with

the BMIS on [Date].

Company name: ___________________________________

Licence type:____________________________

Licence number:____________________________

Name of responsible person: ________________________

Position: ______________________

Telephone: ____________________________


Email address: _________________________

Date: _________________________

Signature: _____________________

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Annex 3

Self-Declaration Form for the Metering Test

Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme

Self-Declaration Form of the Metering Test on [Date]

I declare that our company has followed the requirements in accordance with the HKCA

3104 “Quality Assurance Manual for Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme” to carry

out metering and billing integrity tests and the results are as follows –

Metering Test

Testing period: _____________ (e.g. August 2012)

Number of Test Calls made: __________ (e.g. 1 250)

Number of failed calls: ___________ (e.g. 1)

Test result: ________ (e.g. Pass with 10 switching score)

Inspection status before this test: ________ (refer to Annex 6 of QAM)

Inspection status after this test: __________ (refer to Annex 6 of QAM)

Metering Test/Per Call Test (please specify) (Note 5):________ (e.g. Metering Test)

Number of calls sampled in Per Call Test Part 2: _____________(e.g. 1 250)

Number of failed calls in Per Call Test Part 2: _______________(e.g. 1)

Company name: ___________________________________

Licence type: ____________________________

Licence number: ____________________________

Name of authorised person: ________________________

Position: _______________________

Telephone: ___________________________ Fax:________________________

Email address: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Signed with company chop: ___________________________

Note 5:

The Metering Test: test from call generator to Billing System.

Per Call Test: A two-part Metering Test: Part 1 to reconcile Test Call log records with

call details from a metering point and Part 2 to reconcile call details from that metering

point with call details from Billing System.

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Annex 4

Self-Declaration Form for the Billing Test

Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme

Self-Declaration Form of the Billing Test on [Date]

I declare that our company has followed the requirements in accordance with the HKCA

3104 “Quality Assurance Manual for Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme” to carry

out metering and billing integrity tests and the results are as follows –

Billing Test

Testing period: _____________ (e.g. August 2012)

Number of bills checked: __________ (e.g. 50)

Number of failed bills: ___________ (e.g. 0)

Test result: ________ (e.g. Pass with 10 switching score)

Inspection status before this test: ________ (refer to Annex 6 of QAM)

Inspection status after this test: __________ (refer to Annex 6 of QAM)

Company name: ___________________________________

Licence type:____________________________

Licence number:____________________________

Name of authorised person: ________________________

Position: ______________________

Telephone: ___________________________ Fax:___________________________

Email address: ________________________ Date: _________________________

Signed with company chop: ___________________________

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Annex 5

Format of Metering and Billing Test Report

Example of a Monthly Metering Test Report Using Metering Test Method Specified in “Methodology to Verify Metering System Using Test Calls”

in Section 7.1.3

Derived Records from Call Generator Test

Sequence Directory Number

Dialled Number Call Date Charging Time Stamp (start/end* time)


Duration /Usage (A2)

Service Type

Test Equipment Tolerance

(in seconds) e.g. 1 2123 1234 00x 1 212 xxxxxxx 1 Dec 2012 9:05:00 p.m. 2 min 30 sec IDD 2

2 3

5000 *: delete whereas appropriate.

Derived Records from Billing System Test

Sequence Directory Number

Dialled Number Charging Time Stamp (start/end* time)


Duration/ Usage (B2)

Service Type

Metering Tolerance (in seconds)

e.g. 1 2123 4567 00x 1 212 xxxxxxx 9:05:03 p.m. 2 min 33 sec IDD 1 2 3


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Results of Difference between Call Generator and Billing System Test

Sequence Difference of

Charging Time Stamp (start/end* time)


Difference of Duration/Usage (B2-A2)

Result Difference of Caller ID

Difference of Calling ID

e.g. 1 0 0 F – mismatch 2 3

5000 *: delete whereas appropriate

Report prepared by

Company: _____________________

Name: ___________________

Position: __________________

Telephone: __________________

Fax: _______________________


Date: _____________________

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Example of a Monthly Metering Test Report Using Metering Test Method Specified in “Alternative Method by Per Call Test”

in Section 7.1.15

Part I

Derived Records from Call Generator Test

Sequence Directory Number

Dialled Number Call Date Charging Time Stamp (start/end* time)


Duration /Usage (A2)

Service Type

Test Equipment Tolerance

(in seconds) e.g. 1 2123 1234 00x 1 212 xxxxxxx 1 Dec 2012 9:05:00 p.m. 2 min 30 sec IDD 2

2 3

5000 *: delete whereas appropriate

Derived Records from CDR Test

Sequence Directory Number

Dialled Number Charging Time Stamp (start/end* time)


Duration/ Usage (B2)

Service Type

Metering Tolerance

(in seconds) e.g. 1 2123 4567 00x 1 212 xxxxxxx 9:05:03 p.m. 2 min 33 sec IDD 1

2 3

5000 Results of Difference between Call Generator and CDR

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Test Sequence

Difference of Charging Time Stamp

(start/end* time) (B1-A1)

Difference of Duration/Usage



e.g. 1 0 0 F – mismatch 2 3

5000 *: delete whereas appropriate

Report prepared by

Company: _____________________

Name: ___________________

Position: __________________

Telephone: __________________

Fax: _______________________


Date: _____________________

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Part II

Derived Records from CDR Test

Sequence Directory Number

Dialled Number Call Date Charging Time Stamp (start/end* time)


Duration /Usage (A2)

Service Type

e.g. 1 2123 1234 00x 1 212 xxxxxxx 1 Dec 2012 9:05:00 p.m. 2 min 30 sec IDD 2 3

5000 *: delete whereas appropriate

Derived Records from Billing System Test

Sequence Directory Number

Dialled Number Charging Time Stamp (start/end* time)


Duration/ Usage (B2)

Service Type

e.g. 1 2123 4567 00x 1 212 xxxxxxx 9:05:03 p.m. 2 min 33 sec IDD 2 3


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Results of Difference between CDR and Billing System Test

Sequence Difference of

Charging Time Stamp (start/end* time)


Difference of Duration/Usage (B2-A2)


e.g. 1 0 0 F – mismatch 2 3

5000 *: delete whereas appropriate

Report prepared by

Company: _____________________

Name: ___________________

Position: __________________

Telephone: __________________

Fax: _______________________


Date: _____________________

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An Example of a Monthly Billing Test Report

Worksheet of Checking Detail Bills

Bill Number: 1

Service Type: IDD service

Sample Identification (Directory No./Account No./Invoice No.): XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Charging Items Item

Sequence Call Date

Calling Party/ Charged Party

Charging Time Stamp

(start/end* time)

Charging Description

Duration No. of Units

Unit Charge

Discount Actual Calculated

Amount (A)

Billed Amount (B)

Difference of Charging Amount


X XX% $XX.XX $2.80 0.00

2 3

30 XXXXXX $XX.XX $30.00 0.00

Total Per Bill


*: delete whereas appropriate

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Result Summary of Checking Detailed Bills Bill

Number Total Difference

of Charging Amount (C)

Total Actual Calculated

Amount (D)

Ratio of Difference (C/D)

Threshold Per Bill (E)

Result (P if C/D <= E; F if C/D > E)

Arithmetic Check

Overall Result (Note 6)


Note 6: Overall result=threshold result logical AND arithmetic result.

Total Number of Bills Failed: X

Billing Test Result: (Passed or Failed)

Report prepared by

Company: _____________________

Name: ___________________

Position: __________________

Telephone: __________________

Fax: _______________________


Date: ___________

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Annex 6

Inspection Status

1 Normal Inspection Switching Score = X 1 of Y consecutive monthly tests

not accepted Note: X=0,2,4,..,28 Note: Y=1,2,3,4 (this clause is

needed only when in jeopardy) 2 Reduced Inspection 3 Tightened Inspection X consecutive monthly

tests accepted Y cumulative monthly tests not accepted

Note: X=0,1,2,3,4 Note: Y=0,1,2,3,4 4 Discontinue Inspection

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Annex 7

Format of Test Report for Rounding Treatment Test

Billing and Metering Integrity Scheme

Rounding Treatment Test

I report our company’s results of rounding treatment test as follows –

Testing period: _____________ (e.g. September 2012 to September 2013)

Number of bills used: __________ (e.g. 600)

Discrepancies: ____________ (e.g. + $1.3)

Total Billed Amount: ____________ (e.g. $60,000)

I have attached a soft copy using a format/template defined by OFCA for all details of

the test. In this soft copy, it shall include, but not limited to, per call discrepancy (“Eij”),

actual per call charge up to 4 decimal places (“A’Bij”), operator billed per call charge

calculated according to operator’s billing logic (“ABij”).

Bill No.

Item Sequence

ABij Operator Billed Per Call Charge (calculated from operator’s billing logic usually with 2 decimal places in dollar terms)

A’ Bij Actual Per Call Charge (with 4 decimal places in dollar terms)

Per Call Discrepancy, (Eij)

e.g. 1 1 $4.80 $4.7850 $0.015 $4.7 $4.7350 $-0.035

Company name: ___________________________________

Licence type: __________________________

Licence number: ____________________________

Name of authorised person: ________________________

Position: ______________________

Date: _________________________

Email address: _________________________

Telephone: ____________________________

Fax: __________________________________

Signed with company chop: ___________________________
