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Question 2 How does your media product represent different social groups?

Date post: 07-Aug-2015
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My target audience was towards young adults and I made my text suitable for that audience by using a simple yet sophisticated font – like in NME. The writing style I uses was heavily influenced by NME as it’s target audience is also mainly young adults, which is demonstrated in text all across my magazine. For the text on my double page spread, KERRANG! Influenced me the most with its interview style articles, as I feel it entices the fans of the artist to find out more information about the artist (uses and gratification). A

lso the structure of my magazine I followed the conventions of NME and KERRANG! Such as the two columns on the contents page and three columns on the double page spread. I think this convention is very important as it happens in most music magazines and it is an ongoing structure, which keeps a magazine looking professional and creates brand awareness which will attract an audience.


I used all eye line shots for my magazine which creates a direct mode of address with the audience, which then creates a personal relationship (uses and gratification theory). This also means that my target audience of young adults can then create a personal relationship and be more interested in reading and purchasing the magazine.

Also all of my shots were medium close ups which is similar to NME’s conventions as they usually have medium close ups on a lot of their images. Which fits with my target audience of young adults as it shows a lot of the body which means the reader can establish the person in the image.

The front cover and double page spread image take up the whole of one of the sides of the page, which expresses the importance of them and makes them more relevant to the reader. Also only having one image with a direct mode of address on the contents page means it is the main focus meaning the reader is more likely to read the main article in the double page spread as they want to find more information on the artist.

MODELSFor my models I only used women as in the magazines I researched there was a higher percentage of male readers in both NME and KERRANG! So I decided to use women as it should attract women as they can relate more. Also I chose models who were in my target audience which is important as it means the readers can relate easier and are more likely to want to get information on these artists. This creates personal integrative needs which entice them to purchase the magazine.

The mise en scene in what the models are wearing and what their make up is like is all to make them look more alternative. As on my front page heavy eye make up and red lipstick is used to give a bold look, it also contrasts with the black clothes making the model stand out more.

The mise en scene in the contents page the model is wearing a tye die t-shirt with very dark lips and a blank face expression to appear edgywhich is a part of what my target audience is.

Also in the double page spread it uses the same model but in a different outfit, which is an army jacket making it seem even more alternative, it also shows the models hair cut which is shaves at the side, which relates to my target audience towards edgy teenagers. Also the model is making a blank expression to appear the indie style of mucic and alternative exterior.


As I uses all female models, which created a stereotype of “edgy/alternative girls” which can create a personal identity with readers and personal integrative needs which relates the model to the reader.

Goffman’s theory would say that using red lips on the model on the front page is a sexual representation. However I gave my model this look as it looks bold and sophisticated, as well as edgy which are the main themes in my magazine.

Another theorist is Gill who suggests that women are tough and independent, I suggest this in my magazine by not including any romance in the main stories and focusing on the woman’s success.


The representation of my target audience which is young adults in my magazine is positive as it is all about the success of teenagers within music rather than any negative notes. I have done this on purpose as teenagers representation in the media is usually bad but in my magazine it focuses on the things that young adults are achieving. Which will hopefully entice young adults to buy my magazine as then they will feel that maybe they can also achieve to the amount of the artists in my magazine.

My magazine mainly represents one of the subcultures of teenagers which is “edgy/alternative” which is why the models have so much make up on as I wanted my magazine to have a similar style to NME and have a professional look, meaning the models being edited however this isn’t to make the young adults want to have unrealistic expectations of themselves it is to achieve a more professional and sophisticated look but at the same time having the models appear edgy and alternative to attract that type of audience.
