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The inhabitants of Earth are being systematically marshalled into a compliant state. “Globalisation” is a euphemism for a long-planned totalitarian government on a planetary scale, affecting every detail of our lives. The means of accomplishing this sweeping goal are legion and concerted. What is taking place above our heads is just one of the numerous multifunctional “weapons” designed to facilitate complete control over the bodies, minds and souls of every human being on Earth. That aerosol spraying is taking place globally cannot be credibly denied. And that no government is willing to take responsibility for explaining the phenomenon is in itself both disturbing and revealing. The aerosol trails cannot be dismissed as “normal aviation activity” or even as benign. Neither can the proliferation of man-made clouds, spread by means of electromagnetic stroking, be explained as consistent with historic meteorological patterns. Attempts to justify it all in terms of “mitigating global warming” are futile. Nano-technolgy has produced new phenomena that combine aerial and terrestrial components in a deadly mix that is able to decimate entire populations.
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part one carl needham
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questions in the sky

part onecarl needham

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“The sky is no less blue because the blind man does not see it” (Danish proverb).

“Is the sky now less blue because those with eyes act as blind men?” (Anon).

© Copyright 2010 Earth Orbit Pty Ltd all rights reserved.

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“We can chart our future clearly and wisely only when we know the path which has led to the present.”

Adlai Stevenson

“The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

Winston Churchill

“The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect was already in the cause.”

Henri Bergson

“Time is the wisest counsellor.” Pericles

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back through successive civilizations to the present” (Ibid., page 353). s

suggestion into it. This is why such technology is rightfully feared.” 8

10. Smart Dust

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The inhabitants of Earth are being systematically marshalled into a compliant state. “Globalisation” is a euphemism for a long-planned totalitarian government on a planetary scale, affecting every detail of our lives. The means of accomplishing this sweeping goal are legion and concerted. What is taking place above our heads is just one of the numerous multifunctional “weapons” designed to facilitate complete control over the bodies, minds and souls of every human being on Earth.

That aerosol spraying is taking place globally cannot be credibly denied. And that no government is willing to take responsibility for explaining the phenomenon is in itself both disturbing and revealing. The aerosol trails cannot be dismissed as “normal aviation activity” or even as benign. Neither can the proliferation of man-made clouds, spread by means of electromagnetic stroking, be explained as consistent with historic meteorological patterns. Attempts to justify it all in terms of “mitigating global warming” are futile.

Nano-technolgy has produced new phenomena that combine aerial and terrestrial components in a deadly mix that is able to decimate entire populations.

Well-meaning activism is now too little too late, regardless of the intensity of personal feelings about it. No amount of placard waving or amassing of signatures will change the outcome. The issue lies far deeper than the merely political level.

It is essential to understand the deep-laid ideology that is driving the accelerating rush to globalism together with its historic roots if we are to truly understand the phenomenon of aerosol spraying in Earth’s atmosphere.

There is cogent evidence of an epic struggle for global domination on every page of history—if we are willing to look beyond the official curricula of both classroom and mainstream media “education”.

Nonetheless, the situation is not hopeless. The entire population of Earth is made up of individuals. Thankfully there is much we can do as individuals to both safeguard our physical survival, and to protect our bodies, minds and spirits.

Some of these measures are surprisingly simple.


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Questions Raised High 10

A Culture of “Conspiracy” 20

Roots 27

The Long and Winding Trail to Nascence 36

What Happened? 42

Back to the Future—and Back 49

Blood 56

Unearthly Music 61

Mind Games 69

Smart Dust 81

Splitting History 90

The Other Side of the Coin 99

If at First 104



“Take the adventure that lies ahead…” (Prince Caspian, Voyage of the Dawntreader, C S Lewis).

The sight of big jet tankers flying side-by-side, emptying tons of man-made, toxic, chemical aerosols into the sky above our heads, day and night, does little to inspire a feeling of security. And when we are told that we are not seeing what we know we are, by those whom we imagine we have elected to protect us from such things, our hearts begin to sink.

This book is for those who want the truth. But it will take real courage to face the facts candidly. Some of our long-held—even cherished—assumptions may be shaken to their foundations. I bid you to read on with an honest heart and open mind.

Carl Needham














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Questions Raised High

Sometime around late 1998, unmarked jet aircraft were observed flying over the United States of America, spraying unknown substances into the sky. It quickly became obvious that this was something dramatically out of the ordinary. 1

The spray was left hanging in thick, long, parallel lines that spread out to create “white-out” in what had just before been clear, blue skies.

Other flight patterns were observed, including “chequerboard” cross hatching and also “tick-tack-toe” random paths. The common denominator was the fact that these spray trails behaved very differently from familiar jet contrails: they didn’t go away.

The activity was observed in localities where jet aircraft were not normally known to fly. Often the altitude of the big planes seemed significantly lower than that of commercial jet traffic.

Before long it became a frequent and widespread occurrence.

Since World War II, water vapour trails from the exhaust and airframes of high-altitude jets has been a common sight across


the world. Characteristically, these contrails maintain a fixed distance behind the planes as they traverse the sky, much like the wake of a boat. Contrails always disappear within a very short time. But this new phenomenon was clearly different.

Instead of vanishing in the familiar way, these enormously-long trails persisted, spreading out to cover huge areas, often completely obscuring the blue sky altogether. The phenomenon was observed by thousands of people across the USA.

The internet was peppered with photographs and video taken by perplexed citizens hoping someone would “please explain”. Logical questions were asked of those who had been elected to safeguard their voters’ interests. The many enquiries were consistently met with emphatic rebuttal. It became obvious that the same “templated” pattern of handling phone-ins was being used across the nation.

The effect of this obfuscation was to arouse suspicion, which ineluctably produced a grass roots movement. As people do when confronted by alarming circumstances, they began to reach out for others with whom some kind of helpful dialogue and collaborative effort might be established.

In the state of New Mexico, ex-government researcher, Clifford E Carnicom, observed the spraying taking place where he had chosen to live because of its pristine environment. He became disturbed by what he saw occurring over his own house. He immediately applied his disciplined and analytical mind to the issue and began conducting experiments to see what was being unceremoniously introduced into the air he must now breathe.

In due course he published his findings on a pioneering Web site.2 The site immediately became the object of intense interest

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on the part of numerous government agencies. The log of visitors to the site from the industrial-military complex is long and impressive. The record of “hits” shows that intelligence agencies including the CIA, FBI and the Pentagon were very interested to follow Carnicom’s revelations, albeit in the shadows. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell Aerospace and most of the significant aeronautical contractors to the military complex of the USA became regular visitors to the site. Pharmaceutical organisations with heavyweight government contracts also logged on regularly. 3

Carnicom’s attempts to have his findings about the aerosols confirmed by the US EPA were thwarted in a revealing display of stonewalling that lasted two years.4 His subsequent analysis has shown that the aerosols contain a range of metallic particles as well as organic substances which have been identified as pathogenic. All of the known components of the aerosols are toxic. Among them are: barium, strontium, sulphurhexaflouride, aluminium, trimethylaluminium, calcium, metallic nano particles and other, synthetic compounds.

They also contain microscopic polymers—a substance that has a molecular structure consisting mainly, or entirely, of a large number of similar units bonded together to form a fibre. Many synthetic materials used as plastics and resins are polymers.

New diseases have emerged coincident with the widespread dispersal of these aerosols. Persistent upper respiratory tract problems in young children and older people have dramatically increased. In Texas, one of the states first subjected to spraying, Alzheimer’s disease has increased by more than 1000%. Globally, the disease has moved from being just an “old person’s affliction” to now include growing numbers of teenagers. 5

A totally new illness called Morgellon’s disease is spreading rapidly and appears to be directly linked to the aerosol activity. Morgellon’s disease doesn’t respond to any known conventional medical treatment. It is characterised by disfiguring lesions that erupt through the skin, exhibiting synthetic, microscopic fibres. The disease is debilitating and psychologically distressing.

Specific substances, such as barium (forming a radioactive isotope inimical to the normal functioning of the human oncogene that controls cancer), found in the aerosols, have been turning up in the annual rings of trees since 1999. Flora and fauna are affected. The water of Earth’s aquifers is now contaminated by the same toxins that have been identified in the aerosols. Rain water is far from pure anymore. 6

Since 1999, the phenomenon has been observed globally and copiously documented. It is happening where you live.

The amount of particulate material that has now been deposited in our atmosphere since the aerial activity commenced runs to many hundreds of millions of tonnes. Its effects are so significant that weather patterns have now been permanently altered. 7

A new term entered the popular vernacular: “chemtrails”. Its intended meaning is apparent. However, officialdom has denied the existence of any such thing. Some confusion has arisen over this issue because august establishments like NASA freely acknowledge the ubiquitous presence of “persistent contrails”. 8 The “politically correct” point of distinction will not be lost on the thoughtful reader.

One thing remains free of confusion: the aerosols being daily pumped into our atmosphere are not comprised of harmless

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water condensation or vapour. As such, the expression, “contrail” cannot be properly applied to them.

Around the same time as Clifford Carnicom published his Web site, in Ontario, Brian Holmes began observing the same phenomenon over his property in Canada. He, too, published a site showing photographs of the now-familiar, long, white aerosol trails, together with moderate, clear-headed comments. His “Holmstead” site was also quickly noticed by the same shadowy organisations. Attempts were mounted to intimidate him by sending a black, combat helicopter to hover 20 feet above the chimney of his family home. 9

Rosalind Peterson grew up in Mendocino County, California and had a professional interest in agricultural technology with a focus on live stock, soil, water and flora. At noon on March 27, 2002, her entire life changed after a friend drew her attention to the sky above her home town and asked her some pertinent questions. She began noticing that trees on her property were dying. Her interest drew her into dedicated research and she published a Web site with her findings.

Attention was also focused on her activities and in a different approach from intimidation, Peterson was invited by UN Undersecretary General, Kiyo Akasaka to address the 60th Annual DPI/NGO Conference on Climate Change: How it Impacts Us All. The conference was held at the United Nations headquarters on September, 5-7, 2007. The full transcript of the speech may be downloaded from her Web site. 10

Since then, many others have added their voices to the issue forming the subject of this book.

In January 2004, the German magazine, Raum+Zeit (Space and Time) published an article by Swiss freelance journalist

Gabriel Stetter titled, White Skies. The article made a clear link between the disastrous European winter of 2003—during which a dramatic number of people died from the extreme conditions—and the phenomenon of aerosol spraying in the upper atmosphere. 11

Throughout the remainder of this book, the term “aerosol trails” will be used to describe the phenomenon that has become ubiquitous in the skies of Earth since 1999.

aerosol |ˈerˈˈosôl; -ˈsäl|noun a substance enclosed under pressure and able to be released as a fine spray, typically by means of a propellant.• a container holding such a substance.• Chemistry a colloidal suspension of particles dispersed in air or gas.Origin 1920s: from aero- + sol. 12

The phenomenon of aerosol trails has now spread across the world. Email is received daily on the BlueNoMore Web site from all continents. Many are accompanied by photographs confirming the extent of this aerial activity. And in recent times new techniques of delivery have been observed. It seems that the long, white aerosol trails may now be considered too conspicuous, and less-detectable means are being tried.

Among these is what I have called “aerosol bursts”. From almost imperceptibly-small “puffs” of white—like anti-aircraft flack—odd-looking clouds rapidly appear in a blue sky. These spread very quickly in all directions at once and join together to form a white overcast. The delivery aircraft are not easy to detect, but the alert observer will see them. Early morning is often the best time to spot such activity as the low-angle of sunlight catches the aircraft superstructure, betraying its presence. It is common to see a thin vapour emerging from such flights without the

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usual long aerosol trails. The vapour deliquesces and becomes a thick haze that frequently turns to total white out.

In a revealing manoeuvre, atypical of commercial practice, several jets work together, plying back and forth on parallel tracks at the same altitude. Their emissions rapidly combine to form what the average person may think is normal cloud. Such flights are conducted some distance from the regular, published, Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) tracks. It is common to see them in places where no commercial jet flights operate.

Another technique is increasingly common. With this method, the jet leaves very little visible trail. But soon after the plane has moved on, aerosol manifests remotely and at right angles to the aircraft’s track. Extremely long, broad layers or “sheets” of aerosol may be seen to almost “shoot” from the track of the plane and spread out for 20 nautical miles or more in a straight line. These aerosols also merge to form the now familiar white-out that has robbed us of our normal weather.

Other, very subtle techniques are also being used. Much activity takes place at night and above the white-out that has already been laid in place or above naturally-occurring clouds. Aerosol trails may often be observed in the breaks between clouds.

Examples of these more subtle techniques may be found on the Blue No More Web site. 13

Most of the aircraft that are being used began their lives as long-range, mid-air refuelling tankers. They are usually of the KC-10, KC-135R or KC-135E type and have been adapted by Boeing at the request of the US Air Force. Modifications include the fitting of refurbished engines that have been engineered to reduce their decibel output by 85%. 14

This informs us significantly since many of the flights are conducted over heavily populated areas at lower-than-normal altitudes—often at night—and with such frequency that the sheer level of sound would ordinarily draw immediate and unwelcome attention.

A basic fact emerges: if this activity is really for our good, it is incongruous with all that is fair and reasonable for it to be conducted with such consistent stealth, and for fair-minded enquiry to be treated with designed and patronising denial. 15

With these facts on our table it is difficult to avoid the sense that the truth about what is happening in our skies is being deliberately withheld from us. This is an unwelcome realization. Immediately, the spooks of “conspiracy” and “cover-up” begin their baleful wailing in our ears. It is not comfortable. We are, therefore, obliged to examine the matter most carefully.

The stakes appear to be very high indeed.

Numerous Web sites are now dedicated to the issues surrounding “chemtrails”. Some, however, are less than temperate or simply gauche. This can have the effect of making the whole thing seem to be grist for mills turned by the excitable, ill-informed or unstable. If I were charged with the dubious responsibility of disguising what is actually happening, I would be well pleased with such an outcome.

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1. “Published cloud books confirm that tests have been conducted since the 1960s. Old photographs show sporadic [aerosol trails] dating to the early 1970s with the activity steadily increasing throughout the 1980s. Since 1998, citizens throughout the world have documented spray patterns on a nearly daily basis, with an average of one ‘clear’ day per week” (www.rense.com/general4/fre.htm). s

2. www.carnicom.com s

3. www.carnicom.com/visitors.htm

Carnicom’s video documentary, “Aerosol Crimes”, may be viewed online at www.video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2815320198655156407 The video displays relevant sections of the Web site’s Visitors’ Log. A link to the video may also be found on the www.bluenomore.com Web site. s

4. Ibid. The documented evidence is incriminating. www.carnicom.com s

5. www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article1913178.ece The Alzheimer’s & Dimensia [sic.] Association’s Web site provides up-to-date information about the trends in the evolution of the disease. www.alzheimeranddementia.net/ s

6. (a) www.ba-barium.info/isotopes.html (b) www.symposium.cshlp.org/content/53/769.extract (c) Underwood_Ferguson.doc+barium+aquifer+contamination A great deal of information is to be found online using the key search words: “barium + aquifer + contamination”. s

7. www.californiaskywatch.com “NASA October 2005 newsletter: increasingly persistent jet contrails may turn into man-made clouds that are ‘trapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming…Any change in global cloud cover may contribute to long-term changes in Earth’s climate. Contrails, especially persistent contrails, represent a human-caused increase in the Earth’s cloudiness, and are likely to be affecting climate and ultimately our natural resources’ ” (emphasis supplied). s

8. Ibid. s

9. www.holmestead.ca s

10. www.californiaskywatch.com/news.htm s

11. www.raum-und-zeit.com The English translation may be found here: www.bluenomore.com/WhiteSkies.html s

12. Apple Computers OS X system dictionary. s

13. Port Macquarie: 15, 16, 17, 27, 28, 29 (See “New” for updates). s

14. www.boeing.com/defense-space/military/kc135-strat/index.html s

15. “When inquiries are addressed…the authorities envisage five stages of response: 1. To deny that chemtrails exist. If the questioner remains dissatisfied or probes further, one then, 2. Expresses overall doubts about the arguments brought forward, and ridicules eyewitness reports. If questions persist, 3. One confirms the existence of chemtrails, but plays down their significance. Then follows, in accordance with the same pattern, 4. To speak of military manoeuvres ‘whose purpose is unknown’, and finally, 5. To refuse to discuss the matter further owing to ‘National Security’ restrictions…The official source itself, when questioned, only advances to the next ‘response stage’ if and when the person seeking information refuses outright to accept the answer he/she is given. The authorities in question at all times operate within a framework of ‘plausible denial’ i.e. to qualify or withdraw, with maximum credibility, any statement of agreement previously made” (January 2004 edition of the German science magazine, Raum+Zeit [Space and Time], Gabriel Stetter, English translation by Graham Rickett—emphasis supplied). s

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A Culture of Conspiracy

Chinese general, Sun-tzu (400-320 BCE), knew how to wage war. He ranks with the greatest Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Alexander or Caesar in history when it comes to military prowess. His teachings, as preserved in his prodigious and esteemed work, The Art of War, are still the close study of advanced warfare strategists.

At the heart of his philosophy is the principle and practice of deception.

“Without giving battle, without spilling a drop of blood, without even drawing a sword, the clever General succeeds in capturing cities. Without setting foot in a foreign Kingdom, he finds the means to conquer them. He acts in such a way that those who are inferior to him can never guess his intentions. He has them change location, even taking them to rather difficult places where they must work and suffer. When a clever General goes into action, the enemy is already defeated. When he fights, he alone must do more than his entire army, not through the strength of his arm but through his prudence, his manner of commanding, and above all his ruses.” 1

We live in a world where deception is practiced routinely. Be it by Hollywood’s fanciful distortions or the supermarket assuring us, “We’re Rolling Back Prices,” while


steadily inflating them, or the ads promising fulfilment from products containing little more than air, or the artful politicians evangelizing us with grand illusions—“marketing” deception is part of our ethos. We even expect it to be so.

Up to a point.

What happens beyond that point has changed Earth. Forever.

Please don’t skim lightly over the next few paragraphs. They describe a principle that is the very operational heart of what we are pursuing in this book. Without comprehending this, we will not be able to understand what is happening in our skies. Here it is:

The most spectacular instances of wholesale deception in history have relied on the deliberate and masterful manipulation of two factors: our human cognitive dissonance and monumental audacity.

In simple terms, if you want to get away with something egregious—unspeakably shameful—make sure you do it so spectacularly that no-one will believe you could possibly be that evil. We have even coined a phrase to describe it: “unbelievably bad.” There are many such examples in quite recent history.

Hitler burned down his nation’s own Reichstag to create the figment of an external, “real and present threat” against whom the German nation must rise up in swift reprisal. He orchestrated the collapse of the national money system. He created paralysing terror in the hearts of the people by sending out his Brownshirts—recruited from their own communities—to randomly assassinate innocent people, regardless of their

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status, age or gender. After a good dose of this treatment the desperate and terrified people cried out for a saviour—a strong man—to rescue them. Up stood the charismatic perpetrator himself. And the people worshipped him.

They simply could not believe that the one who had preached so passionately about their cherished, common dreams could possibly be responsible for catastrophically destroying them. His utter audacity hid the Nazis’ agenda.

The people whom he abused now gratefully gave their lives for him. Cognitive dissonance.

Napoleon did the same thing. Stalin, likewise. Mussolini did it. We, too, have also recently witnessed such false-flag audacity—on a truly astonishing scale. But not everyone is able to accept that truth. Cognitive dissonance prevents it. And it is precisely this exploitation of the limits of our human minds that has allowed the most heinous crimes to be enacted against us, virtually without recrimination.

So, why do we revert so easily to preferred patterns of thinking, denying the unwelcome truth that is staring us in the face, even threatening our very existence? It’s the natural vulnerability of our psyches, whence came the myth of the ostrich with its predilection for plunging its head into the sand in the presence of danger. We laugh at such absurdity—and promptly practice it ourselves—sometimes with surprising zeal. 2

We work hard to achieve “the dream” with precious little time left for any real enjoyment of life itself. Not surprisingly, some looming threat to our fond hopes is hardly welcome. If there is no apparent way to avoid the perceived danger, many of us choose to construct elaborate fantasies into which we try to retreat and at least feel some illusion of security.

Audacity has a twin. The principle is also used to achieve massive deception: take the very thing you wish to obscure and hide it in plain sight.

It is human enough to discount something that logic tells us is a major problem—when it is ubiquitous. We begin to doubt our own judgement when we see that “everyone is doing it” even though our own reason tells us we shouldn’t. It is easier to go along with everyone else.

Would-be-dictators rely on the power of these principles. And on every page of history they have been practiced to sweep whole populations to their doom.

The same principles are being practiced on us now.

If there is one label that is guaranteed to produce a smirk on the faces of those who really have little idea of what they are reacting to, it is, “conspiracy theory”. I have friends with doctoral degrees in all the sciences and arts who shrink from the words as if they were pathogenically contagious. It is a fostered fear of being socially stigmatised that causes otherwise sound minds to fibrillate. Fortunately, there are also those among my friends whose “classical education” and immense academic peer-pressure has not sealed their minds.

The reasoning often goes something like this: “If what you are telling me is true, it would mean that those upon whom we rely for our social stability and sense of personal security are behaving reprehensibly. I can’t accept that, therefore, what you are saying is ipso facto false. You must be one of those ‘wild conspiracy theorists’…”

Non sequitur.

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History is one long succession of conspiracies. Every war—and there has been a virtual continuum of conflict for millennia—relies on conspiracy. It’s no theory. It is the very substance of both ancient and modern statecraft.

“Intelligence” organizations like the CIA, Mossad, the KGB (FSB) and MI5 have it as their basic stock in trade. The crafty juxtaposition of those two words, “conspiracy” and “theory”, was a masterful stroke. There is no theory about it. Witness Iraq and Afghanistan. The whole fabric of those campaigns is woven with the warp and weft of conspiracy.

The ropes of sand manufactured by Madison Avenue to tie events in New York to the intentions of Sadam Hussein quickly disintegrated in the hands of an inept administration.

My wife and I recently dined with the Chief Information Officer of a major Australian Federal Government department. I asked him what business we had sending our troops to die in Afghanistan. “As a member of the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ that’s what we are expected to do,” he offered. I pressed. “But what is the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ itself doing in Afghanistan?” He had no answer.

Daily newscasts are drenched in conspiratorial ooziness. Only a very naïve person, or one directly complicit in the action, would seriously deny its reality.

Colossal frauds have been foisted on millions of people by proscribing those who dared to speak the truth as, “Wild conspiracy theorists.” We have recently heard presidents and prime ministers recite those very lines with theatrical pathos. But the truth is, ruthless men and women have always conspired. And they will continue to do so. The Statute of

Limitations would serve no practical purpose if there was nothing to hide, at least until those complicit in the murky activities have passed safely to their graves. “State Secret” is often no more than a convenient euphemism for “conspiracy”.

A Swiss family and their young German guest sat at our table not long ago. The discussion turned to the Third Reich. I mentioned the burning of the Reichstag. The German lad told us he learned about Hitler’s conspiracy in history class at high school. It appears that it is safe to now admit what would have earned severe punishment for treason in the 1940s’ Vaterland.

At the giddy heights of geopolitics, the maxim, “The end justifies the means,” is gospel. Conspiracy is no theory. However, it is critically important for us to get our facts right if we are going to arrive at sound conclusions, particularly when our own lives are at risk.

Only evil has cause to conspire. Truth has nothing to hide.

Aerosol spraying is so far-reaching in its implications for you and me that it cannot be ignored with impunity. It certainly cannot be successfully denied. It is literally as big as the sky itself, hidden in plain sight for all to see.

But be warned: the truth of the matter is stranger than fiction.

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1. The Art of War, Sun-tzu (emphasis supplied). s

2. “The term ‘conspiracy theory’ is often used to denigrate and discredit inquiry into the veracity of suspected State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD). Labeling SCAD research as ‘conspiracy theory’ is an effective method of preventing ongoing investigations from being reported in the corporate media and keep them outside of broader public scrutiny. Psychologist Laurie Manwell, University of Guelph, addresses the psychological advantage that SCAD actors hold in the public sphere. Manwell, writing in American Behavioral Scientist (Sage 2010) states, ‘Research shows that people are far less willing to examine information that disputes, rather than confirms, their beliefs…pre-existing beliefs can interfere with SCADs inquiry, especially in regards to September 11, 2001’” (Global Research, March 4, 2010, State Crimes Against Democracy, Prof. Peter Phillips and Prof. Mickey Huff).http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=17922 s


And so, our quest for authentic understanding begins.

The road we must travel will inevitably take us to some most-unexpected places.

We may be tempted to think it is all just a fantasy. It will almost certainly feel surreal at times. After all, we are dealing with what is self-evidently a massive deception. If the highly-toxic substances in the aerosols deposited in the air we breathe had a transparent, appealing explanation, we would surely have been told—indeed, triumphantly—what it is. But there is only silence or ingenuous dismissal.

If we are willing to apply the three tests of sound logic, sound science and sound history at every intersection we encounter along the way, we will arrive at our destination with confidence. The danger is that we may be tempted to discard one or more of these three at times.

Oddly enough, we will begin by taking a backward glance.

It has been famously said that, “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” A sound knowledge of human


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history enables us to project the principles we see behind us into our vision for the future, using our imaginations and innate reason. We plan for tomorrow based on our understanding of yesterday. And it all hangs together in a mysterious medium we call time. The following three points may seem so obvious that they hardly warrant mentioning. But their importance is so great that we need to examine the implications carefully.

We cannot live in the past. Neither can we exist in the future. We have only the present.

Now, here is something very important. If our understanding of the past is fundamentally flawed, our plans for the future will be correspondingly misleading. But worse, our present will be unsafe. Perhaps disastrously.

It is critically important, therefore, that we take our first steps on this quest on the right path. There’s really nothing optional here. And that’s where History enters, “stage right”.

We all know that historians of “other cultures than our own” have nefariously engaged in rewriting their schools’ history texts, “correcting” inconvenient records so that future generations will have a fundamentally altered view of certain ideological issues. Nations’ futures are thereby directly shaped.1 Fortunately there are reliable resources available to us and we shall identify and use these in our quest.

History’s pages are soaked in human blood, spilled in never-ending conflicts. But here’s the odd thing. Very few wars have been campaigns of territorial conquest alone. Almost all have been ideological crusades. This is true of some wars we may not even begin to suspect. Writing in his autobiography, Charles Chiniquy quoted the words of Abraham Lincoln in a

conversation they had about the American Civil War in the White House in August 1861.

“I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character.” 2

There are two mighty rivers coursing through the entire landscape of human history: two, mutually-exclusive ideologies locked in mortal conflict. There’s just no getting around that fact.3 And recognizing it is vital to an understanding of the incredible events now taking place in Earth’s atmosphere. But more about that later.

The past has shaped our present. Our future will be determined by our understanding of it.

Twenty years ago I inherited a book titled, “The Last Two Million Years”. It sat on a shelf, unread, until quite recently. Then I read it—twice. The second time I used a pink highlighter to mark all the references I found to subjects supernatural or religious. There are only two spreads in the almost-five-hundred pages that have no pink on them. Of the rest, many are almost covered in my highlighting. Strangely, the first 1.994 million years are dismissed in less than two-score pages of familiar “artists’ impressions”. Significantly, the rest of the book is a discussion of the last 6,000 years, based on archaeology and written records.

Human beings have had a perennial preoccupation with “the gods” and the arcane hereafter. People’s attitudes toward these things have dictated the fundamentals of every civilisation.

Earth is littered with great temples to the gods. Any trip through the ancient cultures of our world reveals this fact. “Temple sickness” is many a tourist’s bane. From Machu Picchu to

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Bangkok, Athens to Jerusalem, Moscow to Rome, Baghdad to New Delhi, Kathmandu to Palenque, Stone Henge to Egypt—we find them. Many are massively monumental works of art and amazing feats of engineering. But one startling phenomenon emerges gruesomely above all others from any candid assay: human sacrifice to a universally-feared sun god. On high mountain peaks facing the sunrise, or buried beneath altars and in peat bogs, are the pathetic remains of children, captives, and the willing, slain in hopeless endeavour to feed the insatiable appetite of their gods. 4

“The ancient people of Middle America believed that their destiny lay in the hands of the gods, each of whom demanded his offering, often in human blood. In ceremonies in honour of the Aztec rain god, priests poled a canoe containing human hearts out into a lake, and let it sink beneath the waters. When emperor Ahuitzotl consecrated the temple of Huitzilopochtli it took four days to slaughter the 20,000 prisoners of war offered to win the god’s favour . . . There are still people who understand the ancient calendars, keep the old social traditions alive, and burn incense to pre-Spanish gods who are only thinly disguised as Roman Catholic saints. After more than four centuries of European influence, the gap between the two civilizations has not yet closed.” 5

When we investigate the historical drivers of our own culture an apparent paradox emerges. A casual sweep of our thoroughly-postmodern, technocratic, “scientific”, rational, humanistic, Western ethos seems to admit little of things mystical. But the facts are otherwise. Western civilization was conceived and gestated in the womb of a civilization deeply committed to the gods, their temples, and their influence over affairs of love, fortune and the state: the Romans.

This mighty iron empire has bequeathed to us its fundamental ethos, to a significant extent still shaping our laws, science, architecture, medicine, governance and together with its own Grecian legacy, our very weltanschauung. Our roots lie deep in this soil of history and tell us volumes about what is shaping events in which we find ourselves reluctant participants. 6

The Capitol Building in Washington DC is a case in point. To be properly so named, a capitol building is first and foremost a temple to Jupiter.7 Examine, if you will, the fresco covering its great, domed ceiling.

Constantino Brumidi was commissioned by Montgomery C Meigs, on behalf of Congress, on December 28, 1854, to paint The Apotheosis of Washington—the “American St Peter’s”.8 The impressive panoply depicts an assembled Roman pantheon of gods surrounding the central figure of George Washington on his way to becoming himself, a god (that’s what apotheosis means).

You can see the fresco here.9

Atop the dome of the Capitol Building, standing with emphatic propriety, is the bronze statue of a lady. She has quite a history. Her name is Persephone, (or Proserpine) and she was the queen-consort of Hades, son of Saturn, god of death and the underworld.10 She is the Greaco-Roman goddess of the psyche, or soul and officially remains the “only authorized Symbol of American Heritage”. 11

It is very important to understand that these gods didn’t just pop up from nowhere. The Romans inherited them from the Greeks, who got them from the Persians. And those Mesopotamian potentates (including the Medes) didn’t “suck their gods out of their thumbs”, either; they inherited the same set of capricious deities from the mighty Babylonian culture that straddled the

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known world before them. Where did the Babylonian priests learn their craft? From the builders of pyramids and obelisks on the Nile delta from Memphis to Thebes. Only their names changed; the gods’ characters and roles remained constant.

Stand, as do thousands annually, in the Washington Mall and look over the rectangular pool toward the buildings of state, and you will see in the water before you the reflection of the world’s tallest, free-standing, masonry structure: the 555-feet (169 metres) high Egyptian obelisk known as the Washington Monument. From the records of the debates during the design process it is clear that the symbolism is no accident.

In bold scale, on either side of the Speaker’s podium in the Senate building, are two conspicuous symbols of Roman totalitarian power—bundled, leather-strapped, wooden rods with their protruding axe-heads—the fasces.12 The very architecture of government buildings in Washington DC (and virtually every state of the union) is deliberately Roman. Even NASA’s mighty engines bearing men in their modern pursuit of some elusive Golden Fleece reflect this theme: Atlas, Apollo, Mercury, Saturn.

We may think this is all just some whimsical fascination by the founding fathers with the “romantic and glorious past”. Maybe it is nothing more than a fanciful ploy on the part of early “perception makers” to invest ordinary citizens, who follow the democratic path to government, with a status their constituents may respect. Or is it a question of greater identity?

Of course, not everyone who displays fleur-de-lis on their haberdashery is signalling membership in some arcane lodge. But when you see certain heraldic icons carefully embedded in official seals and symbols, you have good cause to ask why. And when we see such universal use of Roman iconology in major

Western state architecture and trappings, you may be sure there is a reason. If you travel to virtually all the Western nations of Earth and gaze at their great architectural symbols of power you will see the same Greco-Roman influence. Examine their laws and practices of governance and the propinquity is clear. 13

Heritage—our roots—is very important. You are who you are because your parents were who they were, and they, because they inherited their characters—and values—from your grandparents. Certain television shows are popular because adopted children want to know who their parents were. Knowing where they came from empowers people’s lives. It helps us to understand who we are. And, of great importance, it allows us to confidently chart a meaningful future for ourselves and our children. Your personal nascence has shaped your entire life. The same principle applies to all the great cultures on Earth.

The antipathy between Jews and Arabs, for example, simply cannot be grasped without understanding the history of Abraham, Sarah and her handmaiden, Hagar. Their ancient choices continue to send shock waves around the planet. Roots.

If it really is true that Persephone “remains the only official symbol of American heritage”—with all that implies—we may need to reexamine some of our basic presumptions.

Though, presently, this brief historic ramble may appear to be oddly out of place, it will become apparent, as we proceed, just how significant this backward glance has been.

And right here is where things get very interesting.

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1. Michael Parenti’s, History as Mystery (City Lights Publishers, 1999) is illuminating on the dark subject of historical distortion in the interests of the controlling élite across the centuries. “No country that values its safety should allow what the Milner group accomplished in Britain—that is, that a small number of men would be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should be given almost complete control over the publication of documents relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolize so completely the writing and the teaching of the history of their own period” (The Anglo-American Establishment, Carroll Quigley). s

2. Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome: The Conversion of a Priest, originally published, London, 1886 by Protestant Literature Depository. s

3. “Religion has been one of the great shaping forces in human history, transforming the way of life of entire peoples. The collision of rival faiths or of different versions of the same faith, has split empires and destroyed nations” (The Last Two Million Years, New York, 1974, page 284). s

4. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Human_sacrifice_in_Aztec_culture http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/peru/worlds/sacrifice1.html http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/275881/human-sacrifice s

5. The Last Two Million Years, New York, 1974, pages 196, 197. s

6. “In the tumult of change that has resulted from the drive towards national self-determination, frontiers have been revised, names of countries altered, new forms of government adopted. But even the newest states are heirs to the past, through the histories of the individual peoples who inhabit them. These histories stretch back through successive civilizations to the beginnings of human society” (Ibid., page 353). s

7. http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Places/Place/324684 http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/us.capitol/s0.html s

8. “It’s like St Peter’s!” Words of a tourist quoted in the official Capitol guidebook, We, The People, 1999. s

9. http://www.aoc.gov/cc/art/rotunda/apotheosis/Overview.cfm s

10. http://www.pantheon.org/articles/p/persephone.html The Romans changed their gods’ names from their Greek originals to their own, while retaining their essential characters, hence Persephone became Proserpine. In the US, Proserpine is sometimes referred to as Freedom. s

11. http://www.aoc.gov/cc/art/freedom.cfm s

12. http://www.images.google.com/images?ndsp=21&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en-us&um=1&q=us+senate+fasces+flag+picture&start=0&sa=N http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HouseofRepresentatives.jpg s

13. Winner of the Society of Architectural Historians’ 1994 First Annual Spiro Kostof Book Award for Architecture and Urbanism, Lawrence J. Vale explores parliamentary complexes in capital cities on six continents, showing how the buildings housing national government institutions are products of the political and cultural balance of power within pluralist societies. By viewing architecture and urban design in the light of political history and cultural production, Vale expands the scope and cogency of design criticism by tracing the evolution of the modern designed capital—from Washington, D.C., Canberra, New Delhi, and Ankara, to the post-World War II capitals of Chandigarh and Brasília, and of Abuja and Dodoma. s

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The Long and Winding Trail to Nascence

Revered theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking’s, A Brief History of Time, is a popular book among sincere seekers after truth. In starkest contrast with all things mystical, it is based on the premise that the entire universe came into being—in the total absence of everything—by no cause and for no reason. It is hoped that the unified theory seeking to explain it all will ultimately be a mathematical equation, thus doing the metaphysicians out of their jobs.1 Men like Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion) are working assiduously to convince us.

Other, no-less-erudite people have concluded otherwise. 2

Actually, we have no business asking Chance for answers. There can be no reason-able answers if we and our planet exist for and by literally no reason.

And yet, we are deeply troubled by the unsolicited, toxic whiteness in our air. We want answers. Very good ones.

Beatle, George Harrison, echoed the elemental question for all of us with his last breath, “Who am I; where did I come from; where am I going?” 3 And there are only two categories for all possible responses. One is Chance, the other, Purpose. His


question bears directly on our present journey. We have set out with a clear purpose in this book. By very definition, Chance cannot guide us on our quest.

I have stood by the graveside of my young and very lovely wife and, later, a devoted, married son and voicelessly asked the quintessential question, “Why!” No “mathematically unified theory” can possibly respond. Sooner or later we must all stare this tiger in his burning eye. And intuitively we sense there is an answer somewhere well beyond the arbitrary descriptors of natural science. After all Science is only capable of observing the observable—that which is accessible within the limits of finite, human comprehension.

Human beings invented Science, debated and defined its boundaries. It is arbitrary because we said so. And like all things human it is both finite and fundamentally flawed. It has proven to be wonderfully useful, however. I am typing these words on a powerful computer, which wouldn’t have been possible without Science.

But if there is a greater reality beyond our cherished ideas and limited observations (and, surely it would be the veriest naïveté—or arrogance—to imagine otherwise), Science is especially unqualified to comment. To her, all things beyond the quantifiable must always remain opaque—by definition. The most that “natural” science can do is to discover what is already there, naturally, and to report the findings to other creative minds. And I thank them heartily for my computer.

No-one invented electricity. Antibiotics were found. The principles of flight were not designed by the Wright brothers. Neither did Marconi—nor indeed, Tesla—create electromagnetic energy. Scientists didn’t put the universe out there. We can

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against their own species—and all life. Nowhere is this more significant than in the many-layered, womb-like enclosure of planet Earth called the atmosphere—as the work of Rosalie Bertell amply demonstrates. 6

If you consider carefully, you will notice that when it comes to the greatest issues of life—those beyond the mere dance of atoms—the question, “Why?” itself holds a vital key. The very substance within the word relies on the preexistence of Purpose. Science is necessarily mute. And herein is our first tenet: to find the answers we are seeking we have no option but to take the path signposted, “Purpose”. “Chance” has literally nothing to offer us on this quest.

at best struggle to observe it and marvel at its staggering immensity and complexity. The Hubble telescope’s powerful successor, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), is merely another and better eye to look at what is already there. 4

The ambitious Large Hadron Collider 5 at Cern will—if it succeeds in its ultimate purpose—only allow us to peek into what has always existed. The brilliant minds who conceived and engineered the 27-kilometer long, racetrack-shaped instrument located ~150 metres underground, straddling the border between Switzerland and France, will have originated nothing from their $US10 billion budget and 15 years of effort. Champagne flutes aloft, they will but be able to stand in awe of what their focused energies have discovered about their “God particle”. But the “why” of it all is beyond the finite measuring of human Science.

Celebrating the first successful collisions on March 30, 2010, CERN physicist Dave Barney says he does not know how big a leap forward this will be for scientists, but it is exciting.

“What we know is that there are lots of unanswered questions about the universe, about why it is here in the form it is,” he said. Why we are here, what actually is the universe made of. We only understand the tiny fraction of what the universe is really made of” (ABC News Australia, March 30, 2010).

The meaning within the words, “Natural Science”, admit that whatever caused human existence has always been there—naturally—irrespective of human opinion.

Inexplicably, there have always been those who have taken the great discoveries of Science and forthwith used the knowledge

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1. The Big Bang did not arise from nothing. To assert so is to render nonsensical the most fundamental observation it is possible to make: “Nothing comes from nothing.” Words become useless and we collapse into a semantic black hole of our own manufacture. The laws of physics that make it possible to speculate and to extrapolate backward to the instant of the primordial explosion must have preexisted the Bang itself for the event to have happened. And so must have the colossal energy supply to drive it all (regardless of the theoretical, physical size we may wish to reduce it to). If we point to anything at all that exists now, something has always existed before it. There is much more to the universe than the greatest human mind has ever conceived. For us to think we can reduce it to the level of our understanding—a unified mathematical equation—is to imagine that we are God. The new conventional wisdom claims otherwise, however: “The best modern scientific understanding of the Universe reveals that it was born in fire, a Big Bang of creation some fifteen billion years ago. Cosmologists can now explain how the Universe got from a superhot, superdense fireball into the stage we see today…They can, thanks to the very latest work by researchers such as Stephen Hawking at Cambridge, at least suggest how and why the Big Bang itself occurred” (In Search of the Big Bang, John Gribbin, Heinemann, London, page 4). “The kind of unified theories that physicists are now groping toward, and may discover (or invent) before the end of this century [20th], ought to be able, combined with Hawking’s universe, to explain every phenomenon that has ever happened or ever could happen in the Universe…Our search for the Big Bang, and back before the Big Bang to the moment of creation itself, is over. Hawking’s universe holds out the prospect of combining General Relativity and cosmology in one grand theory of creation…There is no need to invoke miracles, or new physics, to explain where the Universe came from” (Ibid., pages 391, 392). s

2. A vast body of material exists on the subject. Brilliant minds such as C S Lewis (Mere Christianity, God in the Dock) and Hans Kung (Does God exists? Eternal Life?), Francis Schaeffer et al are in no degree less intelligent or erudite than the best from the opposing camp. s

3. “The heir of but a few hours, [Strauss] sees himself encompassed by yawning abysses, terrible to behold; and every step he takes should recall

the questions, Wherefore? Whither? and Whence? to his mind…Pascal—as we may recall—‘suggests that men only endeavour to work hard at their businesses and sciences with the view of escaping those questions of greatest import which every moment of loneliness or leisure presses upon them—the questions relating to the wherefore, the whence, and the whither of life’” (Does God Exist?, Hans Kung, University Press, Oxford, page 351). s

4. “Clearly we need a much bigger telescope to go back much further in time to see the very birth of the Universe” (Edward Weiler, director of Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Centre). http://www.jwst.nasa.govhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6645179.stm s

5. “The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a gigantic scientific instrument near Geneva, where it spans the border between Switzerland and France about 100 m underground. It is a particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles—the fundamental building blocks of all things. It will revolutionise our understanding, from the minuscule world deep within atoms to the vastness of the Universe” (http://public.web.cern.ch/public/en/LHC/LHC-en.html). shttp://public.web.cern.ch/public/en/LHC/LHC-en.htmlhttp://lhc.web.cern.ch/lhchttp://www.lhc.ac.uk http://lhc-machine-outreach.web.cern.ch/lhc%2Dmachine%2Doutreach http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/03/30/2860696.htm

6. Rosalie Bertell is a distinguished research scientist who has written extensively about Earth’s atmosphere with a particular interest in the experimentation with and militarization of this essential and very delicate “womb” within which we are all cocooned. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9062737295949774810 Recommended reading: Planet Earth the Latest Weapon of War, Rosalie Bertell, Black Rose Publishing. s

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What Happened?

When I was a boy growing up in the country our house had an electric fence on one side to keep Coronation Dandy, the neighbour’s prize bull, inside his paddock. As boys are wont to do I answered the insistent call of Nature standing where I happened to be, admiring the beast’s impressive physique. I discovered that urine is an excellent conductor of electricity. My memory of the event remains distinct.

That experience has guided my choices in all my future encounters with electric fences. We depend on access to reliable facts from the past to navigate the future—just as a ship’s captain trusts the experience of others before him who drew his charts.

All good education is a process of filling developing minds with factual data useful to their futures. An excellent reason for providing truthful history in schools.

I bought a book in the late 1960s that is truly remarkable. It was written by one of the most influential academics and educators of the twentieth-century in America. A ponderous tome of 1,348, meticulously-documented pages, it describes the seminal events—and their architects—that moved, shook and shaped the world geopolitically and that bear very much upon


our time. Its author was Professor William Carroll Quigley—the man Bill Clinton identified as his academic mentor. From his domain at Georgetown University in the District of Columbia, Quigley profoundly influenced a succession of bright young men like Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It is said by those who know: “The Capital of the USA—and NATAO— is Georgetown University, not the White House”. 1

Within weeks of my purchase, the book, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, was suddenly withdrawn from circulation. Writing later of the censorship, Quigley said, “I am now quite sure that Tragedy and Hope was suppressed.”

Why is the book so remarkable? It provides information about our past that is critically important to our understanding of what is happening now and that is not generally known by the average person—especially if that person relies on “news” provided by Rupert Murdoch et al. It is a valuable navigational chart for us who now find ourselves on very stormy seas.

Its lucid pages identify and describe the various networks of power, their histories and intentions for the people of planet Earth—today. Quigley gives detailed facts and figures that make it abundantly clear what is planned for us by those who wield the real power and authority. It lifts the lid on things that would stagger the ordinary citizen. Little wonder it was suppressed.

“In this case we shall undoubtedly get a Universal Empire in which the United States will rule most of Western Civilization.” 2

Just how it is intended that this will be achieved is deeply troubling. All conquerors seek totalitarian power in three areas:

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Military (physical compulsion)Economic (social servitude)Intellectual (ideological domination)

General Douglas MacArthur’s oft-quoted truism, “The war isn’t over until we have won the hearts and minds of the people,” admits the ultimate objective of all the conflicts, revolutions and uprisings of the past two hundred years (at least) and that will occur in the future—brief though that may be.

Quigley identifies the organisations that have effectively created, issued and controlled the world’s money supply, thus establishing a feudalistic dependency of the masses on a few privileged lords of the manor. But beyond the mechanisms of control, Tragedy and Hope gives a glimpse of the ideological world that is planned for us to inhabit—in our lifetime. 3

In 1990 I bought another book that suffered the same fate at the hands of the Establishment’s censors as did Tragedy and Hope. Another prodigious tomos of over a thousand pages, Professor Malachi Martin’s Keys of This Blood fits like a hand in Quigley’s glove. Many of the same pivotal events are expanded. But of enormous significance is the insight Martin offers on the religious component of what is taking place.

The book has an arresting subtitle: “The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev and the Capitalist West.” 4 Time magazine’s cover for its February 24, 1992 issue trumpets the collusive victory of Washington and Rome over their Soviet geopolitical rival. 5

With earned doctorates in Semitic Languages, Archeology and Oriental History from Louvain, Martin subsequently studied at Oxford and at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. While

working in New York on a new book titled, Guide Book to the End Times, Martin died unexpectedly under mysterious circumstances. As a “consummate Vatican insider and intelligence expert” he reveals some startling information. 6

“The pope and the grizzled men who run the Vatican are not quixotic idealists living in a dream world of superstition and irrational fantasies. In fact, their realism can be numbing” 7

The very first text page lays out the situation unambiguously.

“Willing or not, ready or not, we are all involved in an all-out, no-holds-barred, three-way global competition [now reduced to two]. Most of us are not the competitors, however. We are the stakes…No holds are barred because once the competition has been decided, the world and all that’s in it—our way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and our religions and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted—all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever. No one can be exempted from its effects. No sector of our lives will remain untouched.” 8

It is perfectly clear that profound changes are being strategised behind the scenes. It is anything but a democratic process. And the objective is total control of planet Earth. Global dominion, pure and simple. In the Grand Design, freedoms as we have known them will no longer exist. “No sector of our lives will remain untouched.” Everything germane to our lives will be “powerfully and radically altered—forever”. Is it possible to be more plain?


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Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, perhaps inadvertently, confirmed this intention in an address to the prestigious Press Club in Sydney. 9

As to the religious ramifications, Martin reveals the stated intention for the “winner takes all” leader of the Grand Design to preside over a universal religion from which no deviation will be tolerated.

“There will come a day when Islam…will receive the illumination it needs.” 10

All faiths—including Atheism—will be “integrated”, either willingly or by coercion.

“Nevertheless it is axiomatic…that no one has the right—democratic or otherwise—to a moral wrong; and no religion based on divine revelation has a moral right to teach such a moral wrong or abide by it.” 11

The definition of “moral right” will be the exclusive province of the Leader. As for the conscientious objectors, either as individuals or members of all other “Evangelical sects”, they “will surely be integrated into a profession of the full faith…” 12

What has all this got to do with aerosol trails? A great deal—as we will soon discover.


1. “The civilian chief of the world’s only, and history’s first, self-proclaimed, global, military bloc is having a busy month. North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen delivered an address in Washington, DC on February 23, [2010] on the military alliance’s new 21st century Strategic Concept along with U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, her predecessor twice-removed Madeleine Albright and National Security Adviser James Jones, the last-named a former Marine Corps general and NATO Supreme Allied Commander. At the seminar and on the preceding evening at Georgetown University in what is arguably NATO’s true capital, Rasmussen sounded familiar themes: Highlighting the need to prevail in Afghanistan, NATO’s first ground war and first armed conflict outside of Europe…” (US-NATO “Strategic Concept”: Global Warfare, Missile Shield and Nuclear Weapons, Rick Rozoff, globalresearch.com emphasis supplied). s

2. Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time, Carroll Quigley, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1966, page 10. s

3. “…[T]he powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Eist of the Bank of France, and Hhalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world (Ibid., page 324). s

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4. The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West. Malachi Martin, Simon and Schuster, 1990. s

5. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,974931,00.htmlhttp://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,19920224,00.html s

6. “Only Malachi Martin, consummate Vatican insider and intelligence expert, could reveal the untold story behind the Vatican’s role in today’s winner-take-all race against time to establish, maintain, and control the first one-world government…It presents a compelling array of daring blueprints for global power, and one of them is the portrait of the future” (Cover notes on The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West. Malachi Martin, Simon and Schuster, 1990). s

7. Ibid., page 633. s

8. Ibid., page 15. s

9. Jonathan Winston Howard: March 13, 2003 in a National Press Club address: “The decade of the nineteen nineties was meant to have been one in which a new international order, free of the bi-polar rivalry of earlier days, was to have been established.” Note the euphemistic portrayal of totalitarian power by use of the soft phrase, “free of the bi-polar rivalry”. Akin to describing a commercial monopoly as one “free from the rivalry” of free-market competition. john_howard.rm s

10. The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West. Malachi Martin, Simon and Schuster, 1990, page 285. s

11. Ibid., page 287. s

12. Ibid., page 287. s

Back to the Future—and Back

There has been a succession of great dominions on our planet. Some of them with sophistication in the arts, mathematics, astronomy and socioeconomic prowess easily rivalling the best we have managed to achieve. The interesting thing is that they were all kingdoms under the “benevolent despotism” of one person. In other words they were totalitarian states.

An outstanding example ruled the known world from an architecturally magnificent city not far from what is left of Baghdad today—Babylon.

King Nebuchadnezzar reigned from 635 to 561 BCE. He was son of the founder of the Chaldean dynasty, Nabopolassar. His golden kingdom stood without peer. It operated on precisely the same principles that are in store for us—if the architects of the Design succeed in their plans—one supreme sovereign and one state religion—combined. No wall of separation allowed.

Babylon was militarily dominant and fiscally absolute. Its subjects were required to worship the god Marduk, whose origins may be traced through to Ea and Enlil and beyond. 1

Nebuchadnezzar was a polymath genius. Archaeological evidence of his prowess may be seen in the great museums and all accepted histories attest to his unchallenged greatness.


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History records that one night the king had a disturbing dream. Apparently it brought the monarch to the edge of distraction because the next morning he issued his intellectuals, along with the custodians of the state religion, an urgent directive to not only tell him what the dream meant, but also to tell him what the dream was. It seems Nebuchadnezzar couldn’t remember the content of his nocturnal escapade. He only knew that it scared him half to death—which was quite something for the battle-hardened conqueror of many bloody campaigns to admit. Remember, we’re talking history here, not fantasy. 2

Not surprisingly, they were nonplussed. He offered them an incentive, “Do it or I will have both you and your entire households executed by herding you all into your own houses and burning them to the ground after first tearing you limb from limb.” They huddled.

When they were unable to deliver the king’s demand, Nebuchadnezzar issued the “Signing Order” to carry out his threat. Now, it may seem to us that this was the behaviour of a primitive potentate of an uncivilized society—some Pol Pot. Not so. This was a “world” empire that is still renowned for its cultural and scientific achievements. The Commander-in-chief’s word was law—just as it was with the Roman Empire’s Imperatores—and as it is intended that it will be for us.

We may need to catch our breaths a little here. This book is about finding answers to the question marks in our skies, laid out as chemical aerosols by military jets in the twenty-first century, not an ancient history lesson. But our past is the key to our future. Human nature has not changed. Absolute power had its known effects in millennia gone and will do so again.

Unfortunately, we now have instruments of destruction that are capable of things undreamed of by the great men of past ages.

And we are rapidly being marshalled to the place where we will have no capacity to resist. And where it is intended that authors of books such as this will be “integrated”.

Since 9/11 all the important personal safeguards—civil liberties—of the Western world have been legislated away by sleight of hand. 3 Naomi Wolf’s observations are pertinent. 4

It may take only one more catastrophe—false flag 5—to tip us into the maelstrom of totalitarianism that will remove whatever personal liberties may remain. Malachi Martin’s words ring in our ears. “…[O]ur way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and our religions and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted—all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever. No one can be exempted from its effects. No sector of our lives will remain untouched.”

These are not the speculative words of some spring chicken. They come from one who was indisputably and intimately acquainted with the plans of each of the players committed to the “End Game”. 6

Nebuchadnezzar had not long returned from a grinding military defeat of the resisting kingdom of Judah, three-months’ march to his west. He carried off the glittering icons of their unique, monotheistic religion and installed them in his own temple as trophies of his prevailing power and the superiority of his gods. The symbolism of the act was deeply significant to a pagan people. And then in a rather clever departure from precedent, he brought home with him the brightest young members of the subjugated nation’s royal bloodline and had them promptly castrated to ensure there would be no future

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challenge from a resurgent remnant. As if there had not been drama enough, something sensational now happened. The king’s execution order was interrupted in its very downstroke.

Arioch, the military officer charged with responsibility for the execution, arrived at the door of the Judean captives to arrest them. In a test to see what they were made of, Belteshazzar had not long before these startling turn of events, demonstrated such superior intellectual qualities that he, along with three of his fellow captives from Judah, had been appointed by Nebuchadnezzar himself to his elite inner circle.

Belteshazzar was understandably stunned by this dire news and prevailed upon Arioch to take him to the monarch. Belteshazzar convinced the smouldering king to give him 24 hours to come up with an answer.

The next morning a pivotal event in the long and troubled history of Earth took place. It is of such profound significance that it has polarized people ever since. Wars have literally been fought over it. Belteshazzar not only told the Supreme Leader every detail of the dream, he also gave an interpretation that has proven to be one hundred percent accurate in every detail.

This is immediately problematic to a system governed by a Darwinistic world view. It is literally impossible. Nonetheless it happened. Much ink has been spilled over it, but when it has all dried, like it or not, it is a historic fact.

And why is it so interesting to us who want to know what’s happening above our heads?

The dream of Nebuchadnezzar was a condensed, chronological depiction of the geopolitical story of planet Earth from his time to ours—and beyond—before it happened.

This was no vague, hit-and-miss, Nostradamus affair. The details were specific and concrete, not open to speculative interpretation. Here’s what Belteshazar told Nebuchadnezzar to expect:

The golden Chaldean dynasty would be overrun by a successor under the combined administration of the Medes and the Persians, whose silver domain would, in its turn, fall to the hegemonic ambitions of Alexander the Great. The young Greek’s brazen military conquests swallowed all the territories of the former great empires.

Then would come the Romans whose iron might smashed the then-known-world and integrated everything. Their way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; their families and their jobs their trade and commerce and money; their educational systems and their religions and their cultures; even the badges of their national identity, which most of them had always taken for granted—all were powerfully and radically altered forever. No one was exempted from its effects. No sector of their lives remained untouched. Its Caesars—Pontifex Maximus—would be worshipped as gods—or else.

“Thus, Mespotamia was conquered by…Babylonia about 1700 B.C., while the whole of Mesopotamian civilization was conquered by Assyria about 725 B.C. (replaced by…Persia about 525 B.C.). In Classical Civilization the core area was conquered by Macedonia about 336 B.C., while the whole civilization was conquered by peripheral Rome about 146 B.C.” 7

Quigley very clearly described what happened after the Romans. It is exactly as Nebuchadnezzar saw it—in every surprising particular—as if William Carroll Quigley was present in the royal chambers in 633 BCE.

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Rome would gradually implode and be finally ransacked by the Barbarians. The result was a fragmented Europe divided into multiple parts. It remains thus to this day, despite herculean attempts by a succession of brilliant generals and charismatic leaders like Charlemagne, Napoleon, Mussolini and Hitler to makeover the fragments of the Holy Roman Empire into a cohesive global state. 8

But there remains a rich vein of Roman ore running through the whole of Western civilisation. Indeed it is integral to the term’s definition. The average visitor to the Capitol Building in Washington DC may be unaware just how significant this fact is—while admiring Brumidi’s panoramic fresco on its domed ceiling, beneath the feet of Persephone.

“…[W]e shall undoubtedly get a Universal Empire in which the United States will rule…” 9


1. The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop, A & C Black, Ltd. London 1939. s

2. The ancient book of Daniel as recorded by Hebrew historians and preserved in the Old Testament, from which all scholars of history derive a major part of our knowledge of antiquity. The story of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream may be found in chapter two. s

3. A “Google search” using the key words: “civil liberties” is revealing. s

4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0LvtQAQ6sc The above link is very revealing to anyone who is willing to examine reality candidly in light of current events. s

5. http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=17663 s

6. The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West. Malachi Martin, Simon and Schuster, 1990, page 16. s

7. Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time, Carroll Quigley, page 10, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1966, page 6. s

8. A History of Europe, H A L Fisher, Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd, 1961. s

9. Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time, Carroll Quigley, page 10, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1966, page 10. s

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The history of the world in our time has been a succession of wars, revolutions and upheaval on an unprecedented scale.To many denizens of middle-class suburbia that statement may sound hyperbolic. Life for them has been a leisurely graze in the unfenced meadows of consumerism. Dazed by a daily dose of electro-light from their rectangular idol in its family-room shrine, much of the “developed world” is blithely unaware of the monstrous catastrophes—almost all of them human by design—that have ravaged the lives of countless millions elsewhere. Inured. Nor do they have any real notion of the vast, clandestine manoeuvring being carried out by what they fondly imagine is their duly-elected, representative government.

There is a mounting cry—thanks mostly to the internet—against the heinous but camouflaged abuses of those in power. But for the most part the commentary focuses on the greedy acquisition of resources. “Peak Oil” is touted as the motivating factor for rolling out the Abrahms and scrambling the F-18s and Blackhawks. That is only partly true.

Despite the tutored speeches by presidents and prime ministers assuring us that the Coalition of the Willing would leave every last drop of “their oil” to a nicely renovated and happily democratic Iraq, we have witnessed something very different.


Attractive though they be, the resources themselves are only the spoils of battle. They are secondary prizes. The war itself has an entirely different core objective. And that knowledge is guarded most carefully from the taxpayers who pick up the tab.

The goal of all Pentagon-strategized, military action on Earth today (and that is pretty much all of it), is to bring about a new global Empire with the United States of America wielding the planetary truncheon and the Vatican bearing the sole crozier. Nothing short of a resurgent Roman Empire is planned where all will be “integrated…no sector untouched…ready or not, willing or not…in our lifetime”.

If such an idea takes your breath away, it should. The ramifications are so far-reaching that we are left dazed.

Enter Cognitive Dissonance, “stage left”.

No war is won until the hearts and minds of the conquered are in full accord with the will of the conqueror. To this sweeping end there are aerosols being sprayed into our skies. We will shortly explore just how this is so. Before we do, however, we must establish some more important ground.

Have you noticed there is a great deal of passion on both sides of the divide over teaching Darwinism and/or Intelligent Design in public schools? Why so much steam? It’s because the truth or otherwise of the matter determines our entire raison d’être.

Everything hangs from it. “Who am I; where did I come from; where am I going?” If we say there is no purpose to life (a requirement of Darwinism and its permutations)—other than whatever we may invent—we have granted ourselves the liberty

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to do whatever we please—at everyone else’s cost. We are, ergo, free to pump as many toxins into the air as we have the disposition and capacity to do. No one can tell us we have no right to. “Just do it”—if it tickles your fancy.

There are no “rights” unless there is first an absolute moral code to which all sentient beings are subject.

Relative Ethics is a very different thing. It allows me to decide for myself what I think is best for us. The trouble for you is, if I decide that what you have worked for is better with my name on its title deeds, you have no moral grounds to protest. There are no morals—just arbitrary ethics. And if I happen to hold the balance of physical, financial, legislative and influential power—you’ve got no hope, Buster.

Let’s reverse the roles. You now have the power to dictate the terms. If I protest, claiming my “human rights”, you may well retort, “Who says so?” And if my only response is, “Well, I say so!” you will likely reply, “So?” And, like school boys we will scuffle in the dust until one of us yields.

Now, if I am the one who has written the laws and I happen to control the police force, all your protests will do you not one scrap of good—even in court. And if you cry, “But wait, what about ‘democracy’!” you may well be invoking a chimera—particularly if I have rigged the election and bought the bench.

Earlier I referred to the two great streams running through all human history. One of these ideologies has always claimed that “Liberty is licence to pursue happiness—as may be defined by each individual.” The other has historically advocated “free and willing compliance to an absolute moral code”. It is critically important to grasp the depth of significance

in what we are talking about here. We are used to hearing politicians and lawmakers refer to the need for advancing societies to be governed “by the rule of law”. But the question is: whose law? The disinformed will of fifty-one percent? The law as written by the person with the biggest gun? Or as defined by each person?

One camp has recently done, and continues to do, all in its power to convince the world that there is no personal Creator. The other camp has for thousands of years tried to persuade humanity that licence—moral anarchy—produces the worst form of bondage.

It is critical to our quest that we understand what drives both the opposing ideologies. For one very good reason: both sides expect to take over the whole planet—in the immediate future.

There can be only one victor in such a comprehensive contest because the ideologies are mutually exclusive.

That they exist and have been at loggerheads during the entire accessible history of Earth can hardly be gainsaid. Here, then, are the two streams:

The willingly submissive The “nobly” independent.

Independent from, and submitted to, what? Nothing less than the expressed will of the Creator of the entire universe and all life within it.

Take care to remember that we are examining reality in the light of history, not opinion. We are not evangelizing any


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institution’s cause in this document. On our quest, however, it is important to realize that the idea of the spontaneous origin of life has only been promoted as the official, state-endorsed doctrine for a very short time—less than 25 years in fact. For all the rest of recorded history—almost 6,000 years—people accepted that life had an intelligent Source. It followed with logical compulsion that nothing can indeed arise from nothing. The reader is referred to the many available texts on the subject since it is not our purpose to debate the issue here.

What we are concerned with, however, is the empirical fact that the two opposing ideologies have pitched in readiness for battle—and only one can win.

Unearthly Music

Napoléon Bonaparte II failed to conquer Russia because the unanticipated extent and cold of the 1812 winter’s ice and snow rendered his equipment useless, mired his armies and destroyed their morale. The weather erected an impenetrable barrier against his unbridled ambitions. Hitler’s desperate attempt to cage the Russian bear also failed because the unprecedented winter weather during his campaign outwitted his planners. Had he been able to “own the weather”, as is now the case, the history of our planet may have been very different.Seizing the initiative and actually controlling the weather has become critical to success in the modern war “theatre”.

Large-scale facilities, capable of transmitting massive electromagnetic energy into Earth’s upper atmosphere, are located at various places around the planet. They are operated by the US Department of Defence (DoD), specifically under the auspices of Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA). Among them is the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) eight miles north of Gakuna, Alaska. A lot has been written about HAARP, and its official Web site innocuously proclaims its beneficent intent. Evidence



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points, however, to the well-camouflaged “real McCoy” being located at Poker Flats, North of Fairbanks, Alaska.

One of several in the south-eastern quarter of the state, this huge installation, consisting of thousands of antennae is sometimes refered to as “the heater”. It is capable of delivering 3-3.9 billion watts of energy. In contrast, HAARP currently has a far-lower total radiated power capability of about 3,600 kilowatts with an array of just 180 antennae (>300 planned).

The “heater” operates in conjunction with Frequency-Independent Phased-Array Antennae (FIPA) and High Power Auroral Stimulation (HIPAS) installations. Between them, these facilities produce Extra Low Frequency (ELF), Very Low Frequency (VLF), and a range of other high-frequency electromagnetic waves in narrowly-defined beams, that may be tuned and accurately steered. 1

By heating an area of the Ionosphere and causing it to bulge outward in the shape of a giant lense, or satellite “dish”, the beams can be bounced back to Earth from the upper atmosphere. At the point of reflection back on Earth’s surface—and deep under its skin—colossal energy may be released that is so powerful it can trigger major subterranean events that generate tsunamis, like the December 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in Indonesia.

It can induce and direct the paths of “perfect storms” such as hurricane Katrina that decimated New Orleans in 2005, and choreograph “natural disasters” like the recent catastrophes on Haiti and Chile. Other nations have less-capable installations.

Using these facilities in conjunction with the millions of tons of artificial aerosols, now permeating our atmosphere, it is

possible to “own the weather”—an emphatically stated objective of the US military.

“US aerospace forces can ‘own the weather’, as they ‘own the night’ now. For this to occur, technology advancements in five major areas are necessary. These are: advanced nonlinear modelling techniques, computational capability, information gathering and transmission, a global sensor array, and weather intervention techniques. Current demographic, economic, and environmental trends will create global stresses that create the necessary impetus for weather modification to become reality in the commercial sector. Its application in the military arena is a natural development as well…Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally, through alliance networks—particularly regional ones—or through an ad hoc coalition or a UN framework.” 2

Since the foregoing was written, all the mooted advancements in technology have been achieved—plus a lot more, and exponentially. We are now experiencing the first fruits of the apocalyptic harvest.

Clear evidence of electromagnetic “stroking” on the pseudo clouds, found ubiquitously in Earth’s atmosphere, may be seen daily in satellite photographs of our planet—particularly in high-resolution images of super storms, cyclones and tornados, and by simply going outside and looking up on most days. The rippled patterns that are now common in certain types of “clouds” did not exist a few years ago. The thumbprint of deliberate human manipulation is patent.

The installations that are now in use today make it possible to manipulate the weather of entire regions and bring about

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complete food crop failure, thus inducing the kinds of famines that have beset Africa. It is also possible to strategize inundating rains that flood whole regions of the world and to precipitate massive mud-slides such as have occurred in China and South America recently.

The flow and position of atmospheric energy “rivers” around Earth have been altered resulting in increasing weather-related disasters such as the unprecedented, February 2009, “Black Saturday” firestorm in Victoria that incinerated hundreds of people and entered the record books as “Australia’s worst natural disaster”. 3

Worldwide extreme weather phenomena are reported almost daily with the extent and frequency of the occurrences increasing dramatically. Winters have become deadly in countries closer to the poles and summers have delivered their own lethal freight. Meanwhile, Earth’s mean temperature continues to fall, albeit slightly. Ironically, however, the vast extent of man-made “cirrus clouds” now dispersed throughout our atmosphere, is having the effect of raising the planet’s temperature by trapping the sun’s radiant heat below them. This counters the claim that the aerosol spraying is to “mitigate global warming” by creating a reflective “shield” against the sun’s rays. 4

Physicist Bernard Eastlund’s mid-80s, patented, technology (4,686,605) builds upon the work of nineteenth-century genius, Nikola Tesla. 5 His patents rapidly found their way into the hands of the US military and are presently owned by Raytheon, one of the largest contractors to the US DoD apparatus. Using this technology, facilities have been constructed and are fully operational in numerous locations around Earth that may combine to deliver an unthinkable amount of energy, with pin-point accuracy, to any location on the planet. Nuclear-sized

explosions may be generated, leaving no radiation, eliminating the need for rockets and aircraft to deliver the payload.

Eastlund’s research recognized the military uses for his discoveries as a review of his patent applications reveals:

“…ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in Earth’s atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than heretofore accomplished by the prior art, particularly by detonation of nuclear devices of various yields at various altitudes…”

“…It is possible not only to interfere with third party communications but to take advantage of one or more such beams to carry out a communications network even though the rest of the world’s communications are disrupted. Put in another way, what is used to disrupt another’s communications can be employed by one knowledgeable of this invention as a communication network at the same time…”

“…large regions of the atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpectedly high altitude so that missiles encounter unexpected and unplanned drag forces with resultant destruction.” 6

As disturbing as all this is, there is however, another audience for this strange Sirens’ “song” from above that almost beggars comprehension. From these Ionospheric “heaters”, and other space-based facilities, effected by the finely-tuned modulation of specific frequencies, it is now possible to remotely enter the human mind with attitude-changing electromagnetic and sonic

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algorithms and to significantly influence human behaviour on a mass scale—without people being aware.

This stealthy co-opting of the human mind and emotions represents an act of moral violence, so far beyond the comprehension—or even the imagination—of most people, that the very thought will be dismissed out of hand as outrageous. Thus, the perpetrators are handed carte blanche—again.


1. This video provides a good overall introduction to HAARP and associated technology. Presented by Dr Nick Bergich, author of Angels (Still) Don’t Play Tbis HAARP, and numerous other books and papers. Running time: 1:17:53. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8066925138937638623# s

2. Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, Lt Jay W Keller, Commander, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Air Education and Training Command, College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education. s

3. Black Saturday Australia http://www.abc.net.au/innovation/blacksaturday/#/stories/mosaic s

4. Edward Teller, widely regarded as the “Father of the H-Bomb”, wrote in the Abstract to his 1997 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory paper, Global Warming and Ice Ages: Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change, as follows. “It has been suggested that large-scale climate changes mostly due to atmospheric injection of ‘greenhouse gases’ connected with fossil-fired energy production, should be forestalled by internationally agreed reductions in, e.g., electricity generation. The potential economic impacts of such limitations are obviously large: ≥$1011/year. We propose that for far smaller— <1% —costs, the mean thermal effects of ‘greenhouse gases’ may be obviated in any of several distinct ways, some of them novel. These suggestions are all based on scatterers that prevent a small fraction of solar radiation from reaching all or part of the Earth…While the magnitude of climate impact of ‘greenhouse gases’ is currently uncertain, the prospect of severe failure of the climate…is undeniable” (emphasis supplied). It is interesting to observe that within a few months of the paper’s presentation, the first aerosol trails began to appear over Texas and Florida, adhering to the principles outlined in Teller’s (et al) paper. s

5. A late-nineteenth, early twentieth-century figure shrouded in some mystery and certainly surrounded in controversy, Nikoal Tesla’s name is often not esteemed in conventional lecture theatres. Nonetheless, his work forms the

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foundation of many things we take for granted in our daily existence, to say nothing of the fact that it forms the entire basis for the massive “heaters” installed around the world. When he proposed providing free energy to mankind, J P Morgan asked, “So, where do I put my meters?” When told that it would be free to all, Morgan immediately ceased funding Tesla and the remarkable electrical engineer disappeared from the scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN-i58JxUi0&feature=related http://www.teslasociety.com/biography.htmhttp://www.eskimo.com/~billb/tesla/biog.txt s

6. Eastlund’s patent application Executive Summary: http://www.viewzone.com/haarp.exec.html s

Mind Games

An eye-opening article appeared in the October 18, 2007 issue of the respected UK Journal of Psycho-Social Studies. The effects on people, of what has been happening above their heads, is not reported in the mainstream media. Its general knowledge would demand the kinds of answers that bring governments crashing down.

“We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for surveillance and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain frequencies by directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, sonar waves, radio frequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and the use of these or other energy fields which form the areas of study for astrophysics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it seems inevitable that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our natural shield, are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implication of their use.” 1

Author, Carole Smith, points out serious concerns about the current official psychoanalytical approach to diagnosing mental



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disorders and in particular, schizotypal personality as set out in the American Psychiatry Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

“A doubly cruel sentence is being imposed on people who are the victims of the most appalling abuse by scientific-military experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is indifferent to their evidence. For the development of a new class of weaponry now has the capability of entering the brain and mind and body of another person by technological means…Harnessing neuroscience to military capability, this technology is the result of decades of research and experimentation, most particularly in the Soviet Union and the United States” (Welsh, 1997, 2000). 2

Smith points out that the only people talking about this distressing situation are the victims themselves. But the problem is, they are officially diagnosed as mentally disordered, so no one takes serious notice of them. In her research, however, Smith has uncovered some sobering facts.

“The development over the last decades since the Cold War arms race has included as a major strategic category, psycho-electronic weaponry, the ultimate aim of which is to enter the brain and mind. Unannounced, undebated and largely unacknowledged by scientists or by the governments who employ them—technology to enter and control minds from a distance has been unleashed upon us.” 3

This is present tense—not some future possibility. People like Carole Smith are struggling to deal with the results of this incredible invasion of our beings in their wards—as you are reading these words. Anyone for a nice warm cup of cognitive dissonance? How many sugars?

“…[T]he government secrecy system as a whole is among the most poisonous legacies of the Cold War…the Cold War secrecy [which] also mandate[s] Active Deception…a security manual for special access programs authorizing contractors to employ ‘cover stories’ to disguise their activities. The only condition is that cover stories must be believable.” 4

Giant organisations have already created technology that is literally mind blowing. IBM, for example, owns patented (03951134) intellectual property that is capable of “picking up at a distance the brainwaves of a person, processing them by computer and emitting ‘correcting’ waves which will change the original brain waves.” 5

In his article On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain, Michael Persinger, from the Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, describes the very real possibility of directly affecting the minds of the more than almost-seven billion people who now inhabit Earth—by generating electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms in the atmosphere. 6

This is no longer theory. We are now experiencing the beginnings of what will become an avalanche of technologically-driven, mass, mind manipulation. University of Pennsylvania historian, Jonathan Moreno, stated, “We’re moving clearly more and more in the direction of being able to manage neural activity, manage behavior, attitudes and perception at a distance.” 7

If you look at the skies above you, you will see something that didn’t happen when I was younger. You will see—every day—“clouds” that reveal the presence of electromagnetic

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energy of many different frequencies, often colliding with each other in an apparent tangle of wild confusion. Many of the “clouds” are not predominantly water vapour. Our atmosphere has now become an electrically-charged plasma that is capable of conducting different forms of energy that can directly affect your mind. It can change the way you feel about yourself and your attitudes to others and to authority. A new world order in which a compliant population has been “psychocivilised” using “psychotronic technology” is no longer imaginary.

In a 1998 German television documentary, Dr Igor Smirnov, of the Institute of Psycho-Correction in Moscow, stated, “It is easily conceivable that some Russian ‘Satan’, or let’s say Iranian—or any other ‘Satan’, as long as he owns the appropriate means and finances, can inject himself into every conceivable computer network, into every conceivable radio or television broadcast, with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting cables…and intercept the radio waves in the ether [air] and modulate every conceivable suggestion into it. This is why such technology is rightfully feared.” 8

It is now more than a decade later and we are experiencing the reality of it in subtle ways. Our skies bear the distinct fingerprints of the culprits—literally every day. In the near future the effects on us may not be quite so subtle.

Carole Smith has encountered the widespread response of cognitive dissonance—denial—in her professional field of practice. She offers her analysis of “the mechanisms employed to maintain disbelief”. They are quoted here in full. If you find these points heavy going, skip over them. They are, however, useful to an understanding of the very real problem of cognitive dissonance in the context of our quest.

“In the sixties, Soviet dissidents received a significant measure of sympathy and indignant protest from western democracies on account of their treatment, most notedly the abuse of psychiatric methods of torture to which they were subjected. It is noteworthy that we seem to be able to access credulity, express feelings of indignant support, when we can identify with the victims, who share and support our own value system, and who, in this particular historical case, reinforced our own values, since they were protesting against a political system which also threatened us at that time. Psychologically, it is equally important to observe that support from a safe distance, and the benefits to the psyche of attacking a split-off ‘bad father’, the Soviet authorities in this case, presents no threat to one’s internal system; indeed it relieves internal pressures. On the other hand, recognizing and denouncing a similar offence makes very much greater psychic demands of us when it brings us into conflict with our own environment, our own security, our own reality. The defence against disillusion serves to suppress paranoia that our father figure, the president, the prime minister, our governments—might not be what they would like to be seen to be.

“The need to deposit destructive envy and bad feelings elsewhere, on account of the inability of the ego to acknowledge ownership of them—reinforces the usefulness of persons or groups, which will serve to contain those, disowned, projected feelings which arouse paranoid anxieties. The concepts of mind-invasion strike at the very heart of paranoid anxiety, causing considerable efforts to dislodge them from the psyche. The unconscious identification of madness with dirt or excrement is an important aspect of anal aggression, triggering projective identification as a defence.



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“To lay oneself open to believing that a person is undergoing the experience of being invaded mentally and physically by an unseen manipulator requires very great efforts in the self to manage dread.

“The defence against the unknown finds expression in the split between theory and practice; between the scientist as innovator and the society who can make the moral decisions about his inventions; between fact and science fiction, the latter of which can present preposterous challenges to the imagination without undue threat, because it serves to reinforce a separation from the real.

“Identification with the aggressor. Sadistic fantasies, unconscious and conscious, being transferred on to the aggressor and identified with, aid the repression of fear of passivity or a dread of punishment. This mechanism acts to deny credulity to the victim who represents weakness. This is a common feature of satanic sects.

“The liberal humanist tradition which denies the worst destructive capacities of man in the effort to sustain the belief in the great continuity of cultural and scientific tradition; the fear, in one’s own past development, of not being ‘ongoing’, can produce the psychic effect of reversal into the opposite to shield against aggressive feelings. This becomes then the exaggerated celebration of the ‘new’ as the affirmation of human genius which will ultimately be for the good of mankind, and which opposes warning voices about scientific advances as being pessimistic, unenlightened, unprogressive and Luddite. Strict adherence to this liberal position can act as overcompensation for a fear of envious spoiling of good possessions, i.e. cultural and intellectual goods.

“Denial by displacement is also employed to ignore the harmful aspects of technology. What may be harmful for the freedom and good of society can be masked and concealed by the distribution of new and entertaining novelties. The technology which puts a camera down your gut for medical purposes, is also used to limit your freedom by surveillance. The purveyors of innovative technology come up with all sorts of new gadgets, which divert, entertain and feed the acquisitive needs of insatiable shoppers, and bolster the economy. The theme of ‘Everything’s up to date in Kansas City’ only takes on a downside when individual experience—exploding breast implants, say—takes the gilt off the gingerbread. Out of every innovation for evil (i.e. designed for harming and destroying) some ‘good’ (i.e. public diversion or entertainment) can be promoted for profit or crowd-pleasing.

“NASA is sending a spacecraft to Mars, or so we are told. They plan to trundle across the Martian surface searching for signs of water and life. We do not hear dissenting voices about its feasibility.

“Why is it that, when a person accounts that their mind is being disrupted and they are being persecuted by an unseen method of invasive technology, that we cannot bring ourselves to believe them? Could it be that the horror involved in the empathic identification required brings the shutters down? Conversely, the shared experience of the blasting of objects into space brings with it the possibilities of shared potency or the relief that resonates in the unconscious of a massive projection or evacuation—a shared experience which is blessed in the name of man’s scientific genius.







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“The desire not to be ‘taken in’, not to be taken for a fool, provides one of the most powerful and common defence mechanism[s] against credulity.” 9

Carole Smith’s is not a lone voice. The issue of external mind control has occupied the thoughts of military planners, among others, since the middle of last century.

“It would also appear to be possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5–15 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to ‘talk’ to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.

“…Assuming we will understand how our skills are imprinted and recalled, it might be possible to take this concept one step further and duplicate the experience set in another individual. The prospect of providing a ‘been there—done that’ knowledge base could provide a revolutionary change in our approach to specialized training.” 10

Commenting on this 2006 paper, US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century, prepared for the US DoD, Nick Begich says, “The above report was a forecast for the year 2020. However, the reality is that these technologies already exist and there are a number of patents in the open

literature which clearly show the possibilities. This research is not new but goes back to the 1950s” (Mind Control: The Ultimate Brave New World, Nick Begich).

The research is indeed not new. People have been seeking to master the technology for quite some time.

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.

The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain” (Dr José Delgado, Director of neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School, Congressional Record Number 26, Volume 118, February 24, 1974).

It is now in full readiness for deployment.

In fact, the technology has already been used to startling effect in the Persian Gulf when American warships focused beams of energy into the minds of Iraqi fishermen who were athwart their track. The terrified trawlers beat a most undignified and hasty retreat, believing they had been addressed by Allah himself.

“The problem that now arises, at the point of readiness when so much has been achieved is how to put the technology into action in such a way, so [sic] it will be


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acceptable in the public domain. This requires getting it through wider government and legal bodies…It is given to Dr Rees and his colleague, Professor Haynes…to carry the torch for the government. Those involved may also have noted the need to show the neuroscientists in a more responsible light, following the US neuroengineer for government-sponsored Lockheed Martin, John Norseen’s ingenuous comment…‘If this research pans out,’ said Norseen, ‘You can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it.’ And added: ‘The ethics don’t concern me, but they should concern someone else.’

While the neuroscientists report the discovery, issuing ethical warnings while incongruously continuing with their mind-blowing work, the government which sponsors them, remains absolutely mute. The present probing of people’s intentions, minds, background thoughts, hopes and emotions is being expanded into the more complex and subtle aspects of thinking and feeling…What is this announcement with its technical obfuscation preparing us for?” (Emphasis supplied.) 11

On our quest, we will experience the impulse to dismiss the evidence of history, logic and science for a range of personal reasons. However, if you have come this far and choose to proceed, you will discover some things that, in the words of Malachi Martin, “can be numbing”.


1. Journal of Psycho-Social Studies (UK), October 18, 2007, Carole Smith. s

2. Ibid. s

3. Ibid. s

4. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 1994, Aftergood and Rosenberg. s

5. Journal of Psycho-Social Studies (UK), October 18, 2007, Carole Smith. s

6. http://www.miller-mccune.com/science-environment/science-human-rights-and-the-military-7423/ s

7. “Summary: Contemporary neuroscience suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by which all sensory transduction is translated into the intrinsic, brain-specific code. Direct stimulation of these codes within the human temporal or limbic cortices by applied electromagnetic patterns may require energy levels which are within the range of both geomagnetic activity and contemporary communication networks. A process which is coupled to the narrow band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be affected by a subharmonic whose frequency range at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1 Hz.” “The pursuit of the basic algorithms by which all human brains operate can be considered a central theme of modern neuroscience. Although individual differences are expected to accommodate most of the variance in any specific neurobehavioral measure, there should exist basic patterns of information and structure within brain space. They would be determined by the human genome, ie, be species-specific, and would contribute to or would serve as the substrate upon which all phenomena that affect neurobehavioral measures are superimposed” (Perceptual and Motor Skills: On The Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms, M A Persinger, ISSN 0031-5125). s

8. 1998 German television documentary, Dr Igor Smirnov, Institute of Psycho-Correction, Moscow. The full text of the interview may be found here: http://www.raven1.net/russvid.htm s

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9. Journal of Psycho-Social Studies (UK), October 18, 2007, Carole Smith. s

10. The Information Revolution and the Future Air Force, Colonel John A. Warden III, USAF. s

11. Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind, Carole Smith, Dissent Magazine, Australia, Summer 2007 / 2008. s

“And Unto ‘Smart Dust’ Shalt Thou Return…”

“There is an environmental disease on the horizon that will affect more humans and the environment than any one person will know. Its environmental impact will be far greater than DDT, PCBs and asbestos have ever been. It is called Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. It has many names—fibre disease, mystery disease, delusional parasitosis and unknown dermatological skin disorder, to name a few. There are 93 exhibiting symptoms. It is silent, smart, glistening—powered by its own transitional metal battery. And when it strikes its victim it feels like a piece of burning broken glass as it pierces the skin. Smaller than any of the 150 pieces of a virus (known as virons), it is invisible to the naked eye. So silent is it, only the one who has been invaded knows its true nature. Marked with the seal of man-made, self-assembling nano-size materials they can be used in forming drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, biomaterials, artificial nerves, artificial brains, pseudo skin and molecular electronics. Yes, it was patterned after nature’s many wonders, but it is still one hundred percent man made. The nano-brew has been loosed from its scientific flask casting its woes upon an unsuspecting innocence.” 1

Bionanotechnology is not the way of the future. It is now. And while its proponents may mount a persuasive case in terms


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of industrial and other “benefits”, the downside, in the hands of a “Smirnovian Satan”, is nothing less than horrifying. What makes it even more so is the fact that its impact on human survival is not just in the speculative stages. People are feeling the dire results as you read these words. Morgellon’s Disease is being diagnosed at the rate of more than 1,000 new cases a day. Worldwide, there are more than 200,000 confirmed cases.

Nano materials have many forms including smart dust, nano gels, quantum dots, nano tubes, nano wires, nano bots (as in, “robot”) and nano horns—all part of the growing field of nanotechnology. Something so small that it does not stimulate the human immune system to react to its invasive presence will cause cellular toxicological reactions to occur. Hildegarde Staninger writes:

“The world is in the cataclysmic reactor of the universe where mankind is desperately trying to protect his nations through the advancement of science, medicine, and technology. And at the same time, the use of his bionanotechnology…will be the way something nearly invisible could become our greatest national security threat…Whether [‘Smart Dust’] was designed as a universal surveillance tool or the monitoring tool of the rate of death of a tree, it is here and is part of the global dominance race involving smart nanotechnology . . . . But in the hands of one of an evil-hearted intent it would cause the demise of humanity as we know it…” 2

Nanotechnology deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter: 0.000,000,001. The science involves the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. Nanotechnologists have devised invisible “bots” that are programmed to carry out truly amazing “missions”.

For example, a group of, say, five atoms may form a particular kind of nano bot. Introduced into the gut of a human being it will seek specific molecules to combine with, self-assembling a new, artificial “life form” that is capable of reproducing itself and morphing into a range of specialised states designed to carry out specific functions. The bot may be powered by its own electric battery and travel as directed to any part of the body to accomplish its intended purpose.

Advocates of the technology argue that it can have numerous beneficial uses, ranging from a new class of hyper-powerful, super-lightweight materials for industrial applications that will benefit mankind greatly in areas ranging from architecture and aerospace, to medical applications that can target rogue cells, such as cancer, and destroy them.

Used in paints it can transform a wall into a giant television monitor with unprecedented high resolution and brightness—no wires or projector needed. The same thing can be an integral part of dynamic textile design, opening up wonderful, creative options to the imagination.

Whimsical as some of it may sound at the “blunt end”, there is, however, a frightening risk at the “pointy end”. In the hands of a hegemonic, amoral, militaristic, would-be-global-governance apparatus, the new science of nanotechnology has the very real potential to wipe out vast swathes of life on our planet home.Nano particles are turning up in our drinking water, food chains, and in the very air we breathe. Right now, the science is barely understood, let alone mastered. But the bottle has already been “uncorked”.

“Nanotechnology investors, military, academia, and industry are the partners of the global rise in the many

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different benefits for the utilization of nanotechnology. Through this rise of phenomenal technology under the auspices of benefiting mankind and the environment, one can only pray to a higher being that through its release into the environment, planned or accidental, remedies will be made for its antidote upon exposure…[O]ne can only wonder who is the true mastermind—a mastermind who created something that can be nearly invisible to the naked eye, yet become our greatest national security threat, as it can cause the death of mankind with a simple flip of a switch, as nanotechnology advances into the realms of synthetic biology and nanovectored gene delivery systems.” 3

Morgellon’s Disease is a new phenomenon.4 It is linked to the aerial spraying program that is taking place over our heads.5 The aerosols contain nano particles. Polymer fibres extrude through lesions in the skin of Morgellon’s sufferers. Visible in a range of colours, these fibres have been tested and found to be almost indestructible. They require a temperature of 1,400f (760c ) to melt and are insoluble. 6

Neither do they match any of the thousands of fibres in the FBI Forensic Laboratory database by which that agency is normally able to accurately identify the source of almost any thread, hair or fibre on Earth—even to the extent of determining the year, make and model of a car from a single carpet fibre, or the manufacturer of a particular item of clothing from one thread.

While individually distinct in both appearance and composition, Morgellon’s fibres all seem to originate in the skin lesions of the victims. “There are fuzzy white fibres, sometimes called ‘cotton balls’, that are found growing on top of the skin lesions. Then there are the coloured fibres or threads, usually pink, blue or

black, that are found under the skin—even in the surrounding healthy tissue—and often poke through the lesions. Then there are clear fibres that have a small golden bulb on the end,” reports Dan Eden. 7

To their considerable surprise, scientists investigating the phenomenon found that the white, “cotton ball” fibres fluoresced—glowed under ultraviolet light. No human cells have fluorescent properties.

But certain marine organisms, like some jellyfish, have the ability to glow in the dark—a distinct advantage for denizens of the deep. Presumptuously “playing God” by using a diabolical procedure euphemistically called “trans-genetics”, scientist have inserted the DNA from jellyfish into the genetic code of other organisms, as diverse as goldfish and pigs, causing them to glow a vivid green on their noses and hooves, in the case of the pigs. This is achieved by splicing specific genes from the donor into the genome of the receptor organisms.

“Scientists at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig have now identified violacein as one of the fundamental mechanisms used by the bacteria in biofilms to protect themselves against the attacking phagocytes in the human body. Like the marine organisms, the presence of violacein is deadly to the human immune system and prevents it from clearing infections from the body.

Since Chromobacterium Violaceum, which produces violacein, has been found in Morgellon’s skin lesions, along with the biofilm, it seems a no-brainer that this is why Morgellon’s Disease resists healing and, in fact, spreads so rapidly.

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Don’t forget that the proteins of Chromobacterium Violaceum were apparently tagged to fluoresce by some trans-genetic laboratory. The complete genome of this bacterium was published in 2003. This implies that they were intentionally included in this witches’ brew!” 8

Some of the unique fibres found in Morgellon’s Disease sufferers, fluoresce. This property has been introduced into the fibres from some pretty exotic, nonhuman proteins. Is it a mere accident that all of these donor organisms have recently had their complete genomes studied and published in professional literature—something essential to trans-genetic manipulation?

The proteins in question have their source in some rather unfriendly organisms that naturally produce biofilms and violacein, both of which disable the human immune system—but worse, are able to insert random genes into the cells of our bodies’ tissues. 9

Agrobacterium, a unique bacterium that is widely used to manipulate Genetically Modified (GM) plants, and which can genetically modify human cells, has been identified in Morgellon’s lesions.10 That a laboratory was involved in the origins of this substance is clear enough. So it is apparent that Morgellon’s Disease was manufactured by human beings, no matter how you look at it. The documented “reluctance” of the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in the USA to seriously investigate this outbreak (where it presently is most rampant), along with a thick curtain of silence from the mainstream media, raises some very unwelcome questions.

There is no known medical cure for Morgellon’s Disease and the condition progresses to manifest serious physical and mental disabilities. Alarming numbers of sufferers have chosen

to take their own lives rather than live with an affliction that imposes physical, emotional and mental torment and social ostracism. Added to the foregoing, confirmed cases in family pets and domestic farm animals point to the suggestion that Morgellon’s Disease is already pandemic.

Nanotechnology and genetically-modified “foods” appear to be working hand-in-hand with a range of man-made toxins and pathogens found in the aerosols that we are now forced to breathe. Even from the most optimistic perspective, this kind of unbridled activity on the part of finite and deeply flawed human beings, paints a future for this planet that is in stark contrast to the picture I had instilled into me as a boy growing up near Murwillumbah, rich with its bucolic fragrances and simple innocence.

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1. http://www.staningerreport.com/#nano911.html s

2. http://www.hildegarde-staninger.com/smart-dust-and-its-global-environmental-impact.html s

3. Ibid. s

4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2737752/ s

5. http://www.morgellonsexposed.com/FirstObservations.htm s

6. “… we have a trans-genetic substance that is fluorescent and contains human, bovine (cow) and bacteria proteins, mysterious and unidentifiable fibers made of polythene that stick through the skin and causes its victims to constantly itch their wounds, and an almost indestructible tube containing a biofilm substance that prevents the skin lesions from healing. This nefarious disease has never been encountered before and there is no known cause or cure…” (Morgellon’s Disease, A Crime of Science, Dan Eden) http://www.viewzone.com/morgellons.html s

7. Ibid. s

8. Ibid. s

9. “Agrobacterium not only infects human and other animal cells, it also transfers genes into them. It was State University of New York (SUNY) professor Citovsky and his team that made the discovery some years ago. Until then, the genetic engineering community had assumed that Agrobacterium did not infect animal cells, and certainly would not transfer genes into them. Agrobacterium was found to transfer T-DNA into the chromosomes of human cells. In stably transformed HeLa cells, the integration occurred at the right border of the T-DNA, exactly as would happen when it is being transferred into a plant cell genome, suggesting that Agrobacterium transforms

human cells by a mechanism similar to that involved in transforming plants. Human cancer cells, neurons and kidney cells were all transformed with the Agrobacterium T-DNA” (Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? Mae-Wan Ho, Joe Cummins, Institue of Science in Society—emphasis supplied). http://www.i-sis.org.uk/agrobacteriumAndMorgellons.php “Bacteria that adhere to implanted medical devices or damaged tissue can encase themselves in a hydrated matrix of polysaccharide and protein, and form a slimy layer known as a biofilm. Antibiotic resistance of bacteria in the biofilm mode of growth contributes to the chronicity of infections such as those associated with implanted medical devices. The mechanisms of resistance in biofilms are different from the now familiar plasmids, transposons, and mutations that confer innate resistance to individual bacterial cells. In biofilms, resistance seems to depend on multicellular strategies” (Antibiotic resistance of bacteria in biofilms The Lancet, Volume 358, Issue 9276, Pages 135-138 P.Stewart, J.William Costerton). s

10. “The researchers warned of ‘newly formed combinations of persistently transmitted viruses’ coupled with ‘the opportunistic and systemically moving Agrobacterium vector infectious to a wide host range might eventually cause infection and damage to crop plants or natural vegetation’ that are ‘not presently visited by the traditional vectors of the virus disease.’ In other words, Agrobacterium persisting in transgenic plants released into the environment has the potential to spread new diseases, and to plants that normally would not be infected by the disease agents. At the time, the researchers did not know that Agrobacterium would also infect animals and humans, and could spread new diseases to them as well. Have these warnings been heeded by other researchers? There is no evidence they have been taken on board. Agrobacterium has since been shown to transform at least 80 different non-plant species including yeasts and other fungi, algae, mammalian and human cells, also the gram positive bacterium Streptomyces lividans” (Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? Mae-Wan Ho, Joe Cummins, Institue of Science in Society—emphasis supplied). http://www.i-sis.org.uk/agrobacteriumAndMorgellons.php s

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Splitting History

Before he died in 2005, Karol Wojtyla fully expected to see an event on display in Earth’s atmosphere that would split history into two. The event would be so convincing and awe-inspiring, it would literally polarize the entire population of the planet.

It didn’t happen. And it hasn’t happened.


“He is waiting…for an event that will fission Human history, splitting the immediate past from the oncoming future. It will be an event on public view in the skies, in the oceans, and on the continental landmasses of this planet. It will particularly involve our human sun, which every day lights up and shines upon the valleys, the mountains and the plains of this earth for our eyes. But on the day of this event, it will not appear merely as the master star of our so-called solar system. Rather, it will be seen as the circumambient glory of the Woman whom the apostle describes as ‘clothed with the sun’ and giving birth to a child who will rule the nations with a rod of iron.” 1

On October 16, 1978, Wojtyla was specifically elected by the College of Cardinals as a pope with a geopolitical agenda. His



personal vision for Earth was to bring all mankind back into the fold of universal (that’s what “catholic” means) georeligious and geopolitical integration—as was the case for almost 1,500 years in Europe before the intractable Martin Luther spoiled the party. There is a unique word for it: rapprochement. The etymology of the word is enlightening.

Pope John Paul II’s vision for the world was literally that. During August 1981 he experienced a supernatural vision of the immediate geopolitical future of Earth.

“It was in this mode of prayer and this mood of total trust in Mary that John Paul had what has been, as far as is publicly known, his only supernatural vision of things to come. There is no gainsaying that he did have that vision.” 2

If yours is a background of hard-nosed empiricism and this talk of metaphysical matters sounds like unreality to you, please realize that we are recognising things that a very large number of intelligent people believe to be real. That belief is governing their actions. Nothing is more empirical than the results of such beliefs. These are pieces in our puzzle that we must identify to see where they fit in the emerging picture.

Around midday on October 13, 1917, in the Portuguese hamlet of Fatima, a crowd of more than 75,000 people stood in an open field and watched an event of unprecedented interest. We know a lot about this occurrence.

The press turned up in droves and thousands of photographs were taken. The sea of upturned faces is recorded on countless silver halide plates. You can see the people and their cameras. Unaccountably, not one useful photograph of what they were looking at has survived on public record. Fortunately we do have many eyewitness accounts.

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Lucia, the lone survivor of three peasant children who were visited repeatedly, at a place near their sheep pastures called Cova de Iria, by an apparition that identified itself as Mary, wrote out the Three Secrets of Fatima. The other two children met “early deaths” at the ages of 10 and 11.

One of the very first things John Paul did after his installation as pope, was to unseal the envelope containing the Third Secret. His actions as the absolute spiritual head of more than one billion people were directly shaped by what he read. And his influence on planet Earth has arguably been the most far-reaching of any world leader in recent history.

The media’s unforgettable images of three living United States presidents, the incumbent Commander in Chief and his First Lady, the Secretary of State and the White House Chief of Staff—all kneeling by the bier of John Paul II—speaks volumes about the man’s widespread influence in his 27 years on the Vatican’s throne. 3

If anyone present had cast their eyes to the ceiling of St Peter’s Basilica where John Paul II lay in state, they would have been struck by the similarity of themes depicted there with the Brumidi fresco on the ceiling of the Capitol Building in Washington. The presence of the leaders of the United States on that milestone occasion was neither coincidental nor trivial.

Although still officially secret, the Third Secret was read by a succession of three pontiffs before John Paul II. Each decided to return the single page Lucia had sealed in 1944 under orders from her bishop, to its envelope without acting on it. Sufficient is now known for us to understand the significance to us.

“Lucia’s single-page written formulation of the ‘Third Secret’ covers three main topics. A physical chastisement

of the nations, including catastrophes, man-made or natural, on land, on water and in the atmosphere of the globe.” 4

The remaining two topics included a “spiritual chastisement, far more frightening and distressing—especially for Roman Catholics—than physical hardship”, and the pivotal role of Russia in the shape of things to come. 5

It is noteworthy that Lucia was told by her attending apparition that “man-made catastrophes” would inflict their penalty on the people of Earth if the reigning pope in the year 1960 chose not to act on the instructions contained in the Third Secret. Pope John XXIII was that man. He made his decision to ignore the contents of the enigmatic envelope.

Earth’s atmosphere is singled out for special mention. When you think about it, the largest visible object on Earth is the sky. It forms a massive “IMAX theatre screen”. Incredible things could be done with that—if the technology permitted. Indeed, some amazing things have already taken place there.

“By one means or another, news of the successive apearances spread throughout Portugal, Europe and the two Americas…Not only the month and day and place were predicted by the children; the exact hour—midday—was foretold. What happened at that precise hour was a cameraman’s dream, something that even Cecil B DeMille could not have fantasized.

“It had rained torrentially all that night of Friday, October 12. On the morning of the thirteenth, the hamlet of Fatima was blanketed in driving rain beneath a cloudbound sky. Everyone and everything was sodden; the dirt roads were quagmires of mud; there was a good

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three inches of water at Cava da Iria, where the three children were waiting with their families, surrounded by those thousands of visitors. Toward midday, the voice of Lucia, the eldest child, was heard: ‘Look up at the sun!’ All looked up. The rain suddenly stopped. The heavy veil of clouds broke asunder. The sun appeared. At the sight of that sun, uncontrollable waves of surprise, awe, fear, panic, joy swept through the crowds…

“This was not the unbearably bright midday sun normal in the skies of Portugal and Rome, the sun you cannot stare at without damaging the eyes. This sun was a fast-spinning plate of brightly shining silver, a giant pinwheel turning on its own axis, casting off beams of coloured lights—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet—that tinted faces, clothes, cars, carts, umbrellas, animals, ponds, grass, mountaintop and horizon in all the successive hues of the rainbow. Everyone was able to stare fixedly at this brilliant disk, but yet without pain and without being blinded. All were fascinated by the rim of colour around the spinning disk of that sun.” 6

The “sun” put on an amazing show that day. It behaved in three distinct phases, the last of which overawed the crowds.

“As this molten mass of light and heat zigzagged downward, cries of anguish and horror, prayers and exclamations rose up: ‘It’s the end of the world!’ ‘We will all die!’ ‘God forgive me my sins!’ and the like.” 7

Incredibly, when the display was over, everyone noticed that the ground was dry and their clothes were also.

Again, let me remind you that we are examining empirical data here. History has recorded the event we have just read about. It

is not someone’s fecund imagination. Upwards of 75,000 people witnessed the phenomenon and newspaper reports abounded. What that spectacle actually was may be open to speculation. But that something dramatic and extraordinary took place is beyond doubt. What is also beyond conjecture is that the event was predicted many months before it happened.

It is very important to understand that the sincere members of a political group, secret society or a religious organisation may be quite unaware of the deep designs of their leaders or even of the fundamental goals of the organisation itself. Only those initiated into the top echelon may know what is really being planned. There is always a public face and a completely different one looking in the opposite direction, like the Roman god Janus.

How many good citizens of the USA who voted for George W Bush knew and approved of what he and Dick Cheney would do after “gaining” office?

It may well be that you do not share the geopolitical goals of your own government. If you are a Canadian, for example, the fact that Stephen Harper has certain views and hidden intentions doesn’t make you complicit in whatever untoward actions he may choose to take as your leader. As an Australian, I am not responsible for the actions of my political head, even though I may have voted for him.

Likewise, the fact that you may be a Roman Catholic doesn’t make you responsible for the hideous crimes of the middle ages carried out in the name of your church and “Christianity”. It is an undeniable fact that the Inquisition was responsible for more deaths by horrible torture than the body count of both world wars combined. Estimates range between 50,000,000 and 150,000,000. The Vatican recently acknowledged this awful

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guilt in its quasi apology to the world. 8 Other religious bodies are also guilty of dreadful crimes against humanity, including the vigilante followers of Martin Luther.

It is the case with all finite geopolitical organisations that they invariably conceal their real agenda—be they political or religious, or both. It doesn’t take much thought to realise why.

To expect every man, woman and child of the planet’s 6,835,820,921 inhabitants to happily agree to give their unquestioning allegiance to someone who may decide he wants to be their Big Boss, is about as likely to succeed as sewing a button on a poached egg or a skydiver lighting a cigarette.

Yet that is exactly what both the ideological streams that we have identified require. But here’s the fundamental difference between their modi operandi:


Open, accessible truth and freedom of the will.Deceptive seduction, and when all else fails, cruel compulsion using ruthless force.

Is it really conceivable that a land, founded on the principles of republicanism, democracy and religious liberty could turn from its lamb-like, milky innocence and rampage across the planet like a dragon? Or that an institution as venerable as the Vatican and claiming to be God’s very surrogate, would stoop to such means? Is it preposterous to think that the two could combine forces to achieve the same end?

If their geopolitical ambitions require the conformity of us all, it may be their only option.

“…[T]he world and all that’s in it—our way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our

families and our jobs our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and our religions and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted—all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever. No one can be exempted from its effects”. 9

Karol Wojtyla’s expectation of a fissioning event was not fulfilled in his lifetime. But we will see in the following pages that an even more intense expectation is mounting. And what is being deposited in our skies is directly linked.

“And he performs great wonders, making fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives them who dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he has power to do…and he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, so that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:11-17).

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1. The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West. Malachi Martin, Simon and Schuster, 1990, page 639. s

2. Ibid., 627. s

3. http://www.state.gov/cms_images/2005_04_06_funeral.jpg s

4. The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West. Malachi Martin, Simon and Schuster, 1990, page 630. s

5. Ibid., page 630. s

6. Ibid., page 628. s

7. Ibid., page 629. s

8. Referring specifically to the infamous Spanish Inquisition with its documented deaths by torture numbering many millions, Pope John Paul II addressed the following prayer to God, requesting forgiveness. “Lord, God of all men and women, in certain periods of history, Christians [the Vatican] have at times given in to [forms of] intolerance and have not been faithful to the great commandment of love, sullying in this way the face of the [Roman Catholic] Church, your Spouse. Have mercy on your sinful children and accept our resolve to seek and promote truth in the gentleness of charity, in the firm knowledge that truth can prevail only in virtue of truth itself. We ask this through Christ Our Lord” (Prayer for Forgiveness, Day of Pardon, 12 March, John Paul II, From the Vatican, 22 March 2000). s

9. The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West. Malachi Martin, Simon and Schuster, 1990, page 15. s


The Other Side of the Coin

Along with the two great doctrines of Sun-tzu-style deception that we noted earlier, there is a third, closely-aligned principle: take your own dishonourable intentions and project them onto your enemy. Obverse Identity. That way it will seem that you are the virtuous party while the leaders of those whom you wish to subjugate will appear to be vile and loathsome. You could do this if you “owned” Wall Street, Madison Avenue and the media.

To make it credible, you will need to engage in occasional theatrical displays of charity and altruism—even toward your enemy (a common practice among the more secret of societies).Just make sure the animals in the media circus are tame. Thus school kids will grow up believing “we are the good guys and the others are the baddies”.

If, for example, you wished to terrorise the planet into submission, you may choose to declare an open-ended “War on Terror”. You may need to stand with a megaphone on the smouldering ruins of some iconic buildings for effect and denounce the “wild conspiracy theorists”. Then you could unleash massive firepower against children and civilians and kill around 1,320,110 people (and counting).

You could outsource your truly dirty work when the stench of your Ghraibs and Guantanamos reached too many sensitive

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nostrils. You would be very smart to gather around you a compliant Coalition of the Willing to make it appear that you were not being unilateral in your ambitions.

And after your Sun-tzu ruse had been thoroughly discredited and the people discovered you always knew there were no weapons of mass destruction, and that there never was a connection between the rubble in New York and what you had planned all along to do in Afghanistan and Iraq 1 and that you never did intend to catch Osama Bin Laden, you could still proceed to use your own colossal arsenal of mass destruction, with a new, smiling mascot at the perceived helm of the geopolitical juggernaut.

I have been a professional Audience Perception Management consultant for over thirty years. I have numbered among my clients some of the world’s truly giant corporations. I helped them to become what they are. I have sat in his office and dealt one-on-one with the chairman of the world’s largest resources corporation. Directors of the board have arrived at my front door in their chauffeured limousines, from the airport in their corporate VIP jets, seeking professional advice. I have been entrusted with creating and maintaining the corporate identities and public profiles of numerous major organisations. I know from firsthand experience what I am talking about. I no longer assist them with their global agendas. I have learned too much.

For some strange reason people have not always seen eye-to-eye with those who plan to subjugate them and to destroy their way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; their families and their jobs their trade and commerce and money; their educational systems and their religions and their cultures.

To achieve the declared hegemonic goal of the now-yoked players in the End Game, a lot of physical and intellectual

property needs to be kept out of sight. Generally, we are not favourably impressed by the prospect of being freighted to concentration camps for “processing”. And that is usually a last resort for any “Smirnovian Satan”. The other, softer options of seduction by disinformation of the masses and rank bribery at the top will always be used first. And it is truly amazing how successful these have been. So much so that most of the plain, unvarnished information in this book will be unacceptable to those who have not taken the trouble to candidly investigate the sobering facts of history for themselves.

Professor William Carroll Quigley was au fait with all of this. His mistake was that he thought, prematurely, that it was time to raise the curtain.

“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to its or to most of its aims and have for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known” 2

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We can learn much from this confession. First, the real powers in the geopolitical End Game prefer darkness rather than light. It is considered safer to “network” behind the scenes and to maintain “secret records” than to be seen and understood. The word “conspiracy” comes to mind. But, as we have just read, this is not a “theory”. It’s fact. Empirical evidence, courtesy Carroll Quigley. The fact that his book, Tragedy and Hope was subsequently suppressed adds credence to the idea that we are not supposed to know what these people are up to.

Second, we can see that secret power groups have operated at the highest levels and have significantly impacted history.

We can also see that at this level there is essentially no antipathy between those who wear democracy hats and those who sport communist or “any other” millinery. Indeed, there is “frequent cooperation” between them.

There are “many instruments” being used covertly to advance a hidden, global agenda.

Only the vast, combined resources of an organisation such as Quigley identifies and that Malachi Martin describes, could carry out an operation as extensive, covert and as far reaching as one designed to alter the whole of Earth’s atmosphere, to change entire regions’ historic weather patterns and to enter people’s bodies and minds with electromagnetic radiation to psychotronically realign their whole system of loyalties and moral orientation.


1. It is revealing to note that despite the overwhelming evidence (witness George Bush’s frank confession) disconnecting the events of 9/11 from anything to do with Iraq and Afghanistan, world leaders continue to conveniently use the emotive power associated with those terrifying events in New York to justify the ongoing hegemonic agenda. s

2. Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time, Carroll Quigley, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1966, page 950. s

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If At First

The apparent failure of his 1981 vision from “Mary” does not spell the end of a very long campaign to gain total world dominion. This tenacious ambition of Karol Wojtyla’s predecessors—and his successors—is writ large on the pages of history if you are willing to read the script. Some of that history is as recent as two days ago. The ink is still wet.

“Pope Benedict XVI has proposed a new world political authority ‘with real teeth’, possibly in place of the United Nations, to enforce an ethical financial order and end the global financial crisis…His suggested political authority would manage globalisation…It would need to be universally recognised and given power to ensure compliance from all countries.” 1

“…[O]ur jobs our trade and commerce and money…all will have been powerfully and radically altered…”

Guardian News & Media ran a piece on the same day echoing the anticipated, “integrated”, global order.

“A second encyclical was launched this week—not from St Peter’s Square, Rome, but Palace Street, London, from Douglas Alexander, the development secretary…Like



the Pope’s encyclical, it stresses the pressing need for a new approach to international development…When priest and politician are singing from the same hymn sheet we know how serious things have become…”

The United States of America has stood as a bastion of religious freedom in a world where intolerance of others’ faiths has often proved fatal to the nonconformists. Witness Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. The Mayflower had people on board who had uprooted themselves from kith and kin and fled estates and ethos spanning hundreds of years to risk all in the untried New World—all because of the fundamental need to decide what to believe and how to practice that belief without the ruling authorities forcing their consciences. At the very heart of that sacred document, the US Constitution, is the guarantee of every individual’s right to follow his or her own conscience in matters of religion—including the faiths of Atheism and Scientism. It is referred to as the “wall of separation between church and state.” Many citizens have thought that this wall is impregnable—so utterly fundamental it could never be changed. Think again.

Ironic in light of the “War on Terror”, the article appeared in Newsweek’s “Extremism” category at the start of George W Bush’s first term. Its title sounded melodramatic, “God’s Terrorists”. The bold-faced lead-in seemed even more so.

“The coming of George Bush has given fresh hope of creating a theocracy [a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god] in the United States, with the death penalty for blasphemy, adultery, homosexuality, reports Christopher Reed.” 2

Reed cites Frederick Clarkson, referring to the “more than a dozen murders, 15 attempted murders, 209 bombings,

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72 arsons, 750-plus death and bomb threats, and unknown hundreds of acts of vandalism, stalking, burglary and harassment”.

“The American mainstream media have reported these incidents but they don’t use the term ‘Christian terrorists’, although that’s what these people are, says scholar Frederick Clarkson, the author of Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy. The media is terrified of being accused of anti-religious bigotry and because of this we have not had systematic reporting on the religious right. Yet they are vibrant and institutiona-lising themselves as never before…They are blending into the Republican Party establishment. But it is not generally realised how anti-democratic they are. Their theology is essentially authoritarian and it’s scandalous that Americans are not being told.” 3

Chistopher Reed continues, “Like Uncle Joe’s communist cadres, theocrats are single-minded, disciplined devotees to their cause: imposing not a dictatorship of the proletariat but of the priesthood. And their theocracy, whether of the Calvanistic Reconstructionist variety, or the fuzzier kind advocated by Charismatics, Pentecostals and Southern Baptists…is a very tough regime indeed…As the religious right consolidate power, they are being joined by a Catholic faction who verge on the Falangist crypto-fascism of the late caudillo of Spain, General Franco.” 4

Lee Cockorinos, of the Institute for Democracy Studies, adds his clarion voice to Reed’s article. Please note his words.

“The religious right wants the separation of church and state eliminated, and they will go to the supreme court every time” 5

Recent times have revealed a new and candid willingness—indeed, eagerness—by the White House to be seen to be working in yoke with the Vatican ploughing this field of common endeavour. This display will not be surprising to anyone who understands the true historical significance and long-term strategy of those who commissioned Constantino Brumidi to paint his fresco. 6

Australian Prime Minister, John Howard’s confession of the intention to birth the long-gestating “New International Order” in the last decade of the twentieth century is directly connected to the Vatican’s global manifesto. It is the very same one of which George Bush senior assured the planet, “This time we will succeed”. Howard’s is not an a cappella solo. Today, as I am writing these words, incumbent Kevin Rudd paid his dues before the regulation paparazzi in papal audience. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have added their harmony to a swelling chorus of all the West’s leaders, accompanied by a full symphony of clerical support for “integrated” global governance. A great deal of information is available elsewhere on the subject. We will here confine ourselves to the issues germane to our quest.

It is clear that a huge game is being played of which the average Joe is groggily unaware. There will come a time, however, when even Joe will need to be informed. But first his mind must be prepared. He will need to be conditioned to accept the kinds of changes Carroll Quigley and Malachi Martin et al have described as inexorable. The methods are threefold.

Joe must be persuaded that the required changes—including the relinquishing of his civil liberties and his acceptance of a state-sponsored religion—are essential


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to his wellbeing. “…[O]ur way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and our religions and our cultures…”

If Joe bucks at this prospect, he will be given a choice: “‘Integrate’ or be eliminated from the new order—willing or not, ready or not…no one can be exempted from its effects.” The vast majority will in all probability conform.

For those who will insist on taking a principled stand against this unconscionable travesty, processing facilities have already been prepared. There are more than 700 concentration camps across the United States, courtesy of Halliburton, fully staffed and ready to go—today—but presently unoccupied. 7 Blackwater (now, Xe) 8 will be happy to assist FEMA 9 with the roundup. “…all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever…”

Like the Roman gladiatorial “games”, this one is deadly serious. And the instruments of persuasion are now extremely sophisticated. Added to a continuing stream of sanitised “news”, its “interpretation” and other insults to candour that are broadcast to train our minds in specific modalities, there is now a vast, space-based and terrestrial, electromagnetic capability—in place and fully operational—designed to control the way we perceive reality. It will “encourage” us to accept our “integration” into our brave new world. 10

Human emotions are very powerful motivators. When envelopes containing “white powder” began to appear after 9/11, already frightened citizens of the United States rose to new and giddy heights of raw terror. In a state of febrile fear, normally levelheaded people will do strange things. And while

they were in this condition of rational paralysis, most, if not all remaining civil liberties were legislated into oblivion using the most undemocratic processes that artifice could devise. Generally, it seems, people have little idea of what has actually happened. While we are not yet herded into pens for execution, the statute books of all Western lands have now been amended to allow for exactly that to happen on the whim of a president or prime minister or some chief of police. 11

This is not hyperbole. Check the legislation in your own country and prepare to be displeased by what you find.

Parag Khanna points out that “the separation of powers articulated in Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws is becoming equally scarce [with Thomas Paine’s assessment of the farce of the British monarchy in Common Sense] in America. Because ‘enlightened statesmen may not always be at the helm,’ wrote James Madison in Federalist No. 10, checks and balances are necessary. Yet precisely when America needed to assuage the world’s anxieties about its power, the executive branch neglected both its obligation of truth and its limitations under the law, undermining both the office and the respect for it…America’s Patriot Act violates five of the ten cherished amendments of the Bill of Rights: freedom of speech and assembly, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, due process, prompt public trial, and protection from cruel and unusual punishment…Even if subsequent administrations [to that of the now infamous G W Bush office] reverse these policies the damage has already been done.” 12

We have allowed ourselves to be marshalled into a position of extreme vulnerability. Less than two decades ago, Australia was self-sufficient in everything. With vast natural resources and an agricultural capacity that was the envy of the world, we have



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now literally sold the farm to not necessarily the highest foreign bidders, or allowed the banks to foreclose and shut the gates. We are now feebly dependant on imports to survive. Our food comes from the supermarket shelves that are filled with a new kind of generic brand that allows the only two giant suppliers of all chains to dodge the strict local production standards by importing inferior products. Our oil is imported (unnecessarily) and our steel production has been handed off to the Chinese. It is hard to find anything on the pantry shelf that is produced here anymore. The same story can be repeated around the globe. We are sitting ducks for a major supply catastrophe.

You could be forgiven for thinking that a company calling itself “Aussie Home Loans” would, in fact, be Australian. Wrong. It is 100% owned by GE Finance USA. Vegemite, Milo, Arnott’s Biscuits and Ugg Boots—how more Aussie could you get—are all now owned by US corporations. Yet the average Ocker wouldn’t have a clue that most of his familiar icons have been sold off under his very nose. And he probably hasn’t stopped to think that he would last only a few days if someone turned off the oil supply. Australia, like all Western lands, is a client state of the USA. The process has taken place ever so stealthily, like the boiling frog principle. It is now complete.

No-one consulted you or me about whether or not we thought Globalization was a good idea. It has been taken for granted, slipping surreptitiously into our daily diet. In fact it is a very bad idea. Globalization is a euphemism for a worldwide Gulag in which all that we have cherished will have been powerfully and radically altered forever—including our national identities.

We are not being told what the hidden agenda for Globalization is any more than we are candidly informed about the aerosols we are breathing and that have found their way into our food

and water supplies. And the reason is that they are the warp and weft of the very same cloth.

Today I watched the British prime minister addressing parliament in a rather lackluster effort to convince the commoners that the escalating war in Afghanistan is essential. It followed a single week during which more Brits were killed in action than during the whole war in Iraq. He advanced no substantive reason at all other than to say he “believed it to be necessary” for the safety of the world. Like the rest of a conditioned population, the average Englishman appears to be so confused about it all that he is simply shrugging his shoulders and whingeing weakly into his Guinness. 13

The process of managing the perceptions of the masses is a highly-developed science. It is essential to the art of human governance. It can be abused. Men like the Third Reich’s Joseph Goebbels had a good grasp of it, but by comparison with today’s capabilities, theirs was rudimentary.

Imagine what someone possessing the focused zeal of a Goebbels could do with the staggering array of tools available to him today. With the the support of a highly-geared Hollywood and Rupert Murdock et al machine, he could literally control the weather of entire regions and cause massive floods, hurricanes, droughts, tidal waves and earthquakes at will. He could sweep away ripening harvests and starve a whole Africa. 14 Hungry people are amenable to persuasion. He could impart to the air a toxic taint that would produce pandemic disease and death, alleviating many overpopulation difficulties.

He could subject populous cities to “laser beams, neural-particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, sonar waves, radio frequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and…other energy fields” designed to manipulate the people’s

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emotional predisposition, making them feel ever-so-gratefully compliant, or militantly aggressive as needs may be.

He could introduce sonic algorithms, including otherworldly, majestic voices addressing individuals by their own names, directly into the cerebral cortex of the people, bypassing their ears altogether. The technologies to do these things have been perfected and they are being used right now in limited theatres. Carole Smith and her colleagues deal with the results daily. 15 But there’s one other, senses-controlling technology, that is so powerful it will be difficult for many people to allow even a sniff of the idea that it could actually be used, serious access to their cognitive processes. It goes well beyond utter audacity.

Since February 1998 technology has been in operational readiness that will give a Goebbels the ability to project an extremely high-resolution, completely-credible, three-dimensional, moving, holographic image—kilometres in size—directly above New York, Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca, London, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Berlin, Beijing, Paris, Toronto, Constantinople, Islamabad, Jakarta, Mumbai, and all the other major centres of population on Earth—provided there is strontium barium niobate (SrxBa1-xNb2O6 – SBN) present as aerosol in the atmosphere. 16 Moscow Institute of Psycho-Correction’s Dr Igor Smirnov may have been closer to the disturbing reality than our cognitive dissonance will allow.

All religions are looking with painful suspense for the imminent advent of their particular Messiah, be he or she some Krishna, Kalki, Osiris, Zoroaster, Balder, Pahána, Maitreya, Bahá’u’lláh, Osho, Srimad Bhagavata, Quetzaloatl, Kukami Monjo, Tamo-san, Keiro, Khidr, Merlin, Mary, Muntazar, the Twelfth Iman or Jesus. The Messiah’s arrival will usher in a thousand years of peace, prosperity and happiness—the long anticipated Millennium—it is said. Even the self-appointed high

priests of Atheism expect humanity’s salvation to come from outer space. 17

What would financially-ruined, hungry, diseased, terrorised people do if they saw—with the empirical evidence of their senses—awesome forms of their Messiahs—moving freely in the sky above them, heard them speaking directly to them—inside their heads—accompanied by an overwhelming rush of powerful emotion—directing them to serve their Leader?

Such a “fissioning event” could conceivably split the past from the future. The dance of the sun at Fatima, ratcheted way up.

Let us pause to remind ourselves that we are looking at empirical data here. We are not speculating wildly. We are examining historical precedent and observing the present reality. We are applying sound logic and acknowledging the findings of true science.

Earth’s atmosphere has already been used to display startling, “supernatural” sights before thousands of people who responded with awestruck panic. The experience was attributed to “Mary” and the people believed it to be from Heaven. The Vatican acted—and still is acting—on the event as if it were a directive from the supreme command centre of the universe. That’s historic precedent.

The present reality is that millions of tonnes of electromagnetically sensitive particulate substances have now transformed Earth’s atmosphere into a charged plasma capable of acting as a giant theatre screen to display three-dimensional action accompanied by auditory and emotional manipulation that is completely overwhelming. That’s scientific fact.



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If we have learned anything from history it is this: ruthless people have always used available power to reach their goals. If they have access to the kind of power available today, they will use it. We have seen that there are two major powers whose collaborative goal is a goereligious empire where all the inhabitants of Earth will live and worship as one. What is being sprayed daily above our heads allows unprecedented opportunity for such people to accomplish their goals. That’s sound logic—not quixotic fantasy.

We may not like what we are observing, but we are observing it nonetheless. We may cast about for some reason to discard the significance of the facts if we choose. But, as the Danish say, “The sky remains blue, regardless.”

It is obvious that people are not going to allow some dictator to run their lives unless they have first been reduced to such rubble that a beneficent-appearing “saviour”, albeit one with total power over them, will seem better than the “freedom” in which they have become hopelessly mired. Like the hapless Germans under Hitler, people whose existence had become wretched would worship the very one who had orchestrated all their woes. As Henry Kissinger is reported to have said:

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly

relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.” 18

Persephone would be pleased. As would her alter ego over on the Hudson River, torch held high. 19

And a global sovereign state in which the new Caesar—Pontifex Maximus—is literally worshipped, is precisely what the second stream of history has been seeking to bring about for a very long time. When we examine the dark expedients to which previous would-be-emperors have stooped, trying to achieve this end—from Cain to Nimrod, thence through Charlemagne in unbroken succession to the present “throne”—we ought not be surprised to find the same principles in active operation now.

Those who are juggling with the sceptre today have vastly more clout at their disposal than did any Ghengis Khan, Napoleon, Mussolini Il Duce, Stalin or Führer.

And their goal remains unchanged.

This sole fact is a vital key to understanding what is happening in our skies. Dismiss it and the door to understanding will remain locked.

The question of whether or not the current cadre will succeed is the subject of Part Two of this book. Part Two of Questions in the Sky addresses other obvious concerns such as, “Why would ‘they’ do this if they have to breathe it themselves?” Measures to safeguard ourselves are also described.

If you would like to receive Part Two of Questions in the Sky, please email: [email protected]


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1. The Sydney Morning Herald, July 9, 2009. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5662VM20090707 http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/money_co/2009/07/pope-benedict-xvi-is-offering-a-solution-for-what-ails-the-global-economy-a-true-world-political-authority-to-manage-it-al.html s

2. The Bulletin with Newsweek (Australian edition), January 9, 2001, God’s Terrorists, Christopher Reed, page 46-47. s

3. Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy, Frederick Clarkson, Common Courage Press, 1997. s

4. The Bulletin with Newsweek (Australian edition), January 9, 2001, God’s Terrorists, Christopher Reed, page 46-47. s

5. Ibid. s

6. An insightful resource about the events and motivations of those who founded what is now the United States of America is a remarkable book by polymath, Tupper Saussy, a descendant of the Hugenots. Highly recommended reading: Rulers of Evil, F Tupper Saussy, Harper Collins, 2001. Like other books providing real knowledge about the camouflaged powers that impact our lives, the book was withdrawn from circulation without explanation. It can, however, be obtained at this address: http://www.tuppersaussy.com/Books.html For a taste of the reality we are generally not told: http://www.tuppersaussy.com/museum/html/writings/articles/15brienner.html s

7. Looking for reliable information about arcane matters on the Internet can be a little like panning for gold. Much of the rubble you will find in your dish should be thrown away. But there is valuable ore there if you have the background knowledge to recognise it. This subject is certainly in that category as a “Google search” using the key words, “concentration camps USA” will quickly reveal. The following site provides a start for those wishing to find the truth about this very sobering reality. http://www.greatdreams.com/concentration-camp-locations.htm s

8. “One of the most frightening developments in the occupation of Iraq and the so-called war on terror, is actually something that most people have never heard of. In addition to the 150,000 troops that the US has on the ground in Iraq, the Bush administration has deployed a shadow army of some 100,0000 contractors. Of these tens of thousands are heavily armed mercenaries that roam Iraq with impunity. Among the most powerful of the companies operating in Iraq is Blackwater USA. A secretive company based in the wilderness of North Carolina, it’s headed by a right-winged Christian conservative bank roller of President Bush and his allies. And Blackwater envisions itself as the FedEx of the national security apparatus. But the reality is that Blackwater has become a primary player in the war on terror, and nothing short of the administration’s Praetorian Guard” (Video, Blackwater: Shadow Army, Jeremy Scarhill, Produced by Sam Graham Felsen, The Nation Co, 2006). Commenting about Blackwater (now, Xe, pronounced, zee, http://www.inthesetimes.com/article/4302/zee_end_of_blackwater/) and other paramilitary organisations used by the American military in Iraq, senator Schakowsky said, “And we know virtually nothing about this. We think about $0.40 of every $1.00 goes to private military contractors. We think about 800 of them have been killed in Iraq, but we don’t know that, they’re not even counted. And we think that there’s about 25,000 to maybe 40,000 engaged in military activities—in combat-related activities, but we don’t know and we can’t find out” (Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) House Intelligence Committee). s

9. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=12793 http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14612 s

10. The entire Western mainstream media is controlled by a few powerful people who are committed to the globalization process and are using their influence to advance its cause. Expatriate Australian, Rupert Murdoch, typifies such people. His News Corporation empire delivers a sanitized version of “news” to a huge proportion of the English-speaking world that carefully excludes salient information about the subject of this book. Carroll Quigley identified this essential process of “citizen education”. The News Corporation Web site reveals the extent of monopolization of just one man: http://www.newscorp.com/index.htmlhttp://balafria.wordpress.com/2007/02/12/boycott-murdochs-media-monopoly

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“No country that values its safety should allow what the Milner group accomplished in Britain—that is, that a small number of men would be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should be given almost complete control over the publication of documents relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolize so completely the writing and the teaching of the history of their own period” (The Anglo-American Establishment, Carroll Quigley). s

11. The name Patriot Act (USA) is a good example of the deliberate reverse engineering of words in order to deceive the people affected. Perhaps the most unpatriotic piece of legislation to emerge from any government—the legislation actually removes most of the vestiges of personal freedoms left to the inhabitants of the “land of the free and the brave”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlvxIdSI7V4 This link demonstrates the often-farcical manner in which far-reaching legislation is enacted. s

12. The Second World, Parag Khanna, Random House, New York, 2009, page 332. s

13. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8146309.stm s

14. Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War, Rosalie Bertell, Black Rose Publishing. s

15. Journal of Psycho-Social Studies (UK), October 18, 2007, Carole Smith. s

16. “Abstract: An innovative technique for generating a three-dimensional holographic display using strontium barium niobate (SBN) is discussed. The resultant image is a hologram that can be viewed in real time over a wide perspective or field of view (FOV). The holographic image is free from system induced aberrations and has a uniform, high quality over the entire FOV. The enhanced image quality results from using a phase-conjugate read beam generated from a second photo refractive crystal acting as a double-pumped phase-conjugate mirror (DPPCM). Multiple three-dimensional images have been stored in the crystal via wavelength multiplexing” (3D Holographic Display Using Strontium Barium Niobate, Christy A Heid, Brian P Ketchel, Hay L Wood, Richard J Anderson and Gregory J Salmo, Army Research Laboratory, February 1998). s

17. “If an observer were to dip their [sic] head inside the space industry, one would notice the rush to settle humanity either on the Moon, Mars or upon future space stations orbiting Earth. There seems to be a mass movement dedicated towards ensuring that our species establishes a ‘beta home’ elsewhere, just in case we are wiped out from either an asteroid or a biological and/or nuclear war”(Colony Worlds). http://www.colonyworlds.com s

18. Attributed to Henry Kissinger during a speech at a private Bildeberger conference, Evian les Bains, France, 21-24 May 1992. s

19. While usually not the first recourse for serious scholars, Wikipedia, in this instance does provide an accurate guide to the meaning of the symbolism embedded in the Statue of Liberty’s design. “The classical appearance (Roman stola, sandals, facial expression) derives from Libertas, ancient Rome’s goddess of freedom from slavery, oppression, and tyranny. Her raised right foot is on the move. This symbol of Liberty and Freedom is not standing still or at attention in the harbor, it is moving forward, as her left foot tramples broken shackles at her feet, in symbolism of the United States’ wish to be free from oppression and tyranny. Since the 1940s, it has been claimed that the seven spikes or diadem atop of the crown epitomize the Seven Seas and seven continents. Her torch signifies enlightenment. The Keystone in her hand represents knowledge and shows the date of the United States Declaration of Independence, in Roman numerals, July IV, MDCCLXXVI. The general appearance of the statue’s head approximates the Greek Sun-god Apollo or the Roman Sun-god Helios as preserved on an ancient marble tablet (today in the Archaeological Museum of Corinth, Corinth, Greece)—Apollo was represented as a solar deity, dressed in a similar robe and having on its head a “radiate crown” with the seven spiked rays of the Helios-Apollo’s sun rays, like the Statue’s nimbus or halo. The ancient Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was a statue of Helios with a radiate crown. The Colossus is referred to in the 1883 sonnet The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus. Lazarus’s poem was later engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the Statue of Liberty in 1903” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Liberty#Symbolism). “On August 5, 1984, the Grand Lodge of New York observed the Centenary of the cornerstone laying in appropriate ceremonies at Liberty Island,

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“[T]he true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer [the name means, ‘Light Bearer’], God of Light [hence the torch of illumination held aloft] and God of Good [liberty from the ‘slavery’ of Adonay’s Law], is struggling for humanity against Adonay [Jesus], the God of Darkness and Evil.” [Since the following was first written, the site in question removed reference to what follows. Nonetheless the information is still found here: http://www.ugle.org.uk/static/ugle/coatof-arms.htm and http://www.ugle.org.uk/static/ugle/whos-who.htm] A visit to the Grand United Lodge of England Web site is informative. http://www.ugle.org.uk/ugle/whos-who.htm Notice that the coat of arms shows two Cherubim—with goats’ legs—overarching the Ark of the Covenant, inside which is the immutable Law of the Creator. This is in stark contrast to the description found in Exodus 25. In case you are tempted to dismiss this as outrageous, notice who is listed in the above Web site as Grand Master. Study the comments on the site about the role of the British monarchy within the organisation spanning centuries. Recall the comments of Carroll Quigley. It is not surprising then, that the arcane knowledge is suppressed and ingenuously denied. The Motto: Avdi Vide Tace, which translated means, “Hear, See, Be Silent”, expresses the shadowy character of the organisation. s

which were attended by Masonic and governmental dignitaries. A bronze plaque commemorating the original event was dedicated and affixed to the pedestal” (http://www.masonicworld.com/education/files/artaug01/Masonry%20and%20the%20statue%20of%20liberty.htm ). The bronze plaque affixed to the base of the Statue of Liberty (as is also true of other state buildings including the White House) states that the statue was “dedicated Masonically”. Those words have profound significance. Albert Pike, perhaps the single most revered figure in Masonry, and author of the highly-secretive “Bible” of Freemasonry, Morals and Dogma, states that the “God of Freemasonry is Lucifer”. The torch held aloft by the statue that is actually the same person as the ancient Egyptian goddes Isis—and may be traced to Nimrod and his consort—is a member of the occult and pagan trinity, Isis, Horus and Sept. These three govern all the other Roman gods gracing the ceiling of the Capitol building in Washington DC. An insight into the theological dogma of Freemasonry is found in the “Instructions” issued by Albert Pike on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world as recorded by A C De La Rive in La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588). “That which we must say to the crowd is—We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. “To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees—The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. “If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? “Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive [hence the black and white chequered tiles on the floors surrounding the altars of all Masonic temples and in all episcopal cathedrals]…

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