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Question 7 prelim

Date post: 09-Aug-2015
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QUESTION 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

QUESTION 7Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

COVERAs you can see to the left I have my Prelimery task my school magazine and my main task of my Music Magazine “BOUNCE”.

CONTENTSAs you can see to the left I have my Prelimery task my school magazine and my main task of my Music Magazine “BOUNCE”.

PROGRESS ON FRONT COVERFrom my first primarily task to my current music magazine, my understanding of the forms and conventions of a music magazine has definitely grown. My masthead on magazine bounce is very bold and follows the house style and colours of my magazine. The masthead compered to my preliminary task is that my “SCHOOLIFE” headline doesn’t really stand out as much as the other cover. Also the shape and size of the prelimary task doesn’t particular relate to the genre of “schoolife” but does have a nice fit to the house style of the magazine.

PROGRESS ON FRONT COVERI feel my positing and the “catchiness” of my cover lines are much better in the way they are placed and the context. For example the cover line “Beyoncé caught cheating??” makes the reader interested and want to read on. This has changed from my prelim task as I have learnt to mainly put the cover lines to the edges so it does not distract from the main headline and obstruct the main image. Furthermore I have made progress from the prelim task and in learning to make the text for the cover lines as it doesn't take away from the main image and or headline.

PROGRESS ON FRONT COVERAlso I have made progress from the shooting and presenting of my main image. In my prelimary task I took a picture of my fellow student Shaq but did not use the conventions of having him looking at the camera (making eye contact) or a more up close picture which makes the student magazine seem less professional and realistic. So I developed this skill and created a very realistic picture that fits to the genre of pop within my magazine. It is a picture of what looks like a singer making eye contact with the reader and is very large which makes it clear and visible on the front cover.

PROGRESS ON FRONT COVEROn my front cover in my prelim task I failed in using a bar code and price which is essential for a music magazine as it informs the reader how much it is and allows them to buy it. I made progress in the fact that I included one on my magazine “bounce” and I also used other pieces like a graphics bar, “free stuff” advertisement and even the use of different fonts which I didn’t use on my student cover.

PROGRESS ON MY CONTENTSIn my contents I made a lot of progress and improvements from my student magazine “schoolife” to my music magazine “BOUNCE”. I have in my contents page for my prelimary task used a title of “contents” to show clearly what page it is and just like my cover I have used the same fonts in both to continue the house style and theme. But the style is not that bold so its hard to see the title on “schoolife” so I developed this and made the music magazine have a bold text.

PROGRESS ON MY CONTENTSAlso I have learnt the layout and conventions throughout this process. For example I have progressed from when I started as in my student magazine I didn’t include essential conventions such as the page number which allows the reader to know what page they are on. The date and issue number to let the reader know what issue this is and on what date it was released, this is useful for collectors of particular music magazines. Furthermore I included a editors letter in my music magazine contents page which gives the reader a feel of the magazine which I didn’t use in my prelim student magazine.

PROGRESS ON MY CONTENTSMy image on my prelim student magazine is very limited and similar to the front cover picture which doesn't show diversity through the magazine which is needed to make it interesting and exciting. So in my music magazine I progressed and learnt to use multiple images to show different story lines and show variation to my magazine. For example I used 6 images and a small cover to make my contents very visual and fun which links to my genre of pop. Furthermore I learnt the different ways I can take a picture to make it look professional and different using angles and lights which progressed from my prelim magazine when I only had a very limited understanding of photography which had definitely now stretched.
