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Question 7 media

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Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? By Maryum Mahmood
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Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt

in the progression from it to the full product?

By Maryum Mahmood

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In my preliminary task I had to create a college magazine front cover on photoshop and contents page on Indesign, I had to use the resources at hand to create my very own first magazine, it was like a tester in comparison to the music magazine, I have developed my skills and knowledge on magazine overall to create a better one. You can see a clear difference between my music magazine and my college magazine which had been created at the beginning of my media course, therefore I was very knew to these technologies as I had never used them before, and found it very difficult and confusing to use at the beginning, it also did not make it any better that a majority of the class knew how to use it and also felt confident using it whilst I lacked the knowledge. I tend to find new things very difficult to grasp, it took a while but I am finally confident in using both photoshop and indesign.

My college magazine looks really rushed and has not been structured well as I wasn’t aware of the different structures, and had not taken much notice in magazines- as I do not read them, I used my knowledge in newspaper structures to guide me.

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Colour scheme and masthead My music magazine uses colours such as black, white, grey and red, whilst my college magazine consisted of red,blue and black, which had no vibrant or unique colours therefore did not attract the audience. My college magazine is in very basic font, it is called ‘Leyton Lifestyle’ the masthead colour is red, my music magazine masthead colour is black and red and I called ‘beat’.

I have created my own masthead

which can relate to my music magazine.

My college magazine, which has no creativity

or colour

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As you can see to the right Is my music magazine and on the left is my College magazine, there is a clear difference and you can see that I now have a better understanding in creating and distributing magazines. You can undoubtedly see that I have put much more time and effort on my latest magazine which is a music magazine.

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Difference between my first contents page compared to my most recent, it shows that I have developed my skills and knowledge as you can clearly see that my latest contents page is structured better along side various attracting colours, good pictures and well structured content. Both college magazine and music magazine have been created on Indesign.

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• I have learnt a lot over the time period, since completing my preliminary task I have become more confident in using technologies, I have also used a range of colours and content within my magazine. I have learnt to structure my magazine to make it more appealing and attractive, many little things attract a customer/ viewer.

This is my double page spread that I have completed fort my music magazine, you can see the structure and the colour scheme which makes it look like a real music magazine and the colour red makes the page look much more vibrant with a full image on the left for fans too keep.
