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Quick Recipes for Social Media

Date post: 27-Aug-2014
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DJ Chuang presentation to California Baptist University class - June 16, 2014
Quick Recipes for Social Media DJ Chuang @djchuang | djchuang.com .BIBLE Registry @ BibleTLD.org Social Media Church @ SocialMediaChurch.net
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Quick  Recipes  for  Social  Media  DJ  Chuang  

@djchuang  |  djchuang.com  .BIBLE  Registry  @  BibleTLD.org  

Social  Media  Church  @  SocialMediaChurch.net  

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 Social  media  is  about  people,  not  technology.  

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Understand  the  Online  Context  

•  Instant  •  Public  •  Global  •  Permanent  

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Choosing  a  Recipe  

•  Who  do  you  want  to  connect  with?  •  How  will  you  connect:  channel?  voice?  topics?content?  frequency?  

•  How  much  Pme  for  social  media?  •  How  will  you  know  if  it’s  working  -­‐  your  goals?  

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Facebook  •  Profile  –  best  for  individual  to  connect  with  family  &  friends  •  Group  –  best  for  discussions  with  a  small  group  or  team  •  Page  –  best  for  organizaPonal  or  brand  presence  •  photos  &  text  that  trigger  social  acPons    

(like,  share,  comment)  

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facebook.com/djchuang  •  Browse  other  Pmelines  to  like  /  comment  /share  

•  Connect  with  church  groups  

•  5-­‐10  status  updates  /wk  •  10-­‐15  minutes/day  

Voice:  casual  -­‐  be  personable,  real,  and  friendly  

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•  140-­‐character  status  update  

•  “Share  ideas  and  info  instantly”  

•  Great  for  listening  in  on  public  cha`er  

•  Use  hashtag  to  monitor  topics  or  events  

•  Contact  brands  for  customer  service  

@djchuang  •  Quick  quesPon/answer  •  Share  links  &  quotes  •  MenPon  people  I  meet  •  Schedule  tweets  in  advance  using  Hootsuite  or  Buffer  

•  3-­‐6  tweets  a  day  •  10-­‐15  minutes/day  

Voice:  public  -­‐  be  wi`y,  informed,  business  casual  

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•  Status  updates  with  text,  links,  images,  and/or  videos  –  Searchable  –  Share  with  select  circles  

•  CommuniPes  •  Google+  Hangout    –  Video  chat  for  up  to  10  –  Hangout  on  Air  for  100s  

•  Livestreamed  •  Recorded  automaPcally  

+DJ  Chuang  •  Share  an  occasional  link  •  Browse  communiPes  and  select  circles  

•  Browse  once  a  week  •  10-­‐15  minutes/week  

Voice:  stay  in  context  –  be  passionate,  generous  

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•  Social  network  for  professionals  to  connect  for:  –  Resume  –  Jobs  –  ConsulPng  –  RecommendaPons  –  Referrals  

Voice:  professional  business  sekng  

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•  Mobile  sharing  for  photos  and  videos  

•  Filters  •  Crop,  Zoom,  Rotate  •  Like  /  Comment  /  Follow  

•  Connect  to  share  on  Facebook,  Twi`er,  Tumblr  

instagr.am/djchuang  •  Share  photos  of  surprising  things  I  want  to  remember  

•  “A  day  in  the  life”    •  2-­‐3  photos/  week  

Voice:  let  your  creaPvity  shine  

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•  Photo  sharing,  bullePn-­‐board  style  

•  Most  popular  with  women  for  design,  fashion,  arts  &  crans  

•  Good  for  recipes  &  shopping  too  

pinterest.com/djchuang  •  Visually  share  my  interests:  –  ideas  –  Infographics  –  social  media  art  –  ex-­‐churches  –  new  gTLDs  

Voice:  collector’s  choice  

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Choosing  a  Recipe  

•  Who  do  you  want  to  connect  with?  •  How  will  you  connect:  channel?  voice?  topics?content?  frequency?  

•  How  much  Pme  for  social  media?  •  How  will  you  know  if  it’s  working  -­‐  your  goals?  

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DJ  Chuang  email:    [email protected]  phone:    949-­‐243-­‐7260  twi`er:    @djchuang  web:    djchuang.com  podcast:  socialmediachurch.net  

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