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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Open Access Quantification and characterization of cocoa pod husks for electricity generation in Uganda George Kilama 1,2 , Peter O. Lating 1 , Joseph Byaruhanga 1 and Saphina Biira 3* Abstract Background: Due to limited coverage, the electricity power supply in Uganda is an obstacle to the countrys economic development. Utility firms in Uganda either lack the financial capacity to expand their grids to isolated rural areas or choose not to do so due to the low return on investment. Therefore, connecting households to mini- grids represents an effective solution to providing power to remote/rural areas. This study evaluates the resource and technology of generating electrical energy from cocoa pod husks (CPHs), an agricultural residue/waste, generated in Uganda. The use of agricultural waste for energy generation is the most suitable option for the rural population in Uganda because of the availability of a raw material (biomass) for its production, which is pollution- free (renewable and clean) and does not have competition for use. The inability to convert these solid wastes into useful products culminates into environmental related challenges, such as landfilling, climate change, pests, and diseases. Therefore, the aim of this study is to quantify the amount of generated CPHs and evaluate its potential for electricity generation in Uganda. Subsequently, we have been looking into the potential of CPHs as a feedstock for a thermochemical conversion process and the feasibility of a direct combustion technology. Results: The amount of CPHs generated in Uganda has been estimated. The physiochemical analysis has shown that the proportion of CPHs in the fresh pods is about 74%, which is nearly the same as in other studies. The dry matter content of CPHs has been found to be on an average of 19%, whereas ash content, moisture content, and the gross caloric value have been recorded to be 12.3%, 12.58%, and 17.5%, respectively. It seems therefore likely that 41.7 GJ of energy might be produced each year from CPHs in Uganda. Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that the CPHs are an important energy source. As there is an increasing trend in cocoa and CPH production in Uganda per year, the electricity production based on CPHs is sustainable and can be upgraded. The use of CPHs for energy conversion is therefore feasible, cost-efficient, and a solution to some environmental challenges. Keywords: Cocoa pod husks, Electricity generation, Biomass, Uganda Background Energy is an essential need for mankind and the driving force for the development of all sectors. Electricity re- mains a critical aspect for Uganda with regard to the growth capacity and socio-economic transformation of its fast growing population. Currently, about 10% of Ugandas population have access to electricity [1]. Uganda still ranks among the lowest in Africa in terms of access to electrification with 90% of the population depending on biomass (in the form of firewood and charcoal), which leads to deforestation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity [2, 3]. Due to increased national energy demand, diminishing fuel reserves in the world (leading to increasing fuel costs), enhanced environmental concerns, depleting hydropower plant sites, and waste management chal- lenges [4], the need to find alternative renewable energy sources is indispensable. It is important to note that hydroelectricity power generation is facing the challenge of sinking water levels in lakes and a depletion of the © The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. * Correspondence: [email protected] 3 Department of Physics, Busitema University, Tororo, Uganda Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Energy, Sustainability and Society Kilama et al. Energy, Sustainability and Society (2019) 9:22 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13705-019-0205-4


Quantification and characterization ofcocoa pod husks for electricity generationin UgandaGeorge Kilama1,2, Peter O. Lating1, Joseph Byaruhanga1 and Saphina Biira3*


Background: Due to limited coverage, the electricity power supply in Uganda is an obstacle to the country’seconomic development. Utility firms in Uganda either lack the financial capacity to expand their grids to isolatedrural areas or choose not to do so due to the low return on investment. Therefore, connecting households to mini-grids represents an effective solution to providing power to remote/rural areas. This study evaluates the resourceand technology of generating electrical energy from cocoa pod husks (CPHs), an agricultural residue/waste,generated in Uganda. The use of agricultural waste for energy generation is the most suitable option for the ruralpopulation in Uganda because of the availability of a raw material (biomass) for its production, which is pollution-free (renewable and clean) and does not have competition for use. The inability to convert these solid wastes intouseful products culminates into environmental related challenges, such as landfilling, climate change, pests, anddiseases. Therefore, the aim of this study is to quantify the amount of generated CPHs and evaluate its potential forelectricity generation in Uganda. Subsequently, we have been looking into the potential of CPHs as a feedstock fora thermochemical conversion process and the feasibility of a direct combustion technology.

Results: The amount of CPHs generated in Uganda has been estimated. The physiochemical analysis has shownthat the proportion of CPHs in the fresh pods is about 74%, which is nearly the same as in other studies. The drymatter content of CPHs has been found to be on an average of 19%, whereas ash content, moisture content, andthe gross caloric value have been recorded to be 12.3%, 12.58%, and 17.5%, respectively. It seems therefore likelythat 41.7 GJ of energy might be produced each year from CPHs in Uganda.

Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that the CPHs are an important energy source. As there is an increasingtrend in cocoa and CPH production in Uganda per year, the electricity production based on CPHs is sustainableand can be upgraded. The use of CPHs for energy conversion is therefore feasible, cost-efficient, and a solution tosome environmental challenges.

Keywords: Cocoa pod husks, Electricity generation, Biomass, Uganda

BackgroundEnergy is an essential need for mankind and the drivingforce for the development of all sectors. Electricity re-mains a critical aspect for Uganda with regard to thegrowth capacity and socio-economic transformation ofits fast growing population. Currently, about 10% ofUganda’s population have access to electricity [1].Uganda still ranks among the lowest in Africa in terms

of access to electrification with 90% of the populationdepending on biomass (in the form of firewood andcharcoal), which leads to deforestation, climate change,and loss of biodiversity [2, 3].Due to increased national energy demand, diminishing

fuel reserves in the world (leading to increasing fuelcosts), enhanced environmental concerns, depletinghydropower plant sites, and waste management chal-lenges [4], the need to find alternative renewable energysources is indispensable. It is important to note thathydroelectricity power generation is facing the challengeof sinking water levels in lakes and a depletion of the

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Physics, Busitema University, Tororo, UgandaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Energy, Sustainabilityand Society

Kilama et al. Energy, Sustainability and Society (2019) 9:22 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13705-019-0205-4

available sites due to the continuously rising powerdemand. In this case, renewable energy technologiesmight help countries to meet their policy goals for se-cure, reliable, and affordable energy and expand elec-tricity supply among the population to promote itsdevelopment. Up-to-date and reliable information onthe costs and performance of renewable energy tech-nologies might be able to assist governments in ren-dering decisions on the choice of renewable energytechnologies (which are most appropriate for a par-ticular circumstance and place). In this study, weexamine the possibility of generating electricity fromCPHs in Uganda.Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is a major cash crop

of the tropical world, including Uganda. The post-harvest processing of cocoa pods into cocoa beansgenerates a number of by-products that are usuallydiscarded as waste. If an appropriate technology isapplied, these ‘wastes’ could in fact be processed intoother cocoa products of economic importance [5].Among these wastes are cocoa pod husks (CPHs)which constitute about 81% of the cocoa fruit. Atpresent in Uganda, CPHs are essentially waste prod-ucts that are left on plantation sites to decomposewhich leads to several environmental issues, such aspests and diseases. Most of the cocoa produced inUganda is exported. For example, by December 2015,Uganda exported 26,412 metric tons of dry cocoabeans, fetching total export earnings of about $72.536million [6]. As already mentioned, CPHs constitute 81to 90% of the fresh weight of the cocoa fruit which isdiscarded as waste, meaning that only about 10 to19% by weight of the cocoa fruit is commercialized[7]. Moreover, CPHs pose a waste disposal problem.The continuous deposition of agricultural wastes (in-cluding CPHs) without transformation to other usableproducts has resulted in silting, blockage of waterdrainage systems, flooding of rivers, and water pollu-tion [8]. This problem could be reduced if thesewastes were processed into other products such aselectric fuels, which is a pressing need for Uganda.Several studies have been conducted dealing with the

conversion of CPHs into useful products, such as pyrolysisoil [9], biochar [10], potash [11], and animals feeds [12].Only a few studies have quantified and examined CPHs asa potential feedstock for energy generation with respect tothe quantity of cocoa beans produced in a particular geo-graphical location. For example, Maleka [13] investigatedthe feasibility of converting CPHs into energy by directcombustion, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion,and hydrothermal carbonization. Syamsiro et al. 2012 [14]studied the use of CPHs as a renewable energy source bymeans of pelletization and carbonization into high-qualitysolid fuels, whereas in 2015, Martínez et al. [15] assessed

the most feasible thermochemical treatment for the ener-getic valorization of CPHs.This study is aimed at ascertaining the quantity of

CPHs produced in Uganda and the feasibility of pro-ducing electricity from CPHs generated after harvest-ing the cocoa pods. To achieve this, the potential ofCPHs as a feedstock for a thermochemical conver-sion process using direct combustion was evaluated.The feasibility of a direct combustion technologywas examined. CPH use for electricity, if adopted,can contribute to the conservation of non-renewableenergy (mostly fossil resources) and provide an inde-pendent energy source. Improved electricity supplyand distribution in rural areas might create employ-ment and enhance income in the communities. Sincethe entire CPH can be used for electricity produc-tion, fire and soil erosion risks in the plantations islikely to be reduced. Apart from the cocoa beans,the development of other marketable cocoa productssuch as the generation of electricity from CPHsmight encourage further growth of the crop and animprovement in the cocoa value chain. Therefore,this study will support efforts towards the generationand application of technologies that will enhance thetransformation of Uganda’s rural electrification pro-gram by the use of biomass-based mini-grids.

Materials and methodsArea of studyIn this study, fresh cocoa pods were obtained from se-lected cocoa gardens in the Bundibugyo District. Bundi-bugyo District is located at the foot of Mt. Rwenzori inthe western region of Uganda. The district is borderedby the Ntoroko District to the north, the Kabarole Dis-trict to the east and southeast and the Democratic Re-public of Congo to the west. The main administrativeheadquarter of the district is located at 0°49′60′′ N,30°15′0′′ E at an elevation of about 890 m above sealevel [16]. The map of Bundibugyo District is indicatedin Fig. 1. The Bundibugyo District was chosen becausemore than 70% of the cocoa produced and exportedfrom Uganda originates from that area [17, 18].

Sample collectionRipe and ready to harvest cocoa pods were purchasedfrom 17 randomly selected farmers from cocoa-growingareas of the Bundibugyo District. The farmers are de-noted A to Q in Table 1. Of these farmers, 16 provided10 cocoa pods each, whereas 1 farmer provided 8 cocoapods totaling 168 pods. These pods were all mixed to-gether. The reasoning for this was that exported cocoabeans are usually mixed together from several farmers.These pods were plucked from the cocoa plant on theday of purchase. The pods were then maintained fresh

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until the moment of cracking (opening the pods). Priorto cracking of the pods and removal of the beans, thepods were weighed using an electronic mass balancewith a precision of 0.01 g. After removing the cocoabeans, the mass of the CPHs was determined by weigh-ing the CPHs. The process of cracking and weighing theCPHs is illustrated in Fig. 2.The percentage weight of the wet CPHs that were gener-

ated by the wet cocoa pods and then determined usingEq. (1) gives

CPH% ¼ Mh

Mp� 100% ð1Þ

where Mh is the mass of the wet cocoa pod husk and

Mp is the mass of the wet pods before they were openedto remove the beans. The mass of the wet beans fromeach individual pod was determined by estimating themass difference between the cocoa pod and the CPHs asgiven in Eq. (2).

Mb ¼ Mp−Mh ð2Þ

The beans were then collected and put togetherready for the fermentation process. The husks werethen chopped into small pieces ready for drying.Table 1 presents the values of the weights of 168pods with their corresponding bean and pod huskmasses obtained from each farmer.

Fig. 1 Map of Bundibugyo [6, 26]

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Quantification of cocoa beans and CPHs generated inUgandaUganda Bureau of Statistics data regarding cocoa exportFor comparison and quantification purposes, the cocoabeans export data were obtained from the Uganda Bur-eau of Statistics. These data were arranged in four quar-ters (Q1 to Q4) per year from 2009 to 2015, as indicatedin Table 2. The data obtained from the experiment to-gether with the export data were analyzed to determinethe amount of CPHs that are annually generated incocoa processing in Uganda. Based on the following in-dicators, the production capacity for CPHs in Ugandanplantations was estimated.

The fermentation of cocoa beans and their drying processAs the data obtained from this study were comparedwith the cocoa export data, the cocoa beans collectedwere processed in a similar way as those exported. Theseprocesses include fermentation and drying of the cocoabeans.The stand-alone, hardwood fermentation boxes with

dimensions of 50 cm × 70 cm × 60 cm were constructedand used for the fermentation process of the samplebeans. The boxes incorporated a slatted timber floor anda tray underneath to catch and funnel the ‘sweatings.’The timber sides of the boxes were constructed with a5-mm gap created between boards to allow better

Table 1 Mass of cocoa beans and pod husks

Farmers Number of pods Mass of fruits (Mp) (g) Mass of CPHs (Mh) (g) Mass of wet beans (Mb) (g) Mh/Mpx100%

A 10 4618.3 3289.7 1328.6 71.2

B 10 4540.8 3534.8 1006.0 77.8

C 10 5086.1 3827.9 1258.2 75.3

D 10 4675.8 3611.6 1064.2 77.2

E 10 4160.7 3065.3 1095.4 73.7

F 10 4100.8 2924.4 1176.4 71.3

G 10 4763.5 3507.3 1256.2 73.6

H 10 5432.7 4223.6 1209.1 77.7

I 10 4361.6 3256.7 1104.9 74.7

J 10 4056.1 2848.5 1207.6 70.2

K 10 3298.8 2393.1 905.7 72.5

L 10 3438.4 2508.6 929.8 73.0

M 10 3119.5 2251.2 868.3 72.2

N 10 2634.3 2011.2 623.1 76.3

O 10 3302.3 2365.6 936.7 71.6

P 10 2750.0 2002.8 675.6 72.8

Q 8 1950.7 1434.6 516.1 73.5

Total 168 66,290.4 49,056.9 17,161.9

Average 394.6 292.0 102.2 73.8

Fig. 2 Cracking and weighing of the CPHs

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aeration. These boxes had a capacity to accommodateabout 10 kg of wet beans. The wet beans were placed inthese boxes and covered with jute sacks. These loadedfermentation boxes were elevated from the ground withsupports on each bottom corner of the boxes to allowfor enough aeration and free flow of the ‘sweating.’ Thebeans in the boxes were continuously mixed at an inter-val of every 4 h throughout the fermentation process inorder to ensure uniformity of the fermenting process ofthe beans. A temperature probe connected to a multi-meter was inserted into the middle of the fermentingbeans in the box to monitor temperature changes duringthe fermentation process to provide an indication ofwhether fermentation was proceeding properly and lateron to determine an endpoint. The latter was determinedat a point when the temperature of the fermenting beansbecame steady. This temperature and pH that are ofimportance to the process were found to be 39 °Cand 3.65, respectively. Their values were measuredusing the portable waterproof pH/EC/TDS meter(model H1991301, manufactured by Hanna instru-ments, Romania) and a temperature probe connectedto a digital multimeter (model: all sun EM5510 au-thorized by Global meter, Zhangzhou Eastern Tech-nology Group), respectively. The fermentation processthat is illustrated in Fig. 3 took an average of 120 h(5 days).

After the completion of the fermentation process, thebeans were removed from the boxes and sun-dried. Duringthe drying process, the beans were constantly mixed andturned to ensure uniform drying. The moisture content ofthe drying beans was measured at every interval using theDickey John Mini GAC Plus Grain moisture tester (model:MINIGACIP, USA) shown in Fig. 4. Drying was stoppedwhen the moisture content was measured to be 12%. Allother beans were assumed to be dry when their moisturecontent was measured to be 12%. The dry beans were thenweighed and stored for further analysis and processing.

Moisture content in cocoa pod husksThe CPHs were chopped into small slices and weighedusing a digital mass meter. The mass M1 of the freshCPHs was recorded. The weighed sample was sun-driedand weighed again using a digital mass meter. There-after, the mass M2 of the dry sample was recorded. Thepercentage weight loss of the CPHs (moisture content)after drying was calculated using Eq. (3)

Weight loss of the CPH %ð Þ¼ M1−M2


� �� 100% ð3Þ

where M1 denotes the mass of wet CPHs and M2 de-notes the mass of the dry CPH.

Table 2 Quantity of cocoa (in kilograms) exported per year [6]

Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

2009 134,727 128,511 140,287.68 141,889.78 545,415.5

2010 105,352.9 191,021.51 164,072.92 222,007.4 682,454.7

2011 222,449.7 173,248.01 206,026.7 202,407.78 804,132.2

2012 244,027.92 233,553.3 264,790.9 304,868.98 1,047,241

2013 271,543 189,161.97 225,969.54 250,486 937,160.5

2014 3,824,542 643,641 9,544,688.4 6,200,250 20,213,121

2015 6,767,300 5,993,641 7,587,768 5,629,036 25,977,745

Total 11,569,942.5 7,552,777.79 18,133,604.14 12,950,945.94 50,207,270

Fig. 3 a Fresh cocoa beams in the fermentation box. b Fermentation process

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This procedure was repeated at intervals of 1 h untilthe required moisture content of 14% was attained. Thiscalculated average moisture content of 14% was foundto be in the same range as that reported by Luis Velaz-quez of 13% [19].

Results and discussionThe amount of cocoa beans exportedThe analysis of the data obtained from UBOS (seeTable 2) indicated that cocoa beans export increasedfrom 545,415.5 kg in 2009 to 25,977,745 kg in 2015. Thethird and fourth quarter of the year showed the highestexport as shown in Fig. 5 due to an increase in the world

price index. This export data conformed to a polynomialcurve of order 3 with R2 greater than 0.9 as demon-strated in Fig. 6a. From 2009 to 2012, there was very lit-tle increase in cocoa beans exported. Therefore, this partof the data was not used for further analysis. From 2012to 2015, cocoa bean export trend increased linearly (seeFig. 6a, b). This might have been due to an increase infarm gate price, rural infrastructure improvement, prop-erty ownership, land policy, empowerment of women,better agricultural extension services, and networking(access to telephones and internet). This is an indicationthat cocoa bean production and thus the capacity togenerate significant CPHs is constantly on the rise inUganda. Therefore, there is also an increased potentialfor the production of cocoa and cocoa waste-basedproducts.

The amount of CPHs generatedUsing the data obtained from UBOS (see Table 2) andthe experimental results (see Table 1), the quantity ofcocoa beans produced per annum was estimated. FromTable 1, it is evident that from 168 cocoa pods 49.1 kg ofCPHs and 17.2 kg of wet beans were produced which re-sulted in an approx. 74% average percentage mass ofCPHs when compared to the total mass of the cocoapod. Therefore, on average, from every cocoa pod 0.292kg and 0.102 kg of CPHs and wet beans, respectively,were produced.From the results indicated in Table 1, it was concluded

that 168 pods generated 20.3 kg of wet beans. When thebeans were dried to a 12% moisture content, 12.15 kg ofdry cocoa beans were generated. Therefore, 1.67 kg of

Fig. 4 The determination of the moisture content in the driedcocoa beans using a Dickey John Mini GAC Plus Grainmoisture tester

Fig. 5 Quarterly export variation of cocoa beans

Kilama et al. Energy, Sustainability and Society (2019) 9:22 Page 6 of 11

wet cocoa beans generated 1.0 kg of dry beans at a mois-ture content of 12%. Additionally, the 49.1 kg of wetCPHs were reduced to 4.24 kg of dry CPHs with a mois-ture content of 14%, implying that 1.0 kg of dry CPHswas generated from 11.6 kg of wet CPHs. The mass ofdry CPHs that might be generated from 1.0 kg of drybeans was determined by dividing the mass of dry CPHsby the corresponding mass of dry beans (i.e., 4.24/12.15 = 0.349 kg of dry CPH). Table 3 lists the summaryof the cocoa bean and CPH production.The generated annual mass of dry CPH (CPHd) was

calculated using Eq. (4).

CPHd ¼ CBd � CBd1 ð4Þ

where CBd represents the mass of dry cocoa beans pro-duced in a given year while CBd1 denotes the mass ofdry CPH generated from 1.0 kg of dry beans. The latterwas determined by dividing the mass of dry CPH by thecorresponding mass of dry beans. Since the export ofcocoa beans was observed to increase annually, the

cocoa export data of 2015 were used for the rest of thecalculation. From the export data, 25,978,245 kg of drycocoa beans were exported in 2015. Therefore, the massof dry CPHs generated in 2015 was found to be9,092,385.75 kg. Using the linear equation illustrated inFig. 3b, the dry CPHs for the years 2016, 2017, and 2018were predicted as is shown in Table 4.

Determination of the amount of heat dissipated by thecombustion of CPHThe CPHs were first sun-dried for 96 h to decrease themoisture content to 14%. In order to obtain the appro-priate size of the material for the milling stage, the CPHswere crushed in a hammer mill into smaller particles foreasy use in a ball mill. The ball-milled CPHs were thenscreened to obtain a powder with a grain size of lessthan 1 mm, according to Syamsiro et al. [20]; the ratio ofthe surface area of the pellet mass is the most importantparameter for the combustion reaction. The weight ofthe sample used in the calorimeter crucible ranged be-tween 0.8 g and 1.0 g. During the measurements, oxygenwas supplied at a constant pressure of 44 bars. Table 5shows the amount of heat energy dissipated by the com-bustion of the CPH samples.The results in Table 5 demonstrate that the average

energy generated (the gross caloric value) during com-bustion of CPHs at a 14% moisture content was about17.5MJ/kg. The caloric values obtained in this study arecomparable to those obtained by other scholars. For

a b

Fig. 6 The over all annual increase in export of cocoa beans in Uganda from 2009 to 2015 followed a polinomial trend (a), with the annualcocoa beans export from 2012 to 2015 showing a linear increasing trend (b)

Table 3 Masses of the wet cocoa pods, CPHs, and wet cocoabeans

Item Quantity

Average weight of a cocoa pod 384.6 g

Average weight of wet beans in a cocoa pod 102.2 g

Average weight of wet cocoa pod husks 292.0 g

Percentage of pod husks by weight of wet pods 73.8%

Percentage of wet beans by weight of wet pods 26.2%

Mass of wet beans 17,161.9 g

Mass of wet pods 66,290.4 g

Mass of dry CPHs 4242 g

Mass of dry beans 12,150 g

Mass of dry CPHs per kg of dry beans 0.349

Table 4 Dry CPH production

Year Dry cocoa beans (kg) Dry CPHs (kg)

2015 25,978,245 9,092,385.75

2016 35, 560,650 12,446,227.50

2017 44,967,400 15,738,590.00

2018 54,374,150 19,030,952.50

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example, Velazquez et al. achieved 20.2MJ/kg [19] andSyamsiro et al. 17.0 MJ/kg [14]. Other comparativevalues are listed in Table 6. The gross caloric value (orthe high heat value (HHV)) is the total heat energy re-leased per unit mass of the feedstock at atmosphericpressure and room temperature (i.e., about 20 °C) atcomplete combustion. The proximate analysis and dry-ash-free-based values reported in other studies are givenin Table 6.

Measurement of ash, moisture, and volatile contents ofCPHs using TGAThe ash, moisture, and volatile contents of CPH weremeasured using a Thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA),Thermostep (ELTRA version TGA The TGAwas also used to determine the mass loss as a functionof the temperature. It combines the drying and ashingprocess with integrated weighing. A total of 20 sampleseach weighing 5 g were measured, of which 1 samplewas used as a reference. The average values of ash, mois-ture, volatile, and carbon contents measured by theTGA are presented in Table 7. The main factors affect-ing the quality of the biomass feedstock are moisturecontent, ash content, particle size, and density. For in-stance, high-moisture content in biomass feedstock re-duces the energy value of the feedstock. A reduction inthe moisture content of the biomass feedstock increasesthe energy density of the feedstock, and helps reduce thetransport costs and may also improve the combustionefficiency. In this study, the moisture content was found

to be 12.56% of the total weight of the dry CPHs. It wasalso important to determine the ash content as ashmight form deposits inside the combustion chamber,which could impair the performance and increase themaintenance costs. Therefore, CPHs with a low ash con-tent of about 12.3% are an appropriate feedstock forcombustion. It is of course known that the size anddensity of the biomass feedstock influence the rate ofheating and drying during the combustion process [24].

Electricity generation using direct combustionFrom the evaluation of the potential of CPHs as a feed-stock for power generation (see Table 5), it was clearlydemonstrated that CPHs are a potential feedstock due totheir calorific value estimated to be 17.5 kJ/kg on a drybasis. This result is in accordance with that of Yadav etal. [22], who estimated a heating value of 16.68 kJ/kg at48% moisture and a moisture content of 13% with aheating value of 17.0MJ/kg as reported in [14]. The pos-sible amount of energy for each year that could be pro-duced from CPHs was calculated as a product ofcombustion efficiency (and is assumed to be 90% forstoker steam boilers), where the caloric value of theCPHs (17.5 MJ/kg) and their quantity produced isdepicted in Table 8. The total heat energy generated thatmight be converted into electricity depends on theboiler. In this case, it was assumed that only 30% of theheat produced was converted into electricity. This mighthave been caused by the installation based on an Or-ganic Rankine Cycle showing a high net electricity yield

Table 5 Amount of heat energy dissipated by CPH combustion in a bomb calorimeter

Experiment Mass of CPHs used incrucible (g)

Amount of heat energy dissipated by the combustion ofCPH (J)

Heat energy generated per unit mass ofCPHs (J/g)

1 0.809 15,615 19,301.6

2 0.965 15,490 16,051.8

3 0.815 15,098 18,525.2

4 0.999 15,957 15,973.0

Average 17,462.9

Table 6 Proximate and dry-ash-free-based analysis values of CPHs reported in the literature. C, H, N, S, and O denote the carbon-hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen contents, respectively

Proximate analysis Dry-ash-free-basis (W%)

Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Moisture content (%) C H N S O HHV (MJkg−1) References

70.4 16.7 10.9 14 – – – – 17.5 Current study

– – – – – – – – – 19 [20]

76.4 11.6 12 – 43.9 5.8 2.2 0.5 47.6 17.39 [21]

59.5 24.4 16.1 13% – – – – – 17 [14]

66.6 22.9 10.6 – 53 5.9 3.4 0.2 37.5 15.89 [15]

– – 8 48% 51.1 6 3.3 0.2 39.4 16.68 [22]

– 15.1 – – 56.9 – 0.4 – – 16.1 [23]

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of 20 to 30% of the heat generated. The Organic RankineCycle has the ability to recover low-grade heat [25]. Thestoker grate boiler was chosen, as the biomass conven-tion technology is the most appropriate when cocoa podhusks are used as a feedstock. Table 8 shows a linear in-crease in the amount of electricity from 1.38MW in2015 to 2.90MW in 2018 due to the predicted increasein the quantity of dry CPHs generated. This means thatshould the CPH electricity generation option be fully ex-plored, more power could be accessed and used by therural communities for various developments and the ex-cess power could be supplied to the main power grid. Inorder to be effective, appropriate policies have to be de-veloped and implemented.The government of Uganda should establish policy

guidelines for the use of sustainable renewable biomassenergy. These guidelines might help recognize the bene-fits of producing power from biomass to meet the certi-fication criteria. To guarantee payment over a longperiod of time for every kilowatt hour of electricity frombiomass energy fed into the main grid, feed-in tariffs canbe implemented. This might be done using the avoided-cost approach. Therefore, those guidelines might be usedfor promoting development and purchasing renewableenergy. The government of Uganda might provide incen-tives to biomass power plant developers and waive taxeson the importation of biomass power plant equipment(as it is the case for solar batteries and photovoltaicpanels) to create a supportive environment for itsimplementation.

The results of this study demonstrate that biomass hasa very good potential for small-scale power generationover a longer period of time. In Uganda, governmentprograms, such as National Agricultural Advisory Ser-vices, Operation Wealth Creation, and the CooperativeSocieties, have focused on producing high-quality cocoabeans for export in the most efficient possible manner.Little emphasis is placed upon the processing of cocoa(both beans and CPHs) into other marketable products.Policy guidelines should be developed by focusing onvalue addition of the already known products and theirwastes and research geared towards developing newproducts.

Practical implications, challenges, recommendations, andfuture workAs already mentioned, the use of CPHs for power pro-duction might encourage farmers to grow more cocoa,increase the access of the rural population to power, andimprove their income and their general living conditions.The information and results presented in this studymight not only form a basis for considering investmentoptions and further research, but also for the formula-tion of appropriate government policies and regulations.The use of CPHs for power production might improve

both the greenhouse gas emission efficiency and the effi-ciency of material usage, through the use of by-productsor wastes and the overall reduction of fossil fuel demandfor power production. The greenhouse gases emitted bythermal power plants are mainly carbon dioxides. How-ever, a biomass power plant based on CPHs is carbonneutral. Moreover, no extra land is required for the pro-duction of CPHs for power production. Therefore, CPHpower plants are an important option for environmentalmitigation and waste management through conversionand energy recovery leading to sustainable waste and en-vironment management.In Uganda, cocoa is mostly grown in rural areas where

the transport and communication networks are poor.Here, farmers have small fragmented pieces of land scat-ted all over cocoa-growing areas. This was a challenge,in particular, during the collection of the feedstock(CPHs), which is costly in terms of time and labor aswell as transport and storage and could adversely affectthe overall cost of power production.

Table 7 Values of ash, moisture, and volatiles as well as carboncontents as measures for using TGA

Property Average value

Weight 1.57

% moisture 12.58

% volatile matter 62.51

% analytical ash 10.88

%volatiles on dry basis 70.35

% ash on dry basis 12.26

Mass of moisture (mg) 1.38

Mass of volatile (mg) 0.39

Mass of ash (mg) 0.18

% fired carbon in sample 16.74

Table 8 Data on electricity production using CPHs in Uganda

Year Dry CPHs (kg) Energy produced (MJ) Total heat generated for electricity (MJ) Electricity produced (MWh) Power plant capacity (MW)

2015 9,092,385.75 139,440,828 41,832,248.36 11,620.069 1.3833415

2016 12,446,227.50 190,875,345 57,262,603.48 15,906.2787 1.8936046

2017 15,738,590.00 241,367,016 72,410,104.87 20,113.918 2.3945141

2018 19,030,952.50 291,858,688 87,557,606.26 24,321.5573 2.8954235

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Coupled with limited information regarding an appro-priate technology (which might be used for the thermo-chemical conversion of biomass into power) and a lackof appropriate policies and regulations governing bio-mass energy production, there are also limited data ofthe amount of biomass generated in Uganda. It is there-fore recommended that the government of Ugandashould improve the transport and communication net-works for facilitating investments in agriculture andother sectors that depend on agriculture. Supportingpolicies and regulations should be developed and imple-mented to guide the biomass-energy industry and attractinvestors. The country should also invest in research inorder to obtain supporting information on how to ascer-tain the feasibility and viability of the industry. For in-stance, as a future work, the following studies ought tobe carried out:

(i) Investigations for establishing the use of pyrolysisand gasification in the field of power generationfrom biomass in Uganda. For example, co-digestionof CPHs and rice husks (another abundant waste inUganda) might enable the improvement of biogasproduction and the efficiency of the plant.

(ii) Techno-economic studies dealing with co-firing ofCPHs and bagasse as well as the effect on the effi-ciency of thermal plants for clarifying its feasibility.

ConclusionsThis feasibility study focused on the application of cocoapod husks in Uganda in order to develop a strategy forincreasing renewable energy and retrieving value-addedby-products. The amount of waste cocoa pod husks gen-erated annually in the project area is abundant, but thecapacity of the case study plants was based on 9,092,385.75 tons per year at a 14% moisture content. Fromthe evaluation of the potential of CPHs as a feedstockfor energy conversion processes, it was concluded thatCPHs are a high-potential feedstock due to its calorificvalue (17.5 MJ/kg in dry basis) comparable to widelyused feedstocks, such as wood (18.6 kJ/kg in dry basis)and bagasse. Other advantages of CPHs as a feedstockare the lack of competition for their acquisition and noextra land requirements for their production, as theywere harvested from existing plantations at the projectarea.Lastly, the by-products have a high potential for exist-

ing markets and the creation of new markets in thecountry.

AbbreviationsCPHs: Cocoa pod husks; GCV: Gross caloric value; HHV: High heat value;TGA: Thermogravimetric analyzer; UBOS: Uganda Bureau of Statistics

AcknowledgementsThe Authors would like to acknowledge the funding from NOMA(Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation program for MasterStudies) for this study.

Authors’ contributionsGK did the data collection and the analysis and drafted the manuscript. POLmade contributions to the conception of this paper, especially concerningthe approach and objectives. JB made contributions to the text byproofreading and suggestions for improving the consistencies of discussion.SB made substantial contributions to the drafting of the manuscript by hercritical reviews and her important participation in the debates as well as finaldraft of the published version. All in all, the paper was jointly drafted anddeveloped in its entirety by all authors and all authors read and approvedthe final manuscript.

FundingThis work was supported by the Norwegian Agency for DevelopmentCooperation program for Master Studies (NOMA).

Availability of data and materialsData sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generatedor analyzed during the current study.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationAll authors read and agreed to publish this article.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Makerere University, Kampala,Uganda. 2Department of Agro-processing Engineering, Busitema University,Tororo, Uganda. 3Department of Physics, Busitema University, Tororo,Uganda.

Received: 9 October 2018 Accepted: 26 May 2019

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