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Question Route

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Sample question route using Critical Incident Technique in a Focus Group format.
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Caregiver Selection Focus Group Caregivers Section Focus Group Interview Guide 1
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Caregiver Selection Focus Group

Caregivers Section

Focus Group Interview Guide

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Purpose for Focus GroupTo collaborate and Discover

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To collaborate with current preselected caregivers in order to discover the competencies of an exceptional and successful caregiver.

Information garnered will be used to develop a behavioral interview protocol for All the Comfort of Home, Inc.

The behavioral interview protocol is only a part of the overall selection process.

Effectively conducted, the behavioral interview protocol, in addition to other prescreening processes, will help ensure that those who are selected for hire will be only the best caregivers whose personal values and work ethics match the company’s own.

Purpose and Use

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Additionally, access to the raw data and interview protocol will be given to Leading Home Care and Stephen Tweed, CEO of Leading Home Care for data collection and analysis purposes.

Purpose and Use

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Why a Question Route?Topic vs. Question guide

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Moderators may conduct focus groups using one of two questioning strategies: topic guides or questioning routes.

Topic guides consist of a list of words of phrases that remind

the moderator of the topic. Questioning route

a sequence of questions in the form of complete sentences.

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

Question Route Vs. Topic Guide

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In this focus group we will use the questioning route for several reasons, including greater ease for a novice moderator as well as a greater understanding of the

intended results.

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

Question Route Vs. Topic Guide

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Categories of Questions

From Developing

Questions for Focus

Groups, 1997

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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9Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great


Critical Incident Technique

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Participants are people familiar with the situation being analyzed they can provide examples of incidents that are critical to

successful and unsuccessful performance Incidents are usually anecdotal accounts of events that have

actually occurred. Interviewees are asked to describe incidents in terms of

(a) the circumstances preceding the event, (b) what exactly was done and why was it effective or

ineffective, (c) the outcome or result of the behavior, and (d) whether the consequences of the behavior were under the

employee's control.

Journal of Vocational Education Research, Vol 25, Iss 1, 2000 (STitt-hdes, Lambrecht, Redmann), http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JVER/v25n1/stitt.html

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

Questions in the Critical Incident Technique

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Question Route

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Tell us who you are, the most number of clients you have ever worked with at any given time, and how long you have been a caregiver?

Opening Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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We are here to talk about how people are successful as a caregiver. We are specifically interested in the behavior (or actions) of Great Caregivers.

As I mentioned to you in our phone conversations, we believe that each of you is well-qualified to tell us.

Let’s start by asking what do caregivers do?How does a caregiver spend her time? What does she

do for her clients? What does she do for the company she works for?

How do these task, responsibilities affect the client?How do they affect the Home Care agency?

Introduction Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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Let’s move on. Now let’s discuss what do you think of when you hear the words “Great Caregiver?”What is the difference between a great

caregiver and a good caregiver?

Transition Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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Now, I want you to think back to a time when you felt you did a great job as a caregiver.

(Turn the Flip Chart to show the following questions)

What was the situation like, and who was involved?What was the problem you were you facing?What did you do to handle the problem?How did you learn to solve the problem?How did the story end, or what was the result?How much of this situation was under your control?

You may tell it like a story if it helps. I’ll give some time to think about this.

Key Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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What was the number one skill, information, or talent you needed to solve that problem?

(write the competency on the flip chart)

How did it help?What other skills do you wish you had during

that time?(write the competency on the flip chart)

How would that help your situation?

(Great Job Question)

Key Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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Now remember a time when you did NOT do such a great job as a caregiver.

(Turn the Flip Chart to show the following questions)

What was the situation like, and who was involved? What was the problem you were you facing? What did you do to handle the problem? How did the story end, or what was the result? How much of this situation was under your control? What about your actions made you feel like you did not do a

“great caregiver” job?

Please share with us, and don’t be embarrassed. We all make mistakes. I’ll give some time to think about this.

Key Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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What was the number one skill, information, or talent you needed to solve that problem?

(write the competency on the flip chart)

How did it help?What other skills do you wish you had during

that time?(write the competency on the flip chart)

How would have helped you improve your situation?

(Not so Great Job Question)

Key Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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In the course of working with a client, a Great Caregiver will wear many different kinds of hats.

On the piece of paper provided make a list of all the different titles you would give a Great Caregiver.

(Pause wait 30 seconds)

Transition Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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Look at your list. Of all the titles you would give a caregiver, which, besides “caregiver,” is the most important?

(Ask all participants to disclose the most important item)

(List the Characteristics on the Flip Chart)

I want you to think back and describe a time when you were a great title. Remember to tell the story in the same context as before.

(Turn the Flip Chart to show the Good Caregiver prompts)

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

Key Questions

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What was the situation like, and who was involved?

What was the problem you were you facing?What did you do to handle the problem?How did you learn to solve the problem?How did the story end, or what was the result?How much of this situation was under your


You may tell it like a story if it helps. I’ll give some time to think about this.

Key Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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What was the number one skill, information, or talent you needed to solve that problem?

(write the competency on board or flip chart)

How did it help?What other skills do you wish you had during

that time?(write the competency on board or flip chart)

How would that help your situation?

(New Title Question)

Key Questions

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

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Let’s look at the list of behaviors and characteristics we have created.

Suppose you had to hire the next great caregiver.

Of all the behaviors and characteristics we listed, which are the ones that potential caregivers need to bring with them before they start working with us, and which ones are the ones a potential caregiver can learn on the job?

(each person in the group should answer)Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

Ending Questions: All things considered

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24Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

Have we missed anything?Is there anything that we should have talked

about but didn’t?

Ending Questions: Final

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Thank you very much for your time. You have been very helpful.

We will use everything we have discussed tonight to develop a better interviewing and hiring process.

Do you have any questions for me?

Purpose: To define the competencies of a Great Caregiver

