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Quantifying the visual concreteness of words and topics in multimodal datasets Jack Hessel Cornell University [email protected] David Mimno Cornell University [email protected] Lillian Lee Cornell University [email protected] Abstract Multimodal machine learning algorithms aim to learn visual-textual correspondences. Previous work suggests that concepts with concrete visual manifestations may be eas- ier to learn than concepts with abstract ones. We give an algorithm for automatically computing the visual concreteness of words and topics within multimodal datasets. We apply the approach in four settings, ranging from image captions to images/text scraped from historical books. In addition to en- abling explorations of concepts in multi- modal datasets, our concreteness scores predict the capacity of machine learning algorithms to learn textual/visual relation- ships. We find that 1) concrete concepts are indeed easier to learn; 2) the large num- ber of algorithms we consider have similar failure cases; 3) the precise positive rela- tionship between concreteness and perfor- mance varies between datasets. We con- clude with recommendations for using con- creteness scores to facilitate future multi- modal research. 1 Introduction Text and images are often used together to serve as a richer form of content. For example, news articles may be accompanied by photographs or infographics; images shared on social media are often coupled with descriptions or tags; and text- books include illustrations, photos, and other vi- sual elements. The ubiquity and diversity of such “text+image” material (henceforth referred to as multimodal content) suggest that, from the stand- point of sharing information, images and text are often natural complements. Ideally, machine learning algorithms that in- corporate information from both text and images should have a fuller perspective than those that con- sider either text or images in isolation. But Hill and Korhonen (2014b) observe that for their particular multimodal architecture, the level of concreteness of a concept being represented — intuitively, the idea of a dog is more concrete than that of beauty — affects whether multimodal or single-channel representations are more effective. In their case, concreteness was derived for 766 nouns and verbs from a fixed psycholinguistic database of human ratings. In contrast, we introduce an adaptive algorithm for characterizing the visual concreteness of all the concepts indexed textually (e.g., “dog”) in a given multimodal dataset. Our approach is to leverage the geometry of image/text space. Intuitively, a visually concrete concept is one associated with more locally similar sets of images; for example, images associated with “dog” will likely contain dogs, whereas images associated with “beautiful” may contain flowers, sunsets, weddings, or an abun- dance of other possibilities — see Fig. 1. Allowing concreteness to be dataset-specific is an important innovation because concreteness is contextual. For example, in one dataset we work with, our method scores “London” as highly con- crete because of a preponderance of iconic London images in it, such as Big Ben and double-decker buses; whereas for a separate dataset, “London” is used as a geotag for diverse images, so the same word scores as highly non-concrete. In addition to being dataset-specific, our method readily scales, does not depend on an external search engine, and is compatible with both dis- crete and continuous textual concepts (e.g., topic distributions). Dataset-specific visual concreteness scores en- able a variety of purposes. In this paper, we
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Quantifying the visual concreteness of words and topicsin multimodal datasets

Jack HesselCornell University

[email protected]

David MimnoCornell University

[email protected]

Lillian LeeCornell University

[email protected]


Multimodal machine learning algorithmsaim to learn visual-textual correspondences.Previous work suggests that concepts withconcrete visual manifestations may be eas-ier to learn than concepts with abstract ones.We give an algorithm for automaticallycomputing the visual concreteness of wordsand topics within multimodal datasets. Weapply the approach in four settings, rangingfrom image captions to images/text scrapedfrom historical books. In addition to en-abling explorations of concepts in multi-modal datasets, our concreteness scorespredict the capacity of machine learningalgorithms to learn textual/visual relation-ships. We find that 1) concrete conceptsare indeed easier to learn; 2) the large num-ber of algorithms we consider have similarfailure cases; 3) the precise positive rela-tionship between concreteness and perfor-mance varies between datasets. We con-clude with recommendations for using con-creteness scores to facilitate future multi-modal research.

1 Introduction

Text and images are often used together to serveas a richer form of content. For example, newsarticles may be accompanied by photographs orinfographics; images shared on social media areoften coupled with descriptions or tags; and text-books include illustrations, photos, and other vi-sual elements. The ubiquity and diversity of such“text+image” material (henceforth referred to asmultimodal content) suggest that, from the stand-point of sharing information, images and text areoften natural complements.

Ideally, machine learning algorithms that in-corporate information from both text and imagesshould have a fuller perspective than those that con-sider either text or images in isolation. But Hill andKorhonen (2014b) observe that for their particularmultimodal architecture, the level of concretenessof a concept being represented — intuitively, theidea of a dog is more concrete than that of beauty— affects whether multimodal or single-channelrepresentations are more effective. In their case,concreteness was derived for 766 nouns and verbsfrom a fixed psycholinguistic database of humanratings.

In contrast, we introduce an adaptive algorithmfor characterizing the visual concreteness of all theconcepts indexed textually (e.g., “dog”) in a givenmultimodal dataset. Our approach is to leveragethe geometry of image/text space. Intuitively, avisually concrete concept is one associated withmore locally similar sets of images; for example,images associated with “dog” will likely containdogs, whereas images associated with “beautiful”may contain flowers, sunsets, weddings, or an abun-dance of other possibilities — see Fig. 1.

Allowing concreteness to be dataset-specific isan important innovation because concreteness iscontextual. For example, in one dataset we workwith, our method scores “London” as highly con-crete because of a preponderance of iconic Londonimages in it, such as Big Ben and double-deckerbuses; whereas for a separate dataset, “London” isused as a geotag for diverse images, so the sameword scores as highly non-concrete.

In addition to being dataset-specific, our methodreadily scales, does not depend on an externalsearch engine, and is compatible with both dis-crete and continuous textual concepts (e.g., topicdistributions).

Dataset-specific visual concreteness scores en-able a variety of purposes. In this paper, we

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Image Feature


Image Feature Space

dogs versus beautiful

Text Concept

Extraction{dogs, man, woman,two, walking, in, a,

beautiful, rain, the, and}

A man and a woman walking two beautiful

dogs in the rain.

Figure 1: Demonstration of visual concreteness estimation on an example from the COCO dataset. Thedegree of visual clustering of textual concepts is measured using a nearest neighbor technique. Theconcreteness of “dogs” is greater than the concreteness of “beautiful” because images associated with“dogs” are packed tightly into two clusters, while images associated with “beautiful” are spread evenly.1

focus on using them to: 1) explore multimodaldatasets; and 2) predict how easily concepts willbe learned in a machine learning setting. We ap-ply our method to four large multimodal datasets,ranging from image captions to image/text datascraped from Wikipedia,2 to examine the relation-ship between concreteness scores and the perfor-mance of machine learning algorithms. Specifi-cally, we consider the cross-modal retrieval prob-lem, and examine a number of NLP, vision, andretrieval algorithms. Across all 320 significantlydifferent experimental settings (= 4 datasets ×2 image-representation algorithms × 5 textual-representation algorithms× 4 text/image alignmentalgorithms × 2 feature pre-processing schemes),we find that more concrete instances are easier toretrieve, and that different algorithms have sim-ilar failure cases. Interestingly, the relationshipbetween concreteness and retrievability varies sig-nificantly based on dataset: some datasets appear tohave a linear relationship between the two, whereasothers exhibit a concreteness threshold beyondwhich retrieval becomes much easier.

We believe that our work can have a positive im-pact on future multimodal research. §8 gives moredetail, but in brief, we see implications in (1) eval-uation — more credit should perhaps be assignedto performance on non-concrete concepts; (2) cre-ating or augmenting multimodal datasets, whereone might a priori consider the desired relativeproportion of concrete vs. non-concrete concepts;and (3) curriculum learning (Bengio et al., 2009),

1Image copyright information is provided in the supple-mentary material.

2We release our Wikipedia and British Library dataat http://www.cs.cornell.edu/˜jhessel/concreteness/concreteness.html

where ordering of training examples could takeconcreteness levels into account.

2 Related Work

Applying machine learning to understand visual-textual relationships has enabled a number of newapplications, e.g., better accessibility via auto-matic generation of alt text (Garcia et al., 2016),cheaper training-data acquisition for computer vi-sion (Joulin et al., 2016; Veit et al., 2017), andcross-modal retrieval systems, e.g., Rasiwasia et al.(2010); Costa Pereira et al. (2014).

Multimodal datasets often have substantially dif-fering characteristics, and are used for differenttasks (Baltrusaitis et al., 2017). Some commonlyused datasets couple images with a handful of un-ordered tags (Barnard et al., 2003; Cusano et al.,2004; Grangier and Bengio, 2008; Chen et al.,2013, inter alia) or short, literal natural languagecaptions (Farhadi et al., 2010; Ordonez et al., 2011;Kulkarni et al., 2013; Fang et al., 2015, inter alia).In other cross-modal retrieval settings, images arepaired with long, only loosely thematically-relateddocuments. (Khan et al., 2009; Socher and Fei-Fei,2010; Jia et al., 2011; Zhuang et al., 2013, interalia). We provide experimental results on bothtypes of data.

Concreteness in datasets has been previouslystudied in either text-only cases (Turney et al.,2011; Hill et al., 2013) or by incorporating humanjudgments of perception into models (Silberer andLapata, 2012; Hill and Korhonen, 2014a). Otherwork has quantified characteristics of concrete-ness in multimodal datasets (Young et al., 2014;Hill et al., 2014; Hill and Korhonen, 2014b; Kielaand Bottou, 2014; Jas and Parikh, 2015; Lazari-

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dou et al., 2015; Silberer et al., 2016; Lu et al.,2017; Bhaskar et al., 2017). Most related to ourwork is that of Kiela et al. (2014); the authors useGoogle image search to collect 50 images each fora variety of words and compute the average co-sine similarity between vector representations ofreturned images. In contrast, our method can betuned to specific datasets without reliance on an ex-ternal search engine. Other algorithmic advantagesof our method include that: it more readily scalesthan previous solutions, it makes relatively few as-sumptions regarding the distribution of images/text,it normalizes for word frequency in a principledfashion, and it can produce confidence intervals.Finally, the method we propose can be applied toboth discrete and continuous concepts like topicdistributions.

3 Quantifying Visual Concreteness

To compute visual concreteness scores, we adoptthe same general approach as Kiela et al. (2014):for a fixed text concept (i.e., a word or topic), wemeasure the variance in the corresponding visualfeatures. The method is summarized in Figure 1.

3.1 Concreteness of discrete words

We assume as input a multimodal dataset of n im-ages represented in a space where nearest neigh-bors may be computed. Additionally, each imageis associated with a set of discrete words/tags. Wewrite wv for the set of words/tags associated withimage v, and Vw for the set of all images asso-ciated with a word w. For example, if the vth

image is of a dog playing frisbee, wv might be{frisbee, dog, in, park}, and v ∈ Vpark.

Our goal is to measure how “clustered” a wordis in image feature space. Specifically, we ask:for each image v ∈ Vw, how often are v’s nearestneighbors also associated with w? We thus com-pute the expected value of MNIkw, the number ofmutually neighboring images of word w:

EPdata[MNIkw] =



|NNk(v)∩Vw| , (1)

where NNk(v) denotes the set of v’s k nearestneighbors in image space.

While Equation 1 measures clusteredness, itdoes not properly normalize for frequency. Con-sider a word like “and”; we expect it to have lowconcreteness, but its associated images will share

neighbors simply because “and” is a frequent un-igram. To correct for this, we compute the con-creteness of a word as the ratio of E[MNIkw] underthe true distribution of the image data to a randomdistribution of the image data:

concreteness(w) =EPdata




While the denominator of this expressioncan be computed in closed form, we useEPrandom

[MNIkw] ≈k|Vw|n ; this approximation is

faster to compute and is negligibly different fromthe true expectation in practice.

3.2 Extension to continuous topicsWe extend the definition of concreteness to con-tinuous concepts, so that our work applies alsoto topic model outputs; this extension is neededbecause the intersection in Equation 1 cannot be di-rectly applied to real values. Assume we are givena set of topics T and an image-by-topic matrixY ∈ Rn×|T |, where the vth row3 is a topic distri-bution for the text associated with image v, i.e.,Yij = P (topic j|image i). For each topic t, wecompute the average topic weight for each imagev’s neighbors, and take a weighted average as:

concreteness(t) =n



j∈NNk(v) Yjt]


v=1 Yvt)2

(3)Note that Equations 1 and 3 are computations

of means. Therefore, confidence intervals can becomputed in both cases either using a normalityassumption or bootstrapping.

4 Datasets

We consider four datasets that span a vari-ety of multimodal settings. Two are publiclyavailable and widely used (COCO/Flickr);we collected and preprocessed the other two(Wiki/BL). The Wikipedia and British Librarysets are available for download at http://www.cs.cornell.edu/˜jhessel/concreteness/concreteness.html.Dataset statistics are given in Table 1, andsummarized as follows:Wikipedia (Wiki). We collected a dataset consist-ing of 192K articles from the English Wikipedia,along with the 549K images contained in those

3The construction is necessarily different for differenttypes of datasets, as described in §4.

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Edward Geary Lansdale (February 6, 1908 – February 23, 1987)[1] was a United States Air Force officer who served in the Office of Strategic Services and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He rose to the rank of Major General and was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 1963. He was an early proponent of more aggressive U.S. actions in the Cold War. Lansdale was born in Detroit, Michigan and died in McLean, Virginia.

Micronesia (from Greek: μικρός, mikrós, "small" + Greek: νῆσος, nêsos, "island") is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south.

The region has a tropical marine climate, and is part of the Oceania ecozone. There are four main archipelagos along with numerous outlying islands.

A small pizza covered in tomatoes, fresh basil and shredded cheese.

A skier participates in a competitive event at night.

...while still farther away, where the schuylkill and delaware meet on their way to the sea, low and dark on the horizon lies league island the navy-yard of the future. if, now, he turn his back on the river,...

keep still your sword, keep cool your head. i have no wish to see you dead, nor oockscombe either i shall try your skill in something different (pauses. eglantine looks at her inquiringly). i'll try you both. (archly) the king shall say which is the cleverest, his protege or mine.

stencil streetart banksy pasted unusualimage eastend london graffiti

(courtesy unusualimage)

1020mm columbus downtown hdr bridge nikon skyline d40x ohio river sigma (courtesy Julian Rosario)






Wiki 1: ... Lansdale was a United States Air Force officer...Wiki 2: ... Micronesia is a subregion of Oceania...BL 1: ... cool your head. i have no wish to see you dead... BL 2: ... the schuylkill and delaware meet on their way to the sea...

Figure 2: Examples of text and images from ournew Wiki/BL datasets.

# Images Mean Len Train/Test

Wiki 549K 1397.8 177K/10KBL 405K 2269.6 69K/ 5KCOCO 123K 10.5 568K/10KFlickr 754K 9.0 744K/10K

Table 1: Dataset statistics: total number of im-ages, average text length in words, and size of thetrain/test splits we use in §6.

articles. Following Wilson’s popularity filteringtechnique,4 we selected this subset of Wikipediaby identifying articles that received at least 50views on March 5th, 2016.5 To our knowledge,the previous largest publicly available multimodalWikipedia dataset comes from ImageCLEF’s 2011retrieval task (Popescu et al., 2010), which consistsof 137K images associated with English articles.

Images often appear on multiple pages: an imageof the Eiffel tower might appear on pages for Paris,for Gustave Eiffel, and for the tower itself.

Historical Books from British Library (BL).The British Library has released a set of digitizedbooks (British Library Labs, 2016) consisting of25M pages of OCRed text, alongside 500K+ im-ages scraped from those pages of text. The re-lease splits images into four categories; we ignore“bound covers” and “embellishments” and use im-ages identified as “plates” and “medium sized.” Weassociated images with all text within a 3-page win-dow.

This raw data collection is noisy. Many booksare not in English, some books contain far moreimages than others, and the images themselves areof varying size and rotation. To combat these issues

4https://goo.gl/B11yyO5The articles were extracted from an early March, 2016

data dump.

we only keep books that have identifiably Englishtext; for each cross-validation split in our machine-learning experiments (§6) we sample at most 10images from each book; and we use book-levelholdout so that no images/text in the test set arefrom books in the training set.

Captions and Tags. We also examine two popularexisting datasets: Microsoft COCO (captions) (Linet al., 2014) (COCO) and MIRFLICKR-1M (tags)(Huiskes et al., 2010) (Flickr). For COCO, we con-struct our own training/validation splits from the123K images, each of which has 5 captions. ForFlickr, as an initial preprocessing step we only con-sider the 7.3K tags that appear at least 200 times,and the 754K images that are associated with atleast 3 of the 7.3K valid tags.

5 Validation of Concreteness Scoring

We apply our concreteness measure to the fourdatasets. For COCO and Flickr, we use unigramsas concepts, while for Wiki and BL, we extract256-dimensional topic distributions using LatentDirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003). ForBL, topic distributions are derived from text in theaforementioned 3 page window; for Wiki, for eachimage, we compute the mean topic distribution ofall articles that image appears in; for Flickr, weassociate images with all of their tags; for COCO,we concatenate all captions for a given image. Forcomputing concreteness scores for COCO/Flickr,we only consider unigrams associated with at least100 images, so as to ensure the stability of MNI asdefined in Equation 1.

We extract image features from the pre-softmaxlayer of a deep convolutional neural network,ResNet50 (He et al., 2016), pretrained for theImageNet classification task (Deng et al., 2009);this method is known to be a strong baseline(Sharif Razavian et al., 2014).6 For nearest neigh-bor search, we use the Annoy library,7 whichcomputes approximate kNN efficiently. We usek = 50 nearest neighbors, though the results pre-sented are stable for reasonable choices of k, e.g.,k = 25, 100.

5.1 Concreteness and human judgments

Following Kiela et al. (2014), we borrow a datasetof human judgments to validate our concreteness

6We explore different image/text representations in latersections.


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t C



Wiki (Topics) MSCOCO (Unigrams) Flickr (Unigrams)

imageappearsweirdappearphotographed thinginterestingpossiblysomewherecaption




écureuil cheetah rongeur pampaargentino sciuridae pampaargentina rodentia bodybuilding bodybuilder sanantoniodeareco

2007 activeassnmntwkly artisticexpression geotagged 2008 explored 2009 nikon canon explore

australia mexicopolicelaw male names community history time months linguistics

hockey tennis nintendoguns baseballwrestling1 wrestling2 software auto racingcurrency
















Figure 3: Examples of the most and least concrete words/topics from Wiki, COCO, and Flickr, along withexample images associated with each highlighted word/topic.

computation method.8 The concreteness of wordsis a topic of interest in psychology because con-creteness relates to a variety of aspects of humanbehavior, e.g., language acquisition, memory, etc.Schwanenflugel and Shoben (1983); Paivio (1991);Walker and Hulme (1999); De Groot and Keijzer(2000).

We compare against the human-gathered uni-gram concreteness judgments provided in the USFNorms dataset (USF) (Nelson et al., 2004); for eachunigram, raters provided judgments of its concrete-ness on a 1-7 scale. For Flickr/COCO, we com-pute Spearman correlation using these per-unigramscores (the vocabulary overlap between USF andFlickr/COCO is 1.3K/1.6K), and for Wiki/BL, wecompute topic-level human judgment scores via asimple average amongst the top 100 most probablewords in the topic.

As a null hypothesis, we consider the possibilitythat our concreteness measure is simply mirroringfrequency information.9 We measure frequency foreach dataset by measuring how often a particularword/topic appears in it. A useful concretenessmeasure should correlate with USF more than asimple frequency baseline does.

For COCO/Flickr/Wiki, concreteness scores out-put by our method positively correlate with hu-man judgments of concreteness more than fre-quency does (see Figure 4). For COCO, this pat-tern holds even when controlling for part-of-speech

8Note that because concreteness of words/topics variesfrom dataset to dataset, we don’t expect one set of humanjudgments to correlate perfectly with our concreteness scores.However, partial correlation with human judgment offers acommon-sense “reality check.”

9We return to this hypothesis in §6.1 as well; there, too,we find that concreteness and frequency capture different in-formation.

(not shown), whereas Flickr adjectives are not cor-related with USF. For BL, neither frequency norour concreteness scores are significantly correlatedwith USF. Thus, in three of our four datasets, ourmeasure tends to predict human concreteness judg-ments better than frequency.

Flickr COCO Wiki BL­0.2






an C




ith H





*** ***


* **



Figure 4: Spearman correlations between hu-man judgment (USF) and our algorithm’s out-puts, and dataset frequency. In the case ofFlickr/COCO/WIKI our concreteness scores corre-late with human judgement to a greater extent thanfrequency. For BL, neither frequency nor our con-creteness measure is correlated with human judge-ment. ***/**/* := p < .001/.01/.05

Concreteness and frequency. While concrete-ness measures correlate with human judgmentbetter than frequency, we do expect some cor-relation between a word’s frequency and itsconcreteness (Gorman, 1961). In all cases,we observe a moderate-to-strong positive cor-relation between infrequency and concreteness(ρwiki, ρcoco, ρflickr, ρbl = .06, .35, .40, .71) indi-cating that rarer words/topics are more concrete,in general. However, the correlation is not perfect,and concreteness and frequency measure different

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properties of words.

5.2 Concreteness within datasets

Figure 3 gives examples from Wiki, COCO, andFlickr illustrating the concepts associated with thesmallest and largest concreteness scores accordingto our method.10 The scores often align with intu-ition, e.g., for Wiki, sports topics are often concrete,whereas country-based or abstract-idea-based top-ics are not.11 For COCO, polar (because of polarbears) and ben (because of Big Ben) are concrete;whereas somewhere and possibly are associatedwith a wide variety of images.

Concreteness scores form a continuum, makingexplicit not only the extrema (as in Figure 3) butalso the middle ground, e.g., in COCO, “wilder-ness” (rank 479) is more visually concrete than“outside” (rank 2012). Also, dataset-specific intri-cacies that are not obvious a priori are highlighted,e.g., in COCO, 150/151 references to “magnets”(rank 6) are in the visual context of a refrigerator(making “magnets” visually concrete) though theconverse is not true, as both “refrigerator” (rank329) and “fridge” (rank 272) often appear withoutmagnets; 61 captions in COCO are exactly “Thereis no image here to provide a caption for,” and thisdataset error is made explicit through concretenessscore computations.

5.3 Concreteness varies across datasets

To what extent are the concreteness scores dataset-specific? To investigate this question, we com-pute the correlation between Flickr and COCO un-igram concreteness scores for 1129 overlappingterms. While the two are positively correlated(ρ = .48, p < .01) there are many exceptionsthat highlight the utility of computing dataset-independent scores. For instance, “London” is ex-tremely concrete in COCO (rank 9) as comparedto in Flickr (rank 1110). In COCO, images of Lon-don tend to be iconic (i.e., Big Ben, double deckerbuses); in contrast, “London” often serves as ageotag for a wider variety of images in Flickr. Con-versely, “watch” in Flickr is concrete (rank 196) asit tends to refer to the timepiece, whereas “watch”is not concrete in COCO (rank 958) as it tendsto refer to the verb; while these relationships are

10The BL results are less interpretable and are omitted forspace reasons.

11Perhaps fittingly, the “linguistics” topic (top words: term,word, common, list, names, called, form, refer, meaning) isthe least visually concrete of all 256 topics.

not obvious a priori, our concreteness method hashelped to highlight these usage differences betweenthe image tagging and captioning datasets.

6 Learning Image/Text Correspondences

Previous work suggests that incorporating visualfeatures for less concrete concepts can be harm-ful in word similarity tasks (Hill and Korhonen,2014b; Kiela et al., 2014; Kiela and Bottou, 2014;Hill et al., 2014). However, it is less clear if thisintuition applies to more practical tasks (e.g., re-trieval), or if this problem can be overcome simplyby applying the “right” machine learning algorithm.We aim to tackle these questions in this section.

The learning task. The task we consider is theconstruction of a joint embedding of images andtext into a shared vector space. Truly correspond-ing image/text pairs (e.g., if the text is a captionof that image) should be placed close together inthe new space relative to image/text pairs that donot match. This task is a good representative ofmultimodal learning because computing a joint em-bedding of text and images is often a “first step”for downstream tasks, e.g., cross-modal retrieval(Rasiwasia et al., 2010), image tagging (Chen et al.,2013), and caption generation (Kiros et al., 2015).

Evaluations. Following previous work in cross-modal retrieval, we measure performance usingthe top-k% hit rate (also called recall-at-k-percent,R@k%; higher is better). Cross-modal retrievalcan be applied in either direction, i.e., searchingfor an image given a body of text, or vice-versa.We examine both the image-search-text and text-search-image cases . For simplicity, we averageretrieval performance from both directions, produc-ing a single metric;12 higher is better.

Visual Representations. Echoing Wei et al.(2016), we find that features extracted from con-volutional neural networks (CNNs) outperformclassical computer vision descriptors (e.g., colorhistograms) for multimodal retrieval. We con-sider two different CNNs pretrained on differentdatasets: ResNet50 features trained on the Ima-geNet classification task (RN-Imagenet), and In-ceptionV3 (Szegedy et al., 2015) trained on theOpenImages (Krasin et al., 2017) image taggingtask (I3-OpenImages).

12Averaging is done for ease of presentation; the perfor-mance in both directions is similar. Among the parametric ap-proaches (LS/DCCA/NS) across all datasets/NLP algorithms,the mean difference in performance between the directions is

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Concreteness (wiki)









BTM 14.1 19.8 20.7 27.9LDA 19.8 36.2 33.1 37.0PV 22.0 30.8 29.4 37.1uni 17.3 29.3 30.2 36.3tfidf 18.1 35.2 33.2 38.7

(a) Wikipedia

Concreteness (bl)










BTM 6.7 7.3 7.2 9.5LDA 10.2 17.1 13.8 16.4PV 12.6 14.1 14.1 17.8uni 11.0 13.2 12.4 15.6tfidf 10.9 15.1 13.5 15.5

(b) British Library

Concreteness (coco).65









BTM 27.3 39.9 52.5 58.6LDA 23.2 51.6 51.9 51.8PV 14.1 28.4 25.7 33.5uni 28.7 74.6 72.5 75.0tfidf 32.9 74.0 74.1 74.9

(c) COCO

Concreteness (flickr).5









BTM 23.9 19.1 31.0 32.4LDA 18.4 32.2 34.4 34.7PV 13.9 21.3 20.0 26.6uni 34.7 62.5 62.0 59.6tfidf 35.1 61.6 63.9 60.2

(d) Flickr

Figure 5: Concreteness scores versus retrievability (plotted) for each dataset, along with Recall at 1%(in tables, higher is better) for each algorithm combination. Tables give average retrieval performanceover 10-fold cross-validation for each combination of NLP/alignment algorithm; the best, second best,and third best performing combinations are bolded and colored. The concreteness versus retrievabilitycurves are plotted for the top-3 performing algorithms, though similar results hold for all algorithms.Our concreteness scores and performance are positively correlated, though the shape of the relationshipbetween the two differs from dataset to dataset (note the differing scales of the y-axes). All results are forRN-ImageNet; the similar I3-OpenImages results are omitted for space reasons.

Text Representations. We consider sparse uni-gram and tfidf indicator vectors. In both cases,we limit the vocabulary size to 7.5K. We next con-sider latent-variable bag-of-words models, includ-ing LDA (Blei et al., 2003) (256 topics, trained withMallet (McCallum, 2002)) a specialized bitermtopic model (BTM) (Yan et al., 2013) for shorttexts (30 topics), and paragraph vectors (PV) (Leand Mikolov, 2014) (PV-DBOW version, 256 di-mensions, trained with Gensim (Rehurek and So-jka, 2010)).13

Alignment of Text and Images. We explore fouralgorithms for learning correspondences betweenimage and text vectors. We first compare againstHodosh et al. (2013)’s nonparametric baseline(NP), which is akin to a nearest-neighbor search.This algorithm is related to the concreteness scorealgorithm we previously introduced in that it ex-ploits the geometry of the image/text spaces usingnearest-neighbor techniques. In general, perfor-mance metrics for this algorithm provide an esti-mate of how “easy” a particular task is in terms ofthe initial image/text representations.

1.7% (std. dev=2%).13We also ran experiments encoding text using order-aware

recurrent neural networks, but we did not observe significantperformance differences. Those results are omitted for spacereasons.

We next map image features to text features viaa simple linear transformation. Let (ti, vi) be atext/image pair in the dataset. We learn a lineartransformation W that minimizes∑


‖Wfimage(vi)− ftext(ti)‖22 + λ‖W‖F (4)

for feature extraction functions fimage and ftext, e.g.,RN-ImageNet/LDA. It is possible to map imagesonto text as in Equation 4, or map text onto imagesin an analogous fashion. We find that the direc-tionality of the mapping is important. We trainmodels in both directions, and combine their best-performing results into a single least-squares (LS)model.

Next we consider Negative Sampling (NS),which balances two objectives: true image/textpairs should be close in the shared latent space,while randomly combined image/text pairs shouldbe far apart. For a text/image pair (ti, vi), lets(ti, vi) be the cosine similarity of the pair in theshared space. The loss for a single positive example(ti, vi) given a negative sample (t′i, v

′i) is

h(s(ti, vi), s(ti, v

′i))+ h(s(ti, vi), s(t

′i, vi)


for the hinge function h(p, n) = max{0, α−p+n}.Following Kiros et al. (2015) we set α = .2.

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Finally, we consider Canonical Correlation Anal-ysis (CCA), which projects image and text repre-sentations down to independent dimensions of highmultimodal correlation. CCA-based methods arepopular within the IR community for learning mul-timodal embeddings (Costa Pereira et al., 2014;Gong et al., 2014). We use Wang et al. (2015b)’sstochastic method for training deep CCA (Andrewet al., 2013) (DCCA), a method that is competitivewith traditional kernel CCA (Wang et al., 2015a)but less memory-intensive to train.Training details. LS, NS, and DCCA were imple-mented using Keras (Chollet et al., 2015).14 In to-tal, we examine all combinations of: four datasets,five NLP algorithms, two vision algorithms, fourcross-modal alignment algorithms, and two featurepreprocessing settings; each combination was runusing 10-fold cross-validation.Absolute retrieval quality. The tables in Figure 5contain the retrieval results for RN-ImageNet im-age features across each dataset, alignment algo-rithm, and text representation scheme. We showresults for R@1%, but R@5% and R@10% aresimilar. I3-OpenImages image features underper-form relative to RN-ImageNet and are omitted forspace reasons, though the results are similar.

The BL corpus is the most difficult of thedatasets we consider, yielding the lowest retrievalscores. The highly-curated COCO dataset appearsto be the easiest, followed by Flickr and thenWikipedia. No single algorithm combination is“best” in all cases.

6.1 Concreteness scores and performanceWe now examine the relationship between retrievalperformance and concreteness scores. Because con-creteness scores are on the word/topic level, wedefine a retrievability metric that summarizes analgorithm’s performance on a given concept; forexample, we might expect that retrievability(dog)is greater than retrievability(beautiful).

Borrowing the R@1% metric from the previoussection, we let I[ri < 1%] be an indicator vari-able indicating that test instance i was retrievedcorrectly, i.e., I[ri < 1%] is 1 if the the average

14We used Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015), batch normaliza-tion (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015), and ReLU activations. Regular-ization and architectures (e.g., number of layers in DCCA/NS,regularization parameter in LS) were chosen over a valida-tion set separately for each cross-validation split. Training isstopped when retrieval metrics decline over the validation set.All models were trained twice, using both raw features andzero-mean/unit-variance features.

rank ri of the image-search-text/text-search-imagedirections is better than 1%, and 0 otherwise. Letsic be the affinity of test instance i to concept c. Inthe case of topic distributions, sic is the proportionof topic c in instance i; in the case of unigrams, sicis the length-normalized count of unigram c on in-stance i. Retrievability is defined using a weightedaverage over test instances i as:

retrievability(c) =∑

i sic · I[ri < 1%]∑i sic


The retrievability of c will be higher if instancesmore associated with c are more easily retrieved bythe algorithm.

Retrievability vs. Concreteness. The graphs inFigure 5 plot our concreteness scores versus re-trievability of the top 3 performing NLP/alignmentalgorithm combinations for all 4 datasets. In allcases, there is a strong positive correlation betweenconcreteness and retrievability, which provides ev-idence that more concrete concepts are easier toretrieve.

The shape of the concreteness-retrievabilitycurve appears to vary between datasets more thanbetween algorithms. In COCO, the relationship be-tween the two appears to smoothly increase. InWiki, on the other hand, there appears to be aconcreteness threshold, beyond which retrieval be-comes much easier.

There is little relationship between retrievabil-ity and frequency, further suggesting that our con-creteness measure is not simply mirroring fre-quency. We re-made the plots in Figure 5, ex-cept we swapped the x-axis from concreteness tofrequency; the resulting plots, given in Figure 6,are much flatter, indicating that retrievability andfrequency are mostly uncorrelated. Additional re-gression analyses reveal that for the top-3 perform-ing algorithms on Flickr/Wiki/BL/COCO, concrete-ness explains 33%/64%/11%/15% of the variancein retrievability, respectively. In contrast, for alldatasets, frequency explained less than 1% of thevariance in retrievability.

7 Beyond Cross-Modal Retrieval

Concreteness scores do more than just predict re-trieval performance; they also predict the diffi-culty of image classification. Two popular sharedtasks from the ImageNet 2015 competition pub-lished class-level errors of all entered systems.We used the unigram concreteness scores from

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Frequency (wiki)









(a) Wikipedia

Frequency (bl)









(b) British Library

Frequency (coco).65








(c) COCO

Frequency (flickr).5








(d) Flickr

Figure 6: Correlation between word/topic fre-quency and retrievability for each of the fourdatasets. Compared to our concreteness measure(see Figure 5; note that the while x-axes are differ-ent, the y-axes are the same) frequency explainsrelatively little variance in retrievability.

Flickr/COCO computed in §3 to derive concrete-ness scores for the ImageNet classes.15 We find thatfor both classification and localization, for all 10top performing entries, and for both Flickr/COCO,there exists a moderate-to-strong Spearman correla-tion between concreteness and performance amongthe classes for which concreteness scores wereavailable (nflickr, ncoco = 171, 288; .18 < ρ < .44;p < .003 in all cases). This result suggests thatconcrete concepts may tend to be easier on tasksother than retrieval, as well.

8 Future Directions

At present, it remains unclear if abstract conceptsshould be viewed as noise to be discarded (as inKiela et al. (2014)), or more difficult, but learn-able, signal. Because large datasets (e.g., socialmedia) increasingly mix modalities using ambigu-ous, abstract language, researchers will need totackle this question going forward. We hope thatvisual concreteness scores can guide investigationsof the trickiest aspects of multimodal tasks. Ourwork suggests the following future directions:Evaluating algorithms: Because concretenessscores are able to predict performance prior to train-

15There are 1K classes in both ImageNet tasks, but we wereonly able to compute concreteness scores for a subset, due tovocabulary differences.

ing, evaluations could be reported over concreteand abstract instances separately, as opposed toaggregating into a single performance metric. Anew algorithm that consistently performs well onnon-concrete concepts, even at the expense of per-formance on concrete concepts, would represent asignificant advance in multimodal learning.Designing datasets: When constructing a newmultimodal dataset, or augmenting an existing one,concreteness scores can offer insights regardinghow resources should be allocated. Most directly,these scores enable focusing on “concrete visualconcepts” (Huiskes et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2015),by issuing image-search queries could be issuedexclusively for concrete concepts during datasetconstruction. The opposite approach could also beemployed, by prioritizing less concrete concepts.Curriculum learning: During training, instancescould be up/down-weighted in the training processin accordance with concreteness scores. It is notclear if placing more weight on the trickier cases(down-weighting concreteness), or giving up onthe harder instances (up-weighting concreteness)would lead to better performance, or differing algo-rithm behavior.

9 Acknowledgments

This work was supported in part by NSF grantsSES-1741441/IIS-1652536/IIS-1526155, a YahooFaculty Research and Engagement Program grant,the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and a Cornell Li-brary Grant. Any opinions, findings, and conclu-sions or recommendations expressed in this mate-rial are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the NSF, Sloan Foundation, Ya-hoo, or other sponsors. Nvidia kindly provided theTitan X GPU used in this work.

We would additionally like to thank Maria An-toniak, Amit Bahl, Jeffrey Chen, Bharath Hariha-ran, Arzoo Katiyar, Vlad Niculae, Xanda Schofield,Laure Thompson, Shaomei Wu, and the anony-mous reviewers for their constructive comments.

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t C



Wiki (Topics) MSCOCO (Unigrams) Flickr (Unigrams)

imageappearsweirdappearphotographed thinginterestingpossiblysomewherecaption




écureuil cheetah rongeur pampaargentino sciuridae pampaargentina rodentia bodybuilding bodybuilder sanantoniodeareco

2007 activeassnmntwkly artisticexpression geotagged 2008 explored 2009 nikon canon explore

australia mexicopolicelaw male names community history time months linguistics

hockey tennis nintendoguns baseballwrestling1 wrestling2 software auto racingcurrency
















Images in this figure are reproduced in accordance with the following licensing information. The original authors of the imagesdo not necessarily endorse this work or the opinions expressed in it. Copyright information is given left-to-right. Wikipedia:“hockey” – Dan4th Nicholas (CC BY 2.0); Leech44 (CC BY 3.0); Usasoccer2010 (CC BY-SA 3.0). All “software” imagesderive from software licensed under GNU GPL v3; screenshot used under fair use. “Australia” – Toby Hudson (CC BY-SA 3.0);public domain; public domain. “linguistics” – Suasysar (public domain); USDA (public domain); Rama (CC BY-SA 2.0 FR).MSCOCO: “ben” – Michael Garnett (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0); Giovanni Tufo (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0); Edinho Souto (CC BY-NC-SA2.0). “magnets” – Gabriel Pires (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0); the blue (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0); Dennis S. Hurd (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)“weird” – waferboard (CC BY 2.0); jaci XIII (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0); Ozzy Delaney (CC BY 2.0). “caption” – Robert G. Daigle (CCBY 2.0) TJ Gehling (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0); amhuxham (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). Flickr: “cheetah” – Nathan Rupert (CC BY-NC-ND2.0); Karen Dorsett (CC BY-ND 2.0); Vearl Brown (CC BY-NC 2.0). “bodybuilder” – Kent (SSCusp) (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0);Frank Carroll (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0); Kent (SSCusp) (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). “geotagged” – tpholland (CC BY 2.0); s2art (CCBY-NC-SA 2.0); Joe Penniston (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). “canon” – ajagendorf25 (CC BY 2.0); Tom Lin (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0); LeoReynolds (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).

Image Feature


Image Feature Space

dogs versus beautiful

Text Concept

Extraction{dogs, man, woman,two, walking, in, a,

beautiful, rain, the, and}

A man and a woman walking two beautiful

dogs in the rain.

Images in this figure are reproduced in accordance with the following licensing information. The original authors of the imagesdo not necessarily endorse this work or the opinions expressed in it. J. Michel (aka: Mitch) Carriere (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)Edward Geary

Lansdale (February 6, 1908 – February 23, 1987)[1] was a United States Air Force officer who served in the Office of Strategic Services and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He rose to the rank of Major General and was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 1963. He was an early proponent of more aggressive U.S. actions in the Cold War. Lansdale was born in Detroit, Michigan and died in McLean, Virginia.

Micronesia (from Greek: μικρός, mikrós, "small" + Greek: νῆσος, nêsos, "island") is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It has a shared cultural history with two other island regions, Polynesia to the east and Melanesia to the south.

The region has a tropical marine climate, and is part of the Oceania ecozone. There are four main archipelagos along with numerous outlying islands.

A small pizza covered in tomatoes, fresh basil and shredded cheese.

A skier participates in a competitive event at night.

...while still farther away, where the schuylkill and delaware meet on their way to the sea, low and dark on the horizon lies league island the navy-yard of the future. if, now, he turn his back on the river,...

keep still your sword, keep cool your head. i have no wish to see you dead, nor oockscombe either i shall try your skill in something different (pauses. eglantine looks at her inquiringly). i'll try you both. (archly) the king shall say which is the cleverest, his protege or mine.

stencil streetart banksy pasted unusualimage eastend london graffiti

(courtesy unusualimage)

1020mm columbus downtown hdr bridge nikon skyline d40x ohio river sigma (courtesy Julian Rosario)






Wiki 1: ... Lansdale was a United States Air Force officer...Wiki 2: ... Micronesia is a subregion of Oceania...BL 1: ... cool your head. i have no wish to see you dead... BL 2: ... the schuylkill and delaware meet on their way to the sea...

Images in this figure are reproduced in accordance with the following licensing information. The original authors of the imagesdo not necessarily endorse this work or the opinions expressed in it. Wiki – US Air Force (public domain); Fairsing (publicdomain). The BL images are also public domain, and were originally released by the british library.
