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Quarterly Winter 2010 Edition

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Tasburgh Quarterly
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Winter 2010 No. 021 Tasburgh Quarterly & Church News Inside this issue: Tasburgh Art Exhibition – the write up. New play equipment for Tasburgh. Events for the festive season.
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Winter 2010 No. 021

Tasburgh Quarterly& Church News

Inside this issue:

Tasburgh Art Exhibition – the write up. New play equipment for Tasburgh.Events for the festive season.

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Tasburgh Quarterly and Church News - Winter 2010


Useful Contacts

Parish CouncilChairman Mr Dave Moore 01508 471041Parish Council Clerk Mrs Julie King 01508 470759

District Councillor Michelle Monck 01508 550860County Councillor Alison Thomas 01508 530652

Norfolk Police Emergency 999 Non-emergency 0845 4564567Safer Neighbourhood Team [email protected]

ChurchReverend Chris Martin 01508 470768Reverend Adrian Miller Inc Church News 01508 498317Parochial Church Council Mrs Pat Crowley 01508 471228Yellow Pages Mrs Julia Orpin 01508 470983

Village HallChair Deborah Sacks 01508 471002Booking Secretary Mrs Sheila Plunkett 01508 470485Village Hall 01508 471189

Preston Primary School 01508 470454

Village GroupsPlayschool Mr Dan Giacomelli 01508 470488Scout Group Mr Don Proudfoot 01508 471408Social Club Mr Don Proudfoot 01508 471408Netball Club Mrs Rebecca Heaser 01603 812472Tasburgh Tots Mrs Melanie Goodall 01508 470195Players Mr Steve Beckett 01508 471198Eurolink Mr Steve Beckett 01508 471198Coffee Pot and Crafts Mrs Shirley Brooks 01508 470369St Mary’s Guild Mrs Margaret Madgett 01508 471525Mill Inn Football Club Mr Martin Brookes 01508 471021Fitness Club (Over 50's) Mrs Ann Gibbins 01508 470225Fat Dad’s Football Mr Bill Wheeler 01508 471633

Inaccuracies or omissions? Call me, Julie King 01508 470759

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Parish Council meetings are now back to the third Tuesday of themonth, in the Village Hall at 8pm (refreshments available from7.30pm). Planning Meetings, if required, are usually held on thefirst Tuesday of the month, in the Village Hall Committee Room at7pm. Agendas are posted on the village notice boards and thewebsite at least three days beforehand.

Public are welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings; there’san opportunity to speak or ask questions.

Please note, if you would like an item to appear on the agenda,details must be sent to the Clerk at least eight days before themeeting.  The Council is unable to make a decision on anythingnot included on the agenda but can discuss newly raised mattersand refer them to the next meeting.

Minutes of meetings are posted on the website or are availablefrom the Clerk.

Parish Council Surgeries

Councillors are always willing to discuss any issues with you; theircontact details are on page 6. In addition, Councillors areavailable on the evenings of their main council meetings (thirdTuesday of the month) between 7.30pm and 8pm during whichtime refreshments are served.

Tasburgh Parish Council,Serving the Village of Tasburgh

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Tasburgh Parish Council

Parish Council Activities

Planning Policy, Site Specific Consultation

Thank you to all of you who took the time to come along to ourconsultation event on Saturday 6th November. Tasburgh ParishCouncil have now submitted their response to South Norfolk Council.This won’t be the last time that the Parish Council or you as residentsof South Norfolk will have the opportunity to feed into South NorfolkCouncil’s Local Development Framework, the collection of policydocuments that will shape the future development in South Norfolkup to 2026. If you would like to learn more details can be found onthe Parish Council or South Norfolk Councils website or via the ParishClerk, contact details on page 6.

Helping One Another

Whilst welcoming a new Community Emergency Co-ordinator (moredetails in the next Quarterly) Tasburgh Parish Council will be

Parish Council Chairman, Dave Moore, preparing for theConsultation event on 6th November.

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Tasburgh Parish Council

considering its response to non-emergency situations. In themeantime we ask for your help. As winter approaches it can be alonely and isolating time for some. Please be aware and keep an eyeout for those less fortunate than yourselves who may need support.Sometimes a friendly visit or a small amount of practical help is allthat is needed. If there is cause for concern, in the first instance, thePolice non-emergency number should be the one to use – 08454564567.

Elections 2011

Parish Councillors are elected for a four-year term and the next ParishCouncil elections will take place in May 2011. Parish Councils have awide range of responsibilities, from the right to make representationson planning applications and the future development of the village toproviding facilities for the village such as Burrfeld Park, they makedecisions that affect your everyday life. If you would like to make adifference and would be interested in becoming a Parish Councillor,or know someone who would, please consider finding out more. Thecontact details of the current Councillors and the Parish Clerk can befound on page 6 or you could come along to a meeting.

A large print version of theTasburgh Quarterly andChurch News is availableupon request. Pleasecontact Julie King on470759.

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Contacting the Parish Council

If you would like to know more, have any comments about TasburghParish Council and its work or you have any issues you wish to beraised, please contact one of the Councillors or the Parish Clerk.


Dave Moore 16 Henry Preston Road 471041 [email protected]

Vice-chairGeoff Merchant 14 Orchard Way 470606 [email protected]

CouncillorsBrian Hill 8 Harvey Close 471011 [email protected]

Tony Lacey 1 Grove lane 470870 [email protected]

John Mann Bullswater Cottage, Low Road 470469 [email protected]

Don Proudfoot Aprilia Lodge, Saxlingham Lane 471408 [email protected]

Keith Read Thornly Barn, Saxlingham Lane 470229 [email protected]

Deborah Sacks Glebe Cottage, Low Road 471002 [email protected]

Lenny Thompson 22 Woodland Rise [email protected]


Julie King 22 Henry Preston Road, Tasburgh 470759 [email protected]



Tasburgh Parish Council

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Dog Fouling, the Consequencesand the Penalties

Penalties for dog fouling

The whole of South Norfolk is covered by the Dogs (Fouling ofLand) Act 1996, which makes it an offence not to clear up afteryour dog on any area of land that is open to the public, with a fewexceptions.

Offenders can be issued with a fixed penalty notice of £50 or iftaken to court the fine is up to £1,000. To say you were unawarethat your dog had fouled is not a reasonable excuse, meaning thatdogs should be exercised under direct supervision at all times.

Toxocara canis

Toxocara canis is a roundworm found in dogs. Roundworm eggs arefound in dog mess, which can easily be picked up by youngchildren. This causes stomach upsets, sore throats, asthma and inrare cases blindness. The eggs can remain active in the soil formany years, long after the dog mess has weathered away.

Advice for dog owners

If your dog fouls in a public place, you must clean up the messunder the Dog Act 1996. Always carry a poop scoop, which is aspecially designed plastic shovel, or a bag to carry the mess to adog bin. If there isn't a dog mess bin, takeit home and dispose of it there.

Dog owners should not allow their pets tofoul at random in public areas. Toilet train-ing at puppy stage helps. If possible, youshould encourage your dog to use yourgarden - you can then either bury themess or flush it down the toilet. Do notput dog mess in green garden waste bagsor rubbish bins.

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Burrfeld Park

Well, we had another great Burrfeld Park volunteer day on 7th

November. Over 18 adults and a few children got stuck into clearingsome of this summer’s growth. The warm wet summer has meantthat some things have grown a little too well! Our aim is to provide adiversity of habitats as this gives the most benefit for wildlife. Wehave deliberately left some areas undisturbed, as these areas aregreat for all kinds of wildlife, especially during the cold wintermonths. They provide much-needed winter food, safe places forhibernation of insects such as ladybirds, and cover for smallmammals. If we have another winter like last year with lots of snow,the benefit of not having tidy short mown lawns everywhere is thatmany small mammals and invertebrates are able to survive under-neath the snow when sufficiently held off the ground by a thick layerof vegetation.

In my last article I wrote about the vast variety of moths and butter-flies locally. These are fascinating creatures which have evolved withvery different approaches to survive the winter months. Some suchas the tortoiseshell will hibernate as adult butterflies in sheds orhollow trees, but most will be hidden in vegetation in some form,some such as the the elephant hawk moth will hibernate ascaterpillars, others will spend the winter as a chrysalis, safelydormant waiting to emerge with wings in the early summer, andothers will lay the next generation of eggs in late summer which willbe able to survive the winter cold and then hatch into caterpillars inthe spring. If we cut everything down and remove it, despite theirattempts at survival we lose them all.

However, sometimes we do need to remove vegetation, and this isparticularly true of the wildflower meadow which is being developedin the western corner. Gardeners will be well aware of the benefitsof providing food and nutrients to get the biggest and best fruit andflowers, but a wildflower meadow isn’t looking to develop the

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Burrfeld Park

biggest and best, it wants variety. If there are nutrients available thestrong quick growers (the thugs of the plant world) – like stingingnettle – quickly grow and dominate. However, if there are nonutrients available, the thugs don’t have the resources to take over,everything has to struggle to survive, no single plant dominates anddiversity reigns. Therefore it is extremely important that thevegetation in the wildflower meadow is cut and removed, before ithas a chance to rot down and release nutrients back into the soil.Constant cutting and removal of green growth will see a reduction inthe nutrients available in the soil, which in turn should provide uswith a greater variety of flowering plants.

Burrfeld Park is a long-term project which will develop over thecoming years, and it will be interesting to watch the changes eachyear. There is, however, still work to do and we are going to try hav-ing monthly volunteer days to give more people a chance to get in-volved. The next dates have been set as:

Sunday 5th DecemberSunday 9th JanuarySunday 6th February

Everyone is welcome, no experience is required – we can find a taskfor everyone – just turn up in sensible footwear and gardening gloves(we have a lot of bramble and thistle and uneven ground). Thevolunteer days are very friendly, we only work for 2 hours (10 -12),and we stop for tea and biscuits and a chat half way through. Hope tosee you there.

Angela [email protected]

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If you are interested in knitting, be it beginner or more advanced,then come and join us. We run every other Thursday at TasburghVillage Hall from 7-9pm.

For more details please ring Denise Kitchen on 470732.

If anyone has any scraps of wool they want to donate to our club,we would really appreciate it as we knit items for charities.

Father Christmas

Father Christmas will be paying his annual visit to Tasburgh onChristmas Eve, 24th December. He will be in the Church Porchbetween 6pm and 7pm.

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Tasburgh United Charities

The Trustees of Tasburgh United Charities would like to remindparishioners that they have available each year a certain amountof money to be applied in helping the residents of the Parish who,regardless of their age and for whatever reason, find themselves inneed of financial help.

Assistance can be given by outright grant towards generalexpenses, by contribution towards a particular expense, atemporary loan or by purchases of equipment for use. Items offurther education will also be considered. Remember, the money isthere for use by any resident of Tasburgh. All applications areconsidered in the strictest confidence.

If your circumstances are not already known to the Trustees andyou feel that they might be able to help you please contact theSecretary:

Mrs. E Cortis,Keepers Cottage, Dunston, Norwich, NR14 8PF(01508) 470478

or one of the trustees:

Mrs. Pam Moore,16 Henry Preston Road, Tasburgh,471041

Mr. Keith Read,Thornly Barn, Saxlingham Lane,470229

Mr. Ben Goodfellow,Rookery House, Saxlingham Lane,470668

Mr. Geoff Merchant,14 Orchard Way, Tasburgh,470606.

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Tasburgh Village Hall

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Art Exhibition in Tasburgh Village Hall

The fourth art exhibition held in Tasburghover the first weekend of November wasagain a very popular event.

It was an opportunity for amateur andprofessional artists alike to exhibit theirworks of art, some for the first time, withmany different styles and mediums.

This art exhibition was part of a number offundraising events for the Village HallDevelopment Project and was generouslysupported by the Hempnall Art Club.

It was well supported by both local residents and those from fartherafield, as word had got out about the delicious home-made soups andcakes. I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to its great success,to the lifters and movers of those really heavy presentation boards,(the risk assessment says only lift one at a time!), the receivers anddistributors of the pictures at the end of the exhibition – always aworry that someone gets the wrong piece of art – the sales deskladies, those that sat and froze by the front door, the social club staff,the cake and soup makers and finally the ladies who worked tirelesslyfor 2 days in the kitchen, producing wonderful things to eat. In all, theevent raised just over £1130 so once again many thanks to every onewho supported this by either givingfreely of time or by spending yourhard-earned pennies.

Julie Lawrence,Tasburgh Village Hall Committee

Tasburgh Village Hall

Artwork from some of the Children ofPreston Primary School, Tasburgh wasexhibited.

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Tasburgh Village Hall

The Village Hall Years –Finance comes full circle

Village Hall Treasurer, Tony Lacey, compares the finances of the 80’sto today.

When I was elected Treasurer of Tasburgh Village Hall earlier thisyear, one of my first tasks was to prepare the hire rates for 2011. TheUser Groups like to have this information as early as possible to makeit easier for them to budget for the following year. As treasurer. it al-so helps you focus on the cost of resources and how you can makethe hire costs palatable for everyone whilst keeping a close eye of thecurrent financial situation and how it affects things like the cost ofelectricity.

Of course, what I did have to help me in setting these rates, asidefrom my predecessor, who was a mine of information, and myfinance committee, was the Village Hall accounts going back to the1980’s. It’s interesting to compare the financial constraints theTrustees were under in those days and our current situation with thecredit crunch. To put things into context, at present, the average costof a house is £176k. Back in the early 80’s (the oldest records I havefrom the Village Hall) the average was £24k – a significant difference.

In those days the user groups consisted of some familiar names – likethe Players, the Parish Council and Playgroup, but also some that areno longer around, like the Monday Club the Youth Club and one ofthe original groups, the WI.

The treasurer of the day wrote to all of the user groups apologisingthat “…due to rising costs it is necessary to increase the hiring fees forthe following year.”

Truly, those groups were going to have to dig deep in their pockets toafford the rates published back in 1980!

Regulars had to fork out an extra 50p as the rate rose to £4, persession for the main hall (remember the small hall hadn’t been built

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back then) But interestingly there was a ‘half rate’ for sessions oftwo hours (£2) which made sense if groups only wanted to hire thehall for part of the day.

Non-regular users (now known as Casual Users) had to stump up £6a session and if you wanted an evening function ‘licensed use’, itwould cost the princely sum of £12 (or £20 for non regulars)

The booking secretary, Mrs Harwood, would collect the hire fees inadvance, and there was also a charge of 10p per chair per day, ifanyone wanted to hire these away from the hall.

A wholesale price list of beer still exists from 1985 with bottles ofWitney’s Pale Ale for 55p and a bottle of Sam Smiths “NourishingStout” costing 70p.

By the mid 80’s some new groups had started using the hall on aregular basis, including a karate club, the bowls club and cubs andscouts had started their one night a week hire on Thursdays. I’mpleased to say they are still going strong!

The Booking Diary still exists from 1988 and shows just how busythe hall was in those days with regulars and casual hire. On

Tasburgh Village Hall

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Saturday 11th June the hall hosted a “teenage disco” from 8-11.15with entrance £1. I can’t think that it was a huge success as I haveseveral hundred tickets left!

The 500 club, as it was in those days, made a big contributiontowards the upkeep of the hall, as it has always done since itsinception back in 1985. It proved much-needed income alongside thehalls only other source of income – hiring. The upkeep of the playingfield was paid for by the Parish Council, who still pay to have the fieldcut regularly. You can find more about the 300 club (its new name)elsewhere in the quarterly.

Having acquainted myself with all of the work of my predecessors,whose job it has been to keep the hall on an even keel, I launched in-to the role with vigour and a certain amount of trepidation. This isn’tthe easiest time to be asking people for more money, or raising rates,but in order for the village hall to survive I had to come up with someplans.

Looking back over the years it was clear that there needed to besome way of repaying the good folk of Tasburgh who, over the years,had supported the work at the hall and also to encourage those whomaybe haven’t used the hall, to do so in the future. It is with this inmind that we have now introduced a special ‘Tasburgh ResidentsRate’, which offers an attractive fee across all of our room hires.

I also wanted to attract smaller user groups to use the hall and wasmindful that a full 5 or 6 hour rate might be too excessive. So, just likein 1980, there is now a 2 hour rate for both of our small rooms forthose groups who maybe only want to meet for a chat, have abusiness meeting, or some other use.

Of course, in today’s modern world people like to use theircomputers and the internet to book holidays, buy goods and servicesand have an ‘electronic’ option over the traditional methods. Thetrustees are well aware of this and I have been researching options to

Tasburgh Village Hall

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provide a simple and safe way for users to view our diary on-line andto make a booking using credit and debit cards.

Our new booking software is already being put through its paces andwill provide all users with a swift and efficient service next year. And,just because we can’t always trust new technology, Sheila can alwaysbe relied upon to maintain a hand-written back-up of everything(thank you Sheila)!

So, if you haven’t used the village hall, remember it’s a resource thatthe whole community can use. The trustees are embarking on someradical plans for the future to provide you with a first-class resourceand you can also support us in many different ways these days, fromtrying your luck winning with the 300 club, or helping us raise fundswhen you shop online.

You really can make a difference!

The Village Hall’s Hire Rates are available to download from:www.tasburghvillagehall.org.uk (click on ‘Hire The Hall’ from themenu)

Tasburgh Village Hall

Tasburgh Village Hall – 300 Club:

September October November1st £30 Mr I Anderson Mrs E Fry Mrs P Wright2nd £20 Mrs Beckett Mr G Watts Mrs G Read3rd £10 Mr C Austin Mr A Oldbury Mr J Harwood4th £10 Mr D Gibbons Mr J Smith Mr C Fleming5th £5 D A Southgate Mr L Thompson Mrs S Alcock

If you would like to make a contribution towards the Village Hall,please join the 300 Club. A form can be found on the Village hallwebsite at www.tasburghvillagehall.org.uk/the-500-club/ orobtained from Tony Lacey on 470870.

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If you have a baby or toddler then why not come and jointhe fun on Wednesday mornings during term time,

10—11.30am in Tasburgh Village Hall.

Each week we meet for play, puzzles, dressing up, craft,stories, chat, refreshments and friendship.

We have 2 ‘Nights Out’ over the term,and a special outing for the children each term.

The Health Visitor runs a clinic on the last Wednesday ofeach month.

£1.50 per family, first session free.

For further details please contactMel Goodall on 470195 orSarah Miller on 471922

If you have a baby or toddler then why not come and jointhe fun on Wednesday mornings during term time,

10—11.30am in Tasburgh Village Hall.

Each week we meet for play, puzzles, dressing up, craft,stories, chat, refreshments and friendship.

We have 2 ‘Nights Out’ over the term,and a special outing for the children each term.

The Health Visitor runs a clinic on the last Wednesday ofeach month.

£1.50 per family, first session free.

For further details please contactMel Goodall on 470195 orSarah Miller on 471922

If you have a baby or toddler then why not come and jointhe fun on Wednesday mornings during term time,

10-11.30am in Tasburgh Village Hall.

Each week we meet for play, puzzles, dressing up, craft,stories, chat, refreshments and friendship.

We have two ‘nights out’ over the term, and a specialouting for the children each term.

The Health Visitor runs a clinic on the last Wednesdayof each month.

£2 per family, first session free.

For further details please contact:Mel Goodall on 470195 or

Rebecca Orford on 471539

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Once again huge thanks to everyone who helped make  TVC2010 such a success.

Don't forget TVC 2011 – Sunday 3rd July 2011.

Tasburgh Village Cricket 2010

Plant Sales 2010

Pauline & Ian would like to thank everybody for their continuedsupport in buying plants & ‘oddments’ throughout the year.We are very pleased to have donated these proceeds, totalling£650.00, to the Church Tower Repair Fund.

Ivan and Di Cooper of Anglian Peugeot Centre, main sponsorsof Tasburgh Village Cricket, present the cheque for

£2065 to Claire Lelievre of Quidenham Hospice.

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The Recreation for All team have been on a roller coaster ride –without leaving Tasburgh! How is this possible? Well, if you havebeen following the fortunes of the RfA group (made up of most ofthe regular users of the Village Hall) you will know that they werefortunate to win a grant from the Playbuilder scheme of £47,000towards new play equipment.

A subsequent change of Government put all that on hold, to thepoint that it seemed that none of the money would be comingTasburgh’s way. The group felt more than a little dejected butcontinued fundraising.

And then two weeks ago came the news that the DfE would bereinstating the grants, albeit at a lower level and at a meeting inearly November it was announced that Tasburgh would be getting£27,500. The group were overjoyed!

Meetings were hastily arranged and battle plans drawn up withprospective suppliers about just what equipment the group couldhave for the money. Children in the village had been consultedabout the sort of equipment earlier in the year and the main pointswere that new equipment should encourage climbing andswinging.

The preferred option is for a large ‘rock’ made of a new sturdymaterial with the appearance of a natural rock which is attachedto several climbing ropes and a ‘natural’ slide at the end. It looksamazing and should ensure that the 8-13 year olds can havesomething that really challenges them!

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But now the real work starts, because this funding requests that allequipment must be installed by the end of March 2011, socontractors will be on site early next year to start digging founda-tions for the new equipment.

This good news has really kick-started the group into other avenuesof funding to complete their dream of totally overhauling theoutside space at the village hall. In order to cater for the other agegroups they are already planning for Festival 2011 after the successof the event this May and organising other fundraising events.

If you would like to join the roller coaster and get involved in anyaspect of Recreation for All, the group would love to hear fromyou! Please contact the Chair, Angela Schug on 01508 470788.

Tasburgh Eurolink

The group had a useful meeting in October when we agreed theprogramme for 2011. We intend to hold our annual wine tastingon the 19th February which will be at the village hall, details willfollow. Our trip to Linden will be from the 29th April and it seemsmost of us will use the Dover to Calais ferry about midday whichis always an enjoyable part of the weekend. Finally we hope tohave a safari supper on the 9th July.

Steve Beckett, Secretary

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Greenest Community Competition"Do you want to make a difference to your local environment?"

"Do you have the ideas but not the money?"

There is £65,000 available to communities in South Norfolk todeliver environmental projects. This comes from a joint projectbetween South Norfolk Council, South Norfolk Alliance and theEnergy Saving Trust.

£50,000 will be awarded to the best projects which will improvethe energy efficiency of private housing. This will enablecommunities to work together to reduce household fuel bills,increase affordable warmth and reduce fuel poverty.

An additional £15,000 from the South Norfolk Alliance will helpdeliver community environmental projects such as communitycomposting schemes, improvements to the energy efficiency ofcommunity buildings or initiatives to improve local biodiversity.

The money will be allocated across three categories according tothe size of the community.

For more information on the competition visit www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/sngc or call South Norfolk Council’s Energy Team on01603 430627.

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Thank you...I would like to say 'A Big Thank You' to everyone who helped mecelebrate my special birthday in September and support my chosencharity, Help For Heroes. All those little brown envelopes raisedwell over £1000 for the special men and women who paid a highprice for risking their lives and will help with their care andrehabilitation now they are home. Many thanks for your kindgenerosity.

Julie Lawrence

Father Christmas's Outfit

Father Christmas has offered the use of his ‘outfit’ for the clubs ororganisations of Tasburgh and surrounding Parishes!!

There is no cost if it is to be used in Tasburgh, just a returnable de-posit of £30. If the club or organisation is outside the village thecost is £40 (plus the returnable deposit of £30).

The suit is not available after 21stDecember, sorry Father Christmas needs itback to ensure it is in tip top condition forthe 24th!!

If you would like to hire the suit pleasecontact the Parish Clerk, Julie King on01508 470759 [email protected] who willcontact Father Christmas on your behalf.

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The police rely on the vigilance of communities and would appealto residents to report all suspicious activity to the police on thefollowing numbers:

999 – emergencies only

0845 456 4567 – Police non-emergency line

0800 555 111 – Crime Stoppers which is anonymous

Norfolk Police

Following our great success in September with Wonders of the WestEnd, we have had a disappointing end to the year. For the secondyear running we have been unable to cast and support a pantomime,and even the idea that we could change the performance dates toFebruary did not change the outcome.

We did have a night with the cast of Wonders reliving the show, therewas a more optimistic outlook which has prompted thecommittee to book dates next May and November for a play and pan-to respectively. We are now looking at scripts and trying toencourage one or two of the group to help direct, which is where weare struggling at the moment.

We are planning a quiz and chips on the 20th November, but againour usual crew may not be able to run the evening, and a pre-Christ-mas social at the Countryman on the 8th December.

We are spreading the word about the group in an effort to get usback on track in 2011. If you know of anyone who might beinterested in joining the group, be it on or off stage, get in touch, wedo need a wide variety of skills to make us tick.

Tasburgh Players

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Specialist School Status

During the summer, even before term had started, we received theexcellent news that we had been re-designated as a specialist schoolfor Maths and Computing. At the foundation of this success is the factthat Government data shows that students at Long Stratton Highschool make more progress in maths than could be expected and thatour ICT results are some of the best in the country.

Exam results

Staff and students are delighted by this year’s exam results. In 2008we achieved 55% 5A*–C and in 2010 this has risen by 21% to 76%.There is a similar picture of improvement for students achieving 5A*–C grades including English and Maths. This has risen from 45% in 2008by 15% to 60% in 2010. I am pleased to report that there has been anincrease of nearly 100% in the number of higher grades achieved byour students. Students and staff were determined to get highergrades, they worked hard, kept believing and achieved their goal.

It is exciting to see the expectations and performance of students, ofall abilities, continue to grow. Students tell me that they are welltaught, are making good progress and believe they can do well. Thisbelief is now being translated more and more into improving examresults. As a school we have tasted success over the last two years,there is no doubt that this will continue in the coming years.

P. Adams, Headteacher

Long Stratton High School

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Mobile Library TimetableDates of visits to Tasburgh 9th December 23rd December 6th January 2011 20th January 3rd February 17th February

Stop Arrival Departure Time TimeValley Road Opposite No. 2 14.40 14.50Valley Road Near No. 27 14.55 15.10Lammas Rd / Henry Preston Rd 15.15 15.30Lammas Rd Near Prior Close 15.35 15.55Orchard Way 16.00 16.10Harvey Close 16.15 16.45

Any queries please telephone 01603 222267.

Long Stratton LibraryOpening Times

Monday: 10.00–1.00; 2.00–5.00; Tuesday: 1.00–7.30; Thursday: 10.00–1.00; 2.00–7.30;

Saturday: 9.00–1.00.

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Preston Primary School

A new school year has begun. The old year 6 children have moved tovarious High Schools and we now have a lively new year 6 ready tocarry on the excellent work of their predecessors. At the lower end ofthe school we have the bright, eager faces of the new intake, whoseem to have settled in happily already.

After-school clubs started on 20th September including Mad Science,games club, skipping club, book club and gardening club. The ICTSuite is also opened for years 2 - 6. With the exception of MadScience and Musical Theatre Club, all clubs are cost free.

Music lessons for drums, flute and violin have begun. Guitar and Key-board lessons are awaiting a new tutor.

The 23rd of September was a ‘Languages Day’ in school with thechildren ’visiting’ France, Germany, Spain and Estonia. In addition, aspecial school lunch was laid on incorporating some of the foods ofthese countries.

A coffee morning was held on 30th September where parents took theopportunity to meet with the Headteacher to ask questions, andideas or share concerns. It was a very well attended and was hopeful-ly a useful session.

The theme for this term is Art, and on Tuesday 5th October the schoolvisited the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Art. The children have beenvery busy with their own art projects and on 7th October there was an

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impressive exhibition of their art in the school hall when picturescould be purchased and framed. Some of the pictures were chosento be included in an Art Exhibition in Tasburgh Village Hall.

Harvest Festival on the afternoon of 15th October was well attendedby parents and friends.

The Friends of Preston Primary School met on 18th October and arekeen to find new members. The friends are a group of parents whoorganise many fund raising events in support of the school. A green-house and classroom cameras were among the benefits the schoolreceived from their efforts and they also funded the whole school tripto the Sainsbury Centre.

School closed for half-term from 25th–29th October.

On Saturday and Sunday 6th and 7th November at Tasburgh VillageHall there was an Art Exhibition which included some of the art bychildren from the school.

Once again we have filled shoe boxes for the Samaritan’s Purseappeal. We had a great response and are waiting to see if we havetopped last year’s total.

Wednesday 17th November was an Open Evening at school. TheFriends of Preston Primary displayed their School Grounds Project,and there was an opportunity to speak to members of the Governingbody and meet our Parent Support Adviser.

On 19th November we will be fundraising for Children in Needorganised by the School Council.

Wednesday 24th November is a Victorian Day at Gressenhall Museumfor the whole school – more about this in the next bulletin.

Christmas break begins at the end of school on Friday 17th December.

A very Happy Christmas to you all from everyone at Preston PrimarySchool.

Preston Primary School

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Pr e- Sch oo l & P lay grou p

T a s V a l l e y

Tas Valley Pre-SchoolAnd Playgroup

Pr e- Sch oo l & P lay grou p

T a s V a l l e y

Offers pre-school education and play for childrenaged 2½ years to school age.

If your child likes painting, sticking, dressing up, walks to see thelambs Tas Valley Pre-School and Playgroup could be for them.

Educationally we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.Children will be introduced to things such as Jolly Phonics and have

the opportunity to use a laptop computer.

Four to six sessions a week are held at Tasburgh Village Halland new for the Autumn term we can now offer

a full day session on Mondays.

Regular Ofsted inspections have reported:“The quality of teaching is very good.”

“There is a happy, working atmosphereand children are eager to learn.”

Qualified, experienced and caring staff.

Close links with Preston Primary School, Tasburgh, and Hapton Pri-mary Schools including some sessions run at the schools just prior to

starting school to help the children to make the transition.

Eligible for government funding for 3 and 4 year olds.We have recently introduced a discounted rate for twins!

For more information or to register a place please contact:

Paula Simmons (registrations) Phone : 01508 470422

e-mail : [email protected]

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Autumn term newsThis term we have been concentrating on Halloween, Guy FawkesNight, and the Hindu festival of Diwali, making masks, Diwa candlesand junk rockets. We will also be looking at some popular stories andfairy tales, recreating these in our role play area, and also investigat-ing ‘how things work’, looking especially at gears, magnets and light.Then we will move on to winter and Christmas activities, with lots offestive crafts and cooking.

Some of you may have already noticed the new toys we have beenbuying, and there are more on the way. We have recently beenawarded a grant from Norfolk County Council to replenish our toysand equipment, many of which were I think older than us! We nowhave a new kitchen for our role play area, a new postbox, garage,fire station and dinosaur park, along with new construction toyswhich have proved very popular already, especially the gears set. Onthe way we have some screens that we can use to divide up the areasin the room, new tables, a light set, a wigwam for creating a cosy ar-ea, and new mats and cushions, as well as puzzles, games and moresmall world and construction toys. All of these should help to createa welcoming and yet challenging environment for your children. (Jillhas also made an extra profit by selling the old toys on eBay!)

Children in Need Day is Friday 19 November, and we shall be makingspecial cakes for the children to sell at the end of the session.

The last day of term will be Friday 17 December, and, as usual, wewill mark this occasion with a party and short nativity play by thechildren. The session will begin as usual at 9.30 and all children arewelcome even if they do not usually attend on a Friday. Then parentswill be invited back at 11.40 to have a mince pie and watch the play.

The next paper skip will be at the Village Hall on Saturday 8 January.All papers, magazines, cardboard, telephone directories etc.gratefully received – please bring these down for us as this raisesvaluable funds.

Tas Valley Pre-School and Playgroup

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Tasburgh Social Club

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Tasburgh Social Club

Tasburgh Social Club is providing you with a wealth of entertainmentthroughout December and January, but for those of you who stillhave reservations, here’s a positive little introduction.

Evolving, in 1994, from the hospitality of the Tasburgh Carpet Bowls team,the purpose of the club today is to provide an environment where theresidents of Tasburgh and its surrounding communities can meet and enjoya variety of entertainment and competitively priced drinks; the income ofwhich [following deductions and retained capital] is used to promote socialand recreational activities within the village of Tasburgh.

The Social Club has at present two Ladies’ Darts teams competing in theSouth Norfolk Ladies’ Darts League and a Pool Team competing in theTunmore South Norfolk League.

Tuesday nights have become known as ‘Grumpy Old Men Night’, while ourSunday Quiz night, on the 3rd Sunday of each month, is very popular withall the teams who regularly attend. The Club also shows a variety of sport-ing events on the large projection system including The Football Champion-ship, Champions League and Europa League.

The Social Club is managed by a strong and tireless volunteer committeewho organize events and staff the bar, and like many businesses areconscious of the issues surrounding global warming. In a small way the clubdoes its bit by sourcing all its drinks and food from local companies within30 miles of Tasburgh, by making every effort to spend its money locally andby refitting its cellars improving chiller efficiency and reducing electricaldemand.

Membership is not by invitation it is open to all, all we ask is a £5 member-ship fee per adult over 18 (Children and OAPs free). A £3 renewal fee is thenpayable annually (Correct Oct 2010).

So whether you’re 18 or 81 you are welcome at Tasburgh Social Club.Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year from us all.

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We have had a busy Half Term, cooking over open fires, raisingmoney for the RNLI and learning basic scouting skills with 100 otherBeavers from the Southern Norfolk District. Next year we will becelebrating 25 years of Beaver Scouting.

Due to a second cub pack being opened after Christmas, I am able toopen the Beaver waiting list again. We meet at Tasburgh Village Hallduring Term time from 5-6.25pm. Beaver Scouts are aged between6-8 years. If you would like your child to go onto the waiting listplease contact me on 01508 471739 or [email protected].

New Cub Pack for Tasburgh

Demand for places in 1st Tasburgh Cub Pack as risen to such a levelthat following on from July's AGM, the leaders and the execcommittee have put plans in place to ensure that scouting inTasburgh continues to flourish.

This means that from January 2011 we will be running two cub packs.The plan is to run both packs on Thursday night at the Village Hall,with Trudy Musgrove, Mike Dawson and Duncan Rae running onepack, and Kirsteen Mills, Sammy Harlow and Graham Pates runningthe second pack. The logistics of this will involve a shared programmeof events, and sometimes we will need to use alternative venues(school, church hall) if we need one pack to have more room. We willtrial this until Easter, and review how it is working throughout theterm. The leadership team for the second pack is NOT a permanent

Tasburgh Scout Group

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Tasburgh Scout Group

solution. Due to other duties within the Scout Group, Kirsteen andGraham will only be able to help until Easter 2011, and Sammy hopesto go to University in September 2011. We will be looking for moreadult leaders to join the team right from the start, allowing them toget to know the Cubs and settle in, ensuring a smooth transfer ofleadership over the next year. Please let Graham Pates know whetheryou would be interested in helping with the new Cub Pack.

This does mean that there will be some space for children who wishto join Cubs to have a place, although priority will be given to currentBeavers. If your child is interested, please contact Graham Pates on01508 471518 for details.

The Autumn term started with a great evening 10-pin bowling withthe Explorer Scouts, a good opportunity for the different age rangesto mix, and we’ve also been Tubing at Norwich Ski Centre (describedas “awesome” by the Scouts!). Other outdoor activities included atreasure hunt around Tasburgh following clues from our Senior PatrolLeaders and a night hike from Tasburgh to Ashwellthorpe. The Scoutshave also been working hard at earning some badges, demonstratingtheir artistic, craft and model-making skills.

October saw our first ever Scout talent show where we had a realvariety of acts – dancing from Charlotte, Storm and Hannah, stand-upcomedy from Emily, a rap from Felix, a circus act from George, a shortperformance from Grace, Jack, Lizzie and Courtney, and a wholerange of musical instruments from Don, Chris, Matthew, Anna, Eve,Katie, Rachel, Rebecca, William, Alexander and Matthew. Apologies ifI have missed anyone out! A special mention should go to our flautistFlorence, whose excellent playing won her first prize. I think that wewere all pleasantly surprised by the quality of the performances forthe entire evening.

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Active Norfolk are asking villages across the county to assemblesquads of players to compete in different sports varying fromArchery, 5-a-side Football, Tennis, Short Mat Bowls, Darts, Table-Tennis, Rounders, Badminton and a Watt Bike Challenge.

They are looking to appoint Village Sport Co-ordinators across theCounty as part of the project. These posts will receive a £300 yearlypayment with a further £200 available for justifiable expenses.There is also the potential for funding to be available to eachco-ordinator to work on any agreed project.

In order to establish the interest in Tasburgh and to encourage anindividual/s to become Village Sport Co-ordinator/s, TasburghParish Council will be hosting a:

Village Games Open Meetingon

Tuesday 11th January8pm

Tasburgh Village HallCome along to learn more and to meet the Rural Sports Develop-ment Officer from South Norfolk.

For further details on the project and to register your interest, visitwww.activenorfolk.org/villagegames.

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Give BloodGive blood at:

Saxlingham Nethergate Village HallBlood mobile - appointments onlyFriday 14th January, 13.00 to 15.30 and 17.00 to 19.00

Hempnall Village HallTuesday 21st December, 13.00 to 15.15 and 16.30 to 1900

Poringland, Budgens SupermarketBlood mobile - appointments advisableMonday 6th December, 13.00 to 15.30 and 17.00 to 19.00Tuesday 15th February, 13.00 to 15.30 and 17.00 to 19.00

Hethersett Village HallThursday 24th February, 13.00 to 15.15 and 16.30 to 19.00

Wymondham Central HallFriday 4th February, 13.00 to 15.15 and 16.30 to 19.00Thursday 17th February, 13.00 to 15.15 and 16.30 to 19.00

For further information, and to book an appointment to give bloodlocally, please contact the 24-hour donor help-line on0300 123 23 23 or log on to www.blood.co.uk.

‘For your entertainment……’Saxlingham Players present a medley of comic sketches, music,song and much more performed by a talented cast of all ages atSaxlingham Nethergate Village Hall on Friday 3rd December andSaturday 4th December at 7-30pm.

So join our Master of Ceremonies for an evening of laughter andentertainment by ringing our Box Office 01508 499369 (9am-9pm)

Tickets £6 concession £5 - Licensed Bar available

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Trading StandardsTop Ten Tips for Christmas Shopping

Did you know you have no automatic right to a refund if you justchange your mind? Or that you may have more rights when youbuy from a catalogue than a shop?

If we all know our rights we can make better decisions and avoidsome of the pitfalls of Christmas shopping. Using feedback fromNorfolk shoppers, Trading Standards has put together a list of 10top tips to help people have a merrier Christmas.

Unwanted presents Shops don’t have to take things back unlessthere’s something wrong with them but often help out of goodwill.Check before you buy and ask if they do gift receipts.

Receipts Proof of purchase is very important if you do need toreturn anything. Put receipts in a safe place as soon as you startshopping.

Check it out Check presents before you wrap them. This avoidsupsets on Christmas day and helps you sort things out quickly withshops if there’s a problem.

Credit Think about paying by credit card for goods over £100. Youmay get extra protection if things go wrong, but make sure youknow the full cost and can afford the repayments.

Debt Don’t let money problems pile up. Free impartial advice atwww.norfolk.gov.uk/managingyourfinances. A booklet, ‘Lookingto the future’ highlights some of the support available locally.Download it from the site or call 0344 800 8020 to get a copy.

Christmas shops Be very careful with ‘Christmas shops’ and one-day sales that appear overnight. They often disappear just asquickly with no one left to complain to if things go wrong.

Delivery If you’re ordering presents, get written confirmationthey’ll be delivered in time. If you don’t, you might get an

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Trading StandardsTop Ten Tips for Christmas Shopping

estimated delivery date only and have to accept goods afterChristmas.

Buying from home You have the right to change your mind withmost things bought on-line or by mail order. If you’re buying overthe internet, you also get protection against fraud if you pay bycredit or debit card.

Fakes Watch out for cheap fakes as they’re likely to be poor qualityand could be unsafe. Common ones at Christmas are designerclothes, watches and perfume.

Toys Stick to age warnings on toys and look for safety signs like theLion mark. Make sure younger children don’t get hold of toysmade for older ones and check for loose parts or sharp points.

For more advice contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 or vis-it www.consumerdirect.gov.uk

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‘Holidays are coming, holidays are coming…’ as soon as I see the rosycomplexion of Father Christmas smiling out of the television screen,coca-cola in hand, I know that we are nearly there. Racing towardsChristmas in a frenzy of shopping, visiting, ordering and posting… andthen I make my self stop…take stock, put my feet up and relax…stealsome time to plan next season’s seed order with a steaming cup ofcocoa whilst the world beyond the window freezes.

The garden has taken on a calm tranquil presence, no longer themenace it was in the summer. The lawn has finally stopped growingand the borders, cut back and cleared, demand minimal attention.Just the odd tantalising poke about with a magnifying glass in searchof the first snowdrops is required. It is time to sit back…breatheout…relax and embrace the weather – whatever it throws at you!

With less demand on our time in the garden this is the chance toadmire the slightly wider world and the seasonal delights of EastAnglia. Woodland walks where your breath streams ahead of you,frosted cobwebs, holly ivy and mistletoe and, if you are lucky, theghostly appearance of a barn owl hovering and swooping over fieldswhich are transfixed by frost. The harsh winter weather means that allowls are out hunting whenever they get the chance, so make themost of a dry or even sunny spell to take a look around. The RSPBreserves at Snettisham and the Wash offer spectacular views of waderroosts and viewers of Autumnwatch will know what an awe-inspiringsight that can be. Even elusive Bitterns are easier to spot now as theygo about their daily search for food. Try Minsmere in Suffolk, but dowrap up!

My favourite day last winter was spent with the family in Wells. Weset off early on a bright but very frosty morning and headed for thebeach armed with flasks, warm sausage rolls and hot water bottles forde-frosting frozen fingers! It was bitterly cold but the sky was cloud

Country Notes, by Heidi-Jo Swain

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free and the sun shone bravely making the whole scene staggeringlybeautiful. We had the beach to ourselves and it was the first time wehad ever had the pleasure of walking on frozen sand – very strange tohear crunching underfoot at the seaside! As we left the car park wesaw a barn owl hovering not far from the sea front, just beyond thedunes, obviously capitalising on the sunshine as much as we were.

If the weather is really awful or venturing out isn’t for you then makesure you keep the bird table and feeders full and the water bowlstopped up and ice free. Chances are the birds visiting your garden willoffer as much drama as the Christmas pantomime – enter Robin stageright! My Nan used to cook extra mashed potato for Sunday dinnerespecially for the bird table in winter but I don’t think such pamperingis a pre-requisite to being a bird lover!

By the end of February (traditionally the coldest month) the firstsnowdrops, catkins and celandines will hopefully be making a braveshow and birds and wildlife will have more than food on their minds.By the time early spring arrives I can guarantee you will be fired upand ready for all the country can offer you! Enjoy!

Country Notes, by Heidi-Jo Swain

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Ice cream tastes just as good in cold weather, and our thanks go toJoanna Merrills for these delicious recipes. Joanna writes “the recipesare not to be recommended for anyone with high cholesterol, butthey are very good for the odd treat!”

Irish Coffee Ice Cream500ml double cream379g tin full cream condensed milk15ml instant coffee granules60ml whisky

In a small bowl dissolve the coffee granules in the whisky, then stir inthe condensed milk. Whisk the cream until stiff then stir in the coffeemixture until well mixed. Spoon into a plastic container, cover andfreeze.

Can be frozen for two months.

Apricot and Macaroon Ice Cream

250ml apricot purée made from fresh or tinned apricots250ml double cream4 macaroons30ml Cointreau

If using fresh apricots, poach gently in a light sugar syrup. Strain thesyrup from the poached or tinned fruit. Purée the fruit in a foodprocessor or press through a sieve. Lightly whip the cream.

Break the macaroons into pieces and pour over the Cointreau. Com-bine the purée and cream and fold in the soaked macaroons. Spooninto a plastic container, cover and freeze.

Can be frozen for two months.

Note: When making ice cream it is important that the mixture is wellflavoured, because freezing reduces the flavour.

Recipe of the SeasonRather Special Ice Cream!

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THOMAS TAWELL HOUSESpecialist Residential Home for People with Poor Sight

Magpie Road Norwich NR3 1JHTel : 01603 767526 Email : [email protected]

We are proud of the service we provide.Friendly, homely and happy atmosphere with all rooms en-suiteResidents receive a comprehensive sensory assessment of their needsHighly trained staff who receive Deaf/Blind and Visual Awareness Train-ingBeautifully maintained Home and gardens with food of a high standardReading/IT Room with qualified help and activities tailored to meetresident’s needs in the Home and in the new Activity CentreRespite care also available

For further info please contact: Mrs Sharon Gaul or Mrs Janet BensonCharity No. 207060

The Norfolk and NorwichAssociation for the Blind

Would you like faster broadband speeds?

OK so who wouldn’t! BT are inviting rural communities to vote tohave there exchanges upgraded to the new fibre optic broadband,giving the most powerful connection to the Internet and super fastbroadband download speeds of up to 40Mb.

To find out more and to place your vote, please visitwww.racetoinfinity.bt.com/home.

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Classic Choice CateringAnita Mann

Hill House, Low Road, Lower Tasburgh

All Events Catered For

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Mobile Bars, Marquee Hire, Cutlery, Crockery

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TEL: 01508 470574

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Tasburgh Quarterly and Church News - Winter 2010



STRATTON CABSTel: 0800 2800430 01508 532452

Competitive RatesFriendly & reliable service

Local & long distance4,6, and 8 seater vehicles

Pre-bookable 24 hourservice

Tasburgh to Norwichfrom £15

Silver Jaguar S Type forexecutive or wedding hire

Amanda MillsProprietor & Therapist

Willow FarmThe StreetTharstonNorwich

NR15 2YPTel: 07918907518

Women’s Waxing½ Leg Wax £10.50 Full Leg £15.00½ Leg & Bikini Line £14.50 Full leg & Bikini line £17.50Bikini Line Wax £ 5.00 Underarm £ 5.00Lip or Chin £ 3.50 Lip & Chin £ 4.50Eye Brow Wax £ 4.50 Forearm £ 8.00

Men’s Waxing

Chest or Back £10.00 Chest and Back £15.00

Spray Tan £15.00 Eyelash Tinting £ 9.00½ Spray tan £ 9.00 Eyebrow Tinting £ 5.00

The Editors of theTasburgh Quarterly andChurch News would liketo be among the first towish you a very merry

Christmas and a peacefulNew Year.

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Specialists In High PerformanceFlat Roof Coverings

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General Landscaping & Gardening Services

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Hedge cutting





All clearanceNo job too small, Free Quotes

www.arkscape.co.uk 01508 470482

ClassifiedsCost of Advertising

If you wish to advertise in theQuarterly please contact:Julie King (01508) 470759,

[email protected].

Prices as follows:full page £30, half page £20,

quarter page £10.

Discount of 10% available tothose living

and trading in Tasburgh.

Next Edition

The spring edition of the Quarterly and Church News will bedistributed by the end of February.

All regular articles to the Parish Clerk, Julie King, 22 Henry PrestonRoad, Tasburgh, (01508) 470759 or [email protected] bySunday 13th February.

Any suggestions for stories or articles to Jane Mann, White HorseFarmhouse, Saxlingham Lane, Tasburgh (01508) 470207 [email protected]

Many thanks.

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