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Question 1 part 2

Date post: 06-Aug-2015
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Question 1 - Part 2: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Page 1: Question 1   part 2

Question 1 - Part 2: In what ways does your media product

use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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To show that the narrative was between what is now and in the past through flashbacks, we kept the location in the same place for what is happening ‘now’. There is no effect applied to these videos so that there is no confusion during the film. We kept the character in his bedroom to enhance how isolated he is and how empty the room is.

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•We changed the video of the child to sepia to make it look old fashioned similar to what old photos used to be like. It shows that it is a flashback too because it keeps returning back to the sepia. •The black and white is also to show a flashback but black and white have unhappy connotations towards them in contrast to the sepia tones so this helps the narrative in that it shows which flashbacks have had the worse effect on the character.

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•We placed these two recording together to show that he is looking at himself and his friends in the photo (old to suggest it was when he was younger during the war). There is four people within the photo including him and there is three empty chairs which implies that his friends in the photo are the ones that are supposed to be in the three chairs, suggesting they may have been lost to the war.

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Also with the scenes of George looking at the old photos, we overlay a video of a military flag blowing in the background which is there to also show that in anything he does, he is always thinking about something from the war. It shows he is remembering these memories in his everyday life and can’t get away from it.

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•Here we chose to place these to clips together because the character if fiddling with the medals in his hands and we use a transition of fading into each other to go into a flashback of him in his younger years during the war also playing with his army kit with his hands. •The close ups of hands in both clips are to show that he is taking himself back by doing something which relates to an event. A continuous reminder is their for him.

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We chose to have another flashback in black and white of the young George playing the bugle. We thought it would be fitting to have the actual audio from the video we took from the film to be quietly put in the background to sound like it is in the distance and at the back of his mind, but still there. The music still plays with a faded in and out last call adding the effect of it being a memory.

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We overlapped two videos both in the same room but from different angles at a stressful time of the film for the character (he is rocking back and forwards with stress/anxiety). This is to create an even more intense feeling and building the stress that the character is feeling because it is hard to focus on one thing. We are taking in a lot in this scene, which suggests things are fast moving and hard to concentrate on, similarly to what the character may be feeling. The overlay also suggest that he has a split personality or that there is two sides of him, the war, and the now.

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Here we have panned down a long empty corridor to show the isolation and to put ourselves into the characters place. It looks as if we are looking down the hall and it has negative connotations because it is in black and white and moves very slowly.

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This camera angle is used to look as if we are looking over his shoulder and seeing what he is seeing directly. I think this is a good camera angle as we get to see his point of view but we also get a good view of what he is looking at, the photos.

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The character is looking up as if there is something above him. The choice for this was to be used in conjunction with sound of war bombing so that we can see that he still believes it is real and there still happening like he is actually seeing it in his mind.

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Finally, the credits, we decided to stray away from the traditional black and white text credits to challenge forms and conventions, however we did also use this after the main credit sequence (producers/directors/actors) to show conventions of existing products.
