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Quest Online Program

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This is an online version of our Quest Summer Leadership Program for 2012.
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IT’S YOUR LIFE WHATCHA GONNA DO? Quest 2012: An Open Door “15 years of Quality Leadership Training” > Program Overview > Presenter Bio’s > Registration Details “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” -Peter Drucker



Quest 2012: An Open Door

“15 years of Quality Leadership Training”

> Program Overview

> Presenter Bio’s

> Registration Details

“Management is doing

things right; leadership

is doing the right things.”

-Peter Drucker

SCHEDULEDay One1:00 PM Check-in1:30 PM Barrier Breakdowns2:00 PM Keynote and Theme Introduction2:30 PM Double Workshop4:30 PM Get settled5:30 PM Dinner6:30 PM Networking Social Advisor Workshop7:30 PM Free Time

Day Two8:00 AM Breakfast Planning Session10:00 AM Double Workshop12:00 PM Lunch1:00 PM Individual School Workshop2:00 PM The Leadership Factor3:00 PM Individual School Workshop4:00 PM Double Workshop6:00 PM Dinner7:00 PM Individual School Workshop8:00 PM Break8:30 PM Team Unity: Building a Better Future

Day Three8:00 AM Breakfast9:00 AM Housing Check-out9:30 AM You Choose Workshops10:30 AM You Choose Workshops11:30 AM Closing Activity1:00 PM On-the-Go Lunch/Departure

I suppose leadership at one time

meant muscles; but today

it means getting along

with people.

- Mahatma Gandhi

I am thrilled to introduce you to all the excitement we have planned for Quest 2012: An Open Door. This year’s conference marks our 15th year of providing quality leadership training. This year’s Quest continues our hallmark with individualized school sessions while adding some really exciting new elements.


We are working hard to put together a conference that will build unity within your student government group, create lasting friendships, and give you the skills necessary to be an outstanding leader. You will find workshops tailored for your group as well as sessions to build contacts and networking with other schools. Our presenters are highly qualified, hand picked to ensure a quality learning experience.

We have a lot of fun activities planned for this summer. From networking with students in similar positions to working in teams to earn the Leadership Factor Championship Cup, students will enjoy every minute of Quest.


We have added new workshop styles to increase interaction with other students. Our “Double Workshops” will allow schools to work together while strengthening individual leadership. Our “You Choose Workhops” allow individuals to select the workshops they would like to attend, giving students and advisors a chance to establish greater connections.

We have added a theme to Quest this year. Focusing on all the possiblitities students have, we’ve slected the theme “An Open Door” and we are ready to show everyone how they open their door to success. Each open door can create unique opportunities and experiences. The Quest experience is your beginning to “An Open Door.” Brecia Davis, Quest Student Director

You are invited to participate in our on-campus Ropes Course. Your group will work with the Outdoor Recreation Center guides to learn and experience team building, critical thinking, strength and trust. After completing the course, your group will be more unified and better equipped to communicate and trust each other. Are you ready for the Ropes Course challenge?

Focusing on what you want the most can lead to a greater understanding of how you can accomplish all the little tasks, to-do lists, and assignments that come with being a leader. During this workshop you’ll look at the big picture and how you can set your goals even higher. Come down to a more intensified level and find out a little more about yourself. Connect with your own group members as well as people you have never met before, on a level that you didn’t even know existed with this interactive workshop. Clap Clap!

Plato is quoted as saying, “You learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a lifetime of conversation”. This workshop will focus on building leadership through teamwork as you explore the art of games. You’ll laugh, cry, stress and scream as you learn more about yourself, your group and a whole host of new contacts. So what is the giant you’re going to slay with play? You’ll slay the giants of mis-communication, greed, under performance, and many more- leading your group to greater success.

Double workshops are two-hour workshops where your group will be combined with other groups attending the conference. These workshops are built with the intention of promoting team building and creating connections within your group, while encouraging brainstorming with other groups. All groups will participate in all three double workshops during a 48 hour Quest and one during a 24 hour Quest.






These activities have been designed to create a bond between all participating schools as well as learn to more clearly define your role as a leader.

By splitting students up into groups based on their position in student government, they will have the chance to discuss and more clearly define their role in that specific position. In this guided discussion, students will have the opportunity to bounce ideas off of other student leaders sharing their position and better define the success they can have within each role.



Enjoy a little bit of competition with our conference wide Quest Leadership Factor. Winners will be deemed conference champions and will receive the Leadership Factor Championship Cup! Our wide variety of competitive activities might even lead you to discover talents you never knew you had.

TEAM UNITY: BUILDING A BETTER FUTUREIn this “gameshow” style activity teams will have to unite to answer questions that only the brightest leaders can discern. You won’t need a energy drink to stay awake during this fast past activity.

In this workshop we will be discussing how to effectively pitch your idea in a way that will reach people on a different level. We will look into successful companies and discover their secret. You will have the opportunity to work with a group in coming up with a million dollar idea, then pitch it to the other groups using this new method. We will also discuss how to apply what you have learned to other aspects of your life.

Studies suggest that over 90% of the meaning we derive from communication, we derive from the non-verbal cues that the other person gives. So the next time you go to say something, look again and pick up on those non-verbal communication cues.

In this workshop we will discuss the differences between being confident and being cocky and how to stay in the confident light without taking the negative, cocky path in leadership positions. While learning about confidence and developing it in ourselves we will also learn how to pass confidence on to other students. Confidence and trust is the goal of student government and are key to being successful.

The opportunities for growth available in society are infinite and it is most important for future world leaders to understand this concept – the concept of taking initiative. We cannot be afraid to take the risk of embarking on revolutionary journeys and to challenge the physical, mental, and technological limitations and barriers that have been established in the past.

Individual School Workshops are geared towards your school’s specific needs. As part of the registration process, you will select the specific workshops you would like to attend. Every effort will be made to get you into your first choice sessions. You’ll improve team unity as you experience each selected workshop with just your group in attendence.







In this workshop we are going to explore the our many different personality types. With this information in hand, we are going to learn how to understand others personalities and how to successfully interact with them. This skill is vital as a leader because an effective leader understands the people they are working with and how to properly motivate and communicate with them to get the best possible results.

A HEALTHY START LEADS TO A HEALTHY HEARTDid you know that there are 14 grams of sugar in 3 Oreo cookies? Who eats just three Oreo cookies? Not me! Come learn how to live healthy, not only nutritionally, but physically, mentally, and emotionally so you can be a more effective leader.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHEDSetting goals, following through and having fun while doing it. We are going to explore ways to set goals and how to achieve them as you go throughout your school year. Life is all about aspiring for the things you want in life. Let’s identify some of the goals you have for your school and how you are going to get there! With enthusiasm and fun, we will open new doors and accomplish our mission!


COMFORT ZONES-WHO NEEDS ‘EM?In this workshop, you will get to know people you don’t know and particpate in an activity that might push you out of your comfort zone, but really, who needs comfort zones. Life is all about pushing you out of your comfort zone, especially in leadership. Come join the fun of being a little uncomfortable and get to know people on a whole new level! Open the door to new adventures by doing something you never thought you could do.

Activities can be an overwhelming experience. There is a lot of time, effort, and other things to juggle in your life. Are you single and looking to mingle? This workshop is a guide how forming a relationship is similar to creating a new activity. It is designed to help you understand how to make your mediocre activities into something a lot larger.


This presentation is designed to help you fight the disease of procrastination. It will involve discussion, activities, and motivational thoughts that will help you find discipline and diligence in your life. It will dive into the reasons why as human beings we are inherently procrastinators and what we can do about it. This session will provide you with a recipe for success for this year and life beyond.

Your high school and college days are going to be some of the best days of your lives. Not only will you remember them forever, but you will have the ability to change others lives in the process. But before you change lives, you have to make an impact. To make an impact, you have to create a moment. And to create a moment, you have to be willing. Moments are what will last a life time. In this workshop, student leaders will learn how to create moments, that will change lives.



Intermixed with other schools, participants and advisors will have the chance to pick two workshops they would like to attend. These“You Choose Workshops” are geared toward groups that aren’t as acquainted with each other and are a new addition to this years Quest experience. These third day sessions will provide a fun social experience.




There are many different decisions that a leader has to make. Sometimes situations occur that are unexpected and leaders have to act on the fly, sometimes they are way in advance and leaders have to think of what would be best for the whole. Wouldn’t you like to know all the answers to making the best decision?

It takes a bold, sometimes inexperienced leader to create change. In this workshop we are going to discuss how you as a student leader can use your inexperience to benefit other people. Sometimes not having any previous experience with something can actually be a huge asset to the students you lead. Does your school have a cool tradition? Take a risk, and take it to the next level. Do you find yourself often saying, “…well that’s what they did last year…”? Stop. It’s time to leap into unknown territory and try something new.

Do you want to be invisible? You can be, or you can decide not to be. Sometimes in our ordinary lives we tend to miss the important things by not paying attention to the details or to the people around us. A simple smile can catch someones attention, a simple hello, a simple wave. It’s the simple things in life that get us to higher mountains to climb without having to be invisible.

Lory is a sophomore at Southern Utah University studying Resort, Hotel, and Hospitality Business Management. She is originally from San Diego California. She

loves SUU and tries to get involved as much as possible in campus life.

Ethan was born in Salt Lake City. He is a sophomore at Southern Utah University and is double majoring in exercise science and human nutrition with a minor in business. His hobbies include juggling, four-wheeling, assisting others with overall wellness, fulfilling leadership position responsibilities and spending time with his friends.

Scott was SUU’s LDSSA President, on the SUU Club Soccer team, a Presidential Ambassador, and in a variety of other clubs and organizations. He graduated with a degree in advertising and interpersonal communication in 2010, and married his college sweetheart the next October. He currently works at SUU as a recruiter. He and his wife are expecting a baby boy, who will be born in September. Scott is a person who loves being involved in the world around him. His motto in life is the fact that ‘everyone dies, but not everyone lives’.

The 2012 Quest presenters bring a world of experience and a lot of excitement to this year’s conference. With sixteen different student and SUU staff presenters, this year’s conference has set high expectations for quality sessions. Learn a little more about each of the presenters from Quest 2012.





JOHANNA ADAMS Johanna graduated from Davis High in 2008, and came to SUU on the T-Bird Leadership Scholarship. As a junior in high school she attended a Leadership Conference on Defense, Intelligence and Diplomacy in Washington DC. She is currently serving as the PR Officer for the Professional Business Leaders of America Club and is a member of the Academy Hill Cavalcade Honor Society.

Brecia is a Cedar native. She graduated from Canyon View in 2011. While she was in high school she had the opportunity to serve in many different leadership capacities including student government, club presidencies and coordinated a variety of service projects. She came to Southern Utah University on a Presidential Ambassador Scholarship and is majoring in Elementary Education. Brecia is this year’s Quest Student Director!


Bailey has an incredible enthusiasm for life. She is has been a Presidential Ambassador at Southern Utah University for the past two year and is next year’s Ambassador President. Her leadership roles in high school and college have brought her to a new level and are preparing her to graduate with a degree in Communications from SUU.


Tiffany is from the beautiful St. George. After receiving her associates degree from Dixie State College, she decided to attend Southern Utah University and does not regret her decision. She has served as a Presidential Ambassador this past year and is majoring in Elementary Education. Tiffany is full of life and can easily make friends with her great listening ear and caring heart.


Jenna is a Senior at Southern Utah University and a Communication major, emphasizing in Public Relations. She is currently the SUU Student Association Athletic Director in Student Government and served as an Event Director on the Student Activities Board last year. Her sophomore year, she was a Resident Assistant for University Housing, and worked as a Summer Conference Assistant the following summer.



Even though she was born a Richfield Wildcat, Kylee is proud to be an SUU Thunderbird! She is starting her junior year at SUU, where she hopes to one day receive her Bachelors of Nursing. Kylee is currently working as a Certified Nursing Assistant, Presidential Ambassador, and a Hospice Volunteer. Kylee’s favorite quote is “Happiness is a journey, not a destination” and she cannot wait for Quest!

DALAKI LIVINGSTONDalaki hails from the thriving metropolis of Milford, Utah. He looks forward to Quest with “clear eyes and full heart.” He loves to share a smile and a laugh with everyone and tends to know quite a few people. His dream job is motivational speaking and teaching communication at a collegiate level. To sum up Dalaki in one word would be, Dalaki. He cannot wait to meet you!

Chelsea is a Junior Communications (PR) Major from Washington, Utah. She has been an event director for SUU Student Association for the past two years. Sering as the entertainment director, she has booked bands, comedians, and magicians. She also served as the director over homecoming and has worked with the comedian Brian Reagan.


Gentry is a graduate of Canyon View High School. This is his first year here at SUU and he is a huge thunderbird fan! His major is Economics and he plans on going to physical therapy school after getting his degree to become a physical therapist. He loves sports and doing any activities outside. His favorite color is blue and favorite food is mashed potatoes. His preferred travel destination is Salvador Bahia, Brazil.

Samantha is a sophomore at Southern Utah University. She is 18 years old and currently pursuing a bachelors degree in nutrition while doing her pre-reqs for medical school. She loves being involved on campus and she will never forget this incredible year she has had. She had the opportunity to be a part of SUU Student Association, Service Corps and Honors Program this year and she has loved every experience she has had.




Tyler has spunk, but is probably one of the most honest people you will ever meet. He has served the University in the Residence Life activities and recruitment and will be a part of the Student Association Thor Corps; fan club, program on campus in the coming year. He is tall and funny and has a drive to pull people out of their comfort zones and try new things. Tyler loves his guitar and values his friends and family more than anything!




Jared has been involved with Quest Leadership Conferences at Southern Utah University for 14 years. Now as the Director of Quest he has the opportunity to coordinate these summer

sessions as well as present leadership skills to students. His passion in life is his family, working at SUU, and leadership. His favorite quote is “Catch on Fire with Enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.” by John Wesley.

Schools need to submit an initial registration by May 15th, 2012. This registration will hold your spot and allow us to prepare adaquate supplies for your Quest session. Registration forms are available at www.suu.edu/quest.

The Group Confirmation is due June 4th, 2012. This registration will include each student and advisor attending. You will also select your first and second choices for individual sessions you would like to attend.

For questions about Quest Leadership Conferences at Southern Utah University, please contact Jared Wilcken at 435.586.7741 or [email protected].

Once we have received your Group Confirmation, we will send you an invoice for the cost of the conference. You can then pay via a school purchasing card by calling 435.586.7741 or when you arrive via check. Checks should be made payable to: Quest Leadership Conference. Payment is expected prior to or upon arrival.

One advisor per every eight students is included free with your registration. You may bring additional advisors for the same student registration fee.

You will need to cancel any student unable to attend ten days prior to your scheduled Quest date. After this time, we are unable to refund the registration fee, but will still provide you with all the materials for registered students.


INITIAL REGISTRATION [www.suu.edu/quest]

GROUP CONFIRMATION [www.suu.edu/quest]



Sara graduated from Canyon View High School and SUCCESS Academy earning her Associates Degree in Science. She has decided to continue her education with an Interdisciplinary Major in Biology and Psychology at SUU. As a career she plans on being an Occupational Therapist. Sara loves the outdoors, playing and watching sports, singing, dancing, helping others, and a whole lot more. She loves having fun no matter who she is with, and her constant smile can brighten anybody’s day.

