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Question 3… What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? By Eleanor Penfold
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Question 3…What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?By Eleanor Penfold

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Background Information…What is film distribution?Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience.

Who dominates film distribution?World-wide distribution is dominated by 6 US based companies (conglomerates). Such include… Comcast (e.g. Universal), The Walt Disney company (e.g. Pixar), Time Warner, News Corporation, Viacom, and CBS. The majority of British films rely on the Hollywood ‘majors’ for distribution. This allows the film audience in our web 2.0 generation to have there needs met- ultimately insuring the correct films are distributed to the correct target market. Therefore insuring that the worldwide film industry is as successful as it is today. With the help from the big budget films distributors (conglomerates) films are distributed to the standard we know and love today. Ultimately these film distribution companies target/please the biggest market possible. In contrast, though they don’t dominate the film industry, independent films target that of the niche market. In summary, independent and conglomerates aim to target the biggest possible audiences and help promote/distribute films.

Independent film distribution companies…Independent film distribution companies are those that distribute films of the ‘niche’ market and usually target the smaller target audience. These distribution companies are equally as important to conglomerates as they help to meet the needs of film lovers in this industry. Independent film distribution companies will be something I will look into as it meets the requirements of my film. By using a independent film distributor to distribute my film it insure that the correct audience will see my film. This additionally allows me to afford it as the independent film distributor will be cheaper than that of a conglomerate.

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E-one Entertainment.. E-one entertainment is an independent UK film distribution film company. The company itself prides itself on it’s ability to be ‘Driven by a keen service oriented philosophy, Entertainment One UK brings an expertise in theatrical and home entertainment distribution. Thousands of films, hundreds of partners. Find. Sell. Distribute. Entertainment One puts films on screens around the globe – in theatres, on DVD, digitally and on TV.’

As the industry’s largest independent, multi-territory distributor, Entertainment One (E-one Entertainment) secures key relationships with top independent producers and distributors, getting films in front of audiences worldwide. For example, in 2016 Entertainment One and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment announce long-term, multi-territory home entertainment partnership; and launch a home entertainment joint venture in Canada.

Below are several examples from E-one Entertainments product portfolio. The films have similar qualities to my media product: they are of a horror genre. This means that if I were to distribute my film, using e-one entertainment, there is a possibility that my film could be as successful as the below films. This could additionally attract the audience from these films, ultimately insure that my film becomes a success!

This is a screen grab for from my media film…

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Why I Chose ‘E-one Entertainment’ To Distribute My

Film…My main reason for choosing e-one entertainment as my distribution company is because it is a UK independent film distribution company. Additionally I chose e-one entertainment due to the fact that it is a professional and well known company which is well respected. This insures that the audience will recognise the company and know straight away that this film has potential… Pervious films include: Insidious (1,2, and 3), Sinister, and The Women In black. Due to the fact that the narrative of my film is low-budget and perhaps targets that of the ‘niche’ market, I also chose e-one entertainment as they have lots of previous experience with this type of film. Additional reasons as to why I chose this distribution company include…

1. Its independent nature. 2. E-one entertainment has many connections (for example 2016 Entertainment One and

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment announce long-term, multi-territory home entertainment partnership) this insure that my film will be successfully distributed.

3. E-one entertainment is a UK based company, moreover allowing me to help broaden and support the UK film industry.

4. The company is well known and has a large product portfolio insure that a wide audience will look/watch my film.

5. Because the company has a high brand image and is well know for producing good, professional and respectable products this will hopefully help to attract e-one entertainment fans to watch my film.

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Further Analyses… Its independent nature…Because E-one Entertainment is an independent UK film distribution company they will understand and appreciate the needs of my film. Due to the fact that my film target that of the ‘niche’ market and has a specific target audience E-one Entertainment is the best suited to distribute my film. The fact that it dominates 27% of UK independent distributors and is one of the companies with the highest market share additionally allow confidence to be put into the company to successfully distribute my media film. E-one Entertainment has many connections... The fact that e-one entertainment has many connections insures that my film will be distributed in the most effective way possible. This additionally could attract a wider audience and thus maximising my target audiences awareness of the film. This will also show and emphasis the professional and respectable elements to the film opening as there is popular companies working together. The UK independent film industry…E-one entertainment is a UK based company, moreover allowing me to help broaden and support the UK film industry. This is curial as in this web 2.0 industry we (the UK) are heavily reliant of that of the Hollywood film industry for most of our films. Therefore by choosing a UK popular distributor I will have insured that I am helping to benefit and help grow the UK film industry.It is a well respected/popular brand…The company is well known and has a large product portfolio, this will insure that a wide audience will watch my film. Ultimately this will attract more viewers and get more audience awareness for my film.

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Independent Distribution Film Companies…

Who’s on top for UK independent films…

Together eOne, Entertainment and StudioCanal account for half of the box office generated by UK independent films.

Here I have used the website ‘https://stephenfollows.com/who-dominates-uk-film-distribution/’ to gain information on independent film distribution companies. This helped me to decide what destruction company to use for my media film (product).

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Similar Media Products…

Below on the left are example from film that are of a similar nature to my media product. All of these films were distributed by e-one entertainment and are yet to be released. They have qualities similar to that of my film and show the potential and gap in the market for these types of films.

Here are films that are of the same genre as my film that have been distributed with the likes of e-one entertainment. This is evidence that suggests E-one entertainment is capable of producing a film effetely and successfully. This is an additional reason as to why a chose E-one entertainment to distribute my film.

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Facts And Figures… E-one Entertainment (also knows as Entertainment One) is a successful business which is beginning to compete/expand with the more dominate film distribution companies…

• Below are some figure regarding E-one entertainments success-Revenue= £785.8 million (2015)Operating income= £60.2 million (2015)Net income= £41.3 million (2015)

• For three years in a row between 2012-2014 E-one entertainment was the UK’s highest-grossing independent distributor. Last year the company raked in $138.3m (£90.8m) for a market share of 8.01%.

• Hits this year have included The Divergent Series: Insurgent ($12m), The Woman In Black: Angel Of Death ($7.5m) and Insidious Chapter 3 ($6.1m). While Mr. Holmes did respectable art-house business ($4m).

The above information all supports the fact that Entertainment One is a successful and respectable company to have my film distributed by.

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Is There A Gap In ‘E-one Entertainments’ Portfolio For My

Media Film?E-one entertainment has a broad portfolio of different genres/styled films. This is perfect for my film as there will be a large audience where by my media product can be exposed to. Due to the fact that there is a range of genres (including horror) insures that by distributing my film with E-one entertainment won’t be at risk of it not being successful. In regards to whether or not there is a gap in the market, I believe there is… In recent times E-one Entertainment hasn’t released any ‘horror’ based films. Moreover if they were to release my media film this is the perfect time to release my film. This insures there will be little competition within E-one Entertainments film portfolio for my film. By releasing my film with E-one entertainment the company itself would also benefit. Because there is a gap in the market, they too will make revenue and benefit from the release.

Here is a graph which identifies the main distributors by box office in UK and Ireland in 2013. This shows that E-one entertainment is becoming more and more popular, this shows that even though it is an independent distributor it is beginning to compete with the likes of the bigger more dominate conglomerates. This all helps to insure that my film will be distributed successfully.

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Would My Product Attract A Different Audience?

By distributing my film, E-one Entertainment would not only gain an additional film which will broaden its product portfolio but will insure that a wider audience is attracted to come and watch more of their films. Because my film targets that of the young adult audience, if the film is a success, perhaps this will target audiences that could potentially go and see more of e-one entertainments films for this genre. Due to the fact that my film targets that of the ‘niche’ market, a considerable amount for revenue will be made by DVD sales and Netflix. This will additionally help attract different audiences as the film will attract a wider audience by using digital platforms which are becoming more and more popular in this web 2.0 industry. This benefits not only myself and the elements which involve my film but that of E-one Entertainment itself.
