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Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics...

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arXiv:quant-ph/0702167v1 16 Feb 2007 Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: Can Entanglement Resolve Dilemmas? Tsubasa Ichikawa and Izumi Tsutsui Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan and Taksu Cheon Laboratory of Physics Kochi University of Technology Tosa Yamada, Kochi 782-8502, Japan Abstract We present a novel formulationof quantum game theory based on the Schmidt de- composition, which has the merit that the entanglement of quantum strategies is manifestly quantified. We apply this formulation to 2-player, 2-strategy symmetric games and obtain a complete set of quantum Nash equilibria. Apart from those available with the maximal entanglement, these quantum Nash equilibria are ex- tensions of the Nash equilibria in classical game theory. The phase structure of the equilibria is determined for all values of entanglement, and thereby the possibility of resolving the dilemmas by entanglement in the game of Chicken, the Battle of the Sexes, the Prisoners’ Dilemma, and the Stag Hunt, is examined. We find that entanglement transforms these dilemmas with each other but cannot resolve them, except in the Stag Hunt game where the dilemma can be alleviated to a certain degree. email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
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Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition:

Can Entanglement Resolve Dilemmas?

Tsubasa Ichikawa∗ and Izumi Tsutsui†

Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies

High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan


Taksu Cheon‡

Laboratory of Physics

Kochi University of Technology

Tosa Yamada, Kochi 782-8502, Japan


We present a novel formulation of quantum game theory based on the Schmidt de-

composition, which has the merit that the entanglement of quantum strategies is

manifestly quantified. We apply this formulation to 2-player, 2-strategy symmetric

games and obtain a complete set of quantum Nash equilibria. Apart from those

available with the maximal entanglement, these quantum Nash equilibria are ex-

tensions of the Nash equilibria in classical game theory. The phase structure of the

equilibria is determined for all values of entanglement, and thereby the possibility

of resolving the dilemmas by entanglement in the game of Chicken, the Battle of

the Sexes, the Prisoners’ Dilemma, and the Stag Hunt, is examined. We find that

entanglement transforms these dilemmas with each other but cannot resolve them,

except in the Stag Hunt game where the dilemma can be alleviated to a certain


∗ email: [email protected]† email: [email protected]‡ email: [email protected]

Page 2: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

1. Introduction

Quantum game theory, which is a theory of games with quantum strategies, has been

attracting much attention among quantum physicists and economists in recent years [1,

2]. There are basically two reasons for this. One is that quantum game theory provides a

general basis to treat the quantum information processing and quantum communication in

which plural actors try to achieve their objectives such as the increase in communication

efficiency and security [3, 4]. The other is that it offers an extension for the existing game

theory [5, 6], which is now a standard tool to analyze social behaviors among competing

groups, with the prospect that newly allowed quantum strategies may overpower the con-

ventional classical strategies, altering the known outcomes in game theory [7, 8, 9]. An

important novel element of quantum game theory is the permission of correlation between

the players which are usually forbidden in the standard game theory. The correlation is

not arbitrary: it is furnished by quantum entanglement, which is the key notion separating

quantum and classical worlds, and gives a new dimension to the conventional game theory

allowing us to analyze aspects (such as the altruism [10, 11]) that are often prevalent in

real situations but are difficult to treat. In other words, the quantum formulation of game

theory seems to foster some sort of elements of cooperative games in the context of stan-

dard non-cooperative game theory, which may, for instance, provide superior strategies for

the players [7], or lead to resolution of of the so-called dilemmas in conventional ‘classical’

game theory [8, 12, 13].

Since the initial proposals of quantum game theory were presented, however, it has

been recognized [14] that the extended formulation suffers from several pitfalls that may

nullify the advantage of quantum strategies. One of them is the incompleteness problem of

the strategy space, that is, that one is just using a restricted class of strategies, rather than

the entire class of strategies available in the Hilbert space of quantum states specified from

the setting of the game. As a result, different and, at times, conflicting conclusions have

been drawn, depending on the classes used in the analysis [15]. Although it is certainly

possible to devise special circumstances in which only a restricted class of strategies become

available, the required physical setting is untenable from operational viewpoints, because

the actual implementations of these strategies do not form a closed set [14]. Moreover,

in general these quantum strategies do not even form a convex space, and hence one may

argue that the system will not be robust against environmental disturbances. In contrast,

the Hilbert space of the entire strategies is a vector space which takes care of all dynamical


Page 3: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

changes of strategies including those generated by the standard unitary operations in

quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16].

A game theory based on the Hilbert space is not actually difficult to construct. Sup-

pose that the original classical game consists of two players each of whom can choose n

different strategies. In the corresponding quantum game, each of the players can resort to

strategies given by quantum states belonging to the corresponding n-dimensional Hilbert

space Hn. The total space of states, containing all possible combinations of the strategies

adopted by the two players independently, ought to be given by the product space Hn⊗Hn

which is also a Hilbert space.

An actual scheme of realization of strategies belonging to the entire Hilbert space has

been presented in [17] for the case n = 2. There, the key concept is the trio of correlation

operators that form a dihedral algebra D2, which are the building blocks of the correlation

function that generates all possible joint states in the entire Hilbert space out of the states

of the two players belonging to their own Hilbert spaces. The realization has enabled us

to disentangle the classically interpretable and purely quantum components in the whole

set of quantum strategies. It has later been applied to all possible classes of 2-player,

2-strategy games [18] allowing for a full analysis of some of the games discussed typically

in classical game theory. One of the drawbacks of this scheme, however, is the use of

the specific operator algebra that is characteristic for 2-player, 2-strategy games, whose

natural extension into general games will not be found easily.

A question which has been asked persistently but never given a satisfactory answer is

if the quantum strategies can really be superior than classical strategies, and if so, what

can the physical origin of the superiority be. One may argue that, to a large extent, the

superposition of states allowed in quantum mechanics is analogous to classical probability

distributions, and hence the superposition of strategies admitted in quantum game theory

will be simulated by classical strategies with probability distributions, i.e., mixed strate-

gies, yielding no substantial difference between them. One clear distinction between the

quantum superposition and the classical probability distribution can be found, however, in

the nonlocal correlation of quantum strategies, as is well known since the discovery of the

so-called EPR paradox [19] and the Bell inequality [20]. This nonlocal correlation of two

parties, the entanglement, has become the key concept in the modern research of quantum

mechanics, the quantum information theory [21], and hence it is quite natural to believe

that it plays a central role in the superiority of quantum strategies over the classical coun-

terparts. In view of this, it is essential to formulate quantum game theory in such a way


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that the role of the entanglement becomes transparent in order to place the theory firmly

in the context of quantum information theory as well as of an extended game theory.

That is exactly the subject we explore in this article. Namely, we write down the

strategies that span the entire Hilbert space with the explicit use of a measure of entan-

glement, and formulate the quantum game theory based on the scheme provided there.

The important technical element for this is the use of the Schmidt decomposition [22] for

describing joint strategies, which is available for games with two players. For actual anal-

ysis of quantum games, we shall restrict ourselves to the class of 2-strategy symmetric

games, which include familiar games in classical game theory such as the Chicken Game,

the Battle of the Sexes (BoS), the Prisoners’ Dilemma (PD) and the Stag Hunt (SH). We

find a complete set of solutions for quantum Nash equilibria (QNE) for the class of these

games, which we classify into four types according to their game theoretical properties.

These are natural extensions of the classical Nash equilibria except for the type which

arises only with the maximal entanglement and hence is genuinely quantum. We also dis-

cuss the phase space structure of the QNE [23, 24, 15] with respect to the correlations for

the joint strategies. Using this result, we analyze the possibility of resolving the dilemmas

of the four games mentioned above. We find that, in our scheme of quantum games, the

dilemmas are somehow transformed with each other but will not be resolved under any

entanglement, except for the case of SH where the dilemma is mitigated to a certain degree.

This paper is organized as follows. After the introductory account of quantum game

theory in our formulation based on the Schmidt decomposition in Section 2, we present in

Section 3 the complete set of solutions of QNE for symmetric games and thereby discuss

the phase structures formed under arbitrary correlations. We then study the problem of

dilemmas and their possible resolutions for each of the four games in Section 4. Section 5

is devoted to our conclusion and discussions. The Appendix contains the technical detail

on the QNE solutions and their classification used in the text.

2. Quantum Game in the Schmidt Decomposition

Our formulation of quantum game theory for 2-players follows from the idea that

each of the players, Alice and Bob, has an individual space of strategies given by the

respective Hilbert space HA and HB , and that the joint strategies of the two players are

represented by vectors (or pure states) in the total Hilbert space H given by the direct

product H = HA ⊗HB. The two players have their own payoff operators, A and B, which


Page 5: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

are self-adjoint operators in H. When their joint strategy is given by a vector |Ψ〉 ∈ H,

these operators provide the payoffs ΠA and ΠB for the respective players by the expectation


ΠA = 〈Ψ|A|Ψ〉, ΠB = 〈Ψ|B|Ψ〉. (2.1)

To express the joint strategies systematically, we recall the Schmidt decomposition

theorem [21, 22] which states that any bi-partite pure state |Ψ〉 ∈ HA ⊗ HB can be

expressed in terms of some orthonormal bases |ψk〉A ∈ HA, |ϕk〉B ∈ HB as

|Ψ〉 =



λk |ψk〉A |ϕk〉B. (2.2)

Here, λk are positive coefficients fulfilling∑

k λ2k = 1 and span over the range of the

smaller one of the dimensions among dA = dimHA and dB = dimHB of the constituent

Hilbert spaces. Note that the bases |ψk〉A, |ϕk〉B are also dependent on the state |Ψ〉 under

consideration. In furnishing a representation of the joint state, it is more convenient to use

some fixed, state-independent bases |i〉A, |j〉B for i = 0, 1, . . . , dA − 1, j = 0, 1, . . . , dB − 1.

Let UA(α), UB(β) be the unitary operators relating the set of state-dependent bases and

the set of state-independent bases as

|ψi(α)〉A = UA(α)|i〉A, |ϕj(β)〉B = UB(β)|j〉B, (2.3)

where α and β are parameters required to specify the unitary operators or, equivalently,

the state-dependent bases. Plugging (2.3) back into the decomposition (2.2), one realizes

that the quantum entanglement of the joint state resides only in the coefficients λk, not in

the parameters α and β which are entirely specified by the local operations performed by

the players.

The foregoing observation shows that, for each of the players, all one can do is to

choose the unitary operators UA(α), UB(β) for the change of the joint state |Ψ〉, and for this

reason, we call the local unitary operators UA(α), UB(β) as local strategies realized by the

players. It is important to recognize, however, that different choice of local strategies may

yield the same joint strategy |Ψ〉 when combined as (2.2). The separation of entanglement

from the local strategies which becomes available in the Schmidt decomposition is a clear

advantage of the present scheme of quantum game over other schemes which use different

representations of strategy vectors in which entanglement is ‘tangled’ with local operations

by the individual players. On the other hand, a common trait of quantum game theory


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seen in all of these schemes is the appearance of the third party which determines the

amount of entanglement. Due to the independence of the entanglement from the local

operations, the third party, or a referee, acts independently from the players.

For 2-qubit systems (dA = dB = 2), one may adopt the conventional vectorial repre-

sentation, |0〉 = (1, 0)T and |1〉 = (0, 1)T , and introduce the shorthand notation,

|i, j〉 = |i〉A|j〉B. (2.4)

Now, let us put λ0 = cos γ2 , λ1 = sin γ

2 with an angle parameter 0 ≤ γ ≤ π (which is always

possible by adjusting the overall sign of the state) for the generic 2-qubit entangled state

|Ψ〉 in the Schmidt decomposition (2.2). We then find

|Ψ(α, β; γ)〉 = UA(α) ⊗ UB(β)(


2|0, 0〉 + sin


2|1, 1〉


. (2.5)

To make the unitary operations explicit (ignoring the phase factors which are irrelevant in

physics), we adopt the Euler angle representation [25],

UA(α) = eiα3σ3/2eiα1σ2/2eiα2σ3/2, UB(β) = eiβ3σ3/2eiβ1σ2/2eiβ2σ3/2, (2.6)

where σa, a = 1, 2, 3 are the Pauli matrices, The Euler angles are supposed to be in the


0 ≤ α1, β1 ≤ π, 0 ≤ α2, α3, β2, β3 ≤ 2π. (2.7)

We remark that the parametrization (2.6) is degenerate with respect to the represen-

tation of strategies, that is, it does not necessarily provide a one-to-one mapping for a

particular set of quantum states. To find a more convenient expression of the quantum

state and see where the mapping fails to be one-to-one, let us recombine the factors in the

unitary operators as

UA(α) ⊗ UB(β) = VA ⊗ VB ei(α2+β2)X/2ei(α2−β2)Y/2 (2.8)


VA(α) = eiα3σ3/2eiα1σ2/2, VB(β) = eiβ3σ3/2eiβ1σ2/2, (2.9)


X =1

2(σ3 ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ σ3) , Y =


2(σ3 ⊗ 1− 1 ⊗ σ3) . (2.10)


Y |0, 0〉 = Y |1, 1〉 = 0, (2.11)


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we learn that the state (2.5) becomes

|Ψ(α, β; γ)〉 = VA ⊗ VB ei(α2+β2)X/2



2|0, 0〉 + sin


2|1, 1〉


. (2.12)

Also, using

X |0, 0〉 = |0, 0〉, X |1, 1〉 = −|1, 1〉, (2.13)

we observe


2|0, 0〉+ sin


2|1, 1〉 = ei π

4 e−i π4 X



2|0, 0〉 − i sin


2|1, 1〉


= ei π4 e−i π

4 XeiγD2/2 |0, 0〉,(2.14)


D2 = σ2 ⊗ σ2. (2.15)

Removing the overall phase, and substituting (2.14) back into (2.12), we finally arrive

at the compact expression of the state,

|Ψ(α, β; γ)〉 = VA(α) ⊗ VB(β) ei(φ−π/2)X/2eiγD2/2 |0, 0〉, (2.16)

with the phase sum,

φ = α2 + β2. (2.17)

This expression (2.16) provides a complete representation of the 2-qubit system, and fur-

nishes a basis for our analysis of quantum game theory (see Figure 1). Note that this

representation employs 2 + 2 = 4 local parameters in VA and VB plus φ (which is de-

termined by the local angles in system A and B by (2.17)) as well as the entanglement

angle γ. The total number of necessary parameters is therefore 6, which is exactly the

physical degrees of freedom of pure states in the 2-qubit system. This number 6 is one

degree less than the number of parameters used in (2.5) with (2.6), which implies that

we have an intrinsic degeneracy in describing the state by means of local operations, as

seen in the combination of the phase sum (2.17). This is the first source of the degeneracy

of the representation (2.5), which should be taken care of when we discuss the choice of

strategies of the players.

To examine the content of the representation (2.16), we may explicitly expand it in

terms of the basis states,

|Ψ(α, β; γ)〉 =1



eiξ+(Γ− cosχ+ + Γ+ cosχ−)|0, 0〉 − e−iξ+(Γ− cosχ+ − Γ+ cosχ−)|1, 1〉

−eiξ− (Γ− sinχ+ − Γ+ sinχ−)|0, 1〉 − e−iξ−(Γ− sinχ+ + Γ+ sinχ−)|1, 0〉]



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⊗ γ



Figure 1. Our scheme of quantum game theory (see (2.5) and (2.16)). Starting

from the initial 2-qubit joint state |0, 0〉 = |0〉A ⊗ |0〉B, the referee first provides

entanglement to the pure state by tuning the parameter γ in the Schmidt coef-

ficients. Knowing the value of γ, the two players, Alice and Bob, choose their

local unitary operations with parameters α and β in order to optimize their payoffs



χ± =α1 ± β1

2, ξ± =

α3 ± β3

2, Γ± = cos


2± e−iφ sin


2. (2.19)

We then observe that the representation of the state (2.16) is not a one-to-one mapping

if Γ+ = 0 or Γ− = 0. These two cases occur when the two strategies of the players are

maximally entangled, i.e., when γ takes the value,

γ =π

2, (2.20)

and simultaneously the phase sum takes one of the values,

φ = pπ, p = 0 or 1. (2.21)

In passing, we mention that the degeneracy in the representation occurring at p = 0 is the

one mentioned earlier [26] as a source of counterstrategy. Indeed, if Bob chooses his local

strategy as the complex conjugate of Alice’s local strategy, that is,

UB(β(α)) = U∗A(α), (2.22)

under p = 0 with (2.20), then the resulting state becomes

|Ψ(α, β(α);π

2)〉 =

1√2UA(α) ⊗ U∗

A(α) (|0, 0〉 + |1, 1〉) =1√2

(|0, 0〉 + |1, 1〉) . (2.23)

Thus the joint state becomes independent of the choice of the strategies adopted by the two

players under the particular commitment (2.22). This shows that the maximally entangled

case should be treated with special care in quantum game theory.


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On the other hand, when we have γ = 0, the joint strategy (2.16) is decoupled (modulo

a phase) into the product

|Ψ(α, β; 0)〉 = |ψ(α)〉A · |ψ(β)〉B, (2.24)

of two local strategies of the players,

|ψ(α)〉A = VA(α)|0〉A, |ψ(β)〉B = VB(β)|0〉B. (2.25)

We observe also from (2.18) that we can effectively work with φ ∈ [0, 2π) which is half the

range of the original parameters (2.7).

In the present paper, among the generic 2-player, 2-strategy games, we are specifically

interested in the cases in which the payoff operators A, B commute with each other,

[A,B] = AB −BA = 0. (2.26)

We are then allowed to choose for our common basis {|i, j〉∣

∣ i, j = 0, 1} in (2.4) by the basis

which diagonalizes A and B simultaneously,

〈i′, j′|A |i, j〉 = Aijδi′iδj′j , 〈i′, j′|B |i, j〉 = Bijδi′iδj′j . (2.27)

An important point is that the eigenvalues Aij and Bij can now be regarded as elements

of the payoff matrices of a classical game if we choose the fixed bases in (2.3) as the

eigenvectors of the two payoff operators in the quantum game. Indeed, if we follow the

standard interpretation of quantum mechanics that

xi = |A〈i|ψ(α)〉A|2, yj = |B〈j|ψ(β)〉B|2, (2.28)

represent the probability of Alice’s strategy |ψ(α)〉A being in the state |i〉A and the prob-

ability of Bob’s strategy |ψ(β)〉B in the state |j〉B , respectively, then from (2.24) we see

immediately that in the limit γ = 0 the payoffs become

ΠA(α, β; 0) =∑


xiAij yj , ΠB(α, β; 0) =∑


xiBij yj. (2.29)

These are precisely the payoffs of a classical game specified by the payoff matrices Aij

and Bij obtained when the players resort to the mixed strategies in classical game theory

by assigning probability distributions xi and yj to their choices of strategies (i, j). This

implies that at the ‘classical limit’ γ = 0 our quantum game reduces, in effect, to a classical


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game defined by the payoff matrices whose entries are given by the eigenvalues of the payoff


To proceed further, for our later convenience we introduce the shorthand notation,

a00 =1



Aij, a03 =1



(−)jAij ,

a30 =1



(−)iAij , a33 =1



(−)i+jAij ,



r = tanγ

2, s =


a33, t =


a33. (2.31)

Wi these shorthands (2.30), the payoff for Alice, for example, can be concisely written as

ΠA(α, β; γ) = ΠpcA (α, β; γ) + Πin

A(α, β; γ) (2.32)


ΠpcA (α, β; γ) = a00 + a33 cosα1 cosβ1 + cos γ (a30 cosα1 + a03 cosβ1) (2.33)


ΠinA(α, β; γ) = a33 sin γ cosφ sinα1 sinβ1. (2.34)

The split of the payoff is done here so that in the classical limit γ = 0 the former ‘pseudo-

classical’ term ΠpcA survives and yields the classical payoff. In contrast, the latter term Πin

A ,

which is proportional to the factor cosφ, represents the ‘interference’ effect of the local

strategies which arise under nonvanishing entanglement γ 6= 0. The split of the payoff

we discussed above has also been noted in a different quantization scheme [17,18], which

suggests that it is perhaps a common trait of quantum game theory which contains the

classical game as a special case.

Now we are in a position to define the notion of equilibria (stable strategies) in quan-

tum game theory, which is an analogue of the Nash equilibria (NE) in classical game theory.

For a given γ, we call the joint strategy (α⋆, β⋆) quantum Nash equilibrium (QNE) if it


ΠA(α⋆, β⋆; γ) ≥ ΠA(α, β⋆; γ), ΠB(α⋆, β⋆; γ) ≥ ΠB(α⋆, β; γ), (2.35)

for all α, β. The conditions are locally equivalent to

∂αiΠA(α, β⋆; γ)|α=α⋆ = 0,

∂βiΠB(α⋆, β; γ)|β=β⋆ = 0, (2.36)


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and the convexity conditions

PA(α, β⋆; γ)|α=α⋆ ≤ 0, PB(α⋆, β; γ)|β=β⋆ ≤ 0, (2.37)

for the Hessian matrices,

PA(α, β; γ)ij = ∂αi∂αj

ΠA(α, β; γ), PB(α, β; γ)ij = ∂βi∂βj

ΠB(α, β; γ). (2.38)

An important class of games arise when the eigenvalues Aij , Bij (i, j = 0, 1) satisfy

Aij = Bji. (2.39)

Those games with (2.39) possess an ‘symmetric’ (or ‘fair’) payoff assignment to the two


ΠB(α, β; γ) = ΠA(β, α; γ), (2.40)

which is verified from (2.39). These are called symmetric1 games and are the main subject

of the present paper.

For symmetric quantum games, the conditions (2.36) are simplified into

sinα⋆1(a33 cosβ⋆

1 + a30 cos γ) = a33 sin γ cosφ⋆ cosα⋆1 sinβ⋆

1 ,

sinβ⋆1(a33 cosα⋆

1 + a30 cos γ) = a33 sin γ cosφ⋆ cosβ⋆1 sinα⋆


a33 sin γ sinφ⋆ sinα⋆1 sinβ⋆

1 = 0.


The convexity conditions (2.37) for Alice can be put into conditions for the eigenvalues of

the Hessian matrix PA(α⋆, β⋆; γ),

Λ±(α⋆, β⋆; γ) =1



− cosα⋆1(a33 cosβ⋆

1 + a30 cos γ) − 2a33 sin γ cosφ⋆ sinα⋆1 sinβ⋆


± | cosα⋆1|

(a33 cosβ⋆1 + a30 cos γ)2 + (2a33 sin γ sinφ⋆ sinβ⋆

1 )2}

≤ 0.


In the following we seek the solutions for both (2.36) and (2.37) based on the ex-

pressions (2.41) and (2.42). To exhaust all the solutions and reveal their game theoretical

properties, we first consider (2.41) for different classes of values of a30, a33 and γ, and

thereby find the solutions in each class, separately. We then reconstruct these solutions

from their characteristic properties as strategies. The first step is presented in the Ap-

pendix, and the second step is described in Sec. 3.

1 They are called S-symmetric games in [18] to make a distinction from the other T -symmetric games.


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Now we address the issue of degeneracy in the phase sum φ, namely, that one cannot

determine the respective phases α⋆2 and β⋆

2 uniquely from the value of φ∗. This poses

an operational problem for the players, because it implies that they cannot adjust their

phases α⋆2 and β⋆

2 without knowing the other’s choice, and such a share of knowledge on the

players’ actual choices is forbidden in non-cooperative games. As a possible resolution of

this problem, in the present paper we assume that each player is fair-minded and determine

their phases based on the parity division, that is, they share the same amount of phases

to form the required value of φ∗ by adjusting

α⋆2 = β⋆

2 =1

2φ∗, (2.43)

expecting the other player to do the same. This resolution is possible only for a phase

sum, not for a phase difference, which we shall encounter later in choosing the phases α⋆1

and β⋆1 in a particular solution available under the maximal entanglement.

One can argue that the fair-mindedness assumption is in fact consistent (or plausible)

with the symmetric games we are considering. To this end, let us consider the variations

of the payoffs,δΠA(α, β; γ) = ΠA(α, β; γ)|φ+δ − ΠA(α, β; γ)|φ,δΠB(α, β; γ) = ΠB(α, β; γ)|φ+δ − ΠB(α, β; γ)|φ,


under the change of the phase sum φ → φ + δ. Alice will not choose the value (2.43) if

her payoff increases δΠA > 0 at the expense of Bob’s payoff δΠB < 0, and Bob will do the

same if δΠB > 0 while δΠA < 0. This will not happen if

δΠA · δΠB ≥ 0, (2.45)

which implies that the two players share a common interest as long as the variation of φ

is concerned. In that case, they will not wish to change the phase from the value φ = φ∗

that optimizes the payoffs of the two players, and hence may well end up with choosing

the value (2.43).

In the general 2-player, 2-strategy games with commutative payoff operators, one finds

δΠA(α, β; γ) = a33 sin γ sinα sinβ [cos(φ+ δ) − cos(φ)],

δΠB(α, β; γ) = b33 sin γ sinα sinβ [cos(φ+ δ) − cos(φ)],(2.46)

where b33 = 14

ij(−)i+jBij is defined from the payoff operator B analogously to a33 in

(2.30). Accordingly, the inequality (2.45) becomes

a33b33 ≥ 0. (2.47)


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(kα, kβ) convexity conditions ΠA(α⋆, β⋆; γ)(0, 0) H+(γ) ≥ 0 P+++(γ)(0, 1) H+(γ) ≤ 0, H−(γ) ≤ 0 P−+−(γ)(1, 0) H+(γ) ≤ 0, H−(γ) ≤ 0 P−−−(γ)(1, 1) H−(γ) ≥ 0 P+−+(γ)

Table I. The convexity conditions and Alice’s payoffs ΠA for the type I solution

specified by (kα, kβ) in (3.1). Bob’s payoffs ΠB are obtained from (2.40).

The point is that, for symmetric games (2.39), one has b33 = a33 and hence the inequality

(2.47) holds trivially, assuring the consistency of the fair-mindedness assumption we have

adopted. This observation suggests in turn that, for non-symmetric games, the construc-

tion of quantum games requires some alternative machinery to determine the respective

phases of the players, without invoking the assumption used here.

3. Complete Set of QNE and their Phase Structures

For symmetric games, the conditions for QNE presented in the previous section can be

handled rather easily allowing us to obtain a complete set of solutions for the conditions.

We provide the technical detail of the procedure for reaching the solutions in the Appendix,

and here we just mention that the solutions can be classified into four types from their

distinctive features as quantum strategies. The purpose of this section is to discuss these

features for each type of solutions, with a special emphasis on their phase structures,

that is, the relation between the type of solutions admitted and the correlations/payoffs

specifying the games.

3.1. Type I solutions: pseudoclassical pure strategies

The first class of the solutions are given by the following four possibilities:

α⋆1 = kαπ, β⋆

1 = kβπ, kα, kβ = 0, 1, (3.1)

with arbitrary φ⋆. These strategies satisfy (2.41) for any symmetric (2-player, 2-strategy)

quantum games under arbitrary correlations γ. To examine when the four possibilities in

(3.1) fulfill the convexity conditions (2.42) and hence become QNE, we introduce

H±(γ) = a33 ± a30 cos γ, P±±±(γ) := a00 ± a33 ± (a30 ± a03) cos γ. (3.2)

The convexity conditions (2.42) and the expected payoffs for the type I solutions are

summarized in Table I.


Page 14: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

a30 cos γ

a33H+(γ) = 0 H−(γ) = 0

(0,0),(1,1) coexist

(1,1) (0,0)

(0,1),(1,0) coexist

Figure 2. Phase diagram of the type I solutions (kα, kβ) in (3.1). The horizontal

line segments represent four different typical families of correlations in quantum

games obtained by varying γ. One of the two ends of a line segment, indicated by

a dot •, corresponds to the classical limit γ = 0, while the midpoint γ = π/2 gives

the maximal entanglement to the joint strategies. The (left or right) position of

the classical limit γ = 0 on the line depends on the sign of a30 of the game.

The situation described in Table I is depicted in Figure 2 on the ‘phase-plane’ coordi-

nated by a30 cos γ and a33. On this plane, the family of correlations obtained by varying γ

for a given Aij (= Bji) is shown by a horizontal line segment with the right end (|a30|, a33)

and the left end (−|a30|, a33). One of these ends yields the classical limit γ = 0, where

the solutions reduces to those corresponding to the classical pure strategy NE. The other

end γ = π also yields a classical game with the payoffs Aij (= Bji) which is obtained by

converting the player’s strategies, i := 1 − i, j := 1 − j, from the original classical game.

From the viewpoint of correlations, these provide the two extreme cases where the joint

strategies become separable. On the other hand, at the midpoint of the line (0, a33) we

have γ = π/2 and the strategies become maximally entangled. On account of the fact that

at the two ends the solutions become, in effect, classical pure NE, we recognize that the

present QNE represent pseudoclassical pure strategies which are smoothly connected to

the classical pure NE when the correlations of the individual strategies disappear.

As seen in Figure 2, the phase-plane is divided into four domains depending on the

allowed combinations of the type I solutions labeled by (kα, kβ) in (3.1). Observe that

these domains are ‘anti-symmetric’ with respect to the a33-axis in the sense that the

interchange of the left and right domains implies the interchange 0 ↔ 1 in the labels of the

solutions (kα, kβ). Since the type I solutions are pseudoclassical, to classify the properties


Page 15: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

of domains [18] we can use the standard classical game theoretical notions. One of them is

the Pareto optimality, which means that any other strategies cannot improve the payoffs

of both of the two players simultaneously from those obtained by the particular strategy

under consideration. If none of the QNE is Pareto optimal, a dilemma arises because the

players would then feel that they could have chosen the strategy that ensures better payoffs

for both of them. Adopting the name of the game, the Prisoners’ Dilemma, which typically

suffers from this problem, we say that the dilemma is a ‘Prisoners’ Dilemma (PD)’ type in

this paper. Similarly, if the QNE is not unique, and if there is no particular reason to select

one out of these QNE, then the players face a different type of dilemmas, which we call

‘Battle of the Sexes (BoS)’ type, again, borrowing from the typical game possessing the

same property. Finally, even if the QNE found in the game is unique and Pareto optimal

as well, there might still be a problem if the QNE is not favorable from the viewpoint of

risk. This happens when, for instance, the QNE is payoff dominant (i.e., it provides the

best payoffs for the players among other QNE) but not risk dominant [6] (i.e., it yields the

best ‘average’ payoff over the opponent’s possible strategies under consideration). When

this happens, unless the player cannot be sure about the opponent’s rational behaviour,

there arises a dilemma of the type which we call ‘Stag Hunt (SH)’ in view of the same

situation observed in the SH game.

Restricting ourselves to the type I solutions for the moment, we may consider when

these dilemmas arise on the phase-plane. Let us first examine the domain satisfying

H+(γ) ≥ 0, H−(γ) ≤ 0, (3.3)

which admits only one of the type I solutions (kα, kβ) = (0, 0). Note that this solution is

not Pareto optimal if

F (γ) ≤ 0, (3.4)


F (γ) :=P+++(γ) − P+−+(γ)

2= (a30 + a03) cos γ (3.5)

measures the difference in Alice’s payoff between the two strategies, (0, 0) and (1, 1). If

(3.4) holds, one finds that the game suffers from a PD type dilemma already within the

type I solutions.

Analogously, since the domain specified by

H+(γ) ≤ 0, H−(γ) ≥ 0 (3.6)


Page 16: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

Dilemmas (kα, kβ) ConditionsPD (0, 0) H+(γ) ≥ 0, H−(γ) ≤ 0, F (γ) ≥ 0.PD (1, 1) H+(γ) ≤ 0, H−(γ) ≥ 0, F (γ) ≤ 0.BoS (0, 1) and (1, 0) H+(γ) ≤ 0, H−(γ) ≤ 0.SH (0, 0) and (1, 1) H+(γ) ≥ 0, H−(γ) ≥ 0, G(γ) ≥ 0.

Table II. Domains on the phase-plane for the type I QNE classified according to

the dilemmas familiar in classical game theory.

admits only the solution (kα, kβ) = (1, 1), the Pareto optimality for this solution does not

hold if

F (γ) ≥ 0. (3.7)

We note that the Pareto optimality of QNE is, in general, difficult to confirm because for

that we need to examine the payoff for all other possible strategies, not just with QNE.

On the other hand, the domain given by

H+(γ) ≤ 0, H−(γ) ≤ 0, (3.8)

possesses two type I solutions, (kα, kβ) = (0, 1) and (1, 0). It is obvious that, if either

of the two solutions is preferable for one of the players, then by the symmetry (2.40) the

remaining solution is preferable for the opponent. Furthermore, if these two solutions are

equally preferable, the player cannot choose one of them uniquely. Thus, these solutions

come with a BoS type dilemma intrinsically.

Lastly, the domain defined by

H+(γ) ≥ 0, H−(γ) ≥ 0, (3.9)

has two type I solutions, (kα, kβ) = (0, 0) and (1, 1). Unless P+++(γ) = P+−+(γ) is

satisfied, the two players will choose the strategy which ensures a better payoff if the type

I solutions are the only QNE available. The payoff dominant solution can simultaneously

be risk dominant (if it is measured by using the standard average) provided that

G(γ) ≥ 0, (3.10)


G(γ) := F (γ)


P+++(γ) + P−+−(γ)

2− P−−−(γ) + P+−+(γ)



= a30(a30 + a03) cos2 γ.


The outcome of the foregoing analysis of the type I solutions is summarized in Table II.


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a30 cos γ


H−(γ) = 0H+(γ) = 0


p = 0

p = 1

Figure 3. Phase diagram of the type II solutions. The shaded area for a33 ≥ 0

has the solutions p = 0. Each of the two shaded areas for a33 ≤ 0 has the solutions

p = 1.

3.2. Type II solutions: pseudoclassical mixed strategies

The type II solutions are given by

cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆

1 = sr + (−)p

r − (−)p, φ⋆ = pπ, p = 0, 1, (3.12)

with s and r defined in (2.31). The convexity condition (2.42) now reads

(−)pa33 ≥ 0, (3.13)

under which the solutions (3.12) are allowed for s and r fulfilling

sr + (−)p

r − (−)p

≤ 1. (3.14)

Using the same phase-plane employed for the type I solutions, one can see explicitly if

these type II solutions are admitted under the given payoffs and correlations (see Figure


Under the type II solutions the players obtain the payoffs,

ΠA(α⋆, β⋆; γ) = ΠB(α⋆, β⋆; γ) =1



(a00a33 − a03a30) + (−)p(a233 − a03a30) sin γ





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In the separable limits γ → 0, π, the second term on the right hand side of (3.15) disap-

pears. The players then find the payoff


ΠA(α⋆, β⋆; γ) = limγ→0,π

ΠB(α⋆, β⋆; γ) =A00A11 − A01A10

A00 − A01 − A10 + A11, (3.16)

which is precisely the one obtained under the mixed NE of symmetric games in classical

game theory. We also observe from (3.12) that at the separable limits the condition (3.14)

simplifies into |s| ≤ 1. In view of (2.30), this condition is equivalent to

A00 ≥ A10 and A11 ≥ A01, or A00 ≤ A10 and A11 ≤ A01, (3.17)

which are exactly the requirements for the classical mixed strategies to exist. These results

suggest that the type II solutions are actually the extended versions of the mixed strategies

in quantum game theory that arise with the correlation induced by the entanglement of

the individual strategies. The effect of the correlation is seen in the second term of the

payoff (3.15), which becomes maximal at the maximally entangled point γ = π/2 unless

a233 = a30a03.

3.3. Type III solutions: special strategies

Let us consider the special case of the symmetric games in which we have

s = (−)σ, σ = 0, 1, and a33 < 0. (3.18)

Games whose payoff parameters obey these requirements admit infinitely many solutions in

addition to the two types of solutions discussed so far, and these are the Type III solutions

given by the strategies satisfying

cos γ cosα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 + (−)σ(cosα⋆1 + cosβ⋆

1) + cos γ = 0, φ⋆ = π. (3.19)

Note that, for a given γ, there are infinitely many combinations of (α∗1, β

∗1) fulfilling the

first condition of (3.19) and that they must arise symmetrically under the interchange of

α∗1 and β∗

1 . The distribution of these solutions are depicted in Figure 4 on the cosα⋆1-cosβ⋆


plane. Observe that the difference of the payoffs at the symmetric pair of the solutions


ΠA(α⋆, β⋆; γ)− ΠA(β⋆, α⋆; γ) = − [ΠB(α⋆, β⋆; γ)− ΠB(β⋆, α⋆; γ)]

= (a30 − a03) cos γ (cosα⋆1 − cosβ⋆



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Figure 4. Given a γ, the type III solutions for σ = 0 distribute along the arc

determined by (3.19) whose edges are (cos α⋆1, cos β⋆

1 ) = (−1, 1) and (1,−1) on the


1 plane. Each number π/2, π/3, π/4, and π/6 refers to the value of γ

of its nearest upper right arc, respectively. Varying γ sweeps out the entire square,

which implies that any pair (α∗1, β

∗1 ) becomes a special solution for some γ. By

reflecting each arc for cos α⋆1 + cos β⋆

1 = 0, the arc of same γ for σ = 1 is obtained.

Thus the same reasoning used in Sec. 3.1 for the BoS type dilemma applies here: to any

QNE there is a symmetric counterpart of QNE with which the players reach the dilemma

of the BoS. In the classical limit γ → 0, the first condition of (3.19) reduces to

(cosα⋆1 + (−)σ)(cosβ⋆

1 + (−)σ) = 0, (3.21)

implying that the solutions become identical to the corresponding classical NE.

Let us examine the classical game theoretical meaning of the requirements (3.18)

assumed for the special strategies. For the case σ = 0, for instance, these requirements


A01 = A11, A10 > A00. (3.22)

(The requirements for the case σ = 1, on the other hand, are obtained by the conversion

(i, j) → (i, j) of (3.22).) Under these special payoffs (3.22), we find that there are indeed

infinitely many mixed NE given by the probability distributions of the strategies,

(p⋆A, p

⋆B) = (0, x) and (x, 0), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, (3.23)

where pA and pB stand for the probabilities of adopting the strategy labeled by ‘0’ by Alice

and Bob, respectively. The payoffs of the Nash equilibria (p⋆A, p

⋆B) = (0, x), for instance,


A = 0, p⋆B = x) = (1 − x)A01 + xA10,

ΠB(p⋆A = 0, p⋆

B = x) = A01,(3.24)


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showing that Bob’s payoff degenerates infinitely for x.

The payoffs of the other NE (p⋆A, p

⋆B) = (x, 0) are obtained by the interchange of Π⋆


and Π⋆B . From this one learns that

[ΠA(p⋆A = 0, p⋆

B = x) − ΠA(p⋆A = x′, p⋆

B = 0)]

×[ΠB(p⋆A = 0, p⋆

B = x) − ΠB(p⋆A = x′, p⋆

B = 0)] ≤ 0,(3.25)

for x, x′ ∈ [0, 1]. The equality holds if either of

x = 0, x′ = 0, A01 = A10, (3.26)

is satisfied. The inequality (3.25) implies that the special classical games fulfilling (3.22)

do have the BoS type dilemma as their quantum extensions do.

3.4. Type IV solutions: singular strategies

If the entanglement is maximal γ = π/2, then irrespective of the payoffs of the game,

we have two distinct solutions for QNE, one of which is given by

α⋆1 + β⋆

1 = π, φ⋆ = π, (3.27)

for which the convexity condition reads a33 < 0. The payoffs realized by this singular

solution are

ΠA(α⋆, β⋆; γ) = ΠB(α⋆, β⋆; γ) = a00 − a33 =A01 + A10

2. (3.28)

The payoffs for the players suggest that this solution is effectively equal to the classical

mixed strategies realizing the pure strategy (0, 1) and its conversion (1, 0) with equal

probabilities. That this is the case can be seen explicitly by observing that for the solution

(3.27) the quantum joint state (2.18) reads

|Ψ(α⋆, β⋆;π

2)〉 = − 1√



eiξ− |0, 1〉+ e−iξ− |1, 0〉}

, (3.29)

consisting precisely of the two states |01〉 and |10〉.

Because of the degeneracy occurring at (3.27) (see (2.20) and (2.21)), this solution

poses the same operational problem as the one encountered earlier, i.e., the players find

it difficult to determine the phases α⋆1 and β⋆

1 from the value of their sum. Since the

solutions (3.27) pass a criterion for α⋆1 + β⋆

1 similar to (2.45), we shall again adopt the


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same fair-mindedness assumption for all variables of the players, that is, they resolve the

problem by choosing

α⋆1 = β⋆

1 =π

2, α⋆

2 = β⋆2 =


2, (3.30)

expecting the equal share with the other.

Another solution admitted at γ = π/2 is

α⋆1 − β⋆

1 = 0, φ⋆ = 0, (3.31)

for a33 > 0. Again, we have the degeneracy problem, but now in a way which is worse

than the previous case, because the condition for α⋆1 and β⋆

1 is now difference, not the sum,

for which the fair-mindedness assumption is of no use. It seems for us that this problem

cannot be resolved on reasonable grounds as long as the two players act independently,

and for this reason we abandon the solution (3.31) as a possible strategy to resolve the

dilemmas in this paper.

4. Dilemmas in the Chicken Game, BoS, PD and SH

The discussion in the preceding section shows that players can have various QNE

strategies to choose under a given symmetric pair of payoff operators and a correlation γ.

This leads us to the question whether or not the players can choose their strategy uniquely

among the many QNE available. More generally, given a game we are interested in the

phase structures of the type of dilemmas appearing there, and thereby ask if it is possible

to tune the correlation γ such that the original dilemma in the classical game (γ = 0)

disappears. Below, we shall investigate this by the four typical examples of games, the

Chicken Game, BoS, PD and SH.

Before we start our analysis, we recall an important notion which guides the players

in choosing their strategies (and has been implicitly used in the preceding sections), i.e.,

the payoff-dominance principle [6] of game theory which states that the players make their

decisions in order to maximize their own payoffs. It is thus instrumental to consider the

payoff-difference between two QNE strategies for each of the players,

∆Πµ,νA (γ) = ΠA(αµ⋆, βµ⋆; γ) − ΠA(αν⋆, βν⋆; γ),

∆Πµ,νB (γ) = ΠB(αµ⋆, βµ⋆; γ)− ΠB(αν⋆, βν⋆; γ),



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where µ, ν label different QNE. In our present case, these are one of the set

{I(i,j), IIp, III, IV} of labels corresponding to the types of the solutions mentioned ear-

lier. Evaluation of the payoff-difference for all possible pairs of QNE allowed by the given

payoff operators and γ will provide a full list of QNE, and from this the phase structure

of the games will be examined. For instance, if there exists a single QNE which yields the

best payoffs for both players, then obviously the players are happy to choose it and there

does not arise a dilemma. On the other hand, if the entanglement is maximal γ = π/2, a

BoS type dilemma necessarily arises because the type I, II, and IV solutions appear there

with a degeneracy of the payoffs.

4.1. Chicken Game

Let us first consider a symmetric game with payoffs satisfying

A10 > A00 > A01 > A11. (4.2)

These conditions define the Chicken Game and are equivalent to

a33 < 0, |s| < 1, t < −1. (4.3)

From (4.3), we find H±(γ) < 0 for all γ, which is (3.8) and hence there appear two type I

solutions, (0, 1) and (1, 0). The existence of the type II solution with p = 1 is seen in Figure

3, while the type III solutions are not allowed from (4.3). The distribution of the QNE

in the Chicken Game is illustrated in Figure 5. As we have seen in the previous section,

as long as the type I solutions are concerned, for (3.8) we encounter a BoS type dilemma.

This dilemma can be resolved if the payoffs (3.15) of the type II solutions are superior to

those of the type I solution. To examine this possibility, we note that the type II solutions

are invariant under the interchange of α and β, and that from (2.40) it is sufficient to

compare one of the type I solutions to the type II solutions. Thus, for definiteness, in the

following discussion we only consider (0, 1) for the type I solution.

The differences in the payoffs (4.1) between the type I and the type II solutions are

∆ΠI(0,1),II1A (γ) = ∆Π

I(1,0),II1B (γ) = a33(s+ 1)(t− 1)


r − uv−1) r − 1

r2 + 1,

∆ΠI(0,1),II1B (γ) = ∆Π

I(1,0),II1A (γ) = a33(s− 1)(t+ 1)


r − u−1v) r − 1

r2 + 1,



u =s− 1

s+ 1and v =

t− 1

t+ 1. (4.5)


Page 23: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

a30 cos γ

a33(0,0),(1,1) coexist

(1,1) (0,0)

(0,1),(1,0) coexist

p = 0

p = 1

1−1 Ocos γ








Figure 5. (Left) The phase diagram of the Chicken Game whose correlation family

is shown by the two horizontal line segments possessing the opposite positions of

the classical limit. The two lines are contained in the region where there are two

type I solutions (0, 1), (1, 0) and the type II solutions with p = 1. (Right) The

payoffs of the three QNE solutions as functions of correlation γ. The differences of

the line segment shapes refer to those of the types of the payoffs.

From (4.3) we observe

∆ΠI(0,1),II1A · ∆Π

I(1,0),II1A ≤ 0 (4.6)

for all r ≥ 0, showing that none of the solutions is superior to the rest in their payoffs.

The payoffs which Alice receives under the QNE are shown in Figure 5, where we observe

that, except at the maximally entangled point γ = π/2, Alice receives the best QNE at

either one of the type I solutions (kα, kβ) = (0, 1), (1, 0) depending on the sign of cos γ.

By using the symmetry, Bob receives the best QNE at the other of the type I solution.

Since the best solutions for Alice and Bob are different, we conclude that the dilemma of

the Chicken Game cannot be resolved for any correlation γ even if the full set of QNE are

taken into account.

4.2. Battle of the Sexes

The Battle of the Sexes game is defined by the payoffs with the conditions Aij = Bji

supplemented by

A00 > A11 > A01 = A10. (4.7)

This game is not a symmetric game but belongs to another type of games which has a dual

structure to the symmetric games we are considering, and because of this, they can be


Page 24: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

a30 cos γ

a33(0,0),(1,1) coexist

(1,1) (0,0)

(0,1),(1,0) coexist

p = 0

p = 1

1−1 Ocos γ








Figure 6. (Left) The phase diagram of the BoS Game whose correlation family

is shown by the line segment near the bottom. One the line appear two type I

solutions (0, 1), (1, 0) and the type II solution with p = 0. (Right) The payoffs of

the solutions for various correlations γ.

analyzed analogously. The trick we use for this is the duality transformation [18], which

interchanges the types of he game, bringing the BoS game to the corresponding symmetric

version of BoS. The transformed BoS then has the payoffs fulfilling (2.39) and

A10 > A01 > A11 = A00, (4.8)

with Aij being the payoffs after the transformation for which the constraints read

a33 < 0, 0 < s < 1, s+ t = 0. (4.9)

Since the first and second inequalities in (4.9) are ensured from (4.3), the distribution

of the solutions is similar to that of the Chicken Game (see Figure 6). The type II solutions

exist and the players can still employ the fair-mindedness assumption (2.43) on account of

the fact that the relative phase φ and a33 are invariant under the duality transformation.

On the other hand, if the type IV solution (3.27) derives from the solution (3.31) appearing

before the transformation, then it suffers from an operational problem inherent to (3.31).

However, as far as the resolution of dilemma is concerned, we can count out the type IV

solutions altogether without affecting the analysis of Sec. 4.1. to conclude that for any γ

the type II solution cannot yield the best payoff for Alice and Bob. It follows that the BoS

dilemma in the game cannot be resolved by furnishing correlations in the present scheme

of quantum game.


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a30 cos γ

a33(0,0),(1,1) coexist

(1,1) (0,0)

(0,1),(1,0) coexist

p = 0

p = 1

Figure 7. The phase diagram of the PD game. The upper horizontal line segment

represents the correlation family for (4.11), while the lower one represents the

family for (4.12).

4.3. Prisoners’ Dilemma

The PD game is a symmetric game which has the payoffs obeying

A10 > A00 > A11 > A01 and 2A00 > A01 + A10 > 2A11. (4.10)

To analyze the game, we first note that a33 > 0 implies

s < −1 and s+ t > 2, (4.11)

while a33 < 0 implies

s > 1 and s+ t < −2. (4.12)

In both cases, at the classical limit γ = 0 we have

H+(0) = a33(1 + s) < 0 and H−(0) = a33(1 − s) > 0, (4.13)

and, hence, the only allowed QNE is the type I solution (kα, kβ) = (1, 1). Besides, since

F (0) = a30 + a03 = a33(s+ t) > 0, (4.14)

we see that the QNE is not Pareto optimal, confirming that at the classical limit the PD

game with (4.10) has a PD type dilemma as it should.


Page 26: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on


Ocos γ







Ocos γ












Figure 8. (Left) Payoffs of the QNE in the PD game for the case (4.11). (Right)

Payoffs of the PD game for the case (4.12). The type II solutions are not Pareto

optimal for any γ, since they are surpassed in the payoffs by the other strategies

(P−±−, or P+±+ in the some regions of γ where they are not QNE).

Now, let us consider the generic case of correlations γ. First, for the case (4.11) we

find that the existence condition of the type II solution (3.14) cannot have a solution for

any r = tan γ/2. The allowed type I solutions vary depending on the values of γ, as seen

from the correlation family which is shown by the upper line segment in Figure 7. Since the

payoffs of the type I solutions degenerate, the BoS type dilemma occurs at r = 1. In more

detail, for 0 ≤ r ≤ u−12 with u defined in (4.5), the only QNE is given by (kα, kβ) = (1, 1).

There, (3.7) becomes

F (γ) = a33(s+ t) cos γ > 0, (4.15)

implying that the QNE is not Pareto optimal. For u−12 ≤ r ≤ u

12 , the allowed QNE are

(kα, kβ) = (0, 0), (1, 1). There, (3.11) becomes

G(γ) = a230s(s+ t) cos2 γ ≤ 0, (4.16)

implying that the game has a SH type dilemma except at r = 1 (γ = π/2). For u12 < r, the

only QNE is (kα, kβ) = (0, 0), and we can conclude by an analogous argument that this

is not Pareto optimal. Summarizing the above, we learn that the dilemma is not resolved

for a PD game with (4.11) .

In contrast, a PD game with Eq.(4.12) possesses a different phase structure (see the

lower segment of line in Figure 7). The type II solution labeled by p = 1 exists for

u < r < u−1. In addition, the type IV solutions arises at r = 1, where a BoS type


Page 27: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

dilemma occurs because of the degeneracies of the solutions. The phase transition of the

type I solutions occurs as follows: for 0 ≤ r < u12 , it is (kα, kβ) = (1, 1) for which (4.15)

holds, indicating that the QNE is not Pareto optimal. For u12 ≤ r ≤ u−

12 , the QNE are

(kα, kβ) = (0, 1) and (1, 0) under which a BoS type dilemma occurs. For u12 < r, the QNE

is (kα, kβ) = (0, 0) which is not Pareto optimal. The above results show that the dilemma

of the game can be resolved only if the payoffs of the type II solutions are superior to those

of the type I solutions and if the type II solutions are Pareto optimal among all possible


Let us study the possibility of the resolution of the dilemma first for the domain

u < r < u12 . The difference of the payoffs between the type I solution (kα, kβ) = (0, 0)

(which is not the QNE in this domain) and the type II solution is

∆ΠI(0,0),II1A = ∆Π

I(0,0),II1B = a33(s− 1)(t− 1)(r − u−1)(r − v−1)(r2 + 1)−1 > 0. (4.17)

This inequality implies that the type II solution is not Pareto optimal. For u12 ≤ r ≤ u−

12 ,

on the other hand, we have

a33(s+ 1)(t− 1) > 0, a33(s− 1)(t+ 1) > 0 and u12 < u−1v < 1. (4.18)

It follows that ∆ΠI,IIA ∆ΠI,II

B ≤ 0, that is, the dilemma still remains. Finally, for u−12 < r <

u−1, we can use the discussion for the case u < r < u12 to deduce that, again, the dilemma

is not resolved. Combining the result obtained for the case (4.11), we conclude that the

dilemma in the PD game cannot be resolved by quantization in our scheme.

4.4. Stag Hunt

The SH is a symmetric game with payoffs satisfying

A00 > A10 ≥ A11 > A01, and A10 +A11 > A00 +A01. (4.19)

These constraints are equivalent to

a33 > 0, 0 > s ≥ −1, t > 1. (4.20)

Note first that since H±(γ) ≥ 0 for all γ, the type I solutions (kα, kβ) = (0, 0), (1, 1) coexist

for all r. Since the inequality (3.11) is not satisfied (except for r = 1), we see that, in

general, these type I solutions have a SH type dilemma. The type II solution p = 0 is

admitted for r ≥ −u or −u−1 ≥ r ≥ 0.


Page 28: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

Strategy Bob kβ = 0 Bob kβ = 1 Bob Type IIAlice kα = 0 (P+++, P+++) (P−+−, P−−−) (Q−, R+)Alice kα = 1 (P−−−, P−+−) (P+−+, P+−+) (Q+, R−)Alice Type II (R+, Q−) (R−, Q+) (ΠA,ΠB)

Table III. Effective payoffs in a symmetric game, where Qst± and Qts

± are given in

(4.22) and ΠA and ΠB are the payoffs of the type II solutions.

Let us examine the question whether the classical SH type dilemma can be resolved

by quantization. For −u−1 < r < 1 or 1 < r < −u, only type I solutions (which have the

SH dilemma for all r) are admitted and the dilemma is not resolved. For r = 1, the BoS

type dilemma arises due to the degeneracies of the payoffs of the type I solutions. This

leaves only the correlations in the region,

−u−1 ≥ r ≥ 0. (4.21)

Here, we have P+++ > P+−+ and thus both players prefer the type I solution (kα, kβ) =

(0, 0) to (kα, kβ) = (1, 1). Also, since (4.17) holds in this region, both players prefer the

type I solution (kα, kβ) = (0, 0) to the type II solution. Hence, the QNE (kα, kβ) = (0, 0)

is payoff dominant (see Figure 9).

In order to examine the risk dominance, we introduce the effective payoff table for

given γ in Table III with

Q± = a00 − a33sr + 1

r − 1

tr2 ± 2r − t

r2 + 1

R± = a00 − a33r + 1

r − 1

(s2 ∓ s± t)r2 ∓ 2tr − (s2 ± s∓ t)

r2 + 1.


Assuming that Bob adopts his three classes of the equilibria strategies with equal proba-

bilities, the average payoff given to Alice for the choice kα = 0 is

〈ΠA〉kα=0 =1

3(P+++ + P−+− +Q−). (4.23)

Likewise, if Alice chooses kα = 1, the average payoff she receives is

〈ΠA〉kα=1 =1

3(P−−− + P+−+ +Q+), (4.24)

and if Alice chooses the type II solution, the average payoff reads

〈ΠA〉Type II =1

3(R+ +R− + ΠA). (4.25)


Page 29: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

The risk dominance of the (0, 0) solution with respect to the other solution (1, 1)


〈ΠA〉kα=0 − 〈ΠA〉kα=1 = −4a33s


r + 1

r − 1


1 − 3r

r2 + 1


> 0, (4.26)

in addition to (4.21). One can see readily that this is ensured for r with

3 −√


2< r ≤ −u−1, (4.27)

which requires − 1√5< s < 0. Indeed, combining (4.20) and (4.21), one finds that (4.26)

turns into 3−√

52 < r < 3+


2 and hence, if 3−√

52 < −u−1 (or − 1√

5< s < 0), the inequality

(4.27) never holds. Conversely, (4.27) satisfies (4.26) and (4.21), which guarantees the

existence of the type II solution.

On the other hand, the risk dominance of the (0, 0) solution with respect to the type

II solutions demands

〈ΠA〉kα=0 − 〈ΠA〉TypeII =2a33(s− 1)


(r + u−1)(sr2 + 2 − s)

(r2 + 1)(r − 1)> 0, (4.28)

in addition to (4.21). This, however, cannot be fulfilled, as one can see by using an

argument analogous to the one used above.

To summarize, in the classical limit γ = 0 the average payoffs have the relations,

〈ΠA〉kα=0 < 〈ΠA〉kα=1, 〈ΠA〉kα=0 < 〈ΠA〉TypeII, (4.29)

while, under appropriate correlations, we can have

〈ΠA〉kα=1 < 〈ΠA〉kα=0 < 〈ΠA〉TypeII. (4.30)

We thus reach the conclusion that, although the dilemma in the SH game cannot be

resolved completely, it can be weakened by alleviating the situation to a certain extent.

The analysis in the region r > −u can be made similarly, yielding a similar conclusion.

Alternatively, for the examination of the risk dominance, one may consider the aver-

ages of payoffs taken over all possible quantum strategies of the opponent, that is,

〈ΠA〉kα=0 =

∫ 2π


∫ π

0dβ1ΠA(αI⋆, β; γ)

∫ 2π


∫ π



〈ΠA〉kα=1 =

∫ 2π


∫ π

0dβ1ΠA(αI⋆, β; γ)

∫ 2π


∫ π



〈ΠA〉Type II =

∫ 2π


∫ π

0dβ1ΠA(αII⋆, β; γ)

∫ 2π


∫ π





Page 30: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

a30 cos γ

a33(0,0),(1,1) coexist

(1,1) (0,0)

(0,1),(1,0) coexist

p = 0

p = 1

1−1 Ocos γ








Figure 9. (Left) The phase diagram of the SH game. The horizontal line segment

in the upper part represents the correlation family of the game. (Right) The payoffs

of the QNE in the family.

This time, the payoff differences become simpler:

〈ΠA〉kα=0 − 〈ΠA〉kα=1 = 2a33s1 − r2

1 + r2,

〈ΠA〉kα=0 − 〈ΠA〉TypeII = a33s(s− 1)(r + 1)(r + u−1)

r2 + 1.


However, from (4.20) we learn that the ordering in the average payoffs for the correlations

(4.21) remains unchanged from the classical case (4.29).

5. Conclusion and Discussions

In this article, we have presented a new formulation of quantum game theory for 2-

players. In particular, we provide a salutary scheme for symmetric games with 2-strategies

and thereby analyzed the outcomes of the games in detail. Our formulation is based on

the Schmidt decomposition of two partite quantum states, which is an alternative to the

one proposed recently in [17], and is readily extendable to n-strategy games. Technically,

the difference between the two formulations lies in the operator ordering of correlation and

individual local unitary transformations required to specify the joint strategy.

As in the first formulation, the present formulation is intended to accommodate all

possible strategies realized in the Hilbert space (which is the state space of quantum theory)


Page 31: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

to remedy the defect found in many of the formulations of quantum game theory proposed

earlier. A salient feature of quantum game theory, which is explicit in our formulation, is

the fact that there necessarily be a referee as a third party in the game which regulates the

strategies independently from the two players. More specifically, the referee is assigned a set

of parameters (γ in our formulation) to tune the correlation of the players’ joint strategy

which is absent in the conventional classical game theory. Thus, the correlation factor

regulated by the referee represents a distinguished novelty introduced by ‘quantization’ of

the game. Interestingly, the payoff in our formulation is seen to split into a pseudo-classical

component and the rest, where the former amounts to the payoffs of a classical γ-deformed

family of games obtained from the original classical game, while the latter to the extra

factor furnished purely non-classically.

The present formulation turns out to be quite convenient also in analyzing the QNE,

that is, the stable strategies the players would choose in quantum game theory. Indeed, we

are able to find a complete set of solutions for the equilibria, which are classified into four

types in the text, among which three are γ-deformed versions of classical Nash equilibria,

and the other one is admitted only with the maximal entanglement and hence cannot be

found in classical games. Besides the elements that determine the original classical game

from which the quantum game is defined, the existence of these equilibria depends strongly

on the correlations γ given. The analysis of the dependence has allowed us to obtain a

clear picture of the phase structure of the QNE in the game, which can be convoluted

when some of the four types of solutions coexist. We mention that the phase structure we

found shares some properties similar to those obtained by other schemes [18, 15]. Since

our scheme deals with the whole Hilbert space, one may argue that this similarity comes

as a partial manifestation of the full phase structure obtained by our scheme.

One of the interests in game theory lies in learning the mechanism underlying the

appearance of dilemmas and their possible resolutions. In this respect, we address the

question if the quantization of a classical game can provide a resolution of the dilemma,

which has actually been the main thrust in the investigation of quantum game theory since

its inception [7, 8, 12]. To find the answer, we have investigated the four examples of 2-

player, 2-stratey games, the Chicken Game, the (S-symmetric version of) Battle of Sexes,

the Prisoners’ Dilemma, and the Stug Hunt, all of which are plagued with dilemmas. The

outcome is somewhat discouraging, however. Namely, we have seen that the players of

none of the four games find a resolution of the dilemma, except for the Stug Hunt game

where the dilemma can be mitigated to some extent within the analysis done with the

assumptions made there. We note that these results are obtained with the full set of QNE,


Page 32: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

which now include the new types of equilibria absent in classical game theory. Although

this does not exclude the possibility of any drastic resolution of dilemmas in other games by

quantization, it certainly points to the generic difficulty the similar attempts will encounter

in quantum game theory.

These results for the resolutions of the dilemmas are clearly different from those in

other literatures [8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18]. This originates in the differences in the quantization

scheme of games, that is, in the treatment of local strategies of the players and in the

presence/absence of (artificial) restrictions of the state space. For example, consider the

quantization of the Battle of the Sexes, where the coexisting QNE have the Battle of Sex

type dilemma for any values of correlation γ. Assume that a restriction of the state space

does not affect the dilemma at the classical γ = 0 limit (to the authors’ knowledge, all

the quantization schemes proposed so far adopt this assumption). If the restriction can

removes one of the coexisting QNE for some γ and ensuring the criterion of the Pareto

optimality in the restricted state space, then the remaining QNE will not suffer from any

dilemma at that value of γ. This is the one of the mechanisms resolving the dilemmas

in the different quantization schemes. Thus, the resolution of dilemma is sensitive to the

quantization scheme adoped.

Finally, we mention the obvious merit of the Schmidt decomposition in our formula-

tion, that is, that the correlation between the strategies of the individual players is ex-

pressed in terms of a variable that directly specifies the degree of quantum entanglement.

This implies that the quantum game theory in our formulation is ready to be positioned

properly in the field of quantum information. In fact, it is possible to extend the scope of

the games by considering, for instance, the cases where the two payoff operators do not

commute (i.e. by eliminating our assumption (2.26)), or the cases where the game consists

of multiple rounds of subgames with different payoff operators. These yield a setup of

games similar to the one given by the CHSH game [27, 28], where the quantum nonlocality

will be seen to affect the outcome of the game directly. This would become a focus of

attention in future researches, along with the technical extension of the theory beyond the

class of quantum games considered here.

Acknowledgement: This work is supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research,

Nos. 13135206, 16540354 and 18540384 of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science,

Sports and Culture.


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Appendix. Quantum Nash Equilibria and their Classification

In this appendix, we provide a complete set of solutions for the extremal condition

(2.41) and the convexity condition (2.42) for QNE in symmetric quantum games. Our

strategy to find the complete set is as follows: first, we classify the symmetric games into

four types (I) - (IV) depending on whether a33 and/or a30 vanish or not. Secondly, in

each class, we obtain the solutions for the conditions separately for the separable states

(γ = 0, π), the generic (nonmaximal) entangled states, and the maximally entangled states

(γ = π/2). The criterion for the finer classification in each class of the states derives from

the different ways to meet the third equation in (2.41), and this procedure exhausts all

possibilities for the strategies to become QNE. Finally, we regroup the solutions to four

new types which are convenient for our discussions in the text.

(I) a33 = 0 and a30 = 0

In this case, both the conditions (2.41) and (2.42) are trivially satisfied, and any set

of values of α1, β1, and φ provides a QNE for all correlations γ.

(II) a33 = 0 and a30 6= 0

Eq.(2.41) is then simplified as

cos γ sinα⋆1 = cos γ sinβ⋆

1 = 0. (A.1)

When the state is separable, γ = cπ, c = 0, 1, we have the solutions

(α⋆1, β

⋆1) = (kα, kβ)π, kα, kβ = 0, 1. (A.2)

Eq.(2.37) shows that the solutions for (2.41) are provided by (kα, kβ, c) = (0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)

for a30 > 0 and (kα, kβ, c) = (1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1) for a30 < 0. The convexity condition (2.42) is

then examined to find that (kα, kβ) = (0, 0) becomes QNE for a30 cos γ > 0 and (kα, kβ) =

(1, 1) becomes QNE for a30 cos γ < 0. At γ = π/2, both the extremal condition and the

convexity conditions are fulfilled trivially, and hence any set of values of α1, β1, and φ

gives a QNE.

(III) a33 6= 0 and a30 = 0

(III-1) Separable states:


Page 34: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

Eq.(2.41) becomes

sinα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 = cosα⋆1 sinβ⋆

1 = 0, (A.3)

allowing for two classes of solutions. One is given by (A.2) for which the convexity condition


(−)kα+kβa33 ≥ 0. (A.4)

The other is α⋆1 = β⋆

1 = π/2 for which no further condition arises from the convexity


(III-2) Generic entangled states:

Eq.(2.41) becomes

sinα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 = sin γ cosφ⋆ cosα⋆1 sinβ⋆

1 ,

cosα⋆1 sinβ⋆

1 = sin γ cosφ⋆ sinα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 ,

sinφ⋆ sinα⋆1 sinβ⋆

1 = 0.


(i) For φ⋆ = pπ with p = 0, 1, there are two classes of solutions. One is (A.2) for which the

convexity condition is given by (A.4). The other is α⋆1 = β⋆

1 = π/2 for which the convexity

condition is (−)pa33 ≥ 0.

(ii) For φ 6= pπ, the solutions are given by (A.2) under the convexity condition (A.4).

(III-3) Maximally entangled states:

Eq.(2.41) becomes

cosφ⋆ cosα⋆1 sinβ⋆

1 = sinα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 ,

cosφ⋆ cosβ⋆1 sinα⋆

1 = sinβ⋆1 cosα⋆


sinφ⋆ sinα⋆1 sinβ⋆

1 = 0.


(i) For φ⋆ = pπ, the first and second equations of (A.6) reduce to

sin(α⋆1 − (−)pβ⋆

1 ) = 0, (A.7)

which provides the solutions,

α⋆1 = (−)pβ⋆

1 + q π, q = 0, 1, (A.8)

where the values of q are required to obey (−)qa33 > 0 by the convexity condition. From

the range of the parameters α⋆1, β

⋆1 , the combinations of (p, q) are restricted to (p, q) =

(0, 0), (1, 1).


Page 35: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

(ii) For φ 6= pπ, (A.2) gives the solution and the convexity condition reads (A.4).

(IV) a33 6= 0 and a30 6= 0

(IV-1) Separable states:

Eq. (2.41) becomessinα⋆

1 [cosβ⋆1 + (−)cs] = 0,

sinβ⋆1 [cosα⋆

1 + (−)cs] = 0,(A.9)

and the convexity conditions are

a33 cosα⋆1 [cosβ⋆

1 + (−)cs] ≥ 0,

a33 cosβ⋆1 [cosα⋆

1 + (−)cs] ≥ 0.(A.10)

(i) If α⋆1 = kαπ and s = (−)c+kα+1, (A.9) is satisfied. From the convexity conditions, we

find that if a33 > 0, then kα = 0 and β⋆1 = 0, or kα = 1 and β⋆

1 = π. If a33 < 0, on the

other hand, no restriction for β⋆1 arises.

(ii) If α⋆1 = kαπ and s 6= (−)c+kα+1, then β⋆

1 = kβπ. These four solutions are subject to


(iii) If α⋆1 6= kαπ, from the first of (A.9) we have cosβ⋆

1 = (−)c+1s. This requires |s| ≤ 1.

The second of (A.9) implies either s = (−)σ with σ = 0, 1 or cosα⋆1 = (−)c+1s. For the

former case, the convexity conditions yield (−)c+σ = 1 and a33 < 0, or (−)c+σ = −1 and

a33 < 0. For the latter case with s 6= (−)σ, the convexity conditions are always fulfilled.

(IV-2) Generic entangled states:

(i) Suppose first that φ⋆ = pπ. One class of solutions available is then (A.2). The convexity

conditions are those given in Table I. If (A.2) is not fulfilled, then we can derive

cos γ cosα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 + s(cosα⋆1 + cosβ⋆

1 ) + s2 cos γ = 0, (A.11)

from (2.41) by multiplying each side of the first equation by the same side of the second

equation. Furthermore, if

cosβ⋆1 6= 0 and cosα⋆

1 + s cos γ 6= 0 (A.12)

holds, then each side of the first equation of (2.41) can be devided by the same side of the

second equation, respectively, leading to

(cosα⋆1 − cosβ⋆

1) (s cos γ cosα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 + cosα⋆1 + cosβ⋆

1 + s cos γ) = 0. (A.13)


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Note that solutions for (A.11) and (A.13) do not necessarily fulfill the first and the sec-

ond equations of (2.41), and we need to examine if they truly become the solutions by

substituting them into (2.41) under φ⋆ = pπ.

To proceed, we first seek solutions which satisfy cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆

1 . The solutions of

(A.11) and (A.13) are then

cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆

1 = sr + (−)kr

r − (−)kr, kr = 0, 1. (A.14)

By substituting this to (2.41), we obtain kr = p. The solutions are available when the

condition |s r+(−)kr

r−(−)kr| ≤ 1 and the convexity condition (−)pa33 ≥ 0 are both met.

Secondly, if cosα⋆1 6= cosβ⋆

1 , we consider the solutions separately depending on whether

s = (−)σ or not. If we have s = (−)σ, then (A.11) and (A.13) are combined as

cos γ cosα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 + (−)σ(cosα⋆1 + cosβ⋆

1 ) + cos γ = 0. (A.15)

Thus, all pairs of α⋆1 and β⋆

1 satisfying (A.15) become the solutions. By substituting them

to (2.41), we obtain p = 1, and we find the convexity condition a33 < 0. If s 6= (−)σ, then

(A.11) and (A.13) are rewritten as

α⋆1 =


2and cosβ⋆

1 = −s cos γ. (A.16)

By substituting them to (2.41), we find p = 1 and s = (−)σ, contradicting the premise.

Thus, there are no solutions in this case.

Now, if we do not assume (A.12), then we have three possibilities. One of them is

cosα⋆1 = −s cos γ and β⋆

1 =π

2, (A.17)

which becomes a solution. By the similar substitution, we acquire p = 1 and s = (−)σ, and

the convexity condition is found to be a33 < 0. No other solutions appear in the remaining


(ii) For φ⋆ 6= pπ, (A.2) provides the solution for which the convexity condition is given in

Table I.

(IV-3) Maximally entangled states:


Page 37: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

Conditions Separable Generic Maximally entangled{

a33 = 0,a30 = 0

∀α⋆1, ∀β⋆

1 ∀α⋆1, ∀β⋆

1 ∀α⋆1, ∀β⋆



a33 = 0,a30 6= 0

α⋆1 = β⋆

1 = 0, π α⋆1 = β⋆

1 = 0, π ∀α⋆1, ∀β⋆



a33 6= 0,a30 = 0

sinα⋆1 = sinβ⋆

1 = 0cosα⋆

1 = cosβ⋆1 = 0

sinα⋆1 = sinβ⋆

1 = 0{

cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆

1 = 0,φ⋆ = pπ

sinα⋆1 = sinβ⋆

1 = 0{

α⋆1 = (−)pβ⋆

1 + qπ,φ⋆ = pπ


a33 6= 0,a30 6= ±a33, 0

sinα⋆1 = sinβ⋆

1 = 0{

cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆


= (−)c+1s

sinα⋆1 = sinβ⋆

1 = 0

cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆


= s r+(−)p

r−(−)p ,

φ⋆ = pπ

sinα⋆1 = sinβ⋆

1 = 0{

α⋆1 = (−)pβ⋆

1 + qπ,φ⋆ = pπ


a33 < 0,a30 = (−)σa33

sinα⋆1 = 0, ∀β⋆


sinβ⋆1 = 0, ∀α⋆


sinα⋆1 = sinβ⋆

1 = 0

cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆


= s r+(−)p

r−(−)p ,

φ⋆ = pπ

cos γ cosα⋆1 cosβ⋆


+cos γ+(−)σ(cosα⋆

1 + cosβ⋆1)

= 0,φ⋆ = π

sinα⋆1 = sinβ⋆

1 = 0{

α⋆1 = (−)pβ⋆

1 + qπ,φ⋆ = pπ

Table IV. Summary of the complete set of QNE. Here, c, p, q, and σ take values

0 or 1. The phase sum φ⋆ is not shown when it is undetermined (i.e., any value of

φ⋆ is a solution).

Since (2.41) becomes (A.6), the solutions and their convexity conditions are the same

as those derived in (III-3).

Summary and regrouping of the solutions

The complete set of solutions (α⋆, β⋆) obtained above are summarized in Table IV.

These solutions can be regrouped into four distinct types for the convenience of our dis-

cussions in the text.

Type I

(α⋆1, β

⋆1) = (kα, kβ)π, kα, kβ = 0, 1. (A.18)

These solutions arise in all of the above four classes.


Page 38: Quantum Game Theory Based on the Schmidt Decomposition: … · 2011. 5. 27. · quantum mechanics and possible reactions from the external perturbation [16]. A game theory based on

Type II

cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆

1 = sr + (−)p

r − (−)p, φ⋆ = pπ, p = 0, 1, (A.19)

At the separable limit, we have cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆

1 = ±s. If s = 0, then cosα⋆1 = cosβ⋆

1 = 0.

Type III

cos γ cosα⋆1 cosβ⋆

1 + (−)σ(cosα⋆1 + cosβ⋆

1) + cos γ = 0, φ⋆ = π, s = (−)σ. (A.20)

The separable limit yields sinα⋆1 = 0 or sinβ⋆

1 = 0.

Type IV

α⋆1 = (−)pβ⋆

1 + qπ, φ⋆ = pπ. (A.21)

This solution is available only when the joint strategy is maximally entangled, γ = π/2.


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