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Quantised Vortices and Four-Component Superfluidity of Semiconductor Excitons Romain Anankine 1,? , Mussie Beian 1,2,? , Suzanne Dang 1 , Mathieu Alloing 1 , Edmond Cambril 3 , Kamel Merghem 3 , Carmen Gomez Carbonell 3 , Aristide Lemaˆ ıtre 3 and Fran¸cois Dubin 1,2 1 UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS-UMR 7588, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France 2 ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, num. 3, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain 3 Laboratoire de Photonique et Nanostructures, LPN/CNRS, Route de Nozay, 91460 Marcoussis, France and * contributed equally (Dated: October 6, 2018) We study spatially indirect excitons of GaAs quantum wells, confined in a 10 μm electrostatic trap. Below a critical temperature of about 1 Kelvin, we detect macroscopic spatial coherence and quantised vortices in the weak photoluminescence emitted from the trap. These quantum signatures are restricted to a narrow range of density, in a dilute regime. They manifest the formation of a four-component superfluid, made by a low population of optically bright excitons coherently coupled to a dominant fraction of optically dark excitons. PACS numbers: 03.75.Lm,03.75.Mn,73.63.Hs,78.47.jd Massive bosonic particles realise a rich variety of collective quantum phenomena where their underlying fermionic structure is nevertheless hardly observed [1, 2]. For example, Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gases is generally understood by neglecting the atoms fermionic nature. Semiconductor excitons, i.e. Coulomb-bound electron-hole pairs, constitute a class of composite bosons which contrasts with this behaviour. Indeed, Combescot and co-workers have predicted that the fermionic struc- ture of excitons leads to a multi-component condensate, with optically active and inactive parts that are coher- ently coupled through electron and/or hole exchanges be- tween excitons [3–5]. Widely studied GaAs quantum wells provide an inter- esting playground to demonstrate the predictions made by Combescot and co-workers, and then possibly con- clude a fifty-year long quest for Bose-Einstein conden- sation of excitons [6–9]. Indeed, in GaAs quantum wells lowest energy excitonic states exhibit a total ”spin” (±1) or (±2). These states are then optically active and inactive respectively, dark states lying at the low- est energy. Neglecting exciton-exciton interactions, Bose- Einstein condensation then leads to a macroscopic occu- pation of dark states so that the condensate is completely inactive optically [3]. Beyond a critical density, how- ever, exciton-exciton interactions can dress the many- body ground-state. Fermion exchanges then become cru- cial because they can coherently convert opposite spin dark excitons into opposite spin bright ones [10]. Thus, a small bright component is possibly introduced coher- ently into the dark condensate [4, 5]. This results in a four-component many-body phase, which is grey, i.e. poorly active optically but possibly signalled by its weak photoluminescence coherent with the hidden dark part. The dominantly dark nature of excitonic condensation manifests directly a high-temperature quantum phase transition. Indeed, in wide GaAs quantum wells the en- ergy splitting between bright and dark states is of the order of μeV [6], i.e. small compared to the thermal energy (2k B ) at the condensation threshold [12]. As a result, a macroscopic population of dark excitons vio- lates classical expectations. This point of view has long been overlooked by research of a condensate of bright ex- citons [8, 13–15], until recent works have instead pointed out experimentally the role played by dark states below a few Kelvin. These studies were realised with long-lived spatially indirect excitons [16, 17], engineered by enforc- ing a spatial separation between electrons and holes, for instance by confining them in two adjacent GaAs quan- tum wells. Thus, a darkening of the photoluminescence has been reported below a few Kelvin [18]. Macroscopic spatial coherence of an anomalously dark gas has also been observed at sub-Kelvin temperatures [19]. Very recently, we have reported an important step to- wards unambiguous signatures for the dark state con- densation of GaAs excitons [1]. Precisely, we have shown that indirect excitons can be confined in a 10 μm electro- static trap and studied at controlled densities and tem- peratures, in a regime of vanishingly small inhomoge- neous broadening. This degree of control, never achieved before to the best of our knowledge, is necessary to eval- uate the occupation of bright and dark states free from experimental uncertainties. Thus, we have shown unam- biguously that the photoluminescence emission quenches below a critical temperature of about 1 Kelvin, when 10 4 indirect excitons are trapped [1, 4, 5]. The quench- ing was interpreted as the manifestation for the dark state condensation, however, the exact nature of the quantum phase remained inaccessible to these experi- ments relying on photoluminescence spectroscopy. In this Letter, we report time and spatially resolved interferometry of the photoluminescence emitted by in- direct excitons confined in a 10 μm trap, down to the regime of photoluminescence quenching. Below a crit- ical temperature of about 1K, we demonstrate macro- scopic spatial coherence and quantised vortices restricted to a small range of excitonic density, precisely in a dilute regime when 10 4 -2·10 4 excitons are confined in the trap. These superfluid signatures emerge for a population of bright excitons about 3 times smaller than the one of dark arXiv:1606.04755v3 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 12 Apr 2017
Page 1: Quantised Vortices and Four-Component Super uidity of ... · Quantised Vortices and Four-Component Super uidity of Semiconductor Excitons Romain Anankine 1;?, Mussie Beian;2, Suzanne

Quantised Vortices and Four-Component Superfluidity of Semiconductor Excitons

Romain Anankine1,?, Mussie Beian1,2,?, Suzanne Dang1, Mathieu Alloing1, Edmond Cambril3,

Kamel Merghem3, Carmen Gomez Carbonell3, Aristide Lemaıtre3 and Francois Dubin1,2

1 UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS-UMR 7588, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France2 ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, num. 3, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain

3 Laboratoire de Photonique et Nanostructures, LPN/CNRS, Route de Nozay, 91460 Marcoussis, France and∗ contributed equally

(Dated: October 6, 2018)

We study spatially indirect excitons of GaAs quantum wells, confined in a 10 µm electrostatictrap. Below a critical temperature of about 1 Kelvin, we detect macroscopic spatial coherence andquantised vortices in the weak photoluminescence emitted from the trap. These quantum signaturesare restricted to a narrow range of density, in a dilute regime. They manifest the formation of afour-component superfluid, made by a low population of optically bright excitons coherently coupledto a dominant fraction of optically dark excitons.

PACS numbers: 03.75.Lm,03.75.Mn,73.63.Hs,78.47.jd

Massive bosonic particles realise a rich variety ofcollective quantum phenomena where their underlyingfermionic structure is nevertheless hardly observed [1, 2].For example, Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gasesis generally understood by neglecting the atoms fermionicnature. Semiconductor excitons, i.e. Coulomb-boundelectron-hole pairs, constitute a class of composite bosonswhich contrasts with this behaviour. Indeed, Combescotand co-workers have predicted that the fermionic struc-ture of excitons leads to a multi-component condensate,with optically active and inactive parts that are coher-ently coupled through electron and/or hole exchanges be-tween excitons [3–5].

Widely studied GaAs quantum wells provide an inter-esting playground to demonstrate the predictions madeby Combescot and co-workers, and then possibly con-clude a fifty-year long quest for Bose-Einstein conden-sation of excitons [6–9]. Indeed, in GaAs quantumwells lowest energy excitonic states exhibit a total ”spin”(±1) or (±2). These states are then optically activeand inactive respectively, dark states lying at the low-est energy. Neglecting exciton-exciton interactions, Bose-Einstein condensation then leads to a macroscopic occu-pation of dark states so that the condensate is completelyinactive optically [3]. Beyond a critical density, how-ever, exciton-exciton interactions can dress the many-body ground-state. Fermion exchanges then become cru-cial because they can coherently convert opposite spindark excitons into opposite spin bright ones [10]. Thus,a small bright component is possibly introduced coher-ently into the dark condensate [4, 5]. This results ina four-component many-body phase, which is grey, i.e.poorly active optically but possibly signalled by its weakphotoluminescence coherent with the hidden dark part.

The dominantly dark nature of excitonic condensationmanifests directly a high-temperature quantum phasetransition. Indeed, in wide GaAs quantum wells the en-ergy splitting between bright and dark states is of theorder of µeV [6], i.e. small compared to the thermalenergy (∼2kB) at the condensation threshold [12]. As

a result, a macroscopic population of dark excitons vio-lates classical expectations. This point of view has longbeen overlooked by research of a condensate of bright ex-citons [8, 13–15], until recent works have instead pointedout experimentally the role played by dark states belowa few Kelvin. These studies were realised with long-livedspatially indirect excitons [16, 17], engineered by enforc-ing a spatial separation between electrons and holes, forinstance by confining them in two adjacent GaAs quan-tum wells. Thus, a darkening of the photoluminescencehas been reported below a few Kelvin [18]. Macroscopicspatial coherence of an anomalously dark gas has alsobeen observed at sub-Kelvin temperatures [19].

Very recently, we have reported an important step to-wards unambiguous signatures for the dark state con-densation of GaAs excitons [1]. Precisely, we have shownthat indirect excitons can be confined in a 10 µm electro-static trap and studied at controlled densities and tem-peratures, in a regime of vanishingly small inhomoge-neous broadening. This degree of control, never achievedbefore to the best of our knowledge, is necessary to eval-uate the occupation of bright and dark states free fromexperimental uncertainties. Thus, we have shown unam-biguously that the photoluminescence emission quenchesbelow a critical temperature of about 1 Kelvin, when∼104 indirect excitons are trapped [1, 4, 5]. The quench-ing was interpreted as the manifestation for the darkstate condensation, however, the exact nature of thequantum phase remained inaccessible to these experi-ments relying on photoluminescence spectroscopy.

In this Letter, we report time and spatially resolvedinterferometry of the photoluminescence emitted by in-direct excitons confined in a 10 µm trap, down to theregime of photoluminescence quenching. Below a crit-ical temperature of about 1K, we demonstrate macro-scopic spatial coherence and quantised vortices restrictedto a small range of excitonic density, precisely in a diluteregime when 104- 2·104 excitons are confined in the trap.These superfluid signatures emerge for a population ofbright excitons about 3 times smaller than the one of dark











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excitons. Our findings thus evidence quantitatively thetheoretically predicted grey condensation of indirect exci-tons [4]. This shows that bilayer GaAs heterostructures,either studied by photoluminescence [23–28] or transporttechniques [29–32], open a versatile platform to developquantum control in semiconductors.













0 5 10


0 5 10 0 5 10Positionc[µm]



























Positionc[µm]0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10












FIG. 1: (a) A 100 ns long loading laser pulse injects indirectexcitons in a 10 µm electrostatic trap. The reemitted pho-toluminescence is analysed in a 5 ns long detection window,at a variable delay to the end of the loading pulse, the se-quence being repeated at 1.5 MHz for 10-20 seconds typicalacquisition times. (b-e) Photoluminescence emitted from thetrap, at Tb=330 mK and for a delay of 150 ns so that thenumber of trapped excitons is ∼2·104. Horizontal and verti-cal dashed lines highlight positions where we observe about50 % intensity loss along both horizontal and vertical axis.This is shown by the profiles in (c-d) and (f-g) for the imagesshown in (b) and (e) respectively. Measurements have all beenacquired successively for identical experimental settings, theacquisition time being 10s.

As illustrated in Fig.1.a, our experiments rely on a 100ns long laser pulse which loads indirect excitons in a shal-low electrostatic trap. The latter is realised by control-ling the electric field in the plane of two 8nm GaAs quan-tum wells, where photo-injected electrons and holes areconfined (quantum wells being separated by a 4nm Al-GaAs barrier – see Supplementary Materials for more de-tails). In the following, we emphasise the photolumines-cence reemitted between 150 and 200 ns after extinctionof the loading laser pulse. This delay range correspondsto about twice the indirect excitons optical lifetime [12].

During this time interval, the trapped gas is dilute and weestimate that the total number of excitons decreases fromabout 2·104 to 104 . Thus, we detect spectroscopically ahighly non-classical population of optically dark indirectexcitons at sub-Kelvin bath temperatures [1, 12]. At thesame time the photoluminescence emitted at the centerof the trap is homogeneously broadened (see Fig.S1 ofthe Supplementary Materials).

In Figure 1.b we show the spatial profile of the photo-luminescence emitted when ∼ 2·104 excitons are trappedat a bath temperature Tb=330 mK. We strikingly notea very inhomogeneous intensity distribution, a dark spotbeing identified at the centre of the image, i.e. at theminimum of the trapping potential where the photolu-minescence intensity is nevertheless the largest. At thecentre of the dark spot we observe 50% loss of inten-sity (Fig.1.c-d) corresponding to a 2-fold decrease of thepopulation of bright excitons. This variation marks a de-viation of ∼5σ of the photoluminescence signal which isnot interpretable in terms of intensity fluctuations.

In our experiments, the unambiguous detection of darkspots, as in Figure 1.b, requires precise experimental set-tings. It is mostly achieved around the center of the trap,at sub-Kelvin bath temperatures and for less than about4·104 confined excitons, that is later than 120 ns afterextinction of the loading pulse. Experimentally, a sta-tistically unambiguous detection of dark spots resumesto a tradeoff between the signal to noise ratio and thenumber of individual realisations that we average, thatis the acquisition time. The latter can not exceed about10 seconds, because at Tb=330 mK dark spots emergeat uncorrelated positions during unchanged experimen-tal settings. This behaviour is signalled by comparing theemission profiles shown in Fig. 1.b and 1.e. Both wererecorded successively and in the same conditions, never-theless they exhibit intensity losses localised at distinctpositions in the central region of the trap.

We interpret the dark spots in the photoluminescenceas a direct manifestation for the disorder of our electro-static confinement. In Ref.[1] we have already highlightedthat the trapping potential fluctuates during our experi-ments. The level of electrostatic disorder is such that itleads to stochastic variations of the photoluminescencespectral width, from ∼300 µeV to ∼1 meV and within atimescale of a few seconds at Tb=330 mK. However, theelectrostatic disorder can be turned into an advantage tosignal quantum fingerprints for the regime of photolumi-nescence quenching [1]. Indeed, defects of the confiningpotential are energetically favourable positions to localisequantised vortices and thus reveal a superfluid behaviour.Vortices could then remain pinned in the trapping po-tential, the only situation to actually detect them by ourexperiments which rely on averaging ∼ 107 single-shotimages during 10 seconds.

To asses whether dark spots detected at the center ofthe trap can manifest quantised vortices pinned by elec-trostatic disorder, we analysed the spatial coherence ofthe photoluminescence with a Mach-Zehnder interferom-

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(d) (e) (f)

(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 2: Simulation of the interference pattern for a conden-sate with complete long-range order in the trap (a), and fora condensate constraining one quantised vortex at the centerof the trap (b). Two phase singularities are observed in thelatter case, on each side of a ring-shaped interference fringe.(c) Interference pattern measured when ∼ 2·104 excitons areconfined in the trap at Tb=330 mK. These experiments wererealised in the same conditions as for the measurements shownin Fig. 1.b. (d-f) Red points show the interference profilesmeasured, as highlighted in (b), at the centre of the ring (e),on its left (d) and right (f). The solid blue lines display thepatterns simulated by modulating the profile of the photolu-minescence intensity with an interference visibility equal to23%, the interference contrast possibly varying from ∼12 %to 45 % in our studies.

eter. The interferometer is stabilised with a vanishingpath length difference between its two arms, one of whichhorizontally displaces its output by 2 µm compared to theother arm [19], i.e. by ten times the thermal wavelengthof excitons at our lowest bath temperature. Due to a ver-tical tilt angle deliberately introduced between the twoarms, a condensate with complete long-range order leadsto horizontally aligned interference fringes (Fig.2.a). Avortex pinned around the center of such condensate thenappears through the inclusion of a ”ring” in the centralbright fringe, as shown in Fig. 2.b. This pattern is under-stood by noting that on each side of the ring the vortexand its shifted image interfere with 2 µm distant regionswhere the phase is well defined. Fork-like dislocations arethus created at these two locations since the phase of thewavefunction winds by 2π around the core of a vortex [2].The superposition of the two mirrored and shifted forksleads then to the ”ring” shown in Fig. 2.b, making thisinterference pattern topologically recognisable.

Figure 2.c shows an interference pattern measured inthe same conditions as for the experiments of Fig. 1.b.Remarkably, this observation agrees quantitatively withthe simulation for a condensate having one quantised vor-tex pinned at the center of the trap. This is shown in Fig.2.d-f where the interference profiles taken at the centreof the ring (e) and on its left and right, (d) and (f) re-

FIG. 3: (a-c) Interference patterns measured for a decreas-ing exciton density in the trap at Tb=330 mK, 120 (a), 150(b) and 200 ns (c) after extinction of the loading laser pulse.We estimate that the total number of excitons is about 4·104,2·104 and 104 respectively, the drawings on top illustratingthe filling of the trap. The panels (d) to (f) show the corre-sponding interference profiles evaluated at the center of thetrap (between the dashed lines). While in (d) our experimentsdo not reveal any interference, in (e) and (f) the interferencevisibility is 25 and 18 % respectively. Red points show ex-perimental results and the blue lines the simulation obtainedby modulating the intensity profile with the aforementionedvisibilities.

spectively, are reproduced by modulating the photolumi-nescence intensity profile with 23% interference visibility.The contrast providing the fraction of bright excitons inthe superfluid phase [33], we deduce that about one thirdof bright excitons evolve in a quantum condensed statefor these experiments. Let us then stress that the resultsshown in Fig. 2.c are obtained by post-selecting a partic-ular realisation out of successive acquisitions, measuredall under the same conditions. Such a post-selection isnecessary because our studies suffer from electrostaticfluctuations. In fact, it is only for a particular confine-ment landscape that an individual vortex is possibly re-vealed, as in Fig. 2.c. The electrostatic trapping po-tential has to be sufficiently regular for a superfluid topossibly form, and exhibit a defect capable to localise asingle vortex around the center of trap, the position ofthis defect being stable all along the measurement time.

Without varying experimental conditions we also stud-ied the evolution of quantum coherence while the excitondensity varies in the trap. This is directly achieved bychanging at the detection the delay to the end of the load-ing laser pulse (Fig.1.a). To reach conclusions that arenot limited by potential fluctuations during our measure-ments, we successively recorded a set of 20 interferencepatterns, every 10 ns after the loading pulse. Fig. 3.ashows that for delays shorter than 150 ns, i.e. when the

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trap confines more than about 2·104 indirect excitons,interference fringes are not resolved in the photolumi-nescence. By contrast, from 150 to 200 ns after opticalloading, i.e., when the population of excitons in the trapdecreases from 2·104 to 104, Fig.3.b-c shows that brightexcitons exhibit macroscopic spatial coherence: interfer-ence fringes are clearly resolved in patterns that coverthe center of the trap, i.e. an approximately 5x5 µm2 re-gion. At longer delays (& 200 ns), however, interferencefringes are not detected clearly in our experiments.

The absence of interference pattern when the trap con-fines less than about 104 excitons is not very surprising.Indeed, in this regime repulsive interactions between ex-citons yield a low mean-field energy, of the order of po-tential fluctuations (∼ 500 µeV [1]). The trapped gas isthen probably too dilute to establish long-range coher-ence by screening electrostatic disorder [7]. On the otherhand, it is more surprising that quantum coherence is notobserved beyond a maximum of about 2·104 particles inthe trap. Yet, this limit lies well in the dilute regimewhich excludes the role of exciton ionisation. However,excitons may already suffer from a too large deviation toideal bosons beyond this range of density [35]. Also, onecan not exclude that beyond 2·104 particles in the trapthe strong dipolar interactions between excitons alreadylead to correlations which challenge the emergence of acollective quantum phase.

Last, we studied the dependence of the interferencecontrast as a function of the bath temperature. Let usrestrict ourselves to the relevant range of delays to theloading laser pulse (150 to 200 ns). For the shortest de-lay, i.e. for ∼2·104 indirect excitons in the trap, Fig. 4.ashows that the photoluminescence exhibits long range or-der at the center of the trap, up to a critical temperatureTc ≈ 1.3K. The interference visibility, i.e., the fractionof bright excitons contributing to the superfluid, followswell the theoretical scaling proportional to 1− (Tb/Tc)


for two-dimensional particles in a trap [36]. Furthermore,Fig.4.b shows that Tc ∼1K when the density is decreasedby around two-fold, i.e. at a delay of 200 ns after theloading pulse. This decrease of Tc is expected [36], how-ever, quantitative conclusions are difficult to raise sinceour experiments are limited by the weak photolumines-cence intensity. As underlined in Fig. 4, our measure-ments suffer from a signal-to-noise ratio of less than 10which leads to a minimum threshold for our interfero-metric detection of about 12%. Experiments displayingno evidence of spatial interference are then assigned 12%visibility.

Although quantum signatures are detected in the pho-toluminescence emitted by bright exciton states, crudeestimations show that their occupation is too small toallow for a bright condensate independent from the un-derlying dominant population of optically dark excitons.Indeed, out of ∼104 excitons confined at Tb=330 mK,about 3/4 populate dark states [12]. By only consider-ing the remaining fraction of bright excitons, the criticaltemperature for quantum degeneracy would be less than

Tb [K] Tb [K]






ty [%


0 1 2 0 1 2






22(a) (b)








FIG. 4: Interference contrast measured at the centre trap asa function of the bath temperature Tb. In (a) we show thevisibilities measured in the regime where 2·104 excitons oc-cupy the trap, while the number of excitons is reduced to 104

for the measurements shown in (b). Solid red lines show thetheoretically expected 1−(T/Tc)

2 scaling of the condensatefraction, with Tc ∼ 1.3K and 1K for (a) and (b) respectively.In (a)-(b) the grey region marks the sensibility of our inter-ferometric detection, i.e. the level fixed by the signal-to-noiseratio at the detection.

∼300 mK [12]. A fragmented condensate of bright ex-citons would then contradict our experiments which, asshown in Fig. 4, reveal quantum coherence up to 1.3K,as expected for a few 104 excitons in the trap. Consider-ing limiting factors, such as the strength of electrostaticdisorder, it is actually excluded that such a low densityof bright indirect excitons possibly condenses alone [7].This leads us to conclude that dark and bright states arecoherently coupled in our experiments, leading to the the-oretically predicted four-component superfluid of indirectexcitons [4].

Finally, let us note that experiments with cold atomicgases have recently explored the superfluid quantumphase transition, by cooling a Bose gas at a variable rate.It was hence verified that the size of superfluid domainsformed at the critical point decreases with the quenchingrate [37, 38], as prescripted by the Kibble-Zurek mecha-nism [39]. Here, we had to follow the opposite approach,because the bath temperature can be kept constant whilethe exciton density necessarily decreases slowly, due toradiative recombination. Thus, we observe that an ini-tially dense gas, showing no evidence of long-range coher-ence, abruptly becomes superfluid below a critical densityof a few 1010 cm−2 at sub-Kelvin temperatures. In thisregime, quantum signatures are resolved in the coherentphotoluminescence radiated by the four-component andmostly dark condensate of excitons. Interestingly, thisbehaviour is restricted tor a narrow range of densitiesonly.Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to

Monique Combescot and Roland Combescot for theircontinuous support of this work and for many enlight-ening discussions. We would also like to thank Tris-tan Cren for stimulating discussions and Maciej Lewen-stein for a critical reading of the manuscript. Our work

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has been financially supported by the projects INDEX(EU-FP7-ITN), XBEC (EU-FP7-CIG) and by OBELIXfrom the french Agency for Research (ANR-15-CE30-

0020). Correspondence and requests shall be sent to F.D.(francois [email protected]).

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Supplementary Informations:


The sample studied here is identical to the one probedin Ref. [1]. It mainly consists of two 8 nm wide GaAsquantum wells which are separated by a 4 nm AlGaAsbarrier layer. The two coupled quantum wells (CQWs)are positioned 150 nm above the n-doped GaAs layer thatacts as bottom electrode of the field-effect device embed-ding the CQWs. To realise a 10 µm wide electrostatictrap, we use a set of 2 semi-transparent and metallic elec-trodes deposited on the surface of the field-effect device,i.e., 900 nm above the CQWs. In this geometry, the com-ponents of the electric-field applied by the gate electrodesare minimised in the plane of the CQWs which preventsundesired exciton dissociation.














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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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Fig. S1: (a) Electron microscope image of the twosurface electrodes controlling our electrostatic trap. Inour experiments these electrodes are biased at about-4.8V; so, we realise a hollow-trap, i.e., a shallow trapcharacterised by the barrier due to the potential rectifi-cation at the 200 nm gap between the surface electrodes.(b) Side-cut of our sample structure showing the twocoupled quantum wells (in yellow) embedded in the field-effect device. Electrons and holes confined in each layerbind by Coulomb attraction in this way forming spatiallyindirect excitons characterised by electric dipoles alignedwith the externally applied electric field. In (b), we alsosketch the profile of the hollow-trap by the thin solid blackline. (c) Spatially resolved photoluminescence spectrumrecorded at Tb=330 mK for the same experimentalconditions as for the measurements shown in Fig. 1. In(d), we show the corresponding spectral-profile, evaluatedbetween the dashed lines shown in (c), together with ourspectral resolution measured with a Hg line (red).

The general structure of our electrostatic trap is illus-trated in Fig. S1. The trap is engineered by a circular10 µm wide central electrode separated by a 200 nm gapfrom its outer guard gate. Far from the edges of theelectrodes, e.g., at the centre of the trap or under theguard, we have verified that the electric field amplitudeperpendicular to the CQWs is accurately controlled bythe static potentials we externally applied to each elec-trode. By imposing a bias onto the trap gate larger thanthe one applied onto the guard gate, deep electrostatictraps are formed for indirect excitons (IXs) [2, 3]. Indeed,Fig. S1 shows that IXs are characterised by their intrin-sic electric dipole aligned perpendicular to the CQWs.They thus behave as high-field seekers, that is, they areattracted towards the regions of the CQWs where theperpendicular electric field is the largest.

Hard walls to confine indirect excitons in a shallowtrapping potential can also be engineered with our device.Indeed, electrostatic barriers form spontaneously underthe gap between our surface electrodes. We have verifiedthat the barriers height amounts to at least 10 meV forIXs, even if the trap and the guard gate are polarised atthe same potential. Under the trap gate the electrostaticconfinement is then shallow and regular, that is why wehave decided to apply the same bias to the trap and guardgates. We found a particular value of ∼-4.8V for whichthe dark current of the device was vanishingly small whilethe steady-state photo-current would not exceed 100 pAfor our measurements at Tb=330 mK. Fine experimentalsettings were motivated by the search for the spectrallynarrowest photoluminescence. In particular, this impliedthat we aimed at the most stable conditions with thesmallest amount of electrostatic fluctuations during ourmeasurement sequence (15-30 seconds for a single acqui-sition). This approach brought us to regimes where thephotoluminescence spectra are limited by our spectralresolution across the center of the trap when we observesuperfluid signatures. This is shown in Fig. S1.c-d that

displays a spatially resolved photoluminescence emissionrecorded under the same conditions as for the measure-ments shown in Fig. 1.b of the main text.


As in previous works, to optically inject electrons andholes in the CQWs we used a pulsed laser excitationtuned at resonance with the absorption of direct excitonsof the two quantum wells. As shown in Fig. S2, eachpulse loads the two quantum wells with both electronsand holes. The electric field applied perpendicular tothe heterostructure favours carriers tunnel towards theirrespective minimum energy states which lie in differentquantum wells. As a result, spatially indirect excitonsare formed by the Coulomb attraction between electronsin one layer and holes in the other layer. Indirect excitonsare formed in few tens of ns and constitute the majoritycarriers already at the end of the laser excitation. In thecase of our experiments probing a finite size electrostatictrap, we have shaped the spatial profile of the laser exci-tation such that it homogeneously covers the bottom ofthe trap which is about 5 µm wide. At the same timewe ensured that the illumination outside the trap wasnegligible.















Fig. S2: (a) Our experiments rely on a 100 ns longloading pulse while the exciton dynamics is monitored ina 5 ns long time window which follows each laser pulseat a variable delay. (b) Sketch of the optical injection ofindirect excitons IXs, through the resonant excitation ofthe direct exciton (DX) absorption of each quantum well.IXs are created once optically injected electronic carriershave tunnelled towards minimum energy states (wavygrey lines). (c) The reemitted photoluminescence (wavyred arrows) is only due to the radiative recombination oflowest energy (k∼0) bright excitons (BX), i.e., lying atan energy smaller than the intersection between brightexcitonic and photonic bands, BX and Ph respectively,occurring at E∼1.5 kB.

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Figure S2 shows that our experiments rely on a 100ns long laser excitation which is repeated at a rate of1.5 MHz. All measurements have been performed witha mean optical power equal to 700 nW, the incidentlaser power being actively stabilised in our studies.The photoluminescence emitted from the trap after theoptical loading phase was directed towards an imagingspectrometer that allows us to study the spatial profileof the emission either in real or frequency space. Asdetailed in Ref. [1], in the latter case we monitor boththe energy and integrated intensity of the photolumi-nescence in order to estimate the fraction of bright anddark indirect excitons in the trap. The dynamics of thephotoluminescence energy EX reflects the variation ofthe total exciton density nX, i.e., including both brightand dark excitons. Indeed, indirect excitons experiencerepulsive dipolar interactions in the dilute regime suchthat EX scales as u0nX at first order [4, 5], u0 ∼1meVfor the density nX in 1010 cm−2 units at which the trapconfines ∼104 excitons. On the other hand, the solefraction of bright excitons at lowest energy is directlygiven by the integrated intensity of the photolumines-cence IX. Indeed, only bright indirect excitons with akinetic energy lower than about 1.5 K contribute to thephotoluminescence. This region of the excitonic band isusually referred to as the light cone and reduced to exci-tons with a vanishing in-plane momentum k (see Fig.S2).








τ [ns]τ [ns]50 100 150 200 2500





1521 (a)



50 100 150 200 2500

Fig. S3: (a) Dynamics of the photoluminescenceenergy EX, measured after the loading laser pulse at thecentre of the trap at Tb=330 mK and 2.5 K, red andblue respectively. (b) Integrated intensity IX for the sameexperiments. In (a-b) the initial grey region underlinesa transient regime where we can not exclude that thetrapped gas is not fully thermalised and also subject to atransient photocurrent. The light-blue regions underlinethe regime where we observe superfluid signatures.

Figure S3 shows the dynamics of both IX and EX start-ing from 5 ns after the extinction of the loading laserpulse. In Fig. S3, we compare two limiting cases, namelya thermal gas of excitons realised at a bath temperature

Tb=2.5 K, and a quantum gas of excitons realised atTb=330 mK. These two measurements are performed un-der the same experimental conditions, that is, the samelaser mean excitation-power and the same voltages ap-plied onto the gate electrodes. However, these measure-ments differ by the anomalous darkening in the dynam-ics of IX which is observed at the lowest temperature.Indeed, Fig. S3.b shows that the integrated intensitydecays 50% faster at Tb=330 mK than at 2.5 K. Pre-cisely, after a transient regime lasting about 50 ns afterthe laser excitation, IX has a characteristic decay timeof ∼ 100 and 160 ns at 330 mK and 2.5 K respectively.Thus, 150-200 ns after the laser pulse IX is 2 times weakerat Tb=330 mK revealing a strong depletion of coldestbright indirect excitons. By contrast, Fig. S3.a showsthat at Tb=330 mK and 2.5 K the photoluminescenceenergy EX follows close dynamics which signals that thetotal density in the trap varies weakly between these twomeasurements. As detailed in Ref [1], these combinedobservations reveal without ambiguity that a dominantfraction of IXs populates optically dark states at Tb=330mK. The large imbalance between bright and dark statesoccupation is highly non-classical (75% in dark states)because the energy splitting between these states reducesto a few µeV in our heterostructure [6], that is about10-fold less than the thermal energy at our lowest bathtemperature.


To quantify the first order spatial coherence of brightindirect excitons we analyzed the photoluminescenceemitted from the trap with a Mach-Zehnder interferom-eter. The photoluminescence was splitted between thearms 1 and 2 of the interferometer, and a vertical tiltangle α was deliberately introduced between the outputsof the two arms. Hence, interference fringes are alignedhorizontally, α being set such that the interference pe-riod is ≈ 1.5 µm. From the spatial auto-correlation, theoutputs produced by the two arms are laterally shiftedby δx= 2µm while the path length difference is stabi-lized close to zero. This allows us to derive the degree ofspatial coherence of bright IXs which thermal de Brogliewavelength is bound to less than 300 nm for 104 exci-tons in the trap at Tb=330 mK. Thus, a thermal gasof excitons leads to a vanishing interference contrast, asexpected and verified at Tb ∼2K in Fig. 4 of the maintext.

The output of our interferometer, I12, can be modelledas

I12(r; δx) = 〈|ψ0(r, t) + ei(qαy+φ)ψ0(r + δx, t)|2〉t

where ψ0(r) is the photoluminescence field which reflectsthe bright excitons wave function, 〈..〉t denotes the timeaveraging, r=(x,y) is the coordinate in the plane of thequantum well and qα=2πλ−1sin(α) with λ being theemission wavelength. If we denote the output of the two

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arms by I1 and I2 respectively, we directly deduce thatIint=(I12-I1-I2)/2

√I1I2 reveals the first order coherence

function of indirect excitons, defined as

g(1)(r; δx) =〈ψ∗

0(r, t)ψ0(r + δx, t)〉t(〈|ψ0(r, t)|2〉t〈|ψ0( r + δx, t)|2〉t)1/2


Indeed, Iint(r;δx)=cos(qαy+φ+φr)|g(1)(r; δx)| where φris the phase of g(1). Thus, we recover that interferencefringes have a visibility controlled by the degree of spatialcoherence of bright excitons. On the other hand, theposition of the interference fringes reveals the argumentof the g(1)-function, i.e., the phase difference between theinterfering wave functions.

(a) (b)


(g) (h) (i)



Position [µm]


tion [



Fig. S4: (a-b) Phase distribution for the photolumi-nescence fields entering the g(1)-function, computed fora condensate with complete long-range order. The panel(c) shows the resulting interference profile. (d-e) Phaseprofiles of interfering fields for a condensate constrainingone vortex. The panel (f) shows the resulting interferencepattern. (g-h) Phase profiles for an average of 2 vorticeswhich explore a few microns extended regions. The po-sition of each vortex is given by the locations of phasesingularities in (g-h). In (i) we note that the diffusion ofvortices blurs and also bends interference fringes.

Interference patterns are directly simulated by mod-ulating the spatial profile of the photoluminescenceemission, with the above expression for Iint. Startingwith the simplest case, Figure S4.c considers a conden-sate of bright excitons with complete long-range spatialcoherence. As a result, the phase of ψ0 is uniform andthe output interference pattern consists of horizontallyaligned fringes. Figure S4.f shows a second scenariowhere one quantised vortex is constrained at the centerof such a condensate. As mentioned in the main text,the phase of ψ0 then winds by 2π around the core of thevortex. The interference between such singularity andits shifted mirror image then leads to the ”ring” fringeshown in Fig. S4.f. Finally, in Fig. S4.g-i, we study a

situation which probably matches best the conditionsunder which our experiments are performed. Indeed, weconsider two vortices that can diffuse over a few micronsin the condensate. Fig. S4.i shows, as expected, thatmoving vortices tend to blur the interference signal, ina fashion which resembles the measurements shown inFig. 3.b.

– Analysis of interference patterns

In the main text we only report bare interference mea-surements, i.e. without applying any correction to theexperimental data. These latter are simulated by fittingthe two-dimensional profile of the photoluminescence in-tensity 〈|ψ0(r)|2〉t which is then modulated according tothe above expression for Iint. The interference visibility|g(1)| is then extracted by reproducing the profiles takenalong the vertical axis perpendicular to the fringe direc-tion.

Let us finally note that we have set the Mach-Zehnderinterferometer for δx= 2 µm, first because the condensateextends over a region of about 5x5 µm2. Also, this valuelies well above our optical resolution (∼ 1 µm) which islimited by mechanical vibrations in our cryostat. Thus,for δx= 2 µm interference fringes form accros a regionwhich is sufficiently large to be quantitatively analysed.For larger values of δx, however, the overlap between in-terfering regions is reduced further which hardens a quan-titative discussion of quantum coherence.



In GaAs coupled quantum wells, indirect excitons arecharacterised by an effective mass MX that is of the orderof 0.2m0, m0 being the electron mass. In addition, indi-rect excitons have a Bohr radius aX estimated to be ∼20 nm for our heterostructure and experimental settings.The regime in which we have typically 104 excitons in a10 µm wide trap is dilute since nXa2X . 0.2. The inter-exciton mean separation is then large compared to theBohr radius.

By neglecting exciton-exciton interactions and fermionexchanges, we can get a crude estimate of the tempera-ture T0 for quantum degeneracy of a homogeneous gas ofindirect excitons. For that purpose, we equalise the ther-mal de Broglie wavelength to the inter-particle distance.This leads to kBT0=nX(2π~2)/(gMX), where g denotesthe degeneracy of the considered excitonic states. If wefirst consider 104 dark excitons, i.e. nX=1010 cm−2, forwhich g=2 and thereby T0 ∼ 1.3K. By contrast, if weconsider the fraction of bright excitons, which is dampedto at most 3·103 in our measurements, the critical tem-perature drops by at least three-fold and then lies in therange of our lowest bath temperature. Our measurementsbeing notably limited by electrostatic fluctuations of the

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trapping potential, with an amplitude of about 500 µeV,it is excluded [7] that bright excitons can condense inde-

pendently from the underlying condensate of dark exci-tons.

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