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Quarterly Magazine for the Whitby Section Of The North Yorkshire...

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Quarterly Magazine for the Whitby Section Of The North Yorkshire Coast Circuit of the Methodist Church Winter 2015
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Quarterly Magazine for the Whitby Section

Of The North Yorkshire Coast Circuit

of the Methodist Church

Winter 2015

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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

Welcome to The Wayfarer, serving the six churches of the Whitby Section of the North Yorkshire Coast Circuit of The Methodist Church.

Page Article

1 Thoughts From Across The Street - Joyce Harland 2 From the Deacon’s Desk – Deacon Helen Webster 3 Through The Manse Window – Rev John Pugh

4 Super Thoughts – Rev Graham Morgan 5 Poets Corner – Barbara Robinson and Mary Gullon

6 The Good Book - Ellinor Pugh 7 All we Can Update

8 Off the Net 9 Methodist Women in Britain / Messy Church

10 What, Where, When 11 Christmas

12 Covenant 13 Let us Pray

14 Grandpa’s Wisdom – Rev John Pugh

In our journey of faith we look forward to celebrating Christmas, The New Year and Covenant - a time of giving, sharing, promise and prayer. Everyone

invoved with The Wayfarerer wishes you and your kin a very happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. God Bless us everyone.

Ministers Superintendent: Rev Graham Morgan Presbyter: Rev John Pugh Deacon: Helen Webster Thank You A big ‘thank you’ to the contributors and distributers of this issue, all you do is much appreciated. Not forgetting everyone who helps print and fold our magazine. Deadline for the next issue is January 16th 2016

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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

You know the address: [email protected] Love in Christ, Ellinor

Writing Christmas cards can be a pleasure or a pain, depending upon your views of these seasonal messages. Personally I love to write my Christmas cards while playing the DVD of John Masefield’s “The Box of Delights”. A

children’s story for all ages, “The Box of Delights,” tells the tale of the strange events in the Christmas holidays when the “hero” Kay Harker, meets the travelling Punch and Judy man, Cole Hawlings, who gives him the mysterious Box of Delights. After much “peradventure,” all ends happily with the 1,000 Christmas service held in Tatchester Cathedral. Choosing my cards and reading the Christmas messages made me think of the Christmas message in the Holy Bible and all the other wonderful messages given to us by God. Beginning with the story of the Creation and the sad events of the Garden of Eden, through the amazing love of God as He reached the hearts and minds of the prophets and the heroes of the Old Testament. Extraordinary adventures, heart rending experiences and the ever steadfast love of God for all His people leads us on to the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ in Bethlehem - a birth which invites everyone to share in its innocence and humility. Jesus, grown to manhood, becomes the ultimate hero, as He gains everlasting life and hope for all believers, through the sacrifice of His own life in an incredibly harsh and cruel way at the crucifixion. Three days later, glorifying His Father God, Jesus rises from death and goes before His disciples into Galilee, appearing to them and many more before His ascension to Heaven. To quote one believer, “You couldn’t make it up!” It is so wonderful and so true, as Jesus reveals, when He comes to dwell in the hearts of those who hear His call.

Looking again at the Bible, I see it as the Book of Delights! In every chapter it reveals something of God the Creator who delights in and loves His creation and His people. After many attempts by Satan to overthrow the Word of

God and destroy His people, God wins and all is restored in a new heaven and a new earth, where God Himself comes to live with His people and reign.! It is good to remember that no matter what life and the world may throw at us, God is ultimately in control. “There came the sound of many men marching to a drum tap. Organ and brass band struck up, full strength. The Cathedral choir and clergy, voices lifted aloft in,


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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

“O Come all ye Faithful,” sang as they had never sung, the singing shook the whole building.” (The Box of Delights) Amen!

Joyce Harland

On 31 October I led an annual short service with the Whitby Air Cadets in Whitby cemetery, they then placed poppy crosses on the war graves there. I then went on to help with ‘The Great Whitby Bake Sale’ organised through Churches Together in Whitby to raise money for charities working with refugees and asylum seekers. During the day I was struck by how tragic it is that while we remember those who gave their lives or fought in previous conflicts to make the world a better place, we still have to do things today to help those affected by current conflicts. The refugee crisis, particularly those fleeing the conflict in Syria, has been prevalent in our news. Many people have asked me what the church is doing to help and if I know of ways in which we can help. Across this area many people collected goods to take to Calais and others have organised fundraising events and collections to help. Churches and other people from the community are looking at ways in which we can work together to do more to help those who are in desperate need because they have had to flee their homes.

We will once again be reflecting on the Christmas story and what it means to us today that Jesus is Immanuel – God with us. Remembering that God didn’t stay remote and distant from the world but came and got involved in it – not in a nice, sanitized way, but in a real way,

experiencing the mess and struggles that many of us face today. Part of that story involves Mary, Joseph and Jesus having to flee their home as it was unsafe for them to remain there - travelling to seek asylum in Egypt until it was safe to return, as many people today have to do. Maybe this year reflections on this part of the Christmas story can help us to think about how we can respond to the things happening in our world today. If you are doing something why not share it with others so that we can join together in what we are doing and have more of an influence. We will not be able to help everyone but we can all look for and pray about ways to do what we can to help and by doing so share the love of Jesus in our world today. Jesus who told his followers a parable about offering unconditional help to someone who is different (The Good Samaritan) and instructed them to ‘go and do

the same’. Summed up in the well known prayer of Teresa of Avila:

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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion is to look out to the earth. Yours are the feet by which he is to go about doing good and yours are the hands by which he is to bless us now.

Helen Webster 2

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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

What is a Presbyter?

I expect you might be one of many who are wondering “What on earth is a Presbyter?” It is a word that has crept into our Methodist vocabulary over the last few years. To put it mildly it refers to what many died-in-the-wool Methodists have called their ‘Minister’ for many years. We now have Deacons who fulfil the role of Diaconate Ministers, hence the need for different titles. We are accepted by Conference, ordained to Word and Sacrament and appointed to a Circuit where we have Pastoral responsibility for a number of churches.

Our several duties include: Leading of worship, preaching, baptising, marrying, performing funerals, presiding at Communion in church and in homes, leading church Councils and other meetings, enabling the discipline of the Church to be seen in action, teaching, taking assemblies in local schools, pastoral visitation of the sick (at home or in hospital), preparing/leading Bible study, liaising with other churches/faiths, representing the wider church in relationship to local authorities, plus little

things such as writing references, answering numerous emails, keeping data for Connexional purposes, etc…

All the time trying to juggle time for family, a little for self and of course not forgetting prayer, study and time for when you need us

John (Rev John H Pugh)


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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

Dear friends, What a beautiful part of the world we live in and how blessed we are. As I travel round the circuit I am reminded of our Creator God at every turn. As part of my orientation I have now visited every church in the circuit though some I have only seen from the outside. I have met some lovely people and alongside the good things that are happening among us, I am becoming aware of some of the challenges and concerns that face us at this time. The circuit stewards have put many prayerful hours into the stationing process, sifting through profiles of presbyters and deacons, creating shortlists and planning for visits which will hopefully take place very shortly. We are hopeful that the right person will be appointed to succeed John in this part of the circuit. Sadly, we have very much missed having any input at all from this end of the circuit because we do not have a circuit steward who lives in the northern part of the circuit. The Circuit Leadership Team is seeking to be truly representative of the whole circuit. I therefore make a heartfelt plea to ask each and every one of you to give prayerful consideration as to who might be approached to represent this end of the circuit. Anyone wanting to know more of what is involved can approach myself or any of the existing Circuit Stewards. Please note we would even consider a job share. In the mean-time my journey round the circuit continues. The message I am currently taking with me is based on the command of Jesus that we should love ‘one another’ as he loves us. The emphasis of the message being on ‘one another’ Sometimes in the church we talk about ‘them and ‘us.’ The heart of this message is that there is no ‘them’, only ‘us’

May God bind ‘us’ together with those chords of love that can never be broken. With love in Jesus,

Graham (Rev Graham Morgan)

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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

The Christmas Story Shepherds tended

their flocks with care… Three Kings with gifts were standing there.

To Bethlehem they’d followed a star,

to a lowly stable they’d come so far

A stable, a crib, baby Jesus born on that sparkling Christmas morn.

Though children’s laughter now tickles breeze

and coloured orbs glow on evergreen trees,

it’s a time for thanksgiving and family feast,

a time for great joy, and a time for peace.

© Barbara E. Robinson The New Awakening

January comes in cold and drear At the beginning of the year

Bringing snow and sleet and rain Look there's new shoots in the garden again When February comes there's drifts of white

The snowdrops appear to our delight The days are getting longer too Sunshine helps nature to renew

Then it's March with drying breeze And blackbirds singing in the trees

And Daffodils are everywhere We often even stand and stare

At the miracle of nature's wonderful ways

Snowfall Melodious bells ring out

from the East Cliff at midnight proclaiming a new Christmas day.

The town, now lost in dreams, snuggles for warmth

around the small harbour, restless in its anticipation.

The northern star shines bright

on the brink of deep sleep, guarding our resting souls

before the sky, with feathered sigh, sends snowflakes to gently fall

upon our close knit homes, enwrapping us with humble faith,

His wondrous Christmas gift….

a blanket of His purest love. © Barbara E. Robinson

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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

Spring is here again for all to share! ©Mary Gullen

Gifts given to the Christ Child by the Magi: (Matthew 2: 11)

Precious Metal

Perfume/ Incense

Anointing Oil

Gold Frankincense Myrrh

Represents the Kingship of the

Christ Child

Represents the priesthood of the Christ Child who will be mediator between humanity and God

Represents the Christ Child

as the Word of God

King Prophet



King of





Son of God




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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

All We Can has welcomed the agreement of the Methodist Council to continued discussions about how the relationship between the charity and the Methodist Church in Britain might be deepened and strengthened. Maurice Adams, Chief Executive of All We Can, commented: “All We Can and its predecessor organisations have always had a special relationship with the Methodist Church, which has evolved over time. Over the last two-and-a-half years we have been exploring how we might deepen and strengthen this relationship. We feel that working together more closely and purposefully will be beneficial for the Methodist Church, for All We Can, and for those who we seek to serve.”

The October meeting of the Methodist Council received a report on these conversations, presented jointly by All We Can and the Connexional Secretary, Doug Swanney. The Council welcomed the discussions, gave its approval to the continuation of more detailed work, and agreed to a set of principles which will guide the development of practical proposals.

“We are pleased that the Methodist Council welcomed the discussions,” said Maurice. “Now that a closer collaboration has been agreed in principle, we look forward to working with others to develop practical proposals about how it will be outworked in governance, strategy and practice.”

“Contrary to some reports, this should not be seen as being about “marriage” or merger – the two organisations are already inextricably linked, by history and constitutional arrangements, though have distinct roles and responsibilities – but about how All We Can can be of greater service to Methodists, both in Britain and internationally, so that the church might have a more active and focused response to issues of international relief and development.”

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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

For more information about All We Can Methodist Relief and Development go to: http://www.allwecan.org.uk


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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

Taken from The Methodist Church UK Website Keeping Hope Alive

Laura’s Story

Laura first came to Parson Cross Initiative last year. “When I came to Sheffield I was in a period of severe bi-polar illness that led me to lose everything I had.”

Laura became separated from her two children, lost her job, her home and her support network that she had grown over years in London.

She was feeling increasingly isolated and vulnerable.

“One day I discovered an art group run by Parson Cross Initiative (PXI). The people running PXI offered me acceptance, friendship, practical support, home-cooked soup and love.”

One of Laura's passions is music and she is a qualified music therapist, but sadly is unable to practice at the moment. As a result, as well as attending the art group, the creative writing group and gardening club – Parson Cross Initiative has now been able to give her the opportunity to use her musical talents and expertise in a voluntary capacity.

She is also about to become a member of one of the Methodist Churches in the area. “Sometimes…hope is like a candle flame that has almost gone out; it doesn't go out but sometimes I need friends to remind me that it is still there.”


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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

In September we held the final AGM for the Whitby Section of the circuit. It was an opportunity to thank Kathleen Rushworth for all the hard work she has put into organising our many and varied events. Rev Virginia Ramsay has volunteered to organise a few events for us including the annual Daffodil Rally in the Spring. MWiB will now be organised on a Circuit basis and Kathleen has said she will continue to liasie with them and pass on informantion from the District.

For information about York and Hull District MWiB go to - http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/index.php/news-and-events/39-methodist- women-in-britain

Whitby Messy Church (every 4th Saturday) Christmas Messy Church – Saturday 19th December - 3-5pm at St. Hilda's, West Cliff, Whitby Sleights Messy Church January (date to be announced) - Church House, Sleights Christmas Kidzfest 2015 Saturday 12th December, 11am-3pm – at Eskdale School, Whitby Fylingthorpe Messy Advent Sunday 29th November 4pm Christingle Friday December 18th 3.30pm Fylingdales Messy Church Saturday 2nd January 2-4pm at Village Hall



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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

Special Services, Events and Dates to remember Day Date time venue Event

Sat 12th Dec 11am – 3pm Eskdale School, Whitby Kidzfest

Mon 14th Dec 7pm St Mary’s, Whitby Town Carol Service

Fri 18th Dec 3.30pm Fylinthorpe Christingtingle

Sat 19th Dec 5.30pm Stainsacre to Hawsker Walk to Bethlehem

Sat 19th Dec 3-5pm St Hilda’s, Whitby Messy Church

Sat 2nd Jan 3.30 pm Fylingdales Village hall Messy church

Thurs 16thJan Deadline for articles, items etc for the Spring 2016 Issue of The Wayfarer to [email protected]

Wed 17th Feb 2pm Whitby Mission Church Counil

Thurs 18th Feb 7.30pm Littlebeck (at Hazel & Barrys)

Church Counil

Tues 23rd Feb 10 am Fylingthorpe Church Counil

Every 4th Saturday 2-4pm St. Hilda’s, West Cliff Messy Church Whitby

Every Monday 7 – 8.30pm Fylingthorpe Drop in for teens

Every 3rd Wednesday Fylingthorpe Luncheon Club

Every Friday 10am Fylingthorpe Coffee Morning

1st and 3rd Saturday 9.45am Briggswath & Sleights Fit-4-You

2nd Saturday 10am Briggswath & Sleights Coffee Morning

2nd Sunday 6 pm Briggswath &Sleights Second Sunday at Six

Every Thursday 9.15am Robin Hood’s Bay Holy Communion followed by Coffee Morning

Christmas Services on page 11 Covenant Services on page 12

Regular Sunday Services in our Churches Briggswath and Sleights - 10.30 am Fylingthorpe - 10.15 am (and 6.15 pm - 4th Sunday

each month) Hawsker - 2.30 pm Littlebeck - 2.30 pm Robin Hood’s Bay - 10.30 am Whitby - 10 am at Whitby Fisherman’s Mission


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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

11.30pm Communion

Carol Services

Sunday 20th December

Church Time Preacher

Briggswath and Sleights 6.30pm Rev Veronica Carolan

Fylingthorpe 6.15pm The Fylingthorpe Preachers

Hawsker 2.30pm Kath Charter

Littlebeck 2.30pm Robert Ventress

Robin Hoods Bay 10.30 am Michael Earnshaw

Whitby 10 am Ellinor Pugh

Christmas Morning Service Everyone is invited to worship together

at Briggswath and Sleights at 10.30am

Preacher – Rev John H Pugh

Christmas Eve 11.30pm Communion – Briggswath and Sleights


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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

Covenant Service 2016

Church Date Time Presbyter

Briggswath and Sleights 3rd Jan 10.30am Rev John H Pugh Fylingthorpe 10th Jan 10.15am Rev John H Pugh Hawsker 3rd Jan 2.30pm Rev John H Pugh

Littlebeck 3rd Jan 2.30pm Rev Virginia Ramsey Robin Hood’s Bay 17th Jan 10.30am Rev Virginia Ramsey

Whitby Mission 17th Jan 10am Rev John H Pugh

The Covenant prayer from The Methodist Worship Book

‘I am no longer my own, but yours. Put me to what you will,

rank me with whom you will; Put me to doing; put me to suffering;

Let me be employed for you or laid aside for you, Exalted for you, or brought low for you;

Let me be full, let me be empty; Let me have all things, let me have nothing; I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things

to your pleasure and disposal. And now, glorious and blessed God,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are mine and I am yours.’


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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

As we travel together in our journey of faith please pray for:

The Circuit Staff: Rev Graham Morgan Rev Emma Morgan Rev Peter Cross Rev Denise Free Rev John H Pugh Rev Rosie Coles Deacon Helen Webster Mrs Christine Hughes

All who lost loved ones and a sense of security in the terrorist attacks in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

All who mourn – especially the family and friends of Deacon Pippa Kirby- Girdlestone, Honor Smith, John Fawcett Bill Storm and Joan Fewless.

All celebrating Christmas with trepidation about the New Year – may they know Peace.

God of compassion, Your love for humanity was revealed in Jesus, whose earthly life began in the poverty of a stable and ended in the pain and isolation of the cross: We hold before you those who are homeless and cold especially in this bitter weather. Draw near and comfort them in spirit and bless those who work to provide them with shelter, food and friendship. We ask this in Jesus' name.



Sally Quinn and

Shawn Imeson in

their preparations

for their marriage in



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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015

Dear friends

Another Christmas come or maybe gone by the time you read this - there is so much history to consider in the fortnight of our festive season.

I suppose the one thing that has filled my mind so much recently has been thinking about Mary and Joseph and their journey to Bethlehem for the Census. Can you imagine the chaos that would follow if we all had to return to our home town/birthplace today? Increase that chaos if family was separated – for example I would

end up in York and Ellinor in Peterlee while our children would be in Stockton-on-Tees.

Joseph being of the tribe of Benjamin ended up in Bethlehem with his newly promised wife to be. To all intents and purposes they were internal refugees, homeless for a while. Later, after the birth of Jesus, they would become genuine international refugees until after the death of Herod, escaping the threat to life of their newborn.

The world today is filled with literally millions of refugees; some places have thousands whilst others have much less. We cannot always tell who is a refugee, there are countless wanderers around the world. Different creeds, languages, colour of skin – not everyone boasting brown skin and speaking Arabic.

This Christmas and beyond pray for all those who have had to leave not only their family and homes but also their community and often their country. Embrace the differences between us and help them to become part of our community no matter where we live.

And finally – “A Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year”,from everyone at the Manse, (not forgetting Mia, the cat!)

God bless Grandpa


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The Wayfarer – Winter 2015
