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Quantm enterprise english

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A brochure describing the Quantm Enterprise Software
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Trimble Quantm Enterprise From Vision to Viability
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Trimble Quantm Enterprise From Vision to Viability

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ProVen BenefitsTrimble Quantm Enterprise supports road and rail planners through the complex process of selecting and generating corridors and alignments. Unique alignment optimization technology generates millions of alternative alignments and returns a range of options for review by various stakeholders. As the project progresses, different scenarios are created using the latest terrain, geological, topological, social and environmental inputs to produce revised results for further consideration and refinement.

The Quantm system has been used worldwide on hundreds of projects ranging in length from less than .6 miles (1 kilometer) to national transportation links of over 621 miles (1000 kilometers), in all types of terrain. The system has consistently enabled planners and consulting engineers to reduce project planning time, deliver improved alignments that meet environmental, heritage, urban constraints, while complying with design standards and increasing productivity.

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Benefits throughout the Value ChainTrimble Quantm Enterprise provides significant benefits throughout the project value chain, from initial scoping studies through to value engineering.

Scoping Studies:

The system is of most value when used from the initial, project scoping stage, when greater flexibility can be allowed to identify the full range of corridor alternatives.


At the pre-feasibility stage, the Quantm system can be used as a tool to aid decision making, determining the macro viability of the transport corridor options. The system generates multiple alignments that cluster into primary corridors, while maintaining the 3D geometric requirements and other project constraints. The outcome is a set of preferred alignments for public consultation. This reduces costs when gathering data at the next stage, by highlighting the best corridor to highlight for further analysis.


Using detailed data in the preferred corridor, the system further optimizes and refines the alignment. Throughout the feasibility process new constraints can be added based on the detailed data collection and the alignment can be refined to address the social and environmental constraints.

Value Engineering:

As the construction phase approaches, the Quantm system can be used to refine the vertical geometry to reduce earthwork and other construction costs, based on an analysis of the material flow along the alignment, after introducing the project constraints to material flow.

Quantm Pathfinder Server(Optimization engine hosted on local server)

Quantm(Local PCs)

Data input and constraint definition

Optimal alignments returned

Corporate Network(Intranet)

how it works

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Scoping- Quickly identify and cost preferred corridors for detailed examination using existing terrain and feature data

pre-feaSibility - Aid macro viability decision-making- Generate multiple alignments that cluster into primary corridors- Produce detailed reports for public consideration

iMProVe ProDuCtiVitYTrimble® Quantm® Enterprise software has been designed to process road and rail alignments of any size from a local server supporting desktop clients. The software is the best solution for companies or government agencies with multiple users who need to process data in-house.

Quantm Enterprise performs corridor identification, and full horizontal and vertical alignment optimization. It considers environmental, social, geological, engineering, and construction constraints to provide an optimal alignment for detailed design.

Quantm Enterprise enables planners and engineers to reduce project planning time and deliver improved alignments that meet environmental, heritage, urban constraints, and design standards set by each project.

deliver improved Alignments

Communities globally are increasing the influence they have over where new roads are created. The combination of community input and the need to avoid certain urban areas, cultural heritage zones and areas of environmental sensitivity have made the planning process extremely complex. The Quantm system allows community input to be integrated into the planning study. Community “no-go” constraints can be added in just minutes. Cost implications and alignment alternatives can be rapidly generated for review.

reduce Planning Time

The Quantm system encourages cooperation between project planners and financial and community stakeholders from the onset. Planners can quickly investigate alignment and cost implications of numerous ‘what if’ scenarios simultaneously. As a result, planners can demonstrate they have considered all

feasible alignments and substantially improve the quality of the alignment without project delay or cost increase.

Produce better reports

From governments, to environmental groups, community organizations, and project financiers, numerous groups want to know that their concerns are being addressed when creating new roads and railways. Planners and engineers can use Quantm Enterprise to prepare in-depth impact studies and public presentations. The software allows presentations to display the complete route or zoom-in demonstrating how an alignment impacts or avoids a particular zone or landowner, including the earthworks footprint.

The planner can also provide a process audit that tracks individual scenario investigation, consideration of alternatives and costs, and document the methods used in reaching a ‘preferred’ corridor or alignment.

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feaSibility- Use for testing and selecting feasible alignments- Optimize and refine the clustered alignments- Add new constraints based on data collection, social and environmental factors

ValUe engineering- Analyze a design to identify possible improvements - Add construction criteria and refine the vertical geometry to reduce costs- Analyze material flow

CustoMer suCCess storiesProjects of all types and sizes can take advantage of the benefits of the Trimble Quantm technology. Examples range from regional, state and national transportation infrastructure planning to small bypasses and road realignments.

Trimble Planning Solutions has helped companies and governments in every corner of the world save time and money, and improve relationships with the communities they serve. To see all our customer stories, please visit:www.trimble-productivity.com/quantm

High Speed rail –“The application of the Quantm system enabled the project team to gain greater depth of information on which to make their recommendations and to present alternatives and the rationale for decisions to stakeholders and the community.” - The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute GroupCorporation (TSDI), China

regional and Statewide Planning – “The ability to quickly test a wide range of alignment options in the context of all of the key environmental and physical constraints, as well as the main design and cost parameters, was critical to achieving the objectives of this study.” - Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc., United States

Modernizing National infrastructure – “The Quantm system not only provides technical and scientific basis for the route alignment selection/optimisation, reduces alignment cost and planning time, but also provides a powerful and efficient tool for alignment review, assessment and presentation during the planning and design process.”- Zhejiang Provincial Plan, Design and Research Institute of Communications (ZJIC), China

Small road Projects – ”ITD and David Evans and Associates, Inc with the assistance of the Trimble Alignment Planning system have implemented a highway corridor planning / environmental / engineering process to establish highway corridors and select alternatives that will comply with NEPA regulations. This process can address many of the challenges found in the highway environmental process by being objective, comprehensive, cost-effective, and quicker than conventional methods.” - David Evans and Associates, Inc. and Idaho Transportation Department, United States

Mining Freight rail – “The project planners demonstrated that there is significant benefit to applying the Trimble Alignment Planning system to mine haul/access roads, and have stated that the earlier Trimble Alignment Planning is applied, the greater the benefits.” - MIM Holdings (now Xstrata PLC), Australia

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© 2012, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. Trimble, the Globe & Triangle logo and Quantm are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the United States and in other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PN 022482-2569 (08/12)

Australia (Headquarters)level 4333 flinders laneMelbourne ViC 3000australiatel: +61 3 8680 7200fax:+61 3 9620 3446

North Americatrimble navigation ltd.935 stewart Drive sunnyvale, Ca 94085usatel: +1 408 481 8000

Latin Americatrimble Brazilave Jose D souzaCampos 900, Conj 61Campinas, Brazil

Europe, Middle East & AfricaP.o. Box 17760Jebel ali free ZoneDubai uaetel: +971 4 8865410

Chinatrimble ChinaBeijing representative office20f, Central tower, China overseas Plaza no.8 Yardguang hua Dong liChaoyang District, PrCBeijing 100020China





























TriMbLE QUANTM SoLUTioNS – oPTiMiziNG CorridorS AroUNd THE GLobE

the Quantm system has been used worldwide on hundreds of projects.
