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QUIT CLARITY TO Quitting Your 9-5 To The Ultimate Blueprintto...The Ultimate Blueprint to Quitting...

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CLARITY TO QUIT The Ultimate Blueprint To Quitting Your 9-5
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The Ultimate BlueprintTo

Quitting Your 9-5

Page 2: QUIT CLARITY TO Quitting Your 9-5 To The Ultimate Blueprintto...The Ultimate Blueprint to Quitting Your 9-5 Introduction You know you were meant for more, you sit at your desk 5 days

Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

Clarity to Quit The Ultimate Blueprint to Quitting Your 9-5


You know you were meant for more, you sit at your desk 5 days a week wanting more.

But you don’t know what more looks like. You know this can’t be all there is, but don’t

know where to start to get your life moving in the right direction.

You’ve thought about starting a business, but don’t have a clue where to begin. You

think you don’t have enough time in the day or enough money to start. Anyway, who

are you to think you can start a business? You have no business knowledge and what

would you start?

So, you stay stuck in a job that isn’t fulfilling, that stresses you out, has you wishing

the week away, begging for the weekend only to find the weekend is just too short.

You’re not alone in feeling this and more. I’ve been there.

But I’m here to tell you, that you can have more, you were meant for more and you

deserve more. More than wishing your life away, more than just getting by, more than

just going on holiday a few weeks a year when you want to see and experience the

world to the fullest.

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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

You can start a business whilst still in your day job and you don’t need as much

money as you think you do. In fact, you don’t even need your business to make as

much money as you think you do to have the freedom to live life on your terms.

This blueprint is designed to take you from confused about what you want in your

career and life to knowing exactly what you want your life and career to look like and

making an actionable plan to go get it. To get the life you want you must first know

with complete clarity exactly what it is you want.

Your life deserves more than you just reacting to what’s in front of you. And

unfortunately, that’s what most people do. They live their lives in a reactive mode,

living by their emotions moment to moment, never planning their lives and

proactively creating it.

You are not one of those people. You are a proactive Diva, ready to take charge of your

life and create it to match the flawless vision you have for it. So, I want you to take a

couple of hours to work through this eBook, because planning and putting it all down

on paper is the first step to creating the life you want.

Step 1: Know What You Want

You must have a clear idea of what you want in order to start planning for it.

Unfortunately, so many of us just don’t know what we want, so we stay in unfulfilling

jobs hoping something will change someday. Well someday is today and it is up to you

to figure out what you want.

The thing is, I believe that most of us really do know what we want, but we are just

too scared to speak it out loud, not even to ourselves. So, we hide behind this cloud of

confusion and think we don’t know what we want.

But if you sit down and wrote out all your wildest dreams and hopes, what you want

will be right there, written in front of you.

Your dreams and hopes are not accidents, you have them for a reason, so embrace

them. Have you ever heard the phrase “if you can dream it, you can achieve it.”? Well

it’s true. Think about everything you use in your life today; it was once someone’s


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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

200 hundred years ago, if someone told you that you could fly in the sky in a thing

called an airplane, you would’ve looked at them like they were crazy. So, when

deciding on what you want your life to look like embrace your crazy. If you want a life

that looks like Beyoncé’s, then go head write it all down.

Cause if you plan it and you work for it you will get it.

Action Steps

These are some question that will help you craft your what. Decide what you want

your life to look like, by answering the following.

1. Where do you want to live?




2. What car do you want to drive?




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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

3. How many holidays a year do you want to take?




4. Where do you want to work?




5. How many hours a day/week do you want to work?




6. How much money would you like to be earning? How much do you think you

need to earn? [per month/per year]




7. What do you want to look like?




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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

8. How do you want to feel?




9. Who do you want to be hanging out with?




10. Brainstorm 30 things you want around the following areas of your life;

a. Body and Health

b. Finance

c. Business and Career

d. Family and Relationships

e. Spirituality and Personal Growth

f. Home and Possessions

g. Experiences

Step 2: Define Your Why

Figuring out your why to what you want is also extremely important, as your why will

keep you going when things get tough. And it will get tough, you will have your

doubts, but your why will pull you through.

So why do you want to be free from a desk job?

Is it to spend more time with your family?

To have more time to do the things you want to do?

To be able to travel the world.

To be able donate more money or time to charity?

To fulfill your purpose.

Figure out why and you are more likely to get the freedom you want.

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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

Action Steps

Write down what your WHY is to breaking free from the day job.





Step 3: Know Your Purpose

You have got to figure out what your purpose is. This will help you not only with your

why, but will also help you in crafting your next move and on deciding what you want

to do.

By knowing your purpose, you can create a business, that is aligned with your

purpose and start to live a more fulfilled and aligned life.

Finding your purpose in life can seem like a daunting task. I mean, we all want to

know why we are here, right. But for now, you don’t have to find the meaning to your

life, you just have to figure out what your purpose is for the next few years.

Where do you want to bring value, what brings you joy and how can they align?

Knowing this will help you later when deciding on a niche.

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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

Action Steps

Head over to the Discover Your Purpose Blueprint Course Workbook and complete the


Now, because I want you to take immediate action and start digging deep to discover

your purpose, you have the chance to get the Workbook for £7. (I normally sell this

workbook for £10.)

Step 4: Calculate your Living Cost Number

Figuring out exactly how much you actually, need to live on every month is an

excellent way of overcoming the fear of not being able to earn enough. You will find

that you probably need less than you think.

Sit down, with pen and paper or an excel spreadsheet and write down all your priority

monthly expenses, all your monthly debt repayments and any additional monthly

costs you would like to factor in.

Then add 10% just to cover any thing you have not thought about. You now have your

monthly living cost number.

Your living cost number is the beginning of your freedom.

Living Cost Number + Business Expenses = Monthly Target Number.

I’ve included my living cost calculator with this kit. It will calculate your living cost

and tell you how many products at various prices you need to sell to meet your target.

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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

Action Steps

Head over to the living cost calculator and figure out exactly what your living costs

will be. Don’t forget to factor in your dreams. The Demo will show you how to use the


Step 5: Make a Plan

Once you know all the above (What, Why, Purpose, Numbers), you can start to make a

plan. By discovering your purpose, you should have an idea of what business you will

start to create the life you want, that fulfils your why. You now need to make a plan.

Action Steps

Ask yourself;

When do I want to sack my boss? [Set Clear Deadlines]



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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

What do I need to do between now and that date to make it happen? [Create

Milestones to get to the bigger goal.]




What products and services can I create and offer and at what price? [Think of

at least 3 products/services you could offer.]




How many do I need to sell per month in order to meet my monthly target?



Will I need additional/new training?




Step 6: Select Your Niche & Build Your Community

For any business to be successful you need customers, which are your core

community. I recommend you build your community now. Don’t wait till you have a

product to sell, build your community now and find your audience. By finding your

audience you will find and refine your voice.

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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

So what are you going to talk to your audience about. This is where your niche comes

to play. By now you should have worked through the Discover Your Purpose Blueprint

Workbook. You should know what you are passionate about and what you have skills

and knowledge in. You should have an idea of what you want to talk about and if

there is any potential in it for a business.

Through creating an audience you will validate whether you have a niche/business

that people want and are hungry for.

Choose a social media Platform where your community hangout and start to add

value to their world.

Action Steps

Choose Niche.

Start building your community.

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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

Step 7: Start Your Biz on The Side

We all have responsibilities, so it’s not practical for us to quit the day job and go start

your own biz straight away.

That’s why I advise to start your biz while still in the day job. What’s great about this

way of doing things is that the extra cash can go towards clearing debts or building a

savings pot so you can quit sooner.

Start your business alongside your existing job. Create time in your day each day to

dedicate to your business. This can be 1 hour each day Monday to Friday and a total

of 5 hours over the weekend. Dedicated small amounts of time, over a consistent

period of time, will pay off, just make sure you focus on what you need to do and what

will provide your business with the greatest Return of Investment (ROI).

You will also need to choose a business model to use to launch your first product. Then

sit down and start outlining your product on paper. Decide on what you will be

offering and exactly what the benefits will do for your potential customers and how

much you will charge for it. Write your system down. Once you’ve outlined it, start

creating your products and services. The first version doesn’t have to be perfect it just

has to be done.

Look at what you will need to get started; website, mailing list, landing pages,

payment system, etc. This is when you will know exactly what your business expenses

will look like. Once you have finalized all this information, go back and refine your

target numbers and make sure your system will get you to your target.

Once you have started your business you will be working towards your finance target

till you are hitting it consistently.

Action Steps

Carve out dedicated biz time in your week.

Outline your Product/Service.

Decide how you will deliver it.

Put a list together of what you will need to deliver your product and how much it

will cost.

Refine your costs and targets.

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Lorraine P Emmanuel © 2017

Create your minimal viable product to offer to an audience.

Step 8: Quit the Day Job

Once you have started to hit your monthly target consistently for 2-3 months feel free

to SACK YOUR BOSS! Have a little party, celebrate with a few friends, and then get

back to your Freedom Hustle, because now you get to design your & live your life on

your terms.

Want to really get to work with these steps then the Clarity to Quit

Program is for you. I go in depth with each of these steps plus more. I will

help you to get clear on the steps you need to take to quit and developing

your business to get to your financial goals, as well as designing your life

on your terms.

Join the clarity to quit program today and get from stuck in boredom to

goodbye 9-5 in 6 months flat. The course is designed to help you;

- Overcome your Barriers

- Build core business knowledge

- Help you build your business step by step from idea to launch.
