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Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest...

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Questions… Value & timings??? 1. Give 2 things you can infer from Source 4 marks 5 mins 2. Explain why… 12 marks 20 mins 3a) Study Source B & C – How useful… 8 marks 12 mins 3b) Study interps 1 & 2 – what is the main difference… 4 marks 5 mins 3c) Suggest one reason why interps 1 & 2 give different views… 4 marks 5 mins 3d) How far do you agree with interpretation – that -------- 20 marks 25 mins Gives 5+ mins to read and check answers 1
Page 1: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Questions… Value & timings???

1. Give 2 things you can infer from Source

4 marks5 mins

2. Explain why… 12 marks20 mins

3a) Study Source B & C – How useful…

8 marks12 mins

3b) Study interps 1 & 2 – what is the main difference…

4 marks5 mins

3c) Suggest one reason why interps 1 & 2 give different views…

4 marks5 mins

3d) How far do you agree with interpretation – that --------

20 marks25 mins

Gives 5+ mins to read and check answers


Page 2: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Impact of WW1 on Germany Early challenges for Weimar 1919-23 Hyperinflation Munich Putsch Golden Recovery 1923-29 Stresemann Changes in society in Weimar Early development of Nazi Party (NSDAP) Lean years of the Nazis 1923-29 Growth in support for Nazis 1929-32 How did H become Chancellor Jan 1933 How did H become Fuhrer Aug 1934 Creation of dictatorship How did the Nazis control people Opposition to the Nazis – Church & Youth Women in Nazi Germany Youth policy of the Nazis Economy – Hitler’s economic policies Persecution from 1933-39

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Page 3: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1918 End of WW1 – Nov 1918- G government in huge debt – 150 billion marks. G people suffering – starvation. 55% of G troops were casualties. 9 Nov 1918 – the Kaiser abdicated. He had lost support of G army. Ebert became leader of govt & worked with army to keep Communists out. Ebert kept fragile control until new Weimar constitution set up. G Communist Party – KPD set up in Dec 1918

1919 1st elections of new Weimar Republic Jan 1919.Treaty of Versailles – The diktat – allies refused G to have proper representation – had to accept the T. Article 231 = War Guilt Clause. BRATFrom Nov 1918 to June 1919 G people began to speak of DOLCHSTOSS = stab in the back – that G had been betrayed by Jews, Communists and corrupt politicians – the new Weimar politicians were nicknamed the “November Criminals”.January 1919 = Spartacist uprising – Ebert sacked popular police chief – workers protested – 6th Jan over 100,000 G workers took to the streets. Ebert used Freikorps to crush the revolt – by 16th Jan Liebknecht & Luxemburg had ben murdered and rebellion stopped. Hitler joined the DAP in Sept 1919. Tiny right wing party led by Anton Drexler.

1920 March 1920 – right wing coup – Kapp Putsch – the Freikorps were about to be disbanded – 5000 of them marched on Berlin – declared a new govt and invited the Kaiser back! Ebert & Weimar govturged people to go on strike – they did & Kapp fled but was caught and put in prison. Jan 1920 Hitler became head of propaganda of DAP. Hitler & Drexler wrote 25 point programme. Thousands more joined DAP – most linked to Hitler who had a charismatic appeal.

1921 Continued political violence in G from right & left wing extremists. Weimar government struggled to assert authority. Political parties set up their own private armies to defend their party and then attack others.July 1921 – Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP.Hitler formed the SA in August 1921 – private Nazi army aka Brownshirts.

1922 Walther Rathenau – G foreign minister murdered in Berlin – total from 1919 to 1922 there were 376 political murders. December 1922 G failed to send coal to France as part of reparations deal.

1923 Ruhr Crisis. Jan 1923 – France sent soldiers into the Ruhr. Strike. The G govt urged people to passively resist the French & go on strike. The French arrested anyone who obstructed them & even brought in their own workers. Hyperinflation. The occupation of the Ruhr crippled G. Prices rose – govt needed money to pay debts and so they printed more money. Caused huge price rises – loaf of bread in 1919 cost 1 mark – in 1923 it cost 200,000 billion marks!!!New Chancellor = Gustav Stresemann – found some solutions to the problems e.g. Rentenmark – but Weimar had been seriously weakened by the crisis. Munich Putsch = November 1923 – NSDAP now had 50,000 members and H thought ready for a Putsch. It failed – H arrested Nov 1923

1924 H wrote Mein Kampf while in Landsberg Prison. NSDAP also banned. H released from prison 20th Dec 1924. Rentenmark renamed Reichsmark – increased stability of G currency – esp through Dawes Plan. US banks loaned $25 billion to G industry from 1924-1930. Reparations also reduced to $50 million per year. 1924-29 known as The Golden Recovery – higher employment, better productivity, political stability & rise in arts and culture.

1925 Locarno Pact = G was included in talks as a proper nation – agreed 1919 borders.Hindenburg became President of G. Ban on Nazi Party lifted in Feb 1925. H now determined to win elections NOT use violence to take power by force. H did set up the SS as his private guard.

1926 Stresemann awarded nobel peace prize! G was allowed to be in the League of Nations.Bamberg Conference = there had been a split in the party – H called the conference in Munich & it consolidated H’s power & the rise of Goebbels. H leadership of Nazis was secured.


1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact = G was treated as an equal and signed agreement of 61 countries not to use war to settle disputes. Nazis still only 12 seats in Reichstag due to Golden Recovery of Weimar Rep.

1929 The Young Plan = reduced reparations to $2billion and gave G 59 years to pay. October 1929 – Stresemann died.World Economic Crisis – Wall St Crash caused the Great Depression – G at bottom of debt cycle led to huge unemployment & rise in extremism again.

Know the History – Germany 1918-1939 – Paper 3


Page 4: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1933 January 1933 – 6.1 million unemployed in G. 50% of all 16-30 year olds unemployed. January 30th H became Chancellor. 27 Feb 1933 = Reichstag Fire – Nazi set up? Van der Lubbe set up? 4000 Communists arrested – H sets Emergency Decree. March 1933 – Enabling Act passed – gave H right to make laws for 4 years without Reichstag approval. National party & Centre Party supported EA – fear of Communism? The act marked the official end of democracy in G.April 1933 – H made laws with power to sack teachers they did not approve of. Hitler banned Trade Unions – set up DAF (Labour Front)May 1933 students in Berlin burned 20,000 books by Jewish, Communist, anti-Nazi authors. July 1933 – H makes Concordat with the Pope – deal to guarantee no Catholic interference with what H was doing. Gestapo – Nazi secret police set up by Goering. Pastor Niemoller set up the PEL to campaign against Nazi actions. 1933 = Goebbels appointed propaganda minister. Sept 1933 – set up Reich Chamber of Culture to decide which activities fitted in with Nazi ideas. Law for the encouragement of marriage – loans and incentives to marry and have children. League of German Maidens set up – encourage girls to be good Nazis and fit in with Aryan ideas. Nazis set up RAD = Labour Service. Unemployed people had to work.

1934 30th June 1934 – H removes internal threat from Rohm with Night of The Long Knives. 2 August 1934 – Hindenburg died – no obstacle to Hitler.Hitler forces army to make oath of loyalty to him. Vote on 19th August to confirm H appointment as Fuhrer – 90% of voters in favour. Gestapo placed under SS control. The PEL set up the Confessing Church against Nazi ideas. Hitler set about controlling the legal system – replacing judges with Nazis and setting up The People’s Court for political crimes!

1935 Lebensborn programme started by SS leader Himmler to encourage increase in Aryan births!!!All school textbooks now had to be approved by the Nazis. RAD made compulsory to serve 6 months. Nuremberg Laws = Race Laws = Jews lost right of citizenship.

1936 H set up The Reich Church – Ludwig Muller was its leader – attempted to unite all Protestants under Nazis. Berlin Olympics – huge propaganda event – stadium & organisation impressed the world.

1937 Niemoller sent to concentration camp.

1938 Edelweiss Pirates becoming more widespread – youth opposition to Nazis (including Swing Youth) H changed divorce laws so women who could not have children could be divorced easier. By 1938 1.2 million boys were being trained with small-arms shooting. By 1938 3500 km of autobahns had been finished. Kristallnacht – 9-10 Nov 1938. Gangs attacked Jews and their property – 814 shops, 171 homes, 191 synagogues destroyed.

1939 By 1939 H had 150,000 people in prison under “protective arrest” – to cope with this concentration camps were set up. By 1939 70% of German homes had a radio Government spending on weapons grown to 26 billion marks (was 3.5 billion in 1933!) part of Rearmament programme.

1930 Nazis won 107 seats in Reichstag.

1931 Great Depression continued to cause hardship – unemployment & starvation.

1932 1929-32 – 40% fall in output of G industry due to Great Depression. Reichstag only met 13 times and Chancellor Bruning offered nothing but cuts in support and rises in taxes. Increase in support for KPD – 15% of votes!!July 1932 – Hitler wins 230 seats (13m votes) in Reichstag – now a contender for Chancellor March 1932 – H lost Presidential elections but still had 11 million votes!!! KPD candidate had 5 million votes!May 1932 – Von Papen became Chancellor. (Bruning resigned)Nov 1932 – Von Papen sacked. Dec 1932 – Schleicher became Chancellor.


Page 5: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Test yourself on the timeline here? Maybe use the foldover sheet technique? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5

Page 6: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

How and why did support for The Nazis change from 1923 to 1933?


Page 7: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

How and why was Hitler able to become dictator of Germany by August 1934?


Page 8: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

How and why were the Nazis able to control

people from 1933-39?

Control of the legal system –Judges, Courts and Laws.

Banned Trade Unions. Merge all clubs and societies into Nazi Party – assimilation.

SS led by Himmler – in charge of concentration camps – fear.

Gestapo – phone tapping – fear. Gestapo – informants – fear. Hitler youth & league of German Maidens – indoctrination.

Propaganda – radio, posters, rallies, speeches –indoctrination. Goebbels.

Olympic Games – persuade people things are good

Jobs & employment programmes

Destroy the Communist party (KPD) esp after Reichstag Fire.

Education – take over curriculum in schools – sack unsupportive teachers – teach hate and war.

Church – attempt to control Catholics and Protestants = Concordat with Pope & Reich Church for Protestants.

July 1933 made all political parties illegal except for the NSDAP.

Modern methods – one channel radios – 70% of homes had one by 1938.

Control all culture and Arts –Sept 1933 Reich Chamber of Culture set up – May 1933 onwards – book burning.

Hitler introduced many policies and measures to ensure the Nazis remained in control, once he declared himself Führer in 1934 after the death of President Hindenburg.Control through fear and oppressionThe Nazis created a terror-state whereby those living in Germany were too scared to disobey Nazi laws. This was achieved through intimidation and brutality.The Gestapo, April 1933The Gestapo were the Nazis secret police who gathered intelligence on people living in Germany.They had over 150,000 informants throughout the country who would report any anti-Nazi sentiment to the Gestapo.The Gestapo and their informants did not wear uniforms and, therefore, Germans did not know when they were being spied on. This created tension and fear throughout the country.They had powers to arrest and detain those people who were considered enemies of the state/Nazi Party. These people were often violently questioned before being released or imprisoned.People’s courts were used to guarantee that those who the Nazis considered to be enemies were charged with treason and interred in concentration camps.


Page 9: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Study Source A.Give 2 things you can infer from Source A about how well Germany was being governed in November 1918. (4 marks)


Page 10: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Study Source A.Give 2 things you can infer from Source A about the golden recovery of the Weimar Republic from 1923-29. (4 marks)


Page 11: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

(i) What I can infer:





Details in the source that tell me this:





(ii) What I can infer:





Details in the source that tell me this:





(i) What I can infer:





Details in the source that tell me this:





(ii) What I can infer:





Details in the source that tell me this:






Page 12: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Explain why questions – the 12 marker – same principles as the Medicine & Elizabethan England 12 markers. 3 paragraphs PEELd.

Question Bullet points SFD from the timeline & notes?

Explain why the Weimar Republic faced challenges from 1918-23?

• Treaty of Versailles

• Political extremes

• Reparations.

BRAT Article 231 – territory – Saar – hurt G pride & prestige – Dolchstoss – G people felt stabbed in the back.Sparatacist uprising 1919 & Kapp (1920) & Munich (1923)Putsch£6.6bn – caused huge economic problems – unemployment. Occupation of Ruhr & Hyperinflation. Huge economic problems destabilised new Weimar governments –people not much faith in new democracy.

Explain why the Weimar Republic recovered during the years 1924-29?

• Locarno Pact

• Stresemann

Explain why the Nazi Party lost support in the years 1923-29?

• Stresemann

• Munich Putsch

Explain why there was increased support for the Nazis in the years 1929-32?

Explain why Hitler was able to become Chancellor by January 30th 1933?

Explain why the Nazi Party was able to establish a dictatorship in Germany from 1933-39?

• 12

Page 13: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Explain why questions – the 12 marker – same principles as the Medicine & Elizabethan England 12 markers. 3 paragraphs PEELd.

Question Bullet points SFD from the timeline & notes?

Explain why the Weimar Republic faced challenges from 1918-23?

• Treaty of Versailles

• Political extremes

• Reparations.

BRAT Article 231 – territory – Saar – hurt G pride & prestige – Dolchstoss – G people felt stabbed in the back.Sparatacist uprising 1919 & Kapp (1920) & Munich (1923)Putsch£6.6bn – caused huge economic problems – unemployment. Occupation of Ruhr & Hyperinflation. Huge economic problems destabilised new Weimar governments –people not much faith in new democracy.

Explain why the Weimar Republic recovered during the years 1924-29?

• Locarno Pact

• Stresemann

• Dawes Plan

Explain why the Nazi Party lost support in the years 1923-29?

• Stresemann

• Munich Putsch

• Political Recovery?




Explain why there was increased support for the Nazis in the years 1929-32?

Explain why Hitler was able to become Chancellor by January 30th 1933?

Explain why the Nazi Party was able to establish a dictatorship in Germany from 1933-39?

• 13

Page 14: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Now make up your own questions for the 12 marker for your exam...

Question Bullet points SFD from the timeline & notes?

Explain why •

Explain why •

Explain why •

Explain why •

Explain why •

Explain why •

• 14

Page 15: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Section B – Questions 3a to 3d


Page 16: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921


Page 17: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921


Page 18: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

The Source Utility question3 a

8 marks10-15 minutes!!!

Source C


3a) Study Sources C & D. How useful are these sources for an enquiry into the recovery of the Weimar republic from 1924-28? (8 marks)


Page 19: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

The Source Utility question3 a

8 marks10-15 minutes!!!

Source D


3a) Study Sources C & D. How useful are these sources for an enquiry into the recovery of the Weimar republic from 1924-28? (8 marks)


Page 20: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921


Page 21: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

3a) Study Sources B & C. How useful are these sources for an enquiry into the rise of the Nazi Party from 1929-33? (8 marks)

Source B – Nazi propaganda / election poster “Our last hope: Hitler”

Source C – table of results for the 1932 Reichstag elections.

The Source Utility question3 a

8 marksHave a go 12-15 minutes!!!


Page 22: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921


Page 23: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Summarises the difference in the first sentence.

Indicates, with quotes, what Interpretation 1’s views is.

Indicates, with quotes, what Interpretation 2’s views is.

3b. Study Interpretations 1 and 2. They give different views on the reasons for the growth in support for the Nazi Party in the years 1929-1932.What is the main difference between the views? (4 marks)

The main difference between these interpretations about the growth of the Nazi party is their judgement about the role Hitler played in this. Interpretation 1 indicates that it was the “charismatic leadership” of Hitler and his powerful speeches which impressed “listeners” and therefore led to the increased popularity of the Party. In contrast, Interpretation 2 argues that it was not “any actions of the Nazi leader himself” but “chance events such as the depression and unemployment” which led to increased support for the Nazis.

Interpretation 1: From ‘Weimar and Nazi Germany’ by J Hite and C Hinton, published in 2000Hitler himself was central to the success of the Nazis in the years 1929-32. He provided a charismatic leadership with his powerful message to build a new Germany. He was a powerful speaker with his timing, expression and the content of his speeches impressing listeners. He was able to identify with their emotions and gave people hope. Along with Goebbels, he realised the importance of propaganda. He used propaganda to target the specific grievances of many Germans.

Interpretation 2: From ‘Hitler 1889-1936’ by I Kershaw published in 1998There was nothing inevitable about Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. Five years earlier the Nazis had been a small party in German politics with little support. Events such as the Wall Street Crash, which led to Depression in Germany, brought increased support for the Nazis in the years 1929-32. Chance events, such as the depression and unemployment, played a much larger role than any actions of the Nazi leader himself in bringing Hitler to power.


Page 24: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Summarises the reason for the difference in the first sentence.

Indicates the link between Interpretation 1 and Source C, using a quote from the source.

Indicates the link between Interpretation 2 and Source B, using a quote from the source.

One reason why interpretations 1 and 2 give different views about the reasons for the growth in support of the Nazi party is because the historians have given different weight to different sources. It is clear that Hite and Hinton in Interpretation1 are more convinced by sources such as Source C which indicate that Hitler’s speeches created enthusiasm and hope showing that “Hitler himself was central to the success of the Nazis”. In contrast, Kershaw in Interpretation 2 is clearly more convinced by sources such as Source B which show that it was “the depression and unemployment” which played a more important role.

Interpretation 1: From ‘Weimar and Nazi Germany’ by J Hite and C Hinton, published in 2000Hitler himself was central to the success of the Nazis in the years 1929-32. He provided a charismatic leadership with his powerful message to build a new Germany. He was a powerful speaker with his timing, expression and the content of his speeches impressing listeners. He was able to identify with their emotions and gave people hope. Along with Goebbels, he realised the importance of propaganda. He used propaganda to target the specific grievances of many Germans.

Interpretation 2: From ‘Hitler 1889-1936’ by I Kershaw published in 1998There was nothing inevitable about Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. Five years earlier the Nazis had been a small party in German politics with little support. Events such as the Wall Street Crash, which led to Depression in Germany, brought increased support for the Nazis in the years 1929-32. Chance events, such as the depression and unemployment, played a much larger role than any actions of the Nazi leader himself in bringing Hitler to power.

3c. Suggest one reason why Interpretations 1 and 2 give different views about reasons for the growth in support for the Nazi party in the years 1929-1932.


Page 25: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Question 3d History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

How far do you agree with interpretation 1 about how Hitler became Chancellor in 1933? (16 marks)

What does it tell us?Economic reasons why H became C. “Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 because the Great Depression meant the people of Germany were desperate”

What does it tell us?Political reasons why H became C. “Von Papen was the man who persuaded Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor.”

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2 or other arguments...

6.6 million unemployed – people starving – killing animals such as horses for food.

By 1932 half of young people aged between 16 & 30 could not find jobs.

Weimar politicians argued and could not agree about forming a government or solving these probs – Centre Party and SPD constantly argued.

Bruning’s government raised taxes which made businessmen angry & reduced benefits which angered the poor = people voted for extreme parties e.g. Nazis and Communists

Nazi vote and seats in Reichstag 1928 – 12 seats – 1932 – 230 seats –means Hitler was in a position to be appointed as Chancellor.

Even though Hitler had majority in Reichstag he was not automatically appointed as Chancellor. Hindenburg kept blocking this.

Von Papen lost vote of confidence in Reichstag and led to more elections in Nov 1932. Von papen asked Hindenburg to close Reichstag and rule under Article 48.

Schleicher also could not hold Reichstag together. Meetings of Reichstag politicians and business people persuaded

Hindenburg to appoint H as Chancellor. Hindenburg did this reluctantly on 30th Jan 1933.

Other arguments = effective propaganda & the Hitler myth. Fear of Communism.

Interpretation 1By Thomas Tangent in his book: Hitler’s rise to power (2001)“Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 because the Great Depression meant the people of Germany were desperate. They were poor and starving. The Weimar government under Bruning gave no clear policies except to raise taxes and reduce benefit. This meant people were voting in larger numbers for extremist parties but mostly for the Nazis who offered clear promises to give people work and pride in Germany”

Interpretation 2By Victor James in his book: The failings of the leaders – an account of how Weimar politicians opened the door to power for Hitler. (1997)“Von Papen was the man who persuaded Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor. Hindenburg had tried to resist this but Von Papen made Hindenburg believe that if Hitler was not chosen as Chancellor there could be a civil war. Von Papen and von Schleicher were both worried that a civil war could break out in Germany between Communists and Nazis. Fear of Communism meant that politicians like von Papen worked to get Hitler appointed as Chancellor from December to January 1933”


Page 26: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...interpretation 1 tells me that Hitler became Chancellor because of the Great Depression and that Chancellor Bruning did nothing to solve the problems of the Great Depression.

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quoteHowever, interpretation 2 suggests that Hitler became Chancellor for other reasons. It suggests that there were political not economic reasons why Hitler became Chancellor. It clearly states that “Von Papen was the man who persuaded Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor”. It suggests that these politicians were worried about Communism and that this threat led to them persuading Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor.

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

From my own knowledge I know that there were meetings between von Papen, German businessmen and Hindenburg which were focused on the fear that there would be a civil war and the Communists might win. This supports interpretation 2 that there was a serious political threat and problems which led to Hindenburg making Hitler Chancellor.

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 27: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

How far do you agree with interpretation 1 about popular support for Kristallnacht? (16 marks)

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2 or other arguments...

Could be said that Kristalllnacht was supported by more people than just the Hitler Youth, SA and SS. There were many reports of civilians who took part in the smashing of shops and the graffiti and burning of synagogues.

Many Germans did ignore the events – even if they did not take part there was very little opposition to it. Some were too scared by 1938 to oppose it, some tried to ignore it and some probably supported it.

The damage was very widespread – official figures probably underestimate the actual destruction. 814 shops, 171 homes, 191 synagogues destroyed. This suggests there was widespread support for the hatred and violence.

The whole thing was a propaganda exercise to show how Jews were hated by many Germans.

Goebbels used the murder of a German diplomat by a Jew to stir up hatred and fear.

Nazi members were told by their superiors to wear civilian clothing so it would look like popular unrest against Jews – Goebbels wanted all of the violence to look sudden and a response to the murder.

The whole event was orchestrated by Goebbels – supported by the SS who ordered local police not to get involved with the violence.

Kristallnacht – 9-10th November 1938. Violence against Jews and their property. Over 20,000 Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps and ordered to pay 1 billion marks for the damage.


Page 28: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 29: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2 or other arguments...

Ernst Rohm was the problem – too ambitious and pushy for a Nazi Revolution. Rohm was a personal threat to Hitler’s leadership.

Rohm had merged an army veterans group with the SA – increased SA to 3 million members.

SA members were more loyal to Rohm – 60% were unemployed and felt Hitler was letting them down.

Rohm had political differences with Hitler – believed H was too cosy with rich industrialists and army generals. Rohm wanted a more socialist revolution in Germany.

H felt threatened by the power and influence of Rohm. Rohm was charismatic and his SA were fiercely loyal to him instead of H.

Hitler needed the Night of the Long Knives to get the army on his side and to make the army support his insecure dictatorship.

The German army were probably more worried about Rohm than H was. H needed the army on his side. Army officers believed Rohm wanted the SA to be the second army of G.

In 1934 leaders of the SS and the army warned H that Rohm was planning to seize power.

How far do you agree with interpretation 1 about the threat to Hitler by Ernst Rohm in 1934? (16 marks)

Night of the Long Knives was Hitler’s purge of the SA in June to July 1934. Rohm had been the leader of the SA and was a committed Nazi but Hitler felt threatened by him. Many historians regard Rohm as a bigger threat to H than even the Communists because Rohm had such a strong following. 29

Page 30: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 31: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

Many priests did resist the Nazis by continuing to preach love and understanding instead of hate.

Many opposed the Nazis closing of youth groups and that they had to swear an oath of allegiance to H.

In 1933 a group of Pastors set up the PEL to oppose Nazi rules changing the church and banning the Old Testament. They set up the Confessing church in 1934. About 6000 protestant priests joined this in protest against the Nazis.

Pastor Niemoller – famous opposition to the Nazis – he originally voted for the Nazis but turned against them when he realised what they really stood for = hatred.

1937 – even the Pope made a statement to say the Concordat was worthless.

The Concordat with the Pope meant Catholic opposition to H was muted.

Many Catholics supported the Nazis – supported by rich industrialists. Many Christians did refuse to conform to the Nazis but very few were

brave or adventurous enough to openly challenge them. Many historians focus on a lack of real, strong, organised opposition

to the Nazis by the Church & that a lot of regular churchgoers supported the Nazis – perhaps it was their fear of Communism which drove them to support the Nazis.

How far do you agree with interpretation 1 about Church opposition to Hitler’s regime? (16 marks)


Page 32: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 33: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

How far do you agree with interpretation 2 about the reasons for Hitler’s success in elections from 1929-33?

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

Support for the KDP (Communist Party) increased by 35 seats from 1928 to 1932 (from 10% to 15% - over a million voters).

Many working class people saw the communists as the only party that would defend their jobs and wages.

The Harzburg Front, made up of industrialists, helped to fund Nazi Election campaigns through fear of communism ruining their businesses. The Nazis managed to persuade many industrialists that they were the only hope against Communism.

In 1928, the Nazi policy of confiscating all private land, was changed to only the land of Jews. This reassured farmers that Hitler would protect them from Communists.

The Nazi Party gained 60% of the votes in rural areas in the 1930 Reichstag elections.

Middle classes also feared Communism – they also saw the Nazis as a return to traditional German values.

Hitler spoke in as many parts of the country as possible. He was a prominent face all over Germany.

The use of radio, mass rallies and newspapers helped to spread Hitler’s messages. His speeches were charismatic, energised, and told the Germans what they wanted to hear. The modern propaganda machine run by Goebbels ensured that the Hitler myth was well known in Germany.

The organised manner of the Nazi Party allowed them to spread their ideas efficiently to many types of people. They appeared competent and able to run the country. They had strong and simple messages which appealed to many people – especially against the T of V, Communists and the weaknesses of Weimar.

Membership increased from 129,000 to 849,000 from 1930-33 – a lot of people found Hitler appealing. His messages and speeches and charisma would attract more voters who felt he could unify a weak and wounded Germany.


Page 34: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 35: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

How far do you agree with interpretation 1 about how young people responded to the Nazi regime from 1933-39?

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

Rebellious youths disliked having no freedom of choice, so they acted in defiance.

The Edelweiss Pirates resented military discipline. The boys wore their hair longer and copied styles of clothing from America.

The Swing Youth were mainly middle-class youths from big towns such as Berlin, Hamburg and Kiel. They idolised American culture, playing illegally imported records and smoking, dancing and drinking.

The Jazz Youth were inspired by jazz music, made popular by black Americans such as Louis Armstrong. Himmler in particular was very angry about the Jazz Youth.

The Nazis controlled education and ensured all teachers joined the Nazi Teacher’s League or were fired, so young people could be indoctrinated.

Students were taught only Nazi-approved subjects, which had been altered to benefit Germany’s future. New subjects were created, such as Race Studies. Curriculum was focused on war and physical strength.

The Nazi youth movement ensured that all boys and girls were involved in youth groups, which taught them Nazi ideas and trained them to be strong and active.

The Hitler Youth and the League of German Maidens were specifically designed to shape the Nazis’ ideal.

By 1938 there were over 1.2 million boys in the Hitler youth. Many were committed and enthusiastic.


Page 36: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 37: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

Main aim of gestapo was to identify anyone who opposed the Nazi regime.

They used phone tapping, networks of informants and used torture to get confessions.

Set up by Goering in 1933 but under SS control from 1934.

There were never more than 30,000 Gestapo for a pop of 80 million. In some large towns such as Hamburg there were only 50 officers.

SS was bigger and had more impact – over 240,000 men who were put in charge of the police.

The Gestapo was not effective at uncovering opposition but it did not need to be as people were all too willing to inform out of fear.

Rumours about torture and conditions in the concentration camps made people fear them even more.

Main weapon of the gestapo was fear. People did not know who they or their informers were – therefore they had more influence than their actual number. People could not know who might inform on them so their fear of this kept them obedient

How far do you agree with interpretation 1 about the effectiveness of the Gestapo to control the German people from 1933-39? (16 marks)


Page 38: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 39: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

How far do you agree with Interpretation 1 that The Weimar Constitution was to blame for the downfall of the republic by 1933?

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

The Constitution resulted in coalition governments that were weak and built upon compromise. There were 9 coalition governments between 1919 and 1923.

The lack of strong single-party governments was a particular problem during a crisis when swift, clear decisions were needed.

Article 48, which allowed the Chancellor to ask for laws without the support of the Reichstag, resulted in the Chancellor relying on the president instead of the votes in the Reichstag. This bypassed democratic rules. The WR used this in 1932 when it seemed that the country was in meltdown – this opened the door for H and extremists.

Many of the small parties that won seats in the Reichstag openly despised the new constitution.

The Constitution declared Germany as a democracy, and gave voting rights to women and men over 21.

It prevented one person from having too much power, through giving proportional representation. The president and chancellor had specific roles which gave them different responsibilities.

The Constitution meant that the central government had more power than when the Kaiser was in charge, and local government was retained (Land/Lander) to manage police, courts and schools.

The Weimar Republic had survived serious political threats from 1918-33 but the economic problems of 1929 to 33 from the Great Depression meant that threat would be impossible to solve as G’s were so desperate. Maybe the T of V and reparations which caused the debt cycle was the biggest problem not the constitution.


Page 40: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 41: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

How far do you agree with interpretation 1 about the successes of Hitler’s economic policies?

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

The autobahn project was set up in 1933, giving jobs to 125,000 men by 1935.

The Nazis financed public works such as bridges, buildings and sports facilities, which all required workers to build.

Hitler announced military conscription in 1935, defying the Treaty of Versailles. 1,360,000 men were “employed” in the armed forces by 1939.

Rearmament also required arms ad equipment, which in turn created jobs. In 1933, only 4,000 people were employed in aircraft construction, but by 1935 this had jumped to 72,000

The RAD was made compulsory in 1935.

It had 422,000 members in 1935.

Those included in the RAD were not counted towards unemployment figures.

Women and Jews were excluded from unemployment figures. This drastically changed the numbers to suggest more people were employed than was the truth. Hidden / Invisible unemployment – his economic policy was a con.

By 1939, 1.3 million men were in the armed forces, who during peace-time would have been unemployed, so it wasn’t his economic policies which reduced unemp.


Page 42: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

Source B.

A photograph used by the Nazis showing workers about to begin construction of an autobahn in 1933. The workers are being met by Hitler before they begin one part of the huge autobahn construction programme.

Source C.Bert Engelmann recalled a conversation he heard on a train in Germany in 1936.

“...we work outdoors in all kinds of weather, shovelling dirt for 51 pfennigs (pennies) an hour. Then there are the deductions in pay and “voluntary” contributions they take out automatically, and 15 pfennigs a day for a straw mattress in a draughty wooden barracks... ...six months ago we were getting 66 pfennigs an hour and now they’re pushing us harder and harder... ...I collected unemployment benefit until the spring of ‘34 and that was a lot better than what I’m doing now.”

Interpretation 1Extract from a GCSE textbook “Modern World History” by Ben Walsh 1996.

“Hitler and the Nazis came to power because they promised to use radical methods to solve the country’s two main problems – desperate unemployment and a crisis in German farming. Hitler was fortunate that by 1933 the worst of the Great Depression was over. Even so, there is no doubt that the Nazis acted with energy and commitment to solve some of the main problems. The brilliant economist Dr Hjalmar Schacht organised Germany’s finances to fund a huge programme of work creation. The National Labour Service sent men on public works and conservation programmes. Other measures also brought increasing prosperity.”

Interpretation 2An extract from a school textbook “Germany 1918-45” by Lacey & Shephard (1997)

“Unskilled workers were the hardest hit by the depression. They formed the bulk of the six million unemployed. They were immediately put to work on government programmes. They had no option. If they did not accept the work they would receive no unemployment benefit. However, wages were sometimes lower than the rate of unemployment benefit.”

Question 3 dHow far do you agree with interpretation 1

about the effectiveness of

Hitler’s economic policies?(16 +4)


Page 43: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 44: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

Communists did it – van der Lubbe could not have acted alone – Communists really threatened to have a revolution in Germany especially after H was appointed Chancellor in January 1933.

Communism was becoming a threat – 81 seats in Reichstag. Propaganda by the Nazis against Communists had been very

powerful – H and the Nazis may have believed their own. It could have been a plot by Nazis set up by them to set up the Communists so that H would take extreme direct action against them.

Herman Goring was heard some time later boasting about being in the building just before the fire.

A propaganda set up by the Nazis was a very likely explanation – the Nazis needed H to assume more powers and the fire led directly to emergency actions which enabled Hitler to take even more power and reduce the power of democracy even more.

The fire only benefitted the Nazis – secured even more support by business e.g. Krupp. Nazis could later reduce power of Trade Unions.

4000 Communists arrested on the night – Emergency decree issued & Enabling act all meant that the Nazis could assume very strong powers and not risk any further elections.

How far do you agree with interpretation 1 about who was to blame for The Reichstag Fire in February 1933? (16 marks)


Page 45: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 46: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

How far do you agree with interpretation 2 about the consequences of the 1923 Munich Putsch? (16 marks)


Page 47: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 48: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

Nazi ideology taught that women’s role was to be married and have children. They should stay at home and not be at work.

1933 Law for the encouragement of marriage – loans up to 1000 marks and for each child born ¼ of the loan was written off.

Lebensborn – 1935 – policy to marry young women and get them to breed with SS.

When in power the Nazis aimed at reducing number of women in work. Women were to concentrate on the 3 Ks – Kinder, Kuche, Kirche – children, kitchen & church.

1933 women banned from professions such as teaching and being Drs. 1936 no woman allowed to be judge, lawyer or on jury.

German industry was growing so fast that the Nazis neededwomen to return to work – but mostly in manual labour – not professions – this gave the impression that more women were in work by 1939 in spite of Nazi policies.

1937 women with marriage loans were allowed to work. Yes – Nazis did need to change aims – especially if rearming and

remilitarising G by 1939. Nazi policies towards women were not 100% effective. They had

to reverse some policies.

How far do you agree with interpretation 2 about Nazi policies towards women from 1933 to 1939? (16 marks)


Page 49: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...


Page 50: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

History GCSE Paper 3 – Weimar & Nazi Germany – Section B – interpretations...

How far do you agree with interpretation 2 about how the Nazis tried to control people?

What does it tell us? What does it tell us?

SFD and arguments to agree with Interpretation 1... SFD and arguments to disagree with Interpretation 1 and support Int 2...

The Nazis targeted young people so that the future of Germany would be strong and well-trained. They wanted the “Thousand Year Reich.”

Youth groups were set up for all ages and genders, to teach the young people of Germany skills for their future in the Thousand Year Reich.

When Bernhard Rust was made Education Minister, he stated that “the whole purpose of education is to create Nazis.”

Children were taught to do the Nazi salute, began all lessons with Heil Hitler, and were taught Race Studies alongside traditional, Nazi-approved subjects. Teachers who did not approve were sacked – the Nazis wanted students to learn Nazi ideals and question their own parents / upbringing

Other methods of control = Olympics & employment – how?

Fear was a key part of Nazi control rather than indoctrination. Nazis could indoctrinate young people as they were impressionable (easy to influence) but fear was needed to control adults.

Fear tactics were selective by the Gestapo but because no-one knew when their phone was tapped or who was an informer for The Gestapo, fear rather than actions became very important to control people.

People did co-operate with the Gestapo and worked as informers – this spread fear further.


Page 51: Questions… Value & timings??? 4 marks 5 mins...July 1921 –Hitler forced a leadership contest against Drexler and became leader of the NSDAP. Hitler formed the SA in August 1921

1 Agree – stating Interpretation 1’s view – could quote from it...

2 Agree – using own knowledge – what do you know that supports Interp 1?

3 Disagree – using interp 2 – you can use a quote

4 Disagree using own knowledge – is there any info / SFD you know to suggest support Int 2

5 Overall conclusion. Sliding scale...

