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Question 4 media

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Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages? Lizzie Mills
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Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction, research,

planning and evaluation stages?Lizzie Mills

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Researching• Initial research into teaser trailers was very important. YouTube was an important website that

we used as we looked up different trailers and swedes created by other media students. This was important as it showed the important codes and conventions that needed to be used within a trailer. It also gave us ideas on what we wanted/ didn't want to use, we did not want our trailer to be stereotypical.

• When looking at ideas for film posters and magazine covers we looked at various different websites including http://www.pastemagazine.com, www.creativebloq.com/movies and also 10 Movie Cliches. All of these websites helped us with our own ideas as we could take influences from the posters and adapt them. We also looked at different magazine’s which advertised films including Empire and Little White Lies.

• We also looked at the film education website this was in order to expand our knowledge on genres. This was good as then we could really understand our chosen genre and also we researched hybrid genres as well, which then gave us the idea to have a hybrid film.

• As we were using Final Cut Pro a editing program that we had not used before so we used YouTube again and we watched different videos on all of the different effects that we could add to our teaser trailer. This would enhance our editing techniques for example in our final teaser trailer a jump cut is used, this technique was learnt from watching the videos.

• When we collected all of our research we used Mahara to place all of our information on. This keep all of our research in one place and we could refer back if we needed to when creating our teaser trailer. It also kept our work up to date.

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Planning• When planning our teaser trailer we used Amazon Storyteller to storyboard our ideas.

We uploaded the storyboard to YouTube and got members in our class to feedback their opinions. It was constructive feedback and gave us improvements before we filmed for our teaser trailer so we could use some of the ideas, or take items out.

• Using Microsoft Word we created our call sheets and our risk assessment. Both of these documents were then uploaded to our Google Drive accounts so we could share our work. The call sheets allowed us to plan out all our different shots in the order we wanted to film them in, this gave us a structured day as we knew when and where we would be filming each shot. The risk assessment was important as it prevented people getting injured, we knew the risks and how to avoid them before filming.

• We also used Prezi to plan out our pitch to our class members who would give us feedback on the overall ideas we had for our teaser trailer. It allowed us to sort out our ideas into categories for example establishing our genre and the storyline.

• Moodle was also an important part of our planning. This is because we used risk assessment and call sheet outlines to help us. It also allowed us to complete our work at a high standard and quickly as well.

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Construction• For filming this year we used the Canon EDS DSLR digital camera. This was

different to using the flip cameras like we did last year, as you could get a wider variety of shots for example the shot which was in the draw. The camera was much more advanced which overall made the teaser trailer look more professional.

• Final Cut Pro was the editing software we used. This is again different to last year as it is more advanced, we could add more effects. The effects included changing the colour of shots, the speed of shots, jump cuts. We also added in a montage at the start of our teaser trailer and also our company ident.

• When creating our magazine cover and film poster we used a combination of both Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Both programs were successful as we managed to create two good pieces of work that we were proud of and suited our teaser trailer.

• We originally used Garage Band to create the sound for our teaser trailer. However, during our feedback it was noted that the sound did not fit our teaser trailer. Therefore we decided to change the sound completely, we decided not to use Garage Band at all. Instead we went onto freesound.com and found suitable sound for our teaser trailer. This saved us time and also gave us a better sound which was more suited to our genre.

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Evaluation• For question 1 I created a video analysis on iMovie. I chose to create a video as

I could compare bits from our teaser trailer to other teaser trailers we looked at. I felt that using the footage rather than stills would be more interesting. I also chose to add in a voice over, again to make it more interesting and to give a detailed analysis of why are products were similar/different to real media products.

• For question 2 I created a Prezi presentation as I wanted my work to be presented visually interesting and also you can take your time reading all of the information as you can watch the presentation at your own pace.

• For question 3 I used a Prezi presentation again. This is because again I wanted it to be visually interesting for the audience and it also allows me to add images and videos to the presentation.

• Question 4 I created a powerpoint, although this method is basic it is still effective. This is because I can explain clearly the different methods I used to plan, construct, and research in to my teaser trailer. I can also add different pictures to illustrate my different points.
