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Quarterly Newsletter Lajna Imaillah Australia’s Tajnid Aisha Mirza Sahiba Moavin Sadr Students...

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October 2015 - December 2015 Lajna Imaillah Australia’s Quarterly Newsletter Editor : Amber Khan Editor in-chief : Sabiha Farooq Managing Editor : Anjum Khan The Holy Quran Hadith Sayings of the Promised Messiah (as) By the fleeting Time Surely, man is in a state of loss, Except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to accept truth, and exhort one another to be steadfast. Chapter 103 Verses 2-4 Amr ibn Maimum reports that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Get hold of five things before five things happen: your youth before old age, your health before sickness, your riches before poverty, your leisure before business and your life before death. (Tirmidhi) Bin Abbas narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good. (Bukhari 8/421) ...The Holy Quran is the key to all advancement and all success which they (Muslims) should prac- tice...Muslims should have had, and it is also necessary for them now, to consider this water spring a magnificent blessing and value it. Valuing it is in practicing it and then observe how God Almighty allevi- ates their problems and troubles. If only Muslims would understand and think that Allah the Exalted has created a pious way for them to avail by treading on it.(Malfuzat, Vol. 4, pp. 140-141)

October 2015 - December 2015

Lajna Imaillah Australia’s

Quarterly Newsletter Editor : Amber Khan Editor in-chief : Sabiha Farooq Managing Editor : Anjum Khan

The Holy Quran


Sayings of the Promised Messiah (as)

By the fleeting Time

Surely, man is in a state of loss,

Except those who believe and do good

works, and exhort one another to accept

truth, and exhort one another to be steadfast.

Chapter 103 Verses 2-4

Amr ibn Maimum reports that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

Get hold of five things before five things happen: your youth before old age, your health before sickness,

your riches before poverty, your leisure before business and your life before death. (Tirmidhi)

Bin ‘Abbas narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good. (Bukhari


...The Holy Qur’an is the key to all advancement and all success which they (Muslims) should prac-

tice...Muslims should have had, and it is also necessary for them now, to consider this water spring a

magnificent blessing and value it. Valuing it is in practicing it and then observe how God Almighty allevi-

ates their problems and troubles. If only Muslims would understand and think that Allah the Exalted has

created a pious way for them to avail by treading on it.’ (Malfuzat, Vol. 4, pp. 140-141)

Quarterly Newsletter

SUMMARY : Friday Sermon

Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba) on 1st January 2016

Summary taken from alislam.org

Today is the first day of the New Year and the year is starting

with the blessed day of Friday. It is tradition to wish each other

a Happy New Year, as such people are sending messages of

good wishes to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and they would be

wishing each other as well. The New Year is celebrated in the

Western, developed world by partying and drinking through

the night and by firework displays. In fact this is also how it is

now celebrated in Muslim countries.

Conversely, there are many Ahmadis who spent last night in worship of God or woke up early to offer op-

tional Prayers to start the New Year. Tahajjud Prayers in congregation were offered in many places. Yet we

are deemed as non-Muslims while those who create a rumpus are Muslims. In any case, with the grace of

God, we are Muslims and we do not need anyone's testimonial for this. If we are desirous of any testimonial

it is to be true Muslims in God's sight.

Promised Messiah(as) said: It is conditional for the righteous to spend their lives in meekness and humble-

ness. This is a branch of righteousness through which we have to battle unwarranted anger. Many highly de-

vout and truthful people find shunning anger the ultimate and most challenging stage. Arrogance and pride

is generated from anger and at times anger itself is generated from arrogance and pride because one is an-

gry when one gives preference to oneself over others. I do not want people of my Jama'at to consider others

higher or lesser than themselves.

I have spoken many times before on mutual love and accord in the Jama'at. Have mutual accord and stay

united. Allah the Exalted gave the teaching to Muslims to stay as one otherwise they would be diminished.

The commandment to stand shoulder to shoulder during Salat is to promote mutual unity and so that good-

will can permeate like electric current from one to another. If you have discord and lack unity you will be un-


What is needed is to adopt the way of righteousness because righteousness alone is something which can

be called gist of Shariah. If Shariah was to be explained briefly, then the core of Shariah can only be right-

eousness. There are many stages and stations of righteousness. However, if a seeker traverses the early stag-

es and stations truthfully and with determination and sincerity, owing to his honesty and sincere wish to seek,

he attains the high stations.

Quarterly Newsletter

Updates : NATIONAL AMILA 2015 - 2016

Office Bearers Name

National Sadr Anjum Khan Sahiba

Naib Sadr- 1 Tamseela Saleh Sahiba

Naib Sadr- 2 Amtul Naseer Sahiba

Naib Sadr- 3 Nisha Ali Sahiba

General Secretary Muneeba Muneer Ahmed Sahiba

Assistant General Secretary 1 Farah Khan Sahiba

Assistant General Secretary 2 Naushan Ahmed Sahiba

Secretary Talim Abida Mubbashir Sahiba

Secretary Tarbiyyat Amtul Naseer Sahiba

Secretary Tarbiyyat Nau Mubaeen Mah e Nau Sahiba

Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq Rubina Malik Sahiba

Secretary Maal Amtul Hafeez Sahiba

Auditor Ainul Khan Sahiba

Secretary Nasirat Amtul Malik Najm Sahiba

Secretary Sanat-Wa-Dastkari Asia Maryam Sahiba

Secretary Tabligh Tamseela Saleh Sahiba

Secretary Isha’at Sabeeha Farooq Sahiba

Secretary Sehat-e-Jismani Zubeen Rahim Sahiba

Secretary Tehrik-e-Jadid/ Atia Ahmad Sahiba

Secretary Waqfe Jadeed Nafisa Mehmood Sahiba

Secretary Diyafat Razia Younis Sahiba

Secretary Tajnid Aisha Mirza Sahiba

Moavin Sadr Students Association Maria Maqbool Sahiba

Muavin Sadr Rishta Nata Rahana Khan Sahiba

Wassiyat Co ordinator Nisha Ali Feroze Sahiba

Moavin Sadr MTA Shehnaz Shah Sahiba

Quarterly Newsletter


By the grace of Almighty Allah, the 31th

National Annual Ijtema of Lajna Imaillah and Nasirat -ul -

Ahmadiyya Australia was held on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th

of October 2015. The National Ijtema consist-

ed of various Talimi competitions with Lajna members participating enthusiastically in the competi-

tions. Lajna members were able to derive spiritual knowledge from the Ijtema, taking this

knowledge with them to incorporate in their daily activities.


Sport competitions were held on all the three days. The final competitions between all interstate

Majalis formed a part of the sport competitions. Competitions of sports included Badminton, variety

relay and tug of war.


National Majlis-e-Shura of Lajna Imaillah Australia was also held on the 2nd

October 2015, the first

day of Ijtema. The pro-posed topics for this year’s Majlis-e-Shura included:

Proposal 1: An action plan should be prepared to build stronger relationships amongst Lajna Imail-

lah members.

To maintain contact and relationship with the Jama’at, Lajna Imaillah members should meet and

greet each other with love and harmony. As the Jama’at increases in number, it is the responsibility

of each Lajna Imaillah member to display positive attitudes towards each other to create bonds of


Proposal 2: Majlis-e-Shura should consider significant practical measures to bring harmony within

families to minimise family breakdown.

An action plan should be prepared outlining the measures that can be taken to prevent the break-

down of marriage and families. An action plan should be prepared detailing how the topic of family

harmony can be better addressed during Lajna activities, in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Proposal 3: Jihad bin Nafs (struggle against the self)

To educate Lajna Imaillah members to struggle against evil ideas and desires, and placing all of

them under the dictates of reason and faith in obedience to God’s commandments. We have to

find out the strategies to which can help oneself in this great Jihad.

Proposal 4: Lajna Imaillah members should be educated about Islamic faith so that they can preach

Islam and Ahmadiyyat to the wider community

In order to convey the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat, Lajna Imaillah members should hold

knowledge of Islamic faith. Some members born in Ahmadi families lack knowledge about the reli

Quarterly Newsletter

Continued ...

gion; hence an action plan should be devised so that the knowledge is acquired, and that

knowledge can then be conveyed for Tabligh purposes.

Proposal 5: Finance

More than 100 Shura members from all Australia Majalis attended the Shura. Alhamdolillah. Discus-

sion was helpful to get practical suggestions to implement the proposals.


The Talimi competitions began on the second day of Ijtema, the 3rd of October 2015. The first ses-

sion was presided by Qanita Kauser Sahiba. The session began with the recitation of the Holy

Quran, followed by its translation in English and Urdu. Respected Sadr Sahiba of Lajna Imaillah Aus-

tralia then led all Lajna members in reciting the Lajna pledge. The Nasirat pledge was then recited,

led by the National Secretary Nasirat. This was then followed by Nazm and an address by President

Lajna Imaillah Australia. The objective of human life was highlighted in the address. The message

received by Beloved Hudhur e Anwar on the occasion of the Ijtema was also read to the Lajna Imail-

lah Australia.

The first Talimi competition of the Ijtema was Tilawat competition for both Level I Lajna Imaillah

and Level II Lajna Imaillah. This was followed by Nazm competition of Level I and English Speech

competitions for level II.

The next session was Urdu speech competition for both levels. The Annual Report of Lajna Imaillah

Australia was presented by the assistant General Secretary in this session which contained a brief

summary of the activities of Lajna Imaillah Australia throughout the past year. It allowed Lajna

members to appreciate the works that the Lajna members of Australia are undertaking.

Our next session was a Tarbiyyati session, during which speeches in Urdu and English on the topics

of Namaz were delivered. Then a panel discussion was conducted on the topic of ‘Purdah and Eti-

quettes of dressing’

Lajna Imaillah had the opportunity to take part in Mushaira which was organised after salat and din-

ner. Lajna members participated and enjoyed Mushaira very much. The day concluded with Dua.

The final day of Ijtema presided by Sheerin Taseer Sahiba. The session commenced with Quran Ti-

lawat and Nazm. This was followed by English Speech competitions for level I. The spontaneous

speech competition was the final competition for this Ijtema. The participants had all prepared ex-

ceptionally well for all the competitions.

Quarterly Newsletter

A speech was delivered by the Secretary Rishta Nata, Lajna Imaillah Australia, on ‘How to have a

successful marriage’, which focused on the rights and responsibilities of the husband and wife.

An address from Huzur e Anwar, dated, August 22 2015, on Jalsa Salana UK

was shown on the screen for all Lajna and Nasirat members to benefit from.


Prizes were then distributed to Nasirat for their Talimi competitions, for those who participated in

the sport competitions and Lajna members who participated in the Talimi competitions. The Best

Majlis Certificates and Shields were also distributed according to the Best Majlis in each department

and the Overall Region was also awarded with a Certificate and Shield. This year Region Victoria re-

ceived Overall Best Region Award 2014-2015 due to its tremendous efforts throughout the year.

Mash Allah.

The Ijtema concluded with final remarks by National President Lajna Imaillah Australia and silent


The Book Stall, Food Stall, Exhibition and a Rishta Nata Marquee were also organised by Lajna

Imaillah during the breaks of Ijtema,

MashAllah all the volunteer workers of the National Ijtema performed their duty with great effort.

May Allah Almighty continue to shower his unlimited blessings on Lajna Imaillah of Australia and

enable us all to work together in serving the Jamaat. Ameen


Refresher course for the National Maljis e Amila was held on the Saturday 14th of November. The

main aspects were:

The folders containing Annual Program for all departments for the year 2015-2016 and the

most updated report form for all departments were given /sent to all Regional / Majalis presi-


The National Secretary of each department presented their annual program, report forms and

any other details they wish to inform regarding their department through a power point


A group discussions between Majalis representatives with the national secretaries was held to

understand the implementation and reporting the new year programs

Continued ...

Quarterly Newsletter


By the Grace of Allah the Almighty, Lajna members from all over Australia made an extraordinary effort to go

out of the way and spread the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat to as many people as possible.

Alhamdolillah they participated with great zeal in the first ever Tabligh Day held on Saturday 24th and Sun-

day 25th of October, 2015.

All members were informed of the event and were motivated to participate on the day in whatever capacity

they could manage. Some members took advantage of Jamaat literature and pamphlets to initiate discus-

sions with their contacts. Alhamdolillah majority of Lajna members participated with great zeal to spread the

true message of Islam.

According to the reports received so far, following activities formed the highlights of this Tabligh Weekend;

Message of Islam conveyed to 3563 non-Ahmadi friends.

3051 pamphlets and other Jamaat literature were distributed.

5 books were given to contacts.

20 Letters were written to HuzoorABA for prayers

3 lajna members kept a fast for the sole purpose of Tabligh and asking Allah for guidance and help.

37 lajna members prepared special food for their neighbours and distributed amongst them along

with introduction to Jamaat letters or pamphlets.

50 non-Ahmadi friends were invited at home. Introduction was given about Jamaat website and MTA,

explaining them that we are peace loving people and want to spread the message of Islam to the

world. “Love for All & Hatred for None” being our motto and prime objective.

Various topics discussed include;

Introduction to Islam and Ahmadiyyat






Difference between Ahmadi and non-Ahmadi

Jamaat website

Death of Jesus

Terrorism - (Explaining that the current reflection being portrayed by the radicalism is unreal, rather

Islam is a peaceful religion and our motto is ‘Love for all hatred for none’)

We are thankful to Allah that we had this opportunity to spread the message of true Islam and pray that May

Allah the Almighty make our humble efforts fruitful.

Quarterly Newsletter


By the Grace of Allah the 1st Waqf-e-nau National Annual Ijtema 15 and over (Australia) was held

on the 21st and 22

nd of November 2015 at the ‘Bait ul Huda' Mosque in Sydney. By the grace of Al-

lah, Waqfaat from Brisbane and Sydney attended this event with immense enthusiasm and zeal.

A total of 24 Waqfaat attended Ijtema and 18 Waqfaat participated in Ijtema , the participants

names are as follows:

First Session

The day began at 9:00am with the opening session starting with the recitation of Holy Quran fol-

lowed by Nazm and at 9:40 the National Sec. Waqf e nau Atta ul Awal Nasir Sahib gave instructions

regarding ijtema to all Waqfeen and Waqfaat and then Respected Ameer Sahib gave an Address to

all Waqfaat and Waqfeen, after this combined session Waqfaat started their programme separately.

The first session comprised of Tilawat competition, Nazm competition, Urdu speech competition,

Hifz e Quran and English speech competition.

The first session concluded with Zohar prayer 1:00 pm and then lunch was served.

Mamoona Sohail

Atifa Tariq

Saira Arshad

Fouzia Nigar

Sofia Mahmood

Durdana Mazhar

Atifa Mahmood

Saleha Dawood

Rahat Naseer

Sara Ahmed

Nadia Qadeer

Maryam Ghayoor

Mansoora Ahmed

Kamila Mahmood

Mubashara Noor

Naila Ahmad

Rufia Ahmad

Zubia Majeed

Hiba Tul Erum

Baria Nayab

Quarterly Newsletter

Continued ...

Second Session

The second session was a combined session with a Career Guidance workshop in which Murrabi

Silsila and representatives from teaching, engineering and medical professions provided infor-

mation related to their field.

In this session waqfaat sent some questions, and questions are given below:

How can a chemical engineer contribute to the Jamat?

What career should Waqfaat choose?

Mubaligheen are sent to different countries, under what circumstances are/can girls be sent?

This was followed by a Waqfaat Class With Respected National Sadr Sahiba. The structure of the

class was as follows,

Tilawat by Mansora Ahmad (Surah Al-Baqrah verses 207-211)

Hadith by Maimoona Sohail (Hadeeqa tus Salihin Hadith no 340)

Nazm by Atifa Tariq (Nonehalan-e –jamat)

Malfoozat by Fouzia Nigar (Volume 10)

Speech (Part 1) By Saira Ahmad ‘Serving the Faith ia a Blessing of Allah’

Speech (Part 2) by Durdana Mazhar

Then all Waqfaat listened to a Waqf e Nau class with Hazoor ATBA, followed by Asr prayer at

4:30pm. After Asr prayer Respected Ameer sahib delivered a speech highlighting the significance of

Waqf and Waqfe Nau’s responsibilities towards their Waqf.

After this speech Waqfaat continued class with Respected Sadr Sahiba, and all Waqfaat gave their

introductions to Respected Sadr Sahiba. This class was concluded with a short address by respected

Sadr Sahiba and lead to the next Ilmi Muqabilajat of extempore speech.

Sports competitions were the last activities planned for the Waqfaat for the day which started at

around 6:00pm. All Waqifaat participated in sports with enthusiasm and zeal as well, the following

games were the part of our sports competition;

Musical chairs

Observation (memory game)

Message Relay

Games were very well organized by Nazima sport Saira Arshad Sahiba.


session ended with Maghrib prayer.

Quarterly Newsletter

Continued ...

Third Session

The session started with Quran Tilawat and a Nazm. This session was comprised of a quiz competi-

tion and prize distribution. The quiz competition started at 9:30pm with a total of 5 participants.

The last session included prize distribution, Respected National Sadr Lajna distributed prizes among

all position holders, special prizes were given among those Waqfaat who made special efforts to

make the Ijtema successful.

At the end of this session Waqfaat had a combined session for Respected Amir Sahib’s concluding

address and Dua

All Waqfaat were able to give appropriate time and attention to their Tarbiyyat and the purpose of

their presence at the Ijtema.

In the concluding session Respected Ameer sahib delivered his speech, he mentioned in his speech

that all Waqfeen and Waqfaat should offer five daily prayers with congregation, read Quran daily

with translation, read Jamat books regularly and serve in Jamat.

The Waqf e Nau Ijtema concluded with a silent prayer.

Report by Shazia Azwer

Quarterly Newsletter

Report : 31st JALSA SALANA AUSTRALIA, 2015

By the grace of Almighty Allah, the Jalsa Salana Australia was as successful in all regards. Lajna and

Nasirat were able to listen and watch the proceedings of the Jalsa in the Khilafat Hall and derived

spiritual knowledge from the program, taking this knowledge with them to incorporate in their daily

activities. The total attendance of the Lajna on the day was 1000 Lajna and Nasirat.

Ladies session - 3.30pm 26th December 2015

Day two of Jalsa Salana consisted of the Ladies session held simultaneously alongside the men’s

proceedings. The session commenced with recitation from Holy Quran chapter 33 al Ahzab verse

36 by Sister Maimoona Sohail followed by Urdu and English translation by Sister Kamila Mehmood.

Following this was a recitation of an Urdu poem from Kalam Sayyeda Nawab Mubaraka Beghum

Sahiba recited by Sister Saima Fazeel, with the English translation given by Sister Nida Mubashar.

The first speech of the day was an English speech about marriage in Islam by Sister Salma Karim,

Regional President of Lajna Canberra. She talked about how people are created in pairs in order to

further the human race and in order to uphold piety and righteousness, marriage is a must. She

mentioned various verses from the Quran which depicts the purpose and importance of marriage.

She further discussed how the shift in gender equality breeds many issues in marriage, for example,

when one party feels they are more important in the relationship, it causes an imbalance of power

and hence arguments ensue. Important factors to maintain a peaceful marriage were then men-

tioned, these being: Justice, Fairness, Equality and Fulfillment of equal rights. She stated that mar-

riage in Islam is, above all, a partnership based on equality. She then went on to talk about the pur-

pose and process of nikah and haq mehr and then ended her speech with a verse from the Holy


The second speech was an English speech about hijab being an honour and protection for women

and this was presented by sister Najm us Sehar. She first mentioned that the Hijab means to con-

ceal or to cover and that it is not unique to Islam; the Bible has also taught about the veil much be-

fore Islam even came into the world. She talked about how the Quran says the veil applies to both

the male and female, whereas the Bible, book of St. Paul, says that the veil is mans authority over a

woman and that the Quran further states the veil is a protection for woman from adultery and scan-

dal mongering. She went on to talk about the different types of hijab; Internal hijab - of the eyes,

External hijab - of the head, and hijab of tongue – of one’s speech. The speaker then talked about

when and how and from whom a woman must veil herself and then recited Quranic verses in which

Quarterly Newsletter

Continued …

it directs men to lower their eyes first then instructs woman to veil herself. She further went on to

discuss how the objectification of woman in western advertising increases sales as it attracts the at-

tention of males, showing females as tools for man and how the veil protects from many social ills.

She stated how a woman should always conduct herself with dignity and how the hijab protects a

woman from society’s superficial expectations of beauty. She concluded her speech talking about

how the ethics of the veil do not change with culture race or society, and how it applies to both

man and woman as Islam is a religion for all people. Sister Abida Mubashar, National Lajna Secre-

tary Taleem, then presented the Urdu summary of this speech.

The third speech of the day was an Urdu speech titled Tarbiyat e Aulaad (mother’s responsibility) by

Sister Amatul Naseer, National Lajna Secretary Tarbiyyat. She opened her speech with a recitation

from the Holy Quran Surah Tahreem, verse 7. She talked about how a child is a gift from God who

is in your care, and one must show their gratitude to God by doing their utmost to raise the child

with love for Allah. She went on to talk about how the mother and father are both given integral

roles in the upbringing of the child, but the mother has been given a much more important role to-

wards her child as she is the most important role model for her child. She further talked about how

parents must constantly guide their children in matters of etiquettes and pray for virtuous children

and that we must not forget that they are our future generation and identity. She then ended her

speech praying that may God Almighty help us to perform our responsibilities as mothers in an ap-

propriate manner. An English translation of the speech was then presented by sister Ainul Khan.

There was then a brief break in the speeches with a group Nazm presented by Nasirat, led by Ma-

heen Ashfaq.

The fourth speech of the day was on the Role of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the ad-

vancement of peace by sister Henna Ahmedi. She commenced with the Muslim greeting, Assalam o

Alaikum which means peace be upon you. She talked about how Islam means peace, purity and

submission to God and that our role as Muslims is to spread peace to every corner of the earth. She

went on to discuss the meaning of peace in terms of self, social and economic peace and then

talked about how the Holy Prophets (saw) noble mission was to spread peace to the whole world.

She further talked about the Promised Messiah’s (as) developments in peace and how he had stat-

ed that Jihad of the sword has ended and that now is the time of Jihad of the pen. She went on to

talk about how he spread the message of peace through his books and that he said "To establish

peace it is essential to adopt Gods attributes to the best of their abilities." She then went on to talk

Quarterly Newsletter

Continued ...

about all the khulfas’ developments in the way of peace, talking about their books, speeches and

various other accomplishments. The efforts of Jamat Australia in promoting peace within Australia

through various charity works and peace symposiums was then presented followed by a talk about

the Ahmadiyya Peace Prize, which is an award (10,000 pounds) given to an individual recognised for

their efforts in promoting peace around the world. She then concluded her speech with a snippet of

Huzurs (atba) address to the Dutch parliament.

A group Nazm led by Shafia Mirza was then presented, followed by the fifth speech of the day titled

Status of women in Islam by sister Syeda Mansoora Sajjad Sahiba, Lajna President Region Brisbane.

She commenced her speech with a recitation from the Holy Quran, Surah Nahl, verse 98 followed

by a discussion about how women’s rights have been a greatly debated topic for the last hundred

years and how Islam has faced much criticism in this regard. She went on to discuss how Islam com-

prehensively covers women’s rights and responsibilities placing great emphasis on their protection

and that Islam shields women in all aspects of their life. She talked about how time and again Islam

has emphasized the rights of married women and that men have been commanded to give women

dowry. She talked about how women have the right to choose any profession and trade for them-

selves as long as it safeguards their chastity; however men have been made responsible for provid-

ing for the household. She then concluded her speech stating that in the Quran, on two separate

occasions, God has chosen women to be an example and model for all mankind.

An Award distribution ceremony was then held for the Lajna and Nasirat Annual Exhibition, fol-

lowed by the closing address by National Sadr Lajna, sister Anjum Khan about how Righteousness is

the root of every virtue. She commenced her speech with a recitation from the Holy Quran, chapter

91, verses 10-11 then presented a quote of the Promised Messiah (as): “the root of everything good

is Taqwa (fear of God) in whatever action this root is not lost, that action will never be devoid or fu-

tile”, basically an action which contains even an iota of Taqwa shall not be wasted. She then went on

to talk about the meaning of Taqwa and its blessings, followed by a discussion on the ways to be-

come righteous, these being: Perfect conviction in God, The Holy Quran, Prayer and supplication

and Obedience to Allah. She then concluded her address with a prayer from Huzur (atba) that may

we do everything in light of love and fear of God and may we have such divine knowledge instilled

in us which burns away all of our sins and we fulfill the objectives of the Promised Messiah’s (as) ad-

vent. May God enable us to put all this into practice and understand its spirit. Ameen.

Quarterly Newsletter


By the grace of Allah Almighty, Lajna Adelaide West held their very first women’s bazaar on the 6th

of June 2015 at Mehmood Mosque.

The day was ideal with women who were treated with hand masseurs, manicurists, threading, henna

painting and other beauty services. Traditional dishes such as samosas, curries, biriyani, aloo kebab

and more were available. There was also a gourmet cake & sweets stall to indulge yourself in, which

included a mix of traditional and western sweets. All food was prepared by Lajna.

In addition, guests enjoyed the stalls for books, plants and herbs, clothes, jewelry & bed sheets. The

book stall was a special success, with a record breaking 38 books sold, as the non-Ahmadi guests

took great interest in these. This allowed us to achieve our main aim of the function – which is to

introduce Ahmaddiyat to the Western society.

At the women’s bazaar was also a wedding display on show to admire. And to add to the energy of

the day, there was a fun photo booth & a science corner for mothers and children to get a bit of

Quarterly Newsletter

hands on fun and learning. The event received great publicity and was listed on weekend notes,

which is an online forum with over a million readers every month. Alhamdollillah the women’s ba-

zaar attracted an estimated 200 guests & approximately 100 Lajna members. Amongst the guests

were two dignitaries, namely Angela Keneally, Mayor of Charles Sturt Council and Penny Wong, the

leader of opposition.

A great amount of planning went into organizing this event & in the end prayers, hard work and

determination of the lajna made the event a great success (AH).

Report by Nirmal Rana

Continued …

Quarterly Newsletter

The Sehat - e Jismani department of Majlis Melbourne South organised a picnic on the 30th of Au-

gust at the Australia Botanic Garden in Cranbourne. The picnic was attended by a total of 55 Lajna

and 6 Nasirat. A single dish of food was requested to be prepared by every halqa in the Majlis for

lunch. Lunch was served at 2:30 pm which followed a prize distribution, awarding those members

who had been regular in monthly meetings. Following the prize distribution, the Secretary Sehat—e

Jismani, Saleha Usman Sahiba urged the Lajna members to participate in any type of sport or any

other physical activity such as walking etc. This was implemented as many Lajna began playing bad-

minton and some chose to participate in a group walk.

By the grace of Allah, the day turned out to be successful, as the weather was pleasant and the La-

jna and Nasirat participated enthusiastically and had quite fun time. Sadr Sahiba concluded the

event at 4:30 with dua.

Report by Ayesha Rehan


Dear Readers, Assalamualikum

The quarterly newsletter is published thrice a year and so all Lajna and Nasirat are strongly encour-

aged to send in their report anytime throughout the year including news and reports on individual

achievements, majalis activities etc.

To submit your work for publication in the upcoming newsletter please contact your Majlis Secre-

tary Publications (Ishaat).

Wassalam, The Editor
