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Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing

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  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing





    1. Cost accounting involves

    a) Drawing up balance sheet

     b) Writing-off of costsc) Ascertaining of cost

    d) Annual audit of financial Statement

    ANSWER: a

    2. Cost accounting is an integral part of

    a) inancial accounting

     b)!anagement accountingc) "istorical accounting

    d) #reasur$ accounting


    %. &ne of the following is not an ob'ective of cost accounting

    a) #o provide information to aid control b) #o ascertain costs and facilitate pricing

    c) #o provide information for decision ma(ing

    d) #o investigate fraud

    ANSWER: d

      . Cost accounting-

    a) *ac(s accurac$

     b) *ac(s social accountingc) +nsuitable for small concern

    d) All of these

    ANSWER: d

    ,. Cost accounting aims ata) Ascertain cost

     b) Anal$ing cost

    c) Controlling costd) All of these

    ANSWER: d

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    . Cost accountanc$ is concerned more with

    a) Controlling cost b) Determining cost

    c) /resenting costd) 0one of these

    ANSWER: c

    . An ideal costing s$stem reuires

    a) Simplicit$ b) le3ibilit$ 4 Adaptabilit$

    c) Comparabilit$

    d) All of these

    ANSWER: d

    5. Cost accounting is 6 

    a) A branch of accounts

     b) A science

    c) An art

    d) All of these

    ANSWER: d

    7. Costing method is concerned with-

    a) inding out the cost per unit

     b) inding out the cost of manufacture

    c) inding out wor( cost

    d) All of these

    ANSWER: a 

    18. Which of the following is the costing techniue

    a) !arginal costing b) &rder costingc) 9stimate costing

    d) All of these

    ANSWER: a

    11. Cost centre refers to

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    a) An output

     b) A location

    c) :aw materiald) 0one of these

    ANSWER: b

    12.Cost units are of 

    a) #wo t$pes

     b) #hree t$pes

    c) our t$pes

    d) 0one of these

    ANSWER: a

    1%. Cost accounting involves

    a) Cost ascertaining b) Ccost presentation

    c) Cost control

    d) All of these

    ANSWER: d

    1. Costing means-

    a) Cost of an article

     b) Ascertaining costc) Accounting for cost

    d) 0one of these

    ANSWER: b

    1,. #he cost of an output refers to

    a) An amount of e3penditure

     b) !aterial cost

    c) &verheadsd) 0one of these

      ANSWER: a

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    1. /rime cost involves

    a) Direct materials b) Direct labor

    c) Direct e3penses

    d) All of these

    ANSWER: d

    1. /rime cost plus variable overheads is called

    a) Cost of production

     b) Cost of goods soldc) !arginal cost

    d) #otal cost

    ANSWER: c

    15. Cost of production refers to

    a) /rime cost ; actor$ overhead

     b) Wor(s cost ; actor$ overhead and administrationc) /rime cost ; Wor(s overhead

    d) 0one oh these

    ANSWER: b

    17. #otal cost consists of

    a) /rime cost ; Wor(s overhead

     b) Wor(ers cost ; administration overhead

    c) Cost of production ; selling and distributiond) 0one of these

    ANSWER: c

    28. Cost refers to

    a) Sales 6 cost of sales b) Sales 6 /rofit

    c) /rime cost ; wor(s overhead

    d) 0one of these

    ANSWER: b

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    21. #he labor which is related to the manufacturing of the product is classified as

    a)Direct manufacturing labor costs


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    c) Conversion costs

    d) >oth > and C

    ANSWER: d

    2,.#he two terms in manufacturing cost s$stems are

    a)!anufacturing costs

     b)/rime costs

    c)Conversion costs

    d) >oth > and C

    ANSWER: d


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    25.#he inventor$ of the final goods that are not $et sold is called

    a) inished goods inventor$


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  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


     b. Co-products

    c. )o%&t *roduct$

    d. !ain product18. #he method of accounting for 'oint product cost that will produce the same gross profit for 

    all the product is

    a. :everse cost method b. &pportunit$ cost method

    c. Sa!#$ ,a!u# (#t+od

    d. &ther income method

    11. When raw material has to pass through two or more distinct stages to be converted into

    finished product= the costing method usuall$ emplo$ed is

    a. Proc#$$ co$t%&' b. !arginal costingc. ob costing

    d. &peration costing

    12. +nit cost for each process is ascertained b$ dividing the net cost of the process with units

    ofin the process.a.

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    1. $-products


  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    2. Scrap value of abnormal loss and gain are transferred to

    a. >alance sheet

     b. / 4 * Ac debit sidec. /4 * Ac credit side

    d. Ab&or(a! !o$$ or ab&or(a! 'a%& a0c %& t+# !#d'#r

    2. !a'or purpose of ascertaining euivalent production isa. To a$c#rta%& co$t o out*ut b. #o find profit or loss

    c. #o control and reduce costd. 0one of these

    25. alance sheet

    27. oint costs of manufacturing are

    a. Directl$ transferred to /4* Ac b. D%,%d#d to t+# *roduct$ *roduc#d %& t+# *roc#$$c. Shown as deferred cost in balance sheetd. 0one of these

    %8. Which products are alwa$s of lower value and importance than the main product@

    a. oint products

    b. B4- *roduct$

    c. Co-products

    d. !ain product


  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    a) !aterial usage variance

     b) !aterial price variance

    c) *abour efficienc$ Earianced) *abour mi3 variance

      ANSWER: b

     . Standard uantit$ 3 Actual output F GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 

    a) Standard uantit$ for actual output

     b) :evised standard uantit$c) Actual uantit$

    d) Standard uantit$

    ANSWER: a 

    ,. !aterial cost variance F Standard cost for actual output - GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 

    a) Actual uantit$

     b) Standard cost

    c) Actual cost

    d) Standard uantit$


    . A primar$ purpose of using a standard cost s$stem is

    a) #o ma(e things easier for managers in the production facilit$ b) #o provide a distinct measure of cost control

    c) #o minimie the cost per unit of production

    d) > and C are correct


    . Standard cost ma$ be used for a) /roduct costing

     b) /lanning

    c) controllingd) All of the above

    ANSWER: d


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  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    c) :s. 28=888

      d) :s. 21=,88

    ANSWER: c

    1,. >udgeted uantit$ 18=888units= actual uantit$ 7=888 units and standard price :s. 5 per unitCalculate sales volume variance

    a):s. 5888

     b) :s. 888c) :s. 18=888

    d) :s. 7888

    ANSWER: a

    1. Direct labour efficienc$ variance F

    a) Standard rate 3 idle time

     b) Standard rate 3 IStandard time for actual output 6 Actual time wor(ed)c) Standard rate 3 IStandard time for actual output 6 :evised Standard time)

    d) Standard rate 3 I:evised standard time 6 Actual time wor(ed)

    ANSWER: b

    1. Direct labour revised efficienc$ variance F

    a) Standard rate 3 idle time

     b) Standard rate 3 IStandard time for actual output 6 Actual time wor(ed)

    c) Standard rate 3 IStandard time for actual output 6 :evised Standard time)d) Standard rate 3 I:evised standard time 6 Actual time wor(ed)

    ANSWER: c

    15. i3ed overhead cost variance F

    a) :ecovered fi3ed overhead 6 Actual fi3ed overhead b) >udgeted fi3ed overhead 6 Actual fi3ed overhead

    c) :ecovered fi3ed overhead 6 >udgeted fi3ed overhead

    d) Standard fi3ed overhead 6 >udgeted fi3ed overhead

    ANSWER: a

    17. i3ed overhead capacit$ variance Fa) :ecovered fi3ed overhead 6 Actual fi3ed overhead

     b) >udgeted fi3ed overhead 6 Actual fi3ed overhead

    c) :ecovered fi3ed overhead 6 >udgeted fi3ed overheadd) Standard fi3ed overhead 6 >udgeted fi3ed overhead

    ANSWER: d

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    28. Sales uantit$ variance F

    a) Standard price I>udgeted uantit$ 6 Actual uantit$)

     b) Standard price I>udgeted uantit$ 6 :evised standard uantit$)c) Actual uantit$ IStandard price 6 Actual price)

    d) I>udgeted uantit$ 3 Standard price) 6 IActual uantit$ 3 Actual price)

    ANSWER: b

    21. Standard costing impliesa) #he use of the previous $earJs actual figures as the standard

     b) #he use of predetermined levels of price and performance as the standard.

    c) #he use of fi3ed budgeting.

    d) #he use of ideal costs which are useful contron aids.

    ANSWER: b

    22. #he labour cost variance ma$ be e3pressed as which of the following@a) >udgeted labour cost- actual labour cost

      b) IStd.wage rate 6 actual wage rate) 3 actual rate

      c) Std.wage rate 3 output achieved 6 actual hours

      d) IStd. hours produced 6 actual hours) 3 Std.wage rate.

    ANSWER: c

    2%. #he following cost basis should be used to value inventor$ for e3ternal financial reporting

    a) Standard cost

     b) "istorical cost

    c) Applied cost

    d) 0ormal cost

    ANSWER: b

    2. &verheads refer to-

    a) Direct cost

     b) 9stimated costc)

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


     b) Stand mid-wa$ between fi3ed and variable overheads

    c) :emain fi3ed at all levels of output

    d) 0one of these


    2. #he other name of overheads absorption is-

    a) Allocation

     b) Chargec) Appropriation

    d) Distribution

    ANSWER: b

    2. i3ed overheads per unit-

    a) Ear$ with change in the volume of production

     b) :emain fi3ed alwa$sc) 0ever var$

    d) 0one of these

    ANSWER: a

    25. Eariable overheads represent-


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  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    . /E ration is an indicator of the

    a. #he rate at which goods are sold

     b. Eolume of salesc. Eolume of profit

    d. Rat# o *ro%t


  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    1,. >rea( - even point is

    a. Sales at which profit is high

     b. Sales at which there is loss

    c. Sa!#$ at "+%c+ t+#r# %$ &o *ro%t or !o$$

    d. 0one of the above

    1. !argin safet$ isa. Sales at which there is profit

     b. Sales at which there is loss

    c. Sa!#$ %& #6c#$$ o BEP

    d. 0one of the above

    1. Angle of incidence isa. Angle between sales and fi3ed cost lines

     b. Angle between sales and variable cost lines

    c. A&'!# b#t"##& $a!#$ a&d tota! co$t !%$

    d. 0one of the above

    15. >rea( even chart is a chart of

    a. Sales

     b. #otal costc. /rofit

    d. Sa!#$ a&d tota! co$t.


  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    2%. rea( even volume Nselling price per unitd. i3ed cost ;contribution

    25. Differential cost is also (nown as

    a. R#!#,a&t co$t


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  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


     b) #arget cost

    c) &utsource price

    d) &ff shore price

    ANSWER: a

    . #he target price is subtracted from per unit target operating income to calculate

    a) #otal current full cost b) #otal cost per unit

    c) #arget operating income per unit

    d) #arget cost per unit

    ANSWER: d

      5. Activit$ >ased Costing s$stem would probabl$ provide the greatest benefits for 

    organiations that use

    a) ob order costing b) b) /rocess costing

    c) c) "istorical costing

    d) d) Standard costing

    ANSWER: a 

    7. #he following tas(s are associated with an activit$ based costing s$stem= to select the

     proper order of the preceding tas(s1. Calculation of cost application rates


  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


     c) acilit$ level cost

    d) !atri3 level cost

    ANSWER: a

    12. &f the following organiations= Activit$ >ased Costing cannot be used b$a) !anufacturers

     b) inancial services firm

    c) >oo( publishersd) 0one of these

    ANSWER: d

     1%. ased Costing= which of the following would be considered as a fundamental

    cost ob'ect@

    a) +nit of product

     b) A group of similar service in the service sector compan$c) A cost pool

    d) the total costs of a group of activities

    ANSWER: d

    1. Activit$ >ased Costing aids managers in ma(ing decisions about each of the following


    a) /roduct pricing and mi3 decisions

     b)   Cost reduction decisionsc)  Design decisions

    d) Discretionar$ decisions


      1,. Which of the following statements best describes the application of Activit$ >ased Costing


      a) Can onl$ be applied to manufacturing industr$ b) Can be applied to non- manufacturing but not to non-profit organiation

    c) Can be applied to an$ organiation that produces products or services.

    d) Cam onl$ be applied to non- profit organiations

      ANSWER: c

    1. #he activit$ that is performed each time a batch is product areH

    a) >atch level activities

     b) acilit$ level activities

    c) /rocess level activitiesd) +nit level activities

      ANSWER: a

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


      1. ased Costing s$stem which of the following would not be assigned to

     /roducts@a) >atch level activities

     b) acilit$ level activities

    c) /rocess level activitiesd) +nit level activities

     ANSWER: b15. Which of the following would be classified as a product level activit$@

    a) /lant management

     b) /roduction Scheduling

    c) 9ngineering changesd) !aterial handling

    ANSWER: c

    17. Which of the following would be classified as a batch level activit$@

    a) /lant management b) /roduction Scheduling

    c) 9ngineering changes

    d) !aterial handling

    ANSWER: d

    28. An Activit$ >ased Costing S$stem is one thatHa) #races costs to activities and then to products.

     b) #races costs to resources and then to activities.

     c) #races activities to cost and then to resources.d) #races products to activities and them to resources.

    ANSWER: a

    21. Latch level

     b) acilit$ levelc) /rocess level

    d) +nit level

    ANSWER: a

    22. L93truding plastic partsM is what t$pe of activit$@ a) >atch level

     b) acilit$ level

    c) /rocess level

    d) +nit level

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing



    2%. A homogeneous cost pool is one thatH

    a) Does not change over time

     b) "as onl$ one t$pe of material assigned to itc) Can be e3plained with a single activit$ driver

    d) Can be used onl$ b$ the dair$ industr$

    ANSWER: c

    2. Activities that are performed each time a unit is produces are GGGGG 

      a) >atch level activities b) /rocess level activities

    c) /roduct level activities

      d) +nit level activities

    ANSWER: d

    2,. Which of the following would be considered a non- value added activit$ a) !achining

     b) /ainting

    c) /ac(aging

    d) Advertising

    ANSWER: d

    2. Which of the following would be considered a value added activit$@

    a) :epair of machine

     b) Storage of inventor$c) 9ngineering design

    d) >oo( Oeeping

    ANSWER: c

    2. A cost Driver more li(el$ to be associated with a service industr$ than a manufacturing

    industr$ isa) 0umber of inspections

     b) 0umber of parts painted

    c) 0umber f wor(ing paper pagesd) 0umber of machine hours

    ANSWER: c

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    25. #he listing of the activities performed within the organiation is the GGGGGGGGGGGG 

    a) Activit$ inventor$

     b) Activit$ drivesc) Activit$ attributes

    d) 0one of these

    ANSWER: a

    27. atch level activities

     b) acilit$ level activities

    c) /rocess level activitiesd) +nit level activities


    %8. Which of the following statements is incorrect  regarding A>C and service industries@

    a) Since service organiations do not have inventories= product costing Iand thus A>C)

    will not be necessar$.

     b) Activities in a service organiation tend to be more standardied than activities in amanufacturing organiation.

    c) Since the output of a service organiation is consumed when produced= there will be no

     batch-level activities.

    d@  0one of the above statements are correct.

    ANSWER: d


    +0= %)D= )D= ,)D= )C= )D= 5)D= 7)A= 18)A= 11)>= 12)A= 1%)D= 1)>= 1,)A= 1)D= 1)C=

    15)>= 17)C= 28)>= 21)A= 22)>= 2%)>= 2)D= 2,)D= 2)D= 2)>= 25)A= 27)= %8)>

  • 8/17/2019 Quiz Questions_MCQ for Costing


    +0= ,)C= )A= )D= 5)A= 7)C= 18)C= 11)A= 12)>= 1%)A= 1)>= 1,)C= 1)D= 1)A=15)D= 17)A= 28)A= 21)D= 22)A= 2%)C= 2)D= 2,)C= 2)D= 2)A= 25)>= 27)>= %8)>

    +0= )D= 5)D= 7)C= 18)A= 11)A= 12)C= 1%)A= 1)C= 1,)A= 1)>= 1)C=

    15)A= 17)D= 28)>= 21)>= 22)C= 2%)>= 2)C= 2,)>= 2)>= 2)A= 25)>= 27)A= %8)D

    +0= 12)A= 1%)D= 1)C= 1,)C= 1)C= 1)C=

    15)D= 17)>= 28)A= 21)A= 22)A= 2%)>= 2)A= 2,)A= 2)C= 2)A= 25)A= 27)C= %8)C

    +0= %)D= )A= ,)>= )A= )D= 5)A= 7)D= 18)>= 11)A= 12)D= 1%)D= 1)D= 1,)C= 1)A= 1)=>

    15)C= 17)D= 28)A= 21)A= 22)D= 2%)C= 2)D= 2,)D= 2)C= 2)C= 25)A= 27)D= %8)D
