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Quantum Cellular Automata...

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Quantum Cellular Automata (QCA) Andrew Valesky
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• PythagorasofSamos

• PythagoreanTheorem

• Pythagoreanism

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• EdwinAbbotAbbot (1884)• womenareline-segments• menarepolygons(n-sided)• forhecannotconceiveofanyotherexcepthimself – andplumeshimselfuponthevarietyof ItsThought asaninstanceofcreativePower.LetusleavethisGodofPointland totheignorantfruitionofhisomnipresenceandomniscience.~(theSphere)

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• Hyperspace:AScientificOdysseyThroughParallelUniverses,TimeWarps,andthe10thDimension• Michio Kako

• Human’sseein3dimensions• Noadvantagetoseeinotherdimentions• Evolutionarysurvival

• Mustourmindsworkin3dimensions?

• QuantumProbabilityinCognition• Dr.MacLennan

• TheoriesofCognition• Logic

• Aristotle’stime

• ClassicalProbability• 1970

• QuantumProbability

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• CollectiveUnconscious• Jung1916

• dreams,fantasies,andotherexceptionalstatesappearnatively

• primordialimagesorarchetypes,asIhavecalledthem,belongtothebasicstockoftheunconsciouspsycheandcannotbeexplainedaspersonalacquisitions• Collectivelycalledthecollectiveunconscious

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Page 10: Quantum Cellular Automata (QCA)web.eecs.utk.edu/~bmaclenn/Classes/494-594-UC-F16/presentations… · Let us leave this God of Pointland to the ignorant fruition of ... The Quantum

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihngis taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghitpclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseaethe huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

According to a researcher (sic) at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole.

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• JohnvonNeumann• “Whatkindoflogicalorganizationissufficientforanautomatontoreproduceitself?”• 1903

• RegularGridofcells• Finitenumberofstatesforeachgrid• N-dimensional• Neighborhooddefinedforeachcell• Initialstatedefinedforeachcell• Achangingfunctionforeachcell• Basedonneighborhood• Usuallysameforeachcell

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ProcessingImageofSpiernsky Triangle

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• JohnConway1970• Infinitetwo-dimensionalorthogonalgridofcells• Twopossiblestates• Rules(functionorchangingcells)• Livingcellwithfewerthantwoliveneighbours dies• livingcellwithtwoorthreeliveneighbours liveson• Livingcellwithmorethanthreeliveneighbours dies• Deadcellwithexactlythreeliveneighbours becomesalivecell

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• TuringComplete

• EdgeofChaos

• Applicationstootherfields

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• TuringComplete• SimulateasingletapedTuringMachine• Computable

• EdgeofChaos• Lambdavalue

• 0=order• 1=chaos


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Miller– UreyExperiment

• Createearlyearthconditions• methane (CH4)• water (H2O)• ammonia (NH3)• hydrogen (H2)• ContinuousElectricSparks

• AminoAcidswerecreated• Protein• 20+

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• Generalizationofcellularautomata(CA)• ReversibleCA• GrössingG,ZeilingerA(1988)Quantumcellularautomata• Noagreedupondefinition

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• (CA)isa4-tuple(L,Σ,N,f) • (QCA)isa3-tuple(L,H,U)

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PartitionedWatrous QCA

• Firstproofofcomputationaluniversality• GivenanyquantumTuringMachine,thereexistsaPWQCAwhichsimulatestheTuringMachinewithConstantslowdown• GivenanyPWQCA,thereexistsaTuringMachinewhichsimulatesthePWQCAwithlinearslowdown

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• Reversible• LocalUnitary• 1dimensional• UniversalSimulateanyquantumcircuit• Canbesimulatedusingafamilyofquantumcircuits

• BlockPartitioned• ContinuousTime• Hamiltonian

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QCAExploration• LogicalDevicesusingQCA

• QuantumDots• Xor• adder

• QuantumTuringMachinesarestilltheoretical• Confinedtoaveryfinitenumberofelements

• Opticallattices• Artificialcrystalsoflightandconsistsofmicrotraps• Crossed laser beams,

• creatingpolarizationpattern• Atomscoolandcongregateintheminima

• Resemblesacrystallattice• Quantumtunnelingcanoccur

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• partialdifferentialequationcanbetheevolutionofsomeCA• CAwillmimicthepartialdifferentiationequation• Continuoustimelimit• Continuousspacelimit

• QLGAhasdemonstratedtheequivalence• EvolutionofsetofquantumlatticeBoltzman equations

• Exploredtomodelphysicalsystems

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• Wave-ParticleDuality• Particle• Classicalmechanics• Sumofenergy

• Wave• Quantummechanics

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QuantumTunneling• Thematterridesthewave

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• QuantumDots• Consistofnanoparticles• 5quantumdots• Twoelectrons

• Dotshopamongthefivestates• Electronsfindfarthestdistance

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• Availableuponrequest
